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22853018 No.22853018 [Reply] [Original]

You become president of the United States, and are told that you have four years to get the country to the point where 75% of students can read at grade level. What do you do?

>> No.22853025

Also assume you have a reasonably cooperative House/Senate, but you can’t do anything blatantly unconstitutional

>> No.22853029

Four years? Mate this is fucking impossible.

>> No.22853031
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I invade Europe

>> No.22853032

Shake hands with air

>> No.22853033

Deport the non-whites

>> No.22853035

Force every state to open abortion centres throughout the country
Wait 10 years

>> No.22853038

Expell all students who can't read at greater level because they aren't worth further education

>> No.22853049

Another civil war, great.

>> No.22853063

>abolish public education
>nationalize the fed and reinstate the gold standard
>put tariffs on a major manufacturing industries
>delegate more power to the states
>abolish the civil rights act and end mass immigration also deporting illegals
>reestablish patriarchy
with a stable honest income available to most and communities allowed to exist once more, parents will teach their children how to read rather than be forced into outsourcing it.

>> No.22853089

Honestly I’d try to convey the joys reading can bring. I’d encourage people to read what they are interested in. If they are meant to enjoy higher literature, they’ll eventually find it on their own.

>> No.22853092

Sent them back to Africa/Mexico/China

>> No.22853102

invade norway

>> No.22853125

China has a higher literacy rate retard. You would be lowering it instead.

>> No.22853153

make them repeat the grade if they cant read at grade level. even if it takes 4 years of the same grade for some students, 75% will make it.

>> No.22853175

>blatantly unconstitutional
Repeal the Nog Amendments. Once you count them as 3/5 of a person again, you'll see the illiteracy rate drop a bit.
Massive deportations of illegal immigrants helps too.
Abolish the Department of Education.
Ban TikTok and other social media.
I'll sign the executive orders on the first day, and spend the rest of the four years fucking a roster of celebrities that the Secret Service procure, and the problems will work themselves out.

>> No.22853261

actually a good idea, double digit IQ students should just go to trade school

>> No.22853281

Ban education for children with parents earning below 100k usd

>> No.22853292

That isn’t the president’s responsibility to do that so I tell them they can not expect me to. Also school is a con/ babysitting class to keep gangs of roving kids off the street and to pay liberal arts majors so they feel accomplished.

>> No.22853295
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Change the grading system

>> No.22853299

Ban phones at school. Hire a security force specifically paid to enforce this

>> No.22853312

give them money to get good grades and make a refeeral system where if someone helped you improve your grades, they also get money.

>> No.22853315

Phones are already banned in school so that won’t do much.

>> No.22853493

I have a solution, but it involves killing a lot of children.

>> No.22853498

That simply cannot happen. At best, you can get the ball rolling, but that won't happen either, as the dumbing-down of America has been on purpose.

>> No.22853591

people would only bother to develop good cheating methods

>> No.22853593

Abolish public schools

>> No.22853603

Personally kill all the students who currently can't at grade level. I'll do a youtube series of travelling across America and visiting famous landmarks and eating hamburgers inbetween, it'll be great PR.

>> No.22853604

Or just start working. My life would be better off if I had gone right into the workforce as a child and started making money immediately. We don’t all want to be hard working salarymen, some of us just want to skirt by in life living simply and cheaply but leftists want to waste our time and life trying to force us to be the next einstein.

>> No.22853607

Seriously now, you have to get parents involved in kids education. That is why Asians tend to do better than average. They usually get help from their parents, elder siblings or relatives.

>> No.22853618

Death penalty for using drugs, even weed, to instill fear into society
Rework the educational system, make some branches to separate intelligent and stupid students and make stupid one ostracized and make it impossible for them to get a job

>> No.22853648

I thought that is what's going on right now with capitalism.

>> No.22853656

if there was a death penalty you wouldn't see these homeless junkies. right now the US is libertarian capitalism but it needs to be more fascist, or authoritarian capitalist

>> No.22853658

introduce german style tiered school system

>> No.22853668
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>> No.22853715

institute a reading list of books that are actually fun to read. angry parents and annoyed english teachers can kiss my ass.

