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/lit/ - Literature

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22781959 No.22781959 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22782007

Is this what you do because you never have any friends over to show off to?

>> No.22782018
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>> No.22782044

what is that crow book

>> No.22782047

how's antagony and the garden of seven twilights?

>> No.22782050

fathers and crows by william t vollmann

>> No.22782109
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>> No.22782167

thanks bud

>> No.22782197
File: 3.01 MB, 4160x3120, 20231201_201504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own a shelf

>> No.22782219

>Stop discussing books on the book board!

>> No.22782233

How do you guys prevent these books from getting dusty? My room gets so dusty all the books I leave out get a coat of dust on them, and I fear it is ruining the books.

>> No.22782235

Anon... :(

>> No.22782270
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>> No.22782284
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>> No.22782295
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>> No.22782358

Too much time on one person/perspective.
Yes, I am saying that and I am correct. You have misallocated your time.

>> No.22782527
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Look at these books and come to your own conclusion

>> No.22782567
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Fiction shelf

>> No.22782977

All memes aside, is Infinite Jest actually worth reading?

>> No.22782984

Yeah its pretty good

>> No.22783144

The Recognitions is on my shelf waiting for me to finish the book Im on now. I’m really excited about it I have a feeling Gaddis is ourguy

>> No.22783145

As a family man this seems unironically cozy.

>> No.22783150

Fathers and Sons, my favorite Russian lit :]

>> No.22783332

It's a big long, go on and on, type story where the author has taken 5 or 10 interesting thoughts and ideas he's had over the years and then rammed them all into a story.
It's got good prose.

>> No.22783340

Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.22784153

Where are you discussing the books? You are just posting pictures of your shelf.

>> No.22784168
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>> No.22784175

is Taiko good?

>> No.22784181

Idk lol

>> No.22784400

Dalkey publishes fire but holy shit their design team is retarded. Makes me not want to read any of those books

>> No.22784415

I might be able to tell you next year.

>> No.22784647

You innawoods?

>> No.22784658

Based shelf. What's that red hardcover book in the middle left?

>> No.22784668


>> No.22784678

I'm thinking about getting that Three Kingdoms edition
Does it contain any notes in the fourth volume?

>> No.22784691
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>> No.22784703

Did you find athenaze useful? Been trying to decide which textbook to buy or whether to go input method

>> No.22784715

It’s a fine option but desu I think all Greek textbooks are about the same

>> No.22784775

Awesome, thanks a lot

>> No.22784936

19th century books

>> No.22784942
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Forgot thephoto

>> No.22785363

Loeb's Sallust. Jugurthine and Catiline

>> No.22785399

nice shelf! where do you buy out of print dalkey books? so many of the nice editions are out of stock so you have to buy them secondhand
also I love your online content. keep up the good work :)

>> No.22785415
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I want a pléiade shelf but I cannot afford it
I only have one

>> No.22785436

Are you British or just an Anglophile?

>> No.22785442

nta but it doesn't really matter what textbook you use. People hate on grammar translation textbooks but it's all about how you use it. Nobody says you have to do any of the exercises. If you just read the grammar chapters (and the advantage of this over just getting a grammar like Smyth is that the most important bits are condensed and presented to you) while going through a reader like Italian Athenaze or the Greek War of Independence you'll be fine. After that, just read as much as possible.

>> No.22785466

This is based af. How did you afford all the Dumbarton Oaks books? Any Greek recommendations from them? I only have Laonikos Chalkokondyles.

>> No.22785483

If you go with the natural method, I've seen a lot people recommend the italian version even if you can't read italian

>> No.22785544

Australian, so pretty close. But what made you think that

>> No.22785561

It should be noted that Italian Athenaze isn't actually natural method like LLPSI since lots of the vocabulary is translated into Italian and the grammar explained in Italian

>> No.22785720

You’re just hating because you can’t distinguish the real, symbolic, and imaginary.

>> No.22785795
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Bought these at a boot sale. He originally wanted $10 and I suggested $007 instead. He didn't get the joke but gave them to me for that price.

After some googling I'm terrified that these might actually be first or second editions and I've ripped the guy off big time. The ones without the covers are Goldfinger and Thunderball.

