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22800412 No.22800412 [Reply] [Original]

What are your views on God?

>> No.22800414

I love God

and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ Mark 12:30

>> No.22800421

Don't like him desu I'm gonna need to seriously talk with him why he created this wretched shithole and then forget about it completely

>> No.22800426

and what about Jesus

>> No.22800428

That said, He certainly has His views on you, you ungrateful disgrace of a man.

>> No.22800443

No proof

>> No.22800446


>> No.22800458

if he's omnipotent then he already knew creating earth that I will be born and I will hate him for giving me this existence, unless he either isn't omnipotent or doesn't exist. Either way he is a faggot

>> No.22800484
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you are fucking retarded

>> No.22800489

Enjoy the eternal fiery pits of burning disgrace. The last bottom rings of Hell are reserved for the ignorant, ungrateful, bastard menchildren of this blessed Earth. Enjoy.

>> No.22800511
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Deism is probably the truth. Religion is important for cultural cohesion though.

>> No.22800514
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retarded christkeks

>> No.22800538


>> No.22800542
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you showed your true face you fucking science worshipper piece of garbage

>> No.22800546

Love Him. He's the best

>> No.22800552
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Sorry, I'm too high IQ to believe in fairy tales

>> No.22800575

I’m a hyperstitional pantheist. I believe that gods are fictions that will themselves into being through the devotional acts of their congregation. The Christian God used to be the most realised god, but his followers weakened him through their watered-down interpretations and liberalisations of scripture until Nietzsche delivered the killing blow. Currently the god that is most realised is Allah, been that way since 9/11 and steadily increasing ever since.

>> No.22800579

What a retarded, childishly schizo mindset

>> No.22800586
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>> No.22800608

The attempt to get people to recognize they are god fails on many of retards, but even the ones that realize it don't get any superpowers so no one cares. I guess the entertainment of watching mass slaughter because the chimps are too stupid to put the pieces together has some value, but why go through the monotony? Why am I still fucking here? Shit's fake and gay through and through.

>> No.22800613

I'm sorry what

>> No.22800619

If you don't know you don'tknow. Something something schizophrenia something something meds.

>> No.22800632

God in a religious sense is bullshit and as the technology advances rapidly and fully conscious AI is right around the corner, all of the main religions in the current world will slowly die out. Islam will be first to go because its stupidest and most shallow, it doesn’t have the staying power. Christianity and Buddhism will endure for a while because they are more mysterious, subtle and adaptable to the modern thinking, but they will slowly disappear as well. I don’t think any new religions will pop up in the next centuries unless some disaster strikes us and we are sent back to the stone age, era of the religion is mostly over. You can cope all you want by saying that humans require religion to function and to cope with death or whatever but I’m 100% certain all of the main religions of the world will be slowly discarded in the next few decades, maybe something else will replace them but it will look nothing like current abrahamic religions.

>> No.22800634
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>> No.22800640
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>fully conscious AI is right around the corner

>> No.22800665

Lmfao. Behold this

>> No.22800668

Oh man, you have no idea. If you are young, you should try your hardest to stay alive for the next 50-60 years. Shits about to get fucking crazy, This will be the most exciting time in human history.

>> No.22800683

I wish God would give me faith. Can you even ask for faith?

>> No.22800688

You won’t be saying that when your poorly-rendered Jesus on a shawl gets obliterated under sharia law by my hyperreal 200fps Allah the most merciful.

>> No.22800692

the idea that fully conscious AI will be developed in our lifetime is literally impossible

>> No.22800696

rebellious teenagers larping as christians will laugh at you but your analysis is mostly right on the money. only thing i disagree with is islam going first, i think islam will outlast all of them

>> No.22800697
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fucking bot, you will burn in hell faggot

>> No.22800702

I'm a secular gnostic-satanist.

>> No.22800729

You would not say that if you knew what the niggas at the sillicon valley are cooking.

>> No.22800731

How nice of you to say so. Talk about a prospective son-in-law, ladies beware

>> No.22800736

I'm actually gay though.

>> No.22800741

only sensible post itt

>> No.22800745

Oh, it gets even better! How delightful

>> No.22800748


>> No.22800761

He doesn't bother me, I don't bother him, at least most of the time

>> No.22800768

>le vague post wojak

>> No.22800772

>you have never felt anything
I wish
>having an emotional outburst when presented with a different perspective
>unable to discuss the topic
Ironically very npc behavior

>> No.22800778

sorry anon i was mentioning someone else

>> No.22800843

Brought up Christian, though no longer believe in God. I think there's a small secret part of me that wants there to be God. I'm human I need relationships with other humans that actually exist. My mother and I watched the film The Shack a while back and I've recently been re-watching the scene that takes place in the cave. It bothers me quite a bit that Sophia is never challenged when she demands that he must make a choice. I would argue who is forcing him to make the choice, who is responsible for enforcing the condition that a choice must be made and who carries it out and why don't they have option.

The Shack - Judgment

>> No.22800846
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>> No.22800852

He's an underachiever honestly

>> No.22801104

My view is you posted a graven image

>> No.22801184

Pan (Who is essentially a distributed multiplicity of Ubermenschen that together compose nature in a mindless pantheism, which is seen in the orphic myth of Dionysius where Dionysius's body forms the material cosmos, except the reality is that there is no heart of Dionysius to unify it) is the supreme God followed by Saturn and then by Zeus Helios and Minerva. Zeus has attempted to overcome the regime of Saturn but modern science has revealed that the sun will explode and therefore Saturn will become the supreme god again. Of course, Zeus will eventually be reborn. I'm personally a devotee of Minerva who has herself sworn allegiance to Zeus which should make me hate Saturn but you have to be a realist about these things.

>> No.22801383
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Christian and Muslim
hmmm there is someone missing from this picture?

>> No.22801466

t. Jew

>> No.22801483

yeah, pagan larpers are retarded as well
>nooo I mean DA JOOOOS
most jews are secular nowadays

>> No.22801494

thats too bad. you use the word "adulting" don't you?

>> No.22801501

low iq bible preaching homosexuals

>> No.22801554
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The Bible is chock full of Jewishness my dude. Talk about projection.