>> No.22853718

Define “fun to read.” That is entirely arbitrary and meaningless. The current school system is already structured of books that are supposed to be fun for kids to read.

>> No.22853727

>is already structured of books that are supposed to be fun for kids to read.

>> No.22853730

White men really are just 9 year old girls. I wonder if they have any sexual attraction to other races.

>> No.22853735

>Define “fun to read.”
Contemporary works with plots and themes that are interesting to the age group. Let the kids vote on what book to read. Maybe throw in a comic or a manga late in the school year as further incentive.

The goal is to convince them that reading is enjoyable, not to force them against their will, or they'll always be adverse to reading.

>> No.22853780

>is already structured of books that are supposed to be fun for kids to read.
KEK you are fun to read. Nice joke.

>> No.22853815

>kids like to read wholesome stories about gay rainbow monkeys aids diagnosis, they hate all this magical adventure crap

>> No.22853818

>immediate sharp turn into schizoposting
when did anyone even remotely imply this, you fucking retard

>> No.22853820

Gay dildo dog eats his friends poop without permission reader confirmed, bet your solution is to get kids on drugs that want them to read

>> No.22853946

>Abolish english from the curriculum after 2nd grade. Instead, children spend the time they would have spent in english classes locked alone in a room with nothing but a book of their choice.
>Remove the Newberry award medallion from the cover of all books used in school and publicly funded libraries.
>Seriously look into dissolving the ALA. They're a NGO so what's actually constitutionally doable might be limited but at the very least remove teachers associated with them from public schools and do something to block their lobbying.

>> No.22854172

nuke mexico, annex canada

>> No.22854201

Deport the 70% of the country that is brown

>> No.22854203
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Yeah cos the whites are so bright

>> No.22854205

It’s not leftists. This country has been bourgeoisified. Half of all the jobs in this country are office jobs and the people that hire into want someone that has been socialized into their lifestyle. That’s why they want someone with a college degree. It’s a form of institutionalization, and if you don’t believe that, compare the people from your high school that went off to a good college and graduated and the way they speak and behave with the people who never went at all and ask yourself which one would get along in a half female have bourgeois male office.

>> No.22854218

If we’re judging just by IQ scores and literacy rates, they are indeed bright while most of the others are not. In the United States, the states with the highest literacy rates are New Hampshire, Vermont, Montana, etc. I wonder what they have in common…

>> No.22854231
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Nope. Half of white Americans effectively have learning difficulties.

>> No.22854242

This is actually embarrassing. I didn't know before today. Even some third-world countries have higher literacy rates than USA.

>> No.22854269

The reason so many Americans are illiterate is that for years, they were literally not taught how to read. They were taught to guess words based on pictures. This podcasts explains it nicely:


That, combined with the fact that many teachers are forbidden from giving kids grades lower than a C, means many kids graduate without being able to read.

>> No.22854283

At any rate leftists are useful idiots that push these policies for the benefit of special interests.

>> No.22854291

>bug literacy rate

>> No.22854326

Resign immediately. I'm absolutely not suited for the job.

>> No.22854334

You guys shamelessly wanting to return to the 19th century is hilarious.
That time is over, anon. You can't go back.

>> No.22854338

Institute a national standardized program where people are forced to become proficient in the mind palace technique and have to memorize the constitution or something. Learning a second language is mandatory. Mandatory fitness programs. Nutritional and caloric standards for school lunches. Nationwide standardized testing in place. If you're under 18 it is illegal to use your phone forore than 1 hour a day like in China. If you're found to have IQ below 85 you get sterilized and put in a group home.

>> No.22854339

Is it possible to create books that will physically withstand nukes? I will work on those, distribute them, and then intentionally cause an incident

The books that got me into reading were the Wayside School books

>> No.22854345

Also personalized mandatory book readings assigned to you. Your reading is then surveilled by AI and tech. If you don't read the book and retain the info the AI will know.

