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22861560 No.22861560 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22861572

maybe I misjudged women...

>> No.22861573

there's nothing with wrong with having fantasies, I too want a hot vampire girl to put me in chains suck my dry

>> No.22861642

What's wrong with that? It's an honest expression of feelings. There's more beauty and truth in a romance novel about a ripped billionaire vampire than any left-wing book ever.

>> No.22861649

YouTube book channels always talked about latest YA fiction, it’s made for and by women, men won’t have an interest in that stuff.

>> No.22861676

i dont watch youtube about books i just like to read books

>> No.22861681


Literal incel nazi

>> No.22861685
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>bringing up the left out of nowhere

>> No.22861688

well it's mostly the left who hates problematic sexual content on the internet in 2023. I didn't start that war.

>> No.22861693

But you watch YouTube videos and livestreams of men playing video games...

>> No.22861699

>incels surprised woman don't want be raped by just anyone

>> No.22861704

i jerk of to them

>> No.22861742

I don’t. That’s you.

>> No.22861759

Light reading is an obvious hobby for inferior uncompetitive specimens

>> No.22861761

>terminally online leftist forgets rape is wrong

>> No.22861782

Hating sexual content is not right or left wing. Conservatives hate problematic sexual content too because it's not pure according to christianity.

>> No.22861786

Reading != Watching YouTube

Are zoomers this dumb?

>> No.22861949

There are two books beloved by all women
>superchad rapes me but is still around the next morning because of how good the rape was
>bland self insert girl with zero actual qualities picks between very rich and slightly buff guy and very buff but only slightly rich guy.

>> No.22862113

Take trumps dick out of your ear

>> No.22862118

True it's at least better than the stuff Deepak Chopra or Nietzsche wrote

>> No.22862119

They have uncontrolled orgasms regardless

>> No.22862124

Define “wrong”

>> No.22862145

Here's the thing. This kind of woman's book is not the issue, it stands in complete opposition to the cancer that currently eats the West. It's retarded, but chick stuff being retarded is not the problem. The problem is women being told to deny their nature and these books do the opposite of that.

We also should take men not reading seriously and not blame it on women. If more men read society and the world would be a lot better. Let's encourage more men to read great literature instead of crapping on the kind of women's literature that isn't even the issue.

>> No.22862181

If you want more men to read, you're going to have to raise wages and lower work hours, as well as lower the prices of rents and utilities. We're busting our asses and still winding up broke, and everyone is wondering why people don't read, start families, or do anything else time consuming.

Maybe consider that if people had more time they'd do these things more. Of course, they can't devote time to anything else if they're busy just making enough money to subsist.

>> No.22862205

You're right that this is all part of a bigger net of unhealthy behavior (not working out, unhealthy diets, not starting families etc.), but the problem isn't time. The average person spends hours every day on social media AND ALSO hours every day aimlessly watching garbage on streaming services. People have time to read and exercise, they just choose to do other, far worse things with their time currently.

>> No.22862229

I don't and it honestly baffles me that anyone does. Like if it's someone doing a tutorial about a game that you want to get better with, or watching a competitive event with top players, I kind of understand... but watching some dude play games as entertainment? It's one of these things I'll never understand. Why not just boot up the game and play it yourself?

>> No.22862246

Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

>> No.22862283

It's a parasocial friendship simulator.
Fills the same niche as something like talk radio, where you feel as if you're part of a group bantering back and forth, with the added addictive hooks of both the flashing lights and heavily-engineered progressive reward systems of a videogame as well as a crowd participation where you get to feel like part of a larger phenomenon experiencing something together. It's like a kind of psychic cluster bomb to get young boys hooked on it through multiple mechanics at once.
I never knew you were so based and redpilled, Patrick.

>> No.22862316
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Huh? Is this true? I've never experienced it

>> No.22862321

Maybe if you read more you wouldn't be so broke

>> No.22862323

It's funny how women how are totally okay with rape as long as the guy is still around the next morning. The worst to a woman is not rape, but being abandoned.

>> No.22862325

lmao looser let's himself be influenced by the wiles of the insecure

>> No.22862327

no man is being mocked for reading.

>> No.22862330

Tell me where you work and what position you hold along with who you are required to interact with.

>> No.22862341

>I work with a bunch of troglodites!


stay in school

>> No.22862366

Do we really need someone to post the Andrew Tate clip again? Go to any gym and you'll quickly find guys who make fun of men who read as "nerds" or "fags"

>> No.22862393

Has a woman ever made "art" comparable with that of a man's creation? Has a woman ever made "art" that was even great? Or even merely good? Virginia Woolf once spoke of a hypothetical sister of Shakespeare, who despite having just as much talent, was denied the opportunity to express it by her society. The implication is that society, by its treatment of women, has prevented the creation of so many great works of art, and if only women were "liberated" then the new Shakespeare would soon follow. Is this true? Since Woolf said this, women have been "liberated" beyond her wildest dreams, and has the next Shakespeare or Goethe revealed herself to us? It is reminiscent of Trotsky's prediction in Literature and Revolution Chapter eight, that once the revolution is complete then there will appear artists of a new character to surpass all others that came before. Both of these utopian predictions have failed utterly...

