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22860660 No.22860660 [Reply] [Original]

Why did right-wing philosophy die in the 40s with Spengler, Schmitt and Hunger, while leftist philosophy is flourishing to this day?

>> No.22860681

They are scared of being called fascists now. Currently “right-wing” philosophy is mostly Anglo conservatives.

>> No.22860701

Trump lost.

>> No.22860724

Hoppes argumentation ethics is the only serious contribution to philosophy this century

>> No.22860735

>lol if your arguing with me it means my views are the only legitimate ones
With such profoundly retarded ideas, it's not surprising that Hoppe was a student of Habermas

>> No.22860742
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Stop reposting this thread, monkey.

>> No.22860759

>while leftist philosophy is flourishing to this day?
it isn't, it got marginalized in the 80s

>> No.22860762

This is a thread for serious philosophy, not retarded pagan LARP.

>> No.22860778
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You have Zizen in your fucking pic, anon.

>> No.22860782

zizek is right wing

>> No.22860789

Zizek is a serious philosopher in the tradition of Kant, Schelling and Hegel, he acts like a clown just to appeal to American audiences.

>> No.22860798

Mishima wrote Sun and Steel after the 40s anon

>> No.22860805

He is a fag that is trying to explain leftist polylogism as legitimate and engages in psychoanalysis bunk to appear sophisticated

>> No.22860807

You are really going to compare Zizek to Hegel? Get out. Clown.

>> No.22860809

>Zizek is a serious philosopher in the tradition of Kant, Schelling and Hegel,

His philosophy is pointless garbage compared to the ones you mentioned

>> No.22860812

Evola went beyond philosophy pretty early on. Still, Ride the Tiger is a very good philosophical work.

>> No.22860814

The 1940s...whatever happened there

>> No.22860817

Actually technically he won but the elites rigged the election and gave it to the puppet, Jew Bidet. And now they want to lock Trump up because he opposes them and represents a threat to their tyranny, all while they accuse him of doing that, which is laughable. Try learning how to use the internet instead of watching cable news or reading cable news headlines on the internet, stupid boomer.

>> No.22860818

There hasn't been a real right wing since then, just liberal democracy, which is left wing.

>> No.22860879

Burgers appreciate clowns

>> No.22860920

Philosophy by "conservative" philosophers did not die, it just wasn't as popular. Look at Arnold Gehlen or Joachim Ritter's influential Ritter-Schule for example. Maybe also Kondylis and so on.

Also, just grouping philosophers in as "right"or "left"is retarded. Iirc Foucault was heavily influenced by Spengler too and even Adorno intensively engaged with his thought.

If you wonder why this was the case and philosophers who were more conservative didn't become as popular then I would probably blame it on stuff like Adorno's tactical bullying for example. Just look what that fuck did to Golo Mann for example when he was about to become professor in Frankfurt. Same thing also happened to Gehlen, who got his professorship sabotaged by the Adorno gang too. He was bssically considered to be Adorno's conservative rival during that time; they also had a very interesting discussion:


Marxist philosophy also spread more due to many thinkers emigrating during WW2 while people like Gehlen and Ritter staid in Germany. Also obviously because of the war and its consequences in general.

>> No.22860933

ESL and didn't proofread, forgive me my mistakes and using "for example" repeatedly.


>> No.22860942

Evola, Junger, Guillaume Faye

>> No.22860958

>Joachim Ritter (German: [ˈʁJtɐ]; 3 April 1903 – 3 August 1974) was a German philosopher and founder of the so-called Ritter School (German: Ritter-Schule) of liberal conservatism.
>liberal conservatism

>> No.22860986

Extremely based and true
Not a refutation
>verification not required

>> No.22861013
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You may laugh, but Ritter's thought had much influence on post-war Germany.

Picrel shows Böckenförde (right) with Carl Schmitt. Böckenförde was one of Ritter's students and also student, friend and one of the most important interpretors of Carl Schmitt's works – they were in intensive contact for decades and exchanged hundreds of letters.

>> No.22861143

Wtf, Schmitt was a manlet?

>> No.22861166

Because at its core it applied concepts of sovereignty to the marketplace of ideas, essentially taking the enemy's tactics and using it against them. Therefore, in order to force the pendulum back, rightists such as myself need to stop trying to uphold outdated concepts such as honor and virtue. Politics is about playing dirty.

