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/lit/ - Literature

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22841578 No.22841578 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't been here in years and recently decided to revisit after reading a few good (if niche) books, and putting in some good work on my own projects, in hopes of discussion and opinions. And I've gotta say..

Over half the posts here, and at least half the replies, are undoubtedly fake, at worst, or disingenuous at best. A fair percentage, then, beyond those are flamboyantly opinionated even though they are genuinely biased, jaded, oblivious, or just wrong. Leaving the few genuine, informed/informative, or "correct" posts and replies rare beacons of swamp gas to be easily confused as celestial phenomenon ready to be inexplicably followed and studied in disregard, and as separate, of the swamp beneath itself.

Even if you like it here, take more external steps to explore and share your literary curiosities and opinions. Even if you have to pay for it. Niche is only most fun for the masochists and scrutinists. If you have any choice at all, don't be either; at the very least otherwise, don't be here.

>> No.22841582

I can't stop coming here. Please help me

>> No.22841587

>reddit spacing
Yeah I'll visit a real intellectual site like reddi- oh wait you're serious hahahahahaha.

>> No.22841588

>Even if you like it here, take more external steps to explore and share your literary curiosities and opinions. Even if you have to pay for it.

>> No.22841609 [DELETED] 

Reddit is just as bad as here, though for very different reasons such as the oppressive shoveling of the "woke" agenda and disgustingly impenetrable disregard of "outdated" media as offensive regardless of how foundational it may be towards even (ironically) the very ideologies they may currently have. This site isn't even a full leap from that level of childishness either.

The fact that you resort to that versus mentality shows just how stagnated and polluted you're mind has neconr from the consistent inhalation of these noxious fumes. Seek fresh air anon, even if it must be treated as active self rehabilitation.

>> No.22841611

Or you could exercise self control and not take this place so seriously. It really is not that difficult to do, limit yourself to effort posting and you will instantly decrease your time here because there is not enough worth effort posting in response too. 90% of the time I come here I just close the site after a quick scroll and reading a few posts, today was the first time I spent more than 5 minutes in a day on 4chan in at least a month. Probably hit 30 minutes split between three visits and the threads I was participating in seemed to have died so this is it for me tonight and there is a fair chance I will not even check the site until next weekend.

>> No.22841612

Well how about you come back and tell us about your life in the favela or whatever 3rd world shit hole you live in
>deleted post
Nope, I saw that

>> No.22841613

Reddit is just as bad as here, though for very different reasons such as the oppressive shoveling of the "woke" agenda and disgustingly impenetrable disregard of "outdated" media as offensive regardless of how foundational it may be towards even (ironically) the very ideologies they may currently have. This site isn't even a full leap from that level of childishness either.

The fact that you resort to that "versus" mentality shows just how stagnated and polluted your mind has become from the consistent inhalation of these noxious fumes. Seek fresh air anon, even if it must be treated as active self rehabilitation.

>> No.22841616

Dear OP, do you mind telling us which website you frequently visit?

>> No.22841617

>There has to be a place that's better than this
There isn't. It's all shit. Literature is shit.

>> No.22841620 [DELETED] 

I recommend r/AsianMasculinity, r/FemaleDatingStrategy and r/transgender

>> No.22841628

Just typos. It's precisely why you can delete your own post. The fact that you'd disregard legitimate statements from typos on a casually anonymous board only goes to show how whatever complex you've developed here is poor.

This isn't/lit shitposting/. The fact that you need to add stipulations just to justify your visiting here to aquire fleks of gold because you've undoubtedly convinced yourself that seeking gold nuggets is too laborious or inconvenient only proves my point.

Stay or dint, I've given my two cents. I'll hover around this post for damage control or support. But once it's gone I am too, I can't stress enough you do the same. There are outlets out there to much more significantly support and advance your literary curiosities and/or prowess.

>> No.22841630

I take classes. They are, in fact, greatly superior to this. Not to mention the people you get to communicate with are genuine and unequivocally more knowledgeable and skilled than 98% of the posters here.

>> No.22841632

I'm sure she'll read this bro.

>> No.22841633

Actually it's a black man I'm into but thanks.

>> No.22841635
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>> No.22841639

you're a retard who doesn't understand what redditspacing is. making your post readable by formatting it isn't redditspacing.

>> No.22841642

Weird delusion. Or projection? Or maybe that's why you stay here? Because you can bend the reality to your whim if you disagree with or dislike it?

