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/lit/ - Literature

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22820500 No.22820500 [Reply] [Original]

I recently read this book and found it to be written from the perspective of a newfag who probably came in with the Trump influx. Any books/papers/opinions which show the change in psyche of 4chan ? I remember as late as 2015 "not your personal army" was a rule set in stone across all boards. But now it looks like anons have turned into a personal army and trying to regain the earlier ethos is resisted by the same newfags who belive this site has a purpose. Our memeitic output has also suffered and 4chan seems like a blip in internet culture nowadays. My current thesis is that the site grew along with the anons lurking it, so it went from
>I am weird
>I have no job and gf
>It's sad that I have no job and gf
>It's societies fault that I lack things
>I have to change the society to get things
"It's over" is like a cry of appeal about the future of this site. Honestly as someone who spent so much time here , this site looks like something else nowadays. Looks like the guys who forewarned us about acting like retards were right

>> No.22820515

/lit/ was good when it was a slow board.
Thankfully the site is dying in numbers every year.

>> No.22820529
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forgot pic. Lowest number in 5 years and we've yet to see the improvement.

>> No.22820546

Gee, i wonder what could have possobly happened in 2020 and 2021 as to spike the amount of newfags posting instead of lurking more
What you see there is mirroring what is happening across the inernet. Small channels that blew up in popularity in the pandemic are now struggling to maintain their viewing numbers as people are busy again

>> No.22820553

The cancer has won. It's over.

>> No.22820578

What was that weird peak in 2019?

>> No.22820594
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Added /b/ and /pol/ for reference

>> No.22820600

>Angela Nagle
Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. She got a fair amount of flack for this book equating the alt-right to social justice types, and then basically got herself cancelled with an essay attacking the idea of open borders from a leftist position.

>> No.22820607

Hm, those peaks in 2020 /pol/ are very odd. I can see the Jan 6 and Russian invasion too, but the other ones I don't understand. Election day?

>> No.22820613

Haven't read that one, read this one though. I'm sympathetic to the "ruined by election tourists" narrative, but this book is almost all polemic and few hard facts (was hoping for more "history", interviews, interesting anecdotes than I got). It's too bad, if you look at 4chan media coverage pre-gamergate it's all "look at these quirky l33t hackermen, can someone say based?" And then after 2014 all they wanted to do was catastrophize over gamergate and incels and the "alt-right" etc. I think it was something of a self-fulfilling prophecy, the news coverage and Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit whinging drew in a vast number of undesirables. Now /pol/ has spilled over into and drastically changed just about every board.

But if we're talking about 4chan as a meme factory, its fall began well before the /r/thedonald invasion and media hysteria over gamergate and /r9k/. We're talking more early 2010s, when /b/ stopped dominating site traffic.

>> No.22820618
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Meant to post this

>> No.22820619
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I believe it was the Zizek & Peterson debate (April 19th 2019)

>> No.22820625

The spike in Q1 of 2019 is the Mueller Report.
The 2020 spikes are probably: early COVID, lockdowns start in America, George Floyd, Trump hospitalized with COVID, with the biggest spike being election night.

>> No.22820663
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Makes sense. Overall, there has been a total site drop of 15'000 posts since last year.
Here's some more boards.

>> No.22820692

Ironic shitposting becoming popularized circa 2010-11 was the real deathblow

>> No.22820697

That was me.

>> No.22820747

>it's a book therefore literature

Off topic.

>> No.22820811

Seems true newfags didn't lurk before posting. They turned this site into a xitter clone
I think stormfront was also taken offline somewhere around 2016 so we had an influx around then.
I am sure you spread this msg in the God is real/fale thread # 20346 and twf no gf thread # 332016

>> No.22820816

>Lowest number in 5 years and we've yet to see the improvement.
Zoomers need to grow up and lose their retarded mentality. Zoomers are newfags. Newfags are the cancer killing 4chan.

>> No.22820901

When exactly was this board good? Every board has this mythical time where it was good that nobody can agree on. It's an ever shifting window towards absurdity as to when people will say "this board was the best the first 2 weeks after it got made bro I remember pee pee anon and poo poo femanon... good times"
Has to be nostalgia, because some anons sometimes feel nostalgic about a time period I was present for and it wasn't anything special.
I wasn't doing anonymous social media until I was an adult, so there's no carefree, formative years experience. Thank God.

>> No.22820954

I fucking love this image

>> No.22820985

It was never exactly great but the focus of /lit/ was much more literature and content oriented, and anons weren’t as cancerous

>> No.22820996

>essay attacking the idea of open borders from a leftist position.
If that was the one she published in American Affairs, it was quite good.

As far as Kill All Normies goes, it's fine enough, but lacks a real understanding of the early years of 4chan after it 'split' off from Something Awful over furies, and it's early meme movements like project chanology. Not a great work, but still significantly better than most other academic or even pop/mainstream accounts of the hacker known as 4chan.

>> No.22821023

Forget about books, Kill All Normies is basically the only decent writing of any length about 4chan. Not a very high bar to reach, but considering she was a leftist writing about 4chan in the context of gamergate, it's stunning how not shit it is.

Nagel still writes occasionally, she's pretty alright. I think she had something in Compact Mag recently. Don't know what she does for a living.

>> No.22821027

funny, as I remember, people were whining about how 4chan had lost its way etc etc etc cancer etc back in 2015 too

>> No.22821054

>the site grew along with the anons lurking it
it was an otaku/hobbyist free speech zone with containment boards for less on-topic users, and was ravaged by unchecked immigration of smartphone users, facebook/twitter/reddit accountholders, and of course, people ghettoized from other platforms whose main interest is discussing x and y in terms of extremist culture war perspective; whatever legacy users remain are like New Yorkers with Dutch surnames, swallowed up by what Lovecraft called ethnic horrors, several times over for good measure such that off-topic is the norm

>> No.22821068

And it was very true back then too.

>> No.22821071


>> No.22821076


>> No.22821088

Old 4chan is dead and gone. The strange melting pot has evolved into a culture war zone. It’s really the zoomers that have sunk /lit/ and the greater 4chan so low

>> No.22821113

zoomers who believe Christianity is a cross between Hellsing and Crusader Kings are an absolute pox upon this place

>> No.22821126

Sounds convincing

>> No.22821131
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, 2DCF4CDB-35D8-4FE2-84FC-2E3C4452EAAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up nigger

>> No.22821145

You fags call things cancer the way Twitter calls things toxic

>> No.22821194

Everyone is not a based classic contrarian troll like you bro !! You are so cool and non-chalant.

