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/lit/ - Literature

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22825013 No.22825013 [Reply] [Original]

Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The April Reader, and Ideology, to name a few. There have been collaborative works, like Coronameron, The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick, Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, and The Complete Works of God II. Some of these projects were one-offs, some were serialized. Some /lit/ projects, like Unreal Press, are still hanging on but are plagued by drama, and some, like &amp, seem to be rapidly in decline.

Also related are the solo writers of /lit/, composed of various namefags and shills who frequent the board: MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston. There are also those who did not come from /lit/ but are /lit/-adjacent simply because they are discussed here so frequently: Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.

This thread is for the discussion of the history of /lit/ writing and the future of /lit/. Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene? Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived? Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them? Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing? Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?

>> No.22825043 [DELETED] 

All fields

>> No.22825047


>> No.22825104

I had an extremely cringe poem I wrote in my early 20s featured in one of those. I think it was the /lit/ quarterly.

>> No.22825143

/lit/ is great! Long live Gardner!

>> No.22825481
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nice guy

>> No.22825548
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Australia will dominate the world

>> No.22825577
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Have you read the winner of the F Games?!

>> No.22825585

it's becoming tiresome in the way it filters and triggers the usual suspects

>> No.22825744
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Atlas & Ryan

>> No.22825755

so, as opposed to your early midtwenties now?

>> No.22825786
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Excuse you but that man is Samurai Jack and I suggest you show a little respect when you post him.

>> No.22825938


>> No.22826415

What the fuck is wrong with you,?????

>> No.22826609

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.22826633

I’ve never even read that book???? And I never will?????

>> No.22827023

where the fuck does Mike Ma get the inspiration to write the crap he does if not from here? I find 4chan-adjacent stuff to be so weird

>> No.22827687

/pol/, I don't think he uses /lit/

>> No.22828130

>/lit/ writing style
>common characteristics
Being a collective of different people with a variety of backgrounds, I don't think there is a distinct style. But I do think /lit/ explores alienation quite often. Whether it's the novels Egregore, or Beautiful Kingdom, or Eggplant, I keep seeing fear in the protagonists that the world they want is slipping away. To various degrees, anons are outcasts or contrarians.
>truly great work
I think the anotated Moby Dick is incredible. Some of the short stories I have read are amazing too. But the novels are still the work of amateurs, yet work anons relate to and enjoy amongst ourselves. There are talented, driven writers on the board. I believe incredible works will emerge as anons mature.
Understanding anonymity is a strength worth cultivating. There are merits for and against how to publish. In general, I think it is better to stick by your work with a name on principle. Exercising humility on the board by staying anonymous, with a healthy skepticism of the identity of who you reply to, should balance this. But I don't think decisions on this is as important as imagined.

>> No.22828192

>where the fuck does Mike Ma get the inspiration
cross-sex hormones and Behead All Satans

>> No.22828212 [DELETED] 

Extremely based and incredibly whitepilled.

>> No.22828335

Mike Ma isn't cool

>> No.22828341

kill yourself

>> No.22828390

Can someone link the Moby Dick?

>> No.22828464

Anonymous on 4chan, but use your name for work. I agree!

>> No.22828597

You must be mistaking me for the guy that fucked your wife.

>> No.22828837

>Whether it's the novels Egregore, or Beautiful Kingdom, or Eggplant, I keep seeing fear in the protagonists that the world they want is slipping away.
I think Zulu and Spencer are the only ones who are consciously aware that they're grappling with this theme. Egregore takes this concept and explores it in the domestic realm, as a housewife watches the deterioration of her husband, the literal architect of her home and by extension, her reality. Modem Waves applies this concept to nations and systems, with a narrator who is consciously aware that the past which he romanticizes was an artificial farce. Both books have a fundamentally optimistic ending, as the characters come to terms with their reality and find a way to move forward.

>> No.22828965

Now do a breakdown of Call of the Crocodile

Then Eggplant

Then Chicken World

>> No.22829012

Hypersphere was funny.

>> No.22829434

What's it about?

>> No.22829496

The "hypersphere" was something my dad claimed he invented, but really it was just one of those inflatable balls you can crawl inside and roll around in. Anyway, I grew up on a really big property in the middle of nowhere that backed onto some sand dunes and towards the ocean, and when I used to act up as a kid my dad would threaten me with the "hypersphere". You'd think it'd be fun rolling around in one of those things, but for me it was a punishment: it usually involved my dad forcing me into it and then rolling me towards the top of the hill above the dunes. He'd start saying things like
>Why didn't you listen to me and your mother when we asked you to be quiet?
>What happened to all your energy?
>Don't you want to play in the hypersphere?
Normally I'd cry and apologize before he pushed me over, but sometimes he'd push me right down the hill. It wouldn't really hurt going down the hill, except it was a big pain when I ended up in the water, plus I'd be punished again if I didn't drag the hypersphere back up the hill (which was hard as balls as a kid). In the winter I'd end up freezing pretty bad if I got to the water, but that didn't happen much.

One time my dad put me in the hypersphere during a storm and I ended up floating on the choppy water near the shore for what felt like an hour. I kept getting scared I'd drown if I got out, even though I probably could have stood up in it. Eventually my mom got fed up with my dad leaving me out there (normally she didn't mind the hypersphere), so he came down and fished me out, but he spent the next month complaining about how he got soaked, I shouldn't have acted up in the first place, it wasn't deep, etcetera.

At 13 I had a growth spurt and got too big for the hypersphere, which I thought was a win at first but it actually meant that my dad started to push me down the hill without it. At 17 I clocked him and he stopped, and on my 18th birthday I moved across the country. Haven't talked to them since.

Anyway, Hypersphere is a collection of stories about it.

>> No.22829602

>Hypersphere, written by Anonymous with the help of the 4chan board /lit/ (of The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra fame) is an epic tale spanning over 700 pages. A postmodern collaborative writing effort containing Slavoj Zizek erotica, top secret Donald Trump emails, poetry, repair instructions for future cars, a history of bottles in the Ottoman empire; actually, it contains everything since it takes place in the Hypersphere, and the Hypersphere is a big place; really big in fact.

>> No.22829975

Why is &amp 019 taking so long?

>> No.22829995

When did they let you out of jail? lmao

>> No.22830826


>> No.22831343

Because it’s a holiday

>> No.22831510

When he disappeared, the house birthed something dark to take his place.

Husband. Father. Architect. Until all at once, he wasn't. Diagnosed with terminal cancer, Timothy Hale focuses the last of his energies on a final project, something profound to be remembered for. A house, beautiful enough to linger within the mind, yet grotesque enough to ignite the soul. And hidden within the walls is a secret he intends to take to his grave.
>Beautiful Kingdom,
The Gold Rush is over, but the lure of riches tempt Fei-Ming to abandon his homeland of China to the Kingdom of the West; America. Working as a coalminer, Fei-Ming befriends Hutchinson Callaway, a Dixie fleeing the destruction of Civil War, and Montgomery Antelmann, a Yankee with a mysterious past. There the three men forge an unlikely friendship in California and together navigate the climate of a 19th century San Francisco. Armed only with the stubborn belief of self-determination and united by friendship, the three find their version of The American Dream.
Arda is a writer covering the LA art scene. But in a commercial world where the artists she respects must debase themselves for recognition, she's begun to lose interest in her career and her friends. When a mysterious benefactor contracts her services, offering her a trip to a strange island resort for an interview with a murderous madman, she is terrified. Still, drawn to the idea of a fresh start, and of something unknown waiting to be found, she accepts.

Things quickly become stranger on the island; half-insane artists, blood-rituals and a deadly fungus all threaten Arda's quest for her perfect interview with a killer. Art and life seemingly mimic each other in a competition to be the strangest, as everything Arda believed previously about creativity is challenged by what she fears about mankind. In the end she must choose between artistic integrity, and escape from the island.

These all sound terrible.

>> No.22831604

So? The editor is an unemployed homeless crackhead, it's not like he has anything better to do. Every day is a holiday for him.

>> No.22831706

I understand that you rely on homeless drug addicts to produce your entertainment for you; naturally, you’re going to have to wait.

>> No.22831726


>> No.22831729

I mean I think they are amateur, but those are representative of novels that came from /lit/. Eggplant's blurb is not too strong, I was reluctant to read it. But it's often brought up as one of the better novels, relatively speaking.

>> No.22831820

Those sound great!

>> No.22831829
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>copy blurb
>”heh, sounds le terrible. Bet you didn’t see that coming. You are le destroyed”
How will they ever recover???

>> No.22831831

I mean, who cares if their blurbs sound terrible? How is that opinion worth anything at all? I don't get it.

>> No.22831914

Blurbs sell the book

>> No.22831935

Indeed they do.

>> No.22831941

I have never heard of beautiful kingdom.

>> No.22831986

lol no they don’t, recommendations sell books. If you expect me to believe you peruse the shelves of a bookstore and decide on a book because of how the blurb reads youre dumber than you sound. You read books because you’ve heard they’re good from someone you respect, it’s as simple as that.