>> No.22861171

And I bet you can dance in front of me because I'm so easily "entertained"...right?

>> No.22861173

Explains a lot

>> No.22861206

I am glad you have no qualms about dirtying your hands, anon. I suppose I'll leave that to you and other men like you. As for me, I will continue adhering to my standards.

>> No.22861211

Good goy!

>> No.22861217

You're saying this about a week after Kissinger died.

>> No.22861668

They got called nazis post ww2 and were systematically weeded out from universities

>> No.22861675

Unironically the jews.

>> No.22861682

I honestly can't believe people are still spouting this after so many years. Whenever a Trumptard tells me the election was stolen I ask them if republicans weren't also trying to change the outcome of the election by voting for fascism, and they never know how to answer. Their brains short circuit in the spot. It's hilarious.

>> No.22861710
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>> No.22861719 [DELETED] 

if only there was some event that happened in the 40's that might explain this. ah well, this is /lit/ not /his/ who would tell you its because of white supremacy

>> No.22861738

>change the outcome of the election by voting
that's called an election

also that has never happened, kindly go back to playing out your cuckhold fantasies on reddit

>> No.22861781

sartre was left-wing but it's not clear to me that his politics actually connect yo his philosophy in any meaningful way. you could probably make the case but it wouldn't be uncontroversial

>> No.22861817

Well I'm sorry anon, your accusations of fascism and their supposed subversion of democracy really is hard to reconcile with all that security footage of ballot counters unveiling boxes of new votes at 2AM right after all the poll watchers went home.

>> No.22861874

Why cant we think beyond communism as the next potential system? Is the left just cooked?

>> No.22861884

>t. isn't aware of Critique of Dialectical Reason

>> No.22861923

Babby‘s first election

Babby‘s first time seeing some poll workers doing mundane transportation repurposed on twitter as a conspiracy without context

Four more years of the kushner presidency

>> No.22861953

>Babby‘s first election
Babby's unexamined idealism. Next you'll tell me Bush was legit and nothing went down in Florida.

>> No.22862160

>the mainstream media still says that's a le republitard conspiracy, but people still believe it??
The evidence is insurmountable if you actually looked in to it yourself. But that's superfluous since anyone with a critical mind already knew what was going on when they went to sleep, with Trump being far ahead, and then awoke to the graph showing a vertical spike for Jew Bidet from "mail-in" ballots which put him over the top (having a record number of votes, despite nobody appearing at his rallies while Trump filled stadiums every day).

Now it's illegal to question the election results, despite the tyrants (dem and repub, neither like Trump, they can't buy him off) doing exactly that for the entirety of Trump's presidency, with halfwits believing in Russian interference because it's what the tv said. Did you believe that Russia interfered in the 2016 election? You bet, you bought it hook, line and sinker, don't lie.
>I ask them if republicans weren't also trying to change the outcome of the election by voting for fascism, and they never know how to answer.
>Drumpf is literally a fascist
Probably because this is so stupid that you may as well be trolling. Do you ever reflect on why you have cable news opinions? the same as every dementia-ridden old person who sits in front of the tv all day. Good job.

>> No.22862186

>Babby‘s first time seeing some poll workers doing mundane transportation repurposed on twitter as a conspiracy without context
No, Twitter banned all talk of election interference this time. Why were the mail-in ballots 99% for Biden? Why did they count them in the middle of the night and hide all the footage and block all the windows? Why is it illegal to question this election but 2016 was said for 4 years to be hacked by Russia despite 0 evidence apart from some twitter bots? And now they're trying to put him in jail? Hahahaha
>kushner presidency
Oh so it's ok for you to have "conspiracy theories"?

They don't like Trump because he can't be bought off, unlike frauds like (((Bernie Sanders))). What are they gonna do, offer Trump 1 million dollars?

>> No.22862195

Nobody voted for Biden except for stupid brown people and grandmas who watch tv all day. He has dementia and can't even talk. Why would I go to r3ddit? It's full of NPCs like you. That site sucks ass, I've never used it.