>> No.22821232

Those anons are full of shit. Too many crusaders here trying to save the west or the white race or something. It’s all so tiring

>> No.22821234

people were always rightly complaining about newbies who just didnt lurk long enough before posting, although from what I personally remember, the nadir on the most popular boards was actually reached around 2011, when the mass of posters was particularly retarded for some reason. I think it was the time when people would just spam the "u mad?" macro at anyone trying to engage in conversation, a truly awful period.

the difference to then now is that many people with a political angle try to explain the change of the site purely as a nebulous influx of ideologic outsiders. to the extent these same people were already around in 2010, they similarly would constantly whine about "stormies" (the terminology that was reached after "stormcunts" was found to be too mean to women), as if a tiny fringe forum would ever have had the power to influence the discourse of what was then already a fairly major internet hotspot. what these clowns refuse to undestand (or pretend not to understand) is that what has changed are the times themselves, which have increasingly polarised people politically, and thats what ultimately changed the internet, not only this site, but all of them

>> No.22821238

4chan was meant to be a clone of Japanese otaku sites like Futaba and the massive anonymous forum 2ch. These were sites for otakus, fringe hobbyists and social outcasts, although 2ch was pretty popular with the Japanese public. Some teens liked those sites and wanted an English version. If you've seen the film Densha Otoko, you'll see the psyche of those Japanese sites, and the culture and mindset people consciously tried to mimic here. The site changed becasue the demographics have changed. It became famous and got flooded by normalfags who turned it into endless race/culture wars shit. It's really that simple. You won't find a lot of sources on early 4chan because nobody took the internet seriously in the 2000s. 4chan was just some fringe site full of dumb kids. Moot used to have a blog somewhere and there's that one essay written by the admin of the textboards, assuming you can even find either of those. Its all way before my time anyway so what the fuck do I know?

You know mainstream American liberals are crazy when they start pinning the blame for all their failures on really old internet forums that no one under the age of 30 even uses. Sure, a deplorable troll army elected Trump and not you know.. disaffected voters, West Virginia miners worried about their jobs, people pissed at Obama breaking all his promises, protest votes, nobody wanting to vote for a bloodthirsty war monger who bragged about assasinating someone on camera etc.

>> No.22821246

So what does /lit/ look like it 10 years?

>> No.22821255

You are very not cool nor nonchalant

>> No.22821256

U mad bro?

>> No.22821259

>zoomers vs alfies
>leftypol vs /pol/
>philosopher slapfights
>Infinite Jest

>> No.22821270
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>what has changed are the times themselves, which have increasingly polarised people politically, and thats what ultimately changed the internet
many of these people should not be online, and they weren't 10+ years ago, not only because they were in diapers, but because fewer people in general were online to begin with and those who were had slightly above average intelligence and those who came here were interested in then niche things; now you might think what difference does shaving a few iq points and multiplying the userbase several times over matter to a community, maybe i am being too much of snob, but hobbyists have always been socially resistant snobs who collect and organize things as if they were little librarians, a behavior which involves a drop more intellect than being a passive consumer of outrage bait who likes feeling outraged and spreading outrage, and you have to have some knowledge of your hobby to talk about, unlike political preferences, racism, ideology, religion, etc. which simply require you to affirm a few talking points... but aren't some otaku and hobbyists like this too? Yes—and they make poor quality threads... and the people who've come in following this model have smallpox-blanketed the place, they don't even think of themselves as actively trolling because this behavior went critical mass, metastatic ass cancer

>> No.22821271

>and they weren't 10+ years ago, not only because they were in diapers,
Listen pal, Crohn's disease is a serious problem and I wont be mocked for it

>> No.22821275

your pic related is especially relevant considering the catastrophic second in /a/'s quality after the third world found it

>> No.22821281

nobody knows this anymore, but on 2chan you originally could only post images in the OP and not in the replies. even if you look at some random threads on there today, you will many times see no image replies at all. this site actually introduced the innovation of replies with images in threads, and I think quite a few people would agree that only this functionality really qualifies a site as a proper imageboard (its in the name even)

>> No.22821284

I don't disagree with the fact that old 4chan had raids where they spammed nigger/swastika etc. Nu-4chan also spams nigger/swastika but with an intent to change or oppose something, nu-4chan has an ideology(west has fallen, genetic blackpill etc.) while old 4chan was much more spontaneous and organic. Regarding the effects of social polarisation , it's hard to say if online polarisation drives real world polarisation or it's the other way around.

>> No.22821291

Spot on.

>> No.22821304
File: 175 KB, 811x501, 4chan is shit 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22821306

>infinite jest

Kind sad how the meme trilogy isn’t discussed too much anymore outside of them being memes and “are they good or not?”. I don’t like most of the meme trilogy and there were too many threads about them ~8 years ago, but anons actually read them, talked about them, and they were knowledgeable. It seems like /lit an only focuses on the superficial level anymore, and how that book/writer is related to whatever subculture, or just judging someone based off of a single book they like.

>> No.22821308
File: 175 KB, 680x794, rules.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also here are the actual official rules of 4chan

>> No.22821323

and the usenet users of the 90s will tell you that all who got internet after aol's disc campaigns were irredeemable retards, blablabla, this is a really tired line of argumentation

>while old 4chan was much more spontaneous and organic

hilarious how people keep repeating this childish fairy tale. which number of the rules of the internet was it again, that "all memes are forced memes". that wasnt just a silly joke, that was an accurate observation.

just think of the macro where you have an image reaction and in the bottom some distorted short text, I mean the variations of the /sp/ tony kornheiser "why?" macro, one of the most beloved memes of this site as a source of ever new content. you think it always was beloved? what happened was that some random faggot single-handedly spammed this and a few variations for months on the end, to the annoyance of everyone, until one some threshold must have passed and it caught on. you could probably retrace this process on the archives if theyre still around. and it was the same for all popular memes, a handful of people or just one freak decide to force something, and the remaining 99% just passively watches and consumes

>> No.22821343

At the end of the day it’s the anons who have changed and made this place worse. Too many anons bringing outside ideologies and politics in here. This should be a board where readers can discuss their hobby. What were your thoughts on Gusev by Chekhov? What is your favorite literary movement? That type of shit. When the whole “books for/about..” started getting abused, this place turned into a blueboard /b/ because any topic can be brought up with books for/about. Maybe this is unpopular but I wish the board is Balkanized. Too many nonfiction books brought up simply as an excuse to discuss whatever topic.

>> No.22821348

>and the usenet users of the 90s will tell you that all who got internet after aol's disc campaigns were irredeemable retards
that's also largely true, I'm not sure we can stoop much lower than itoddlers watching thirty second loops in TikTok, acquiring something resembling language over the next decade, using chatbots to compose their "thoughts" and then trying to talk to the rest of us about x and y... if you were educated to at least highschool graduation prior to say 2019, you are head and shoulders above anyone else, in same way your grandfather could fix anything broken in the house he owned while you call the super to have things fixed in your apartment

>> No.22821377

Smartphones, social media and hundreds of millions in the third world getting internet access completely ruined the internet as a whole.