Is there a service that lets you know what edition of the books you have?
Ethically where do I go from here. Do I return the books if they are first or second editions?

What would you do?

>> No.22785800


>> No.22785916

>Is there a service
Yes, it's called googling isbn.

>> No.22786100

Best one by far

>> No.22786113
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That's a very nice looking bookshelf there mate, what's your opinion on this series?

>> No.22786183

Allegories of the Iliad and Odyssey are pretty cool

>> No.22786194
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I have about 30 of them scattered about, I'd like the new Casanova

>> No.22786196

Have you noticed the older ones contain far fewer notes than the newer ones?

>> No.22786205
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I need to shelve these

>> No.22786206

By far fewer I mean practically none at all
I'm questioning whether it's worth buying the old ones for cheap used

>> No.22786210

It depends on the text, Balzac, Rousseau, Montaigne and Laclos have lots of notes. But they also add material to newer editions

>> No.22786220

Vol II of bernanos has 300 pages of notes from 1971

>> No.22786222
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20231202_232047975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balzac has an entire volume of just notes

>> No.22786228

I just need one Pleiade book but it's the only one in existence as far as I know (in used condition) available at French Amazon and it's the only copy available (pretty pricy so as a poorfag I'm saving up to buy it)

>> No.22786234

Good narrative. Not too strong on analysis compared to another narrative work on the Crusader States I read by Malcolm Barber. I don't really care too much for prose and that's its main pull so I imagine most of the things people loved about the series is lost on me.

>> No.22786263

I tried this most of the books either don't have them or nothing comes up

>> No.22786284

how's the msj

>> No.22786842

Tantalizing shelf. Looking to add some Roman history to mine. Is Polybius’ Rise a good place to start?

>> No.22787228

Polybius is the best source on the Middle Republc IMO so yes. He explains everything clearly

>> No.22787478

>All those Dumbarton Oaks

>> No.22788281

Polybius is good but the Penguin one isn't actually the full Polybius. I think only the Loeb actually has the full text. It probably doesn't matter unless you're really interested thoughbeit.

>> No.22788681

Wait for the Landmark polybius coming soonTM in 2024

>> No.22789425
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Here's one I haven't posted in a bit.

>> No.22789433

Where do I start with Arno Schmidt?

>> No.22789555

Just any of his novellas or short stories. They're very fun. Arno is a great humorist.

>> No.22789575

I snagged Histories from Oxford World Classics so will see how that does me. Thanks anons

>> No.22789638

what books did you bring?

>> No.22789640

lot of nabokov there, is he worth it? ive heard that the only worthwhile thing he wrote was lolita...

>> No.22789645

>shelf thread
>not having the books lying chaotically on the floor

>> No.22789664

The only good thing about Shirer is the cover

>> No.22789666

it's a very nice collection anon thank you for sharing :)

>> No.22790504

Post picture of shelf. Ask about anon's book on the second row, anon gives opinion of book, another anon shows up, discussion begins. Fucking edgy

>> No.22790797
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>> No.22790800
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>> No.22790803

>this shit again
What a boring board

>> No.22790816


>> No.22791230

pretty chuddy

>> No.22791630

Thanks, lad. I try my best.

>> No.22791697

This is a pile of some of the books I've read this year

>> No.22791704
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>> No.22791815

I learned if you leave your books stored like this for a long time, the ones on the bottom will begin to get crushed and ugly looking.

>> No.22792255
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>stacking damages the books
What if the stack is only this tall?

>> No.22792268
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>> No.22792284

It's a complement don't worry, I aspire to be like you

>> No.22792420
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>Miguel de Palol


>> No.22792470

You’re either the most delicate reader on the planet or 90% of these books are simply for show. I can read a book without cracking the spine but there’s a certain kind of wear that happens no matter how careful you are, and very few books here have it

>> No.22792746

Look at his Andrew Roberts copies

>> No.22793052

The English love themselves

>> No.22793091


>> No.22793143

did you actually read parallel stories by nadas? i've just started it, and it seems like it'll be a tedious read.

>> No.22793270
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I apologise for not destroying my books while reading them

>> No.22793373
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not a sing one of mother fucker decided to rotate your pic 90 degrees?

>> No.22793381

I don't get why y'all don't go to used bookstores for this stuff. The uncreased spines make it obvious. Your wallet will appreciate it, too.