In the end, I'm sure it's very healthy. You disregarding this does absolutely nothing to me. Because the reality of the anonymity here is that it ultimately just ends up being you vs yourself. Whether you realize it or not. For your sake, I hope for the former.

>> No.22841643

hope he can read, nigga

>> No.22841646

He told me he can read his rap sheets. He's probably a successful musician.

>> No.22841649

Unlike you, I don't take any of this shit seriously.

>> No.22841650

>hey guys look at me I'm better than you because I take classes have I told I'm better than you? cause I am and you should all be like me no I am not going to contribute to the forum I'm too busy taking classes

>> No.22841672

That's unironically the issue of this site I'm highlighting.

Please copy a single post where I said I'm better.

All I'm saying is that I learned there are genuinely significantly more helpful outlets out there for your literary thirsts if you just put the real effort into seeking them and stop just taking the easiest path you've currently found.

>> No.22841678

who the fuck are you? nobody cares faggot.

>> No.22841680

Free board. Thanks for the bump. I'll skip mine as thanks

>> No.22841689

You have terrible comprehension, your post has so little correlation to mine that I thought you tagged the wrong anon but it seems you just failed completely. You are either retarded or a troll who spends a great deal of time on 4chan. Best of luck with that.

>> No.22841712

Weird delusion. But it's your world, and if sparingness justifies a cancerous behavior in your mind, then by all means feed that rationale. I don't even know you.

>> No.22841717

>Guy who can't stop repeating the same phrase "weird delusion" tells us about how much taking literary classes has improved him

>> No.22841752 [DELETED] 
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i come here to laugh and to contribute signal noise but yeah this place and most others are blatant low effort propaganda gardens now
fedi has some interesting communities but like anywhere else you probably shouldn't drink the koolaid
godspeed op and anons

>> No.22841761
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>dude you have to get out here it's shit there are better places
>and by that I mean pay a ton to take courses so you can talk with disinterested normalfags

>> No.22841762

I'm as good as imaginary to you anon, and I think we both know that. Throwing holographic bones to encoded dogs won't keep me up past my bed time, nor will it linger in my mind much beyond the next 24 hours.

Or perhaps I'm paying a visit to a an apparition of my past I feel dwells in the archives of this site? And since I'm now actively haunting what I believe to be a semblance of myself that has decided to retaliate when truly unprovoked... perhaps I'm only doing what i needed for myself?

Either way, I can face my delusions with recognition. Doesn't mean there won't be ripples.

>> No.22841770

You know you can take single classes right, without full course loads? Some are a little as 80usd for 3 months. I'm confident you spend more than that on other subscriptions over a three month time period. Though if not, it's hardly a lot of money regardless. And you'd be surprised to find out that the teachers are people who are in fact more often than not eager to actively communicate with you over the very study they teach.

>> No.22841774

If you truly believe yourself to be some sort of specter then wouldn't you feel at home in what you have essentially characterized as a graveyard?

>> No.22841782

Specters are in a state of unrest anon. So I'm inclined to say no.

>> No.22841791

this website is mostly good for getting recommendations, and finding places to start. For example, I started getting into poetry thanks to this place. But the level of discussion about poetry is very low, probably because no one actually reads it. Nevertheless, it has helped me get into it.
also who cares fag. If you're taking 4chin so serious then you are just a retard yourself

>> No.22841795

I am reminded of my Heraclitus, the soil of the graveyard is indeed in a state of constant unrest.

>> No.22841799

Reread the OP again anon, and hold your rebuttals until you've read it all. You don't have to take this place serious to still arrive to the conclusion that it is not worth any your time. Truly try to seek other literary discussion outlets and you'll find there are better ones out there. Outlets that make it so once you whimsically choose to revist here you realize you'll realize it was out of habit and spelunking (gambling) more than anything.

>> No.22841808

"Of this Word’s being forever do men prove to be uncomprehending, both before they hear and once they have heard it... Other men are unaware of what they do when they are awake just as they are forgetful of what they do when they are asleep."

>> No.22841872

I have read the OP, and have said my part. This website is for recommendations and trolling. If you want serious literary discussion, this is indeed not the place.

>> No.22841879

Where do you discuss literature?

