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22847267 No.22847267 [Reply] [Original]

For me, I'd say picrel

>> No.22847275

Crumbling the Antiseptic Beauty by Clifford Odets.

>> No.22847445

You sure about that name? I can find no record of it or even any work of literature with that title.

>> No.22847492

Frogs into Princes by bandler and Grinder.

>> No.22848830

Why should I read Prometheus Rising? I will buy it right now and read it next week if you give a good enough reason.

>> No.22848840
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Always thought books were for sissy boys before i read this. Thank you for opening up my mind, Cormac.

>> No.22848851

Tao Te Ching
Illuminatus Trilogy
The Last Messiah
The Outsider
The New Earth
The Dhammapada

>> No.22849473

Are you already awake? If so, you don't need to read it

>> No.22849771


>> No.22850001
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>> No.22850347

I have brain fog most days, so...

>> No.22850355

I feel more awake every day, but I'm probably not awake enough.
Just stop eating sugar and learn how to focus.

>> No.22850375

It's kind of a meme but I had fun reading it. When anons say it changed their life I assume they're kinda stupid and haven't really thought much about anything

>> No.22850502

Gonna have to say the Unique and its property by Max Stirner

>> No.22850507

The Enneads and Gravity's Rainbow. Read at 23 and 17, respectively.

>> No.22850528

Is this some schizo /pol/ book?

>> No.22850901

Most intelligent people are stuck in their reality tunnels just as much as stupid people are

>> No.22851009

The Bible

>> No.22851029

The Republic. It got me out of the physicalist mind trap I'd been in my entire life and gave me the intellectual justification to start looking into world religions etc (Ortho now)

>> No.22851320

>(Ortho now)
thats so cool anon

>> No.22851617

Otto Weininger Sex and Character

>> No.22851890

I suppose Sophie's World and other entry level philosophy. Made me realise as a kid that books could be more than just a YA "escape" into some overly dramatised fantasy world.

>> No.22852063

The Illuminatus Trilogy changed my life considerably more than Prometheus

>> No.22852089

A guy I worked with at Walmart lent this to me and it sent me into my first psychotic episode.

>> No.22852106

Dostoevsky + the perennialists + all the scriptures of all the various traditions I have read.

Realization is like your life is the jumbled up pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, and then you suddenly assemble the puzzle all at once.

>> No.22852111

harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban

>> No.22852136
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>> No.22852212

Atomised has made me depressed and re-think my life.

>> No.22852549
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Life denier spotted

>> No.22852686

You need to detox from heavy metals ASAP. Thank me later.

>> No.22853631

Clifford Odets is a pen name, you may know him better as Gregory Berrycone

>> No.22853633
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>The Ark by Patrick S Tomlinson.
I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.22853662

In 2013, a little pamphlet of Mao Zedong's philosophical works I found in a used bookshop (noncommie), called Four Essays on Philosophy. Original Progress Publishers 1966 Cultural Revolution edition. It had
>On Practice
>On Contradiction
>On Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People
>Where Do Correct Ideas Come From?
I am not a Maoist, but I had been trying to get into dialectical thought and had watched a bit of Zizek. Still was mostly mystified. This short 70 page pamphlet opened up the entire way of thinking to me, unity of opposites and all that stuff. I have since done deeper studies of Hegel (Lesser and Greater Logics, PoS, Phil oc Hist, Phil of Right) and that was good for me, but without Mao just showing me some dialectical method I would probably have taken much longer for it to click.

>> No.22854740

I'm still looking for that quarter...

>> No.22854817

External factors separate from books changed my life for the most part. I can honestly say that books haven’t. They’ve given me certain aspects of life to think about I otherwise wouldn’t but in terms of change it has been minimal at best.

>> No.22854859

New Millennium Boys. I now feel extra retarded and think too much about brand names. Also I now have a late 90s-2000s playlist to listen to.

>> No.22854890


>> No.22854940

What perennialists anon?

>> No.22854942

Read some cheery stuff anon. World was not always like this..

>> No.22855667

Did you do the exercises?

>> No.22856130

Schuon, Guenon, Coomaraswamy. You know, I've read more Guenon than the others, but the other two are better. Especially Schuon, I think his The Eye of the Heart is the best intro to perennialism.

