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File: 382 KB, 517x345, alltheleavesarebrown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22813087 No.22813087 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22813089


>> No.22813093

Lmao do europeans really

>> No.22813108


>> No.22813124

No and I hate that I live in Denmark now that they have passed it into law. No joke it's making me consider moving. I've lived in America for quite some time before and desu every day it's becoming more and more appealing to move there again.

>> No.22813128

Yes, but the Quran should be degraded from religious text to toilet paper.

>> No.22813132
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Yes because it causes chaos

>> No.22813134

>t. out of work desecrator
Government never cares about the little guy just trying to make an honest living.

>> No.22813136

Why do your cowardly faggot people behave this way? How has their been no ascendant right wing politicians like elsewhere?

>> No.22813138
File: 68 KB, 800x534, winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to binland :---DDD

>> No.22813139

Sure, let's all engage in idolatry by pretending a book is God.
Do you think God gives a fuck if we burn the books WE wrote? Lol

Imagine bro
"Hey God some guy was burning the Bable but me and the boys stopped him. Another one was burning the Koran but we got him too."
"What? Burning books? Have you stopped the genocide in Gaza?"
"Uh, no?"
"Delete my number"

>> No.22813152

An average european is a traitor

>> No.22813155

How robust is a faith if destroying a redundant physical representation of it can harm it at all?

>> No.22813161

>Clean water
>A population not brainwashed by blacks
>I hate it here!!! I can't believe they've done this. I need to go back to Biden's America and live like a pig for the rest of my life because/!!!!

>> No.22813164

Not owning guns degrades the soul, weakening it

>> No.22813189

> Free healthcare

If only you knew anon. First of all its tax funded, I pay half my salary to the government. These taxes pay for so much useless shit and politicians huge wages.

The American government spends just as much on healthcare as the Danish government does, yet I pay much more in taxes than you do. You literally live in the best country in the world.

I'd be happy to trade with you. Come to the "socialist paradise", come see how great it is

>> No.22813199

Okay. I'd swap with you any day of the week. At least your country doesn't have literal drug addicts wandering the streets raping and robbing. I was in Denmark once on holiday, left my designer suitcase in a supermarket, came back an hour later to get it and it was exactly in the same spot with everything still in it. If you think that's not worth paying higher taxes for, then I don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.22813210

Is that not normal...? I live in the shithole known as London and have lost my wallet/phone twice on public transport in the last ten years. First time I simply went back and retrieved it from the train station office. Second time I only found out I dropped it on the bus when I got home and it was posted back to me by a good samaritan with the contents in it. To be fair, I have never dropped more than like £10 in cash.

>> No.22813263

>leftist complaining about crime

>> No.22813359

is this genocide in the Gaza with you in the room at the moment?

>> No.22813415

those "ascendant right wing leaders" are all handled by Jews

>> No.22813419

>would rather live in the lawless hellscape that is america than denmark because you can't burn a book
is that something you did regularly? Every time you had a barbecue, you just had to throw a Quran on the coals or the steaks wouldn't taste right?

>> No.22813423

Calm it down, incel.

>> No.22813453

No, he has a point. Why is >>22813124 whinging like a woman about living in one of the better Western countires simply because they can't burn a book?

Also, it says in the news article that it's illegal to burn all relgious books. Not just the Quran. I'm sure he'll have a great time walking through a city centre, past his local SatanCon where they publically deface bibles and commit open blasphemy. Retard

>> No.22813482

Muslims belived the Quran is uncreated and that it's the actual, literal word of God.

>> No.22813490

there's nothing wrong with this
burning religious texts is disrespectful and it's ok for it to be illegal, just like burning national flags

>> No.22813551

It makes sense in a good society where religion is tied to sovereighty and an attack on it is an attack on power itself, which should be met with destruction not just a prohibition. But in modern european economy centered countries? This front of caring about anything else but satisfying pigs makes little sense. Are we pretending like europeans in large give a crap what happens to their country as long as their mundane and safe 9-5 life isn't interrupted? Have you seen London, Berlin, Paris and Stockholm?

>> No.22813563
File: 19 KB, 460x276, 1505646819321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who wants public healthcare must be a leftist
smartest american political theorist

>> No.22813579

Escape the political correctness and move to Sweden

>> No.22813763

I am not moving to swedistan.

The Americans in the thread don't understand the impact of this. We are allowing and encouraging the use of violence of these people to get their way.

Truly one of the worst decisions made in this country.

>> No.22813800

This boomer mentally is what ruined the west.

>> No.22813806

Why should being disrespectful be illegal?

