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File: 58 KB, 960x748, 1700292170770934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22796473 No.22796473 [Reply] [Original]

beer edition
previous >>22792031

>> No.22796477
File: 2.54 MB, 500x281, 1608934077481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm gonna cut down on masturbating to once a week.

>> No.22796486

I like black people. I just can't help myself. Sorry, bros.

>> No.22796504
File: 177 KB, 432x547, fe76790c39328845f3fa799f65a6e836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my first presentation in years infront of people tomorrow, I already cannot handle it. I feel myself unprepared and lame talking about the Journey to the West. I'm just going to seem like a complete nutwit stammering infront of 15 people on why I think some tale with a funky monkey and a buddhist and the heart sutra is interesting.
I feel as if all my content is loosely related at best. My only hope is that by wearing chique clothes and appearing happy I can fake through it.

When I'm done I'm going to call in sick at work and just play videogames for a day.

>> No.22796515
File: 18 KB, 240x240, avatars-000040443599-1tpnwo-t240x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck work sucked today. I'm almost done, thank god. Soon I'll be getting drunk as shit in the backyard with my dog. I just have zero motivation to work hard this week and everything is being so fucking demanding. I'm jealous of people who find the time to read in a day; staring at a screen for 8 hours is really off-putting.

>> No.22796522

imagine that they are all secretly frogposters. you won't feel nervous anymore

>> No.22796542

I love public speaking. I used to get real nervous before I had to present, but the key is to pretend like no one's watching. Crack a quick joke at the begining and it will help with your nerves when you inevitably get some laughs. Make sure you have a well structured power point and talk about things you're passionate about. You've got this anon!

>> No.22796546

Bros, I'm tired.

>> No.22796556

i remember very little since 2019. 2021 and beyond is nearly a complete blank.

>> No.22796560

you type like a fag or a girl, either way nobody will judge you too harshly (even if your presentation material is retarded, which it is)

>> No.22796561

I got this picture at once. Then I realized it might have been an IQ test or something. Then I realized no one mentioned it in the thread so I guess I'm just a midwit.

>> No.22796565

it's just a little joke dude, don't be an autist

>> No.22796566


>> No.22796572


>> No.22796574

I've always enjoyed public speaking and holding presentations. I always memorized everything or ad-libbed when possible, no notes. It kinda gives you a natural high, especially when you can tell people are interested or at least entertained. Middle school, high school, university. Always a joy. Shame I got that assault charge on me, I would probably have been a good teacher or something.

>> No.22796581

It's like Sneed's Feed and Seed (formerly Chuck's). It's a funny joke but some people don't get it.

>> No.22796585

very rude post. everything ok at home anon?

>> No.22796590

I am a cute girl and I'm sad

>> No.22796595

Be my girlfriend then

>> No.22796596

Aaaaassgh, don't send me shipping confirmation on the purchase we're still discussing

>> No.22796597

there's nothing to get, the entire joke is opening a shook up beer
stay sad nigga

>> No.22796603

it's usually enjoyable to hear people talking about things that they're passionate about, so consider it a chance of sharing something you like with everyone else and you'll do great

>> No.22796607

You know the drill. Tits or GTFO.

>> No.22796609

It's shook up because a kangaroos main mean of transportation is jumping

>> No.22796612

That's insane.

>> No.22796613

it's just a technique to persuade you, don't let it get to you, you can always refuse the package when it shows up to the door and they'll send it back to the sender at no cost to you

>> No.22796616

I'm ordering it to someone in a different country

>> No.22796625

Don't worry bro, I will carry the weight for you.
Tell your doctor this and he will give you a Xanax. High performers do this. It is a nootropic if you treat it like one.

>> No.22796628
File: 155 KB, 920x688, 403-4032117_view-pink-wojak-pink-wojak-screaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talked to that girl for a whole hour after class today. Every time I talk to her it gets less awkward. Unfortunately today was the last day of class for the semester and my dumb ass didnt get her number
Pic rel

>> No.22796630

Creep. This is why I don't post my pictures on here anymore.

>> No.22796648

I tried no fap recently and realozed that after 2 or 3 days of not jacking off I become a very different person. I get super fucking horny and drool over every female. I'm more aggressive but also more agitated. Certainly louder more energetic and more confident. But after a few days I always gice in and end up jacking off 5 times in one day and become all tired, fuzzy minded, and quiet.

>> No.22796650


>> No.22796654

oh hahah lol
i didn't think about that

>> No.22796655

that has no bearing on the reasons why you might purchase it or not, it's just a way on the seller's part to make it more difficult for you to refuse
those are the rules m'lady, if you don't know them lurk for two years before posting again

>> No.22796656

It's okay bro. Even if you fail it's okay. This is just a first step and alsp a necessary first step to improoving. I took a public speaking class back in january. It was the firdt time I presented anything to anyone in maybe about 3 years and I was nervous AF, but it was totally helpful in getting over my anxiety

>> No.22796660

I want to buy cocaine. It's been almost a year and a half since I last did any. I'm tired.

>> No.22796663

Tired of what

>> No.22796666

Yeah thats a very real phenomenon called the Covid Blackout. Lots of people cant remember anything about it. I was just talking yo a girl today (whose number I failed to get) who told me she could hardly remember two years of covid

>> No.22796671

Dont worry anon, you're autistic and cant read body language. She could want the D but more than likely she's just being cordial.

Think about this, why did I ask for tits? It's an oldfag greeting. Back in the day women understood that they were going to monopolize male attention by virtue of their gender, so in exchange for useful information or attention or what have you, the woman would provide a timestamped picture of her breasts. It was a simple act of comradery to engender good faith in both parties. By refusing to participate you're either too new to understand the reference, or too prudish, which is just disrespectful.

>> No.22796673

I'm a handsome man and I'm sad

>> No.22796676

>it's just a way on the seller's part to make it more difficult for you to refuse
I think you're locked in on this assumption. I'm trying to give them more money, and within their cancellation window.

>> No.22796680

If you post your tiny dick I'll tell you how it's actually spelled.

>> No.22796681

I actually read a bunch about body language precisely to overcome my autism and she was interested. Shes the type of girl who wouldnt even talk to me if she had zero interest.

>> No.22796683

heyyy king

>> No.22796691 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 1080x1003, Ec-5pp2jasfcbkEAHgk8sYw8T9kmKjfuFAJZCmgQGsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. But both spellings are technically correct, I googled it.

>> No.22796694

Shitty picture OP when I make the threads people always compliment the images I choose

>> No.22796695

no i was just drunk the whole time

>> No.22796697

Ahhhhhhh please take my money this is no way to run a business

>> No.22796706

They won't take my extra money. They sent me happy smileys.

>> No.22796748
File: 12 KB, 299x169, IMG_0807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master Shake the writer totally nailed my dress code.

>> No.22796757

I still dress like it's 2007.

>> No.22796779

Which episode?

>> No.22796782

I talked to a guy here once that had an MEd and a DEd. I think he worked at Villanova. I wish I could talk to him again.

>> No.22796786

How is that different from now

>> No.22796807

Coincidentally, it came back in style. Black tees with white unreadable band logos or gory anime pictures, jeans, and a jacket never really went out of style with alt bitches. My junji ito and salad fingers shirts seem to get the approval of strangers in public.

>> No.22796822

Icon, that's an icon.
Thats so poggers bro poggers
What are my latest streamers up to. Live reaction stream to X real time REAL
How much for the latest entertainment-streaming bundle of horsheshit HORSESHIT culture Get your Horseshit now $15 a month bundled with Verizon for more Horseshit news Horseshit faces Horseshit celebrities Horseshit streamers streaming about their shit-stream digital ego-wars
oN THAT shit-stream grindset.
Pay $200 to your favorite politician or streamer for a personal ai. generated authenticallly
Pay 50 dot-bit-bites to your favorite virtual porn star for a chance to receive a personally generated message.
an authentically branded message . Cultivate your own brand. Wear your own brand like a living skin.
Live reaction to Genocide, omega cringe when they gassed em , but really it was a great meme

>> No.22796836


>> No.22796842

didn't link properly, here we go:

>> No.22796865

Hey, there's already a discussion about the OP pic. It obviously generated some discussion and brain activity.