>> No.22856196
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>> No.22856674 [DELETED] 

No it's a 1970s hippie mysticism book. it basically equates drug use with enlightenment and the underlying message is that there are no fixed rules or order and you can make reality whatever you want. the basic satanic premise

>> No.22856680

It's a 1970s hippie mysticism book. It basically equates drug use with enlightenment and the underlying message is that there are no fixed rules or order and you can make reality whatever you want. So the basic satanic premise

>> No.22856735

Damn guess you’re right. Can’t have any joy, creativity, free thought, mysticism, ecstatic or peak experiences, flow states, deep inner meaning, or existential enrichment unless Jesus directly spoke of it in the Gospels or it’s mentioned in the Old or New Testaments generally or the guy behind the pulpit on Sundays spoke about it.

Pack it up and go home, boys. This guy solved it all. Not even the pre-Christian Greeks have anything to teach us, and certainly the Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists and shamans don’t. It’s all Satan everywhere unless it’s stamped with the official seal of Jesus’s, Satan trying to get you to smoke this thing the kids today are calling “marijuana” and listen to haram bands (who are incredibly pretentious and noodling, anyways) like Tool. Worst case scenario, we even become “Redditors.” We are all Redditors if we doubt this anon’s own life’s metanarrative and his summary of RAW! In fact, even worse (scratch that previous “worst case scenario”, I found an even worse one), we might be responded to with so*jaks. He might respond to us with a scraggly-bearded SO*JAK to depict what our mindset is like if we doubt him and actually appreciated thinkers like Robert Anton Wilson!

Great book choice by the way, OP, I don’t make fun of you or have contempt for you for it. It had a similar effect on me as a young man. Really great stuff, and I’m in fact still working through an attempted reading of practically all of RAW’s major published corpus I can get my hands on, probably only missing some obscure articles and essays of his by the time I’m done. If you liked it, I recommend also Philip K. Dick’s “VALIS”, which RAW talks about in a really interesting way in his Cosmic Trigger Vol. 3, along with the similarities it had to his own experiences..

>> No.22856762

There’s a list of like 30 or more books that have had a positive effect on me consciously or subconsciously. Ultimately the “life changing book” will always depend on the reader, where he is in life, his mindset, and a million other variables. I’ve started and dropped books that did nothing for me only to circle back to them later when I was at a different point in my life, only to find them “life changing”. And keep in mind that no book will magically make you bloom. At best they are seeds. Seeds that need to be watered. You still have to do most of the work. Books just have that ability to instill something in you or inspire you, and you’re not always cognizant of it at the time. It’s only when time passes and reflection occurs that you realize a book really had an effect or impact on you

>> No.22856882

>Satan trying to get you to smoke this thing the kids today are calling “marijuana” and listen to haram bands (who are incredibly pretentious and noodling, anyways) like Tool.
It's funny that you picked a satanic band a massively damaging pastime to argue your point
Anyways this 'harmless fun' and 'make up our own rules' lead directly to the sexual revolution, deconstruction of gender, tradition, families, and social order. So good work.
There IS a moral order and it is our job to try to understand and follow it. You CANNOT just make up whatever you want reality to be, to decide you're a woman and free sex will have no consequences and whatever else. This ALWAYS causes societal collapse.

>> No.22856970

Give me some life embracing books

>> No.22857051

Man, what the fuck. I’m too drunk to respond to you coherently, but, yes, I’m “redpilled”. No, I’m not deciding I’m a woman, and I admit transgender ideology can’t change a man into a woman or vice versa, even if we all “will it into existence” and/or the mainstream media does. I don’t even buy into the cult of “free love”/indiscriminate sex.

But why do I love RAW nevertheless? Because he talks on relevant psychological, sociological, mystical, existential, metaphysical and ontological topics more intelligently than you do. There’s a whole dialectic you’re not in on. RAW perhaps may’ve been a little naive about WHO and WHAT was behind the whole “revolution in morality, scientific thought and ontology” he was so excited about, but, in other ways, he was also intelligently responding to some new revolutions in these spheres (the thought-provoking fields and revolutions of existentialism, phenomenology, the special and general relativity of Einstein, quantum mechanics, psychoanalysis both Freudian, Jungian, even Adlerian etc., and more, yes, even ‘free love’ and the hippie counterculture, and especially Timothy Leary brought up).

