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/lit/ - Literature

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22812176 No.22812176 [Reply] [Original]

Should some books be banned?

>> No.22812179

how would you ban books?
can't stop people from downloading pdfs

>> No.22812189

you'd make it illegal to possess them or sell them, which would take care of most of it. most people have no idea how to find books online. if you wanted to crack down on that too, you could increase internet surveillance in your country

>> No.22812193

And then Nazis would migrate to the darkweb with the pedophiles and most of them, like most pedophiles, wouldn't get arrested.

>> No.22812194


>> No.22812195

aren't they in effect banning books? and what are these anti-semitic books? I want to read them now.

>> No.22812197

why do they ban books if the whole point of the sub is discussing banned books

>> No.22812199

I'm already in posession of multiple illegal items.

>> No.22812202

It's called being a decent human being sweaty

>> No.22812203

No, they are evil.

>> No.22812207

>Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

>> No.22812213

should any books be banned? no. should books that blatantly provide false information that can destabilize a government/population be condemned? sure. if a book said "holocaust wasnt real" I would support federal government creating a database saying x books is wrong and harmful information, you can buy it but we hate it.
that could also cause a streisand effect so its hard to say.

>> No.22812215

"Banned books" don't even exists in the age of internet. They can only prevent inappropriate books from entering the curriculum (which any sane country should). They like being seen as victims of persecution, that's all.

>> No.22812220

It's tricky.
For example, I think certain books should be banned because they are vile and have no inherent value, like something on how to cook humans.
The problem is that you can't ban all books that are *vile* because that could be anything based from person to person, culture from culture, etc.
Say, something like Maurice could've been considered immoral in the victorian era, but nowadays it's just a gay love store and those are very common now even if certain groups still consider them immoral. On the other hand you have 120 Days of Sodom, which itself is a ghastly book but it has quality writing, so at least it has that as a saving grace.

>> No.22812232

the holocaust wasn't real tho

>> No.22812241

>should books that blatantly provide false information that can destabilize a government/population be condemned? sure.
If you do this, then all current media should be banned as well.

>> No.22812245

Why would a book on how to cook humans need to be banned? If someone is cooking a human, the book isn't what's the problem.

>> No.22812257

>'permanent record' is wrong and harmful information
>we would never do anything immoral to you, citizen

>> No.22812269

>government makes a list of books it considers "subversive" and "wrong"
oh boy this has never ended poorly

>> No.22812281

> Should some books be banned?

If we are talking about fiction/genuine artistic expressions, probably not.

If we are talking about revolutionary political material that is likely to cause serious upheaval, maybe? At minimum it makes sense for a status quo that wishes to preserve itself to try and ban said material. Generally though, revolutionary ferver doesn't just materialize out of the ether. If you have a large number of disaffected young people who see more promise in taking a torch to your society than trying to improve it, I don't think the books are really the problem to be solved.

If we are talking about books that have things that are dangerous to be publicly distributed (e.g., instructions for creating bioweapons, chemical warfare, etc.) then probably that makes sense to regulate in some capacity.

>> No.22812282
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>> No.22812284
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it would make sense for a status quo that wishes to preserve itself to be less shit

>> No.22812290

I guess it depends if being less shit is really their priority. It seems like most of the modern status quo exists to enrich the ruling class while engaging as little as possible with the real responsibility of leadership.

The progressives and "conservatives" don't want to be less shit. They want to enrich themselves and force you to adjust to things just getting worse while they line their own pockets.

>> No.22812305

Anon, don't respond to bait.

>> No.22812378

Only totalitarians take issue with misinformation

>> No.22812396

>we don't mind people supplying banned books
>except certain books

What's even the point? Also, do idiots not see the irony in lamenting bigotry while using systems to enforce rules?

>> No.22812445

it's literally unfathomable that redditors exist. when I think about them it just makes my train of thought explode.

>> No.22812489

To redditors and leftists "banned books" means books that teach kids about becoming a tranny or how oppressed women and black people are. If a republican somewhere has expressed any kind of opposition to the book, then it's a banned book, never mind the fact that it's never actually been banned and you can find a banned books section in a any major bookstore that stock multiple copies of it.

>> No.22813079

So fucking funny. R3ddit is so fucking queer.

>> No.22813084
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The left seems to be all about stealing words, accusing others of what they are guilty of etc. basically they run on the protocols. They are literally bigots calling out bigots for being the wrong kind of bigots.

>> No.22813092

Whoa, I knew reddit was gay, but I didn't know it had become THAT gay

>> No.22813107

>had become

>> No.22813204

it would just be a database of books the government thinks spread blatant misinformation, nothing else would come of it. you could still buy the books if you want.
if the media does more than slight misinformation sure.

>> No.22813278

unironic nazis ruin things. there is tons of antisemitism on /lit/ alone

>> No.22813290

You are literally a nazi, there is no fundamental difference between you and a nazi

>> No.22813467

Why is lefty identity so tied up in thinking of itself as the underdogs when they haven't been the underdogs in the west for generations at this point?

>> No.22813470 [DELETED] 

probably the same reason christians are so tied up in thinking of themselves as underdogs when they stopped being the underdogs 1700 years ago.

>> No.22813871

>This thread has recently had attention to it, so clarifications are in order. The requests we do not allow are for anti-Semitic PDFs that have not been banned by any government and are not even considered books as they were never published. Book banning as defined by this subreddit are published books that were banned by a government authority.

So what antisemitic books would still qualify? I'm in a requesting mood.

>> No.22813873

The Reddit definition of a "Banned Book" is gay porn that a school library in the South decided not to distribute.

>> No.22813892

>aren't they in effect banning books?
They redefine ''ban'' in order to not paint themselves as censors, which title they find unpalatable. The texts would likely include Culture of Critique, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and Mein Kampf.

>> No.22813895

Nazi faggot.

>> No.22813896

Anyone that uses the term ''nazi'' is a bigot.

>> No.22813907

This idea of book banning is an unconscious response by the public, and particularly the educational facilities of the public, to the loss of a common canon, and a critical standard, in popular reading.

>> No.22813928

Maybe a Germananon can help. There have to be some bans of Holocaust denial stuff by these guys,
Bundeszentrale für Kinder- und Jugendmedienschutz
(Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons)

>> No.22813936

I'm german myself, too lazy right now. Plus the subreddit is probably populated by americans.

>> No.22813975
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>> No.22814147

Do revised editions count as a book "ban"? I've been on the hunt for a non-revised copy of Behold a Pale Horse, but everything I can find is the 1995 revised edition with chapter 15 removed.

>> No.22814394

>slight misinformation

>> No.22814417

because it's pure slave morality

>> No.22814421

>We celebrate books that have been banned
>Also, we ban books we disagree with or find offensive
The doublethink is so strong. Even when they like to retweet '1984 was not an instruction manual!' Kek.

Basically this. Short of Great Firewall (and even that is porous) type stuff, there is no practical way to prohibit the transmission of knowledge in the way that there was pre-1990s. And even pre-Internet it was nearly impossible to actually stop people from having 'underground' books/etc.

That noted, it is possible to suppress *actions* that might be suggested by the 'illicit' knowledge, be it through law or force or simple cultural norms and shunning and 'cancelling.' But that too has always been the case. Tempora mutantur; Nihil mutatur.

>> No.22814432

>What is the present perfect?

>> No.22814434

Only one of those I've read is Culture of Critique, which I would highly recommend. Mein Kampf has been on my reading list for a while, started a bit on it a while back but didn't get that far into it. I'll get around to it.

>> No.22814436

>past* perfect

>> No.22814448

Nazism is naturally anti intellectual due to its emphasis on direct action and aesthetics. Even the ones they manage to pump out under the neofascist umbrella are retards larping as Hegelians, retards larping as Indians and retards larping as the real jews (which is apparently only a sign of retardation when the blacks are doing it).

There is no world in which nazis would be going on the dark web to go on forums for "nazi intellectuals" read "nazi theory" . In fact we can go on the big white nat website storm front and see there is no lit thread and they are all completely retarded.

>> No.22814454

Yes. That's a pretty ancient tactic when people intentionally keep promulgating books that out themselves. It also avoids the popularity factor of banned books getting out.

>> No.22814455

come on anon, do you really think I was commenting on grammar? I was saying it was always shit

>> No.22814457

You sound angry

>> No.22814461

you should seriously ask yourself what the problem with that is, and whether you've ever seriously considered their position rather than getting stuck in a knee-jerk reaction

>> No.22814463

you can't just tease without posting a mega, c'mon man it's 2023

>> No.22814465

Sounds like a good idea now actually

>> No.22814470

>mmh I wonder what banned books they are sharing over there, could be interesting
>check it
>it's all news stories about faggot books and books written by faggots being banned from american schools

>> No.22814512

Not at all I just don't like seeing young minds wasted on mentally wanking off to cute pictures of men in boots and women with blonde hair and 10 children worshiping gods that were obliterated and falling for every single outrage articles about what they could have been if it wasn't for the current thing.

>> No.22814527

The problem is that, on one hand, all information should be available. On the other hand, a large percentage of people are fucking retarded. It's like handing a gun to a baby, and banking on the 99% of the time when nothing happens. Then someone gets shot in the face.

>> No.22814531

he's right though.

>> No.22814543
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stormfront has been dead for years. it's true that most wns are annoying larping wiggers (or spics) though. you lot ought to be more like a true gentleman to be frank.

>> No.22814625

Leftoids are so full of shit

>> No.22814639

>leftoids act in bad faith and contradict themselves
>their authorities do something hypocritical
>deflects and blames nazis who have no power
You are fucked in the head

>> No.22814644

>how many children have to die
All of them, tyrant

>> No.22814700

I wasn't talking about the baby

>> No.22814721 [DELETED] 

>how would you ban cp?
can't stop people from downloading videos

>> No.22814743

>how would you ban cp?
>can't stop people from downloading mp4s

>> No.22814790

Same idea

>> No.22814798

Cp is universally taboo and banned around the world
Its not the same with books

>> No.22814846

Intellectualism must be destroyed

>> No.22814849

As opposed to wanking off to pictures of huge African penises in your case

>> No.22814868

somehow it still exists

>> No.22814875

All the Rivers by Dorit Rabinyan is banned in Israel for being against Jewish interests. Presumably so is everything else you'd expect.

Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman is banned in Japan.

>> No.22814897

Wtf fuck. I used to work in a library and Little Black Sambo was still circulating in the childrens department.

>> No.22814912

...was your library in Japan?

>> No.22814929

i think you mean, "sweety".

>> No.22814962

People still post on it all the time. If there is a site full of nazis discussing theory and not being retards, I will look into it.

If there are material facts that are so dangerous to your ideology that they need to be destroyed with fire and not the logic of your ideology or if there are ideas that are so dangerous to your ideology that the institutions that propagate them need to be banned and not debated, do you perhaps think that your ideology might be baseless.

What do BBC, traps, lolicon and futanari all have in common? Oh yes they are all "for no reason at all" the most popular porn categories on a website full of self proclaimed nazis.

>> No.22815421

Look them up on archive.org

>> No.22815746

>If we are talking about revolutionary political material that is likely to cause serious upheaval, maybe
You are a statist degenerate and an enemy of liberty

>> No.22815754

There are no banned books outside of dangerous manuals. For the umpteenth time, these threads are just /pol/ threads in disguise. You can by Mein Kampf on any major website, you aren’t discriminated against, poor Nancy boys

>> No.22815974

what about cp erotica books? should they be banned?

>> No.22816233

Have you interviewed and taken a head count of every porn poster and confirmed their nazi ideology? What is your standard for nazi?