>> No.22796883

Thats how much i do normally. Anything more than that is disgusting
> I'm more aggressive but also more agitated. Certainly louder more energetic and more confident.
Same, I become like a pent up animal.
Try doing a month. I did a month in October, and after a couple weeks you enter monk mode where your mind is purified and the sexual repression / aggression is redirected into autistic interests

>> No.22796903

Meanwhile in 1986 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkU9T-GtE9A

>> No.22796970

What is a waifu? A waifu is an ideal. A Platonic form of a woman which I hope to find embodied in someone who lives in the world of the senses. One with a poor understanding of social and romantic relationships may cling to this image as a form of idealism, believing that a person who embodies the form of something beyond the sensory world truly does exist out there in the sensory world. One who sees himself as he thinks may then come to acknowledge that he commits an error in this, that there is no guarantee or logical reason to believe that one who embodies his ideal truly shares the world of appearances with him, that such a thought is a comforting lie or a fantastic leap in logic; it may be so, but no evidence suggests such a thing and none is likely to surface. The traveler of the world of hard edges then comes to despair, being at once a citizen of an interior country composed entirely of ideals and Forms towering over himself and yet a traveler in the paths of what is termed the real world, knowing that passage between the two is prohibited, that the border has been closed and the gates sealed. Who is this traveler? He possesses a key to the boundless internal kingdom we have discussed; he dwells in it constantly; he guards this key jealously, allows none to possess it, allows no other to know of its existence; he attempts to serve two masters in keeping this key and continuing to dwell in the world of appearances. What is the fate of such a traveler? To lose first his way in the world of paths and second his entry to the world of ideals, then to lie in a grave of black earth and become cold.

>> No.22796982

>What is DEEZ NUTS? DEEZE NUTS is an ideal. A Platonic form of DEEZE NUTS which I hope to find embodied in DEEZE NUTS who lives in the world of the senses. One with a poor understanding of social and romantic relationships may cling to DEEZE NUTS as a form of idealism, believing that DEEZE NUTS who embodies the form of something beyond the sensory world truly does exist out there in the sensory world. One who sees himself as he thinks may then come to acknowledge that he commits an error in this, that there is no guarantee or logical reason to believe that one who embodies DEEZE NUTS truly shares the world of appearances with him, that such a thought is a comforting lie or a fantastic leap in logic; it may be so, but no evidence suggests such a thing and none is likely to surface. The traveler of the world of hard edges then comes to despair, being at once a citizen of an interior country composed entirely of DEEZE NUTS towering over himself and yet a traveler in the paths of what is termed the real world, knowing that passage between the two is prohibited, that the border has been closed and the gates sealed. Who is this traveler? He possesses a key to the boundless internal kingdom we have discussed; he dwells in it constantly; he guards this key jealously, allows none to possess it, allows no other to know of its existence; he attempts to serve two masters in keeping this key and continuing to dwell in the world of appearances. What is the fate of such a traveler? To lose first his way in the world of paths and second his entry to DEEZE NUTS, then to lie in a grave of black earth and become cold.

>> No.22796992

Let beauty breed a salutary shame in the heart. Look up from the squalor.

>> No.22797011

booze won't satiate my hunger nor my spiritual longing, but here i am

>> No.22797020

You ain't drinking enough.

>> No.22797021

anon, you wouldn't believe me if i told you how much i drink

>> No.22797023

I like to see the growing hatred of boomers, I wish for a day of the pillow

>> No.22797026

My kitchen sink is fucked.

>> No.22797033

Is it beer? You should drink beer. And weak beer at that. Keeps you drunk, full and satisfied for the whole day.

>> No.22797036

I would actually

>> No.22797039

>grandma said Hitler was right after getting robbed
It's a special kind of feel. She's voted for this all her life, and now she's paying for it, like I did. She's still a sweet old woman who doesn't deserve that kind of shit, though.

>> No.22797045

Go on, tekl us. I'm drinking some Dead Mans Fingers spiced rum atm.

>> No.22797091

I ccoomed and now my urethra is burning. I chugged three bottles of water in hopes that I can piss enough to relieve the pain

>> No.22797110

Are there books out there where the protag is forced via corrupting influence to become a worse person? Whether it's magical, mind control, bullying, or just good old fashion exposing some idiot to a world they aren't prepared for and it eats them.

>> No.22797123

Blood Meridian, to a degree. I could elaborate but that would kinda ruin the book. Also, The Gambler.

>> No.22797125

Yes, actually. My favorite book as an edgy teen, Fire Warrior by Simon Spurrior. It's a warhammer 40k book, but it's about a prissy alien technocrat who gets submerged into the filth of the human world, but then gets DOUBLE FUCKED when chaos shows up. It's all about him becoming a cold unfeeling killing machine.

>> No.22797139

what fucking day is it? what planet are we on? what's happening right now?

>> No.22797142

Napoleon5000 was built to kill, but programmed to love. His sleek chrome frame and twin reciprocating rapier arms flashed in the sun as he approached the petrified German ambassador. Napoleon5000's glowing red Polyphemusian eye processes the infrared radiation data emitting from the frozen ambassador and

>> No.22797149

My diary desu

>> No.22797208

When you say the Gambler do you mean the one by Fyodor Dostoevsky?

>> No.22797217

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 1984, Antic Hay, Decline and Fall

>> No.22797244


>> No.22797368

>Get FIFO (fly in, fly out) job.
>Work all year.
>Live with my mum to save money.
>Quit at the end of the year.
>Travel the world with a fuckton of money in my bank account.
>Get back from travelling.
Does this sound like a good plan? I'm only 21 and want to travel so badly.

>> No.22797399

Everything is going well for me. There's only 1 problem I have in my life, and no other problems.

>> No.22797405 [DELETED] 

"Guilt tripping" shut the fuck up nigga. Nobody cares what you felt when you were in a nice home. It's called nice for a reason retard. Live in a place where you're surrounded by vile creatures and see how long you'll survive, you didn't live in a bad home pussy, you lived in a less spacious one that had good people.

>> No.22797410
File: 627 KB, 3680x1928, huwhite chadvocate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The fact is, there are things to like about blacks—and I like them. They mostly have to do with lack of inhibition, a kind of cheerful spontaneity you don’t often find in whites. I have a half-Asian friend—a connoisseur of stereotypes—who thinks blacks and whites differ in that respect even more than they do in average IQ. As he puts it, whites act like Asians who have had a few drinks and blacks act like whites who have had a few drinks.

>You see this in the easy way blacks talk to strangers. Sometimes I wear a hat—a black fedora in the winter or a panama in the summer—and I can count on compliments from blacks: “Love yo’ hat.” “Cool lid, man.” Mostly it’s from men but sometimes from women, too.

>Blacks also have a knack for turning a moment with a stranger into a friendly exchange. If you are waiting for a bus in the summer, someone will turn to you and say “Sho is hot,” or “When izzat damn bus gonna come?” Educated blacks learn to be aloof, like whites, but lower-class blacks like to talk to whoever will listen, and there is charm in the way they share bits of their lives with you.

>For a few weeks not long ago I walked to a job in the Tenderloin, which is San Francisco’s worst ghetto. Most whites never go there. The bum shelters empty early, so even at 8:30 in the morning the sidewalks were full of layabouts and panhandlers, most of them black. Some were clearly crazy—they looked straight through me and talked to themselves—but they never seemed dangerous. There was always banter among the regulars; some called each other by name, but there was a lot of “Hey, nigga,” too.

>> No.22797434

I, thankfully, don't live near blacks. But you do you!

>> No.22797470

Nothing. Nothing is happening.
Go back to bed you were dreaming

>> No.22797481

Not sure what happened. I was in a pretty good mood and I jusy crashed and now I'm thinking about suicide

>> No.22797519

Why would anyone voluntarily work in a kitchen as a cook?

>> No.22797526

To contribute to the group so you appear valuable and give them a better reason not to screw you over if you appear detrimental.

>> No.22797554

Something called a paycheck

>> No.22797565

You could do anything else yet you choose to work in a fast-paced high-stress kitchen.

>> No.22797567

It's just a job. Sometimes you take what you can find

>> No.22797568 [DELETED] 

what do u dudes think of the movie unforgiven? i remember dfw and charlie rose gushing about it but saying their gfs hated it. it's in the itunes western sale rn. might cop it.

>> No.22797571

I fucking hate niggers

>> No.22797608

Don't do it anon, the higher you go the harder you fall

>> No.22797609

I was about to say something.

>> No.22797615

Maybe next time.

>> No.22797616

What were you going to say?

>> No.22797619

I was going to say that you two are gigantic faggots.

>> No.22797624

You have no idea what it’s like working in a factory, being a cook is heaven compared to it

>> No.22797625

I was going to say "free will" but chose not to.

>> No.22797629
File: 50 KB, 550x400, Elementary my dear pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22797630

Am I really just one name in a list of fuck ups to you

>> No.22797634

No. I don't know you at all.