>> No.22862206
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>> No.22862274

I bet you had an orgasm when you posted this

>> No.22862280

>no argument
>muh /pol/
I don't know why I'm supposed to care about your shitty post that you saved to your phone to pwn the trump fascists with. Btw, you probably use and think about /pol/ more than I do, I don't even use it. /pol/ is just like old /b/, it's basically where newfags lurk for a while before branching out. It also exposes the redditors who shouldn't be here because they cry about it. Lurk more.

>> No.22862282

I don’t like Zizek. Dude was a clown who shut Agamben down when the list of acceptable ideas was breached during wuflu.

>> No.22862291

>haha take that republican fashists!!
Also it's funny how they are everything the accuse the "fascists" of being. They are the ones indoctrinating children, putting people away in jail for no reason and in horrible conditions, censoring critical speech by controlling megacorps, etc.

They don't actually have any real principles apart from power. Imo leftism past a certain age is a sign of flawed/weak character, unless they are just naïve and don't care about such things.

>> No.22862297

That’s not what I was implying. I’m the farthest thing from a neoliberal. you know what, never mind.

>> No.22862439

The basis of the postwar period was the Holocaust, these "philosophers" were merely an embodiment of this phenomenon

>> No.22862807

All rightists are either manlets or dicklets. Or both.

>> No.22862816

>It's hilarious.
It is, indeed.

>> No.22862817
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>right-wing philosophy
Read Jay Dyer.

>> No.22863020

>philosophy thread devolved into a republican Vs democrat shitflinging
What went wrong?

>> No.22863167

are any of these people lovers of wisdom

>> No.22863180

>What went wrong?
There's an interplay between 4chan turning people (especially Americans) retarded and the other way around, but let's be honest: the thread was bait from the start anyway.
I made some posts and recommended Gehlen, but as if OP ever cared.

>> No.22863196

Nihilism by Seraphim Rose

>> No.22863207
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>> No.22863335

This. Just about any modern, western right-winger who ventures beyond Juden Petersteinism isn't going to do the rounds in academia or the media. One of the many effects of the long march through the institutions. They openly admit this, that's what "deplatforming" is all about.

>> No.22863341 [DELETED] 

>post-war Germany
Which as we all know is a bastion of right-wing ideology

>> No.22863354

rent free

>> No.22863356
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Both Schmitt and Ritter were members of the NSDAP you homo

>> No.22863383

some of those ladies are fine ngl

>> No.22863413

>Juden Petersteinism
Anons always criticize his obsession with Israel but what's even worse is that he shilled for the covid "vaccine".

>> No.22863431

first define what you mean by "right-wing philosophy"

>> No.22863450

Does Sloterdijk not count?

>> No.22863490

Yeah he does

>> No.22863496

>the right wingers turned my leftist political strategy thread into a shitflinging contest how dare they

>> No.22863501

not a serious thinker

>> No.22863503


>> No.22863562
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>> No.22864818

Might as well post BAP at this point

>> No.22864839
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>> No.22864841

In many south American countries you glat out get cancelled from academia for espousing "wrong think".

>> No.22864862

c9 is dateable if you could islam-is-right-about-women her

>> No.22864883

Because people, universally, prefer comfortable illusion to hard truth.

>> No.22864886

I can't listen to that disgusting spit dribbling motherfucker. Clean out your fucking mouth and speak like a man Zizek, you fucking slob. It's fucking disgusting

>> No.22864888

personal experience?

>> No.22864904

go see an eye doctor

>> No.22864944

the left won the war

>inb4 liberalism is right-wing

shut up you dumb fucking gommie the term left-wing originally came into usage to describe liberals, egalitarianism if you don't like that term

>> No.22864960

>Nuremberg Regime outlawed functional resistance to communism
>active measures includes convergence or overt degradation of civil society wherever it cannot be controlled
>spurious readings of German Idealists et. al. by the French propagated by GI Bill inflation of sinecure'd spastics on the state subsidized dime

>> No.22864962
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Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22864979

What even is right wing philosophy? Can somebody please give me a dot point list of exactly what it is compared to left wing philosophy. It seems that everybody is arguing about a topic that nobody can define the parameters of or even agree what constitutes left wing or right wing. If you can reply without shitposting I'll give you a "You" guaranteed.

>> No.22865002

The essential content of a lot of 20th century philosophers is only ostensibly left-wing, if at all. It is left-wing in a surface level way, reflecting the personal ideological sympathies of the thinker, but not really extending to their fundamental insights.