>> No.22816235

every book except the one I am currently writing should be banned

>> No.22816237 [DELETED] 

>implying trannyism is pro-intellectual material fact and not mental illness

>> No.22816241

>implying trannyism is pro-intellectual material fact and not mental illness

>> No.22816248

>What is your standard for nazi?
People who disagree with fee/fi/fo/fum

>> No.22816252

well my pic wasn't a nazi but he is a WN, smart guy too. here's his stuff if you're interested.

there's also steve sailer, not a WN but a 'citizenian'. sorta like a civnat who just wants to maintain white culture/majority but recognizes the differences in peoples all the same. he does more than just political stuff too.

if you're more interested in nazism there's a jew who does some controversial writings well as well as sources them.

with that being said a lot the other stuff on these sites and others are just weekly despair magazines tbfrank.

>> No.22816673

It makes no sense that 4chan has gotten to a point that it is synonymous with nazis by which (please) I obviously mean people who like hitler, believe the jews all need to die and whites are superior by grace of being white (an ideology that is uncontroversial on this site) due to the fact that nazis have spilled out onto every board but that when there are even nazis on /out/ and /a/ and whatever else the BBC threads are somehow devoid of them.

mental illness is material please bring update your knowledge to the present era if you want to be so outspoken.


I have been 15 yrs old of course I have seen his videos and they are great until you realise none of it is true. He also cannot come under the heading of an intellectual as he has no theories, hes a social commentator at best. Nazis and white nats dont have a massive difference,

>> No.22816691

I don't understand, how can Americans consider themselves Nazis when it was you who helped defeat the Third Reich? And not only that, but your country is the HQ of international usury."

>> No.22816742
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We're an occupied country.

>> No.22816751

>if the government stops it from being published it doesn't count as banned

>> No.22816757


Ironically I found the link through reddit

>> No.22816759

Well I mean I imagine the proliferation of cp is evidence that banning a form of media is next to impossible.

>> No.22816761

Chuds will be baffled by the tolerance paradox until the sun burns out.

>> No.22816768


>> No.22816778

I studied Popper in the course of my philosophy degree. In academia he is only respected for his contributions to philosophy of science. His political works are widely dismissed as amateurish and are transparently motivated by his ethnic Jewish interests if assessed honestly. The Paradox of Tolerance is reddit-tier argumentation.

>> No.22816798

>it's okay when we do it
but what if toleramce isn't a virtue?

>> No.22816824

The inherently intolerant disqualify themselves from the protection of tolerance. It's a good system.

>> No.22816828

This is the most retarded take I've seen in at least the last 4 hours, good job.

>> No.22816840

I tend to disagree with people who are into genocide.

>> No.22816844

Because leftists use in-group signaling to apply more specific meanings to more general words. “Banned books” really means “banned books about leftist indoctrination”.

See, what conservative minded people don’t understand is that there’s a historical context to leftist thinking always. “Banned books” to them means books that would’ve been banned by the 20th century Germans or the 19th century Confederates or the 18th century theocratic monarchs.

>> No.22816846

>intolerance is tolerance
>anti-white is anti-racist
>hypocrisy is paradox
how does it feel knowing Orson Welles BTFO your rhetoric back in 1945?

>> No.22816855

Let’s not get anti semitic here

>> No.22816856

>I face social backlash for advocating genocide!
>Th-this is literally 1984!!
lmao, even
Chuds stay losing.

>> No.22816858

Calling your intolerance "tolerance" is incredibly jewish.

>> No.22816863

You know you can’t make an argument when you need to keep spamming “chud” like some obnoxious edgelord

>> No.22816865

>Nooooo!! Only I'm allowed to be intolerant! Noooo!! You have to smile and let me pass laws inhibiting the people I hate or else you're a hypocrite.
No :)

>> No.22816866

That's literally what you're doing.

>> No.22816870

Yes, I am literally intolerant of intolerant people solely on the basis of their intolerance. Their intolerance violates and nullifies the social contract that protects them under tolerance. What a simple and perfect system.

>> No.22816879
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This, except I don't tolerate tolerance.

>> No.22817014

Being against Nazis is antisemitic?

>> No.22817015


>> No.22817021

>tolerence is intolerence
>racism is anti-racism

I have been comparing the cultural shifts of late to the 30s whenever anyone says it's like the 60s or 90s. I think you and I are getting the same impression from this but I don't know what you mean by hypocrisy is paradox.

>> No.22817023

funny how all the "not nazis" are getting offended by this

>> No.22817027

No, but only in the sense of a ban that makes sale or possession of a book a crime. I don't really give a shit if some country bumpkin school district bans a book from their school libraries or if a leddit page bans discussion of the turner diaries.

>> No.22817029

Why do people take on nazi sympathies
You can't make fun of them for it without engaging with their reasoning
So why

>> No.22817031

Shit thread as always.

>> No.22817064

Die late little janny tranny

>> No.22817065 [SPOILER] 
File: 812 KB, 1114x478, censor us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this shows those who really want to go against the Establishment narratives what the REALLY forbidden books are! If they try to censor something that means it is important and should be seriously studied. After all, they would not bother to censor something unless they could not refute it. And if you cannot refute something...

>> No.22817077

So when school districts or state governments ban LGBT books, they cannot refute the dignity entitled to LGBT people and resort to censoring.

>> No.22817090
File: 1.02 MB, 1408x1023, Tweet Protocols of Zion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the stress with this particular book.
The Protocols of Zion has been made available for years now

>> No.22817106

The interesting part of this is that you're currently on a lit thread on a nazi website claiming that nazis would never create something like that, are you retarded?

>> No.22817114

Ma'am, this is an anime shitposting site for the involuntarily celibate.

>> No.22817118

>nazi website
Goddamn tourists pretending like they know anything.

>> No.22817130
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>> No.22817132

>a nazi website
You need to go back.

>> No.22817149

>There is no world in which nazis would be going on the dark web to go on forums for "nazi intellectuals" read "nazi theory"
There's a lot of this stuff in the clearnet, but of course they're not real intellectualism or theory, just more propagandistic texts to get the autism rolling and drive them deeper into the cult. You're right that they're never looking for the truth, but they're definitely itching for more hallucinations to confirm their biases.
>muh "bill clinton is a communist rabbi"

>> No.22817165

The modern world is becoming increasingly factionalized, radicalized, deranged, psyches pumped full with hyperreality/simulacra of reality which they increasingly take to be the Real Thing Itself, and increasingly willing to take on authoritarian measures pushed by political leaders to combat their so-called “enemies” (whether real or imagined — for instance, if you’re even suspected of being one of these “enemies”, the hyper-radicalized will lump you in with them, whether left or right — hence why it’s easy and very possible for you to be called a “tranny kike leftist” or a “/pol/ chud Nazi who needs to GTFO and go back” in the same day here, just posting in different /lit/ threads).

Of course, the Internet/social media is not quite “real life”, but it is a significant simulacrum of real life which in some ways is an extension of it and in other ways has a massive impact on it. So we get grotesque feedback loops of people being pumped full with these distorted-depictions-of-reality that work almost like Pavlovian conditioning. If you’re constantly exposing your mind to certain information and worldviews, seeking for everything that confirms that worldview and automatically denying everything that contradicts it, clearly, you’re going to act very similarly to someone who was brought up in a cult and blindly adheres to the cult. The same conditioning is done whether it’s mainstream media that you’re primed to view as “liberal, reasonable, and objective” by nature, whether it’s a certain leftist-progressive bent in the education system that turns out kids and teenagers thinking all of history can be reduced to white heterosexual cis males being uniquely oppressors, enslavers, privileged, and bigoted (with a hierarchy of how other groups qualify on the “oppressed/oppressor” scale based on intersectionality), or whether it’s a far-right reality tunnel, or even a militant Zionist or Islamist-jihadist reality-tunnel.

People are going to increasingly be radicalized in all these different sorts of ways (yet at core with a similar fundamental narcissism, arrogance, and propensity-to-violence and dehumanization of others that don’t share their views), and it almost seems like just one of many facets in our possible ongoing modern “Apocalypse”. Other possible details of this apocalypse include horrific plagues — even going back to HIV/AIDs, if COVID wasn’t dramatic enough for you, and whatever is causing increasing excess deaths according to statistics associated with the rollout of the jab —, increasing geopolitical tensions on a world scale and the lines being drawn roughly between US/allied Europe or NATO/Israel and entities like Russia, China, the anti-Zionist Middle Eastern nations and paramilitaries (Hamas, the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, Syria, and Iran being some of the significant ones) —

>> No.22817181

>i'm a totally rational and unbiased guy
>we are in the literal biblical endtimes; illnesses and conflicts have never existed before

>> No.22817211

increasing natural disasters like great earthquakes, floods, fires, volcanic or even super-volcanic eruptions, and so on. The increasing tensions and hatred between average people of modern industrialized societies even against each other will and already is, obviously, also leading to increased internal strife in some of the Western nations approaching a cold civil war. The increasing civil dissension and strife can then also be used to justify increasingly draconian measures of authorities in the West towards their own citizens, treating them all as “potential terrorists” and further justifying and building the surveillance state that was already erected with the U.S. Patriot Act and turning it against their own citizens as well as Five-Eyes allies (as if they hadn’t already been doing this).

If you take the hypothesis of some insane wealthy powerful group of cultists running the West and octopus-like sticking their tentacles into as much of the rest of the world’s affairs as they can (with anything from espionage, trade, certain broad geopolitical policies and objectives they push towards, attitudes on immigration, outright declaring or engineering wars when needed, etc.), and seeking total domination over the world under themselves as “illuminated globalists worthy of running the world”, then it doesn’t seem insane to imagine that they would even push such civil strife through covert and overt means precisely to justify such policies and create such a surveillance state. Or, even further, to themselves be deliberately steering such an Armageddon, also for Malthusian depopulation ends (which has been an implicit or explicit talking-point of powerful Western leaders and globalists since Malthusianism itself to the Club of Rome’s 1972 “Limits to Growth” report to modern U.N.-backed talking points about the threat of overpopulation). What’s been called the Kalergi plan (or euphemistically “replacement migration” by the U.N.) also seems to play into this — paradoxically, with fertility actually catastrophically DECREASING in Western industrialized nations (I wonder why? Could it be the endocrine disrupters and xenoestrogens in everything, the shattering of the economy for younger people, as well as pushing the idea of, “Why would you want to bring a kid into this world, don’t you know climate change and resource depletion could destroy it all within the next few decades?”), hence the supposed need to bring in more fertile migrants from the actually overpopulated (and shithole, I’m sorry to say) countries. The migrants will also work for cheap and be a more willing “slave class” or semi-homogenous rootless cultureless deracinated consumer class who can be marketed to more easily, whom stuff can be sold to.

>> No.22817215


>> No.22817222

>Should some books be banned?
No, but neither should book burning e.g. the Qur'an.

>> No.22817238

>Should some books be banned?
Yes, and they should be illegal to burn too.

>> No.22817271

I was agreeing with you until the end.
You people are honestly no better than the unruly migrants. The problems stemmed from your mistakes in the 20th century. Always scapegoating others rather than owning up to your own flaws, no different than a Jew with his goy bullshit.
You paradoxically make me see the destruction of your race much more desirable.

>> No.22817274

A phase of this plan of course also seems to include demonizing all the European-descendants of the West who object to this change of demographics (or even relatively sane non-European-descendants who see this policy ongoing and object to it) as “white nationalists,” “white supremacists” or “Nazis”. This is practically the same playbook as the Muslims/Arabs = terrorists playbook to secure geopolitical objectives in the Middle East (Iraqis, Afghanis, Gazans, etc., all are/were under threat of being considered terrorists, even the civilians being bombed to smithereens, of course), whether or not the original factors that provoked them into joining these groups may or may not have been from training, funding, and meddling by the U.S. and Israel and covert ops by the CIA and Mossad, even including false flags or attacks deliberately allowed to happen.