>> No.22813815
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1000, TraditionalCatholicEurope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be legal and encouraged to burn the texts of every false religion like islam.
Return to Traditional Catholicism the legacy of our forefathers, and reconquista our lands in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. No false religions nor their followers permitted in our lands.
muslims and all pagans must be expelled
Danes, remember what is on your flag

>> No.22813833

>Danes, remember what is on your flag
A symbol of Lutheranism, yes.

>> No.22813836

At this point Europe has been Protestant for longer than it's been Catholic, anon.

>> No.22813837

It should be illegal to do things I dislike.

>> No.22813862
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1380, TraditionalCatholicAmerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cross is Catholic and denmark is Catholic clay
Wrong by hundred of years. Europe is Catholic clay. What do you think caused the downfall of Europe, it was protestanism, they are heretics who worship a false religion that promotes degeneracy
>sin and sin boldly
they proclaim
>once saved always saved
is what they use to rationaloze it. Both of which are anti-Christian.
Return to Traditional Catholicism and restore our lands, it is the legacy of our people and the only cure to this madness.
Pray the rosary every day

>> No.22813906
File: 514 KB, 617x964, 1656932756790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such acts do nothing but foster divisiveness, cynicism, and a lower level of public dialogue (ringing any bells?). You retards should instead stop taking new people in, deport those that refuse to be integrated into your society, and maybe not flame retarded wars in eastern shitholes that cause nothing but new waves of mass immigration.

>> No.22813981

Any act of blasphomy should be illegal, yes. Political and Temporal power should be returned to religious institutions. The secular state and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.22813999

Why don't Muslims ever burn a Bible in response to Koran burnings?
I've ripped apart both Korans and Bibles btw.
Modern Nicene Christcucks piss me off a little bit more than boorish Mudslimes with their holier-than-though attitude though.

>> No.22814010
File: 157 KB, 572x443, TraditionalCatholicGF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shalom rabbi
>Political and Temporal power should be returned to religious institutions
Yes but only the one true faith Traditional Catholicism as is the legacy of Europe

>> No.22814019

If you did this in US you would get a bunch of libs trying to make it illegal to destroy abortion manuals and transgender kids books

>> No.22814031 [DELETED] 
File: 498 KB, 1114x646, 1701650105392907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Holy Spirit is a demonical force of pure destruction. Jesus was an idiot.

Allah is an angry, jealous, and merciless god, and I put superior idols before him. Muhammad and Ali were idiots.

Moses and the Torah are shit, and I curse YHVH/Elohim/Jehova.

>> No.22814032

>Why don't Muslims ever burn a Bible in response to Koran burnings?
They do.

>> No.22814040

They do in their own countries, but I've never seen news or doing it in Western countries.

>> No.22814122


>> No.22814210

Yeah, but who is doing those attacks? Also, that didn't answer my question, dumbass.
I'm asking why don't Mudslimes burn the Bibble to spite the Christcucks who burn the K*ran?
God, I wish all of you Abrahamists were dead with your petty eternal conflict.

>> No.22814213

must be a slow day in your favela

>> No.22814227

Because according to their Qur'an there is light and guidance in the Torah and Gospel. They would be burning a book they believe came from Allah.

>> No.22814303

If a ban is to be imposed ban the burning of all books in public spaces then! There's always a book that might be holy to someone else. Quite arbitrary that only large enough "religions" get the holy treatment. Burning books is pretty stupid anyway. Whatever happened to tradional honest demonstration and columns?

>> No.22814309

No, Zen patriarch Huineng once proved an incredibly important point by tearing the sutras.

>> No.22814322

every society has a religion even in the modern day. burn the new age homo flag in LA and tell me how it goes for ya.

>> No.22814331

I'd love to live in a lawless hellscape to be honest. The problem with America is that laws solely exist to stop regular people from taking things into their own hands, while black are free to roam and commit as many crimes as they want.

>> No.22814354

The toxic fumes from modern books would be dangerous for meat, which is an interesting point you raise. If the Koran is so holy, why can't you eat it?

>> No.22814357


>> No.22814433

This sentiment is brewing in large part of the western world. In America towards blacks. In Europe towards Muslems. Will there be a civil race war at some point? Is the prohibition of burning holy books a desperate attempt to stop the growing civil unrest? Is there something equivalent in the US?

The prohibtion against burning raises some interesting questions indeed, as you say, if you eat the book publicly you have bypassed the prohibition. Sky is the limit with creative attempts to find greyzone in the law.

>> No.22814438
File: 1.54 MB, 3112x2338, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will welcome you with outstretched arms, anon.

>> No.22814450

If religous texts are to be prohibited from public destruction then the same should go for all books.
There is nothing inherently more valuable in one book over the other.