>> No.22821378

Futaba started out as a text only board just like 2ch so maybe that was for technical reasons? 4chan's board software was based entirely on Futaba so the ability to post images in replies must have been there before unless Futaba's users just didn't think to do that. I'd say 4chan's biggest innovation was /b/. I don't think the Japanese had anything like it. That, and forever limiting the appeal of the anonymous format because of just how much it became associated with 4chan.

Early 4chan was more spontenous and organic because less people were using it and since the community was small there was a stronger sense of site culture. As soon as any site gets huge, it becomes more fragmented, that sense of commitment breaks down and the inhabitants just follow the ebb and flow of the entertainment market. This is just human behavior observable even in nomadic tribes in the middle ages and pretty much irreversible.

Usenet did have a problem with rambling nonsense but the design of a newsgroup doesn't encourage the kind of behavior you see on social media. The reason the internet today is such a vapid negative place of unending tribalism and culture wars bullshit is mostly because of how these apps and platforms are designed, the user interface encourages this kind of behavior and then it spreads to the rest of the internet. The other is general imperial decline (in the Roman sense) creating a chaotic and unstable society where everyone's at each others throats and that spills online because now literally everyone is using it. I wouldn't say TikTok is that bad, there are worse places, and sure things can always get worse.

>> No.22821405

at best, tiktok trains you to reduce your attention span, at worst it is a kind of hypnosis; like the unsurprisingly negative psychological effects Facebook has on impressionable users TikTok is a roided up version, something we invented spat back at us with optimal ferocity, yet the discourse around it is too focused on geopolitics, as if we are willing to give our brain damage apps a pass for being home-grown, when the real issue is irresponsible cybernetics, I am sure Wiener and McLuhan would have issued fatwa against them

>> No.22821459

I agree that there's too much focus on geopolitics and obsession with it being Chinese, but people were saying the same things about TikTokers that they were saying about kids online in the 2000s, including 4chan. How they're all a bunch of amoral nihilists with the mental capacity of apes and zero attention span etc. attention spans are relative and older internet users probably looked at guys on imageboards and think they had a lower attention span, which was probably true. TikTok does belong to that dangerous category of software that seems like its specifically designed to harm the user, but I don't think its any worse than what YouTube or Twitter and most of the anger towards TikTok is just shitting on young people combined with culture wars and anti-Chinese paranoia.

>> No.22821473

If you don't see the qualitative difference in longform forum posts about people who prefer Persona 4 to Persona 3 being faggots and flashing softcore pornography with ADHD-inducing single word captions that train you to be unable to focus on language at the sentence level, all to a nightcore-reggaeton-trap-kpop soundtrack, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.22821500

i think there's a tendency to set up shitting on younger people as deflection against criticism of the impact of new telecommunication/media, and while older people have always shit on younger people the problem we have now is each generation (if not even faster) is getting new technology, technology which doesn't bother to even "solve" social problems the old technology had, it just improves upon delivery or latency or capacity or what have you. So everything shitty about radio, television, the internet, social media, etc. is carried forward to the new platform(s), which outdoes them

>> No.22821545

How many long form posts do you see being made on this site today? Most posts are just an image with some bait designed to start a war in the thread. Sure, it wasn't always like this, but human attention spans are pretty relative and its fair to say our attention spans are pretty shit compared to our grandparents. There are lots of reasons TikTok content is hot steaming garbage, but it isn't worse than any other social media platform. The only major difference is that at least YouTube and Twitter have legitimate healthy usecases whereas TikTok is just plain useless.

There's a huge shift in how technology is actually made. In the past, technology like the printing press moved around, anyone with enough money could purchase and use one, people could tinker with them and modify them to suit their needs and make new versions. Today, only governments and corporations can sink enough money to cover the R&D costs to develop new tech and they specifically design the hardware and software to serve their interests and make people dependent on them. If power was in the hands of ordinary people, nobody would design a a social media platform that turns its users into conditioned lab monkeys pressing a button in response to prompts to get their dopamine hit or turn them into attention zombies. Social problems are built into these technologies by design which are then sold as solutions for a problem that never existed (think Facebook's promise to "connect the world" etc). They literally had guys who made gambling machines design the UI for Twitter and probably TikTok too.

>> No.22821601

Yes, I agree.

>> No.22821624

What you seem to miss out on is how many of those oldfags became the "racists".
Yes, there was an inundation of unintelligent newfags who parroted points in imitation of what was going on before, but the infiltration of mediocre newcomers (and this exact phenomenon) has been a thing from the start, and has been complained about from the start. It is also not associated with a particular political slant, even though obviously the more obnoxious ones will espouse far-right politics now, simply because that has become the dominant thing. It's not about what "thing" is current, but about unintelligent bulk printer-like individuals that imitate, produce nothing and drag down the level of discourse, and there's no antidote for that.

>> No.22821637
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If you guys want history, refer to this:

>This timeline is the collective effort of thousands of anons over the span of a decade, passed down from generation to generation, rescued from wiki to wiki.
>Record the milestones, disasters, and achievements of today, so it will not perish from the memory of the anons of tomorrow.

Regarding theory, I have some interesting ideas on this that I'll probably write about some day. I keep a bunch of notes tagged #4chan_theory that I've been writing for years. I have seen a number of discussion threads about the topic here and a few essays written elsewhere that are thought-provoking and productive, but you won't find anything in books.

>> No.22821661

>I have to change the society to get things
to a certain extent, yes? You have to change yourself and society.

>> No.22821664
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>also here are the actual official rules of 4chan
the rules were made by Gaiafags

>> No.22821686

This guy has written some good stuff about 4chan-culture and theory, not that I've read all of it.

>> No.22821687

Where can I find Shii's essay? Is there an archive of his site?

>> No.22821700

Not sure why you're asking me, but look here:


not sure which one you're looking for

>> No.22821710


>> No.22821717

>The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.
We can't follow commy trannies

>> No.22821723

Great info thanks

>> No.22821724

It's cause they feel their "safe space" was violated, failing to be self aware of the reality.

>> No.22821753

>You know mainstream American liberals are crazy when they start pinning the blame for all their failures on really old internet forums that no one under the age of 30 even uses.

I agree, this was a very popular narrative for a while with nothing to back it up.

>> No.22821963

Haven't seen that in years. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, anon.

>> No.22821973
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O tempora, o mores!

>> No.22822072
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The mere fact that She Who Shall Not Be Named, the single worst tripfaggot in the entire history of this site, no longer posts her inane stupid shit here with any noticeable regularity, that one simple fact by itself makes the board better than it was from about 2014 until 2021 or so as far as I am concerned. I derive a bit more pleasure from browsing /lit/ these days than I did around five-seven years ago, but not that much more.