>> No.22832162

Recommended me of those three listed. You read all three of them

>> No.22832197

/lit/ has different cliques. There's the ones associated with mags and anthologies, /wg/ which has various novels and serialized webnovels, and some other randoms that appear out of nowhere. Maybe more I don't get enough exposure too.
Beautiful Kingdom is from the /wg/ crowd.

>> No.22832214

NTA but while lots of people rec Eggplant because of the style, I personally think I Pray To The Hungry God is a better story from the same author. Thinking I'm alone on that.

>> No.22832238

I also preferred IPTHG. Why do people pan it in favor of Eggplant?

>> No.22832275

>Call of the Crocodile
Difficult to explain how painfully goddamned bad this book is, and the actual depth of the author's stupidity. Because a summation of the events described in the book gives the impression that these things 'happen' and therefore have comedic merit due to the nature of the absurd relationship between cause and effect, somewhat like a surreal dream, but things don't 'happen' in Gardner's work. The characters and settings are utterly dimensionless, so the events said to occur there have no register in the mind's eye. When people try to mock this book by describing the idiotic sequence of events and nonsensical dialog, the book is elevated because the mockery inherently treats it as a valid exercise in creative fiction, or otherwise you post your actual opinion, "this isn't worthy of anyone's time" which makes it seem like you have no real complaint about the book, you're just seething. Had Gardner not tried so hard to cram it down our throats, people would've realized that it was written by someone with a profound intellectual disability because they wanted to feel like a writer and therefore it would be cruel to subject it to critical analysis. No amount of advertising would've provoked anyone to break his little heart, his relentless delusional spamming and petty backstabbing are what got people's attention.

So, a breakdown of Call of the Crocodile. To understand how bad this book is, imagine the absolute worst possible drawing of a cat. A two-year-old's finger painting, a series of colorful smears and the two-year-old is sitting there like "there are his claws, and his eyes, and his tail" and as he's explaining it, you're kinda nodding along, thinking to yourself that yeah, I guess this does sort of symbolically represent a cat. These crude smears at the very least have some relationship to the concept of a drawing of a cat. It's a pathetic attempt at art, but Call of the Crocodile is more like a two-year-old is telling you he's drawn a cat, but what he actually did was write the letters "C-A-T" on a piece of paper, except the letters are so wildly out of proportion with one another that you would never know that they were meant to be one cohesive word. The "A" is upside-down. But it's not enough for you to tell him "good job", he demands that you tell him why it's good, and so finally you get fed up and explain how atrocious and insulting it is to the concept of cat pictures, and he smugly tells you that in fact, he just got off the phone with Mr. Louvre, who has announced that he's going to hang it in his famous art gallery. So don't you feel dumb now?

>> No.22832279

I'd have to look back at the reviews and comments, but on the face of it Eggplant is more alternative and bizarre. It's got style. But IPTTHG is really dark throughout. I mean I think Eggplant was too, it's just the overall feel is way different and possibly not where anons expected Nesmer to go. But I just found IPTTHG to be painful on a more personal level and the prose was better too.

>> No.22832507

I was typing up a recommendation for I Pray to the Hungry God before I read these posts. I imagine Ogden didn't sell it as hard on /lit/ as he did with Eggplant, maybe because it wasn't his first novel and he felt more comfortable with it in itself (it reads that way in comparison), thus less discussion. That and "Eggplant" stands out as a title.

Eggplant wasn't exceptional, and came off as a first novel, but Hungry God was a lot better in my opinion, and was good in itself. Eggplant was good enough to get me to read Hungry God anyway. The premise of an African child soldier out to kill his brother almost put me off originally, and I think blurbs in general are often a point of failure for any artist by nature of being a matter of salesmanship rather than creativity; it quotes the novel itself (if I remember it right), so I'll drop that line on its own:
>My brother was a dog, and this is the story of how I killed him like one.

I think the improvement from Eggplant to Hungry God encapsulates why I'm partial to writers namefagging in /lit/ projects: you can trace someone's improvement and thoughts as a writer when their name is associated with their works. Art should, of course, be good in itself, but there's also something to understanding the context around it. It came up in the context of the best-of last year when people started discussing multiple pieces they had written, originally anonymously, and being able to contrast someone's works against each other made it interesting. (Though the reality of personality outside of the writing probably starts to skew negative on here in the end; a book or a story is deliberate, and even if it's a part of the author you risk dulling the edges if you get to know them as a person.) There was also talk about telling apart the anonymous authors by style, which I think is neat. Multi-authored anonymous writing all lumped together can come across as indiscernible and opaque to me, albeit with its own benefits in the context of /lit/.

If somebody went back to the old projects and mapped out authors, or picked up on individual styles, I'd be interested to see what comes up. It's a little easier to tell visual styles apart at a glance (the Hypersphere cover looks similar to illustrations done by another editor in early &amp), but with writing you actually have to bother to read something, so it wouldn't be too easy. Though a lot of old projects had named authors, so it maybe that part could be done without much hassle.

When looking through literary journals it's common to see the authors' other works or institution listed, but the reality of doing that now is that you'll be linking off to Substacks or Twitters or Amazon pages, which comes across as bad taste on /lit/ (though it's creeping in). /ic/ has a culture of asking for blogs; /mu/ has Bandcamp/Soundcloud threads, but those seem like circlejerks; it might be that writing suffers from having a low skill baseline etc.

>> No.22832522

>Fedbook mentioned nowhere in the thread despite Stancliff easily being the most talented and highest-selling of any literal who that shilled here

>> No.22832530

Does he actually post on here, or is he one of those "/lit/ adjacent" types who actually have nothing to do with /lit/?

>> No.22832532

He posts here.
This is him now

>> No.22832552

Yeah, when the /lit/ top ten was still going, he debuted at a fairly high spot and developed a bit of an ego. Going around saying Fedbook was the only /lit/ book with "an actual plot and developed characters."

>> No.22832560

Reading someone's writing is a lot easier when they're not in your face being a fucking dickhead about it. Art vs. Artist only goes so far in practice, as gay as that is to admit

>> No.22832659

Truthfully it's the hardest thing in the world to subtly shill. There was a guy who posted poems in the /wg/ everyday and he was very tactful about it. Then you get F. Gardner who is so self-evidently bad, that people pick up the torch for him out of an ironical impulse. So I was experimenting, taking different approaches. One approach was to say how good Fedbook was, and this gets me called a dickhead. I suppose there isn't a way to win. To all I offended, I'm sorry. I am too self-conscious for the internet.

>> No.22832682

The key might be to say what you tried to do with the book, then let the reader decide if 1) it's an interesting enough premise/objective/concept and 2) if you actually achieved it. Being honest helps. Ogden's approach with Eggplant was to offer the PDF with full admission that it was his. Trying to advertise to a crowd that's characteristically tight-fisted and wary of shills means you're best trying to be humble and honest about it. 4chan won't net you significant sales anyway, but you can at least use it as a forum to hear what people think of your work casually and frankly (if you can convince them to read it).

Any chance you've got an EPUB or similar format of it? I don't mean to be a bum, but I'll read it and tell you my thoughts after if you're cool with emailing a copy or similar.

>> No.22832732


>> No.22832734

Thanks, I'll give it a read sometime in the near future.

>> No.22832797

Now do The Shitkickers

>> No.22832806

The Shitkickers is written by that guy's resident ball polisher, so I don't think that's going to happen. That and he's clearly desperate to get his rants memed alongside Gardner as some kind of slam dunk on his mentally challenged arch nemesis.

>> No.22833030

If you liked Ogs stuff you should read the Unreal books. desu his short stories are better than his novels

>> No.22833062
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Ogden also wrote the story "Void" in &amp, though apart from the Eggplant chapters I think that was all he ever submitted (within the span of 001 to 014). He's probably also got short writings in miniMAG.

>> No.22833071

(Please ignore the drop caps abuse.)

>> No.22833094

He did a story called Survive in one of the more recent issues. It was ok, kind of melodramatic, but still intriguing

>> No.22833103

Why do you hang around people who so obviously hate you? Why haven't you fucked off yet?

>> No.22833105

Sometimes the discussion is good.

>> No.22833163


>> No.22833165

He probably does it out of spite.

>> No.22833174

Leave Ari alone!

>> No.22833247

Power Punk never die.
Long live Power Punk.

>> No.22833249

>t. Ari

>> No.22833256

I've never read any of /lit/ adjacent work, but I'd like to
Out of all the novels produced here, what's the most worth my time

>> No.22833266

I Pray to the Hungry God by Ogden Nesmer is good. It was being discussed earlier, and it gets my personal recommendation.

>> No.22833302

Crackheaditor is schizoing out again, KEK

>> No.22833308

OK I'll check it out. Thx dawg.

>> No.22833326

MNMDR's work is the only shit I've read that hasn't felt like a complete waste of time.
I can't speak for the guy recommending Hungry God, but I can say that Eggplant was embarrassingly bad. I fell for the discord shill campaign around it and I deeply regret burning my ever dwindling free time on something so mediocre. At least when a shameless grifter like Card or Gardner talks themselves up it's done in a way that is transparently a lie. Nesmer, and whoever else he recruited, made it seem like /lit/ had finally produced something worth a damn, when in actuality it was just 1/6th of an interesting idea padded out with an almost line-for-line read out of a half-dozen different TVtropes articles.

