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/lit/ - Literature

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22809677 No.22809677 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to write a book, what would it be about? What would you want to convey, if anything?

>> No.22809680
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About how humans behave in such a bad way and how they should be punished accordingly

>> No.22809685
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In this fantasy you can write anything, you don't have to limit yourself to a manifesto anon <3

>> No.22809688
File: 245 KB, 960x804, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoy watching bad people suffer, this is my fantasy

>> No.22809738

Explain that picture please

>> No.22809775

I think the guy is composing music, which is like writing a book with another kind of keyboard :) he seems to be really into the process!

>> No.22809892

that guy is probably a fucking prodigy. the best artists are all deranged and do shit like that.

>> No.22810890

I would wanna convey the volatile nature of ethics and how good and bad are hard to justify when you talk about people, since it is just the actions and upbringing of the person and not the person themselves who are bad or good. This would be done by constantly comparing people of different circumstances and judging wether one or the other should be allowed to live.

>> No.22810920

I think it'll probably be about a man who ruins the lives of others.

>> No.22810928

vague but based

>> No.22810936

I have several book ideas, but right now I'm writing about a business owner whose life goes to shit during the Lockdown. Here are a few:
>A secret service agent whose job primarily consists of hiding all the bad shit the president's son does, like getting rid of his cocaine and making sure his hookers keep silent (inspired by Hunter Biden)
>A central banker who goes to jail for fraud and tries to institute a fiat system in the prison economy
>A comedy mocking Zelensky (perhaps drawing parallels between him and Bernie Madoff)
>A book about a South Korean secretary who works for the boss of a chaebol in the aftermath of a failed coup

>> No.22810938


>> No.22811782
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In a world of works.... it would be like pissing in the ocean. I would argue that we need a good book burning - but knowing this world it would only be the good stuff on the pyre.

>> No.22811794

A fictitious book giving a factual account of real events.

>> No.22811808

I thought about making books that are like mad libs. Almost like an informal version of writing where it constantly has twists and turns to keep the reader engaged. like it is so over the top. one second the main character is fighting aliens or some shit then he is eating a hot dog running from a tornado. stuff that people actually want to read.

>> No.22811827

There'll be books written by ChatGPT next.
And you would never know.
We've now cut the bullshitters out of the bullshitting process, and mainlined their feed into an autonomous bullshitter.

>> No.22811833

>A central banker who goes to jail for fraud and tries to institute a fiat system in the prison economy
OK this one got me.

>> No.22811834

I wrote one novel and I'm currently brainstorming ideas for a second
>completed a ya fantasy romance about a knight and a princess who fight an evil wizard who wants to take over the world
>brainstorming a ya scifi romance about space pilots who uncover a secret doomsday weapon and have to stop it before it kills 99.99% of life in their galaxy as they are hunted by mercenaries
I put my own enjoyment and the reader's first rather than some deeper meaning, but some common themes/elements between the two are
>getting over the death of loved ones, it's important to let go of grief and live your own life
>you are worthy of forgiveness and love, regardless of whatever scars/traumas have defined your life
>it's not the end of the world if your parents suck and treat you poorly

>> No.22811845

Amazon is already flooded with ai books. Techtards are destroying cultures at a rapid rate while midwits are too busy telling everyone most media are bad so it won't be that much of a difference. Meanwhile there are genuinely good works out there being buried in this age of participation trophies and empty achievements.

>> No.22812334

aren't those books just the plot of star wars?

>> No.22812346

Who you call "bad people" and who you choose to punish will probably be something weird though.

>> No.22812383

Identifying the psychos, schizos, schizo psychos, and psycho schizos and their transcendental war over how to end the universe

>> No.22812544

A comprehensive illustrated history of the police flashlight. I have the world's largest collection and plan to do it one day.
>do you even autism bro?

>> No.22813187

a simple book in simple language that made people do what they say they want to do instead of boring me by talking about it

>> No.22813227

It won't be about anything really. But I think it will feature test cricket in it somewhere.

>> No.22813237


>> No.22813743

it would probably be something about the futility of pursuing uniqueness. Set in the future maybe, a bigger population can make the point easier to get across. Modern day adjacent setting could work too. Why try to be uniquely profound or leave a world defining legacy when the only thing that matters is that you're happy. Now that I write this down I just need an outlet to blow off steam I reckon.

>> No.22813963
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why i'm smarter than everyone else and everyone can suck my little black dingaling

>> No.22813995

I want to write a holy book that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Catholic Church is in fact a polytheistic rebellion against the apocalyptic astro-Shamanism, that is cleverly disguised as 'monotheism', exposing the only actual conspiracy in the universe, namely that astrology is the actual origin of monotheism, and that the Egyptian Pharaos got brainwashed by the sun

>> No.22814048
File: 79 KB, 992x1103, stop_jerking_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga just open a lawbook

>> No.22814056

Ruins others' lives in what way?

>> No.22814091

tell me more daddy

>> No.22814108

im working on a story about how grief can isolate and destroy a man and how he needs to overcome it in order to survive

>> No.22814473

this gave me a thread idea:
>1/ who are bad people?
>2/ how do you punish them?

>> No.22814486

kinda interesting but
>should be allowed to live
why the murder frenzy tho

>> No.22814509
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art should be used to help explore reality, not hide away from it.

>> No.22814576

1/ women
2/ with my dick

>> No.22816416

The importance of freedom of speech

>> No.22816432

Romance. I'll write it one day

>> No.22816435

Burn this man

>> No.22816436

Infinite jest audio book on repeat until the day they die.

>> No.22816448

This person is a known criminal

>> No.22816474

I've always wanted to write a novel about free will and self-consciousness, but I must admit my understanding of the subject is still lackluster. I need to reflect on the matter, the idea is still there though (and if it ever comes to fruition, I will shill it on this board ofc)

>> No.22816494

i want to write a book about a slave who is stranded in the desert with his master. The slave wants to murder his master, but is compelled by God to show mercy. He has to fight through sorrow, anger, and the temptation to kill him, despite the wishes of God.

>> No.22816635

It would be about a Bohemian soldier during WW1 and how his aloofness carries him through the horrors of the war

>> No.22817364

An accurate essay about why the world sucks and how it should actually be.

>> No.22818088

Cute :3