Anyway … UGH!!! … tomorrow, I hope to be energetic and sobered up, not hungover, and I will show you how even RAW went against the “PC” (politically correct) worldview in his Cosmic Trigger Vol. 3 … yes … it’s true. He even references Murray and Bernstein’s “The Bell Curve” and argues for it in a devil’s-advocate fashion, and compares modern affirmative action/DEI-initiatives, with their racial/ethnic-group cataloguing and statistics to Nazism.

Anyway … what the FUCK. Why should I let you have a single word to say about my own profound inner experiences, undoubtably probably profounder and greater than yours? I’ve seen Christ crucified on the cross and sympathized with Him. I’ve even read the Gnostic gospels you see as “Satanic” (as R.A.W. also did, read these Gnostic texts, I mean).

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” You’re like the Pharisees who make the outside of the plates and not the inside clean, etc. The type who would’ve crucified Christ. Makes me want to vomit, and all that. Fuck!

Goddamn it!

Just shut the FUCK up!!

All REAL people are just waiting for you to drop dead of a heart attack. Blech! Nasty!! Nausea-inducing!!!

Just imagine me taking a shit in a toilet then taking a picture of it and uploading it for your further responses. It won’t be too far off for what you DESERVE. Cue your hysterical effeminate prissy pansy tap dancing responses about it. I don’t CARE if it doesn’t make sense … just POST it!!!


Fuck the possible typos in this post … !!! … I’m going all-out, balls to the wall, cock out and clicking “post” without my obligatory normal fourth-proofreading. POST, you little cocksucking nigga.

>> No.22857077
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>not the heckin’ psilocybinerino!!!! not the heckin’ LSDerino!!! da heckin’ mescalinerino!!! the heckin’ psychedelerinos that show people da heckin’ demonerinos!!
>not the heckin’ profounderino peak-experiencerinos and mystical experiencerinos and magical paranormal ESPerinos and occult phenomerinos that aren’t part of muh heckin’ Christianerino miraculinos!!! Stop having thoughts and experiences apart from muh Christianiterino!!! Certainly DON’T study and/or seriously, deeply experience anything in shamanism, Tantra, Zen, Sufism, or Western occultism and esotericism!!!

Hey, shouldn’t you be loving and agreeing with your enemy, little Christboy :^)? Unless you’re saying you’re like Christ Himself and can “throw over the tables of the Jewish moneylenders” yourself, so to speak? And, if so, aren’t you saying not everything in the Gospels can be taken to apply 100% literally and universally :^)?

But how do you determine it … ??!!

By ‘muhfaith’?!!!??

I have … le faith! too. How do you le reconcile that, le epic Reddit warrior???

CHECK. MATE. *dabs* yes, I’m on drugs, Houston.

>> No.22857101

>Not even the pre-Christian Greeks have anything to teach us
Church fathers use Plato and Aristotle extensively to build their theology. But not psychedelics. They are trash and will easily lead you into delusions. "Make reality whatever you want" is also an illusion and will just make you into a deluded retard severed from the logos which is Christ and open you up to all sorts of evil. You can be creative IN Christ without using psychedelics or falling into delusion. Read Blake.

>> No.22857112

I’m just fucking with you, mate, I don’t really want to get too hostile against Christ or against Christians. See, even the capitalization I do shows my inevitable respect for them (or you). Peace and goodwill toward all men on Earth …

I don’t really give a shit about bringing this conversation any further too seriously … “ I am not you enemy. The Palestinians are your enemy” (as the dancing Israelis/Mossad agents apprehended on or shortly after 9/11 put it). To be less ironic and more sincere, the Satanists are our common enemy. The Zionists are our common enemy. The Illuminati are our common enemy. The NWO is. Not a fellow oddball like me.

Yes … I’ve read Blake … at least a litttle bit of him … “the harlot’s cry from street to street shall wind old England’s weaving sheet” and all that. Can you consider someone could appreciate and like (even love) RAW’s work without agreeing with him on everything, or living the same lifestyle as him or having all the same life experiences as him?

As modern black people on Twitter would say … “smdh nigga!”

>> No.22857334

>“The Bell Curve” and argues for it in a devil’s-advocate fashion,
He said it "hadn't been disproven... yet" implying it probably would be, but technically pointing out it wasn't.
He was a lefty, deal with it. He never actually challenged any of his basic lefty assumptions. He took them all as axiomatic. Which is that much more offensive considering his whole 'thing' was supposedly challenging basic assumptions.