>> No.22841911

>criticisms without putting your own self forward to be criticized

>> No.22841965

nowhere but in my own mind

>> No.22842049

>after reading a few good (if niche) books, and putting in some good work on my own projects
This niqqa is really going to say Solenoid is niche and his “project” is some shitty fantasy slop HAHAHAHhhHh

>> No.22842056

>Specters are in a state of unrest anon
Waldun-tier profundity. Sar…

>> No.22842058

>are genuine
Oh no no no no

>> No.22842064

Dudes start taking university classes and begin huffing their own farts at an unbelievable level

>> No.22842065
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It's all so tiresome.

>> No.22842089

who gives

a shit


>> No.22842104

Why is this the first thing that comes to your mind? Seems like a bit of a self-own.

>> No.22842106

These shit tier replies are really proving OP's point. I never realized how bad this board was until now.

>> No.22842121

Hello, OP.

>> No.22842127

>what if I come up with the laziest, most predictable reply possible, that'll show them
Initially I didn't even agree with OP but holy shit

>> No.22842130

I dropped out of high school my freshman year

>> No.22842134

Uhhh Huh, keep doubling down, OP.

>> No.22842138

me too but i still went to college. high school is a joke. i passed the ged without studying.

>> No.22842153

op i agree one hundred percent. consuming the content of this board will make you more stupid because the vast majority of shit posted on here is completely wrong. you think the hot takes of uneducated people about books they never read is worth reading? to the people who say don't take it seriously just have fun, this board isn't even funny anymore.

>> No.22842242
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><60% of posters are only pretending to read
Do you have an idea of how good you're making this board seem?
>biased, jaded
I'm also detecting brainwash-speak for "politically incorrect", not erroneous. Though even if you do see a great percentage of this board as the retards they admittedly are we're still talking about comparative statistical advantage.
But common literary discussion is secondary to /lit/. Don't come here to form opinions, maybe just use them for other means or discussions. Others are right in telling you to get your head out of your ass: look at how you're treating what is essentially consumption.
You also fail to mention the nuggets of genius that drop unexpected and uncontested (still shit-stained but gleaming inside) have a very peculiar quality of genuine autonomy you hardly find anywhere else. You're paying for the privilege to hear systemic opinions regurgitated back to you and yet fail to see this? Or see it but are afraid to recognize it? The one thing that also separates genuine literature from the duds in its honesty, good prose from garbage, good art from the phoned-in and the phony? And the one thing that invalidates your bitching, the fact that you, yes YOU too can be part of the change you wish to make in this international hangout that you're still taking too seriously in your self-conscious insecurities, intellectual and otherwise? Ah, but I hear you, why expend that much energy? What are you, a masochist?
you're such a sad faggot lol

>> No.22842279

>nuggets of genius that drop unexpected and uncontested
literally post a single one otherwise you're a larping faggot

>> No.22842370

Yeah, it’s truly hell. Not fun, funny, or entertaining. Nor is it educational or even focused. It’s a bunch of anons with chips on their shoulders who don’t even read but have to prove themselves smarter or more read than the others here. This place isn’t even good for recommendations anymore, eventually you get those from writers themselves. It’s just really unfortunate that it’s hard to leave this place for some reason.

>> No.22842415

You're just proving OP right with ridiculous posts like these.

>> No.22843061

Can anyone explain why it is always people who have read — and own — fewer than 35 books in their entire life and simply just started reading always tend to be the most sanctimonious cunts on this board?

>> No.22843084

Same lol I think about it obsessively but it's not worth posting about it here, I'd rather just read more. What poetry are you reading at the moment though? I am working my way through the Greek plays.

>> No.22843087

Got any proof for that conjecture?

>> No.22843112
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>Aaaaaa real books are unreadable, guess I'll just stay online forever

>> No.22843304

You're here forever.

>> No.22843318

It's my birthday tomorrow

>> No.22843329

Shakespeare, Alexander Pope and John Donne.I have the collected works of all three and read any one of the three I feel like reading at the moment. For Shakespeare I'm currently at Romeo and Juliet, Pope I'm at the rape of the lock, Donne I'm reading his sonnets and songs. I will probably continue reading like this for a long time.

>> No.22844160

Another /lit/ poster who definitely doesn't read

>> No.22844599

Most of the "insights" here are the same stereotyped "heterodox" reactionary chud/leftoid takes that you can predict by reading 10 pages of either Mein Kampf or Adorno. Just because they don't say it in a classroom doesn't make it "genuinely autonomous".