>> No.22797636

>Dream about something.
That'll never happen.
>Dream about something else.
That'll never happen either.
>Dream about something else.
Man, I need to stop having dreams about things that will never happen.

>> No.22797641

Becoming an anti-Stratfordian

>> No.22797643

What are you dreaming about?

>> No.22797653

It's trauma-induced amnesia. I'm not joking. That's how the whole thing worked. If you think people bent the knee during 2020-2021, just wait until the *next pandemic* that for some reason, everyone knows is coming *soon*, because this time, everyone has already been broken in and conditioned to take it. Two more weeks no doubt.

>> No.22797656

I'm not talking about the type of dream that you have while you sleep, I'm talking about stuff that I want to do and have. It's all too unrealistic anyway.

>> No.22797663

Guess thats how they managed to gaslight so many people about what happened with regqrds to the lockdowns and vax mandates. Also kinda fucking pathetic that so many people are that fucking weak

>> No.22797672
File: 7 KB, 236x235, 1695799183395859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that feeling when you are in the middle of something and you don't like it but you're almost at the end and you imagine how good it's gonna feel when it's all over. You think of all the things you'll do when you're free and how great that's gonna be.
But then it actually does end and it doesn't feel as good as you thought it would, in fact it doesn't feel like anything at all. And now you don't know what's gonna happen next.

>> No.22797674

i am trying to figure out how the chinese femdom porn ecosystem works. what the hell is 套路回放?

>> No.22797681

it seems like chinese people share porn using a bunch of spankbang type sites that recycle clips from paysites, but you pay for "coins" and memberships to buy access to the vids. but i cant tell if it's just one scam network that's like this or if this is just common in china

>> No.22797754

Being a wagecuck ia killing me. I won't ever eacape it no matter what I tell myself. I'll rot and wither at this job while telling myself it's not too late to go back to college while I slowly rot into nothing. I deserve to be raped and shot.

>> No.22797760
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 1664070480831524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an odd thing but im beginning to wonder if drug-induced anxieties depression have literally made me afraid of any sort of "dopamine" sensation.

like, i was a heavy weed smoker for a few years, but started giving me panic attacks, which was exasperated some health problems.

i was depressed for a long time, and developed lots of bad habits and my alcohol use and diet nuked my physical health. i think its possible i "forgot" what naturally feeling good is like, or even normal

now, ive shed a lot of bad habits and arent depressed in the same way, but on top of my other health issues that give me anxiety, i keep getting this feeling, and its like the nice pleasant tingling feeling and "lightness" of being high, and my mind immediately knee jerk reacts with severe anxiety.

but now im wondering, is that feeling literally just me "feeling good"? is my body trying to be normal but the trauma from drug panic attacks causes me to react to perfectly normal feelings?

wouldn't that be something? spending a year in a state of anxiety over normal bodily sensations as my real health issues keep me on edge

>> No.22797766
File: 1.63 MB, 346x244, 1547247859754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be wageslave
>dream of going back to college to become a more expensive wageslave

>> No.22797769

Life is like a fairy tale.

>> No.22797775

My dream is to enter a world of fantasy and go on a grand adventure as a magical wizard so this is true for me
Luckily I have my ambitions

>> No.22797784

How long should I quit smoking for?

>> No.22797789

>Luckily I have my ambitions
Must be nice.

>> No.22797793 [DELETED] 

My father's last name means Middle Earth. A bit cooler than the name I took from my mom which means pigeon.

>> No.22797800


>> No.22797806


>> No.22797807
File: 2.27 MB, 430x424, 1584339550028.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I like smoking too much. Moderation is the key to lasting enjoyment.

>> No.22797838
File: 57 KB, 993x1000, 51nIVYObdtL._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute.

>> No.22797839

Not really much else to do but become a better wager
At least a higher wage you can save more & eventually become self sufficient

>> No.22797842

Got a new face it feels alright!

>> No.22797854

Ne sont que III matières à nul homme atandant,
De France et de Bretaigne, et de Rome la grant.

>> No.22797863

Being stupid really really makes me feel awful and terrible. I can't even explain how frustrating it is to know that something is supposed to be easy but my stupid brain just gets stuck like a cow's foot in mud and won't put the pieces together. I try super hard to a point where im overthinking extremely simple tasks just to feel like training my brain will fix it. I'm afraid to take an IQ test because I'm pretty sure I might be borderline mentally disabled. It's so bad I get anxious about playing competitive games with my friends and they really get heated but I make stupid decisions as a result of my brain being fogged up 24/7.

I think I should be given disability checks. Going through life and constantly failing to a point where any hope of a decent life and successful career is basically zero I don't see why being an idiot isn't seen as one. In fact it's worse than some disabilities because at least cripples get pity. People always try to say "oh you're not that dumb" but when my terrible memory and profoundly stalling cognitive function really rears its head and they find out im not exagerrating? There's no pity. No empathy. Just disgust and condescending remarks. I'm lucky if they patronize me, sometimes they'll just blatantly cringe and mutter stuff like "oh here we go".

I know that was a long blogpost but I really just can't help hating everything about who I am and I honestly feel pretty justified in that.

>> No.22797867

Currently on day four.

>> No.22797881

Are Austrians embarrassed by how far their country has fallen? They were never the same after Austerlitz.

>> No.22797912

Sounds like you should go to the river, drink some beer and fish

>> No.22797925

Are you depressed? If so, sort that out first. Depression will make you retarded

>> No.22797932

How long will you stay off it for?

>> No.22797988

You seem too articulate to be stupid.

>> No.22798007

Feel like i have no coherent sense of self but I'm unsure if it's like that for everyone. Like I receive very contrary descriptions about me.
For example, some suggest I seem somewhat effeminate. Others see me as hyper-masculine.
Feeling hyper aggressive, competetive one moment, and then sensitive and shy the next.

>> No.22798035

Everybody sees everybody else differently

>> No.22798040

Yeah maybe all I or anyone is fundamenally is a series of alternating, reactive poses.
That's what I fear

>> No.22798050

Why does that make you afraid? Just make sense to me.

>> No.22798055

Do not insult what little intelligence I have.

>> No.22798072

i'm gonna kill myself

>> No.22798108

Have fun.

>> No.22798120


>> No.22798125

They're the funniest race not going to lie

>> No.22798131

Just over 2 months sober. I think I'm going to drink on Christmas. Surely I can make it a one time thing. Some of my fondest memories are ironically depressing Christmas's

>> No.22798164

I’m feeling cripplingly lonely and I have no idea how to fix it. My real, in person relationships are shot. Hardly anyone I know likes me, not even my family members. Those who do only care for me only do so tangentially. I’ve thought about trying to get in with a girl who’s in that latter camp, but I already know she’d rather be with the other guy playing suitor. I know I can’t win, even though he’s a fat sperg who hardly even talks to her. Then my online relationships are relatively fine, but half of them are conducted through the multiple webs of lies that I’ve built. Some of them are just for the sake of keeping myself as anonymous as possible, but others are just be pretending that I’m where I want to be. I know neither are healthy, and the people I speak with would appreciate me for who I am without all the made up fluff. But I’m in to deep to do away with all the lies. Which makes talking about things like this nigh impossible with anyone I actually know. How over is it bros?

>> No.22798182

I'm 170 CM and probably stopped growing. Is it over for me?
I am willing to look into pseudo-science if worst comes to worst.

>> No.22798187

It's either that or Napoleon complex.
Or murderous cope and seethe.

>> No.22798189

>Just make sense to me.
Yes it makes sense I agree.
It's just that the thought that the self is only a modulation, an act does make me a bit sad.
Like even if there's a fundamental self, a core personality, social existence is necessarily inauthentic. As all one expresses is the expectation, the approximation of what you believe the other to believe about yourself (or seek to change that expectation)

>> No.22798191

Schzophrenically swinging bwtween wanting to KMS and wanting to make imaginary people rue the day they became better than me.

>> No.22798202

My father didn't have this problem.
God I wish I was my father.

>> No.22798213

>It smells fine.
>It tastes fine.
>It looks fine.
>It's two days past it's best before date.
>It's meringue and cheesecake.
Surely it'll be fine.

>> No.22798215

> he believes the best before date jew

>> No.22798217

>two days past it's best before date
its fine anon. best before date just means it will start to lose flavour/texture

>> No.22798221

A coworker handed me a cig and I accepted, guess the streak is over. But for the day I'll probably not muy any packs.