Posters sometimes like to complain about decline of quality but I reject this stance as it relates to the past decade or so. It really is about the same as it ever was in terms of quality, and I've been here daily over that interval and gotten ten years older besides so I of all people would be first to complain about shitty zoomer memes, but the board, such as it is, hasn't "fallen off" relative to what it was like 5-7-ish years ago. There have always been meme threads (semicolons in dialogue, "that that", etc) and the shitposting has not taken the precipitous overall decline that they like to argue has occurred. You can still get real discussion periodically on this-or-that thing in between Guenon memes or whatever it happens to be this year. I think part of why this is (according to me, at least) is because culture itself hasn't changed in any meaningful way in the past few years with the one significant caveat of covid culture (hegemony of dumbphones and internet, the real western canon is pretty well understood, we're not into full-on WWIII as of yet, etc).

What I like about the board is that once one continental is all washed up people actually talk about other minor continentals every so often. There was a mild Fichte flirtation maybe a year-ish ago, for example, but that didn't really stick.

>> No.22822091

I mean they are also banning us for saying nigger and the trannyjannys just ban people they don’t like with unappealable 3 days for posts you didn’t even make

>> No.22822092

>hasn't "fallen off" relative to what it was like 5-7-ish years ago.
I think the sweet spot was 8-12 years ago, at least as far as moderation and number of posters improving the quality somewhat, it's a slow board and needs to be slow---threads used to stay up for 2 months. There was slightly more effort put into posts overall and the barrier to entry was pretty impenetrable, we lost that with that mass influx. I do think the overall culture has diminished somewhat, not in the sense of forced memes, but anons were more cordial and honest unless someone was being an intellectually dishonest dickweed.

>> No.22822125

Philosophy debatelords, /pol/cels, zealous christers, and zoomies in general have raped and reraped the board. If you don’t read fiction and poetry and don’t respect the beautiful word and art then get the fuck off my board. This place should be reserved for men of letters. If you haven’t read a book cover to cover (poetry, essays, and stories excluded) yet you post here, you should be shot. No, I don’t want to give you a book recommendation for your twitter screenshot thread, you don’t even read

>> No.22822134

lol at all the lefties astroturfing that they are not the worst thing this planet has ever seen

>> No.22822387

To be fair were right in the middle of it, so it might take some time before a decent book hits on the subject.

>> No.22822398

Unironically start a message board and mod it yourself. What you want is impossible here.

>> No.22822470

Once WWOYM started hitting bump limit in a day I knew this place was KIA

>> No.22822863

Thats my fault. I've been using it as an outlet for the past few years

>> No.22822881


>> No.22822899
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Is there a book that covers the social landscape of 2channel (now 5ch) in the early to mid-2000s?
Especially, around the word 弱者男性(literally translated to "weak men"), and the discourse about the men being more discriminated against.

>> No.22822915
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>But now it looks like anons have turned into a personal army and trying to regain the earlier ethos is resisted by the same newfags who belive this site has a purpose.
Personal army to who? What did they do? You really think /pol/ slacktivist do anything other than complain on /pol/? For a few years now the only people 4chan has actively trolled or done anything against is 4chan users, the most movement i've seen from here to other websites was when Elon Musk fired all those Twitter mods and /pol/ spammed "Hitler did nothing wrong", and that lasted for a about a day.
The truth is that more than anything else, more than even contrarianism, 4chan users just want to annoy other people, they would be neo-nazis in front of leftists, and cock sucking globohomos in front of the rightists, this website is Joker gangweed meme

>> No.22823211

The saviour of the white race is here.
That's a wrong analogy how can you compare the actions of nu-/pol/ as contrarian ? There are active discords which spread "info" on twitter and they actively conglomerate at /pol/ thats my whole point old-4chan was the annoying little nerd but nu-4chan has a specific ideological bent , I don't see how this can be ignored.

>> No.22823347

There are a slew of redundant and repetitive threads that I’m convinced are /pol/ drive-by’s trying to strengthen whatever their cause is. Every banned book and censorship thread is a /pol/ egg, for example. You don’t need to know anything about books to make a thread like that. There are a few other examples

>> No.22823381 [DELETED] 

What do you think of my Goodreads? I have 33 reviews on there. Be sure to look at in Desktop format. It looks terrible in mobile format.


Would you say I am an intellectual?

>> No.22823854


>> No.22823873

There are a few in Japanese. I don't see how its relevant though. 2ch's culture was very different to 4chan.

>> No.22823884

4chan wasn't based directly on 2channel anyway but 2chan

>> No.22823892

Threads like that attract females and normies, most of them don’t stay long they wander between the various boards’ generals.

>> No.22823911

Convenient how you ignore persistent leftypol shitposting and raiding in your little tirade.

>> No.22824000

4chan did have 2ch style textboards a long time ago, like /book/ and /prog/ and a bunch of users came here from world2ch.net (the original one not the new site).

>> No.22824015

While /lit/ has undoubtedly gotten much worse, I think a couple of other factors come into play that exacerbate the situation. The first is you get older and the type of interaction here loses its appeal. The second is that /lit/ will often seem good when you are a new reader because you haven’t read much and /lit/ has more to offer. Eventually a reader transcends /lit/ and only a handful of anons have anything of substance and those anons are the overwhelming minority and not terminally online

>> No.22824044

I remember them. They were slow as dirt and full of spam

>> No.22824216

>It’s really the zoomers that have sunk /lit/ and the greater 4chan so low
>not the /pol/ election tourist
your perception of reality is clouded by ideology

>> No.22824223

I'm trying to find an archived screenshot of these, when were they nixed?

>> No.22824226
File: 106 KB, 700x695, 22929636-E27C-4472-9F3B-441C6182FFB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I don’t even use /pol/

>> No.22824230

nta but I think it's more embarrassing to be mistaken for a /pol/ user than to actually be one

>> No.22824240
File: 136 KB, 1828x889, prog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a screenshot of /prog/ which was the most "active" one. I didn't remember the specific year but from looking around the /g/ archive it looks like the textboards were removed in 2015.

>> No.22824251

All imageboards are dying, I’ve been autistically looked at the data these past 7 months and it is cut and dry. Every imageboards is bleeding users, 4chan, 7chan, 8moe, kohlchan (do NOT visit in public), zzzchan, etc. and those are just the actually active ones.
I highly doubt 4chan will last another 6 years under the current conditions, after 4chan shuts down it will truly be the final nail in the coffin for imageboards

>> No.22824254

I remember people saying this in 2005

>> No.22824257

4chan will never shut down, it's too useful as a misinformation and brainwashing tool.

>> No.22824259

I remember 4chan going down one time in 2007 or so, and to get it to work you had to refresh your cookies or some shit, I don't remember. Point being not many people were able to get back on for a while, and /b/ was substantially slower and actually enjoyable to use for a short time.

>> No.22824264

Maybe so, but I genuinely think this is different this time. I don’t even think it will shut down from “le government interference” but from Hiromoots horrid mismanagement of this site

>> No.22824270
File: 57 KB, 836x392, _prog_ immitates reddit K52AiRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that screenshot is of an archive, which is what this appears to be: https://archive.tinychan.net/prog/

Weird that the threads use that CSS until you click on them. It's the exact same shitty css as one of the 2channel variations I've seen. It looks terrible:

I found some archived textboard threads, but these also seem to be saved in that tinychan site

>> No.22824280

>I think that screenshot is of an archive
Looks like you're right. That's what they looked like, though, with the brick wall background and everything.

