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/lit/ - Literature

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22829005 No.22829005 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve read a number of /lit/ books and F Gardner’s books are the most enjoyable. Why is Call of the Crocodile specifically considered to be the best? I know it’s the most famous /lit/ book there is but I’ve read both Call of the Kappa and Call of the Arcade and they were a lot better. I wouldn’t even say it’s because of the mindfuck twist because all of Gardner’s books seem to have mindfucks in them so far. What gives?

>> No.22829081

Frank Gardner made this thread. He has been shilling his books here since 2018

>> No.22829109

I’ve crocked a number of /shit/ books and F Poopner's poops are the most poopable. Why is Call of the Cacadile specifically considered to be the breasts? I know it’s the most heinous /tit/ book there is but I’ve read both Call of the Sloppa and Call of the Fartcade and they were a lot better. I wouldn’t even say it’s because of the anusplop twist because all of Poopner's books seem to have poopplops in them so far. What shits?


>> No.22829123

Good evening Frank

>> No.22829158

So your week-long ban is finally over, and you immediately resume the behavior that got you banned in the first place? You've truly reached the limit of your mental and emotional development, haven't you. This really is as good as you get. Utterly pathetic.
What do you do when you're banned, anyway? I mean, we all know you have absolutely no life outside of shitposting on 4chan, and that you've been banned from nearly every website out there. All you have is your dead-in-the-water YouTube channel. Do you just stand there, look in the mirror, and jack yourself off until you're raw and bloody? You are without a doubt the most malignant narcissist autophile I've ever encountered.
In other news, if anyone is interested in an insulting satire of this brainlet's "work", you can download it for free from https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf, and until Francis Edward decides, once again, to commit abusive lawfare, you can buy a copy at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKB7QZ3B..

>> No.22829249

Man, I really don't come to /lit/ often enough to decipher what the fuck is going on here and who is trolling who

>> No.22829264

I got you bro
Call of the Crocodile is written by this dude (OP) who constantly shills his book on lit and has done so since its release
It's particularly egregious because its served as a representation of /lit/ publication and is riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes besides being just, not a very good book.

>> No.22829297

And the guy who religiously comes in to rant is trying to make a buck off a copy of someone else's parody by selling it on Amazon. He patrols for these threads and posts the same Amazon link in every one, and probably gets banned about as much as the OP does. Paste the link into Warosu and you'll find dozens of his posts, and even more if you search for copies of the cover that's sometimes posted with it (>>/lit/image/8yTT0FfDqNAOUEm+jLsn5A).).

It's a one-sided double-schizo tantrum.

>> No.22829309
File: 178 KB, 1207x1920, the cover you love so much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't write it, and in any case a free e-book is available, so your entire point is stupid.

>> No.22829311

>He patrols for these threads and posts the same Amazon link in every one
Are you talking about this guy right here >>22829158 or is he legit because I didnt get the end of his post really

>> No.22829317

Yeah, I specifically said "someone else's parody", which makes the trick of throwing branding on it and posting your Amazon link even worse.

Yup, him. The OP is a notorious shill (or someone spamming as a joke), and this guy >>22829158 desperately hates him but is also a nutcase and a shill.

>> No.22829318

Ah, I see. I appreciate the thorough explanation. Thank you!

>> No.22829329

Some more stuff you might find interesting/funny: the angry guy (again >>22829158) also attempts to run a magazine on here called &amp (you can see the branding on the back of the book if you follow the Amazon link). He took a nosedive this year and made a failed attempt at grooming this girl he convinced to edit his magazine for him, and also scammed another guy into giving him half the royalties on his novel. And he thinks he has magic powers on top of a bunch of other weird shit.

>> No.22829354

Dumbass...that's not my Amazon link, either.

>> No.22829368

That's fucked up mane. F this guy. Hell is real for him and he's going to answer the Call of the Caca Pile
Smell my feet and lick my peat bro

>> No.22829375
File: 41 KB, 1025x415, f gardner legal bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concession. And the 2nd Amazon link wouldn't even exist if the 1st one hadn't been taken down with a bogus DMCA claim.

>> No.22829383

I didnt click any of the links and am not expanding that image, blow it out your ass suck my balls go fuck your mother etc etc

>> No.22829388

Links aren't active in an image. Saying you have a room-temperature IQ would be a compliment.
>waah waah scary image i won't expand it

>> No.22829394

I'm sorry that I don't want to fuck you and your boyfriend. If it's any consolation your boobs are huge

>> No.22829408

I already accepted your concession. There's no need to make yourself sound any stupider.

>> No.22829414

God I love this board: schizo shill, schizo anti shill, anti schizo anti shill, a little bit for everyone

>> No.22829415

So (You)r week-long bowel movement is finally over, and you immediately resume the constipation that got you toilet-bound in the first place? You've truly reached the limit of your anal and oral flexibility, haven't you. This really is as gaped as you get. Utterly poopthetic.
How hard do you brap when you're shitting, anyway? I mean, we all know you've left absolutely huge poops outside the toilet rim of Poopchan, and that you've been banned from nearly every restroom out there. All you have is your stool-in-the-water Pooptube chanal. Do you just stand there, look in the toilet, and pinch your turds off until you're satisfied and sloppy? You are without a doubt the most turdular brapping pedophile I've ever enbraptured.
In other plops, if anyone is interested in an insulting shattire of this brainlet's "flarps", you can download it for free from LemonPotty. corn, and until Franshits Poopward decides, once again, to commit abusive bawfare, you can buy a copy at Limon Fiesta Dot Coom

>> No.22829432

>hurr durr doodoo caca poopoo
Wow, until this post, I didn't realize IQ could go negative. Prions are smarter than you.

>> No.22829443

>Ah, yes, I have accepted your concession-- repeat, I have accepted your concession. I dare say. Perchance.

i think you accepted your own concession when you started diddling kids man. or trying to, anyway. >>22829005 come get your man!

>> No.22829458

So did you go to lemonparty or

>> No.22829459

I didn't think anything could get less imaginative than your cacas librorum, but these posts of yours are making me reconsider that.

>> No.22829463

I'm sorry that the children did not want to fuck you either. Onto more pressing matters: how much shit is in your ass and does Fred prefer you clean or does he like to slide in sloppy? You strike me as a bottom

>> No.22829470

I wouldn't know. Also, I concede to your superior, detailed, and widespread knowledge of gayness.

>> No.22829469

I love your work Frank

>> No.22829492

Concede concessions concedingly all day long buddy my boy. Concede to my posterior as I deliver a fat turd onto your delicately parted lips... the experience would be denser and more worthwhile than any "satire" shilled and authored by a pedophilic conman, that's for certain.
Your boobs are huge and I can't wait for Frank to knock them around on your Onlyfans. Please make sure to include them in your links on your next seething shillpost. I'll be waiting. Sensational!

>> No.22829501

You troll like a kindergarten bully. It's a good thing you're too stupid to realize how much you're humiliating yourself. Are you still afraid of "links" in images?

>> No.22829655

>if people dont click my links and buy my shill theyre afraid!
don't think about kindergarten bullies too much bro you might get excited

>> No.22829679
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>incessant pedo blathering

>> No.22829692

>NO YOU!!!!!
Yes bro, avoid that incrimination!

>> No.22829696

(It was actually a severely mentally ill chick in her twenties that he failed to groom. Sorry I didn't mention it earlier, bro, but keep at it.)

>> No.22829702

CotC is actually a really good book. Assuming most of the anons ITT are either trolling or just didnt get it

>> No.22829704
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