>> No.22833330

When my book is done I'll lyk.

>> No.22833349

I didn't hate Eggplang as much as you but it wasn't my favorite, was kinda mid desu. Agree that MNMDR is probably the best writer from here. From his interview in amp he seems like an interesting fella too

>> No.22833368

Don't get me wrong on this. I don't hate Eggplant. Much like the rest of our literary canon, it's a bland nothing that no one here will ever remember outside of tertiary experiences surrounding it, like my experience in seeing it shilled so dishonestly.
When I think of Eggplant I don't think of a single character or event from the book, I think of it as another example of our authors taking a shortcut to recognition through coordinated spam posting.

>> No.22833373

>I imagine Ogden didn't sell it as hard on /lit/ as he did with Eggplant, maybe because it wasn't his first novel and he felt more comfortable with it in itself (it reads that way in comparison), thus less discussion.
The real reason he stopped shilling is that Nesmer got permabanned from /lit/ around the time he released his second book.

>> No.22833418


RJC is the only author out of them all who has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. So read Shards. I gave it a 5 on Goodreads.

>> No.22833426

If you want to shill then at least try to be subtle about it.

>> No.22833447

Yeah, I think Eggplant was underwhelming and pretty scattershot in terms of ideas. I'll give credit that it's memorable to me for being suspenseful when whatever killer was hunting down the protag. Overall it's the sort of thing I'd blame on being a first novel, and I'd chalk the shilling up to the fact that he probably wanted feedback on his first novel (I only remember it being him shilling it personally, not a coordinated thing).

I've never read MNMDR. Is the Tainted Turd good?

>> No.22833474

>Nesmer got permabanned from /lit/ around the time he released his second book.
I'd need to see evidence of this. With how easy it is to dodge 4chan bans Nesmer would need to be in the bottom IQ percentile to just accept a permaban.
If I had to guess I'd say he stopped shilling for the same reason that all our failed artists stop shilling: imposter syndrome took root in an actual imposter. That initial high of creation faded, he chased that high through attention seeking behavior and eventually realized that he was nothing special and all praise that he received was two-faced and self-serving. Many such cases. Given the thread that we're in, it may even apply to you reading this now.

I have not read TTT yet, mostly because no one was kind enough to post an EPUB version. Fuck PDF books. Place your silly drawings as imbeds with pagebreaks.

>> No.22833486
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>I'd need to see evidence of this.

>> No.22833500

There are no drawings in TTT.

>> No.22833520

Here you go

>> No.22833528

Does anyone have the actual link to the /lit/ edition of Moby dick tho

>> No.22833536

Are /lit/ writers finally coming to terms with fact there has never been a good “/lit/ writer”?

>> No.22833579

Read The Shitkickers, there are scenes in the book that will stand out

>> No.22833586

Being a "good writer" is subjective, because in the mainstream world to be a "writer" you need to check certain diversity boxes while writing about diversity... you cannot be a based bro writing based shit

>> No.22833587

They'll only stand out as especially large and rank turds floating within a stream of foul excrement.

>> No.22833621

I’d like to think that our most pathetic examples act as a mirror to those who think of themselves as potential contributors to the “/lit/erary renaissance”, and that every new delusional accepted into the fold is two seasoned recruits who see how sad an existence they’ve been living.
RJC has made a wonderful example out of himself. Anyone who can look at at this man prostrate himself in such a demeaning fashion for literal pocket change without cringing themselves into an identity crisis is a stronger man than I.

>> No.22833670

Friendly reminder that eggplant boy was the one who found Gardner’s parent’s house because he was mad that Gardner “stole” the revolutionary idea of a CYOA book.

>> No.22833805

I wrote a very very cringe short story essay thing for Hypersphere when I was 19/20

>> No.22834067

On libgen (under Fiction, mind you), just search Moby-Dick Annotated

>> No.22834462


>t. Ari

Dude's got crabs.

>> No.22834652

Read it and review it, faggot

>> No.22834699

He's fueled by spite, rage, and pettiness. No wonder everyone in the scene hates him.

>> No.22834705
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Post2015 /lit/ fucking sucks. You newfags really missed out

>> No.22834731

it always sucked - even /pw/ shits on /lit/

>> No.22834746

>post books you've written

>> No.22834763

I'm not looking to shatter whatever cope you've rested your entire weight on, but I'm not Ari.
If you'd like me to expound upon my statement in a more personal manner, I'll say this: for me it was Jason Bryan, a man so comedically pathetic and attention hungry that even seeing this condemnation brings a broken smile to his junkie face. He should act as a mirror to every anon in this thread. Jason, despite being pathologically talentless, has spent his entire life fetishizing the idea of the outsider artist. While this is generally cute at first glance, that first glance is generally directed towards a college-age pixie-cut bisexual, not a homeless drug addict who is a burden on every person unfortunate enough to still interact with him. He has ridden this fetishized view of himself all the way to rock bottom--or more accurately, what he feels to be rock bottom. Those of you in this thread with a life experience beyond pretending to be an artist will understand that rock bottom is a myth. There is no happy ending for Jason and this is far from the worst for him.
But by extension of this truth, look at yourselves and internalize one thing: Jason, at your age, was far more well adjusted than the lot of you are now. You are on a fast track to Jason's future, and the faster you get there, the lower you'll find your final rock bottom to be.

>> No.22835020

RJC just likes to convince himself that Ari is the only one who hates him, when in reality he's universally disdained by anyone who isn't a Discord sycophant.

>> No.22835030
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>> No.22835041

kill yourself

>> No.22835046

Damn jizzing in that guy's wife really left a scar

>> No.22835136

I made $0 on my books this month

>> No.22835413

Proof? Nesmer always seemed like a good guy to me.

>> No.22835465

So much disinfo is posted here to foster hate between writers.

>> No.22835633


That wasn't me. I have an MFA in Fiction too. Not that that matters. It's not from prestigious institution like Iowa or whatever but I got to write about serial killers and Egyptian sex dungeons without being cancelled so that was fun. I've said it since the book came out last month: buy it or don't. I'm not trying to become Stephen King with my first published book. That's both naive and egotistical. I've bought a few books from these parts like Call of the Crocodile and Eggplant. I'll tell you that most of what I've read in &amp is 94.9% better than anything I read from my grad school cohort. Most of them wrote YA or were trying to copy DFW. I have my inspirations. Mark Z. Danielewski, Arno Schmidt, Tom Phillips, Shelley Jackson, and to a lesser extent, Charles Bukowski, John Fante, Céline, and Stephen King. I write experimental literature. I have trouble writing straight plot point Freytag's pyramid Save the Cat bullshit. It's a fault. One I've been shit on about since I started writing. I'm probably mildly autistic. Maybe. Who knows?

Anyway, I think there can be a renaissance in literature but it may not happen until human beings revert back to the attention spans of old. Even I, a lover of books, have trouble reading because of the digital noise. I would love a revolution.

>> No.22835712

Yes, the powers that be want the population as dumb and easily controlled as possible. All of the movies, music, entertainment, culture to participate in.... is ALL fake and gay.

>> No.22835742

Literally no one asked, you tiresome narcissist. Stop shitting up every thread with your inane life story.

>> No.22835743

I found his post interesting you fucking faggot, sit the fuck down.

>> No.22835746

t. Jason Bryan

>> No.22835764

Did Hartley ever pay you your first month of royalties?

>> No.22835765


>t. Ari

Dude's got crabs.

>> No.22835800

Does anyone know what's going on with the /lit/ book of cocktails project or when it's gonna come out?

>> No.22835828

You're talking to a ragtag group of schizos, faggots, and crabs. Do you even think it is actively being worked on?

>> No.22835847
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>> No.22835855

Cocktails book was an op by Ari, probably done to collect peoples' emails and dox them. Those who were warned knew better. We'll see what consequences the others face.

>> No.22835931

I submitted my drinks in the threads, not in the google docs.

>> No.22835992

What the fuck is his problem?

>> No.22836081
File: 179 KB, 1291x998, TAR2_afterword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the namefag vs. anon schism of April Reader Issue 02
This was back in May 2011. Only one of the ten authors was anonymous in this issue, but that number jumped back up in the next issue. Between issues 02 and 11, lots of authors had two or more pieces per issue, although mostly concentrated in poetry. Issue 08 linked to (now defunct) blogs belonging to some of the authors.

The doc of cocktails is still up if you follow the link, and the OP originally suggested a December release, so my guess is that he's editing it now. Considering it's 53 pages long, it's not a bad stopping point.

>> No.22836104

>the OP
>my guess is

>> No.22836175

When's Cvmgenius ever gonna write a book? He should join the Lit Rinascimento!

>> No.22836228

Rei Koz’ work predates Faggot Gardner. read Mundus Millenialis now.

>> No.22836344

Imagine if he spent as much time working on the Best-Of as he spends on these retarded anti-&amp gay ops. It would've been finished months ago.

>> No.22836722

Is April Reader any good? I might check it out.