>> No.22824296

the thing is anon, I can't see myself leaving this format of site. It's too perfect. I basically hate every other design of site out there. I've tried using reddit-type sites, and it's awful, you can't have the kinds of discussions on there that you see here. I've tried twitter-types, and I found the interface completely unusable, and it also can't support the kinds of discussions you see here.

There is another factor in that I come to this site to have fun, and always do. I always read something on here that makes me laugh. Not so with reddit or twitter, I can browse the most niche topics on those sites and I'll always leave feeling bitter.

I know I'm not alone. If I feel this way, many others do as well, perhaps most self-identified 4chan users feel this way. If 4chan goes down, another imageboard will have to replace it.

>> No.22824304

I refuse to use any forum that isn't anonymous and requires an account. I learned to hate that back from the old php forums in the early 2000s.

>> No.22824311

Most of /pol/ is zoomers

>> No.22824331

no, most of it is r/the_donald and other qtard boomers

>> No.22824334

well that just isn't true.

I browse there every day and I haven't seen a genuine qtard EVER, and there hasn't been significant r/the_donald overlap since early 2020ish, which is when the board became usable and I started going there. Prior to 2019, I concede, the board was unusable, at least that's how I felt at the time.

>> No.22824337

I get what you are saying and I do agree there will always be an audience. But outside of 4chan, the imageboard format is slowly loosing to time. All those sites I mentioned are bleeding users no matter how “good” and “so much better than 4chan” they are. I genuinely think 4chan is still popular is because it is 4chan (the history and identity surrounding the site). If 4chan shut down it would be just like 8ch. The user base Balkanizes into splintering sites, each one even more dead than the last

>> No.22824340
File: 259 KB, 1000x1500, IMG_3558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also OP, if you are interested this is a good documentary on the history of pepe. It doesn’t go into how frogposters became hated, but everything else is good

>> No.22824359
File: 22 KB, 600x375, 8chango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The imageboard format has never really been popular outside of one big site at a given time. You can't infer much from these being dead sites, it's always been that way. 8ch only got as popular as it did because of a mass-exodus event, and then most of its userbase just went back to 4chan when they realized 8ch sucked.

But the thing about 8ch is that it was never a 4chan-type site. It pretended to be, but the ability to create boards and moderate them ensured the site would never be anything like 4chan, it's reddit's forum design. 4chan's consolidation of discussion topics into a small number of topic boards, and the limiting discussion to these, is very important. Also the people running 8ch were idiots who didn't know what they were doing.

An interesting key component of 4chan besides its design is the way the mods operate. 4chan has a pretty damn good mod system going, and this would be the hardest thing to replicate if the site ever went down. I've always wondered how it works, you never get any real intimate details about what those shadowy attractive figures running the site this past decade are actually doing. How the janitor stuff works is well known, but not the admins.

>> No.22824385

>the old php forums in the early 2000s.
Those were so much better than reddit. I miss them.

>> No.22824394

Speaking of old sites that went to shit, anyone remember cracked.com? They fell off a cliff like 10-15 years once they started spamming woke shit, and I’m not even a /pol/tard

>> No.22824401

Same experience, I think they fell off around 2012.

>> No.22824425


>> No.22824513

u mad?

>> No.22824803

Kek you're such a fag. 2020 is when /pol/ became too shitty to use. And it's only gotten worse since.

>> No.22824860

Like I said, maybe I just warmed up to the place. I just remember there being a lot more obvious paid propaganda and honeypots polluting the catalogue sometime around 2017, and the board would overflow into /sci/ too much which was really annoying.

All that mellowed out in the last few years. And I am definitely getting more valuable discussions out of the board now than I did then. I take periodic screenshots of the catalogues and threads of each board I'm browsing, just out of habit, originally starting with /sci/. These days proportionally most of those screenshots are of /pol/, which would have been unthinkable to myself in 2017.

What do you think has gotten worse about the place?

>> No.22824867

I noticed the quality of discussion significantly dropped. It just became a basic conservative news aggregate like Drudge, except it was full of retarded boomers who accuse every other person of being a paid shill.

>> No.22825240 [DELETED] 


>> No.22825264
File: 17 KB, 644x644, ac7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you never get any real intimate details about what those shadowy attractive figures running the site this past decade are actually doing

>> No.22825317

Yeah, the word attractive stuck out in that post and made me disregard that anon

>> No.22825908

Unreal Press?

>> No.22825951

great image lmao

>> No.22825957

nothing on this chart is surprising. there are more /pol/ posts when there is something big in the political world happening. duh. I don't think that means that there is a decline in the website. more just that having Biden in office is boring and nothing interesting politically has happened.

>> No.22825960

now add /k/ so I can see the post numbers rise every time there has been a new war/gun law in the last few years.

>> No.22825983

And the selfpub fags like lewis woolston, unreal press and &amp mag right? Why has nobody mentioned them? Theyre always shitting up the catalogue with their gruel

>> No.22826017

There's always been white supremacists/fascists but the 2016 influx really ruined this place. Not because I disagree with their politics, but it went from a confused mess interspersed with some genuinely interesting schizos from whom I first heard about people like Moldbug or Neurath or whatever esoterica had grabbed their mind and ruined their life. In 2016, and ever since, though I think we're really healing now, there's been a default position of boring chud who hates da joos but not even in an interesting way, where he can hatefully quote Spinoza or who has a personal metaphysical worldview justifying why he hates black people. I think we're getting back to this place just being for failures of all stripes, which is nice. /mu/ still sucks though

>> No.22826039

As with the wider world, tribalism and strong ideologies marred this place. When your default online persona is guided by one of the above you have to reevaluate yourself. /lit/ has lost all form and it’s mostly about mudslinging and arguing, often from one of those tribalistic or ideological grounds

>> No.22826061
File: 121 KB, 1121x813, lit and mu posts per day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a comparison with /mu/ is best since they're conceptually similar and have numbers on the same scale. They both show similar peaks between 2020 and 2021 with declines following (and there are more similarities than that: jaggies in the middle of 2021, early 2022).

Yup, it was exactly that. I saw the spike while checking the numbers a while ago and went into the archives to check it out. Plus it's obvious from the dates anyway.

This. I think there's an inevitable exodus for a lot of people once they reach a certain level of knowledge about a subject. Once you're above the general level of a creative board, it's no longer as stimulating to stick around. It's going to be subject-dependent, but that seemed to be a pattern on /fa/ especially: once you know how you want to dress, you no longer need to ask anyone about it. Unless you have very high-level and/or niche subjects being discussed, there's no reason to stick around. (Those subjects do appear, but if they aren't common enough then you'll have intellectual bleeding.)