It’s a simple legal term called: entrapment. But happening on such a mind-bogglingly vast scale, by perpetrators with unprecedented military power and control over the mainstream media, that you can hardly believe it can happen. It’s the classic, “Hey, kid, wanna commit a terrorist attack?” of glowies, as some astute people have figured out is a M.O. of theirs. Anyone with any awareness can see some stuff that was shady about, respectively: the 9/11 attacks, the Jan. 6th protests, and the utter failure of Israeli security, military and intelligence forces (supposedly one of the most sophisticated in the world, over the Gaza-Israel border, one of the most heavily guarded and monitored borders in the world) on the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7th. You can even look a little deeper and see that the Israeli government has indeed funded and supported Hamas in the past as a counterweight to the more moderate P.L.O. (Palestinian Liberation Organization) of Yasser Arafat, so they could have a more radical enemy to fight against and justify Israel’s expansionism and genocide of Gazans on the global stage.

Clearly, if you take some hypothesis like this, it’s evident even “ordinary Jews” are fucked over by this elite if and when it helps them out (sacrificing about some 1,000+ Israelis and having hundreds more of them taken hostage). Even average Jews should have very good reason to be very suspicious of such ultra-Zionists (and even of guys like Soros, if they live in the West).

The well-known influence of the Jewish lobby over the U.S. (through AIPAC and groups like the ADL) effectively covers this up, as well as the automatic equation of all this with “antisemitic conspiracy theories.” All of this is extremely obfuscated by increasing political tensions which are, again, an outgrowth of divide-and-conquer tactics. Ordo ab chao. The people who want to recreate the Third Reich aren’t really much of a help in this, either, they’re just more useful idiots meant to become the new enemy.

World’s fucked, basically. Even the opposition is controlled.

>> No.22817275


>> No.22817283


>> No.22817324

Virtue signalling.
>at least I'm not doing a hecking genociderino!!

>> No.22817388

damn you kids act like not killing people is the hardest thing you've done in your lives lmao

>> No.22817419

The ones doing the real genocide are the leftists. By psyoping white women into thinking wrongthink is unattractive, they're holding the future of our race hostage. Submit to leftythink or suffer inceldom. George Floyd couldn't breathe? Well I CAN'T BREED! Where are the riots over this??

>> No.22817431

The audacity of wagging your finger at the “anti semites” for “being genocidal” while the jews indiscriminately murder villages full of Palestinian children is shamefully hypocritical even for you Moshe

>> No.22817459

Not him, but idgaf about Palestinians being genocided.
Snow nigs are far more insulting than Jews. Literally insane trannies or dehumanizing far rightists, a literal bipolar sanctimonious race that knows no nuance.
Israel and Iran should make peace with the help of China and then proceed to enslave the NW Europe and America. I'm sick and tired of you people. Literally going around screaming either Nordicist or tranny globohomo bullshit, always myopically approaching every complex problem with a naive humanist lens.
I'd take Jews over you insufferable doliocephalic megalomaniacs any day of the week. At least Jews are predictable. What are you, Germanic man? One moment you're a fucking tranny, the next you're sieg hieling and spreading retarded Nordicist propaganda. Enough is enough. Your time is up, schizophrenic snow nig. Now go do something even more unpredictable like open borders, regret that decision and 1488, jack off to hentai, incessantly berate Indians more, and then suck Jew dick. How do you even have time to be productive?
Even Hitler was unpredictable with his obsession with waging a retarded war with Russia.

>> No.22817463

>believing that industrialization doesn't introduce numerous complications NEVER before seen in our human history
Okay midwit.

>> No.22817712

Jews are not white, additionally they're the ones behind tranny globohomo shit.

>> No.22817721

Lol you got fucking owned kid.

>> No.22817730

Why are jews so predisposed to schizophrenia? (rhetorical question we both know the answer)

>> No.22817735

I'm not that poster, it's just pathetic that your first response was to scramble towards scapegoating.

>> No.22817752
File: 188 KB, 1024x639, jewish transgenderism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22817754

A walltext of some extremely online browncel crying about a variety of people having different convictions is just a tantrum and it got cut down in a single sentence by identifying the bad ones as coming from an identifiable outside source. Farthest thing from owned.

>> No.22817769

I don't really care, I just agree with him that Hitler was too much of an emotional idiot to deal with the jewish invasion properly. I also think nordicism is a trash ideology as a white man myself.

>> No.22817784

You are a faggot with severe internet poisoning which has led you into the contrarianism vortex of dismissing the only real resistance to judaism in over 2000 years on some wholly unfounded delusion that you have anything approaching the will to do better.

>> No.22817790

>the only real resistance to judaism in over 2000 years
Where? You'll find more resistance to judaic influence over in the East then you will anywhere in the entirety of the West.

>> No.22817866

It can be both the fault of whites and jews the world is so shit.

>> No.22817898

>Nazis and white nats dont have a massive difference
National socialism is an actual political theory that is derivative to third positionism.
White nationalism is just ethno-nationalism without a discernable political foundation. It's usually just "pan-european" protectionists.
This massive difference is why you'll see different political flags from liberal american republican party to the German National Socialist flag to the libertarian flag and a lot of ideas in between.
Keeping in mind that "White Nationalism" is mostly just a shutdown buzzword that was just accepted by a lot of the people who were called it. It's just an ethno-nationalist, which is why you'll find a lot of non-Whites being called "White Nationalists."
tl;dr: You're uneducated on a matter that you're attempting to argue against, despite knowing absolutely nothing but caricatures made by supposed enemies of said movement.
For an easier to digest analogy for you, this is like a woman saying she hates women's rights when she thinks women's rights means she will actually be held accountable for her actions instead of just being able to vote and wear pants.

>> No.22817922


>> No.22817954

and yet you only mention global warming to mock it... i don't think i'm the midwit here

>> No.22817958

Very much appreciated, thanks

>> No.22817965

>industrialization is just global warming
Holy fucking shit.

>> No.22817982

Ah the scare-quote, the last resort of the flustered normie retard

>FNR: I think life has no meaning and we're just supposed to maximize sugar intake and orgasms until we die! Take that, Catholic grandma!!
>Autist: Well, I think our views differ
>FNR: Well my view is correct, your "view" is obviously incorrect

Burn in hell, normie

>> No.22818022

in the first place it's basically impossible in the internet age to actually ban information. but beside that it's a dangerous road that only leads to overexposure. books that never would have been heard of suddenly are on big lists of "BOOKS TO CHECK OUT BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT HATES THEM"
of course if individual publishing companies want certain standards, they can have them.
and public institutions SHOULD have standards. anything which a very significant portion of the populace would find disagreeable and which has no actual historical or cultural value shouldn't be in public libraries at all, and anything with content considered inappropriate for children shouldn't be in school libraries. that's just the rub.
certain people get off on the idea of sneaking "transgressive" works into school libraries, but it's just clown bullshit in my opinion

>> No.22818052

how are Spengler and Schmitt banned? they're literally published by mainstream academic presses. Schmitt in particular is a mainstain in certain strains of post-Marxist leftist thought (think Agamben or Mouffe).

>> No.22818077

I think other responses to this post are getting near the point but ultimately missing it for a simple reason. They all assume that the people who think these things are thinking them IDEOLOGICALLY. Thus the other posters depict the "normie says he wants to promote banned books, but then bans books!! wtf??" as either a hypocrite (he says X and does non-X!) or as an ideologically motivated liar (he knows he's saying X and doing non-X; but he is doing it to serve an agenda).

The problem with these is that they all presume the normie's ability to think actual thoughts. Being able to understand that X and not-X are contradictory requires multiple actual distinct thoughts. The instinct for honesty and consistency also requires having multiple actual distinct thoughts, based on many encounters with contradictory claims in one's life. A real human being will see instances of hypocrisy and casuistry both in the world and in himself, while hearing these things criticized by adults and by the media he encounters. After several encounters he starts to think, probably without even realizing it, "wow, that thing the adults are criticizing as an instance of being a bad person, I do it too! In fact I just did it." Then he has to make a decision: Up until now I have gone along with these criticisms, upheld them and participated in them, because I identify as a good person and I want my parents to like me and so forth. If I have objectively assessed my own consciousness and found instances of the thing even I have affirmed (or participating in affirming) as "bad," I either have to learn to doublethink, or commit to being a self-conscious hypocrite and liar, etc.

This is how internal differentiation occurs and children gain a sense of guilt and shame. In a normal person, a moral compass then develops, and for decent people it actually becomes a kind of fun game by the time they reach adulthood: "Look at that, I 'caught myself' trying to make excuses for bad behavior again! Not this time, me. I have to go out of my way to resist my self-serving animal instincts and eat my humble pie on this one."

Also, as a person grows, they encounter ideologies which make complex declarations about when one is or isn't being moral. All the interesting character dynamics you know from literature and history and all those Hollywood movies about the banality of evil and so forth, they are all predicated on a dialectic between a real human being, with a wholly or partially formed moral compass, interacting with EXTERNAL ideological demands upon his moral compass. And this itself relies on the human being in question having undergone the process of internal differentiation.

>> No.22818083

But real human beings are now an endangered species and only manifest today among severe autists. Normies, being subhuman, have no internal differentiation and no moral compass. They don't even have distinct concepts to think in. Instead they think in hazy, porous pseudo-concepts that mingle freely with feelings and memories. Weininger calls these henids and says they are typical of people with highly feminine personalities.

A normie's "conception" and definition of something as simple as "water" could change by the day, if you stressed him out enough about the "implications" (for his emotions or his feelings of pleasure and pain) of the concept being such and such. The normie will shift and bend and squish and mush and distort his henid as needed to fit the situation. Just like the real human being's moral compass' entire raison d'etre is the shouting of a hard "No! No special pleading! No casuistry!" in one's inner space, the hard imposition of a differentiation between one's "inclinations" and "what all decent people are morally bound to do/believe," the real human being is also bound to abide by his concepts in all their rigidity when thinking. (And once again, this becomes a fun game past a certain point - it's the joy of the rigidity and crystallinity of a conceptual structure, the joy of "pinning down" ambiguities by knowing one has made the vast majority of the structures surrounding them hard and unyielding.) Where a real human being thinks "But... If X is Y (as I just yesterday decided and even declared! and was SEEN to declare!! O, even if I were not morally committed to truth in all things, I would still be shamed by my peers for speciously wheedling on this issue!!)... then this new instance of X... in which it would be very very inconvenient for me, were X to be Y..... MUST still be Y! QED: An inconvenience results for me. Oh well, I guess I must accept this and integrate it" a NORMIE conversely begins hemming and hawing and crying and pooping his pants and trying to squeeze the rectangle into the cylindrical hole and grunting and sweating and lashing out at everybody nearby.

This total retard meltdown inevitably succeeds, as people just want to the normie to stop disrupting the environment, and so normies are enabled to live entire lives in which they can say "Uh, of course I'm for total freedom of speech. Fight the power!!! Vive la liberte!!!!!!!!!" at 2:35 PM on a Sunday afternoon, and then "Ummmm I think people who are like, mean?? should be, um like, um, stopped from being mean???" at 4:17PM on the very same Sunday afternoon. And when pressed about X's being Y's, they simply begin depositing shit directly into their pants.

>> No.22818086

Such a being cannot be a liar, since it believes whatever it is saying at any given moment with maximum conviction. Such a being cannot be a hypocrite because that would require differentiation, duality, doubt, etc. Such a being cannot willingly adopt or even be indoctrinated into an ideology. Such a being isn't even valuable as a "brainwashed" footsoldier of some ideology. You can't brainwash that which has no brain. A normie will spend his entire life apparently championing one social system or ideology and then completely and utterly betray it for its worst enemy the following day, after twenty years of stated declarations that exactly this could NEVER take place. When questioned, the shitting begins. Usually with lots of incredulous scoffing, because the normie always knows he's right. The moist sac of henids he calls a mind is the BEST mind anyone could have.