>> No.22844917

>Le radical centrist

>> No.22844944
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I come here to be entertained. occasionally I'll come across a good book recommendation, but I'm really here to be entertained. /lit/ doesn't read, /lit/ was never good, and most of the board is jobless 20somethings playing cooler-than-thou or smarter-than-thou by flinging jargon and book titles at each other. if you come to /lit/ looking for serious intellectual discussion about literature you're going to be disappointed.
>but but but this one time but but but they sound so
yeah, on occasion /lit/ can be insightful. but only occasionally. you'd be better off just reading a literary magazine's criticism section or something. and yes, the posters here can give the air of intelligence, the air of authority, of knowledge, but if you know anything about the thread topic, you'll quickly notice that everyone's talking out their ass. I read a lot of poetry (medieval, Elizabethan, modern, contemporary, in translation, etc) and every single poetry thread is just retards bloviating at each other
>You also fail to mention the nuggets of genius that drop unexpected and uncontested (still shit-stained but gleaming inside) have a very peculiar quality of genuine autonomy you hardly find anywhere else.
it's just poorly understood critical theory that's smeared with right-wing seething, that's all. looks impressive if you've never encountered cultural criticism before. might sound intelligent. if you think about what they're saying for more than twenty seconds you'll realize that they're wrong

>> No.22844959

I think /lit/ in its current state is still good enough for beginner noobs like me. If there are other forums or methods for literary exposure and discussion, please share.

>> No.22844963
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But I get my heat from here

>> No.22844985

There have been many threads lately about how bad /lit/ has become. One even showed proof that this board has the lowest traffic in its history. Maybe jannies should take a hint and clean this place up? How hard really is it to look at low-quality trash threads and delete them right away? For fuck’s sake, this place got raided with black fetish porn threads tonight and the threads are still up.

>> No.22845016

>Haven't been here in years and recently decided to revisit
Same but it was just to blogpost personal issues on the wwoym. And to see if Londonfrog was still alive. Don't take this site too seriously man

>> No.22845022

Literature Network is the way.

>> No.22845023
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The majority of anons claim to be far above the average poster and yet the quality here is still shit. Curious.

>> No.22845038

Couple issues with this.
Firstly, I agree with you assessment of quality, but, the same is true for the entirety of 4chan and the internet. You might as well have just said to stay offline, if your concern is bots and low quality interaction.
Secondly, I took massive issue with this part:
>Niche is only most fun for the masochists and scrutinists. If you have any choice at all, don't be either; at the very least otherwise, don't be here.

Almost every author of outstanding merit, died in obscurity, going completely unheard throughout life, only to be celebrated at the tail end, or after they passed.
The reason being that the highest honesty is hard for people to bear.

Go write pulp trash for plebs then.

>> No.22845044

r/TrueLit is genuinely pretty good, if a bit slow

>> No.22845098

It's tough because if it feels like there are less than a dozen unique posters on the board at a given time then that vaguely enticing glimmer of fancy fades into disinterest. Relatively average, shit traffic is comparatively better, to moderators, than little to no quality traffic.

>> No.22845127

It's genuinely bizzare that you moderates use the "dont take it too serious" justification for acceptable intermittent or regulated visitation to this site and/or board. I'm truly not attacking you personally. Instead I'm just using you as an example of the very foundationally comparative moderate mentality.

Wwoym? Start a life journal, dream journal, or brainstorm notebook. Want imput as well? Find someone you can speak of your innermost whims to whom you respect their imput. As difficult as that may seem to be, putting in the effort to find a consistent conversationalist will pay out tenfold over the per-post-gamble you make here. Or, to return to the side of the coin where imput is unneeded, you would be better to find a self journaling device you can allow yourself to trust.

You may choose to argue that here is the "real life imput" you've found, but we both know this only the easiest and most dismissive outlet/inlet you've settled on. You can do better. You owe it to yourself to do better. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.22845187

Virtually, and quite fairly arguably all of, your unrecognized martyr authors existed before the hyper connected modern humanity that exists now. That defense is no longer foundational, for only disregarded prophecy or unfathomable theory are what would qualify a modern (truly great) author, theorist, or philosopher as recognizable. Otherwise the majority of the modern hyper connected literary facets have become a collapsing star of style and theory (and I suppose formula) which all but assure that during-life obscurity only occurs when one fails to understand or achieve self advertisement. A gross practice at heart, but in the literary world it is necessary--and ever more so in modernity as one competes with hundreds of others.

