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/lit/ - Literature

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22843339 No.22843339 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone read during work lunch? I want to but it sounds gay. I would go outside and sit by myself but it's too cold now. My work lunch room is really small and shitty. Is it possible to read in public without looking like a pseud faggot douche?

>> No.22843361
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I do. I find motivation when i see 25-35 year olds glued to a phone doom-scrolling or watching cartoons

>t. oil and gas worker

>> No.22843368

What kind of people do you think would see something wrong with a person reading in public?

>> No.22843379
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>> No.22843384

No one gives a thought to someone reading in public as long as it isn’t something questionable. You are insecure

>> No.22843460


>> No.22843468

sad how this guy destroyed his reputation because he's unable to tell the difference between correlation and causation

>> No.22843476

In every single society or intra-societal comparison of the races which has ever been observed. You fucking faggot.

>> No.22843496

nta but every single person has as much claim to being a race as the claim that there's only one race, human.
Intelligence tests, in particular the IQ test, are debunked you just don't know it. My IQ is 162 and I think the testing is only useful to ascertain if a person is actually retarded, and there are much better ways of determining that.
The segregation of peoples into races is done in an arbitrary manner, and is contingent upon evolution being true (which it logically cannot be).
Racism is a clear sign of a lack of intelligence

>> No.22843505

>can't tell the difference between correlation and causation
it's okay anon I'm sure your mother thinks you're very smart

>> No.22843520

Man I was hoping /lit/ would be the one board that isn't constantly derailed by racebait shit. :/
Anyways OP reading at work is a little uncommon so you'll probably have a few people ask about what you're reading. They lose interest pretty quick if it's anything more intellectually demanding than a comic books. After a while you'll just be 'the guy that reads'. If you want to completely avoid any attention just download an e reader app and you'll look like everyone else.

>> No.22843690

Just don't read things that a pseud faggot douche would

>> No.22844145
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>Intelligence tests, in particular the IQ test, are debunked you just don't know it. My IQ is 162.

Neither of these things are true. IQ tests, never called that in practice, are used all across the professional world. You should know this. The reason they are prohibited is because of the unavoidable results that every single test (provided it has a high % of g-loading, that being questions desgined to extrapolate a g-factor) show, that a handful demographics rank low and others rank high.

>> No.22844181

You care too much about what people think. They don’t give a shit about you, who cares if they have a retarded opinion about reading in public? What are they doing - doomscrolling instagram? Grow some balls and do what you want, not what you think other people think is a good thing to do. You will die never being yourself if you constantly worry about the opinions of strangers.

>> No.22844218

It's literally a test to see how good you are at taking that test. Pseudoscientific rubbish

>> No.22844226

The pattern recognition is a very small portion. There are sections on grammar, math and random facts as well. The racist guy is being a dummy but IQ tests are entirely valid. You can’t really study for a random spelling quiz. Mine is supposedly 133 fwiw.

>> No.22844252

>no you can't tell how good someone is at visual-spatial manipulation by giving them a series a visual-spatial manipulation tasks, that's not how it works
>no if someone is bad at math, visual-spatial manipulation, pattern recognition, multiple aspects of memory, vocabulary, has slow reaction time, and analogical thinking, that has no bearing on their intelligence whatsoever
It's importance is overstated by some, but you're deluded if you think there's truly zero correlation.

>> No.22844263

/pol/ really is cancer. How tf did this thread suddenly become about race and IQ? Some anons just can’t resist and have no impulse control and bland one directional thinking

>> No.22844546
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The lack of self awareness here is hilarious.

>> No.22844588

Depends on your coworkers. Conversation I had with mine:
>yo anon whatchu reading
>It's... about Rome
>Romans? You reading da bible?

>> No.22844591

And yet it correlates better to life success metrics than any other measurable trait.

>> No.22845707
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>"Race Realism" mfs when they can't cite a source

>> No.22846925
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Inquiries in to intelligence are a death sentence for a academic. Though we all know it, it is no different to the trans issue. We all know the truth, but nobody is allowed to question the current ideology.

>> No.22846950

i used to read in the breakroom at home depot which was an extreme juxtaposition next to my coworkers who were just obsessed with eating mcdonalds for lunch while playing loud rap on their phones lmao.
also a big butted qt struck up conversation over the book i was reading which was nice. (it was the stranger kek)

>> No.22846960

>Is it possible to read in public without looking like a pseud faggot douche?
No one who sees you reading in public will think about it for more than 1 second unless you're reading literal pornography. Stop caring what other's think unless you're some hopeless degenerate and reading manga or porn or something.

My older co-workers often read the bible before work starts, but younger people don't do that as often.

>> No.22846983

>Man I was hoping /lit/ would be the one board that isn't constantly derailed by racebait shit. :/
you're on 4chan what did you expect. you can't discuss any author who isn't a white christian man or someone starts screeching
it's all so tiresome

>> No.22847206
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>Every single European philosopher, thinker, statesman and general from history said
>Don't give jews, nigs and women authority or nations will fall
>Give each power
>Trans women are women
>Spelling and punctuation are racist
>Its not okay to be White


>> No.22847371

Nah lunch is for socializing with all the other retards who still go to the office

>> No.22847376
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Damn I wish I was born in a shithole like Russia

>> No.22847391

every time.

>> No.22847413

Infalsifiable claims are pure intellectual wankery. You're seriously telling me groups like PragerU wouldn't love to back a study like that?

>> No.22847430

>cannot tell the difference between correlation and causation
christ you people are so fucking retarded that it disproves your entire thesis about whites being smarter

>> No.22847438
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>He thinks pol is white

>> No.22847443

>Sure Russians live under the heel of oligarcha just like us but at least there aren't any troons and the women are trad unlike wester whores
This is what chuds actually believe.

>> No.22847458

>just like us

looool I don't remember 90% of any nato invasion any straight up dying in any recent nato started war of aggression lmao

>> No.22847467
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Whites are span the whole distribution, what is unique to Europeans/whites is pairing potentially higher mean IQ and above average physical ability, be it strength, endurance, speed or simply overall size. All other demographics that have a legitimate claim to higher IQ lack this pairing. There are individuals but it is not represented by their group. You stupid brown fuck.