>> No.22836769

I haven't read anything from it yet, but the first (and only) story in issue 01 is rough with typos and formatting, and the writing is nothing special. Issue 02 opens with a story where some journalist rats on the cops and for some reason her retarded dad chucks a brick through her window so they can have a conversation about her sister. Dunno where the fuck it's going, but it seems like it could be funny. I imagine they just put out whatever they received like &amp, but I have a feeling subject-wise there's a generational gap between the April Reader and &amp, which could be neat.

Most issues from 01-10 are pretty short anyway (20-40 pages), if you want to check them out. I imagine later issues got more submissions, and there seems to be a jump in size and direction around issue starting in issue 11.

>> No.22837056

Editor said in an old thread that if it's not out by the end of the year then Ari will be removed from the project and he'll take charge of the best of himself. Looks like that'll be how it goes at this point

>> No.22837264

What’s he gonna do? Release a shitty half-assed version? Or is he just going to shit and piss and seethe when it’s released a couple months after his flaccid threat of a deadline has come and gone?

>> No.22837402

>What’s he gonna do? Release a shitty half-assed version?
Bruh he could release a 1000 page masterpiece and people will call it shit and tell him to kill himself.

>> No.22837985

The same could be said about your own prejudiced opinion of whatever Ari puts out, though he’s already been given 1000x more shit than “it’s bad and you should kill yourself” and his work isn’t even out yet.

>> No.22838023

Why's he excluded from the annals?

>> No.22838301

>he’s already been given 1000x more shit
and all of it was deserved lmao

>> No.22838531

Gay as fuck of editor to have the nerve to enforce deadlines on anyone else, considering that he hasn't released a single issue of &amp since Atlas stopped doing all of the work.

>> No.22838767


>> No.22838781

She can't help with the mag anymore because they don't allow her to have internet access in jail.

>> No.22838794

If you haven't been told to kill yourself,and your work is shit, are you really a /lit/ user?

>> No.22839071

Fake news. They’re working together now, Hartley said so.

>> No.22839117

Imposter detected

>> No.22839138

Hartley posted about it a few weeks back

>> No.22839239
File: 153 KB, 989x1095, baited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was bait, anon. Or he didn't think he'd be called out on it.

>> No.22839257

Was the shit about Atlas being arrested bait too?

>> No.22839302

please someone post the manuscript that was like 50% the word nigger

>> No.22839304
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>history of /lit/

>> No.22839306

Probably, considering you don't get arrested for threatening to kill yourself. She posted some new rants a couple weeks ago, but they got deleted pretty quickly. They sort of clear up what happened after the massive thread meltdown if you can pick through them: >>22775244. Seems like the cops are also aware of Hartley harassing her now, which would explain why he's seemingly toned things down lately.

>> No.22839399

Those rants were harder than usual to parse so I couldn't glean much. Did she actually threaten to kill herself though? From what she posted at the end of the meltdown thread it seemed like Hartley was encouraging her towards suicide, maybe so he'd have an excuse to call the cops. Especially because when she outed him before she claimed he'd been threatening her with similar shit.

>> No.22839461

>Ari posting a screenshot and 'forgetting' to censor Atlas' dox
>clearly trying to bait her into another episode

rip to this thread

>> No.22839516

There is no dox in that picture

>> No.22839541

The first one opens with a quote from Hartley, I'd guess, and then seems to imply that he's trying to convince her Ari is in contact with him. The third post has more coherent details.
>Hartley was telling her to kill herself in part as an excuse to call the cops on her
>cops don't find her
>university security tries to find her, speaks with her doctor
>police arrive but without weapons, try to talk to her and discuss Hartley's harassment explicitly, offer to help
>police are also aware of reports from Ari but aren't reprimanding her
>Hartley is using multiple numbers to harass her now
>also convinced Atlas to give him Ari's number
It might be that the discussion with the police is more recent than the harassment from Hartley, but either way they're aware of him. His tactic seems to be pretending that he and Ari are working together and talking about her: it makes his comments more poignant to her, and he probably wants her to think that he can convince Ari to have her arrested. I doubt they'd respond to another 'wellness check' from Hartley, and I wouldn't be surprised if they'd treat it as harassment.

>> No.22839620

>literally says the city she lives in

>> No.22839698

Remember when these threads were dedicated to a /lit/ magazine and not just a secondary battleground of discord drama with our authors playing the role of the editors personal army?
Almost makes you wish for the usual mediocrity of #15 - #18.

>> No.22839892

>he probably wants her to think that he can convince Ari to have her arrested
from the shit ari was posting in the meltdown thread it doesnt seem like it'd take much convincing for him to go through with that. and if shes actually off aderall now then why tf is she still so hysterical?

>> No.22839931

Can you name another Jamaican city? I and I sure cyan't

>> No.22840061

>it seemed like Hartley was encouraging her towards suicide
Participating in /lit/ itself is a slow form of suicide

>> No.22840067

>Remember when these threads
Fuck off cock sucker, this is post-COVID, the world is broken and, again, fuck off

>> No.22840077

&amp didn't exist before Covid you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.22840220

COVID was a great time for creativity and entertainment, the post-COVID era is a hangover of wokeness, bullshit, and lies

>> No.22840330

So can someone definitively tell me when my dogshit short story will be published in &amp? I've told my mum I'm getting published now so this better happen.

>> No.22840374

Never. Hartley is too busy harassing mentally ill women and smoking crack.

>> No.22840376

>calling yourself published for appearing in a no-standards web zine
Why do you lie to your poor mum, anon? Just read her your story if you want her affirmation.

>> No.22840654


>> No.22841025


Suck 50 cocks Ari

>> No.22841128
File: 1.07 MB, 1572x2016, billy mays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...or, sign onto Lamp Standard's cock sucking agency for a 50% royalty on the cocks you suck! That's now just 25 cocks, and, with our special limited time offer, our editor Hartley will suck 100% of your cocks to fuel his drug habit! You heard it here first: if you sign up RIGHT! NOW! our editor Hartley will suck 50 cocks FOR YOU!

Click [here] to hear more about our offers on internet harassment, specialized grooming packages, and our one-week course on how to beat women. Act now!

This message was brought to you by &amp Magazine.

>> No.22841237

>this message was brought to you by Ari Boon

>> No.22842436


>> No.22842732

That is actually a good time here in Canada

>> No.22842929

That whole thread was depressing as fuck.

>> No.22842972

My story is about a naughty little boy who drugs and fucks his own mother, so no.

>> No.22842981

Who comes to /lit/ for an emotionally uplifting or inspiring experience? WHO???

>> No.22842989

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22843135

Lmao, I'd put money on RJC totally ignoring the question because he can't own up to the fact that Hartley scammed him.

>> No.22843173

>It doesn't matter whether Ryan pays me because this was my first novel and I didn't expect it to be a success anyway and this exposure from you crabs is better for me than any marketing in the world and I'll always be glad to back Ryan and &amp and Lamp Standard up because Ryan is genuine and respects my abilities as an MFA and understands that sometimes things like narrative and cohesiveness and quality don't matter when you're trying to make a work of art which my professors all loved by the way and in fact I make enough money as a substitute teacher to begrudgingly raise my wife's son so I don't really care whether this makes any money or Ryan spends it on crack because I have an MFA and please buy my book on Amazon did I mention I was in Lit Quarterly?
Which he'll repeat about his second novel if he ever writes one.

I'd have some respect for RJC if he actually had the balls to post a pdf of his book on here.

>> No.22843441

Fuck off Atlas

>> No.22843490


>> No.22843497

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.22843851
File: 242 KB, 1305x663, RJC x Gardner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gardner does in fact love Shards. One of eight perfect scores that totally weren't bought.

>> No.22843855

He won't post a PDF of his book because he's delusional and greedy enough to think it's actually worth $18. Plus he knows that if anyone outside of his MFA buddies and Discord cronies reads it then he'll have to face actual criticism.

>> No.22843910

I don't think I have ever seen someone get nice reviews on /lit/

>> No.22844092

You could go up halfway through the thread and read the discussion on Eggplant and I Pray to the Hungry God. Reviews aren't really useful unless it's part of a discussion on a piece of work. How much does an author get out of "this was good" compared to actual criticism? Even if someone thinks something was good, it shouldn't be an end point, and I don't think you can genuinely elaborate on the strong points of a work without addressing its weaknesses. That and a "nice review" isn't as good as an actual discussion.

There's also the problem of honesty, which is more believable when someone is being critical. I think this is one of the good things about the (dying) culture of talking shit on here, in that with enough effort that turns into critical analysis, and that people should be prepared to hear their work picked apart.

I've seen a lot of people talking past each other on /mu/ for instance when they're ostensibly all interested in the same subject: replying to the OP without reading or thinking about the rest of the thread. Seems like a matter of people not really being interested in the broader subject as much as their own taste. I don't think it's as bad on here.

>> No.22844099

The Goodreads reviews are from:
-KR Hartley, crackhead scammer who is obviously trying to ingratiate himself to RJC so he can continue stealing the book's royalties
-F Gardner, mentally challenged lolcow
-Some random retard with a reading history full of genre schlock, probably from the Discord because he's currently reading Tales of the Unreal and has read Hartley's slop before

Clearly these five star reviews aren't coming from anyone competent or unbiased.