And should you believe that either of the acceptable qualifications for martyrdom listed above may be less dismissed here rather than in a more rigidly formulaic environment, I can promise that in this age of fleeting originality simple conviction and commitment while under the heat-lamp--spotlight--shows more prowess than the submissive to the authoritatively formulaic. The gross oversaturation causes more to give up before real effort is applied than those who don't. The grossly diminishing quality of legitimate art at this moment proves this with little reasonable doubt.

If any of your martyr authors had a place like /lit/ to "masturbate", we'd know not one of their names beyond 'Anonymous.'

>> No.22845277

happy birthday dear anon

>> No.22845284

Happy birthday anon. What are you gonna do on your birthday?

>> No.22845334

I'll give it a try

>> No.22845345

thanks for proving OP right retard

>> No.22845359

Why do you write like you're hiding something, just spit it out
I see exactly what you're problem is. You are projecting your issues as a writer on to this board.
What you wrote was irritating and straining to read. So much unnecessary "flourish," I shouldn't have to strain this much to understand you. It does not make you sound intelligent or capable as a writer, quite the opposite.
What you described is what's always been around -- "noise." The issue of many more competitors than there are spots has never changed, the net quantity has increased, but not the proportion, and thus, not the dynamic.
It was hard to be heard back then same as now, for the same reasons.
A good writer cuts through noise, a great writer silences all of it, for a moment.
You will never understand. Best of luck in your endeavors. And learn to write more honestly.

>> No.22845633

I don’t really see where you’re getting at with that idea of moderation but for the rest I do agree with you. I just don’t see rationality guiding every action of mine, you know? I had an impulse to blogpost in here, call it regression if you will, and I just did that. You’re not asking for a justification of course but I do have people I can talk to, I do journal occasionally and I’m too poor to start a psychoanalysis. In that case those rants were about issues that would get me severely ostracized by those people I can speak of my innermost whims to. Your line about the per-post-gamble is really on point by the way, that gambling dimension is a big part of the jouissance of posting in here. To make it short I can do better, I usually do, but ‘not taking it too seriously’ is more about the fact that the cheap impulse of posting/lurking on /lit/ is very much less consequential than other stupid and neurotic shit that we (at least I) might do

>> No.22845642

Happy birthday fren. I hope you're having a nice day.

>> No.22845649

>When asked to estimate their own intelligence, most people will say they are above average, even though this is a statistical impossibility

>> No.22845653

No incentive and few people to reach. Most people have a few topics or books they are well versed in and if an audience or someone to reciprocate isn’t there then little point in putting forth much effort if it does to waste. Demoralization has won

>> No.22845695 [DELETED] 


>> No.22846454

Happy birthday!

>> No.22846874

You know you can make threads right?

>> No.22846930

Well it goes without saying that you should be reading books instead of going on 4chan. But if we're being real, people just want to shitpost about books and get some (yous) when they post here.

>> No.22846938

I didn't make the maths to the end when I deleted all social media, including whatsapp, now I browse 4chan on no end.

>> No.22846941

I also never read the news because it's all bias.

>> No.22846957 [DELETED] 

It's all your fault

>> No.22846982

>I don't want to post well because (literally any reason)
>This place sucks because posts are low quality

>> No.22847214

Literally this, I'm trying to design a better forum for people to be able to share and iterate their thoughts with other people. I'm still thinking about how I am going to do it.

>> No.22847219

>lit is bad because other people don't put forth effort
>I won't put forth effort because... because... IT'S OTHER PEOPLE'S FAULT OKAY

>> No.22847415

I've seen attempts made on discord specifically made to migrate people from complaint threads there for more quality discussion and every time, with out fail, its dead air. Because the people bitching about there only being low quality discussion on /lit/ are people that need their hands held every step of a conversation. Even when the goal is guided reading. I don't know exactly what those people are missing but they are incapable of starting and maintaining actual quality conversation. Its so consistent it makes every thread like this one I see here a farce. And almost all of them sound exactly like >>22845653
I wish you luck but know you have no chance.

>> No.22847427

it's the haha yeah problem. most people are not used to serious thinking. they simply do not think. about anything. so they show up to a discussion group for the purpose of learning, of being entertained, but it doesn't even cross their mind that discussion requires someone to speak -- they assume it's like a lecture hall where they can hit you with a bovine stare and a vacant smile. if you press them for an opinion, a thought, anything, anything at all, they'll give some variation on "haha yeah."
>I liked Moby Dick... haha yeah it was good...
>I didn't get this chapter... because... I just didn't get it... haha yeah I didn't get it
>Haha yeah that makes sense... yeah...
independent thinking is totally foreign to them. most people read just to have something to fill their brains so they don't have to think.