When talking to normies, remember nothing they say is an actual statement. A statement requires intentionality and a distinction between subject and object. Just try to picture an actual child whenever you talk to a normie. When a child says "I like lellow ones" and you go "Oh dope, here's a 'lellow' one little man" and he starts crying and hucks it out the window, do you go "What the fuck!! That was 'lellow' you god damn retard! WHO BRAINWASHED YOU??? WHAT AGENDA ARE YOU PUSHING??" No, you just kick the kid down a flight of stairs and say he fell

>> No.22818098

It's actually very easy to ban books. Remove a title from amazon, remove it from wikisource and now you have to really hunt for it. A few copyright take down notices and that scrubs whatever's left off the net. Search engines return total bullshit to purposefully interfere with your search for truth. That is, if you even know what you're searching for.

>> No.22818155

Ban or censors in book literature never works never will

>> No.22818179

I find that it's the autist that utilizes the "scare-quote" and it's the low-IQ subhuman trash that tends to not understand nuance and such.

>> No.22818210

That's why every normie has hundreds of gigabytes of cp on his devices!

>> No.22818214

>But real human beings are now an endangered species and only manifest today among severe autists.
Stfu pseud.

>> No.22818224

Not in Japan really no. Or it's less shocking to people. Anyhow, how is this an argument for or against the banning of cp? What if cp was legal in the majority of countries? Should a particular country ban it despite that or no?

>> No.22818225

Are you retarded or ESL?

>> No.22818230

What makes you think that?

>> No.22818235 [DELETED] 

Shitskin alert, extreme levels of cope detected.

>> No.22818243

Third positions is a meme maybe you could claim Strasser was 3p but his lot were all killed for the exact reason that they were ideologically opposed to the nazis. The only interesting strain of port nazi thought was the volkish movement but they are interesting in the same way things like hoteps and chrischan are

>> No.22818247

>additionally they're the ones behind tranny globohomo shit.
Not him but that's pretty reductive. At least in my eyes, it's irrefutable that the LOUDEST supporters of LGBTQ+ crap are definitely white, so when do we turn the blame towards the ethno-masochists exactly? Why ignore what white people are actively doing to their own societies?

>> No.22818249

/pol/ as made as containment for you fagtards and you still can't keep your autism in there. Go back

>> No.22818251

Kys, snow nig.

>> No.22818259

Good post. Just remember that to the average leftist/npc simpleton, National socialism and belief in ethnonationalism (i.e., actual nationalism) are the same thing. The same simple-minded people come to 4chan and simp for jews and browns and unironically cry about racism. I swear the majority of them are 13 year old mutts who watch Hasan piker or just straight up tranny mental patients.

>> No.22818269

First amendment.

>> No.22818275

You're so triggered by offensive topics. Normalfag harder, queer.

I know that you're an anti-White shitskin tho. Snow nigger doesn't even mean anything. You're just insulting black people by saying nigger, fuck you racist, and the majority of White people don't live in snow, they're just better at overcoming harsh conditions (why???). You seem pretty stupid. Also, I guarantee that you know nothing of White people, because you're an urban monkey who rots inside on a screen every waking hour.

>> No.22818280

That's White supremist. Fuck off fascist.

>> No.22818283

>You're a leftist if you are distrustful about how ethnonationalism would be implemented during modern times
It would have been easier before migrants accumulated assets, you dumb cunt.
Do you propose just seizing all of the assets of foreigners?
Ideally speaking, ethnonationalism (prior to these issues) would have been best, but it's too late now unless you're willing to become a savage. If you're going to become a savage, then I will too, and I will surpass you in that respect.

>> No.22818284


>> No.22818296

This honestly. Reverting to a Warlord state like Africa is the only way to deal with migrants effectively, but that can only happen through a collapse.

>> No.22818299

You'd piss and shit your pants at the sight of your impaled children's heads on pikes. I won't give up my property without a fight. Kys, low IQ dysgenic POS.

>> No.22818303

I hope you lot haven't forgotten that we are a christian nation and welcome all christian refugees regardless of race as we are all one under God.

>> No.22818321

>You'd piss and shit your pants at the sight of your impaled children's heads on pikes.
I won't have kids because if I'm this unhappy in the modern era then I'd hate for my kids to feel even worse when social morale degrades even further.
>I won't give up my property without a fight.
I didn't necessarily imply otherwise. Like I said, implementing ethno-nationalism would be extremely violent in this day and age. It was already "barbaric" when Hitler attempted to do so, and the way things are going no one would have the balls to do what he did ever again until we stop feeding millions of superfluous humans a bunch of crappy corn syrup filled meals. Whether I support such a thing or not is irrelevant.

>> No.22818324

This is a really good question and I think it has something to do with the human Psyche…

American society as a whole tends (not always) to root for the under dog.

Also, I don’t know if this is entirely new, but people constantly try to say “I had it harder than you” as if being poor and having shitty parents is some kind of flex.

>> No.22818344

>I won't have kids
I, too, will have no kids. I have been married for over ten years without kids. I won't have children for ecological reasons and also the fact I am pessimistic about the future of AGI and GNR.
>Whether I support such a thing or not is irrelevant
It's simple, if you were to hypothetically attempt to steal my property and assets, then I will kill you. It's that simple. I would use psychological warfare and much more against you people if you were to try to steal from me. It's called defending oneself from threat.
My friend works in a prison. Everyone there is either a black hooligan or white skinhead. /Pol/ likes to act as if there are no white criminals, but plenty exist in US prisons.
Both you ethnonationalist and commie subhumans are the same shit. You want to seize the property and assets of people like a bunch of pirates. You're both disconnected from reality and don't know how to separate what's ideal from feasible.
If you were smart, you would just save money and move to an upper middle class white neighborhood. There's nothing wrong with that. It's in your right.

>> No.22818371

I actually agree with you, man. I myself am innately distrustful over the idea of replacing one state apparatus with one another, which ultimately serves zero purpose because state has always existed as a collectivization of a people's ethos, dirt and grime and everything. That's not to say I'm necessarily against a collapse or anything though, I just don't see a *meaningful* change occurring from a collective upheaval. Maybe if the Übermensch came onto Earth I'd begin to change my tune.

>> No.22818415

>You're a leftist if you are distrustful about how ethnonationalism would be implemented during modern times
That's not even what I wrote, you seething illiterate retard. You're not even White, your opinion on White ethnonationalism is irrelevant. Move back to your parents' country and blame them for making a mistake instead of crying to the White man yet again, it's pathetic.

>> No.22818423

>violent 3rd world shitskin exposes himself yet again
No wonder so many of you subhumans go around stabbing 5 year olds and beating old people to death.

>> No.22818426

NTA but you lost that one by going full 15-year-old.

>> No.22818436

You're talking about the clearly mentally disturbed edgelord telling people online about how "savage" he'd be, right? Kids heads on spikes! That's a shitskin, buddy.

>> No.22818442
File: 853 KB, 1197x673, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22818443

You pretty much implied that, retarded cunt.
I'm not giving up my properties.
If you can say "shitskin" freely, then I should be able to retort with a racial slur too. I just don't like you Germanic ugly headed demons. Most of you behave in a sanctimonious manner and act overly pompous, as if your half-assed opinions can deal with the full complexity of novel large scale problems.
Every single snow nig I've ever "befriended" (~6-7) had serious mental problems. I have never met a single stable minded man with a NW Euro phenotype. All of them had either crazy fetishes or a subdued Messiah complex over trivialities. Humorously enough, I have met stable minded Meds though, but they didn't really exist in large abundance in the SE of USA.
Literally one of my "friends" became a neocon jarhead who joined the military parroting /pol/ shit. Guess what he is now? A tranny. I literally had a nightmare where he kept transforming into opposites of a jarhead and tranny before coming to put me in an internment camp. You people are bipolar demons willing to flip any moment to serve your agendas.
What's intriguing is you snow nigs liked me more than I ever did for any of you. Every single one of my snownig "friends" I grew distant from over time for different reasons that fall into a trend.
Also, your women are disgusting man-jawed freaks with the sex drive of a quadrillion negroes. I wouldn't touch them with a 1000 foot pole.
You think you can just go around screaming shitskin and picking fights with random non-whites like Indians, and people should respond by being your subservient bitch?
Fuck you. Go fuck a sheep, Gaul or Norsemen faggot. Oh, that's right, you prefer J*w dick now. You've been sucking shitskin dick for 1000+ years.
The modern world is in a volatile state, and you're not helping with your endless scapegoating. New alliances will be made in a manner that may become worse for you.
I mind my own business and don't bother talking to snow nigs outside of a professional context.

>> No.22818474

>I literally had a nightmare where he kept transforming into opposites of a jarhead and tranny before coming to put me in an internment camp.
Hahaha holy shit.

>> No.22818498

Insane brownoid seethes over vague anecdotes, also dreams about being imprisoned by trannies for some reason.

>> No.22818503
File: 1.17 MB, 1294x806, anime nazi girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is transgenderism so common with nazis anyways? I remember talking to a troon years ago who said he was once a nazi and he even posted this pic.

>> No.22818504

don't know which nation you're talking about but it doesn't matter because christian nations do not exist. common sense will be born anywhere no matter how hard you try to stiffle it

>> No.22818519

They‘re just fronting the nazi thing while they repress. It isn‘t genuine.

>> No.22818525

>You pretty much implied that
No, that's what you read from it, because your mentally ill mind can't distinguish fact from fiction.
>I'm not giving up my properties
Cool. I don't care. Just to entertain it, we'll buy it off you and send you back, or you can live as a resident but not a citizen. Or we'll take it if you don't comply. Doesn't matter to me. I'm not even interested.

It's pitiful to see how buck-broken you are, angrily typing all of that, trying to make me care, or convince me that you know about White people because you live in a multicultural urban toilet and were friends with betas in high school or college.
>You think you can just go around screaming shitskin and picking fights with random non-whites like Indians, and people should respond by being your subservient bitch?
No lol. It's the opposite. I find it fun/funny. Indians are more honourable than Muslims imo. More Dharmic, in general. You haven't realized that i know who you are? I could tell right away by the first post i read of yours. I'm not "screaming", but on the other hand you genuinely sound disturbed. Maybe that's why your friends were all messed up. You also sound like a bipolar, psychotic woman. Disrespectful people like you should be sent back ASAP!

Anyway, middle easterners/Arabs are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia and other mental illnesses due to isolation. However, I do not believe it is in either of our best interests to continue this exchange, so I'll stop now.

>> No.22818540

I'm talking about the US also seek salvation.

>> No.22818541

Because they're mentally ill and don't think things through.
For example, let's say something sounds on good paper. It ideally sounds good. Ok. Now what about application? Is the sacrifice worth it? Is the bloodshed worth it?
When studying the full causal sequence and interactions, you see not a single individual group can be scapegoated. It can't be the Eternal Anglo, the Jew, or whatever. It's always more convoluted than that, and it's best to say, "I don't have the full picture figured out." And even with the full picture figured out, the implementation is always even more messy and much of the time not worth it.
These memelord edgelord faggots don't think that deeply. It's what distinguishes pseuds from actual intellectuals.
He was a pretty masculine jarhead who became a tranny. I even read his mom complimenting him on being a woman on FB.
Stfu, conceited snow nigger.
Anecdotes are better than your meme psyops diagrams that are based on poor methodology and lack of controlled studies.

>> No.22818553

He posts in other threads and I swear he replies to himself and has conversations that way.

Autistic losers are drawn to niche things to identify with but lack the internal consistency, attention span and integrity to genuinely pursue anything. There are loads of "nazis" who become commies and then any are something else a month later. Who gives a fuck? They're a bunch of children who only think naziism is cool for "aesthetics" or edginess or whatever.