>> No.22793384


>> No.22793387

did you go to school in georgia

>> No.22793569

Never read the Ruskies myself. Who's your fave and why?

>> No.22793728
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started reading classics at the beginning of this year. left YA behind, started a fresh collection.

>> No.22793756

Probably Yury Olesha for his "Envy" --- The only novel he finished due to censorship reasons. It's rather obscure today, but it's among my favorites.

Among the more popular ones, though, I'd probably say Turgenev for his "Fathers and Sons." Like Envy, I really enjoyed the vivid pictures of it's characters and the dynamics between them that it painted.

>> No.22793763

Definitely yeah. I really like the way his novels are constructed, kind of like solving a puzzle / gathering clues to as it's true nature. If this sounds interesting to you, then besides Lolita I'd definitely recommend The Real Life of Sebastian Knight and Pale Fire.

>> No.22793884

Absolutely based, but backpacking with books as also kind of a bitch if you bring to many.

>> No.22794336
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Reposting my shelf to confuse the il/lit/erates.

>> No.22794340


>> No.22794398

the britbong penguin edition of snow crash is absolute garbage, have you tried slightly rubbing over the print with dry fingers?

>> No.22794403

>what edition of the books you have
How about opening the book and looking at the first few pages?

>> No.22794421

>Mondstaaten und Sonnenreiche
Is that from a French dude translated to German? Never heard of it.

>> No.22794426
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>> No.22794441

I wasn't expecting the bottom right, pretty nice.
Does Gobineau hold up in the face of modern genetics? I've read some stuff by him in passing that sounds pretty clowny nowadays, although that's a decent amount of the 19th and early 20th century racial stuff. People tended to go at least a bit overboard.

>> No.22794501

Yes, it's Cyrano de Bergerac.

>> No.22794510

>bro doesn't even know how to open up a book to look for printing details
terminal ereader disease

>> No.22794515

Not even his photo. It’s just the photo of a terminally online lit twatter user whose entire social media identity is posting a new book a day that they recently bought but will never read

>> No.22794633

I read that you shouldn't vertically stack more than three books.

>> No.22794653

Ma nigga

>> No.22794830

Was machst du Beruflich?

>> No.22794871

It's bullshit, you retards. I have some books stacked since years because of lack of space and they're still as new. Get a brain.

>> No.22794887

It's not bullshit. Maybe it depends on the weight of the books and the type of the books, but it really does fuck them up. Not like they become unreadable but they look visibly damaged.

>> No.22794895

Then post pictures of what happens. I'll wait.

>> No.22795119

I'll never post pics of anything related to my life to this website or anywhere else on the internet.

>> No.22795184

Who said you have to post something related to your life?

>> No.22795191

You are just as capable of using google as I am, anon.

>> No.22795308

I can't find a single photo of books destroyed by stacking.

>> No.22795414

>doesn't start with the greeks

>> No.22795491
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Did not think this was worth creating its own thread for so I will post here

I was just at Value Village browsing the shelves (I love shopping for books there, usually end up paying a fraction of the price for perfectly good books that are on my Wishlist anyway) when I encountered a copy of Lucy. I always wanted a copy, but what cinched it was... 1/2

>> No.22795498
File: 2.66 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... that the previous owner cut and taped in a little cartoon at the beginning of the book! My god, how delightful. Instant purchase.

>> No.22795632

Then there's nothing more I can do for you anon, I'm sorry.

>> No.22795688
File: 3.37 MB, 4032x3024, 1B372668-54DE-4296-A8E2-A320CC7A6792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22795771

So messy I love it

>> No.22796171
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please be kind

>> No.22796301

very based

>> No.22796429

>90% of posters are monolinguals
>fantasy books and funkopops posted without any backlash
It's over. /lit/ has fallen.

>> No.22796507

Are you new? Op hasn't read any of these.

>> No.22796513

>This much Foucault
>in English

>> No.22796766

>tfw in the 10%
>without any backlash
I usually just ignore retards. Although, I don't see anything wrong with pre-1950's fantasy. Frankly, even a lot of pulp fiction from the 1930's is better written than any of the modern filth people have released in the last 30+ years.