>> No.22862403

can't speak for everyone, but it brings me back to the time i watched my older brother play vidya, when there was only one console and it was in the living room. even if he wasn't that good, it was still entertaining
>play it yourself
after i played dota 2 for a while, i realized that playing video games can be a chore and not fun

>> No.22862422

>after i played dota 2 for a while, i realized that playing video games can be a chore and not fun
Well, Dota 2 and MOBAs in general are dogshit, so no wonder you reached that conclusion

>> No.22862427
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I'm a man and omegaverse shit is my ultimate guilty pleasure

>> No.22862435

then why do most people would rather watch sports instead of playing sports?

>> No.22862440

Nigger, stop with this impotent victim masturbation. I work full time, am a father, and still have time to read. You're such a a fag.

>> No.22862442

Video games in general are dogshit, what's your point?

>> No.22862444

do you also believe in hollywood stereotypes about jocks being psychos that will give you swirlies and wedgies during the entirety of your school life?

>> No.22862452

>The problem is women being told to deny their nature and these books do the opposite of that.

Unironically this. Even the most degenerate erotica usually ends with the MC becoming a tradwife for Gigachad-kun and they breed like rats.

>> No.22862463

No they aren't. MOBAs are a genuinely awful genre and an insult to the art form. I may have exhausted most genres at this point in my life, so I don't play much anymore, but the occasional romp in a new survival crafting game with friends, or Resident Evil, or X-COM style game, or RTS with an enjoyable campaign, is still enjoyable, and I still keep my eyes out for meaningful innovations, rare as they are now.

>> No.22862466

I did this to dweebs tho. Still do at the office lol.

>> No.22862485

Between sets I read at the gym (and work out at the library)

Forest for the trees. It‘s important to make time to grow as a person; it‘s also understandable that the average case man struggles with this under other responsibilities. The fact is that any sane society would accompany every technological advance with a reduction in weekly working hours while keeping wages steady to make this more manageable.

>> No.22862500

>do you also believe
It's not a matter of believe, I literally go to a local gym and have heard this shit from trainers and other guys in the locker rooms. Seems you're the one who needs to pull his head out of the sand.

>> No.22862522

This post dropped a massive trvthnvke and all the replies only reinforce it.
At almost every level of the economic ladder, men are expected and encouraged to do the most exhaustive work which is why it's so common for men to just crash on the couch and watch TV or scroll through youtube popsci videos. NO ONE cares about the work/life habits of men. Even the most diehard socially liberal men/women has extremely conservative views on men which is why all the replies to this post are nothing short of "lol stop making excuses and just man up bro". Something people would never say to women.

>> No.22862525

Read A Companion to Wolves by Sarah Monette and Elizabeth Bear. You can thank me later.

>> No.22862530

>all the replies
>4 replies
settle down

>> No.22862532
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then you lit Marcus Aurelius "Meditations" on fire with a lighter and everyone in the gym clapped? And they clapped even harder when you said your father works at Nintendo? You sound like a sedentary loser that believes adamantly in superficial stereotypes about gymbrows frowning upon reading and would draw a comic like pic related.

>> No.22862540
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Kill yourself.

>> No.22862542

Hypergamy is unironically based


Only when raped by menover 6' (me)

>> No.22862548

You've never been to the gym

>> No.22862552

>video games
>art form
you have to go back

>> No.22862555

Why are you being a retarded faggot about this? In those situations I say nothing, because there's no point, but they do happen, at least where I live (Bergen County, NJ). FYI, classic jock-on-nerd bullying is a major problem in the school system here. I've also never personally been bullied, but I've witnessed it many times, both at school and at the gym.

>> No.22862558

Oh, it's much more than that. See, they form psychic bonds with the wolves, and because he bonded to the queen wolf, he gets breed by all the men in the village. You'll love it.

>> No.22862563
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Why do women care about crime so much? Is it some sexual thing?

>> No.22862571


>> No.22862577

This is what I hate about girl porn. 3 girls in my life are "so edgy" for reading killing stalking, and im the creep for jerking off to it? they sell it in fucking barnes in nobles unwrapped.

>> No.22862581

I'm here to stay, especially since I've been here longer than you.

>> No.22862596

Dude take your life back, jfc. You're like my elderly parents

>> No.22862613

Drama, nigga
Tv series hello?

>> No.22862624

I talk about books with my brother all the time, it's one of the main things we talk about whenever we get together. We both like reading sci-fi, fantasy, and historical fiction (sometimes also historical biographies), so we can talk for literal hours about stuff we've both read.