Bonus: the only people who have the book listed under Currently Reading/Want to Read are RJC, Hartley, Gardner, and RJCs wife. Truly pathetic.

>> No.22844172

I read The Savage Green on a whim and it was actually really enjoyable. It felt like an anti-market book, something that was written completely against the “market.” That kind of gave me the idea that /lit/, if possible, could come together and become an anti-market space where we write for the sake of creating, like a sort of figurative “Cambrian Explosion” of strange thoughts and ideas. The writing world needs communities like that, losers with too many ideas and a drive to throw them into the collective unconscious.

>> No.22844249

holy fuck this nigga mad

>> No.22844392

Good deflection from the fact that RJC's reviews are clearly astroturfed. You can see that Rib Crestleer ("random retard") gives out five stars to any /lit/ book he reads. It's worse on Amazon, where the most honest-seeming review was Christina Bradford, who gave it her only perfect-five out of the three ratings she's given since 2014; her other two reviews are four stars for a tea cup that "worked great" and two stars (ouch) for a book on bug repellents -- what a tough customer!

But for real, looking at the Bradford review
>I was able to create my own story as I read the pages
Am I wrong for thinking that's actually an awful thing to say about a novel? That's a mollified version of "I didn't know what the fuck was going on so I skimmed the whole book." And this is the closest thing to an honest review out of all eight (two of which come from Ryan) across Goodreads and Amazon.

I get the idea of supporting each other, but it's so stupid to see that the people who parrot the idea of a /lit/ renaissance are in it for the circlejerk of self-promotion. I don't think every /lit/ writer (in this group or at large) is like that, but the ones pushing the narrative are doing a disservice to the rest. Rating-inflation looks good on the surface until an actual reader sniffs it out, and suddenly it becomes obvious that you can't trust the opinions on any of the authors involved because they've all been subjected to the same trick.

>> No.22844469

The “honest-seeming review” from Amazon that you’ve referenced here was literally written by his wife under her maiden name.

>> No.22844500

There was/is an entire industry around buying reviews on Amazon to get attention for your books and get sales.

Same with GoodReads.

Mainstream publishers like Penguin have ins at the Universities where they supply them with books they want pushed. If you're an indy author who doesn't cheat and/or scheme to promote your shit using identity or smurfs, you're fucked.

>> No.22844502

>Good deflection from the fact that RJC's reviews are clearly astroturfed.
Who's aren't?

If you want to see some funny reviews:

>> No.22844503

Well at least it's a little more respectable than Ryan buying it for him. This made me laugh but fuck now I feel kinda bad.

>> No.22844519

Yeah, that's why you aim to be traditionally published: so someone vets your work and calls it good in exchange for providing you with prints and exposure (on top of paying you in advance). Cutting out the "actually write well" part of that and just buying reviews is the territory of petty schemes. The /lit/ renaissance hockers act like they're doing it to uplift authors but the real goal is to make a buck off of it. I'm sure there are those who are deluded enough to think that scheming like this will transmute into recognition of their supreme abilities, but the bottom line is that it's about money to them.

Say what you want about the quality of works from publishers at large, but it's clear quality isn't of concern here either.

>> No.22844615

fuckin kek mate keep going

>> No.22844664

>Yeah, that's why you aim to be traditionally published: so someone vets your work and calls it good in exchange for providing you with prints and exposure
They seek out blacks and LGBT to publish specifically because they are black and queer. They aren't looking for good books, they're looking for identities to peddle who happen to write books with large editing teams. The last mainstream published book I bought had an editing team of like 6 women.(Penguin Random House)

>> No.22844672

>but the bottom line is that it's about money to them.
The big publishers can lose money on books because they will get bailed out, just like news media here in Canada. The government funds all the "art and culture" to the tune of 500+ million dollars.



500+ million for blacks, women, and queers. They astroturf the entire culture in Canada.

>> No.22844823

We didn't "buy" any reviews. Everyone who has reviewed the book has done so with copies they bought themselves. The only time someone even talked about the book without paying for it was when Steve Donoghue plugged it on his YouTube channel after Hartley sent him a copy. And yes, my wife was being supportive and gave it reviews. I don't see the harm in that. All of the people we sent ARCs to haven't reviewed it yet or may never. Trad publishing isn't about money. It's about filling culture with more noise while politicians and businessmen fuck you.


Takes two months for the first royalty payout from KDP. When I get the $80-$100 that Hartley owes me based on the sales data then I'll update you, Ari. I make more than that in 3 hours at work. Again, it's not about the money.

I do wish you'd just read the book. I wrote it to be read. Not shit on or a part of some weird drama between drug addicts, attention whores, and people with no lives. Though, I guess a story about PTSD and Las Vegas could attract such a crowd.

>> No.22844828

>When I get the $80-$100 that Hartley owes me based on the sales data
Holy shit! How many books did you sell?

>> No.22844833
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>Trad publishing isn't about money. It's about filling culture with more noise while politicians and businessmen fuck you.
Who is this fucking based writer? 100% correct.

>> No.22844836


Double digits. Nothing huge. Between the soft and hard covers probably around 50 or 60.

>> No.22844837

I'll read your book if you post a pdf or at least put it up on kindle for a decent price. Not gonna pay for an overpriced hard copy.

>> No.22844841


It's free on Kindle Unlimited.

>> No.22844856

Congratulations man, writing is the most difficult and least rewarding medium of art in modern times. People don't appreciate how hard it is to finish and put out a book.

>> No.22844862


Don't I know it. Between my obvious anti-appeal in polite society and the shit I get on here it would seem the medium is only for masochists.

I appreciate you for commenting that. Much love.

>> No.22844955

Absolutely need to be a masochist to push on during the times we are living in. Zero reward, tons of disdain, most "writing" is just schlock propaganda with little soul. Non-writers have no idea. Mainstream shit has teams of writers, designers, marketers and unlimited budgets, indy writers are all just trying to stay alive, let alone thrive.

>> No.22845618

>Steve Donoghue plugged it
He literally just unboxed it and gave some vaguely polite commentary on the back cover blurb. I doubt he even read it, and he certainly didn’t endorse it enthusiastically.

>> No.22845774


unreadable nonsense from a boring author, why review a book nobody read?

>> No.22846138

>Some of the short stories I have read are amazing too
Which, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.22846196

You are not a writer, yet you insist on stepping into the ring with writers.

>> No.22846264

>You are not a writer
Haha buddy, neither are the nignogs the Canadian government gives 60k+ in Writing awards to, but because an authority figure awards them, people will believe they are the next black Hemingway

>> No.22846407

>You are not a writer
Whether I’m a writer or not is irrelevant. It doesn’t negate the fact that what I said is objectively true, and Steve Donoghue did not promote Shards in any meaningful way other than simply acknowledging that he had been sent a copy. In fact, when talking about it he actually said that he does not typically enjoy books that distort the traditional narrative format, and he expressed no real interest in reading it beyond a basic polite acknowledgment of having been gifted a copy. He actually seemed to have been put off by the plot description. Acting as though he enthusiastically recommended it is almost as farcical as pretending that RJC’s five star reviews are anything other than astroturfing.

>> No.22846437

I forget the exact title, but the "The only Computer problem for which theologians are consulted" is great. One of the &amp issues. Anon nailed the style.

>> No.22846450

/lit/ is the masochist's dungeon. The crabs here only have a single setting: hate.

>> No.22846757

Fuck off Ari

>> No.22847068

>tfw I missed the tag team shill tactics last night

>> No.22847183

If you want to read "The Beautiful Kingdom", it was here the last time I checked: https://litter.catbox.moe/t4n55q.pdf

>> No.22847191

If you want to read "I Pray To The Hungry God", it was here the last time I checked: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6zu846bauyo27om/IPRAYTOTHEHUNGRYGOD.pdf/file

>> No.22847268

>it's so stupid to see that the people who parrot the idea of a /lit/ renaissance are in it for the circlejerk of self-promotion.
One of the things that made the /lit/ renaissance the "renaissance" and not just the same circlejerk which had existed prior was a focus on giving each other actual, thoughtful reviews instead of the quid pro quo shit. Part of what crashed it was people who were used to trading 5-star reviews full of hollow praise claiming to be attacked now that they were getting 2 and 3 stars. Some people didn't like or understand that policy, so they began a smear campaign, which explains the constant disconnect between what we were saying to each other on discord and what was being reported on /lit/.
>Woah, there's a dozen creative people all working on projects independently for a common goal, and they all come from /lit/. It's like there's a renaissance happening amongst /lit/ self-publishers.
Becomes: haha these fags think they're spearheading a literary revolution!
>As demonstrated by Card and Gardner, spamming your own book all over /lit/ is a surefire method to invite contempt and hatred, hence why we do not encourage, condone, or participate in that type of advertising
Look at these goddamned discord fags fagging up /lit/ with their constant discording all over /lit/! When will this madness stop??
>They posted another screencap. What exactly are they getting out of this?