>> No.22796772

I am a security guard working night shifts. I already told you guys. It's great for when you want to read a lot.

>> No.22796854

You will never reproduce

>> No.22796958

whats up, uncle ted

>> No.22797257

Nice try, nerd. But some of those books are my wife's.

>> No.22797827
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>> No.22797905

Based Byzantine collection. Something you don't see every day on /lit/

>> No.22798640

I started with the Akkadians

>> No.22798685 [DELETED] 

>Your wallet will appreciate it
I paid for a book I pirated. It was $75.

>> No.22798761

It's been like this for 10 years. Also, 9 pics out of 10 reveal ugly houses.
This board is a complete joke.

>> No.22798778

M8, I am not spending an inordinate amount on shipping simply to have physical copies of French novels. I have downloaded over 2,000 books in French and read them on my kindle.

>> No.22798823
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>> No.22799348
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i cant even read (im retardedl

>> No.22799441
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>> No.22799464

you are an enigma, german ww2 guy with russian water

>> No.22799477
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fuck shelf.
fuck mouse.

>> No.22799490

What is Israel giving up in the Sinai?

>> No.22799524
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their foreskin collection

>> No.22799539

The poor rabbis.

>> No.22799572
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your middle shelf on the left. comic books or what?

>> No.22799635
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>> No.22799704


>> No.22799821

First edition james bonds wouldn't have ISBNs.

>> No.22800958
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>> No.22802403
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>> No.22802475

hey I'm one of the the good ones with my morpheus funko pop next to my copy of bam - he's redpilled!

>> No.22802851

did you buy those to read or resell?

>> No.22804239

>An interest in philosophy led him to a preoccupation with the work of Spinoza
>reading exclusively shabbos goys
I'm sure he gained a lot from the tenth one. By the time of twenty though diminishing returns MAY have been setting in.
But, maybe he has an insatiable thirst for shabbos goy literature.

>> No.22804244

>having no experience at all with old books
Jesus fucking zoomers.

>> No.22804262

>those chairs
Nice chairs, but not reading chairs by any stretch.

>> No.22805182

You are a very considerate person, anon.

>> No.22805614

Is that a homemade sonic the hedgehog figurine?

>> No.22805645
File: 1.57 MB, 3978x1525, 20231208_005838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shelf that sits above my bedhead.

>> No.22807048

/// They recruited the paralegals in the local area, and not surprisingly, these seemed primarily to be part of the district coordinator's political network /// This is the time of the year that studios release their tent-pole film /// Nor should it be reduced into Manichean lenses - blaming property developers and the civil service for creating the crisis /// She sent a ten-page missive to the committee, detailing her objections /// Manual work was considered below their station /// Then the woodcutter let his axe fly - Thwack! Everyone heard it /// Everywhere we go, we're low-key checking out coffee shops, parks, and window seats for maximum reading coziness /// He made his way up a flight of steep stairs and into the main keep of the castle /// We are going to have to put the pedal to the metal if we want to finish on time /// The drive cable was wrapped around the drum several times to provide sufficient traction /// She claimed to have had an affair with the candidate, which produced a huge media flap /// In his own photos, Savader looks like your average Beltway nebbish: pasty, bespectacled, bad hair /// How did the most American of retailers get mixed up with a hoity-toity Parisian boutique? /// There is a certain kind of bird that makes its nest high up on the sides of steep cliffs jutting out over the waters of the ocean /// As he left the theater, the singer was set upon by fans desperate for autographs ///

>> No.22807372
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x3024, 397F52E6-0712-4FAA-825F-002B473A145B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold: 1936 German copy of My Comfy

>> No.22807376
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>> No.22807381
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>> No.22807408

I'm your friend, anon

>> No.22807413

very nice

>> No.22807448
File: 81 KB, 615x598, 1677256253962041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seeing a whole lot of Blood Meridians in these shelves....

>> No.22808245

This is the saddest part of modern /lit/. We should be enough to show off to. Are we not bros?

>> No.22808522

A section of some newer stuff, books I’ve been picking through or read recently

>> No.22808529
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Forgot pic lol

>> No.22808646
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>> No.22808659

Nigga, it was written in like the 1650’s

>> No.22808694

>softback oxford bible

>> No.22808775
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ok? i didnt insult it, sperg