>> No.22814477

You know something is fundamentally wrong with a society when people start thinking that offending other people is their right and cause such a hubbub when someone tries to introduce an iota of common sense by limiting that retarded freedom. Secular liberalism and the French revolution were a disaster for Europe. It has turned Europeans into a bunch of retarded walking apes with no real values beyond muh freedoms. It's a continent of nihilists who believe in nothing.

The loss of folk Christianity was a disaster for Europe. Spengler was right, Western civilization is a write off. East Asia is where the important developments are at and that's why there's a hostile doomer mentality in Europe. The average Frenchman can't take the fact that his country is now just a second rate power that can't hold a candle to China or Japan. Hell, even an Arab gulf state is better than the atrocious hellscape that is the average European city. That's what respecting individual freedom gets you. If you leave people to their own devices all they'll do is fap to porn, fight over petty tribalisms and eat fast food.

Muslims don't desecrate Christian or Jewish books or symbols because they are prohibited from damaging any holy books in their religion. Muslims don't recognize the Torah or the Bible as authentic but they are still forbidden from burning them.

Are you telling me the Bible is equal in terms of content to a dime novel? Is Homer the same as some schizophrenic crap somebody posted on Twitter?

In the past (let's say the middle ages), there was an understanding that all books were more or less precious. Both Christians and Jews had elaborate rituals surrounding books, everything from how they should be ordered on shelves to wrapping them up in specially made textiles, kissing them, washing them, putting them on specially made stands. The exception was book burnings of a rival sects works. Today, nobody gives a fuck. We use books as door stoppers, we scribble in them, throw them around like they are nothing. Modern secular Europe is a society that doesn't value knowledge but worships cretinism and stupidity.

>> No.22814502

>even an Arab gulf state is better than the atrocious hellscape that is the average European city
Mostly because of the imported arab animals.

>> No.22814515

Folk Christianity was tribalism. Tribalism is what prevents the negatives you mention elsewhere.

>> No.22814549

Europe has been a shithole since at least the 1830s and don't pretend otherwise. You people love to blame other people for chronic problems you yourselves created. Whine and bitch about immigrants all you like, but Arabs aren't responsible for city planning in your countries. It wasn't Ahmed from Syria who designed the arrondissements of Paris, it was Napoleon III. For what its worth, as an Asian, I have spent time in the Middle East and in general the average Arab has a more stable family, better manners, is more polite and works harder than 99% of the Europeans I've met. Sure, there's riff raff and street bums but they exist almost everywhere. The difference is that Europe, under the banner of "individual freedom" has reduced everyone to the level of a brainless zombie.

Christianity created sectarian wars yes. But it was the Christian tradition, the Vulgate Bible and the Latin classics that allowed people of different backgrounds to communicate with each other beyond their narrow ethnic tribalisms. A Frank and an Italian could sit in the same monestary, speak to each other in Latin and still respect their ethnic differences but be united in Christ. As brutal as the Reformation was, Christians still had a common identity as Christians and reverence for the Old Testament allowed them to build bridges with Jews and Muslims, even if these were prone to breakdown and secterian warfare. Once you roll back Christianity and destroy the influence of Latin, Europe descends into shitty barbarism. Christianity was the guardrail preventing a descent into madness.

Just think about this fact. If you were to ask a Japanese "should it be allowed to desecrate the holy books of Christians?" They'd flat out tell you no. If you ask the average Chinese, they'd say no. In Asia, people put freedom of speech beneath politeness and courtesy. You don't have the freedom to be an asshole. Westerners are the only people on God's earth who think there's a freedom to insult and be a dick. It's not as if the CCP cares about religion. They just understand the basic fact that if you allow people to be assholes to each other, society will collapse into brutal infighting. The Buddhists will tear apart the Taoists, the Hans will kill the Manchus etc. Its just basic common sense.

>> No.22814556

>as an Asian
Wonder if this is the same ricecel shitting up the library thread.

>> No.22814577

being a "dick" allows you to tell the truth, gookkun. if anything we have the opposite problem, where we're mostly cowed into silence by the officially unofficial state religion known as progressivism, which granted sure that's our fault in the geneology of ideas although papists and heebs made it worse. no one can be frank about the modern world without bein seen as a freak.

>> No.22814661

Thank you, based American <3

>> No.22814671

Yes. Though burning “God Delusion” should be used for national solidarity purposes as a ritual.

>> No.22814673

I can’t for legal reasons

>> No.22814676

But is he wrong?