The current culture of &amp+Unreal+etc. is obviously exceptionally shitty, but (genuine) collaborative projects, writing critique, and mutual readership are a good reason for high-effort/high-knowledge anons to stick around. There was a thread up briefly last night complaining that /lit/ pales compared to what /mu/ pulls off: actual albums. I think the OP was a little short-sighted and ignored the old /lit/ collabs, but I think there's still a key distinction in quality between /lit/ and /mu/ projects, so I'll quote myself:
>/mu/ projects have the advantage of requiring some bare minimum skill (playing an instrument) to contribute, as opposed to /lit/ projects which are open to every barely literate poster.
>It's also easy to listen to an album, even a shitty one as background music, and it's maybe 35 minutes of your life, compared to having to sit down and dedicate yourself to reading somebody else's slop.
>Still not terrific excuses, but at least there's some really good stuff on rare occasions.

The thread was a dud, but it's here anyway:

>> No.22826077
File: 2.86 MB, 1744x2160, 1700263887593142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll also point out something I was impressed by recently: the drawpile threads on /ic/, where anons collaboratively draw on a temporary canvas and some really good stuff pops up (pic rel). From browsing it occasionally over the years it's pretty clear there are people of all levels on the board, including people with really high skill who stick around. The board is even slower than /lit/, but it also has a somewhat clear culture and tone to it.

Thinking about drawpiles specifically, I wonder if what leads to the generally high level of it is that it requires downloading something to set it up, and it's not easy to draw on a computer unless you've invested in hardware (similar deal to /mu/ projects requiring actual musical ability and knowledge as a bare minimum). Writing, by comparison, is the lowest common denominator: everyone who lurks or posts is literate, and thus capable of contributing, and thus the quality skews lower.

>> No.22826083

And before I forget, continuing my spam, /ic/ has a culture of constant practice. It's heavily about making art and improving at it.

>> No.22826146

I actually find it interesting to watch /lit/ and 4channel evolve in real time while being cognizant of it. I don’t like the direction that has been taken and the culture adopted but there is a real sociological microcosm that can be viewed. /lit/ in 2015 and /lit/ in 2023 are two very different places with different types of anons and cultures in a pretty short period of time. There are real world events along the timeline and their effect on the board is felt. I am a believer in the gamergate-2016 election-r/thedonald migration-Covid-Russian invasion chain of events that has brought us to where we are

>> No.22826157
File: 1.06 MB, 800x650, 60-460456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill All Normies is basically the only decent writing of any length about 4chan. Not a very high bar to reach, but considering she was a leftist writing about 4chan in the context of gamergate, it's stunning how not shit it is.
I haven't read anything from her in awhile but I remember her as part of a current that considered the left too obsessed with identity politics, and I think the book was part of a sub-genre of self-critical left writing that in its best moments is willing to admit "we have a problem," and can be courageous to admit that the right has diagnosed your disease before you knew you had it yourself, because no one was willing to call it out. It doesn't mean everything she said it correct but there are virtues to this approach. There are people who do this on the right as well. There are people who write things like that from the other way. People also get cancelled that way.

The book also landed shortly after Trump got elected, so she had an advantage in taking this phenomenon seriously when no one else on the left was doing that. This was also after years of what I think was really market-driven, shallow, clickbait leftism about 10 Reasons Why We're Done With White Men and stuff like that.

It's contrarian but I think that's different from mere contrarianism for its own sake. There are people who are, like, crypto-rightists? And crypto-leftists. Like people who'd say they are in one camp but are relentlessly negative towards their own team and enthralled by the other side, or someone says they're left but they're enthralled by /pol/'s meme game. At a certain point, everyone else is going to be like, you're probably fighting on the wrong side here. That also looks pretty silly now, and I sense a lot of people who might consider themselves rightists are self-critical towards their own recent past as well.

>> No.22826553

/Lit/ was good before 2014

>> No.22827553

when it didn't exist?

>> No.22827615

what a gay framing. You're a whole ass gay faglord, OP. Raiding and other "activism" was always there, you just weren't there for it, before it got clamped down on by moderation.
>"It's over" is like a cry of appeal about the future of this site.
you're another twat trying to paint what you see as your political enemies as lower than you. Probably because you see your own political option lost the culture utterly on this website so you'd like to go scorched earth.

"It's le over" is only a phrase that exists thrown out ironically by spergs like you. Probably picked up from your favorite incel plebbit that you then projected onto this website.

>> No.22827913

She is dating Eric Striker, moved to Pittsburgh to be with him.

>> No.22827928

>old /lit/ collabs
None of the old /lit/ collabs were ever very good, and they all went to shit and died off in the end.

>> No.22828041

2016 or 2020 ?

>> No.22828287

--Who'd say that in relation to doing anything at all? As if the community is supposed to be some sort of disembodied spectators? Only some latecomer sped who confuses memes with site rules. 4chan raided everything it could and only mods put a stop to it, with some fringe of moralfags rationalizing retroactively as muh optics, we totez don't want to raid or do anything at all, guyse! Think of the ad revenue!

now some smarmy eunuch comes and tries to write down "unwritten rules" that we supposedly always adhered to, just like we were always at war with Eurasia. Remember: always be a massive cuck and never, ever affect anything outside this bubble. That's the way it always was, you hecking chud! We are argan-and-mousse, we don't forage, expecto patronum. Faggot.

>> No.22828298

PS the personal army phrase only ever referred to some lone spastic trying to force others to do his bidding. Never anything else. This shit thread reeks of the same faggotry as some uneducated fedoralord trying to quote Deuteronomy at Christians so they hopefully do his bidding/stop doing things he doesn't like. Midwit mastermind.

>> No.22828332

4chan is more mostly young people with a lot of time on their hands. Lonely HS and college students primarily. 15 years ago these were millenials now they're zoomers. There's a huge different between the generations. And now more normies use the internet in general, so you have more tourists who shit up most boards.

>> No.22828582

Alright, being in fact, what you may call a "white supremacist/fascist", I thought that the 2016 influx ruined the place because it brought in a bunch of normalfag boomer republicans.
Just to give you a different perspective.

>> No.22828599

Oh, to add, I do definitely agree that the fact such politics has become the mainstream thing, resulting in retards just parroting it, has been a negative development.
The fact that it was at least contrarian to some extent even within 4chan meant that at least some thought had to occur to come to that position. Although of course there were always retards.

>> No.22828611

That book is garbage, it doesn't even deserve to be posted with an OP.
Please, don't advertise garbage. You're smarter than that, anon.

>> No.22828620

its a woman and it was published on zero books, why you needed more info?

>> No.22828632

>You're smarter than that, anon.
no im not

>> No.22828642

4chan went to shit when the flagship board became /pol/ instead of /b/. A different type of anon comes to 4channel in 2023

>> No.22828664

It's funny, some of my first memories on this site were of threads involving people arguing back and forth about "when" the cancer etc. and "/b/ was never good" and such. It may actually be considered a somewhat distinctive cultural tradition.