>> No.22798228

i know that feel. graphics card died a few years back and now my processor hits 90* watchung youtube lmao

>> No.22798258
File: 78 KB, 600x900, buys-4000-gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently watching a movie on my $2000+ gaming PC, I don't even play powerful games on it.

Picrel is me but with The Binding of Isaac.

>> No.22798264

I didn't play a lot of demanding games either but now I've been a year without any games.
I crave a game of Halo or CoD, maybe play an hour of GTA 5 or a few games of Rocket League.
But I'm dry as a bone out here. I know I'll get it back this March/April but I'm having withdrawals after not caring for the first 8/9 months without it. I think it's the new CoD and GTA 6 trailer that got me excited to play again

>> No.22798300

On the surface I respect catholics and their faith.
However when I see them calling a man 'father' and how their leaders are all celibate (if not worse if you know what I mean) and following rules that were clearly made up by man I feel like the atheist I was when I was 14. I just want to mock how ridiculous it is.

>> No.22798328

I wish I had a cute gay bf to write love poetry for :(

>> No.22798377

If you're a femboy, hit my line.

>> No.22798390

No sorry, I'm fat and hairy :(

>> No.22798399
File: 194 KB, 1024x1024, 1698802883920292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just under week to learn all of this semester's calculus course. Yesterday I had more time, and the day before that more still. I've yet to begin studying. This is the fifth time I've taken this class but also the first time I didn't withdraw or just stop attending courses within the first few weeks. I paid for it out of pocket this semester because I lost all my financial aid eligibility from fucking up too much. Surely this is where self-preservation finally kicks in and I finally do what I have to do...right? I don't know but I really can't bring myself to care about or do anything. I'm a decade into a 4 year degree. My parents are on the verge of kicking me out I think. I'm not sure I care about that either.

>> No.22798401

I'm skinny fat and a little hairy, damn.

>> No.22798415

You stack up all that shit behind you and it might sound impossible that you will succeed, but know that literally none of it matters. Productivity is memoryless. The only thing that matters right now is if you close the 4chan tabs right now and just work. Calculus is easy you can do it in a week

>> No.22798427

I wish I could get good with AI art, that's sick.

>> No.22798429

you listen to one song 3000 times and all of a sudden Spotify thinks you love K-pop.

>> No.22798436

look up professor Leonard on YouTube, he got me thru all of Calc. PatrickJMT is good to for example problems.
but, if you are really 10 years into a degree and haven't finished calculus yet, it's over.

>> No.22798441 [DELETED] 

ya i listened to one gucci mane song in like 2017 a bunch of times and now every time he releases a new song apple music has to put it all over my "listen now" page. i haven't clicked on any gucci mane in five fucking years ok, move the fuck on.

>> No.22798446

also gilbert strang did a calculus class i think even tho he's mostly known for linear algebra

>> No.22798448

I failed math every year when I was in school, would listening to these guys be worth doing just so I can learn some new shit?

>> No.22798462

calc is only really useful for engineers. if u want sth that u can use, do stats or discrete math. calc is cool tho.

>> No.22798464

you could easily learn Calc by watching Leonard's lectures. I would skip class and watch his videos instead. you'll also need to work problems from a textbook, but yeah you can do it. gonna be boring though.

>> No.22798471

There aren't many things that are entertaining to me, most shit is boring.

>> No.22798483

The Secret Doctrine. Young man is coerced into being ok with murder and keeping it a secret.

>> No.22798485

>bears and spring bears
>lurking in my threads
>looking for poem trees
>and twinks
Sorry I rarely write in metre

>> No.22798487

Sorry I meant The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Not The Secret Doctrine by Blavtski. lol

>> No.22798488

uhh, most people who aren't cognitively impaired or chronic marijuana users do calc in high school

>> No.22798490

go crazy then killer. you'll want to brush up on algebra and trig as well.

>> No.22798494

At least until your mom dies. You may want to save some of that money so you can get some kind of run down store room for your shit while you are traveling working and to store yourself when you need it after she is gone. But Im sure you could achieve that well enough with a little planning.

>> No.22798495

lol yes, easy to get those two confused. the bit where the prep school is in atlantis throws a lot of readers

>> No.22798496

>feel bad
>drink beer
>feel good
thank you beer

>> No.22798499

>anon thinks he's smart because he succeeds in academia

>> No.22798503

Yeah. Expectations are a bitch like that. I have literally never been right about how I am going to be affected by something before the thing took place. It is as terrifying and irritating as it is exciting and motivating. Which makes it hard to pin down emotionally. Its like I fear the unknowable/uncontrollable but its also my reason for continuing on.

>> No.22798506

Same except hot chocolate

>> No.22798508

That's the worst image I've ever seen.

>> No.22798510

you feel good? I just drink to make time go faster.

>> No.22798520

And when those angles make fun of the MC for not being the correct race divine enlightenment. Really they are almost the same book. You could probably just read one or the other.

>> No.22798531

just skip straight to the akashic records if you want the two restored to their original single volume, saves a lot of money

>> No.22798532

My high school only offered precalc as its highest math course. That was the advanced class if you tested out of algebra 2 / trig.
t. Went to a k-12 school with 300 students total in the smallest town ever and then went on to study physics at a SUNY college. Lots of money wasted.

>> No.22798538

This guy gets it

>> No.22798548

America studies math at a much slower pace. Around 15 here you're done with most calc and theorems, and you're moving on to matrices and probability

>> No.22798555
File: 49 KB, 1261x810, Fz5187pXsAE-h5Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fascinated by fertility numbers.
This is just a select few countries but even India is below replacement rate and Africa is falling as well.
Wondering what the future holds when populations just start to drop fast

>> No.22798562

Yeah we do. Damn. I wish I did linear algebra and more in depth analysis stuff in high school. I feel like that stuff makes math easier to understand and makes it more obvious how these things come about in ways that would make math seem less daunting to people if they put in the time to get it.

>> No.22798573

Linear algebra is mostly before 15 too. Basic algebra is around 10-12 when age grouped math comps start getting competitive. It makes it much easier for people to understand basic math you might actually use in the real world, so you don't need to be a specialist to work out a rate of flow or unit pricing

>> No.22798585

i have reached the stage of the drinking spree where it is no longer fun and feels like a necessity. it's been less than 72 hours

>> No.22798588

Through the tunnel and into the woods,
I found my escape into a brighter place.

I never found my way out,
But I still feel I can reach my memories.

>> No.22798600
File: 81 KB, 1200x760, mishima2-335809027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking a fat shit rn

>> No.22798602


>> No.22798603

My hands are so fucking cold and my dick is shrinking holy shit I can't wait for summer to come back so I can complain about having to wipe my sweaty ass every hour

>> No.22798606

The Earth will collapse since, y'know, the Earth stopped functioning when it was at 6 billion, and 5 billion, and 1 billion, and 500 million.

I find the obsession some people have with fertility rates to be just weird; and, in essence, consumerist death anxiety.

>> No.22798610

Mongolians will grow while everyone else shrinks and go for another world conquest, this time with motorcycles instead of horses.

>> No.22798613

>the future is bright like chrome and sounds like hogs
How do I help?

>> No.22798614

I said fascinated, not obsessed. And your argument is what, that we won't feel any effect from the birth rate collapse since the earth 'stopped functioning' before?
Plus you use reddit spacing.

>> No.22798631

I’m convinced advaita Vedanta is the truth, that all is an illusion and awareness creates. I’ve been experimenting with controlling thoughts and have had insane results. Everything i think about makes me giddy, it’s embarrassing though that things clicked for me because of the matrix. The there is no spoon scene is so incredibly written that I’m surprised the directors are trans. I don’t care about them being trans but it’s surprising because it feels like they forgot the truth themselves.

>> No.22798634

I'm Australian but I've always had a deep fascination with Native American culture. I think it stems from Pocahontas and Brother Bear.

>> No.22798652

No, don't do it. You'll die.

>> No.22798655

Cat Person is now a film, lads

>> No.22798719

Girlfriend is late for her period by almost 2 weeks. Did two pregnancy tests, one last night and one this morning. Both negative. I may never stick my cock in her snatch ever again. I can't be a dad bros. I would be a terrible father. I would release the most toxic mother fucker onto this world. Don't pray for me guys, pray for your selves and your children.

>> No.22798724

Thats funny, I am American and am very interested in Australian aboriginal culture. Probably because I know almost nothing about it. Is there as much variation as there is in Native American cultures?

>> No.22798731

It’s actually hysterical that non-white people think white people have no culture because what that really means is that they are just incapable of perceiving it because white culture is more than shitty spices dumped on cheap chicken gaudy colorful clothing.