>> No.22847442

That's the entire website. Every website, in fact, and possibly the whole of humanity. We're just hit bad because there's a good chance we are under a deliberate and extended attack which is carried out with the permission of the owners.

>> No.22847597

I have noticed this too. Everyone is a critic but when it comes to front up they're nowhere to be seen.

>> No.22847607

that is so pseud

>> No.22847954

haha, yeah

>> No.22847968

You can do it. I believe in you. I love you and want to see you happy. Close this tab. Close the website, scrub it from your history, and go outside. It should be cold out so bring something to warm you up. I’m drinking tea right now… I’m looking at the moon and it’s beautiful.

>> No.22848077

I have. If you think this is some great intellectual site based around literature, I suppose that’s your right

>> No.22848271

it this a real post?

>> No.22848285

explain why in two paragraphs mininum.

>> No.22848883

well the problem is that it's hard to find honesty out there.
but yeah >>22841630
the moment you interact with the world and drop the belief everyone is wrong and stupid you find people are generally competent, smart, and if they are interested in a subject they congregate and produce good work regarding that subject. And "good" as in - work pertaining to the heart, the mind, and soul. free (as much as possible) from pretension, full of competence, and joyful.

>> No.22848888

Im going to point this out as one of the great ironies of 4ch. A site that likes to think of itself as a rebel polices its writing style.

>> No.22848897

idk i once went on a date with a guy who did not offer a single opinion on anything.
If you read my whatsapps of me with him it's pages of him going "what's up", "how are you", "yeah im good", "haha yeah", "here for you". I consider it rude at this point. Some major culture clash between us.
he once told me that he liked analyzing movies. He never told me his thoughts about a movie. Maybe it's insecurity or a different culture, but really!

>> No.22848904

Do you mean post-graduate classes or some informal courses?

>> No.22848919

... I fear I am this guy but I don't know how to change it. I guess I'll just read some more.

>> No.22848927

He's a lovely man, I meant no disrespect, he's just different. Perhaps it's what people call the active-passive gay personality thing, I guess im active and he's passive? We weren't a good fit anyhow.

>> No.22848956

Esl loser

>> No.22848979

I know, I just see your point of view and know how annoying it can be. I think I've been in the receiving end of these awkward silences too, but never knew how to break them. I can chalk it up to my instinct to silence my self after the trauma of school bullying, but the truth is I just feel I have nothing worthwhile to say.
I'll figure it out.

>> No.22848985

The silver lining is that when you do have something to say, everyone knows it's worthwhile :)

>> No.22849176

Post if you qualify, but I'd confidently bet that for most here it'd be undergrad. Don't pay for an informal class.

>> No.22849462

Least soulful poster on /lit/

>> No.22849833

There’s already a better forum dedicated specifically to literature and has a discussion of every highbrow writer imaginable. Obviously some threads have more discussion than others https://www.worldliteratureforum.com/forum/index.php?forums/writers.9/
You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, retard

>> No.22850128

I've been coming here for like 10 years and over the past 5 years for some reason the board quality has absolutely fucking nosedived. Its total shit now full of midwit posts when it used to be really good. I barely come here anymore. Idk if the smarter anons left and were replaced by lower IQ zoom zooms or what, sometimes it honestly doesn't feel that much higher IQ than /fit/ on here.

>> No.22850133

I see, and do you say this as a communist?

>> No.22850144

2016 and dysgenic /pol/tards with down syndrome and all the election fags ruined this board

>> No.22850153

>it honestly doesn't feel that much higher IQ than /fit/ on here.
it's not THAT bad

>> No.22850211

Yeah they're a huge part of the problem but /pol/ was still /pol/ 5 years ago and I don't remember them being around that much. If they were they were ridiculed. I see /pol/ type posters as more an aspect of the general increase in retardedness than I do a primary cause. I also just see tons of midwit posts and threads all the time on here whenever I do check in, which is like once every couple of weeks now when at one point in time this was my main board. Like people on here are genuinely retarded now, whenever I come on I see a thread within 10 minutes that's so painfully stupid I quit the board for another 2 weeks.
Its pretty fucking bad bro. Aside from a couple anons who are clearly smart and well read and effort post, its a shit show here. In the early 2010s this board honestly was great.

>> No.22851482

Are you a fag? Shouldn't you be on reddit?