>> No.22814684

Yet, what about the east

Yet, we live rent free in your head everyday

Captcha: YRART

>> No.22814685

>whats wrong with burning the bible, I have the freedom to do that bigot
>your feelings don't overpower my freedoms
>nooooo don't burn the brown man book, think of their feelings
Leftoids are so full of shit

Also, kek at (((AP))) calling the government right wing. The largest party in government is literally called the social democrats. Imagine trusting american media ever.
Also, leftoids desecrate churches and crucifixes in my country and they defend that practice when they get hurt in response. They're just evil and full of shit.

>> No.22814691

That’s because everything at its core is a religion

>> No.22814694 [DELETED] 

>as an Asian
>But it was the Christian tradition
lmfao you fags cant help yourself but appeal to your precious browns

>> No.22814741

Also, leftoids will attack and arrest you if you distribute or read from the bible in public
They are full of shit

>> No.22814755

Yes, because as we read in Plato and Aristotle, the Socratic method is to bait, flame and troll your way to the truth and ad homeniem attacks are only banned in common law courts because the pope and the heebs don't want the real truth to be known.

It wasn't leftoids who banned burning it. Unless your telling me all 94 parliamentarians who voted for it are closet communists who like religion for some reason. The Danish just don't want their embassies to keep getting attacked because some random schizo insists on burning it and voted on a law to ban such burnings. It's just cold hard realpolitik. Agree or disagree with it, argue for or against it, but at least get your facts straight.

And you can't help the fact that, before Latin and Christianization, Europe was a jungle of insignificant cave dwellers. Those browns were building pyramids and calculating orbits while your ancestors were human sacrificing babies in bogs and worshipping turds.

So which is it? Either the leftoids are mad atheists who hate religion or they pass laws against burning religious texts to protect religions from Voltaire larpers. Both of these cannot be true. Also, name me one Western country where reading the Bible is prohibited in public. Point to me one law where that exists. I will go outside right now and read from my KJV and see if this is true.

>> No.22814771

>Those browns were building pyramids and calculating orbits while your ancestors were human sacrificing babies in bogs and worshipping turds.
Funny how quickly the tables turned as soon as Europe actually got settled.

>> No.22814780

That suitcase didn't sit there because of taxes. It sat there untouched because Denmark is still, for now, majority North European country.

>> No.22814788

They're not schizos
Social democrats banned it (so much for that political ideology)
They hate religion but they also have an oppression hierarchy. They protect Muslims and attack Christians. They only passed this when muslims got their feelings hurt.
If they do something that is real then it's not larping and you are just trying to distort everything
You know all of this but you are a typical dishonest leftoid who cannot be trusted

Arrested for hate speech which is a leftoid policy protecting browns and fags

>> No.22814839

You're the Jew pretending to be a white nationalist, aren't you? You've been exposed several times. Sorry if you're not him. I am a bit paranoid of that guy because he seems like a glowie trying to promote even more ethnic tensions. I would be more cautious if I were you. Going around screaming about "muh browns" is going to destabilize Europe. At the very least, keep it squarely about the Muslims being unassimilable, you retarded faggot.

>> No.22814887

Sure, that's why the Taiwanese and South Koreans dominate the semiconducter trade

>anyone who disagrees with me is a dishonest leftoid
Yeah sure.... let's assume for the sake of argument I am a God hating ultra leftist anarchist who wants to destroy all religion, how would that fix the flaws in your argument? You wrote your post, anon. Even if I'm the derranged commie you think I am, there's no denying you got your facts wrong and your argument doesn't make logical sense.

>Social democrats banned it
I'll say it again. Point to me one law on the books in any Western country of your choosing where reading the Bible publically is illegal and, since your fixated on soc dems, point out how that portion of the civil or crimminal legislation was put there by a social democrat.

>They protect Muslims and attack Christians. They only passed this when muslims got their feelings hurt.
Lets see if there's any evidence for that. How would we know if leftists have a preference for Muslims over Christians? Let's look Europe's top radical leftist intellectuals, the most extreme leftoids you can find. We all know Zizek is an opponent of immigration and critical of Islam, as is Badiou, yet both claim Christianity is necessary for a true atheism and a true Communism. Surely, if leftoids were people with a special preference for Muslims, they'd be saying the exact opposite. I don't see any special preference for Muslims here.

As for that article, it just looks like a regular instance of persecution of religious people in the name of LGBT stuff. Even then, the article doesn't say that that man was arrested FOR READING THE BIBLE but for "making homophobic statements" e.g. reading bits of the Bible the alphabet people take offense too. The incident happened in England, and as far as I know England has no laws against reading the Bible. Anglican Christianity is the official state religion of England and the head of state is also the head of the Anglican Chruch. Are you seriously going to tell me that a country where Christianity is the official state religion, a state that is not secular, is a place where reading the Bible is banned? When King Charles II was crowned, the Bible was recited and played publically on official government media. What your doing is reading whatever you want into a news article that doesn't even support your claim that communists who hate religion are conspiring to take down Christianity and promote Muslims because of an "oppression hiearchy" whatever that's supposed to mean.

