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22791357 No.22791357 [Reply] [Original]

What is deus ex of literature? Looking for paranoid cyberpunk novels. Already read Gibson, Snow Crash and 1984.
Listen, conspiracy schizos were right all along. Mass surveillance? Lying about wars (Tonkin/Vietnam, WMD/Iraq, Ukraine)? Pandemic fuckery? Stock market manipulation (gamestop, congressmen)? Media lying 24/7?
All true. Every single one. Schizos were right, and Snowden and Assange even proved.
Looking for some peak paranoid conspiracy novels.

On a side note, also looking for those space westerns. You know, cowboys in space. With some libertarian or anti authoritarian or anti government sentiment. Stuff like Moon is a harsh mistress and Cherryh's downbelow station. Like that Firefly tv series, but in novel form.

Thanks for reading all this, looking forward to replies.

>> No.22791360


>> No.22791374
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check the 1st line in the op

>> No.22791521

Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but Robot by Adam Wisniewski-Snerg is worth checking out.

>> No.22791528

My diary desu

>> No.22791535
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>> No.22791744

OP here, did actually read Land, together with Kant and Marx and Wiener and Deluze and Guattari and all these other people so I could understand it.
But the question is, what do you read next? What else is out there?

>> No.22791945
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>cowboys in space
Starship Troopers, 3 Body Problem ('dark forest' theory, probable need to go full space imperium just to secure our ass end of the milk way)

>read Gibson, Snow Crash and 1984.
ALL OF PHILLIP K. DICK. Non-negotiable. Get in Zamyatin (We, bug pod dome) & Huxley (Brave New World). Assmov's Robots material & first 3 Foundation books, strictly because of their influence. All of H.G. Wells & Jules Verne, Wells' political works if you want a lens into early utopian dystopians.

>Lying about wars
Soviet Defectors, Jan Sejna (highest ranking, Czech) and Anatoly Golitsyn. Secret Agent 666 (Crowley biography, was on the penultimate voyage of the LUSITANIA as a psyop agent working against German ones in America ...)

>peak paranoid conspiracy novels.

Hollywood Babylon (Kenneth Anger); material on Laurel Canyon; Brian Jones was murdered stuff; Ian Flemming & John Dee connection (007 nom de plume); Whitley Strieber & Jaques Vallee UFO stuff; All of Joseph Farrell; The Secret Agent (Conrad)

>Men That Stare At Goats

Jorjani's Spectral Revolution material, MindWar trilogy from Acquino, Magee's Hermetic Hegel

>> No.22792479
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>page 10

>> No.22792486

Schizos have been throwing a lot of shit at a lot of different walls for a very long time. Eventually some of it was going to stick, you’re just conveniently ignoring all the shit that didn’t happen.

>> No.22792526
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I can believe that diversity is a strength, islam is religion of peace, fentanyl floid dindu nuffin', there are 7 trillion genders, our pharmaceuticals and precise machining based economy needs illiterate jihadis,
the elites are spying on us (Snowden), dont pay taxes (Panama papers) while travelling to pedo island parties (Epstein), and want to control the world through Orwellian methods (Patriot act).

Which is it?

>> No.22792562

Orwell is a dead horse, real niggas know the world is Huxlean at this point. Besides, nothing you’ve said there is actually “schizo” - come back to me when you start talking about 5G activating the self-assembling nano machines in the Covid vax

>> No.22792599

Jacob's Shadow

>> No.22792982

I heard somewhere Orwell and Huxley talked to each other about their ideas and so on. Pretty cool if true.

>> No.22794114

i hardly see anyone recommend this novel but animal money by michael cisco fits the bill

>> No.22794533
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>> No.22794564


>> No.22794767
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There are also unverifiable rumours that the occultist Aleister Crowley sought to contact Hitler during World War II. Despite several allegations and speculations to the contrary, there is no evidence of such an encounter.[32] In 1991, John Symonds, one of Crowley's literary executors, published a book: The Medusa's Head or Conversations Between Aleister Crowley and Adolf Hitler, which has definitively been shown to be literary fiction.[32] That the edition of this book was limited to 350 also contributed to the mystery surrounding the topic.[32]

>> No.22794777
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>> No.22795381

dystopian bump

>> No.22796191

Probably need to read them on the darkweb

>> No.22796704

is getting on darkweb even worth it?

>> No.22797259
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>> No.22797427


read these two books

>> No.22797472

meltdown wasnt enough for you?

>> No.22797505

Shut the fuck up glowie.

>> No.22798124

bumping because bioluminescent government agents wouldnt

>> No.22798313

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.22798911

Thread is on page 10.
They fear this thread.
This is good.

>> No.22799025

zamyatin mention !!!!

>> No.22799059
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>> No.22800121

>30 replies
rookie numbers

>> No.22800208

This book really deseerves more attention. At times it reads like a collaboration between Clark Ashton Smith and Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.22800219

There's a banned book about the Finders cult that's very good, hence the ban. Cannot find it now but it was written by a former member that got out when he figured it out what they where doing smuggling orphan children to cia/feds pedo cults
Really good if you're into pizagate epstein shit

>> No.22800231
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>part one of op
You're looking for picrel.
>part two of op
If we're sticking to the cyberpunk theme, Hardwired.

>> No.22800274

The Gamecaller

>> No.22800661

can someone explain tales of houdini to me. its really funny and absurd, but whats the point of it being set in 1948? years after houdini died?

>> No.22801398
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>> No.22801435
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>Orwell is a dead horse, real niggas know the world is Huxlean at this point
Based and true.
They actually did! Orwell used to be one of Huxley's students, and Huxley even sent Orwell a congradulatory letter when "1984" turned out to be a hit. And I even think the success of Orwell's book was what partially inspired him to write his own.

>> No.22801524

The Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter

>> No.22801905

> Foundations?
Holy Fuck. Do Not Read Foundations. Top tier garbage fucking trash book.
> ooh but what if we can predict almost the future?
Literally predict everything ever down to year date and time of all most important events.

>> No.22802605

people say foundation is a classic, didnt read it but every place that mentions it says its a must read
it also fits overall with the thread theme of vague dystopia
psychohistory or what's the exact name sounds cool

>> No.22802620
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Psychotron by Jason Reza Jorjani
Also his non-fiction book Closer Encounters if you want to understand how all these conspiracies connect into a mega conspiracy of cosmic (literally) proportions

>> No.22802633

Here he is talking about UFOs and how the government has withheld breakthrough energy technology for nearly a century for reasons that essentially boil down to feudal dominance.
5000 inventions in limbo and under secrecy orders at the US patent office.
Entire economy for the last century is based on a complete lie of artificial scarcity.

>> No.22803141

>Lying about wars (Tonkin/Vietnam, WMD/Iraq, Ukraine)?
Which lies did they tell you about Ukraine? Or are you just against the current thing for the sake of it?

>> No.22803165
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not really what you're looking for but this is peak paranoid literature.

>> No.22803194

girl it's a war between great power states in the 21st century. base assumption is that it's all lies up the wazoo from all sides at all times. what, do you think we're past propaganda as a civilisation or something?

>> No.22803215

So it's the latter, got it.

>> No.22804611

>page 10
glowies fear this thread