>> No.22818563

churchill was a WN. you're saying there's no difference between him and hitler?
i'm not a nazi personally, or even much of a WN. i just care about my people and don't care for double standards.

>> No.22818569

>Doesn't matter to me. I'm not even interested.
Then why are you entertaining it. If I got paid at least 100 million dollars, I would consider it.
>you know about White people because you live in a multicultural urban toilet
It wasn't multicultural, and just because I don't like your race doesn't mean I'm going out and breaking laws. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, but it wouldn't make sense for the Romans to constantly flip-flop generation after generation.
>Indians are more honourable than Muslims imo. More Dharmic, in general.
Then why does your race endlessly harass Indians online? It doesn't seem advantageous to be your allies then since you are incapable of treating people with respect.
I believe Iran should abandon Islam and become closer to Israel and slaughter every single last one of you Germanic barbarians. Iran should become Zoroastrian and more anti-Western. Sick and tired of you people.
>You also sound like a bipolar, psychotic woman.
That's literally what your race as a whole has become.
>due to isolation
But isn't isolation what you want, snow nigger? Why are you complaining about Middle Easterners getting isolation? It's better than pushing Sharia on their host nations.
>However, I do not believe it is in either of our best interests to continue this exchange, so I'll stop now.
Then why bother responding? I just don't like your race, period. Doesn't mean I'm going to go out raping little kids like you're always whining about.

>> No.22818574

>Iran should become Zoroastrian
I thought you hated Zoroastrianism and said it'd be better if your country was Buddhist instead?

>> No.22818580

The anecdotes of a lunatic mean nothing. Your going on bizarre tangents about facebook posts and data you resent between barely coherent walltexts reveals a stark disconnect from reality and that, if you‘re not just drawing crazy people to you, you‘re seeing your own delusional state mirrored in others.

>> No.22818616

It's much worse to post meme IQ graphs and take that unquestioningly. You don't even bother looking into the methodologies of the studies and see if there were proper controls or whether the data is representative of the total population. For example, Lynn/Vanhanen didn't even do IQ tests in Iran or elsewhere. They just pooled pre-existing studies on poor rural folk and took that as representative of the population, or they relied on extrapolating IQ scores based on GDP.
If Armenia's IQ is 94, then so is Iran's around that ballpark (at least in the more urbanized areas). Perhaps more, Idk.
Snow nigs like you have both ruined Iran's global image and constantly spread Nordicist trash about Iran online. Iranians are model minorities in USA, yet still they are constantly vilified and treated like trash without respect. Literal memes are floating based on half-assed personal research about ancient Persians being Nordic on this cesspool of a site. I am tired of the humiliation. I am tired of you people both irl and online. You are incapable of being civil or respectful. You have a holier-than-though attitude while being an obscene hypocrite.
Israel should join BRICS, and Iran should ally with Israel over Europe. You will not manipulate Iran and Israel into mutually destroying one another, bipolar freak.
I like Zurvanism.

>> No.22818632

Iranians are pretty shitty. They make shitty doctors and go around looking for gibs. Once they find them they move somewhere else for more. That's just being middle eastern tho, not necessarily Iranian I guess. You should leave the US if you don't like it.

>> No.22818637

Benchod, Ser!

>> No.22818644


>> No.22818653

It would be fine if Iran wasn't being sanctioned to hell.
What's even the point of seeking good ties with America anymore? It makes more sense to see rapproachment with your masters instead.
Conceited Amerimutt trash.

>> No.22818655

Nobody focused on IQ ranges is even targeting Iran or Armenia. This petty resentment literally has you completely out of touch with reality, and simpering to the jews who are constantly antagonizing Iran as a means to engage in perverse "revenge" fantasies. Seriously try to fix your own instability.

>> No.22818664

You're just wrong. More than that, you attempted to redefine in the middle of writing off third positionist thought.
Unfortunately for you, ational socialism is third positionist thought. It's not communism to reject capitalism. Some third positionist thought finds the "free market" acceptable, but not one of them is okay with usury and the state/people not running the mint.
>ethnonationalism (i.e., actual nationalism
Aye, a lot of people don't realize the distinction made when we say "ethnonationalist" only exists because of the term "civic nationalist." Thanks for the response, man. I'm just posting for people who are genuinely curious, I sincerely doubt most of these individuals are genuinely interested in discussion and are just interested in trying to remove it from the discussion point because that is what they are taught to do.
>it's too late now unless you're willing to become a savage
Well, this isn't actually true, but I think it's easier for people who oppose this to think it is true. I'm actually fine with this because of the inability for my so-called opposition to have a genuine discussion, but your "I will surpass you in that respect." makes me think you aren't ready and my empathy makes me want to let you know that there is technically other ways.

>> No.22818665

why dont they let people read those anti semitic books so they are not missinformed anymore?

>> No.22818672

I find White Americans far more annoying than Jews. America is a literal vassal of Israel, yet white Americans are some of the most obnoxious antagonizing faggots. Like I've said, my friend works in a prison, and it's full of either black hooligans and white skinheads.
If Israel joins BRICS and China brokers peace between Iran and Israel, then it's possible Rome will finally fall. Tired of Rome's endless drama.
You sound like a jarhead. I bet you're also going to transform into a tranny. Drujvans like you only know how to destroy.

>> No.22818679

>there is technically other ways.
Who gives a shit unless you do it? Go become a politician then or start a militia. Voting doesn't make a difference, and I'm tired of the endless fixation with identity politics and race baiting bullshit.

>> No.22818705

lol you went right to the table throwing? Usually you guys take the long way around, it must be a bad day. See you around.

>> No.22818722

>white skinheads

>> No.22818725

Kys, you garbage piece of shit. Read this at least three times, so your lesioned and atrophied shit brain can process it:

>For example, let's say something sounds on good paper. It ideally sounds good. Ok. Now what about application? Is the sacrifice worth it? Is the bloodshed worth it? When studying the full causal sequence and interactions, you see not a single individual group can be scapegoated. It can't be the Eternal Anglo, the Jew, or whatever. It's always more convoluted than that, and it's best to say, "I don't have the full picture figured out." And even with the full picture figured out, the implementation is always even more messy and much of the time not worth it. These memelord edgelord faggots don't think that deeply. It's what distinguishes pseuds from actual intellectuals.

>> No.22818729

>criminal (black)
>criminal (white)

>> No.22818730

You can go ahead join them. Go burn a "shitskin's" place of worship or something.

>> No.22818744

Woah there are White people in jail in White countries? What % of US prison is black? How many x13%? Fun fact: a black woman is more likely to be a murderer than a White man, if you met either one in the street randomly. How are you so brutally filtered by entry-level pol stats? Show some respect.

>> No.22818749

That doesn't really happen, the vast majority of "hate crimes" are faked.

>> No.22818750

I honestly want to see your My Twisted World fanfic about how international powers abandon all prior objectives to commit violence against people who called you shitskin on the internet.

>> No.22818751

I don't see what crime statistics have to do with anything, other than the fact there are more blacks than whites in prison. You're the one calling the white CRIMINALS chads for some reason.

>> No.22818752

It's not that simple either. White men standing up for their race is honourable, particularly in times like these.

>> No.22818754

Yes, it's a bit tongue in cheek

>> No.22818755

I don't think you ever talked to a skinhead in your life, but they're not like you who is high inhibition, conscientious, and risk averse.

>> No.22818766

Nope. I am going to continue to breed and promote third positionist ideas.
>When studying the full causal sequence and interactions, you see not a single individual group can be scapegoated
This incorrectly presupposes a retarded caricature. The "no u" sentiment ends when the people who aren't just idealogues show up. Get the fuck out of here with your dishonest filth.
>I'm tired of the endless fixation with identity politics and race baiting bullshit
Then stop engaging. It's that easy.

>> No.22818770

There are white men in prison for abusing their children too.
Do you think only non-whites engage in such heinous cruel acts? Are you that retarded? How old are you?
I'm not talking about stats though.
Whatever happened to judging people as individuals?

>> No.22818775

But none of you are aligned in general sentiments or values. You're all over the place and the only thing that unites you is a haughty sense of superiority. You'll probably wind up killing each other over minor disagreements such as whether trans can be a part of the movement or not.
You're not even clear about your ultimate objective or the steps to achieve it. It will wind up just being coopted and made kosher eventually like what happened with American Renaissance.
At this point, I only care about securing my assets and being left alone. All of humanity can burn, and I wouldn't care as long as I can read and focus on my interests. At this point at least. There's no hope for the future.

>> No.22818793

I think the one thing we can all agree upon is that bitches should be put down.

>> No.22818820
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>shitty doctors
The modern medical system is based on a flawed overly reductionist paradigm. The replication crisis is also applicable on the cellular and molecular level in many respects. Blame the system rather than scapegoating a successful group of people, you fucking faggot.

I am a much better intellectual than you. List your top 10 films, literature, and etc. I bet it's all trash just like your filth mind. You're the type to watch trashy James Cameron films whereas I watch classy art-house films. Go ahead and give a racial retort rather than accept my challenge. I'd challenge you to an honorable duel if it were still legal.

Your mind is complete and utter filth. You are proof that not every human being has Buddhanature.

>> No.22818841

Anon, don’t tell me you believe most white men in jail are in there for “honorable” skin head race war crimes. I guess you forgot about drugs, DUI’s, domestic violence, theft of various sorts, fraud, and so on, and so on

>> No.22818982


>> No.22819135

I like how every /lit/ thread I enter i find the schizo Persian having another classic episode, I'm shocked you people don't all recognise him yet

>> No.22819214

I know who he is and he's based.

>> No.22819219

I know him quite well, probably better than anyone else here. He says many things.

>> No.22819225

He's definitely a schizo but a schizo who at least has useful insights unlike fart sniffers like Farter Analsemen. I wouldn't have read philosophers like Klages if it wasn't for him.

>> No.22819230

Their lies are worse than our lies. Now please enjoy this totally not state sponsored media.

>> No.22819232

Yeah that's his favourite. I haven't gotten to his movie recommendations yet and instead watched Shin Godzilla

>> No.22819234


>> No.22819239

Autists are the ones ruining society by taking up techie jobs and acting as precursors to AI automated systems.

>> No.22819245

That's because you're brown, so you have some petty material stake in it.

>> No.22819341
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>and instead watched Shin Godzilla

>> No.22819352

Israel isn't all jews retard. Tons of American jews are against isreal. hell a lot of israelis hate nettanyahoo

>> No.22819356

Seethe, etc.

>> No.22819373

No, I like dogs. Brown people do not like dogs. Only Aryans appreciate the company of such noble creatures.

>> No.22819481

>No, you just kick the kid down a flight of stairs and say he fell
You would get more appreciation for your truth brandishing on wizchan, this board is filled with the kind of people you're talking about.

>> No.22819578

Iranians make shitty doctors, why does that trigger you so much? It might not even be that they're Iranian, maybe just middle eastern. I know another Iranian who brags about going around to different countries gaining citizenship so he can get more handouts. This is not honourable behaviour, this is parasitic and typical of 3rd worlders. We need to send them all back. You too, you sound like a mentally ill savage 3rd world donkey who wants to commit violence. Fuck off back to your 3rd world toilet.

Nope. They're Chads.

Individuals exist within a collective.

>> No.22819585

The vast majority side with Israel and think that the violence is justified or don't think that enough violence has been used. I'm not pro-Palestine either but switching from individualist to collectivist depending on the people you're talking about is typical of midwits.

>> No.22819595

>You too, you sound like a mentally ill savage 3rd world donkey who wants to commit violence.
>Nope. They're Chads.
Why do you flip flop in-between like a woman?

>> No.22819602

Nobody cares about your idiotic anti-White opinion. You're coping with being brown and live in a White country. You're an anti-white pussy who cries about White people while living a more comfortable life than any of your ancestors probably dreamed of because you live in a White country. You ARE a 3rd world migrant retard kek. Fuck off back to your 3rd world toilet, disrespectful little shitskin.