>> No.22828665
File: 145 KB, 720x997, Screenshot_20231214_163007_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22828671

incels, nerds and atheists were kicked out of the progressive coalition during gamergate and everything became political, what did you expect?

>> No.22828690

My favorite example of the butterfly effect is Zoe Quinn's behavior at a press-covered game-jam eventually leading to the election of Donald Trump.

>> No.22828715

the coalition was too big, everybody can't get gibs and prestige, somebody has to pay and be low status

>> No.22828800

Yeah, I'm not even sure what OP think nypa means but it is in reference to people coming here dropping a phone number of their middle school classmate they don't like and ordering us to make prank phone calls to them or dropping their email address and asking for them to be hacked.
Not in reference to activism type shit or raids. Which has been around full force in basically an official capacity since at least about 2009 with that whole chanolgy nonsense.
even then i remember when people managed to find this chick that was stepping on the heads of kittens, or maybe it was someone who was throwing them away in a river or something

>> No.22828803

lm@oing that really is the oldest archived post
/lit/ was never good HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.22828993

Proof that leftypol exists?

>> No.22829169

I'm >>22824359 and just realized I wasn't even considering imageboard cultures that exist outside of the english and japanese languages.

How are these other languages holding up? Does anybody keep track of these? They seem to be less stable than 4chan, coming and going, but there's obviously any number of reasons for that.

>> No.22829179

>How are these other languages holding up?
Hispa is dead, ylil is as slow and impenetrable as ever, others never had the same hold and hegemony or are lesser known to the point that they're as relevant as 7 at this point.

>> No.22829282

>Hispa is dead, ylil is as slow and impenetrable as ever, others never had the same hold and hegemony or are lesser known to the point that they're as relevant as 7 at this point
I wonder why this is. It's not for lack of a willing userbase, as the flags on /int/ and /pol/ can attest to. People use this english-speaking imageboard from all over the world, in many non-english speaking countries.

>> No.22829330

When I saw butterfly effect I thoutht you were referring to some phenomenon tripfags have on a board

>> No.22829331
File: 491 KB, 1071x588, PepetheFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any books/papers/opinions which show the change in psyche of 4chan ?
So are there or what? I just skimmed the thread and only see zoomers pretending their not.
Not OP but I've been wondering the same.

>> No.22829722

>None of the old /lit/ collabs were ever very good, and they all went to shit and died off in the end.
Pretty much. The only people who still insist that any of the older /lit/ collaborative projects were genuinely great are the people who created them or participated in them, and they're obviously heavily biased. Not to mention the tendency to look back on something that happened years ago and only remember the high points while glossing over the lows. It's easy to point out the flaws and drama associated with the current /lit/ projects because that stuff is recent enough that it's still discussed here regularly, but none of the projects from years ago were exempt from those same sorts of problems.

>> No.22829740

I was >>22826061 and I agree. Part of my framing of projects on /lit/ is that they've necessarily got a lower baselines of quality. And you're right about drama; I can't remember which (maybe Ideology?), but one project died with drama on a similar level as the current situation: some chick was doxxed, money was involved and someone got ripped off, and so on.

I haven't bothered to dig through old projects for any good writing, but I imagine it's there in small parts mostly drowned out by shit. These things seem to reach their peaks very early, and that early fresh period is where they're the most interesting and fun. Something can be inherently fun to take part in (and read, to a lesser extent) when it's full of new ideas and the approach isn't yet formulaic. I imagine having spontaneous projects that come and go also leads to a wider net of people contributing over time, rather than regulars orbiting a single monolithic project.

>> No.22829772

Lol, most of them came back after 8ch was nukes

>> No.22829853

>The only people who still insist that any of the older /lit/ collaborative projects were genuinely great are the people who created them or participated in them
Well I never participated in a /lit/ project. Totalitarianism in a tundra sucks. Hypersphere is high art, read this first. &amp is cool.

There's my unbiased opinion.

>> No.22829922

>it's a book therefore literature
Yes thats what literature it

>> No.22829928

You seem to forget atheism+ the reason I left atheism.

>> No.22830065

/lit/ used to be well-read people pretending to be retarded, then it became retards pretending to be well-read, and now it's just retards being retards

>> No.22830614 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 841x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time drawing, sort of stumbled upon this board, I had an epiphany reading this thread so I decided to take on drawing, did this ugly sketch from the guide, this is going to be painful

>> No.22830619 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 911x598, mw14-714910-Decrescendo+(Internal)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22831164

>&amp is cool
Opinion discarded

>> No.22831714
File: 153 KB, 894x698, lenewspaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22831720

I’m pretty convinced that 4chan is the cool kid’s table when it comes to online social culture and it remains so, but that’s not a good thing.

>> No.22831867

It's this suggesting they want to live in the future?

>> No.22832599

It's not the worst thing, but it's not the cool table, it's the punk rock stoner table full of honest to shit classic hipsters that are both consuming and creating the culture for reasons that have nothing to do with contrarianism. It's a bellwether of not relating to the status quo. Especially once you filter under the meme level consensus to the level of dialogue. It's at least 5 years ahead even though it is no longer as relevant. It is a thing.

>> No.22832614

>once you filter out the stuff that sucks you find the stuff that's good
4chan has its own culture but that "ignore what I don't like" treatment could apply to anything. No shit you're going to find someone forward thinking if you ignore 1000 people to find them. What do you think is actually unique to the current culture here that's so far ahead?

>> No.22832653

I meant that when you get under the level of r*dditism where only bait gets mass replies because popular shit is the only thing retards can respond to, it opens up into some pretty thoughtful and sincere anons who like shit because they like it and also hate the above because it's generic and not personally appealing, because they're genuinely weird and into niche shit due to mild autism and childhood trauma from spending too much time on the internet.

I was trawling through the archives (the only way to get the most out of /lit/) and the sentiment that, I saved the quote,
>The condition of a latin-american writer is not as deplorable as one might imagine; however whomever realizes this condition understands our media, that traditionally thrives on envy and intrigue serves our cultural poverty. Furthermore, fundamentally, our poverty's crux stems from the fact that all whom are not inherently involved in the creation of culture - have absolutely nothing to do with said culture.
Salvador Elizondo made about latam lit is one felt by many anons and absolutely shunned by the kinds of status quo clout chasing dickriders you see on other forums. When an anon drops a list of books that you don't already know about because they're surface level like 2666, they're usually cognizant of that quote or some similar sentiment in another sphere. You rarely find that in the public sphere because calling out "popular" authors for any reason is social suicide.

>> No.22832676

We live in a society where bait threads are rewarded and good posts languish. And (You) are all complicit. Don't complain about the state of the board when (You) can't even be bothered to do the minimum to promote it.

>> No.22832704


Welcome to 4chan, stupid bootlicker newfag.