>> No.22854366

Statistically speaking yes

>> No.22854387

We are on the verge of civil war over not deporting immigrants considering texit

>> No.22854548

>but you can’t do anything blatantly unconstitutional
The federal government lacks the constitutional power to regulate education. So I'd abolish the Department of Education and leave it to the states.

>> No.22854735


ethnic cleansing

>> No.22854755

Read at grade level? What grade level? I say kindergarten and I've got all my work done already. Smooth sailing from there on, and I just drink piña colorados in my suite.

>> No.22854767

Why is it that these threads always focus on the US as being uniquely bad here when the UK is only one place higher? If anything, considering how large the US is, our literacy rate is more of an achievement than the UK's measly 99% for 94,058 sq mi.

>> No.22854777
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Remove the current common core standards and restructure it in a way that actually helps students' strengths rather than pigeonholes them into the grade school equivalent of an MBA
Put more funding into the school system itself, especially in the rural south and inner city east coast.
Have less emphasis on grammar in weird silly sample texts and more emphasis on grammar and syntax in the context of books and stories that children are reading, so they see it in action better.
Western Canon is kind of a silly concept but in high school have some of those books become mandatory reading for E/LA classes. Stuff like Tolstoy, Dumas, More, etc.
Finally, teach students about the arts. Books are art as much as they are stories and narratives. To have children learn to appreciate artistry and creativity, they can appreciate the ability to put words onto paper. The emphasis on STEM shit is kinda important but there's way too many autists who don't give a shit about """""""culture"""""" because to them its nonsensical and doesn't have any direct tactile benefits.
>tldr teach children to love to read

>> No.22854833

Reinstate the draft.

>> No.22855542

Remove the Negroids and put them back in the fields. Make the remaining students read Faulkner and Melville. Unite Church and State. Problem solved.

>> No.22855554

>Make the remaining students read Faulkner and Melville
Why specifically those two?

>> No.22855585

Whites only on day 1, deport the nonwhites on day 2, 99% literacy with 3 years and 363 days to spare

>> No.22855593
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>they were literally not taught how to read
>They were taught to guess words based on pictures
>This podcasts explains it nicely

>> No.22855622

Reform the whole education system, increase teachers’ paycheck, and set higher criteria for hiring teachers.

>> No.22855627

Stop pretending it's possible to teach homo erectuses how to read and wed be at 100% literacy.

>> No.22855630

Poorfag schools actually get more funding than richfag schools, the money just isn't being spent on students because the administration is corrupt. And there is no way to teach a class full of kids with mothers who smoke crack to love to read.

>> No.22855639

>higher criteria for teachers
Ghetto schools have long term substitutes or no teacher at all for some classes despite paying teachers.more than fancy schools. It's just that nobody wants to teach there because of the shitty violent kids.

>> No.22855645

This is just delusional

>> No.22855650


>> No.22855775

I make all grades easier.

>> No.22855843

Faulkner and Melville among others of course. I think reading works that are both in your native tongue and from your culture would be beneficial. It seems simple enough to me.

>> No.22856161

Easy. Fire all the teachers and kill the students who aren’t autodidacts

>> No.22856208

Best way to foster reading is to have parents read with their child.
So pay parents to read to and then with their children an hour a day. Either in classrooms after school or some other way. Have unannounced quizzes for the parent making them answer questions from the book once a month in return for the payments.

>> No.22856283

Copy Singapore's education system.

>> No.22856300

Ironic considering that if Texas broke off to be its own country it would be less white than the United States.

Plus, in reality the Boomers who push for Texit would absolutely lose their shit if close to half the population was actually being deported. Suddenly, their soaring wealth from their home values shit the bed because demand broke in half. All that revenue from high skill workers in the cities shits the bed and the median age jumps 10 years causing a massive labor shortage. One thing I've learned is that, while Boomers love their Manichean political narratives, love making politics into a religion, they love comfort even more. If push ever comes to shove on migration and it seriously messes with home values and inflation via wages jumping due to the supply shock they will instantly throw a fit. I mean , these are people who want a civil war over their government not focusing enough on them despite them having like 90% of the political offices and getting UBI and universal healthcare. Currently, seniors get like $3 trillion in transfer payments a year lol.