By contrast I can't talk about books with his wife, who reads even more than either of us, because she reads stuff like romances, YA fantasy, pulpy horror novels, and biographies about musicians / celebrities. Very occasionally we have read the same books as her, but we have completely different takes on it because we read for very different reasons.

>> No.22862629

I don't.

>> No.22862646

I did in high school, but only by blacks. I've never had a white person make fun of me for reading.

>> No.22862662

obviously, niggers have bucket of crabs mentality

>> No.22862684

your 70 year old parents argue about problematic porn? Hope that means they have an active sex life

>> No.22862702

Kind of true but you seem to forget these books promote the idea that women should be "successful" in their careers before finding a man and that they should hold out until hitting an extremely inflated version of a winning ticket. I've read some of these booktok novels and loads of them have in common that they are awkward girlboss careertigers before being wooed by the handsome version of a Rothschild. Even better if he respects her independence and recognizes the struggle of women throughout the ages™.

>> No.22862711

See >>22861685 again retard

>> No.22862718
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You are a retard

>> No.22862751

What a dick

>> No.22862772

can the person that made that poster be sued for doxxing?

>> No.22862802

this is why people don't respect their elders.

>> No.22862871

I write short stories as a male and I would be lying if I said I never had a scene a vampiress "playfully" overpowers a male companion and gets his blood pumping, as it were. Not quite rape but dancing on the line.
This anon gets it, but I only write very sensual things. I don't let anyone read it but I like to think women would enjoy that aspect.
It activated their social gossip and danger instincts. It's not just because they want to fuck the Chad criminal who takes what he wants but that's part of it often times.

>> No.22862890

post it on wattpad while larping as a female author and see how people react to it

>> No.22862947

what is your target audience?

>> No.22862951

Doxxing isn't illegal, you literally have no right to privacy

>> No.22862958

Femdom and cuckoldry fans are the only group of men who read erotica (and more importantly, pay for it). Anon has the right idea

>> No.22863010

Don't have one. I just do it for fun. I guess I prefer things in which multiple main characters who are nominally cordial or partners in some way have secrets and have to try to hold their cards in the pursuit of conflicting goals. Not sure which that appeals to.
Maybe. I have a strong aversion to Wattpad. I've posted there before when I was younger and every time I did I felt dirty
I don't write erotica. There are just erotic scenes which are heavily built up to. Although admittedly I spend a little too much time on it.

>> No.22863054

the xeet that shifted the poles. cats and dogs are living together, rainbows only come in triples, cocoa grows in Antarctica and bigfoot came out as a bear. it's all ogre, it was always ogre!

>> No.22863325
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Most women have rape fantasies. Leftards pretend women don't cuz feminism. All the seething in the world wont change these truths.

>> No.22863455

Look i'm just as a much of a chud as you but you are not helping your cause acting like this. Bringing lefties out of nowhere like that makes it look like they live rent free in your head.

>> No.22864816


>> No.22864901

Nobody actually reads. Even the people the twat in the OP says reads, don't. They just LARP. Ironically the other twat has read at least somewhat, and is aware of what's actually in the books the other twats discuss, even if he didn't read it himself he read someone else who read it and discovered the billionaire vampire rape scenes.

Most people simply get more dopamine from watching short video clips than from sitting down and reading. You'd have to be incredibly jaded to be turned off by that and choose to read out of spite or lack of other options.

>> No.22865009

There's tons of videos made by men for male audiences talking about books.
It's just that male bookworms tend toward the western Canon, philosophers from other cultures, historical texts, liturgies, myth, etc.
Whereas yeah, women read YA bullshit and literal porno books

>> No.22865014

My ex watched a show with these exact two archetypes in it but in that show instead of choosing between them she simply had them both fuck her together and accept it and live like little cuck slaves
Around that time I realized that I hate women, sort of hated my girlfriend, and that we are fucked unless the faggots around us start growing balls.
I don't even mean violence. These faggots we call brothers won't even tell the truth about how they feel anymore lol

>> No.22865028

>These faggots we call brothers won't even tell the truth about how they feel anymore lol
Men aren't supposed to whine and cry about their feeling, faggot

>> No.22865209

Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, hole

>> No.22865478
File: 23 KB, 288x375, deboonked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> *dons deerstalker*
you can tell this is fake because
> 1 no one would specify "uncle" when googling.
> 2 you can't buy a specific individual's search history for $40 on the dark web.
> 3 it's called the "dark net"/"darknet" not the "dark web" (not to be confused with the "deep web"). Lots of people say "dark web", but not people who actually use the darknet.

>> No.22865494

look bro I hate gymfags just as much as the next person, but you don't have to invent them some made-up bullying motives
gymfags are either cagies who drive everywhere and get no exercise the normal way so they have to pay for it, very horny people who want to see others sweat and in various naked states, or incels who believe having apparent muscles will make women crawl at their feet

>> No.22865499

zoomer detected. Reading is not that big of a deal