>> No.22857734

The TND manual: How and Why it Must be Done

>> No.22857743

Anna Karenina, I changed all of my ideas and thoughts about marriage and how it should go.
I honestly didn't think much about marriage before, but reading the book I developed some concrete ideas about what I want out of life and marriage.

>> No.22858395

such as

>> No.22858731
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>> No.22858831

not completely right, but I’ll get back to you later, I got stuff to do. He was clearly very leftist-libertarian oriented in his earlier works and thought and later on but even then was transcending easy pigeonholes. I’ll post the relevant passages later.

>> No.22859196

The art of not giving a fuck by Mark Sneedson

>> No.22859277

its not /pol/ but is is schizo

>> No.22859476

It's cia shit

>> No.22859532
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It is what it is.
I wanted to post Siddhartha, but that'd have been dishonest.

>> No.22859542

Traités politiques, esthétiques, éthiques from Éditions du Seuil.
Almost all of Baltasar Gracian's oeuvre (except The Criticon) with invaluable footnotes. I will continue re-reading it for many more years to come most likely.

>> No.22859622

>This ALWAYS causes societal collapse.

>> No.22859639

Atlas Shrugged, but not for the reason you probably think.
It was the book that made me realize that I could probably get the same points across in a story better despite the fact I disliked writing.
That thought process eventually led me to trying out writing short stories and noticing I could indeed write better than Atlas Shrugged.
So after getting bored with proving that to myself I wrote a whole lot of smut short stories just because it was fun. Most weren't good at all, but it gave me writing practice and allowed for a ton of experimentation. Allowing me to get a lot of bad habits out of my system.
Then I wrong a kind of long short story in like 2 days that was 10000 words and had the realization that it didn't feel hard at all to write now and that if I stuck with a project I could probably write a book.
So now I am writting a shitty fantasy book with heavy gothic elements, and I am making consistent progress despite just doing it as a casual hobby, like I complete at least a chapter of 2000 to 3000 words on my days off work and another chapter throughout the week. So that's two chapters on average a week.
Still, it feels totally crazy to me.

I went from hating writing most of my life to enjoying writing and actually writing a book just for fun and practice all because I read a book that had so many issues that I thought to myself "I could do better then that".

Also made me realize that creative writing is actually really fucking fun. The vast majority of writing I did before that point was academic or informational writing which is pretty slow, boring, and generally not fun. Which may also be why I didn't like writing until now.

>> No.22859791

Sex and Culture by Unwin

>> No.22860993

Is there any book of that type that is fun and easy to read? Also share some wisdom anon. And do you read Evola?

>> No.22860997


>> No.22861003

I don't know what we did to deserve him

>> No.22861099

red pill me on Baltasar, where does one start with him? why would you exclude the Criticon?

>> No.22861104

fuck life, life is a nigger

>> No.22862180

An aphorism of his goes something like this: "être et faire paraître"
Life to this Spanish Jesuit was -as opposed the "old days"- all appearances, so much so that what appears is in fact what is. It no longer suffices to just be a thing if one doesn't appear to be that particular thing.
Baltasar Gracian is a synthesis of all classical etiquette, rhetoric and "practical" philosophy in a style so subtle that it keeps on giving and never stops.
The Seuil edition, I said, didn't have the Criticon, not that the Criticon was not important.

>> No.22862191

Start with his 300 maxims as maxims are the literary equivalent of the deepest inner workings of a man's intellect.

>> No.22862645

No, the perennialists are not light reading. Even the lightest books of them, like The Crisis of the Modern World, and East and West, are pretty heavy.

For some lighter spiritual content, there's a scripture, the Ashtavakra Gita. I also know some Vajrayana books that are pretty light, Wisdom Eccentrics, and Emailing the Lamas from Afar, both from the Aro gTer (look that up, it's really fun).

As to wisdom. It's really easy to delude oneself with spirituality. Lots of people get into this looking to basically get high (I was one of them). But spirituality is about truth. And the only sure way to know whether you're getting it, is if you're becoming of service to others. You don't know if you don't do, is how I would say it, which is just a rephrase of the Bible's "faith without works is dead". Or actually, how I would really say it:

> Spirituality is entirely fake until you make it real

Now there's some wisdom for you!

>> No.22862652

And no, I haven't read Evola, but I think I will someday.

>> No.22864239