>> No.22856303

>lower the grade level standards significantly
>pay my self on the back and take a four year vacation

>> No.22856438

Make reading purely optional. If kids want to read, they'll go searching for books to read. No child should ever be forced to read sentimental schlock from the 1970s with ugly-looking illustrations just because it reminds teachers of their childhoods.
Also, make giveaways for books in all schools, but especially in schools located in lower-class neighborhoods. Let no parents ever have to pay a single cent for their childhood's education (aside from property taxes).
Make children learn a second language, preferably one that is remotely related to their mother tongue (such as Chinese or Arabic for English native speakers) and make them get in the habit of memorizing words, practicing pronunciation, and learning how to spell and look up words by ear.

>> No.22857766

conduct a nationwide reading examination and eliminate people who cannot perform at the given level. why 75% when you get to 100%¿

>> No.22857770

>blatantly unconstitutional
Jewish nonsense

>> No.22857773

>ban students who this or that
nigger you're just going to lower it to 66% by the end of your term

>> No.22857775

Cope, texas is leaving and it is gonna be a new g20 economy and liberals are going to cry

>> No.22857781

Pay teachers an actual salary, but in return demand that they have at least a masters degree in their field, and make (or at least send) articles and give out conferences.
Give out courses to parents so they are better prepared to help out their kids and don't get into the mindset of "my kid's a good one, it's the teachers who are failing him".
If possible reduce class sizes as much as possible so that each student can better get the attention they need from their teacher.
Struggling students get sent to extra classes and more attention is placed on them to bring them up to speed.
Athletics and music are important parts of learning, as are the arts, maybe stop taking their funding so you can send more money to Israel or waste it in whatever the American government wastes money.
Allowing teachers to hit students might be needed in some cases.

Way I see it it's all a funding problem.

>> No.22857798

Serious question: Why does everyone need to know how to read?

>> No.22857850

> source: my ass

>> No.22857931

>go to trade school
>can't read building code
>electrical fires plague new construction commercial buildings
>sprinkler systems fail
>fire alarm systems don't contact firefighters
>millions die

>> No.22857937
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Address the general apathy in education. Make student failure have more impact on their parents rather than just schools. Staggeringly high numbers of Americans view schools as state-funded daycare. In my experience, the majority of parents take the path of least resistance with regards to their child's discipline and academics. They would rather make excuses and drop buzzwords/race baits to get school administrators to back down when they talk about discipline and retention. I have seen it many many times, even at some of the "best" public schools in my region.

Had a kid that can't hardly read start moaning at girls to make them uncomfortable because he'd rather be doing hoodrat shit. Was told to give him a "classroom job" because his mom thought he just didn't feel welcomed. Kid still can't read, still harasses other kids. Probably going to end up in prison by 19.

Start holding both dog shit parents, teachers, administrators, and politicians accountable and watch students fall in line.

>> No.22857940

Calm down; retard. They’ll watch a tiktok video by some woman wearing pristine carhartt pants on how to setup the fire system

>> No.22857947

Then more people might purchase my avant garde limerick cycle.

>> No.22857948

Neck yourself

>> No.22857951

No u

>> No.22857973

Design a "Media Pyramid" and push it hard in schools. It definitely won't work, but like the flawed food pyramid which preceeded this, it'll get stuck in people's consciousness. Guilt trip them and scare them, like in sex education and DARE. If you aren't literate, you'll be poor, ugly, pitiable, unfuckable, and a general loser worthy of contempt. Again, it basically won't work, but it'll stick for some. We're planting seeds of ideas here.

Either that or tyrannically pull the plug on entertainment. Get the NSA to design some "entertainment credit" system. You only get so much recreational screen time per week, unless you read and submit book reports to a bloated state bureau, which itself is employed with people so desperate for screens themselves that they get the job to accelerate their own rate of entertainment credits by reading other people's shitty paper reports all day.

>> No.22857989
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Mr President, I swear fealty to you.

>> No.22858023


>> No.22859178

I've been looking for this edit for a long time, thank you for posting.