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22844902 No.22844902 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read at your local library?

>> No.22845090

No, because I'm currently living in a very small town, and I don't think they even have inter-library loans.
In response to that image: the homeless don't need shelter. They need to be euthanized.

>> No.22845106

No, but I don't live in a city so I could if I wanted to. The local shithole (Seattle) is working on making their libraries better at 'providing services to unhoused people.' Even though they spend over 100m a year on supposedly doing that.

>> No.22845897

My local library has a room of mostly 19th century books that's open to the public. Sometimes I go there just to flip through random records of my city's history and so on. It's pretty neat, plus it's in a part of the library hobos don't go

>> No.22845902

No, I jerk off there. I'm also homeless.

>> No.22845942


>> No.22845944


>> No.22845947

I've stopped going there since they turned off the snow cone machine

>> No.22845948

I go sometimes to study and draw. I really enjoy the quiet and its nearby. Homeless are usually sleeping in some far off corner. Patrons just give them space and everything works out mostly.

>> No.22845984

I use it as my crap bin. I just dump all the books /lit/ forced me to buy last month but says is cringe this month

>> No.22846001

My university library, still have access to it

>> No.22846292

I used to but there are too many homeless who camp out there now and will bug you asking for money, so I only go there to grab books and leave now. Unfortunate how the poor ruin everything.

>> No.22846298

No. There's too many homeless junkies around/in the library.

>> No.22846586

No I get my books and leave. Why read in library when I can read on comfy sofa at home?

>> No.22846644

He's right. There is a reason this is mostly a problem in America

>> No.22846659

No. I live in canada. Our libraries in any major city are a mix of homeless junkies nodding off in the common areas and Pajeets using the good wifi to yell in Hindi video convos with their relatives back home
Truly dystopian microcosm of what late stage capitalism will look like in this fallen coubtry

>> No.22847307

no its always full of hideous indian women making loud phone calls

>> No.22847323

Why are so many immigrants ingrates? I can't fathom going to someone else's country and not acting like a grateful guest. It seems animalistic to me.

>> No.22847889
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No, but I check out books from my library weekly.

>> No.22848338 [DELETED] 

Those are the ones who got in not because of necessity but because they could. They probably think they're rich enough to be above most people in the country so they act accordingly (by disregarding their culture).
I have many friends and acquaintances that either entered outright illegally or through some loophole, they're all perfectly respectable people and I'd cover for them if the need ever arises.
Those "refugees" on the other hand take everything for granted, disrespect their hosts and don't give a shit about integration. Those should just get deported back to their shithole country.

>> No.22848346

I went to sign up and they make you download a fucking app to check shit in and out. Told them to fuck off.

>> No.22848357

This. I cant focus if I dont read at my house

>> No.22848374

Indians don't see it as ingratitude. It's normal in their country to be loud. Same reason Americans in Japan are seen as weird loud pigs.

>> No.22848424

I used too. it was tiny but super comfy. in a small town and you could get books delivered from other libraries for free.

I miss it very much

>> No.22848427
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No. I had a list of books that I wanted to check out from the library, but 75% of them the library didn't have (even relatively well-known stuff), and of the ones that even showed up in the catalog it was a Libby e-book.

Libgen and adjacent sites have done a great service in actually helping me find books I want to read. This isn't to say libraries are useless, they should focus more on preserving culture and history than bullshit.

>> No.22848464

>Do you read at your local library?
the neighbourhood library, yes.
Vancouver's downtown library is now full of weird seemingly-poor people waiting to get on the computers to do online gambling.
I cannot understand why they allow this - or did when I stopped going 10 years ago

schools have field trips here.
and the kids go to the washroom in pairs only - these are teens.

when a 6'2" 220lb male who has trained boxing and judo for a decade doesn't feel safe in a LIBRARY, there's a fucking problem.

>> No.22848553

Imagine Indians in Japan.

>> No.22848572

I only get books at the library. Homeless people? Why would they go to a library? They mostly camp out on major streets in front of supermarkets or injecting rooms. It's not like anyone is going to the library with spare change or there is lots of foot traffic.

>> No.22848591

I tried to read an Ishiguro novel there once and the aisles were literally all thronged with shouting children. Standards have collapsed so much that not even the sanctity of the library is secure.

>> No.22848643
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I have never gone inside a library. I am starting my PhD next year, but I have never, not once, entered a library or borrowed a book from a library. God willing, I never will.