>> No.22847270

Links broken. Got another?

Here is Eggplant

>> No.22847304

I have only seen Card's book like once or twice on /lit/, I didn't even know who he was before this thread.

>> No.22847309
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.2q2a5RLVk0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseuds going to seethe and cope when meth head schizo homeless loser Jason Bryan releases book #3 and they haven't even shit out book #1 yet.

>> No.22847318

It's my understanding both those links were uploaded by the authors; I don't feel right posting a copy if I didn't write it. Here are some other books:
"L'Academie" by R.C. Waldun: https://files.catbox.moe/n1l2zh.pdf
"Behead All Satans" by Master Necro Mega-Damage Rapeface: https://files.catbox.moe/n1l2zh.pdf

>> No.22847379

The epic amount of bullying of Waldun was one of the first things I witnessed on /lit/, I mean, it was clear Waldun did not polish his book, but the bussy raping comments and attacks on him was so over-the-top.

>> No.22847428

Do you think it was because Waldun opened with a smug, arrogant attitude, or was that excuse manufactured by the seethers?

>> No.22847649

What writer DOESN'T have a smug, arrogant attitude?

>> No.22847681

I mean, you need to have an ego to do art. Nobody who is just content with being a wagie is working on creative shit.

>> No.22847708

Buddy, you’re so jealous.

>> No.22847788

My Napoleon...

>> No.22848058


Neither I nor Hartley have paid for any reviews. Gardner bought his own copy of the book and I told him to give his honest opinion of it. If he had given it no stars and said it was the shittiest thing he'd ever read then I'd still be appreciative for the review. The only reviews that can be seen as "astroturfing" would be Hartley's and my wife's. All other reviews are as genuine as I could hope for since they were verified purchasers who don't owe me a positive review for my book. Again, I've sold about 60 or so and there are only like 5 actual reviews. How is that "astroturfing?" How about you get Kindle Unlimited, read the book, and give it an honest review. Of you don't like it then I respect that. There are a lot of books I don't like. That's life. As Mark Z. Danielewski said: "This is not for you."

>> No.22848216

This skips the main point, which was that the vocal minority pushing the "/lit/ renaissance" (with those words specifically) are in it for personal gain. They're not there to push the bar higher, they're in it to push their own work and/or make money off the rest. The two doing that the most seem to be Ryan and Gardner, and with the former it was evident in the unintentionally transparent excuse for Lamp Standard, which was to collect as many names as possible with as little effort as possible in the hopes of eventually capturing someone whose success the rest could ride on. It offered up some minimal "deal" of getting a cover and a logo plastered on their work, with the later development of royalty cuts and copyright transfer. At least Gardner's competition was more plainly "suck my dick and I'll shill your work" than that, but it's the same sort of deal.

Yeah, people are working together, but the people trying to capitalize on that are in it for selfish reasons, with whatever delusion suits them for the day. Branding, royalty cuts, and meaningless competitions aren't going to improve anyone's writing nor will they narrow down the pool to a collection of good writers. That and it's almost entirely exiled from /lit/ and quarantined to Discord at this point; see your own line about "what we were saying to each other on discord". Cross out the "/lit/" from "/lit/ renaissance".

And who are you even talking about regarding this smear campaign thing? Who got the bad reviews? How is that your defence when the reviews criticized in this thread were a streak of 5/5s from dubious buyers?

Gardner, as mentioned above, is the kind who's in this for the dickride. Whether it was made explicitly clear or not, he's someone who expects it to help him. Across Goodreads and Amazon, excluding Gardner, Ryan, and your wife, you've got three reviews. One is from a guy who always gives /lit/ writers 5/5, one is from someone with no other public reviews, while the last is from someone who wrote it like an advertisement and was aware of the fact that it was your first novel despite being only a sporadic book-buyer. So three remain, and they don't look much better. And even if they're real, consider that having 5/8 (or 6/8) reviews being fluff makes the rest less believable, which is bad even beyond the hyper-scrutiny of /lit/.

And come on, just post a pdf. The standard for every small author has been to drop one if they're going to try selling their book here. You were already called out for how arrogant it makes you look. It's bad manners on here.

>> No.22848254


If my book sucks so bad then why do you keep begging me to post a pdf? Just say you can't afford Kindle Unlimited and I'll think about sending it to an email of your choosing.

>> No.22848269

I've never said your book sucks. Go ahead and post a pdf when Ryan is done rimming your ass and you can think a little more clearly.

>> No.22848293


What does Ryan rimming my ass have to do with this discussion? I'm confused. Did one of you crabs start writing fanfic about Lamp Standard already?

>> No.22848350

Figurative language for the fact that Ryan has obviously inflated your ego. You've had it pointed out that the standard on here is to post a pdf of your book if you actually want people to discuss it, yet you're jumping to calling people poor. The Fedbook guy got called out earlier for seeming like a snob in the past, and the first thing he did in response was act with some humility followed by dropping a link to the pdf, if you need a good example to follow.

And more personally, I've read your work in &amp and Lit Quarterly, and it didn't convince me it'd be worth buying your book. I'm curious about the book given how much you talk yourself up, and these discussions would be a lot better if people could actually judge the writing you keep trying to sell to them.

>> No.22848407


I'm a Leo Sun, Leo Moon, and Leo Mars in my astrology chart. Nothing Ryan could've done would have inflated my ego any bigger than it already is. Add the fact that, for the most part biologically, the ego is a survival mechanism and I had a pretty rough childhood filled with death, poverty, and uncertainty.

I don't know anything about a Fedbook guy. I'm a leader, not a follower. And I can be snobbish, who can't? Surely you're not innocent of snobbery seeing as you just said my published writing couldn't convince you to read my book. Obviously your taste palette is too far away from my creativity.

>> No.22848410

Why don’t you just read the book and give it an honest review? They’ll send you a free copy for christ sake.

>> No.22848415

In the future, all spheres will be hyper

>> No.22848469

>I ride my hypersphere to work
>where I log onto my hypersphere
>to crunch hyperspherical data
>for which I'm paid in hyperspherical currency
>and go home to my wife (a hypersphere)
>before being rocked to sleep in my hypersphere

>ooooh so you want a PDF poorboy? huh? tell us how poor you are before we send you the PDF
>btw we don't care what you think
The dude could just post the PDF and be done with it.

>> No.22848490

you care more than any of us about whether these negligible event even actually matter. You,ve exposed yourself as nothing but a seriously emotionally invested participant of our art. By all means, reply to this post with more jealous seething. You charge my battery.

>> No.22848536

Remember, people pretend to be other people on here just to start fights between writers.

>> No.22848541
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This dude is 100% trying to gaslight you as hard as possible. Any writer on /lit/ gets attacked by crabs.

>> No.22848769

Leave RJC alone

>> No.22848778


>> No.22848806
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>> No.22849104

Based Ari. I would let you back into the gmail if I didn’t think you would burn it all down.

>> No.22849153

>if I didn’t think you would burn it all down.
Let him. Free yourself from this shackle.

>> No.22849991

I gotta be real with you man. It might be best just to let this die. &amp clearly isn’t what it used to be and it’s obvious that the mag has lost most of whatever audience it had around here. A peaceful sunset might be what it needs.

>> No.22850072

Keep going, you keep this board interesting.

>> No.22850451

Fuck that. Burst into flame. As long as there's one reader left, it will live.

>> No.22850766

You're in a losing battle against a bunch of yes-men. Remember that when this guy appeared on here homeless and having a mental breakdown the Unreal et al. crowd show up with so many of them telling him
>noooo keep doing &amp! &amp is so great!
instead of telling him to focus on himself and ditch &amp until he gets better. It became glaringly obvious that a lot of them saw him as a way to boost their audience, and while he was out in the streets they did their best to stroke his ego by saying shit like how much better the best-of would be if he did it. You had anons wishing him well, but a lot of people were saying something to the effect of
>get well soon so you can do another video with us
>see you on Discord!

There's a whole other side to this on the type of person Ryan is, but to cut the bulk, he was and is a seriously mentally unwell/unstable person that a group encouraged to stick around for clout. He had already admitted in the past that &amp was an unsustainable effort for him, yet you had a group of people cheering him on to keep doing it while he was literally homeless. I'd say he was taken advantage of, though he likely would have kept doing &amp at some point regardless, except this time he had the constant affirmation of Discord "friends" telling him to keep spending his time living in a car making PDFs. &amp had seen hiatuses in the past where he just vanished to go to jail or convalesce or whatever, but now he sticks around as a permanent fixture because of the affirmation.

Whether the two supportive replies are serious or just here to see him lolcow himself (or they're Ryan himself), who knows.

>> No.22851254

You don’t know me, you don’t know shit. As long as there are small minds like yours discouraging me, I will continue to create. For all your speculation into my character, you’ve missed one fundamental element: I belong here, and I’m not going anywhere. I’m a writer, but you, you’re not even a reader. Go watch Netflix.

