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/lit/ - Literature

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22825809 No.22825809 [Reply] [Original]

How can we get stemcels to read actual books?

>> No.22825844

cel is when you're bad at the thing right?

>> No.22825859

Why does El*n quote the dumbest shit? There is no de facto “greatest writer”. Shakespeare sits among the highest echelon, I will admit though its been some time since anyone has joined his company

>> No.22825865

Not necessarily bad. More accurate means someone lets it define their entire personality in an insufferable manner

>> No.22825881

This is as retarded as what Trotsky thought about science, that every man would be a Goethe or Beethoven in the future. Population has absolutely nothing to do with cultural output. Athens and Jerusalem both changed the course of world history with a few thousand people. Meanwhile Babylon had hundreds of thousands and was nearly completely forgotten.

>> No.22826410

Does this retard realize you can be illiterate and enjoy Shakespeare?

>> No.22826640

Seething humanitards.

>> No.22826647

Because whites and jews run the world and they hate browns.

>> No.22826654

There are two types of STEM cels.

>(1) Brains: these are thoroughly intellectual, abstract and philosophical in nature. They are visionaries and move the sciences forward in leaps and bounds. As such, they tend to end up either working alone, or at varying spires upon an enterprising structure.
With Brains, you do not have to try. They will read anything, so long as it catches their interest. Many STEMcels of this type are very well read.

>(2)Calculators: Whilst capable of a great deal of intelligent labors and showing a natural tendency to drive progress incrementally as a part of a group, they possess little abstract philosophic nature and generally lack the sort of vision necessary for great discovery. As such, they tend to end up nestled in the central and low spaces of enterprising structures.
This type will be willing to devour YA and comics maybe, but will have little to no interest in philosophy, theology, serious novels, or poetry.

I can't tell you why these things are. I just observe them.

>> No.22826657
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Oh, to be a simpleton! To have the world so neatly circumscribed!

>> No.22826661

COPE. Shakespeare has been widely considered the greatest writer in the English language for centuries.

>> No.22826673

>Athens and Jerusalem both changed the course of world history with a few thousand people. Meanwhile Babylon had hundreds of thousands and was nearly completely forgotten.

Anything could be claimed in retrospect

>> No.22826807

Who is an example of your “brain” category? I have never seen one. At least not in contemporary times.

>> No.22826816

And both of those are way smarter than you wordfag

>> No.22826825

>they hate browns.
All browns do is rape and murder, what do you expect?

>> No.22826847

the sheer arrogance of thinking you can probability your way into a great creative force, trying to mathematically circumscribe the possibility of a brilliant individual creator, going all-in on the view of this sterile orderly scientific universe in an attempt to game that which is exactly not orderly and not scientific

>> No.22826856

He is partially right though. All the low hanging fruits have been picked. Its impossible for a Shakespeare or Plato to arise in current era. When everyone is educated and there is no dearth of creative or scientific output . "Greatness" is truly rendered arbitrary.

>> No.22826869

Wouldn't that be convenient for you?
This is a literature board. If you can't read 2,000 words without even noticing, you're in the wrong place.

There are plenty, you just have to get to know more STEM types. Some even lurk this board (and I don't just mean me). As for STEM celebrities, I don't follow celebrities of any kind. I just mean the two types of people I see within the world of STEM.

Oh, to be a simpleton! To whitewash history into clean cut dichotomies! To see the world with all the clarity of a color-by-number drawing! What fantasy!

>> No.22826870

> If you can't read 2,000 words without even noticing, you're in the wrong place

Reading words is all you'll ever do. That and making meaningless shitpost tier distinctions among people intellectually superior to you

>> No.22826873

Ah, wouldn't that be convenient to you? You must fit neatly into the Calculator category, for you to be seething this much at an observation, lol.

>> No.22826894

I've only seen that word come up to justify the most retarded opinions. And this quote is from that Effective Altruist fag.

>> No.22826897

>literal /lit/ informed meme with no basis in reality. I. E. Pure simularca

Diagnosis: spending to much time on the internet
Prescription: go out, touch grass, talk to real people

>> No.22826933

>such a poor memory that you don't even recognize that this has been posted a million times, and is being misquoted
>these are the people discussing literature

>> No.22826960

Elon fails to understand there is a difference between being able to read and being ‘literate’.

>> No.22826965

They are only good for winning degrees and little else.

>> No.22826976 [DELETED] 

Keep seething dude, this has actually become quite sad. If you're that butthurt, just pick up some serious literature.

>> No.22826982

Holy shit what a RETARDED statement.

>> No.22826983

what does this even mean. of course it's retrospective. it's an analogy

>> No.22826992

Newton, Einstein, Leibniz, nearly every early quantum theorist

>> No.22826995

Ah, again, wouldn't that be convenient for you?

From your first response until now, all you've done is make pointless assumptions and seethe at my, clearly scathing, insights. While I'm sure it must be difficult to be circumscribed by a few sentences, trying to break the mold by picking up more serious literature (even if you will invariably be unable to break it, as you are that which defines it) is a better use of your time.

>> No.22827022
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>> No.22827027

>coping with wojacks
It just keeps getting worse. Good luck, buddy.

>> No.22827068

Great contemporary examples, retard.

>> No.22827414
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>> No.22828015

Iain McGilchrist

>> No.22828032

Shakespeare is dog shit and people only call him great because his works are some of the only examples of plays from his time period that survived the cruelty of time, prove me wrong

>> No.22828090

I'm a McGilchrist devotee but I don't know if I would classify him as a STEMcel first and foremost since he started as a literary scholar and only went into STEM past 30. He's more like a humanitiesfag who ventured into contemporary neuroscience to see what it was missing. I'm personally very much a fan of what he has to say as a humanitiesfag, but I feel like it's a very different type of intelligence from people like Newton, Einstein and Leibniz because it's less abstract and less mathematical.

>> No.22828096

Fuck this thread and fuck all of you cunts

>> No.22828106

>4chan image board memes

Seems the patient is not voluntarily taking the prescription.
Clear case of internet brainrot
New prescription: electroshock treatment

>> No.22828155

So who actually said this quote? You turds were sharing this same damn thing but attributed to Sam Bankman Fried, now which is it?

>> No.22828301

based knower

>> No.22828302
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>actual books
Harder and more elucidating than any /lit/-beloved philosophy book. Rudin is cake compared to this.

>> No.22828314

Why read books when I can read RFCs

>> No.22828327

He did everything Anon, not just plays. He is the single most prolific contributor to the English language. How many writers have invented words and common phrases as he?

>> No.22829099

Now you're just being false and outright strawmanning. You need more integrity and humility, in all seriousness. My observations won't offend someone of higher quality to this degree. Very sad, really.

>> No.22829275
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god, that font is so annoying

>> No.22829347

Elon didn't say that. Sam Bankman Fried did.

>> No.22829360
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The inveterate philistine will remain functionally illiterate regardless of instruction.

>> No.22829393

prove yourself right

>> No.22830351
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>> No.22830524
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you can't

>> No.22830813

that's a lot of seething and coping in a poorly written text

>> No.22832256

>multiple replies calling him retarded
you can do artsy stuff with tech too y'know

>> No.22832263

Have you considered the possibility that they survived precisely because they were the greatest?

>> No.22832289

Reading is for manchildren.

>> No.22832294

Why are you here then? And what do you do that's so grown-up?