>> No.22798734


>> No.22798735

Books for this feel?

>> No.22798738

Low birth rates are caused by muttification and unselective choice of partner

>> No.22798742

I also think it’s hysterical when second and third generation offspring of immigrants to America talk about “my culture” in regard to whatever place their great grandparents were from.

I read some comment about white students on college campuses looking at non-white like they were kids or something and that resonates so much. These people think and speak like children do. They never really develop cerebrally beyond fourteen year old whites.

>> No.22798746

Globalist architects think they can depop and steer population to levels closer to what is assumed for 500 years ago. If they’re successful, they’re going to oversteer and make changes that are irreversible.

>> No.22798753

Explain Japan or S-Korea.

>> No.22798757

Many people's on the planet reach fertility age around 8-12.
Meanwhile some select groups in the Swiss Alps and Germany reach fertility age way later and don't seem to be done with the development of their bodies by the age of 20.
This should give a lot to reconsider about the innate differences between the human racs.

>> No.22798758

>daily reminder tikka masala was made in Britain

>> No.22798759

>2nd generation
>great grandparent

>> No.22798766

Before industrialization the Japanese were less mixed, everyone married into a select group of people's and there was a larger amount of phenotypes.
Today due to industrialization and migration to the cities after the generations most people turned into a handful of blob phenotypes, diminishing the birth rates.

>> No.22798770

You think it's planned?
I think if you add addictive social media, video games, a feminist culture, birth control, high expense for buying homes etc this is inevitable.
Places like Hungary try to tackle some of it, and they see a tiny bit of a recovery. But to really make an impact you have to tackle all of it. But I doubt anyone has the balls to ban contraceptives. And they don't dare because of the backlash, which means that in order to ban contraceptives you need to control the media fully and (un)brainwash people into thinking contraceptives are normal.

Very very tricky situation. I see us going through a great big filter. A lot of people will not breed. Those that do will inherit the earth.

>> No.22798775

>The there is no spoon scene is so incredibly written that I’m surprised the directors are trans.
>trans person thinks reality is determined by their own perception
Not really surprising when you think about it

>> No.22798776

>Meanwhile some select groups in the Swiss Alps and Germany reach fertility age way later and
This one is rarely genetic. There are inbred groups in the region, but not the kind where genetic difference persist outside of environmental factors, so they're not comparable to Sherpas for instance (whose morphological differences maintain themselves regardless of altitude or diet).
Fertility around 8-12 is a more common westernised phenomenon related to diet: hunter gatherer populations are about 14, while agricultural and especially processed foods will drive that number down by almost half. Which is why most people in the Swiss alps would be closer to that 12 year old maturity time frame than the low plains living San people's who rarely mature sexually before 14.

>> No.22798777

It's even worse than that. A person only gives half of it's genes to the offspring.
The future will see a depletion of the genetic diversity by a rough 50%.

>> No.22798780

You think they're more mixed than say a France or U.S?
That's just not true. Your theory makes no sense.

>> No.22798781

> dude reality is illusory
> how do you know
> I came to it via awareness of the self
> oh, you mean the necessarily illusory awareness of the self?
> *hurr durr chimp noises*

This is how every conversation with Advaitans goes.

>> No.22798799

I work 12 hour nighshift 4 days on, 4 days off. I don't feel like I am part of society anymore. I am very lonely.

>> No.22798803

There is no Native American culture. Never has been. They were barbarians without culture when the Americans arrived and they were quickly destroyed and what few remained were relegated to a second-class citizen status inside of a larger more dominant culture. It’s a bit tragic, but it’s what happened.

>> No.22798806

>Is there as much variation as there is in Native American cultures?
100%, it's so diverse. Unfortunately, the negative things that I've heard about Native Americans also applies to indigenous Australians (loud, dirty, alcoholics, no care for the law, feral). I don't know if that's actually true for Native Americans or if that's just what every racist tells me but it's all I've heard.

>> No.22798807

> This one is rarely genetic. There are inbred groups in the region, but not the kind where genetic difference persist outside of environmental factors, so they're not comparable to Sherpas for instance (whose morphological differences maintain themselves regardless of altitude or diet).
Sounds like cope. I tell you according to several independent sources from the 18th and 19th Century that at least at that time there was groups in the Alps who didn't reach fertility until approximately the age of 16 for the girls and 18 for the boys.
> Fertility around 8-12 is a more common westernised phenomenon related to diet: hunter gatherer populations are about 14, while agricultural and especially processed foods will drive that number down by almost half.
I've talked to a nigger once and he told me he started cooming at the age of 9. Also historical sources provide the fact that certain Native American groups in South America reached fertility at a similar age. The missionaries thus married the girls at the age of 10 and the boys at the age of 11.
> Which is why most people in the Swiss alps would be closer to that 12 year old maturity time frame than the low plains living San people's who rarely mature sexually before 14
Except it's the browner groups who reach fertility age earlier and the lighter who reach fertility age later. Nothing to do with geography.
I say that there was several phenotypes in Japan but due to industrialization these phenotypes disappeared, leading to less, more mixed phenotypes. The point I made is that without any immigration into a country, the nation can muttify. Europe went through a similar process during the 18th-20th Century.

>> No.22798812

What do you think the implications of that are though because what that comment is implying is that 20 year old white college students see their fellow 20 year old brown college students as having the mental and emotional maturity of a pre-teen.

Out of curiosity, do you know how that development differs between meds and north Europeans?

>> No.22798815

>They were barbarians
That was their culture, there's no such thing as someone with no culture.

>> No.22798816

>Sounds like cope. I tell you according to several independent sources from the 18th and 19th Century t
Ditto, I see you think diets are the same now and most populations didn't get a height boost from westernised diets. That's about enough of my time reading your fairy story

>> No.22798817

In the case of the latter I wasn’t referring to the former and you’ll notice that I said “2nd and 3rd generation” by the way.

>> No.22798824

Well, no, I'd say it's a bit like the difference between women and men. The brown people reach fertility at an age earlier than the whites, so they seem more developped than the whites at the age of 14. By the age of 20, however, while the brown can never grow beyond a hedonist coomer, the white male starts developping the real physical excellence, the real intellect, the real wisdom.
I don't think diet has any influence on morphology or anything at all.

>> No.22798828

And most “Chinese food” was made in California lol. Admittedly, it was made by Chinese immigrants, but still. That’s just as a matter of fact not Chinese culture. There’s a funny video on YouTube where they have grandparents and parents born and raised in China eat like Panda Express and then their grandkids or kids eat it. All of the parents and grandparents say things like “this is not the same but is a lot like food in China but it’s pretty good” while all the young people insist it’s nothing like Chinese food and the food is terrible.

It’s pretty obvious that when it comes to non-whites in western countries, a lot of their tastes, opinions, and especially their politics is informed basically by resentment, feelings of inferiority on the other, or the inability to perceive things as they really are. Think of the girl who pointed out that non-whites complain whites don’t season they food when in reality whites just use real, fresh ingredients. They use a single clove of garlic instead of a whole container of garlic powder.

>> No.22798829

>I don't think diet has any influence on morphology or anything at all.

>> No.22798831

Read the bible

>> No.22798835

>made in California
There's also a lot made in British Hong Kong (the sweet and sour most people like comes from not being able to get Chinese food and substituting with British ingredients like brown sugar and tomato ketchup)

>> No.22798838

Low birth rate being caused my 'muttification' is in fact, retarded and not true.

>> No.22798843

Well, I mean, with the exception of extremes like undernourishment and the like, no.

>> No.22798845

I think you get loud dirty alcoholics in impoverished environments which many reservations are since the leadership rarely distributes the wealth they receive properly but welcome to what ultimately boils down to local government, you know? As for not trusting authorities I could see why you wouldn't comply after being targeted like natives have been by authority figures through out history and how that worked put for them. So I think it is probably pretty similar but Im much more interested in their culture as it extend into the past and their relationship with the world outside of geopolitics, rather than the remains of tormented civilization. The variation in that regard is staggering in the case of Native Americans because of the geographic differences, diversity of available resources and the role of language pre colonial times. I was wondering if its the same in Austria, which itself is large enough, I think, to sustain a similar kind of diversity.

>> No.22798847

You only say this because you don't want to accept the harshness of reality.