>> No.22851335
File: 1.38 MB, 278x498, ptoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also note that Ryan's refusal to use a trip is because he'd eventually slip up and say a bunch of unhinged shit with it on (imagine if the voodoo nonsense after the grooming tell-all had been indelibly tied to him). Being able to say someone was pretending to be him after the fact is his way of doing damage control.

The guy has a switch that flicks in him where he goes from his cool artbro demeanor to vengeful egomaniac, which you could see signs of before any of the supposed fakers cropped up (as far back as 2021).

>> No.22851345

He keeps fellin g me to do it??? He k eeps telli ng me to do it Ryan keeps doing that? Last ni ght he was telling me to do it and saying im a cunt and i need to kill my self and ma je myself be dead,?? He s very mad because he said i f i criticize rjc in the thread he is going to kill me abd he is going to kill anyon e who criticizes rjc,?? He sa id he is the king of lit and the wh ole board belongs to him and no one is allo wed to be mad at rjc his friend or criticize his shilling because he is going to kill them and make them go to heaven??? he said no one can cr iticize rjc i wasn’t even the one being mad at rjc mostly only a little mostly the posts were not me it wasn’t me ? But he sa id it s all me and he said he s going to publish bad things about me in 019 and make me kill my self if i ever criticize rjc again Ryan said that???? He said Ari hates you a lot and he hate. S you for ever and you are nothing you’re not real you’re not even a person any more you’re just Ari’s li ttle cunt and Ari ha tes you and you are nothing Ryan said th at? He said kill yourself and i was crying and cry ing an crying a lot and i couldn’t stop crying and he was making fun of me and imitatinb me crying he keeps lying and tricking me??? He keeps saying h es sorry for being mean and lying and tri cking me and i don’t know whi ch one s are real and not real?? You’re not right even it’s not true even they didn’t talk to my doctor the doctor i meant th e y talked to is my professor like a phd doctor not a health doctor ?? Ry an said that night after the thread if i felt sad&wanted to die i could kill myself if i swallowed two bottles of Ty Lenol or if i jumped off a building i could die that’s what Ryan told me he said if you want to die then that’s how you can do it right now and put the lamp email in your pocket so the police can email me after you kill yourself and i can know you’re dead ryan said that?? then he called them made them look for me? And Ari wants me to be arres ted and be in jail for ten years that’s what Ari said himself he said that’s what he wants for me to be arrested tand that’s his full intention for me to be in jail and the only read on im not in jail forever is the beurocrac y?? Tha t if i ever text him again I have to get arr e strd and charg ed and i will be in jail for ten years he hates me a lot and it s person al?? And he does nt even care i f i get be tter he only wants me to be in jail so he can be alone??? And ryan. Said he is going to make me be in jail because him and Ari are going to do that ?? Ari is going to do it and make me get arrest ed he said he will do that??? Ryan said any one who criticizes rjc he will make them die and go to heaven?? He said leave my fucking friends alone or else???? He said no one is allowed to criticize rjc or they have to die??? And i couldn’t stop crying and he said he is going to make me kill my self and he is always going to win,?? I can’t

>> No.22851385

Not the real Atlas.

>> No.22851401

You always say im lying and im not the real one but it is real

>> No.22851410

You're still lying about everything.

>> No.22851424

I’m not lying about anything im not that s what Ryan said in November and last night?? And that’s wh at Ari says in July that he will make them come and arrest me if i ever text him or call him again?!!? I m not lying even you don’t know

>> No.22851437

Did you miss the time when Ari said he doesn't talk to Ryan? That and the post you quoted was right for saying Ryan can't do anything but harass you over the phone. The cops know about Ryan, right?

>> No.22851449

No one will believe you. Your voice is a whisper. Incomprehensible, muffled by the snotty crocodile tears of a bitch who hasn't got what's coming to her for far too long. This will end and I will win. My voice will be the only one heard.

>> No.22851461

>dont use discord
>don’t be a tripfag
>but go back to discord
>and use a trip so we know it’s you
>but do it my way
>no not that way like this

>> No.22851496
File: 668 KB, 1170x2189, IMG_3684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Ari doesn’t talk to Ryan Ari hates Ryan and they never talk??? I already know that but Ryan said he knows Ari hates me a lot and he is going to file a police report and tell the police what i did to Ari so they’ll make me be in a. Padded cell that’s what he said?? I never made violent threats ever??? They know about Ryan and they said he’s very bad and telling someone to commit suicide is a crime and i have to block him ???? But Ari wants me to be arrested i know that he wants that Ari said that???

You aren’t Ryan because of the not iPhone apostrophe s i can tell you are not Ryan you are Ari pretending to be Ryan to make me upsetbecause you hate me please don’t say that and please don’t hate me like this ???? Please font say that,,,?????? It’s not real it isn’t real it isn’t real????

>> No.22851521

Pretty uncanny though. You’ve dialed in my voice quite well, I must admit.

>> No.22851524

You’re not me, either.

>> No.22851549

Why did you say that??? Why did you say that?? Why did you say that,??? Why did you say that,??? It is nt real it’s. Not real

>> No.22851560

Hey alright.

>> No.22851570

Wh at does it mean i don’t know what it means

>> No.22851649

I don’t know what it means what are you saying what does it mean,,(?

>> No.22851679

You've already lost.

>> No.22851685

What does it mean what does it mean?????? What does it mean what does it mean?!?????? I lost what i lost what i don’t know i can’t

>> No.22851733

Just tell me what i t means???? A ha t does it mean ??? I don’t understand i lost eh at it s not real????

>> No.22851759

>instead of telling him to focus on himself and ditch &amp until he gets better.
This is just plainly untrue. People were encouraging him to get back to &amp but no one was saying it should be the main priority in his life. The situation with Ryan is complicated. Nobody could possibly have known what an absolute trainwreck this man was/is. For over a year, he'd been putting out &amp without a mention of his personal life. He was showing up, putting in the hours, and selflessly boosting anons. He had been a shining example of what a 4chan literary icon/influencer whatever should be.

In a community like this, it's easy to forget that writing and publishing a book is a difficult, time-consuming thing to do. It requires focus and commitment far beyond the average person. F. Gardner, John David Card, and Jason Bryan are outliers in the community, who tried to shit out a book with zero effort or thought. So you take a guy like Ryan, who is predisposed to delusional thinking, and put him into a community of serious and dedicated creatives, who are treating him like some kind of prophet and visionary. It's easy for such a person to get the idea that anything and everything they do is guaranteed brilliant, which is how you end up with Lamp Standards Press.

>> No.22851772

>and put him into a community of serious and dedicated creatives
When the fuck did this happen?

>> No.22851866

What do you mean just tell me is. I need to know what it means and which ones are real

>> No.22852074
File: 358 KB, 1449x879, every thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this place

>> No.22852159

>People were encouraging him to get back to &amp but no one was saying it should be the main priority in his life
Your excuse is that people weren't explicitly telling him to forget everything else in favour of &amp? It was stupid for anyone to even bring up &amp while this guy was having a crisis, and you've left out the fact that &amp was already unsustainable by his own admission. Telling him to do anything but leave and get better was stupid. It was plain encouragement for him to keep doing &amp regardless of his situation.
>Nobody could possibly have known
He tacitly admitted to beating his girlfriend, said he was on the streets and doing drugs, and his problems with drugs were known by then. Maybe his fundamental temperament wasn't as obvious except to those that dug really deep or who had been around since the start, but there were plenty of other signs.
You've given yourself away as a clout-chasing loser. I don't think it's that you can't recognize how ugly the responses in that thread were, but rather that you don't want to own up to it. Or you're similarly delusion. The idea of chasing influence or "boosting" people on /lit/ (I should say "to /lit/": it's a matter of selling a separate group's works to a forum) of all places is an ugly, stupid game, and how can you respect anyone who chases "influence" like that?

>boo-hoo books are hard
>people think he's a prophet!
Nobody thinks he's a prophet; some people thought they could use his magazine as a way to gain themselves popularity. He's charismatic, and he has good moments of creativity, but I can only imagine that the people who latched onto him did it for selfish reasons or because they personally felt like his friend -- the selfish ones were only waiting out his episodes so that they could use his iota of popularity to compliment their works. Yes, a manic NEET who will throw together a magazine in a week and stroke the egos of everyone around him is useful for unscrupulous posers who want an edge. You're just an enabling suck-up.

>> No.22852169

I ha te it here too i hate the Thread s here im sorry i don’t even use all caps???? only ari uses them i.n his angry text and the beggining and the e nd he said it in all. Caps that if i ever text him or call him again he s going to contact them and make them arrest me?? Ari said that him self in a text he said that??? it wasn’t Ryan it was the real Ari who said that it’s. Not Ryan pretending to be Ari it was the real Ari who said that im not all owed to do it i but i need to talk to him i can’t i need to know whi ch ones are real in the other threads i need to know

>> No.22852193


>> No.22852200

>no caps

>> No.22852322

honestly just release 019

>> No.22852327

How can i kn ow which one s are real if no one tells me which ones are even real??,? I don’t know i don’t know

>> No.22852368

I hope you drop both of them from your life and thoughts. Just move on, man. Ignore them when you see them post or reply and just move the frick on.