>> No.22832726

I, for one, believe the based/cringe dichotomy has done lots of damage here. We all know there are retards here but the lack of nuance and middle ground has made it even worse. Threads about actual books are generally just anons arguing if it’s good or not, or judging the anon depending if he likes it or not. Rarely is there anything deeper than surface level

>> No.22832870

Always judge a book by the cover. If there is a frog and the word "normies" instead of normalfag, then it's a newfag or even (allah forbid) a twitchfag.

>> No.22832880

There is no way this guy believes that SAfags and futabafags are the ones who "memed" donald trump into office and not phonefags, ggfags and election tourists.

>> No.22832887

It’s incredible how many people on both sides ruined their lives because of Donald Trump

>> No.22832899

The actions of reddit mods who took over most popular subs, who were known goons, led to SRS and tipped a lot of things over the edge. It's probably not in that book but it's not...wrong per se.

>> No.22832900

I came here in 2017 and say normalfag because I got annoyed with you fagfags pissing yourselves everytime I said normie instead.

>> No.22832902

>the internet is a worse source of information than the bible because IT JUST IS
I would rather be a "rationalist" than a cristtard.

>> No.22832914

No srs was taken over by twitterfags, which is just a subset of phonefags. Nobody who used a keyboard before 2011 was a progressive outside of leftypol and the various other tankie websites.

>> No.22832934

Lefty/pol/ is a boogeyman

>> No.22832939

Gamergate was the white cell trying to fight cancer.

It was the spark of revolution.

>> No.22832965

Just wait 12 months...

>> No.22832995

english doesn't use honorifics in the same way japanese does, retardfags.

>> No.22833068

gamergate was the cancer chudcel

>> No.22833381
File: 57 KB, 526x526, 1697843317839439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you exist in a world that a book titled, "Kill all normalfags" is going to get published?!

>> No.22833385

What’s wrong with that cat? It looks strange

>> No.22833450

It's a farm breed. They're very good moosers.

>> No.22833628

In my experience Hispachan's /mex/ had horrendous post and user quality. Most threads were dumb or inflammatory questions where some anons responded with basic insults and then died. In my opinion, these insults seemed more insidious or mean-spirited that those hurled in 4chan, though I suspect that I thought so because Spanish is my native language. There was a real lack of discussion or real exchange due to most replies being insults, which probably turns most users away from the site. Even so, some threads were decent but never reached the average quality of a 4chan thread.

>TL;DR Hispachan had low-quality users that made shit threads and only posted insults

>> No.22833633

Gamergate was this site flying too close to the sun faggotnigger, it was a glorious death

>> No.22833782

What was that other thing 4chan did before that? When people wore guy fawkes masks in public protests circa 2010? I totally forgot it was called

>> No.22833850

Project chanology. Thats it. Gamergate is just that 2.0
I remember being in high school circa 2017 and some weirdo kid telling me about gamergate and how big a deal it was. I had never heard of it at the time. Wish I could go back and never be sucked into all thit shit

>> No.22834344

>The new generation is bad
As said by every old person ever

>> No.22835575

And they're always right.

>> No.22835583
File: 3.07 MB, 4044x2500, antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftists act the same everywhere, so it doesn't matter which leftytroon website you cite

>> No.22835592
File: 30 KB, 500x500, we are anonymous book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I remember rightly, it was this book that admitted "not your personal army" was a undercover attempt at defractionalizing opposition within anonymous circles. In other words, the FBI and CIA would use that phrase to fragment organically occurring movements. That was never "our phrase".

>> No.22835609

uh, no, its from when some normalnigger would post their ex girlfriend's number on /b/ and tell everyone to harasss her

>> No.22835615


>> No.22835620

It is pointless to read books like these, you should just experience it yourself. It is like reading a book on someone's experience of a video game. I read Kill all Normies and it felt like I watched a YouTube video essay. It wasn't bad, it just felt pointless.

>> No.22835695

sharty is fun too tho

>> No.22835750

I might be misreading your post but if you're suggesting that "slower = better" then you should head over to /mu/ and lurk for a few days. They've seen a massive fall off in users/posts per day yet it's somehow full of low effort threads, most of which die before they even hit 50 replies. It's a wasteland and I think that's our future, unfortunately.

>> No.22835755

Weird that nobody has posted this yet, but an anon wrote a fairly comprehensive history of 4chan in 2013. It describes some happenings you don't find in those official books, like the civil war caused by boxxy etc.

>> No.22835774

Unfortunately I see this too, I used to be fairly active on altchans (smugloli mainly) but their userbase just disappeared and nowadays there's simply no point. I believe discord killed them, zoomers all want their name to be known, they aren't interested in anonymity.

>> No.22835786

Why do I need an account to read it? Thats fucking gay

>> No.22835923


>> No.22835951

post of /pol/ is bots

>> No.22835978
File: 876 KB, 1267x3795, 4chan - sensitiveresearch.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this not long ago, and I thought it was pretty insightful. Here's the link to the full thing, surprisingly it's 95% gay porn (really)


>> No.22836061

>seems true newfags didn't lurk before posting. They turned this site into a xitter clone.
Very true. I remember when I first joined I had anons reply and tell me to lurk more for like some months then after a feel of the place get to chatting but it's just "le troll" now

>> No.22836076

>surprisingly it's 95% gay porn (really)
What is?

>> No.22836077
File: 95 KB, 465x342, lurk less.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't heard anybody tell anybody else to lurk more in at least 7-8 years. It's just not a thing that's enforced anymore.

>> No.22836080

Yeah, I remember I was nervous when I posted for the first time. There is no point in lurk more. Anons just making this site in their own image

>> No.22836083

I still see it on /a/ usually in attempted rec threads.

>> No.22836103
File: 188 KB, 600x500, 1689298978319926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading comprehension motherfucker, do you have it?

>> No.22836226

Because it means nothing now. Even if someone does say lurk more, it's probably just a zoomer larping as an oldfag and by lurking more they mean familiarize yourself with the different frog and jack variants, not the site/board culture. There's no point lurking more if the site has been taken over by people who never did.

>> No.22836318


>> No.22837941

Nice, 2000s and early 2010s coverage is a lot more interesting than the mid-2010s+ culture war shit

>> No.22837963

I only just realized I hadn't seen anyone say that in a long fucking time

>> No.22838005

Replace /lit/ with any board and the statement remains true.

>> No.22838625
File: 56 KB, 640x800, 1681731465948148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I need to look up their (((early life))) sections?

>> No.22838637


>> No.22838694

The only boards i used when I first came here in 2010ish were /co/ and/b/, so I can't speak to the quality of this board then, but I will say I did like /co/ a lot more back then. Less culture wars bullshit, more people storytiming and actually discussing comics. It was cook to find people with the same niche interests and not super invested in politics

>> No.22838698

leftists happened which is why /co/ sucks now
"le culture war" is just leftists shitting up everything that exusts