>> No.22798852

Yeah. It’s partly planned, but they’re mistaken. Basically, western birth rates are naturally declining. All highly developed birth rates seem to naturally decline. But these people are so incompetent that they’re pushing for radical and urgent depop anyway. They’re making the mistake the Chinese already made during the one child policy. So we’re in danger of the line being pushed too far down because while it’s going to continue to decline at a quicker and quicker pace naturally, they’re going to push it further not realizing that’s already happening. What’s especially crazy about it is these people aren’t targeting China, India, Africa. They’re want to depop Sweden, Denmark, the United States, France, etc. These people want a world that is 99% Asian and African.

A lot of these people are driven by admiration for the minority and for the exotic. That’s why they also simultaneously latch onto sexual and gender minorities as well as racial minorities. if you actually talk to these people who push depop in subversive ways at shit like academic conferences, you find that they really do venerate and admire gay people and black people and hate their own people. They love the gay black woman who is studying to be a technocrat at Yale, but they hate the white Southerner that runs a paving business. They really are like this.

>> No.22798853

>serfs were getting shit tonnes of meat right?
Sure, the height differences between nobles and serfs and modern populations and industrial age ones are not best explained by the malnutrition and poor living conditions that also made tickets and scurvy a thing, and is better explained by these cultures not wanting to be tall until 1950 onwards. That or the aliens shrunk their skellingtons, but definitely not well documented dietary shifts.

>> No.22798854
File: 79 KB, 600x602, 1470189069244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The i-ching is tight. Getting my reading and checking out the tao te cheng is a great way to start the day.

>> No.22798857


>> No.22798859

Reality contradicts your theory.
Or can you show me that the least mixed areas have the highest birth rate?
I can think of a number of more mixed areas/countries having a higher birth rate than some of the more homogenous areas/countries.

>> No.22798863

Isn't there a massive campaign by Bill Gates and other to curb the growth of African populations? I remember people desperately trying to get them to use contraceptives. And African fertility is declining.

>> No.22798868

Barbarians don’t have culture. They exist in a pre-cultural state smoking drugs, sacrificing deer to sun gods, and mutilating babies. All this colorful shit you see about headdresses and the song and dance and all the artifacts, most of that shit was made up by whites. The natives were basically living exactly like we imagine Stone Age whites lived. And none of this is culture. There is no music, no poetry, not mythology, no fashion, no architecture, no sculpture, no politics, no law, none of that. It’s just of stuff barbarians do to survive. It’s pre-cultural at best. I’m not saying you can’t find it interesting by the way. It’s just not culture.

>> No.22798876

Can I find my own way to the path?
I find that I am disoriented and dizzy.

I try my best, but all I come across are weeds and vines.
I think I might sit down and rest.

>> No.22798880

Maybe theoretically. These same people stimulated their population to absurd levels in the first place. If they actually tried to suppress it, what effect do you think that would have? It would be catastrophic for them.

This is the insanity of this timeline. Just forty years ago, Bill Gates would’ve been at best relegated to some classroom or have been some dysgenic nerd with no power or influence over anything at all. Instead, he’s ultra-powerful, ultra-influential, and he’s free to run his insane experiments that arise out of a demonically possessed psyche on African people. The first go around brought up their numbers way too much. The second go around is going to bring down their numbers way too much. You can’t win with freaks like this at the helm.

>> No.22798890

This idea that people somehow became taller during the last two centuries is in my eyes probably bullocks. They didn't even start taking all men into the army by the 1860s so where do the numbers even come from? And many men don't reach the full growth of their spine by that age. So maybe they measured in the 1880s when men weren't even fully grown?
It doesn't make a difference. Tall men still produce tall men.
Small men still produce small men.
The scale might have gone up, but in the essence of the nature of men nothing has changed. By your logic everyone would be equally tall but unfortunately for the theory of equality that is not the case.
> Or can you show me that the least mixed areas have the highest birth rate?
Africa, the nigger continent, were so little people's of other races have felt attracted to, have the highest birth rates. This is solely due to niggers being considerably unmixed compared to even their North African neighbours.
North Africa, full of cities in antiquity and the Middle Ages, that for so long produced the oceans of warriors that threatened Spain and France for hundreds of years, today is populated by nothing but a few nomadic tents and their pack animals.
Mesopotamia, where so much life, so much culture, so much industry, so many conquerors during antiquity, today is a desert. Scythia was full of people's during the times of Herodotus. Today, Russia is a desert. China might have one and a half billion inhabitants nowadays, but it wasn't much less populated in the 19th Century, where it counted 540 million inhabitants. Mongolia and Siberia, full of warriors in the Middle Ages, today is a desert. Germany might be populous in the modern era, but it wasn't less so in the 5th Century of our era, where oceans of warriors marched to the Roman Empire year by year.
The more the human species muttifies, the more it's populations shrink.

>> No.22798892

after 5 fucking months my computer guy finally called and is sending me my stuff. now I have no more problems. how nice.

>> No.22798894

yeah, a lot of "philanthropy" in the third world is population control. Gates is probably the most egregious example as a private individual, but this is basically US state policy. look up NSSM200. we've been at this for a LONG time now.
do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.22798901

>people somehow became taller during the last two centuries is in my eyes probably bullocks
If they were bullocks this definitely wouldn't be a genetics conversation lol
People thought Irish people were dwarves until the 20th Century because of malnutrition, and now they're taller than the UK

>> No.22798903

>why are Asians getting taller all the time
>and why does it seem to correlate with them getting gamerbro levels of fried chicken

>> No.22798904

> People thought Irish people were dwarves until the 20th Century because of malnutrition
Ahh, ad populum, like every high quality discussion should be.

>> No.22798906

I can't help British Victorian race scientists being the most popular, they owned too many people to not be

>> No.22798914

Because they changed the measure from inch to cm wtf? Do you really think these growth stats aren't all faked by the Chinese government to make themselves respected in the global politics lol you dumb moron
So Irish people magically went from manlets to tall? Can you link to a study or are you eating shit like always?

>> No.22798917

>The UK and Ireland use cms to measure people's height
Wtf? How do Americunts complain about us using stone all the time for weight but think we use cms for height?

>> No.22798923

>Can you show a study
Yes, it's called the archaeological anthropomorphic record, and is independently verifiable by you or anyone else with a measuring tape and a selection of skeletons from a variety of eras and single geographical and genetic source.

>> No.22798927

But is the measuring tape in imperial or retarded American imperial?

>> No.22798929

So, in other words, you're full of shit?

>> No.22798931

> do you have a fact
The natives bequeathed no statuary, no songs, no poems, no theology, no philosophy, no law, no advanced instruments, no architecture, no grand style of anything at all…as a matter of fact.

>> No.22798934

It's in Tudor ells, noone under 2 counts

>> No.22798938

So you mean you're going to ignore reality and hope science agrees?

>> No.22798940

but that's just not true. it would be compelling if it were, but it isn't

>> No.22798946

As far as I'm concerned these 'studies' only take the stats from the 19th, 20th and 21st Century and that a small improvement of a few inches has occurred. Considering archeology, well that's a very flawed way of making general assumptions on millions of people's based on... on a fucking dozen of skeletons? Are you joking me?

>> No.22798952

>Only twelve people died in 19th Century Ireland
>And none of them are on display
Is Google hiding museums and learning institutions from you? Or is it Apple?

>> No.22798955

By this time next year, I will be doing one of the following:
a) Working another job
b) Chilling in a mountain until I starve
Stupid? Perhaps.
Do I have another choice? Not anymore, no.

>> No.22798956

Stop or he'll find the giants

>> No.22798958

Wow wow wow, you just said archeological record.

>> No.22798959

Wow, marijuana reallh causes all kinds of long term psychological problems. Everyone who says it's safe should be shot

>> No.22798963

I look forward to his paper extrapolating height from the displays he measured, so I'm open to any results

>> No.22798969


>> No.22798976

Fuck the government for stealing our years

>> No.22798977

You said archeological record when I tried to argue against the apparent (and small) improvement of average height from the 19th Century onward, then you switched to the archeological record, when I argued against the archeological record, you switched back to the modern statistics. Very faggoty.

>> No.22798979

got a new keyboard and am writing lots of retarded shit to chatgpt it's fun

>> No.22798983

Just admit already that you're full of shit and that your little fairy tale of things improving due to food becoming more slopified and shitty and due to the wageslavification of all of humanity is bullocks

>> No.22798985

When anons post stuff like this I always wonder how much they must have drank and smoked to wreck themselves in such a way. Like I have gone through periods of getting as high and drunk as I can tolerate pretty much daily and I don't feel cut off from normal sensations of pleasure or anything like that

>> No.22798988

The archaeological record doesn't stop at the 19th Century, anon.