>> No.22814892

Who's the schizo again?
Leftoids are full of shit and are actively creating these problems with unnecessary mass immigration to destroy europe
Then you whine about stability while alienating christians
You're all fucked in the head

>> No.22814914

I am not that guy you're debating.
>Leftoids are full of shit and are actively creating these problems with unnecessary mass immigration to destroy europe
Well, we can't go back in time, so I don't know what can be done about it now.
>Then you whine about stability while alienating christians
All of Abrahamic traditions are trash to me. Both Jesus and Muhammad are eating shit in hell.
>You're all fucked in the head
Not as fucked as you. Why don't you think things out more fully before running your low class mouth.
Also, isn't your tradition about being martyred? Maybe everything was doomed from the start, so follow your disgusting Jew's example already.

Europe, Arabia, Israel, North Africa, Iran, Caucasus, and Central Asia -- all of you can die and eat shit for all that I care. All of you are icchantika subhumans worshiping a jealous and angry god. Why should I give a shit if you suffer? Hopefully it leads to disillusionment in your retarded Messianic myths.

>> No.22814926

The Buddha counselled against harsh speech like this.

>> No.22814934

everyone loves to glue themselves to some intellectual fad (romans, buddhism, christianity, traditional catholicism etc) without actually bothering to follow it. welcome to the internet.

>> No.22814939

>what is a de facto policy
>what is hate speech
You're full of shit

>point out to me what portion of laws were put there by soc dems
Fallacious. They are in power now and they are passing the law in the OP
You are unbelievably full of shit

>Let's look Europe's top radical leftist intellectuals, the most extreme leftoids you can find. We all know Zizek is an opponent of immigration and critical of Islam, as is Badiou, yet both claim Christianity is necessary for a true atheism and a true Communism. Surely, if leftoids were people with a special preference for Muslims, they'd be saying the exact opposite. I don't see any special preference for Muslims here.
Cherry picking

>As for that article, it just looks like a regular instance of persecution of religious people in the name of LGBT stuff. Even then, the article doesn't say that that man was arrested FOR READING THE BIBLE but for "making homophobic statements" e.g. reading bits of the Bible the alphabet people take offense too. The incident happened in England, and as far as I know England has no laws against reading the Bible. Anglican Christianity is the official state religion of England and the head of state is also the head of the Anglican Chruch. Are you seriously going to tell me that a country where Christianity is the official state religion, a state that is not secular, is a place where reading the Bible is banned? When King Charles II was crowned, the Bible was recited and played publically on official government media. What your doing is reading whatever you want into a news article that doesn't even support your claim that communists who hate religion are conspiring to take down Christianity and promote Muslims because of an "oppression hiearchy" whatever that's supposed to mean.

Also, leftoids castrate children
Now cope over this and show everyone how depraved you faggots really are

>> No.22814941

Everyone who wants public healthcare must be a retard so yeah

>> No.22814945

>well it happened so get over it
Well we can still reverse it and charge and condemn the perpetrators and their policies at the very least

>> No.22815009

But of course you say that because you are full of shit.
Leftism is a lie. Leftoids are all full of shit and their policies are just a means to an end. They fully expected ethnic conflict and destabilisation caused by immigration and asylum which is also exactly what they wanted. Their espoused values are lies and illogical.
When a problem is directly caused by their unnecessary policies which challenges their ideals they don't see that as a reason to inspect their ideology. That's because they're acting in bad faith.
They attack pol for wanting an ethnostate while they protect and defend a literal
far right jewish ethnostate.
When a poor leftoid fucker actually believes their own bullshit (corbyn) they get ostracised and humiliated by the (((press)))