>> No.22819604

>You're an anti-white pussy who cries about White people while living a more comfortable life than any of your ancestors probably dreamed of because you live in a White country.
So true sis, I love trans rights and video games!

>> No.22819615

Being White and committing a crime in a White country isn't as bad as being a foreigner and doing it. Especially when you see how many non-Whites/foreigners over-represent welfare recipients and criminals by masssive margins.

Anyway, i was really just shitposting, you imbecile. Obviously i don't think criminal garbage are Chads. Still better than non-White criminals most of the time, and based for being race conscious, although I'm sure it's more of a result of being so close to so many violent black and brown monkeys who hate White people than anything else.

>> No.22819622

Trannies are subhumans (you) and video games are for children. I'm obviously talking about material provisions, i guess you were just too stupid to realize that?

>> No.22819627

>useful insights
Like what? Sperging out and posting walls of text for an entire thread about his violent fantasies and how upset he is over people making fun of him for being brown? You're probably just him samefagging. He's a total loser and clearly mentally ill.

>> No.22819629

You doxxed yourself before. You aren't based, you're an emotional retard.

>> No.22819637

Ah I see, so you're just a bourgeois pseud that sees violent whites as pit dogs that you can admire from a safe distance, yet when push comes to shove you'll shove them into concrete cages when their societal role as warriors becomes "obsolete". Then afterwards, you'll say the new caste of "educated" men are the true face of the white race.

>> No.22819643

>I'm obviously talking about material provisions
Then you're just a retarded consoomerist, which is the only reason you give a shit about material prosperity. People who think this is the "best time in history" are all deluded atheist faggots, like you.

>> No.22819650

>Not in Japan
Dude you still go to prison in Japan for possession of actual CP, just not cartoons

>> No.22819664

Do you have a mental disability? You're making up fantasies in your mind, thinking they're real. Never said any of that, you clearly just don't have a refutation. Take your meds, subhuman.

Where did I say I was a consumerist? My personal feelings have nothing to do with it, you autistic retard. Why else do non-Whites come to White countries if not for material prosperity/comfort? Kek, you fucking halfwit.

>> No.22819665
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>"we're incredibly tolerant, but we just don't tolerate this group of people"
is not a paradox, it's hypocrisy. Plain and simple. Call it a "quantum tolerance wormhole" or a "new tolerance paradigm" or a "deconstruction of tolerance" if you want, you're just a hypocrite who roleplays as "tolerant" while condemning, censoring, and being a complete asshole to people you don't like because "they deserve it."

>> No.22819667

His posts give me secondhand embarassment to read. He really is the epitome of a pseud, saying much, meaning little.

>> No.22819670

The bravery to be hated by the smarmy effeminate faggots that post on this site is what I respect. All of you are spiritually women so you wouldn't understand.

>> No.22819674

It's so obvious you're posting about yourself. You aren't brave, you're a spastic sandnigger who needs to go back.

>> No.22819675

>unironically starstruck in admiration
Hope the persian sees this and gives you the bacha bazi treatment bro.

>> No.22819678

Kek, you're mad.

>> No.22819682

No u

>> No.22819686

>unstable arab who has been rageposting walls of text for an entire day claims others are mad

>> No.22819688

You realize I'm not him, right?

>> No.22819696

>Why else do non-Whites come to White countries if not for material prosperity/comfort?
'cause you keep letting them in, faggot.

>> No.22819704

All of the "recognizable" posters on this board suck to be fair.

>> No.22819712


Perhaps you should combat anti-semitism through argumentation rather than censorship. Any time you censor an idea, even if it’s a profoundly stupid one, you give ammunition to its adherents.

>> No.22819768

>Like what?
his anti-progress rhetoric is pretty good. i use it to troll other boards.

>> No.22819775
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You don't seem to understand what I mean by virtue signalling.
The regime espousing your tolerant politics is responsible for the worst atrocities of the last 70 years, yet you don't see me trying to shame you by associating your views with a specifically lambasted faux-pas of morality, such as leftists generally do when they call the US such-and-so.
This moralistic holier-than-thou attitude has literally caused the fall of the west. It was the reason for the idiotic scramble for africa (slavery is a unique evil!), it was the reason for decolonization (building infrastructure for savages is a unique evil!) and it was the reason for replacement migration (the existence of monoethnic white countries is a unique evil!). Now, we still have faggots like you crawling around the bloated corpse like bluebottles.
Excuse me if I don't think what you're saying is particularly profound if I could turn on the TV and be instantly bludgeoned to death with it.

>> No.22819778

>it was the reason for decolonization (building infrastructure for savages is a unique evil!)
Yes? That's pretty self-evident, idiot.

>> No.22819788

I'm a vegetarian but I eat meat, cheese, and honey. It's the vegetarian paradox.

>> No.22819789

I do actually agree that most colonization was a stupid mistake. I would've preferred not to enrich the natives in any way.

>> No.22819792

>I would've preferred not to enrich the natives in any way.
But building infrastructure didn't really "enrich" their way of life, only for the short term did they reap the benefits. All it did was make people dependent on the industrial system to sustain their new way of life, but neither possessing the intelligence or even the willingness to adapt to industrial life, they turned to Western benefactors instead. If you look at Africa today, you can see how well that turned out for them

>> No.22819975

>but neither possessing the intelligence or even the willingness to adapt to industrial life,
Go back to /pol/

>> No.22819982

Let's assume that Africans are smart enough to run factories and do sensible urban planning (they're not), why is it contentious to say they don't want to adapt to industrial life, exactly?

>> No.22820199

whiteness didnt even exist before the atheist revolution. whiteness is literally an unorganic social construct by garbage atheists like the americans because they have no culture. Europeans dont discriminate with whiteness but with nationality.

Second, the problem with nationalism is that is another inorganic creation by atheists to replace monarchies with nations. nations existed before atheists took power, but nations as a basis for a political system is a leftist invention only to subvert the previous system. Like anything made up by leftists, it turned to shit quickly and leftists killed each other over this lol. Nationalism is so devoid of any substance that you have right wing atheists defending nationalism, just like you have left wing atheists defending it lol, and this since the first day of the revolutions. LOL.

Here is the cope of the nationalists: people who said nationalism existed said it was the language who unified people. The truth is that languages were so numerous that basically only a tiny group of people spoke the same language. The paucity of languages nowadays stem from the revolutionists who killed people who didnt want to speak the unified language. During monarchies, there was a humongous quantity of languages and the kings didnt give a shit about unifying people thru languages. and they were proud to speak differently form the peasants, whereas they lived in the same tiny area.
After being BTFO, they move on to saying nationalism existed due to folklore. folklore is by definition very local. folklore at the north of a ''nation'' is completely different than the one at the south, same with counties, boroughs whatever.
Then they seethe and their last cope is ethnicity which is a very vague idea. If there were mass migrations, then ethnicity is meaningless and if people didnt migrate a lot, then ethnicity just means ''my tiny shitty village'' which has nothing to do with nationalism.

Don't forget it's the french leftists who created nationalism. And, just like today, the only way they did it is by killing anybody who shitted on their dogmas, ie being pro pro democratic republics, ie pro mercantilism.

>> No.22820299

oh look the schizophrenic pajeet that hates wypipo is back, kek

>> No.22820300

Do you mean people in antiquity, medieval times, etc had no concept of nationalism?

>> No.22820310

The Old-Isrealites, Romans, Persians, Greeks, Chinese and so on had no concept of "Nationalism" which is a wypipo psyop to hide how dey got no culcha n shieet.

>> No.22820866

I'm not exactly brown. I just don't like you arrogant pricks. I am far more educated than you scum. I have 2 STEM degrees and am going for another.

I am just tired of you faggots. That's all.
If you actually READ what I say, then you would have seen I have no issue about the desire for a homogenous community. My issue is with your willingness to sacrifice anyone to achieve this desire.

I recommend watching the film Starry Eyes.

>> No.22820877

If you read my actual reviews on Goodreads, then you would see I am more intelligent than most people on here. I take my Goodreads seriously and have 33 well-written reviews on it presently.
I also have one published weird fiction story in a reputable literary journal.

>> No.22820921

Also, at the end of the day, race is not *THAT* important. Do you want to know what is more important than race? Diet and nutrition. Also, experience-dependent neuroplasticity, especially during critical periods.

If you keep a rat dark reared during a specific postnatal day, during critical period, they will remain blind the rest of their life. Likewise, if you play anxiolytic music to a rat during critical period, they will prefer such music during adulthood. The brain wires itself according to experience and habits; it is highly plastic especially during critical periods. If a child spends time learning formal logic and math proofs during critical period, they will obviously turn out more intelligent; it can be argued as better than spending time with memorizing the Koran.

Diet and nutrition is more important than race. As someone who has done nootropics and eaten healthy foods, I can confidently claim that proper diet and nutrition can drastically improve attentional regulation, mood regulation, pattern recognition, memorization, etc. Eating processed carbs and other empty calories is not good for overall well-being and so on.

Piracetam and aniracetam are better than Adderall due to have less negative side effects. They are now banned over-the-counter and require doctor's prescription. Regardless, I was one out of 3 people to get an A on a notorious exam in class since I was taking nootropics then. The brain is immensely plastic, dynamic moment-to-moment, and I predict that IQ can fluctuate by 10 points or more depending on lifestyle changes. Your body is as complex and dynamic as a fluid aquarium full of algae and fish, if not more.

The enteric nervous system and gut flora can in fact be considered its own organism in you. Your brain itself exists in symbiosis with the organism in your gut. Your body is a coalescing emergent process. Genes are not static entities. They exist in dynamic regulatory networks.

What you eat affects your cognition via enteric nervous system and much more. Genes do not exist in isolation.

It does not matter what race you are when you get cancer or Alzheimer's.

I was able to predict John O'Keefe would win the Nobel Prize many years before he did based on his research in theta phase precession and grid cells.

I absolutely despise you esoteric racists. Some of you retards can't even basic facts like evolution. I'm not even an atheistic physicalist since I think panpsychism is pretty undeniable.

I literally descend from aristocrats who defected from the Qajars and as a consequence both the Shah and mullahs protected my mercantile family. I am pretty much the upper most of what you LARPing faggots call "vaishya". I can be humble when time calls for it.

You LARPing esotericists fags are the shudras of your race, the bottom of the barrel of your race. You would be helping your race by shutting the fuck up and showing humility when you are outclassed by superior people like me.

>> No.22820935
File: 31 KB, 360x360, B1EE95F4-B268-41B8-9AF2-F60EEDF5DF05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picrel: you

>> No.22821094

You are dumb.

>> No.22821100

See: >>22820921

>> No.22821114

If I am dumb, then give an actual critique of this: >>22820866

You won't because you're a retarded cunt obsessed with spreading either race baiting or Nordicist bullshit everywhere.

Were you breast fed when you were younger? Be honest with me. Being breast fed when younger has a direct correlation to the development of intelligence and cognitive faculties. Can you imagine many children born during these times are fed shitty baby formulas? Even raw goat's milk is better. Note, it is necessary for the goat to be pastured and healthy.

I bet you are the kind of retard to sperg out over the mention of drinking raw goat's milk, lol.

I am UNDENIABLY the greatest intellectual on all of /lit/. There are tons of hard proof for those too. People should treat me with the utmost respect. I am a respositiry of wisdom, creativity, and knowledge.

People are better off asking questions from geniuses like me rather than reading trash like Evola. It's because they lack humility that they always challenge me.

>> No.22821132

What's wrong with what I am saying? Nature/nurture is approximately 30/70.