>> No.22798990

>please believe me instead of scientists who study this
>also please stop bringing up skellingtons they are 2spooky4me to think about people measuring them for science

>> No.22798992

They didn't even start making national statistics by the 1860s and at that time they were very shitty and inaccurate

>> No.22798996

Did they not make skeletons either?

>> No.22798998

I know enough about modern science to know that it is far, very far from being reliable and unbiased

>> No.22799000

That's one argument for headcanon

>> No.22799001

Do they have skeletons of every single individual who lived in the 19th Century? Is it perchance only skeletons of soldiers who hadn't reached full growth by the time they got shot in the field?

>> No.22799003

So you will go on believing that small people magically stopped existing from the year 1950 because science said so? And the non-tall people that still exist are just spectres created by shizo anons?

>> No.22799007

>Surely no early 20th archaeologist would measure skeletons for race science reasons
>We definitely wouldn't do it in ivy league schools and Indian schools and black schools at the same time
>And none of those unwitting test subjects are now suing over the invasion of privacy stripping them naked to photograph the process might have constituted
Well that's going to save a lot of people a lot of money if you can make it happen

>> No.22799010

Took me really long to get it. My first thoughts were:
>it's kinda phallic looking....
>the beers are located where their pouches are... what's the connection???
>kangaroo -> kanga root beer ??????
>wallaby -> walla beer ??????

>> No.22799014

>Why a population
>Why not anecdote
Science is weird like that

>> No.22799016

I have seen racial science statistics from the 19th Century. The author himself narrates them as shitty and unrepresentstive because of how little skeletons were used in the samples and how randomly they were selected. Anything statistical at all, but especially from the 19th Century can be looked at as unreliable.

>> No.22799020

Yeah but that guy didn't have photographs, so he could be lying about his measuring tape.

>> No.22799022

And statistics is garbage
There's still tall people
There's still manlets
From that point of view nothing has changed

>> No.22799024

>it's kinda phallic looking....
This is always my first thought about anything by the way

>> No.22799026

>Who cares the dwarf races are disappearing
The porn industry? I'm sure westernised Asians are thrilled to be 6ft(5'10)

>> No.22799029

Queers are insane

>> No.22799032

I know many people who are manlets even though they eat three buckets of goyslop every day
By your logic there wouldn't have ever been non-tall people who are also rich because rich people are well-nourished most of the times and yet once again your points are null against empirics

>> No.22799034

>my diary
Yeah I don't think you want to offer yourself as a specimen

>> No.22799042

Then why was Napoleon a manlet if he was rich?

>> No.22799043
File: 462 KB, 759x573, 1630127599276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got my nemesis for secret santa
Oh shit. The time for vengeance is nigh, what's something under $20 that seems nice but is actually mean? My default was to get a normal person a nice Prosecco, should I be the bigger person?

>> No.22799045

Wrong measuring tape

>> No.22799047


>> No.22799051

bomb. hand him a bomb

>> No.22799056

You drove the conversation to this level, remember

>> No.22799061

Grow up

>> No.22799062

Glitter bomb. Still give the present but also give him glitter herpes that makes his gf believe he went to a strip club

>> No.22799065

I rarely ever smoke weed, mainly because it doesn't seem to have effects on me apart from feeling a little bit lightheaded, and because I prefer not to. But while I would say that its abuse, yes, does have consequences, I can tell you too from some of the cases I have been able to witness that it can be extremely helpful and valuable as an experience. Again, told from people who have consumed who I know and fully trust (and I usually hate weed smokers), you need to know when to stop, once it has "given you all it had to give". Most people, however, want to catch the fleeting feelings of ecstasy of the first times, and will continue to smoke to relive them, unsuccessfully, of course, and to escape from a life that seems boring in comparison. So, while it can be pernicious, it is a little bit more complicated than "smoke once and your brain will be forever affected from it".

>> No.22799066

Get him a low quality phone charger that'll eventually burn his house down.

>> No.22799073

Do you want me to measure you in old french inches too?

>> No.22799075

Everything before 2023 is a blur to me. Scratch that, I can't even remember last month. I don't drink, nor did I go into lockdown during Covid, I just lead a dull life.

>> No.22799077

yeah actually this >>22799062 is a solid idea because it's mean enough to be a real inconvenience but there's still plausible deniability that it's just a light-hearted joke. you would have to get him a real gift in addition though. also you'll look catty and gay for doing that

>> No.22799079

They even changed the meter once. Not that long ago, in the year 1960. Wherever you see meters in a text from before 1960 you can assume it's not same meters as today.

>> No.22799083

It's Christmas, maybe the liquor store just wrapped it with festive glitter for yuletide cheer?

>> No.22799086

I love how the Americans fucked up the Mars mission by not looking at the unit measurement. That's even more recent.

>> No.22799095

The meter is stored in a house somewhere in Paris I think. It is a long barren made of metal. They look at the temperature always staying constant and stuff but hypothetically someone could remove the meter and put a fake meter inside. The lesson of this anecdote is to never trust the meter.

>> No.22799096

Great idea. It's for a lady so that works even better. I'll just get her a card and fill it with glitter and a gift card.

I'm Italian, you cant expect me to deny myself of my birthright. I've been plotting for weeks about how to get back at her without getting arrested or fired, it's like the clouds parted and the sun shone down just for me. To tell you the truth she got a face peel or someshit and is walking around right now looking like a bad halloween costume, so I think karmic justice has been served, but you shouldnt double cross a crazy person and she should know better.

>> No.22799099

I am not a genius myself, honestly, although I don't know if I might just be a midwit. But don't overestimate the importance of modern culture in your brain fog, anon. Have you maybe tried to live in a natural surrounding for a while, in case you live in the city? Not gonna lie, people might still be judgemental (maybe even more than in the city), but being disconnected for a while could help you gain from clarity. I know it helped me, that's for sure.
There are initiative for volunteering all over the world (which I have done), if you were so inclined. Or you could just rent some place for a little while (I did that too).
I must add, though, that coming back to the city does seem to take some of my achievements away again.

>> No.22799118

>his nemesis is a woman
unless you're also female then i guess it's ok

>> No.22799132

Are you mentally ill?
You go off on conquerors and when I ask current proof of unmixed people producing more children.
Nigeria has a high TFR while being very mixed.
If you consider Japan mixed, you must also consider Nigeria mixed.
Your entire rant makes 0 sense. But I see others also think you're a moron so it's nothing new for you to hear

>> No.22799133
File: 81 KB, 327x494, Miteinander reden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. OK, do you know about Friedemann Schulz von Thunn? It's a communication psychologist that developed the theory of the "inner group". According to him, we are not the fully integrated, unitary "self" the modern world wants us to believe we are (to justify our egotistical whims to their benefit), we are, instead, a group of different "people" (obviously a methaphor), each of which wants different, sometimes opposite things. The healthy development of the self, according to him, needs to identify and accept these different parts of ours, and to create teams where these different parts can cooperate. To be honest, I am currently reading the book of his called "Miteinander reden, Band 3: Das "Innere Team" und situationsgerechte Kommunikation", so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I had a similar problem to you and an acquaintance recommended this to me saying it may be "useful", and goddamn did it feel like I finally had my questions answered after years of bewilderment.

>> No.22799139

race autism is absolutely in the top 3 worst things about the current internet

>> No.22799141

How is Nigeria mixed? Do you mean because they have many ethnicities? That's not a subject of consideration as long as these ethnicities don't intermix. Now let's imagine Nigeria industrializes and urbanifies and after a few generation most ethnicities are gone, replaced by a mass of blob humans average of all the previous ethnicities. Surely the fertility rates would go down.

>> No.22799157

Fuck jannies. It doesn't matter how awful the thread is, deleting never helps anything on any level, unless it's illegal stuff.
You can't predict anything because you don't understand anything about anything. I had confirmed covid once.
Charts like this dishonestly and deliberately don't account for the kind of edge cases one would except like the immuno-compromised. The same people that are by far the most vulnerable to the flu also can't get vaccinated.

>> No.22799163

Have you seen Baki? Men dont fuck with me. They can immediately sense that I'm dangerous and leave me alone, or have a higher power level than I do and I return the favor. A woman, on the other hand, only sees the thin patina of politeness I have to put on at work and it emboldens them. As an articulate 6'8" monster on antipsychotics, I cant tell you how many times some dumb bitch has stepped on my toes and spit in my cereal. Usually I get back at them by being extremely nice and helpful to everyone else, but this bitch insulted me personally and embarassed me over something that could have easily been solved with polite conversation.

>> No.22799164

They deleted a poetry thread the other day; I think whatever amateur virology thread you're talking about is the least of our worries.