Works that can't be re-tooled, reworked, or contain insights that cut both ways when applied to the realm of political discourse tend to be the writings of shallow polemicists.

>> No.22865202

>It seems that everybody is arguing about a topic that nobody can define the parameters of or even agree what constitutes left wing or right wing
Welcome to every left vs. right debate ever. This shit is seriously pointless and boring, and I can't believe people engage in it.

>> No.22865275

scruton was the most famous anglo philosopher of the past 50 years

>> No.22865289


>> No.22865293

yes he is

>> No.22865674

True, Mishima was better at being Merleau-Ponty than Merleau-Ponty himself was at being Merleau-Ponty

>> No.22865709 [DELETED] 
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Wife's bulls xmas

>> No.22865715

yes you are

>> No.22865964

Mishima was LGTV which automatically makes him left-wing

>> No.22866360

lmao Zizek is nothing like those philosophers you mention. They were metaphysicians who created whole systems of philosophy involving epistemology, aesthetics and ethics. But good job at outing yourself as never having read serious philosophers.

>> No.22866397

Foucault is right wing

>> No.22866591

Does saying that he's in the tradition of those thinkers necessarly imply that anon meant that he's on the same level as them?

I think that his pop works are awful ans I'm tired of his unfunny shticks, but apparently he has also produced more serious works such as "Less Than Nothing".

>Foucault is right wing
He's neither "left wing" nor "right wing". Don't try to rigidly group thinkers into worthless categories like that.

>> No.22866606

It has to be teenagers and losers right? It's just hard to believe that people will argue so adamantly about shit they have no foundational understanding of. It makes me think of Mediaeval peasants debating which King is better with no grasp of court politics or even what the King's personality is. It's almost like these people are debating which colour they like more.

>> No.22866613

Foucault was funded by CIA to stop Marxist thought

>> No.22866651

>Foucault was funded by CIA to stop Marxist thought
And? Is Marcuse "right wing" too now?

My problem is you grouping in complex thinker in groups like "right wing" and "left wing".

>Also, just grouping philosophers in as "right"or "left"is retarded. Iirc Foucault was heavily influenced by Spengler too and even Adorno intensively engaged with his thought.

>> No.22868405

Because they dont control universities. There are a few left like Sowell but its cause they are old and got tenure ages ago.
No uni will give tenure to libertarian/free market types.
The fascists have been out of unis for even longer.
Its ok cause half of them like sowell or hitchens eventuallu read enough to realise they were weong in the end.

>> No.22868435

> No uni will give tenure to libertarian/free market types.
>The fascists have been out of unis for even longer.

Hmm I wonder why

>> No.22868497

Sowell started as a marxist

>> No.22868501

But this phenomenon is limited to social studies right ? I mean you need atleast some right wing economists to cover the courses. Also STEM profs should be ideologically neutral or "right" wing if it's a reasonable pov. But lack of such view from STEM profs tells us that either they don't speak out for some set of reasons or even they belive that right wing philosophy is not ok. Again someone may say that as long as the humanities are dominated by liberals even experts in other fields will use the same liberal arguments for commenting on humanity.

>> No.22869031

Based and natural order pilled

>> No.22869054

People living in the 40s got to see the results of right wing philosophy first hand and decided they didn't like it

>> No.22869062

as did hitchens

>> No.22869083

implying right wing pessimism was ever realised in the rw states of the 40s

>> No.22869088

>Real fascism was never implemented

>> No.22869164


>> No.22869707

>Is Marcuse "right wing" too now?
According to Ellul, yes:
>I must admit also that the ideas of Marcuse strike me as drenched in the earliest phase of Hitlerist philosophy. There we have the one and only great revolution of irrationality which ever occurred, the great festival (the greatest by far): what it did to reinforce the state, technology, propaganda, and all the rest, is history. Any orientation of that nature will have the same results. That is why current invocations to irrationalism and to the mystique of revolution fill me with dread. For their only possible outcome was demonstrated by Hitler. The consequences of uncontrolled irrationality are inevitable and predictable. There is no intrinsic virtue in Eros, whereas there is a menace behind those dark forces which were unveiled and used solely for inflicting on mankind the worst disaster it has ever known. What Marcuse has done is sow the seeds of a new Nazism

>> No.22870528

>flourishing to this day