>> No.22815027

You need to take your meds

>> No.22815029

Not even a million years of Zazen can make me forgive Abrahamists for what they have and continue to do.
If the Buddha were alive today, he would claim man is closer to the narakas during these times, and therefore, we cannot approach virtuous conduct the same manner as ~500 or so years ago. Man is no longer in the middle of the lower and upper realms.
Everything is impermanent including what constitutes proper conduct.
There are two important things on my mind right now: 1) the increasing destruction, pollution, pilfering, and suffering of the Earth and wildlife, 2) AGI, machines and greater automation superseding or rivaling man.
Each of these can be traced to the logocentric elements of Abrahamism and Zoroshit.
In light of these two major problems, I don't give a shit that the Euroshit race is dying out from mistakingly revering victim consciousness of "le oppressed minorities". Pompous Euroshits, including those going ape shit over the realization of their mistake in promoting globohomo, can eat shit just like every other retarded race brainwashed by Abrahamism.
Neither nature nor the technological future has any place for man. Abrahamists are to blame. Abrahamists are insentient icchantika garbage, and it is merely an illusion that they can suffer or experience qualia. Their traditions began from chopping down sacred pagan trees. This extends to their disgusting cretinized children too who wouldn't have survived childbirth without modern medical intervention.
Every single Abrahamist dying would be for the better at this point. There were historically Buddhist barbarians too like Hephalites too fyi.
In fact, I would support non-Abrahamic Indians and Chinese flood both West Asia and Europe with the goal to destroy all traces of Pisslam, Christcuckery and Jewdaism. There isn't a SINGLE beautiful thing in the entirety of Islamic, Christian, or Jewish cultural legacies. Burn all of the mosques, cathedrals, slaughter the priests and put their heads on pikes, hear the screams of their disgusting women through the flames, just burn it all. No more compassion to Abrahamists or Mazdaeists. No compassion to Abrahamism is infinite compassion.
Or do nothing and just fatalistically accept the fate of mankind's eventual replacement by superior machines or nature correcting its mistake in evolution instead of going online and impotently whining like a woman.
The only thing Abrahamists would be good for is invasive macabre experiments like cracking open their skulls, and studying their neural circuitry to better find cures to neurodegenerative disorders. It would be far less unethical than experimenting on rats, which are actually empathetic and highly intelligent creatures. Abrahamists are metaphysical pests on a cosmic level.

>> No.22815035

Both far leftists and far rightists can become one as their heads are skewered in my sword. Stfu, you subhuman icchantika. There are far bigger problems now than your narcissistic shit race dying out. In fact, I'd side with Jews if it meant people like you would finally shut the fuck up. Go impotently whine elsewhere.

>> No.22815055

Dishonest leftoid reply because you have nothing to say as you know I'm 100% right

>far left
I didnt say far left. I said leftoid.
>There are far bigger problems now than your narcissistic shit race dying out.
Fallacious. Thanks for proving me right with your hypocritical hatred.

>> No.22815074

Not at all. Look Ship of Theseus and now apply it to a transhumanist or technological context.
Will your future descendants be in continuity to "you" when they're neurally augmented, genetically altered (further), etc.? That's the direction mankind is undeniably heading. They'll fuse with machines to the point they're no longer discernibly human, and then impotent faggots like you would screech about man vs. cyborg while missing the bigger picture.
You descend from an interminable line of peasants. It was a mistake for you to learn to read or write and engage in higher thinking.
I am thinking on a higher level than soulless dumb scum like you.

>> No.22815075

mass market books are valueless. buy a new one and they will print it on the spot just for you. Fahrenheit 451 inflicted everyone with brainrot but I promise it is okay to burn any book you want.

>> No.22815079

>there are bigger problems
Now go defend and fund the far right jewish ethnostate, goy

>> No.22815116

Human beings were evolutionarily meant to live in small-scale villages or nomadic tribes in connection with the land. We have deviated too far from that with a global interconnected economic system.
What will you do about that then? Scream more about minorities online generating more schadenfreude towards your race?

>> No.22815131

You won't admit that you're committing a fallacy but you will keep defending and funding israel in real life
That's the leftoid way

>> No.22815139

Yeah your right but whenever anyone challenges to give them evidence/arguments you just ramble about how their all leftoids.

>> No.22815140

And you'll also defend minorities and cry about genocide at all times
You're full of shit

>> No.22815143

I did give evidence
You didn't even make an argument, retard

>> No.22815151

You're retarded and don't understand my point.
It was better if the West never accepted any immigrants in the first place. I agree. But what happens after *you* accept them and they accumulate assets?
Do you want to just seize their assets and "kick them back"?
They won't give up their properties and assets without a fight, and at that point, everything becomes fair game, including children.
Greed is what drives the modern world, and that's not going to easily change from a retarded idealistic smug fag like you whining all day.

>> No.22815169

You realise that leftism is at fault and condemn it
But you won't admit that because you are full of shit and you lied to people to harm the west on purpose. Always were full of shit.

>> No.22815180

Nicene Christcuckery was the original leftism in some sense.

>> No.22815185

Communist manifesto
>abolish private property
>abolish monarchy
Nicean creed
>God is three: father, son, holy spirit
>Roman emperor is good

How are these related?