Even morphological development is heavily influenced by what your body is exposed to during upbringing. Do you want to know why a lot of British people look weird? It has nothing to do with race or being "Bongs". There is actual research that shows it has to do with growing up near pollutants or factories that causes epigenetic changes. Morphology literally changes due to diet and exposure to certain toxins during childhood development. Even the child in the womb of a woman can be impacted by diet. For example, look at the research of BPA affecting the children in pregnant women. It's uncontroversial.

You are all memelord faggots that will suffer for trillions upon trillions of kalpas for daring to demean me. You are insentient garbage with the illusion of qualia. Literally automatons driven by deep seated narcissism that you never bring to the surface of your consciousness.

You may call me "dumb", but do you want to know what you are? A literal puppet that's even more dead than those conveyed in Ligotti's macabre stories. Everything you say is predictable and trite. You live a meaningless existence.

>> No.22821140 [DELETED] 

>these other factors can influence the living outcome.
>that means the factors I don't like to consider (genetics, race) are deboonked 100% and can't influence anything at all.
You are dumb though. Literally this pic >>22820935 if it was a person if your tantrum here: >>22820935 is anything to go by.

>> No.22821148

>are deboonked 100% and can't influence anything at all.
Tell me where I said or implied this, you ungodly retard? You are a literal memelord faggot with shit for brains. I even approximated 30/70 for nature/nurture.
Unironically kys. You have absolutely no capacity for authentic thought when it goes against your retarded subculture. You are mere "follower" who cannot think for himself or process anything that goes against your trashy narrative.
>You are dumb though
You are insentient garbage. Calling you dumb would be too kind since it would imply you have first-person perspective and raw sensations. Rather, you are merely a mechanistic puppet unconsciously responding to stimuli.
Garbage memelord pos. Seriously consider slitting your throat.

>> No.22821159

>These factors also influence the living outcome.
>That means the other factors I don't like (race, genetics, etc) has no effect at all on the living outcome.
okay. when I see: >>22820866, I see someone who is dumb and brown. a mongrel desperate for 4chan approval that acts like a personification of this pic:>>22820935
Zamn, wait for me to fix the formatting before sperging out. Now, I expect you to type another paragraph since 1 word from a shitposter is more valuable than 10,000 from you.

>> No.22821175

You guys sure suck at arguing with the supposed "brownoid"

>> No.22821177

You are literally the bottom of the barrel of your race with shit for brains and cannot comprehend or process anything outside your simple-minded imageboard narratives.

I have a thorough explanation with reference to studies that nature/nurture is at best 30/70.

I do not have brown skin, but I am not of European descent so therefore do not fulfill the criterion of white. I am not going to judge people's creative and intellectual capacities based on an arbitrary metric like skin tone.

>desperate for 4chan approval
I'm not desperate for anything. I am merely stating truths that go against your low IQ memelord echochamber. Genuinely consider killing yourself. In all sincerity.

"Muh race is everything... Everything is downstream of le race."

Utterly bullshit low IQ shit that ignores important aspects like experience dependent neuroplasticity and diet & nutrition.

Also, for all your worship of intelligence, you have nothing to show for it. Why not post your favorite literature, mention your academic achievements, or anything? You're just an arrogant faggot who hasn't achieved anything in life and prefer to just endlessly spread lies to demean others in order to cope with your ineptitude.

>> No.22821185

Writing you got a STEM degree on 4chan doesn't prove or confirm anything. If you weren't dumb and brown you would realize there's no authenticity in making dumb and brown claims like that, my silly dumb and brown friend.

>> No.22821196

>Doesn't believe me
What would I have to gain from lying on here? Is this the only retort you are capable of giving? I have shared my face on 4chan, you disgusting moron. People said I looked "le white", but I do not consider myself white and furthermore the more you harp on this, the more you paradoxically turn me resentful. It is not advantageous for your race to continue dwelling on such trivial irrelevant details.

If you are incapable of responding to my argument regarding nature/nurture being 30/70, then simply remain silent. Learn some humility and stfu.

Saying you are "dumb and brown" is not an argument, you low class scum.

>> No.22821198
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Meditation by Marcus Aurelius and self help books.

>> No.22821211

Questions that are fundamentally defined by the landscape of power are not moral questions. Power does what power wants, it exists outside of morality because it is power itself that defines and frames morality rather than the other way around.

>> No.22821225

The fact of you being dumb and brown is no less real than you making a claim and pretending it is now reality. I really wish you weren't dumb and brown, but this is how the world works now. nature/nurture is 30/70. You = Dumb + Brown. It is what it is.

>> No.22821239

You are like low class trailer trash that cannot approach anything with nuance... You lack the capacity to reevaluate your positions in a new light. Instead, you prefer to unquestioningly accept whatever your retarded radicalized subculture touts as the truth. I am not going to share my LinkedIn on here to make a point to you. Insinuating someone is lying about their background is not an argument. You can keep engaging in ad hominems based on your fantasies.

It's humorous that I'm not even a liberal multiculturalism pro-open borders faggot, yet you treat me as one. You are literally "pepe race war now" fag.

>> No.22821241

YWNBF (You will never be Freud)

>> No.22821251

Freud was not a neuroscientist and was irrelevant to the field. Someone like Eric Kandel or John O'Keefe would be more important to the history of neurobiological research on neuroplasticity.
Do you bother reading what I'm saying? I've come across deep learning bots based on natural language models more sophisticated than you.
Low IQ trash. Go jerk off to hentai and eat Doritos. It suits someone of your lowly caliber.

>> No.22821272

It is the only thing that matters.
Just as I have just recalled this principle of the first book, that the geographical position of nations in no way makes their glory and contributes (I could have added) only to a minimal extent to activate their political, intellectual, commercial existence, and the same for sovereign countries, questions of climate rest non-avenues, and as we have seen in China the ancient supremacy, first given in Yunnan, then to Pé-tché-li; that in India the northern lands are today the most vibrant, when, for many centuries, the south, on the contrary, prevailed, there are no climates in the West of the world that have not had their days of brilliance and power. Babylon where it never rains, and England where it always rains; Cairo where the sun is scorching, St. Petersburg where the cold is deadly, these are the extremes: domination reigns or has reigned in these different places.
I could also, after these questions, raise the question of fertility: nothing more useless. Holland tells us enough that the genius of a people overcomes everything, creates great cities in the water, makes a homeland on stilts, attracts gold and tributes from the universe on unproductive swamps. Venice proves even more: it says that, without any territory, not even a ma-recage, not even a moor, a state can be founded, which struggles for splendor with the largest and lives beyond the years granted to the most important.
It is therefore established that the question of race is more important to appreciate the degree of the vital principle in the great foundations; that history has been created, developed and sustained only where several white branches have become compatible; that it has the positive character all the more that it deals with the affairs of whiter peoples, which is to say that these are the only historical ones, and that only the memory of their actions matters to humanity. It follows from this that history, at different times, takes more account of a nation that dominates in advance, or, in other words, that it's white origin is purer.

>> No.22821286

Yeah, I read everything you say.

>> No.22821317

What a garbage pseudointellectual ramblings that didn't even directly address my post. It oozes with narcissism and is completely disconnected from reality. Instead, it's rooted in an overly romanticized image of the past.
>It is the only thing that matters.
Then go ahead and drink mercury, bleach, or whatever. Or go ahead and eat a bunch of processed carbs for months without a balanced diet of veggies, grass-fed beef, or whatever. If race is le only thing that matters, then ur le essence will not change. Just ignore the cognitive decline from malnourishment and proliferation of intestinal parasites. After all, you are strong le white Aryan Euro and will always remain great even with irritable bowel syndrome and lesions in your brain.
>First and second paragraphs
Just a bunch of gibberish that can't even pass for poetry.
>that history has been created, developed and sustained only where several white branches have become compatible
Plenty of non-white/non-Euro civilizations exist, mentally ill Nordicist cunt. Just open a history book. Your arrogance is unbelievably baffling. You are doing a disservice to your race by spreading such unsubstantiated Evola-lite bullshit.
You're not even bothering to engage with my actual argumentation.
>that it has the positive character all the more that it deals with the affairs of whiter peoples, which is to say that these are the only historical ones, and that only the memory of their actions matters to humanity
Literally Talmudist tier bullshit. "All races but the white ones matter! We are the chosen people who lead to higher cultural development." At least Jews are respectful enough not to claim other people's cultures.
I highly recommend seeing a therapist and taking meds, you mentally ill freak.
This isn't even an argument. Just pseudointellectual semi-poetic ramblings that amount to nothing.
>It follows from this that history, at different times, takes more account of a nation that dominates in advance, or, in other words, that it's white origin is purer.
Moreover, "advancement" is a double-edged sword that many people could critique as not wholly desirable. Regardless, it is not as simple as "white(er) = more advancement".

I have too much patience for ingrates like you. Retards like you have ruined /lit/. Why couldn't you just stay in /pol/?

>> No.22821339

You are a narcissistic pseudo-intellectual though.

>> No.22821360

Nothing I am saying is pseudo-intellectual. I referred to hard scientific facts and studies.
Not everything that goes against your insipid narrative is pseudointellectual.
Saying "everything is downstream of race" is pseudointellectual garbage. Note, saying "race doesn't matter *at all* (or doesn't exist" is pseudointellectual too.

>> No.22821371

I didn't say any of that.

>> No.22821372

> Or go ahead and eat a bunch of processed carbs for months without a balanced diet of veggies, grass-fed beef, or whatever.
Literally what I do. And the little bit of meat I eat is B-quality import from Brazil. What's your point? That a better diet turns everyone magically into an ubermensh? That more successful people are more successful because they eat healthier?
> After all, you are strong le white Aryan Euro and will always remain great even with irritable bowel syndrome and lesions in your brain
Not the point. I'm talking about masses, not individuals. You said an individual is the product of it's environment, well, can you say the same about a group of 30 000 people? How about 3 million?
> Plenty of non-white/non-Euro civilizations exist, mentally ill Nordicist cunt
Where did I say civilizations only developped in Europe? The post literally talks about India and China besides other non-European places.
> You're not even bothering to engage with my actual argumentation
I refuted the idea that people are the product of their environment.
> "All races but the white ones matter!
Ok, that point is a bit hyperbolic, but it's not my text.
> Regardless, it is not as simple as "white(er) = more advancement
ESL detected. 'In advance' means 'in before'.

>> No.22821387

You are arguing with a lolcow.

>> No.22821404
File: 476 KB, 2400x1350, Glow_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No goy, if you want to read a book you have to pay for it. Especially rare books that are hard to find elsewhere, and especially those that contain information that could be useful to you, or that we simply don't want you to know.
Tell me. Why is the glownigger like this?

>> No.22821408

You called me a narcissistic pseudointellectual. What did I say recently to make you argue this? What do you disagree with in my original argument that nature/nurture is 30/70?
>That a better diet turns everyone magically into an ubermensh?
It is one very important factor. There are other interrelated factors. For example, reading good books, studying deeply, learning skills, etc. A good diet is useful for inducing positive neuroplastic changes that can facilitate the acquisition of useful skills and knowledge. Nothing exists in isolation in a dynamic network.
>That more successful people are more successful because they eat healthier?
Making such simple mistakes in causal reasoning is an example of being stupid. Never did I say that. Did you completely dismiss my point of experience dependent neuroplasticity?
As I have said, if an adolescence during critical period had a good diet and was studying math proofs deeply, then he will most likely turn out more intelligent when older. It's a matter of conditioning during key periods interrelated with other factors.
>I'm talking about masses, not individuals. You said an individual is the product of it's environment, well, can you say the same about a group of 30 000 people? How about 3 million?
Indeed, trends and averages exist, never did I deny this. However, what these trends may entail is immensely disputable when looking at the flux of interrelated factors.
Moreover, there are not many controlled studies that are representative of entire populations, however. For example, I did critique Lynn/Vanhanen before.
>Where did I say civilizations only developped in Europe? The post literally talks about India and China besides other non-European places.
You argued the upper castes were whiter, which is simply not true in all contexts.
>I refuted the idea that people are the product of their environment.
All multicellular organisms developed from a bacteria devouring another bacteria or virus (endosymbiosis). This led to autopoeisis and the evolution of new forms of symbiosis and complexification of organisms. It is impossible for things not to be the product of their environment if we include symbiosis with other organisms into the environmental picture.
>ESL detected. 'In advance' means 'in before'.
You don't speak directly and instead prefer to speak obliquely. Here is what you said: "that history has been created, developed and sustained only where several white branches have become compatible; that it has the positive character all the more that it deals with the affairs of whiter peoples, which is to say that these are the only historical ones, and that only the memory of their actions matters to humanity."