>> No.22852406

I can t i have to i can’t do kit i can’t forget about it i want to forget about it but i can’t??? I don’t know why i can’t

>> No.22852434

You will ignore them because I am telling you to. You will no longer reply to them or any posters mentioning them. You WILL live a healthier life. You will NOT reply to this post. Now go on. Close the tab. See how it feels. No, shush. Stop tying that reply. It's over. Be free. Close the tab.

>> No.22852441
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>> No.22852449

Y ou can’t tell me i don t even kn ow you you can’t help me it’s not over i just wanted it to be over it s not over it’s never over please i do. Nt know why i need to ta lm to him????

>> No.22852485

I can’t do it i can’t do i t i just need to talk to him??? I can’t

>> No.22852524


Plagiarism is probably one of the best and easiest ways to make money in modern literature. I bet only a total schizo would even be able to tell.

>> No.22852559

in sorry im sorry im so sorry ehy do you wa nt me to be in jail why,?, im so sorry why did y ou get mad at rjc because ry an said i was the one who di d it it was nt me it was you and now Ryan wa nt s me to be dead he said that???

>> No.22852577

please don’t be A ngry anymore plea se don’t hate me any more im sorry please just talk to md o ne time please tell me which ones are real and not real

>> No.22852616

Dude I’ve tried everything. The test subject requires euthanasia

>> No.22852626

I can’t get MAID eve n it’s not allowed and it’s not ethical,?? It s not allowed anyd it is not e thical they won’t give me any MAID

>> No.22852712


>> No.22852736

newfag here, where can you read all these publications?

>> No.22852768

Old archive:
Newer but incomplete (mostly contains magazine projects):

>> No.22852775

I’m sorry why did you do it why???? Please

>> No.22853009

This, but can someone just give me a link to I Pray to the Hungry God?

>> No.22853027

I have it for you here you go https://gofile.io/d/dBKjju

>> No.22853053

Oh shit, I thought this was going to be another broken link but it works. Thank you

>> No.22853056

Virus. Ran it through Virustotal and it flagged 51 times.

>> No.22853129


>> No.22853426

I've imported these to my mega, because why not. The mega:
You can also find it in the /sffg/ OP. Maybe one year eventually I'll have elsewhere reliably.

You can upload relevant stuff to it here:

>> No.22853907

This is still a bit reductive. Given the distance over the internet and that R. was mainly known in his capacity as Editor of &amp, there was the (obviously not the most possibly 'concernful') sentiment that 'Hopefully this won't spell the end for &amp' (as probably would be among the audience of any 'content creator' or similar) – but obviously through the message that he ought to prioritize his private life, get himself in check and everything else can wait. (Through a mist of over–high and mighty concern, this (i.e. your post) might still appear as a wish the publication had simply ceased, for whatever sake.)
That does not take away that there was a quickly coordination (or heads-up, more neutrally) of discord/lit writers popping in the thread to wish well – who do (did?) have a more cliquish, personal cenacle with Names than with the anonymous mass – the since dubbed rinascimento claptrap, which is surely partly invested in 'making it' in some capacity. Certainly with the Standard(s) and anthology R. would seek to steer his ventura in like direction, though to all appearances not many signed on to that...
But. But, despite all that, it is still too reductive, facile & convenient to treat this as &amp and Its Public. The model of &amp has still been for the longest that of a magazine, and is currently I'd imagine still conceived as that (if not This Drama; and not as a publisher – sorry R.); its public was – also – anonymous readers and small ano-/pseudonymous contributors (probably more the latter), people apart from the Unreal/&amp-discord crowd, who just want to see a rather consistent /lit/ project continue and not run aground. I do not doubt that the continuous dramspam campaigns of the last months (coupled ofc with no new release, but at this point who would the rando be to submit, not to mention the dissembled mail addresses; at this point, as might be one's plan, it grinds to a near halt, facilitating this other endless venture), of the last months, I say, would drive away most of &amp's real audience, and the mag is at a low point. But: – and this is why I must not be the only one asking for, awaiting, 019, as at least a (even if last) step forward – there are doubtless still some stragglers of real anonymous readers, of minor pseudonymous submitters, who have grown attached to the fascicles, and simply want to see another, want it for its own sake. A minority mayhaps, but the realest. And so on.

>> No.22854226

>R. was mainly known in his capacity as Editor of &amp
Then suddenly he was a guy on the street, etc., which was my main point before. It's not about him having kept his head low in the past, but that from that point forward it was known exactly who he was and what was happening. That was a turning point, and all of those responses specifically came because of it. You can argue about intentions, particularly among the more casual anonymous crowd, but I don't think you can deny that the most sensible thing for him to do would have been to ignore &amp indefinitely, and thus the same could be said about the people posting. But of course: what can you expect from strangers? the anonymous crowd doesn't have any personal ties to some junkie throwing a fit. But there were people who knew him on some level (the Discord crowd or previous submitters), and even in the anonymous case you can't pretend that rallying for &amp was to his benefit.

>though to all appearances not many signed on to that
Having your work in a magazine with your name next to it is certainly exposure. That's almost the exact same as what Unreal has done, and the purpose there was always to gain exposure for the writers. You can say everyone's intentions were unknowable, but you can't deny that &amp was already a means for exposure (even if only on a very small scale).

Your last paragraph seems to have a central thesis of
>well I just wanted &amp 01X.
If you can ignore the subsequent iterations of this thread, the OP's purpose was to talk about the fact that there are projects that come and go on this board. &amp isn't the only magazine that's ever run on here, and when it does finally close there will likely be another to fill its place. So my point is that desperately clinging onto a project like this is silly, and to some extent it even hurts the possibility for new ones. You can change your plea to
>well I just want another /lit/ magazine
and all of a sudden your wish doesn't rely on or prop up Ryan, nor is it even contra-posed to another issue of &amp. The point is that &amp is one project out of many, and nobody but Ryan is married to it.

>> No.22854321

2024 is gonna be the year.
Good stories and Justice are coming fast, but only if you write.

>> No.22854327

Generally agree, without too much emphasis.
On the last, personally I think it would be best to put together one more issue, but that – together with a finished up best-of – could well then be the last. In general I thought &amp just needed to figure it out again, a break, hiatus again to let all the shit blow over and then see what could be done next, including nothing (as the previous, less public hiati were, though it did, fortunately-unfortunately, return). But now something like that is realistically unlikely. Still, if there were a prospective competitor right now, it would likely get similar shit, either from R. or from others impersonating/blaming it on him, to continue this drama (which ostensibly, if for diff. reasons, was first brewing with the Unreal tales). So (desu,imo, after a finale), it would be best for a period of (real) silence in general.
That said, while there have been precedents, &amp (directly following on from the more official Lit Quarterly) did carve out a specialty that was unlike the other projects that preceded it recently; it is not unique, but one does wonder whether that format would as successfully be replicated again. On the flipside it, and the coming of Gardner and everything since, also makes wonder whether one could successfully return to the other formats, the anonymous collaborative 'novels', a whole different beast, which feel almost as if people wouldn't so much be up for it. – Etc.

>> No.22854354
File: 320 KB, 2669x1363, hypersphere in moma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that the MOMA holds a physical copy of Hypersphere

>> No.22854358

Hey hey hey it’s big daddy Bob Cross I’m just tryna get my dick suck bitches

>> No.22854433

>and all of a sudden your wish doesn't rely on or prop up Ryan, nor is it even contra-posed to another issue of &amp. The point is that &amp is one project out of many, and nobody but Ryan is married to it.
Simply being able to continue being an artist and making art is an accomplishment in 2023 Canada... life here is extremely expensive and the country is adding 4,500+ browns each and every single day to come eat our lunch. None of them will ever be interested in Canadian /lit/ as they displace the culture already being suffocated and replaced here.

>> No.22854639

thank you. didn't knew that.

>> No.22854678


My given name is Robert. I don't go by Bob and never will. And I'm married.

>> No.22854904

Regarding other collaborative works, there was the cocktails project which lasted for about a month. It's just a guess, but I imagine the guy who ran it is still working on it for a release this month. That guy turned out to be someone involved in the old Pinecone magazines.

With respect to &amp, I think there was a point of no return that was reached, and that a lot of it comes down to Ryan as a person. It's also my personal feeling that &amp had become stale; it was originally exciting for the style and ambition, but all of that became formulaic. In terms of being a medium for presenting written work, it didn't do anything special beyond the first impression. I'd much rather see something new from new people, which may simply take time to arrive. But I think a period of inactivity for collab projects (or specifically magazine projects) on the board would mean a greater interest when a new one appears.

>> No.22854997

It's your boy Bob Cross here, just a workin' class kinda guy. I write about fucking and drinking. My wife is out of the house so I'm just trying to get my dick sucked. Suck my Dick bitches.

>> No.22855004

Suck my dick bitches and I mean it, me Ryan and Big Lou are the start of something special. No derailing is going to tear that down. It's your boy Big Daddy Bob Cross. Now suck my dick.

>> No.22855029

suck my dick

>> No.22855081

ESLs' double past tense pisses me off

>> No.22855105



>> No.22855127

done did knew that one though.