>> No.22815207

Context and foundational beliefs matter
We're talking about today
All you can do is deflect instead of admitting fault

>> No.22815259

Nicene creed
>God was a Jew that was simultaneously divine and human
>You exist in a state of sin because this foreign Jew, that was God, was killed.
It's like the Pope washing black people's feet. Basically crying over those who have no ancestral connection to you.
I care about the *realistic* solution today.
Both the far left and right only care about endless scapegoating rather than proposing feasible solutions.
Analysis and solution are two different things.

>> No.22815268

>BATOS you gotta go back to la Iglesia Catolica Romana ése meng cuz it's what la REAL white raza gotta do

>> No.22815297

Yes, you don't care that your ideology is nonsensical and caused the problem and is still contributing to it today. You don't care that your ideology is self contradictory or problematic and will cause the same problems to future societies. You don't care about admitting that you are wrong and fixing your ideology and being self critical. You don't care about being honest.
Because you are full of shit and cannot be trusted
Just like the communists

>> No.22815314

I'm not an open-border leftist, you dumb faggot.
Opening borders was a mistake for the West, but what's the solution now after such a huge mistake?
I have honesty when it comes to analyzing problems. Granted, I'm just making it clear I don't care if you suffer because I am somewhat of a greedy man. I wouldn't say I'm excessively greedy like Jews, but I'm greedy in the sense that I prioritize my self-preservation and don't care if other human beings suffer. Ideally, I would like all Muslims, Jews, and Christians dead, but that is not a realistic thing to wish for.

>> No.22815365

Why did leftists push for it?
Why are they defending it now?
Why do they vote for it now?
Why are they saying that diversity is sacred and makes us stronger except in the nba or media executive boards or the american presidents cabinet?

>> No.22815429

>Why did leftists push for it?
Because they are retarded overly idealistic fags who don't understand evolutionary biology or basic historical reality, or rather, they are anti-life morons who see the tribalistic preferences of humans as "sinful" even though it's present among orcas, other Greater Apes, crows, and etc.
>Why are they defending it now?
Jewish and corporate social engineering. The goal is social atomization and breakdown of communal integrity in order to push for an even more mechanized servile caste of rootless mutts.
>Why do they vote for it now?
>Why are they saying that diversity is sacred and makes us stronger except in the nba or media executive boards or the american presidents cabinet?
Real diversity is about not imposing your ways/values onto other people. Everywhere Abrahamism has spread, diversity dies out, but it has become inarguably worse with liberalism. Ironically, liberals have become the biggest pro war voices because they want to missionize and spread globohomo worldwide.
The immediate future is a mutt melting pot. It is... unsavory, but there are even bigger issues looming such as WEF's "Human 2.0" and "man becoming a hackable". Regulations will merely defer that inevitability.
There are too many issues in the modern world, and when they pile up, it leads to interactions and the emergence of other intractable and novel issues.
I can admit to all of this, but I still do not care for your people whatsoever. Moreover, I will have no children of my own, so I am out of this game. I've renounced my humanity long ago and literally have experienced past lives and more, which gives me an unbounded creativity but unique and strange kind of attachments. For example, I actually believe after mankind's extinction, some kind of being like garudas will evolve and inherit this Earth.

>> No.22815451

>but there are even bigger issues looming such as WEF's "Human 2.0" and "man becoming a hackable"
>therefore shut up and stop caring
Again, this is fallacious. Do you even understand what I mean by that?

>> No.22815492

Reality, itself, is contradictory and eludes formal logic and attempts to grasp it. Paraconsistent forms of logic may be better.

>> No.22815599

Free expression and liberty to protest are non-negotiable aspects of a free society. This kind of law fundamentally presupposes that an authoritarian power can dictate that some religions or political positions are sacred and criminal to criticize. I know this word has been used to the point of destruction, but this is the quintessential impulse towards fascism.

>> No.22815606

It was primarily "leftoids" who organized "draw Mohammad day". But by all means continue your direction-brained schizo act.

>> No.22815609

Rent free

>> No.22815617

>Are you telling me the Bible is equal in terms of content to a dime novel?
No, the Bible is far worse. Have you read the Bible? It has the most trashy depictions of donkey dicks and horse sized cum shots of any two bit harlequin novel. (Ezekiel 23:20)

>> No.22815621
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>> No.22815624

I find this post disrespectful. By your own logic, you should punish yourself

>> No.22815627

A small minority that is now irrelevant

>> No.22815645

I accept your retraction

>> No.22815923

I didn't retract anything. Leftoids are at fault for this. The people that vote soc dem want this.