>> No.22799171

Let us know when you get to the Czech border

>> No.22799173

The opposite happens to me. I find that the more I fap/have sex the hornier I am, with the opposite being true as well.
Lust leaves my mind so much that the first time I did SR I literally reconsidered many relationships and attractions I had. Simped for a girl for well over seven months. 21 days of SR she was completely out of my mind.

>> No.22799174

sounds gay

>> No.22799187

It seems your issue is urban vs rural.
Or do you have some way of determining that it's not that but specifically the mixing?
Cause obviously life in a city is different to urban living. In almost all ways it discourages starting a family. From simple attitudes to housing issues to a more career focused living

>> No.22799234

Ok you can show me Native American philosophy and architecture whenever you’re ready.

>> No.22799254

>I find that the more I fap/have sex the hornier I am, with the opposite being true as well.
I'm mostly the same though when i take a break there's a brief upswell of desire after anywhere from a few days to a week. Testosterone surges
But it's also true for me the more I fap, the more i desire. It's the habituation,. Like pavlovs dog, the more I do it the more I have that expectation subconsciously.

>> No.22799260
File: 758 KB, 2048x1415, 8602069314_2b0e6675d7_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was not especially difficult

>> No.22799266

Those are all non-issues. As long as marriage within the same ethnicity is realistically possible beyond astronomical means, nothing stays in the way of starting a family. It's when alienation becomes a thing, that people become promiscuous and the couplings, infertile.

>> No.22799285

aw yeah, it's liquor store time

>> No.22799363

I have no idea how to meet women and get dates anymore.

>> No.22799372

Not even the same people. That’s like identifying Chinese architecture and saying it’s Indian culture.

>> No.22799414

aztecs are native american in the most literal sense

>> No.22799423

do the cashiers recognize you already?

>> No.22799429

i only moved here a few weeks ago, but yes

>> No.22799437

You're wrong.

>> No.22799445

Keep telling yourself that reality isn't harsh, that it's all up to the policies of a country and a bunch of changeable environmental circumstances, and that there's no irreversible damages that can happen to a population.

>> No.22799465

alcoholics not so anonymous
alcoholics obvious
alcoholics undeniable
alcoholics everyone knows and they're not even being polite about it anymore

>> No.22799475

Not all up to policies, the problem is broader than that.
For sure broader than 'everyone got muttified and became infertile' like you think. Something you cannot back up and sounds retarded.

>> No.22799500

Well, if you want so, we can deny the apparent effects of most industrialized societies, even discounting immigration, being cultural and ethnic melting pots, where the populations, instead of searching for marriage partners within their geographical circle into populations they already share ancestry with, but by creating all possible incentives for the people to move into the cities and to mix everyone with everyone, and within two generations you get a mass of blob humans who don't know who they are. We can deny that is a thing and move on directly to 21st Century industrial society, where you have nogs, chonks, whites of all origins and Middle Easterners, Indians, thrown together into a place and analyze the situation and realize that there's no way for this population to be fertile in any meaningful way. Everyone being alien to all the others, there's too many social barriers at hand to lead to any meaningful relationships. Barely does a select few of people get to smash all the whores but that's it; nothing else comes out of it except for a productive output that is nothing but the result of there still being a solid social hierarchy based on educational degree and merit that makes everyone productive. But there's no reason to believe that is going to last.

>> No.22799509

my schizophrenic uncle will not stop doing DIY projects at all hours of the day. YOU'RE 70 YEARS OLD AND YOU HAVE PARKINSONS WHY ARE YOU MOUNTING A TV AT 2 AM

>> No.22799517

Explain Brazil having a comparable tfr to Iceland.
I guess Iceland is all mutted up too?

>> No.22799543

Iceland literally has a better demographic pyramid than Brazil.

>> No.22799549

0.1 higher tfr while Brazil being the king of mutt countries.
Brazil has a higher TFR than Finland. Finland also a mutt nation because of soumi right? If only they weren't there their TFR would be an entire point higher!
Your entire idea makes 0 sense.

>> No.22799566

Brazil has a shrinking fertility rate while Iceland seems to have a constant population and just a shrinking at the later ages like it should be.

>> No.22799573

Icelands TFR is clearly shrinking.
And Brazil has been a mutt nation for decades.
Just give up. A homogenous Iceland has a TFR of 1.72. Mutt kingdom has one of 1.65. Finland has 1.37 (are they more diverse than Brazil??)
You're not making any sense, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.22799579

buying beer from a muslim guy who doesn't drink and avoiding his gaze

>> No.22799596

So Iceland has a larger fertility rate, a consistent fertility rate that hasn't shrunk for decades, while Brazil has a smaller fertility rate that has been shrinking for decades. And Finland is heavily urbanized. 30% of the population is concentrated into ONE urban region. Of course they have low fertility rates. Not because of the environmental conditions but because of too many people of different backgrounds living together. How did you refute anything I said until?

>> No.22799618

i have a phantom memory of Jeff Mangum having a twin brother who shot himself to death but evidently this never happened? does anyone else remember this?

>> No.22799663

Are you fucking blind? Icelands fertility rate has dropped. It used to be above replacement rate, now it is not even near it.
And you are now using urbanization as if it's an argument.
Brazil is heavily urbanized as well! 87% live in urban areas!
Are you just throwing shit out there? you could have looked that up if you cared.

And even then, you prove me right by saying that even though brazil is more mutted up, they still have a way higher fertility rate than finland.
I can do this the entire week btw, work is slow. So come at me with another retard take and explain why the difference in TFR between Brazil and Iceland is only 0.07. If muttification is all that matters, explain that minuscule difference.

>> No.22799700

37% of Iceland lives in Reykjavik btw
square that for me

>> No.22799701

I think you are looking at this too much in the moment while I was framing it into the duration of centuries in the lentitude with wich nature executes it's laws.
I won't go into detail into how it is nonsensical to compare large American nations like Brazil with small European nations in the North or as to how Brazil is, although very multi-ethnic, also very segregated etc. etc. Even if it wasn't, the ethnic balance has already established itself in Brazil decades ago, wich was a rather easy thing to happen, counting nothing but negroes, Caribs and whites in the masses of it's population.
Regarding places like the US, the ethnic balance will never see it's establishment. The Southern states had such a thing as an ethnic balance when they consisted of nothing but blacks and whites. The Northern states had such a thing as an ethnic balance when they consisted of nothing but Anglos of old stock and non-Anglo whites.
Today, spics, chonks, Indians, the ethnic balance will never come to establish itself. When Americans say they want to live in a white society, it is an illusion that they believe in, the illusion that European origin could have ever brought a sufficient amount of social cohesion so as to create a functioning society. This illusion could be very well believed in the 1950s, confused as this society already was, but the immigrants that came afterwards have only made it worse.
And societies without an ethnic balance end in low fertility rates and social disorder. In other words, they are societies condemned to death.

>> No.22799723

Completely dodged the questions. kek
Even those with ethnic balance end in low fertility rates, see the numerous examples given. Your thinking is too narrow and you fill your post up with fluff.

>> No.22799727

Typically, when we talk about native Americans, we talk about the various tribes that inhabited the North American continent that brushed up against the European settlers and not just the one relatively small civilization which looks like it may have built a culture at some point some 3,000 miles away in what is arguably a totally different continent.

>> No.22799731

i'm on my lunch break trying to blast out all my farts before i have to go back to my desk

>> No.22799749

Dont feel bad, he fucks goats and children

>> No.22799782

>relatively small civilization which looks like it may have built a culture
Aztec empire wasn't that small.
You are right though that usually native american refers to the nomadic peoples in North America and not the mesoamerican civilizations of the Aztec or Mayans

>> No.22799797

Then give an explanation for why two generations ago people had on average 13 children, while nowadays they have a laughable 1.5.

>> No.22799836


>> No.22799850

see new thread

>> No.22799928

They were Phoenician btw.

>> No.22799959

How old are you? I hope you're not >25

>> No.22799962

I just wish that they would call me back and tell me whether or not I got the job

>> No.22800156

I'm mad. I thought 'dissimulation' meant 'breaking the spell', as in 'dis'+'simulation'. Dissimulation, I enter you into a state of dissimulation when I explain the actual reality of an object beyond its appearance. Come to find its more 'concealing your true intention'. Whatever associations were brewing around that word have been dispelled by looking up its definition. I guess dispelled was the word I was thinking of but that in my mind is more associated with refutation than anything. Its all fucked.

>> No.22800689

how on earth is Mexico "arguably a different continent"?