This is a massive oversimplification much like Evola'a trashy thought. There have been races that have form high degree of civilization without a "white'ish" higher caste, low IQ trash.

>> No.22821410

The lolcows are retards like you who argue "everything is downstream of race" and "all of these sophisticated ancient civilizations had a white'ish higher caste of rulers".

>> No.22821438

> It is one very important factor.
It is not. Unironically from your perspective hunter-gatherers should be the healthiest, most intelligent people in the world. Fresh meat every day, lots of fruit. Yet they live in misery and they don't know any language other than grunts.
> reading good books
Who wrote those good books? Who invented the alphabet necessary for their making? I agree that contextually an individual can become more intelligent by living in a highly intelligent environment. In the 19th Century already an author wrote that some niggers, schooled in English and French academies, seem to show a higher level of enlightenment than Italians, because France and England of that time were were highly enlightened civilizations and not because purely from the perspective of their racial value are niggers more enlightened than Italians, wich obviously is not the case.
> Indeed, trends and averages exist, never did I deny this. However, what these trends may entail is immensely disputable when looking at the flux of interrelated factors.
> Moreover, there are not many controlled studies that are representative of entire populations, however.
> You argued the upper castes were whiter, which is simply not true in all contexts
Where? It doesn't say that in the text. It is a rant against geographism and nurturism continued by the fact that race is more relevant in the analysis of societies than is their social, geographical or political context.
> . It is impossible for things not to be the product of their environment if we include symbiosis with other organisms into the environmental picture.
So you agree that people are the product of their genes? Wtf does the environment influence at all if you are already made in every single characteristic at birth?
> There have been races that have form high degree of civilization
Such as?

>> No.22821440

Also, I forgot to mention, one factor animals like dinosaurs were immensely large in the past was due to higher oxygen content in the environment. Saying environmental factors don't matter is low IQ trash.
You people can't even parse basic facts in your mind and deal with its direct implications.

>> No.22821471

I said neither of that, so yes. You are a lolcow.

>> No.22821501

>Unironically from your perspective hunter-gatherers should be the healthiest, most intelligent people in the world.
It depends on how you define intelligence. If you define intelligence as adapting to one's niche and finding novel ways to solve problems for survival, then they were pretty intelligent. If you define intelligence as the ability to manipulate abstractions in an internally consistent model, then that is learned and ties into complex cultural development. It is like an abstract template that is consolidated.
> I agree that contextually an individual can become more intelligent by living in a highly intelligent environment
Well, that was my main point from the beginning. It's why I argued 30/70 with hard scientific facts.
>racial value are niggers more enlightened than Italians, wich obviously is not the case.
I do not want to discuss blacks because they are an exception in certain respects. Rather, I am arguing that other civilizations may be less intellectual due to cultural values. For example, there are many gifted children in certain Islamic societies. What do they spend time doing? Memorizing the Koran. My point was if they spent more time learning formal logic and math proofs, they would turn out more intelligent. Their cultures simply do not prioritize that at the moment. My point is one cannot attribute the cultural decline purely to race.
Moreover, one can debate whether it's more valuable to become more intellectually and scientifically knowledgeable rather than religious dogmatists.
No babble. You are the type to share meme diagrams of IQ averages and accept them unquestioningly. My point is many of those countries were not even rigorously tested for, which I elaborated upon before.
> continued by the fact that race is more relevant in the analysis of societies than is their social, geographical or political context
Your text was semi-poetic gibberish that was written in a muddy and ambiguous manner. The segments I quoted are like Stormfront pilpul.
Anyways, you are now contradicting yourself. Here you said, "I agree that contextually an individual can become more intelligent by living in a highly intelligent environment." Well, a country is composed of individuals, and a country can have values shift to prioritize intellectualism such as the case of the Enlightenment era in Europe. Reducing all of this to being 100% "downstream of race" is ignoring other interrelated factors that I have been stressing.
>So you agree that people are the product of their genes?
I have explained to you genes exist in a regulatory network and not in isolation from the environment. It's not easy to pinpoint genes associated with intelligence. However, attempts have been made to pinpoint the genes associated with heightened and longer neuroplasticity, but in that particular study, they did not decompose other Caucasoids from each other.
>Such as?
Mesopotamians, Sumerians, Persians, Chinese, Japanese, Incans, Aztecs, etc

>> No.22821503

a lot of things don't belong in school libraries, e. g. smut, lgbt or ideology pieces
you can try to spin it, but it's just the plain truth

>> No.22821510

Why are you butting in my discussion with that man? Nature/nurture is approximately 30/70. I stick to this claim, and I have defended it very well with references to scientific studies. Actually make concrete claims in relevance to my own. Intellectuals discuss ideas and not other people's supposed characters.

>> No.22821518

You have been doing exactly that the entire thread.

>> No.22821529

nor should they be arrested. watching videos of illegal acts, such as murder, assault and unexpired women in pornography, should be equally punished or not at all. i lean on ‘not at all’, as a thought crime doesn’t magically elevate itself above any other simply because there’s a sexual aspect

>> No.22821534

I am tired of the Nordicists and other faggots going around emasculating and demeaning all non-whites. They have congregated here, so I am using this as an opportunity to critique their ideologies. Hopefully some of them wake up and realize things are more complex than "everything being downstream of race".
If they were merely targeting blacks, I wouldn't care, but they target pretty much all non-Japanese and non-white people.

>> No.22821541

Having negro admixture is honestly not a good thing. Perhaps, one reason Gulf Arabs tend to be slow and dim-witted is due to that. I would agree with that.

>> No.22821572

20+ posts later and you still haven't linked a single study. You have been flinching over boogeymen and making assumptions the entire thread. According to your own logic, you're not even an intellectual, you're just a bullied little boy with a lot of growing up to do.
I hope you learn from your mistakes, and at least stop believing I'm white or even a nordicist just because you are so obviously traumatized by 4chan posts.
>If they were merely targeting blacks, I wouldn't care, but they target pretty much all non-Japanese and non-white people.
This is the funny part. I could substitute "nigger" for whatever you feel offended on behalf of and it would change very little. You are a hypocrite that doesn't even believe his own "arguments" bro. Everything you accuse others of, being a "pseud" "narcissist", etc can be turned back on you.

>> No.22821576

> f you define intelligence as adapting to one's niche and finding novel ways to solve problems for survival, then they were pretty intelligent.
I mean the intelligence to develop large and functioning societies.
> It's why I argued 30/70 with hard scientific facts
At the individual level, sure, but the environment itself is ultimately defined by it's nature. As already explained, you can't apply the logic of nurture on a mass of 30 million people. It's just nonsensical.
> For example, there are many gifted children in certain Islamic societies. What do they spend time doing? Memorizing the Koran. My point was if they spent more time learning formal logic and math proofs, they would turn out more intelligent. Their cultures simply do not prioritize that at the moment
They would not turn out more intelligent. Sitting too much on the desk doing maths makes you more stupid actually. Sport has more positive cognitive effects than learning mathematics. Ultimately how much education someone had has no effect on how reasoned one turns out in adulthood. Many Roman and Greek generals and philosophers didn't learn to read and write until their 30s. Yet the first have conquered the entire Mediterranean and the latter have invented philosophy. This is one of the things libshits cannot explain. They can teach a nigger how to do maths and excel in grammar, but when it comes to actions never seen before, their little theory of nurture vs. nature breaks in shackles.
> Well, a country is composed of individuals, and a country can have values shift to prioritize intellectualism such as the case of the Enlightenment era in Europe
Does the impulse to raise people a certain way come after people invent some great new way of doing science or before that? As you can see, the things a society invents are not related to the way their children are educated.
> Mesopotamians
Indo-Germanic language group, as demonstrated by the oldest marble texts found in the region that mutted in the Semitic language groups during the course of ancient history.
> Sumerians
See above.
> Persians
Indo-Aryan language group.
> Chinese
> Japanese
> Inca and Aztecs
F-tier civilizations but ok.

>> No.22821615

>At the individual level, sure, but the environment itself is ultimately defined by it's nature. As already explained, you can't apply the logic of nurture on a mass of 30 million people. It's just nonsensical.
Yes, you can when cultural values shift.
Why are modern people becoming dumb for example? Because the media keeps promoting decadent values. Because it becomes culturally normalized to become a vapid airhead on TikTok and more.
Changes in cultural values can have large shifts on the masses like a wave.
>They would not turn out more intelligent... their little theory of nurture vs. nature breaks in shackles.
Well, as I was saying, what constitutes intelligence and erudition changes throughout history. In modern times, what is considered intelligent is being analytic and logical in a very mechanistic way. One can critique this as not "truly intelligent", which I was trying to argue.
What you define as intelligence seems to be the "ability to conquer and subjugate large groups of people". I cannot sympathize with this position. That's not to say I agree with the preceding definition of intelligence either...
See, we are treading very complex philosophical ground right now. Many philosophers throughout history have framed (true) intelligence differently especially anti-modernist ones like Klages and Evola.
This deep level of thinking eludes the rabble in general.
>Does the impulse to raise people a certain way come after people invent some great new way of doing science or before that?
Most people are not contemplative. They simply adopt the biases, expectations, and norms of their civilization and proceed from there. Of course, there are those who are more deracinated and think according to "lines of flight" that are not fully rooted in their cultural conditioning.
>Indo-Germanic language group,
LARPing crap. There was nothing fucking Germanic about Sumerian. No academic, except maybe LARPing fringe one, argues such a thing.
Sumerians were most likely half Anatolian Neolithic Farmer and half Iranian Neolithic farmer. No steppe.
>Indo-Aryan language group.
Persians did not have much Sintashta admixture the way Scythians did. They were largely of Iranian Neolithic farmer descent. Moreover, they were not "mutted" by Arabs as genetic studies show.

>> No.22821620

I can link any study you wish from pubmed. Which of my claims do you want me to substantiate. I will send pubmed links for each of them.

>> No.22821630

Calling Mesopotamians and Sumerians "Indo-Germanic" is LARPing Nordicist trash that the vast majority of academics would dismiss as hubris. If you don't think there's a problem with Nordicists shitting up random threads with such garbage, then you're a retarded cunt.

You can go ahead and list each of the claims I've made in my 70/30, nature vs. nurture argument, and I will procure the Pubmed articles.

>> No.22821792

It is in fact, I, who will be the one doing the procuring of PubMed articles.
I'm well known, in the circles I move around in, as somewhat of a master of procurement.

>> No.22821968 [DELETED] 

First of all, stop being a rat and attributing things I never said nor claimed to myself. What a nigger way of arguing you pseudo-competent dumbass.
Second of all, feel free to substantiate everything to the relevant people like >>22821615 instead of taking jabs at them through me. Are you some schoolboy who needs me to give you permission even though I wasn't even arguing those topics with you?

>> No.22821996

First of all, stop being a rat and attributing things I never said nor claimed to myself. What a nigger way of arguing you pseudo-competent dumbass.
Second of all, feel free to substantiate everything to the relevant people like >>22821615 instead of taking jabs at them through me. Are you some schoolboy who needs me to give you permission even though I wasn't even arguing those topics with you?