>> No.22815940

I can’t believe I just read this whole exchange. You sound like you’re 14 and that anon btfo you lol

>> No.22815978

Ok leftoid

>> No.22815994
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the phrase which I only quote to accuse you
>temporal power
is blasphemy in my religion of eternal power. to suggest temporal power means the eternal power for a time is not the only power, and therefore mid.

>> No.22816001

samfag, but you btfo’d that guy

>> No.22816144

No and I also should be allowed to ejaculate on the bible publically

>> No.22816159

Every country that depends on imports or exports to sustain its population and industries, which ties into maintaining standard of living, is fundamentally leftist. This is because they are no longer truly self-sufficient or energy independent. When you get down to it, both globohomo and far right are aligned with Western imperial interests. The former is just more discreet about it hence why globohomo is exported globally as a way to maintain Western soft power. It's more effective. Basically anyone who embraced globohomo unconsciously becomes a pet for the modern West. Immigrants also rarely tend to settle down, and when they go back to their host countries, they either spend euros or dollars, which ultimately strengthens them in the long-run.
There is no such thing as altruism in geopolitics. This is just speculation along certain directions.

>> No.22816173

Nta but how does someone get to "incel" from burning the quran? Do you know what incel means?

>> No.22816188

Leftoid media coopted the word incel when it started becoming popular. Anyone who misuses it here is a normie or is just insulting you

>> No.22816247

Nice, another word that has lost its meaning.

>> No.22816679

You are under the delusion that European greatness was achieved via christianity. The reality is that Europe succeeded and became the political, cultural and intellectual center of the world due to the inherent racial superiority of the various European races. Arabs, blacks, Hindus and Orientals are incapable of any form of innovation as their blood makes them servile, complacent and stuck in their ways. They can create maybe a late medieval society with the appropriate technology, but industry is beyond them. They need the European stock to manage their technological development, or they will plunge into barbarity, superstition and a complete void of progress.

>> No.22816706

Yes, there is no point in doing so except being a faggot

>> No.22816718

White brother, White man happened to have guns and be barbaric enough to colonize half of the world.

Nowadays, you can't even maintain a city without bringing brown immigrants to do it for you.

you are not really that superior.

best regards,

>> No.22816791
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>> No.22817226

>void of progress
You realize progress ultimately means stuff like GNR (genetics, nanotech, and robotics) and AGI (autonomous general intelligence) supplanting mankind and nature? Maybe progress, itself, wasn't worth it? Have you ever seriously contemplated on that, you insufferable faggot? Rhetoric and metaphysics of progress ultimately undermines any form of humanism or desire to preserve race since technological society introduced new kinds of selective and artificial pressures that will accelerate speciation and, perhaps, future genetic engineering.
Most whites (in America) I encounter are just overly pompous, smug faggots like you. They also tend to lack knowledge on fine details and nuance, typically getting lost in naive power fantasies of the future. You people rarely think about novel social problems with any nuance whatsoever, problems that initially began with your race's "innovations". It's reaching the point where only AI can approach problems of such a magnitude.
At this rate, we are all going to be servile and complacent to our AI overlords in a barren wasteland where we're eating insect powder in pods.
Also, what's so great about colonizing other planets? Find a way to spread out cancer on an interplanetary scale?
Besides a few fringe thinkers, I have never liked your race at all. Even phenotypically I found you people (especially your man-jawed women) disgusting except in anime form. You're like Faustian demons driven by an infernal black fire of ambition that ultimately consumes itself and the world, and I include your trannies and liberals as effectively the same in overall mentality.

>> No.22817232


>> No.22817241

Yeah so the Quran technically isn't the book itself but the words of God you utter from it which cannot be destroyed.

>> No.22817854

They passed this law for your own safety, you know? Russian spies keep burning the Qur'an across Europe to provoke the dune coons into terrorist attacks.

>> No.22819475

also why the fuck would you make the colour for Spanish controlled south america green and Portuguese controlled south america orange. retard. the colour of the modern flags are more akin to the opposite

>> No.22819480

No, it's just ink on paper.

>> No.22819607

Don't those texts gloat about destroying the idols of other religions? I see no reason to make an exception.

>> No.22819610

Why would it be? It should either be illegal to burn any book (at least in significant quantity) or it should not be illegal to burn any book.

>> No.22819904

Wow they sure showed Russia by going against their liberal values that they pride themselves on (and that Russia hate)

>> No.22819928

There is no actual need for immigrants, if anything we would be better off individually without them. Less work will be done but we will be paid more to do it, kids would all have their own cars again if not for illiterate browns taking their jobs.

>> No.22820051

New Testament, yes.
The rest, no.