>> No.22848659

My library became a bum magnet, too, and I couldn't shill it anymore after my father witnessed some guy having a debate with himself while moving around. I still like it, on site police keep it safe

>> No.22848667

Because of the free internet, water, bathrooms, and entertainment

>> No.22848675
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>live in Utah
>local library isn't that bad most days
>one day homeless schizo keeps walking back and forth to the check-out counter
>asks the librarian how she intends to make Joseph Smith "PAY FOR HIS CRIMES" at full volume
>retreats to the corner of the library before she answers
>waits a minute then repeats
>this goes on for an hour

>> No.22848705

Water fountains and public toilets are anywhere. Not sure why homeless and junkies want internet, there are schizos at the library but they are mostly senile old people.

>> No.22848728

That is why they are brought here: to destroy things and shift the balance of power away from the people and towards the elites.

>> No.22848740

I think homeless people need to be exterminated. AITA?

>> No.22848745

There are no homeless in my country, so I have no such problem. Besides, any thug would get caned to within an inch of their life if they tried to fool around.

>> No.22848760

Thank G*d the government is spending money on Israel border security.

>> No.22848947

This. It’s not intended as disrespect. America simply attracts immigrants from loud cultures.

>> No.22849793

I use the British Library reading rooms sometimes. Pin drop silence, gorgeous interior, and they have every book in the world ever published.
What country?

>> No.22851001

Why euthanize when you can institutionalize? Preferably with some sort of labor program so their stay can do some good.

>> No.22851013

Lmao america is a third world shithole

>> No.22851241

Librarians shouldn't give people housing. Doctors shouldn't give people euthanasia.
Teachers shouldn't give people lies.

>> No.22851435
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Get rid of the computers and make the toilets only accessible to library card holders, and the homeless people will never step foot in there.

Furthermore fill the shelves with actual books worth reading like the great classics of the world, The Bible, Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Gibbon, Kant, Voltaire, etc.
I don't go into the library not just becauase of the homeless, but also because there's just simply nothing worth reading there. I buy my books secondhand for dirt cheap and have enough books at home that I can read. But if I could just pop over to the local library and read those books there instead of cluttering up my house with them, I wouldn't need to buy any books.

>> No.22851440
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Also, while not necessary, would go a long way to improving libraries.

The aesthetics should be calm and encouraging of reading and intellectual activity.
Old fashioned, wood, leather, brown earthy colours, warm lighting, small and enclosed, comfy.
Modern libraries look like freaking hospitals, it's cold and echoey, it's not suitable for focussed reading at all

>> No.22851659

only go there to get new books and return old ones
it's too far to walk to, yet too close to drive to

>> No.22851687

Sometimes. I like to switch between reading at home and reading at the library. My favorite one is a bit far from my place, but it is amazing. The atmosphere is great and every reading/writing session I have there is something special. Also, since the library is members only, I've never seen homeless people there, but it is usually packed with students. Also the entry (pic rel) is one of the most beautiful places in my town and so it is als packed with people making photos for their IG.

>> No.22851688 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22851692
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fo pic

>> No.22851728

>Furthermore fill the shelves with actual books worth reading like the great classics of the world, The Bible, Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Gibbon, Kant, Voltaire, etc.
My local library is filled wall to wall with gay or minority youth novels. Every single book promotes there is something published last year and is about gays or blacks in some way. If it’s not one of those two things, it’s just romance schlock. It’s absolutely grim

>> No.22852199

Because homeless have phones. Remember they're homeless by choice because they're drug addict degenerates. They can get money. You should have no sympathy for them.

>> No.22852258

More efficient to mulch them and pay people to work the land.

>> No.22852465

Hello Dark Academia

>> No.22852574


>> No.22852589

Based ricecel manlet showing other ricecel manlets (but slightly darker) who's boss.

>> No.22852594

Don’t encourage the namefriend.

>> No.22852798
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>> No.22852953

Not a rice, am a Steppe fag.

>> No.22852974

Sometimes I go but not often since I have no need to usually. There are a lot of homeless but I don't mind usually, it's a public library after all and how else are they supposed to get a book or use a computer. They have a nice seating area to read, assuming it's not too busy, and a history section which is cool. It's a nice place to go if i need somewhere to go.

>> No.22852983

I mostly go to hang out and write, people probably think I'm one of those homeless people but I'm just poor

>> No.22852999

Indians and arabs are some of the rudest people I've ever met

>> No.22853337

>Do you read

>> No.22853398

No, why would I do that? I prefer to read in my house

>> No.22853639
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>Great classics of the world
>First book mentioned is filled with ancient Jewish laws and myths