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22806916 No.22806916 [Reply] [Original]

>"life is pointless, its all suffering, we should all just die!"
>"why don't I just kill myself then? Uhh...my biological urges! I'm a slave to my natural fear of death!"
Almost all of the famous nihilist philosophers believe in the world getting better and mankind improving his condition, and every pessimist philosopher who hasn't killed themself also "secretly" believes it. Your biological urges are not that strong, people brutally kill themselves over stupid bullshit all the time without much difficulty, if you genuinely believed life was pure suffering and not worth living you'd follow them, but you don't, because you don't actually believe that, you just repeat it all the time because you think it sounds cool. Faggot.

>> No.22806932
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Personally I am an antinatalist because of what can happen after death and that reason alone. If naturalism were apparent I would call antinatalists pussies.

>> No.22807067

Thing with being a pessimist is that at the very end of negation you're in a brutally intense, far more intense than life affirming, affair with life. That's the irony of being a pessimist, you could have just killed yourself over some stupid bullshit but its 100x more intense to kill yourself at the very depth of negation. This is also the failure of pessimism too because very tiny tiny population would kill themselves over their philosophical conviction. Most suicide happens due to emotional disturbances of external life. Cold and calculated suicides are very rare.

>> No.22807088
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Appeal to retard fallacy

>> No.22807089

You don't get it. Some people's lizard brains take over when they are on the edge of death. The rational part of their brain telling them to commit seppuku just stops working and all that's left is this weird adrenaline rush making them abort the suicide attempt. They are literally biologically wired not to kill themselves even if they want to.

>> No.22807101

I would wager that it’s actually the optimists who tend to kill themselves more frequently. If you’re a pessimist, you perpetually assume the worst - which means you’re often pleasantly surprised at how not-so-shit the world can be sometimes. Whereas optimists, expecting only the best, are perpetually crushed by the reality of life, which is disappointment, strife and suffering. A sunny disposition is a heavy burden in a world such as ours, as the optimist is not equipped to deal with hard realities.

>> No.22807103
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life is pointless, its all suffering, we shouldn't have been born.

nice try midwit, next.

>> No.22807111


this might be true

>> No.22807112
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This desu. Also naturalists and such aren't pessimistic ENOUGH. Real pessimists believe is samsara, eternal return or if they really want the high score eternal conscious torment.

>> No.22807538

>> almost all famous nihilist
>Almost all of the famous nihilist philosophers believe in the world getting better and mankind improving his condition
I don't think it's unfair to say most believe it's possible in concept, but I wouldn't say "most" see it as a given. Maybe I misinterpreted your meaning here?

>> No.22807556

Well the reason why Buddhists don't think suicide is a good idea is because it's a very violent act and will give you a ton of bad karma
Since you've just died you will be reborn in a hell realm and suffer unimaginable pain for a ridiculous amount of time and won't have accomplished anything

>> No.22807557

Nihilists don't believe that killing yourself is the solution to life having no meaning. Why would turning into bacteria and worm food solve the life has no meaning problem? It doesn't even solve the life problem because you're just funnelling nitrates back into creating more life. Why would life having no meaning create a sudden rush job on killing yourself? It seems like a lot of effort for a not very fun time. Have you thought about maybe doing drugs or going for a walk or eating some fruit? Those are all less effort and more fun.

>> No.22807565

It isn't "anti-natalism" to be an incel

>> No.22807615
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You were saying?

>> No.22807622
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Clean your bloody room!

>> No.22807627

Kek, I just moved and have been pretty lazy with the unpacking