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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 176x176, 10913983-CCBC-4334-AFD4-553E91C59D8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22778478 No.22778478 [Reply] [Original]

>actually understood evolution and relativity
>intuited open individualism and its ethical consequences
>but was a depressed, schizophrenic incel who thought planes are magic and everything is a simulation and killed himself because he thought quantum immortality was real
are there any (modern) writers who have these advanced insights without the character flaws?

>> No.22778493
File: 807 KB, 911x1080, Chris Langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Mexican-Americam

>> No.22778530

Langan is Mexican-American?

>> No.22778535

His father is supposedly Mexican.

>> No.22778553

he can't me mexican. he's far too cute.

>> No.22778560

Look exactly like some old Mexicans I've seen kek

>> No.22778561
File: 31 KB, 486x486, 4379_cool_flushed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't ME
oops, i freudian-slipped my identity away

>> No.22778562

he's basically my twin I shit you not

>> No.22778566

What an odd way of writting "know". Is it European or just avent garde?

>> No.22778630

Crazy to think this guy had a higher IQ than Hawking, Feynman, Pynchon, Fisher, pretty much everyone tested, and the peak of his output is a schiz coded barely above pol level conspiracy book.

Really makes you wonder about those iq tests

>> No.22778633

Literally who?

>> No.22778644
File: 67 KB, 622x493, images - 2023-12-01T141536.615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his output is a schiz coded barely above pol level conspiracy book
>Newton's alchemical "schizo codes"

Behold, /lit/, the hubris of the untermensch.

"I feel smug, therefore I am genius."
Billions of such cases.

>> No.22778651

When was Pynchon tested? You just listed a bunch of random names.

>> No.22778652

Seriously tho mate. How has Langnan impacted society? His crowning achievement is literally just being the name that comes up when someone types in “highest iq”
Meanwhile Feynman publicly revealed his iq was 120. Thats just above average, yet he fundamentally changed physics forever.

>> No.22778655

In the 70s. One of his girlfriends alleged to have opened the letter

>> No.22778668
File: 44 KB, 500x517, images - 2023-12-01T142603.980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a certain IQ things like "fundamentally changed physics forever" start to become meaningless in the way you know it to be.

Awards become meaningless when touching the same invisible boundries of reality as the greatest minds in all of human history. Archemedis ignoring a Roman soldier because he was entranced with his circles and all of that. Being of the same IQ I totally get it, the mess and hassle of having to deal with the sea of retarded demons has a negative appeal to me, I would pay to not be famous.

Lastly, his works are only understood by but a few living people, it is those he is wanting to educate...everyone else gets lectured like a parent to a child. Ergo...you are a poor person not understanding why rich people eat weird food when McDonalds has a dollar menu. If you get struck by spontenous savant syndrom...you too would see the shadow of the light.

>> No.22778684

Ahh, i see now lol. You took an online iq test and think you are a genius. Empiric truth about the faultiness of IQ merit cause your house of cards to collapse and you cant have that. Ergo you are defending a man who used his IQ to compete on reality TV afternoon game shows as a benchmark of intelligent people not wanting recognition. Lmfao

>> No.22778686

"And in this moment, I am euphoric."

>> No.22778695
File: 8 KB, 294x171, download - 2023-11-25T071641.291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i see now
You have no eyes at all an judge based on pleasing emotional results.
Lobster that lives a delusion of winning no mattet how much it lost...you live life as a junkie getting high on your own supply.

Seratonin; Enjoi'd
Claws; Up
Delusion; Undefeated

Stop, /lit/, your board is quasi-literate and scientifically oblivious...

>> No.22778700
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, 1700665150523347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another one.
"I feel therefore I know."

Living life one emotional exchange to the next, a drug addict. A common street junkie.

>> No.22778701

Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.22778709
File: 173 KB, 416x552, Blemmaye1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cannot stop for he knows nothing beyond his emotional narrative.

This is how people believe politicians that flaggrantly lie, they are listening to the emotional "feel" of the speech, the words have zero meaning to them.

Historically it has always been this way...brainless folx. Always sucking the flavor off his fingers or eyeing the next emjoiment treat

>> No.22779625

Hey Mario! How's the water?

>> No.22779636
File: 105 KB, 750x750, andres-gomez-emilsson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are there any (modern) writers who have these advanced insights without the character flaws?
Andrés Gómez Emilsson


>> No.22779643
File: 136 KB, 400x400, Manu Herran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manu Herrán writes about a lot of similar things, like Open Individualism.


>> No.22779648

Open Individualism is bullshit. I can directly observe being THIS human, which implies that I'm not everyone else.


>> No.22779654
File: 882 KB, 2817x2117, Brian Tomasik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brian Tomasik is worth reading, but he's an autist and thinks that consciousness doesn't exist.


>> No.22779659
File: 10 KB, 279x445, The Hedonistic Imperative - David Pearce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Pearce writes extensively about ways suffering could be abolished in the far future, taking evolution into account.


>> No.22779669

QRD on quantum immortality

>> No.22779697
File: 1.17 MB, 480x270, tumblr_e2efc1f2988c97ebf85ecd098b89000b_9a86854f_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andrés Gómez Emilsson
The Phenomenology of MDMA...
"Rogan, elk meat, machine elves, weed is good for you."

>Brian Tomasik
>Every young boy wants to become a paleontologist when he grows up.
What an utterly ridiculous statement. When I was a boy I wanted to be a bounty hunter, his theory is baseless and unscietific.

>David Pearce
>The Hedonistic Imperative outlines how genetic engineering and nanotechnology will abolish suffering in all sentient life.
The absence of suffering produces manchildren and maladapted adults, his theory is to manufacture evolution so we can perpetually degenerate ourselves like a teenager looking for a drug with no side effects or comedown. Children that want to overthrow their parents so they can stay up late eating ice cream and skipping school the next day.


>> No.22779703

The brainlet version is what OP was referencing where if you "die" you just resume life in a universe where you didn't die. Actual quantum immortality involves the conditions of the Schrodinger's cat experiment and is completely impractical unless someone volunteers to be an eternal anchorite for science.

>> No.22779714

Why is it always the most obnoxious retards who are convinced they're geniuses?

>> No.22779721
File: 109 KB, 694x608, andres gomez emilsson on anti hedonists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absence of suffering produces manchildren and maladapted adults, his theory is to manufacture evolution so we can perpetually degenerate ourselves like a teenager looking for a drug with no side effects or comedown. Children that want to overthrow their parents so they can stay up late eating ice cream and skipping school the next day.
This is just a shitty strawman. David Pearce has taken these things into account if you actually read his writing.

>> No.22779722
File: 21 KB, 313x500, Suffering-Focused Ethics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnus Vinding is worth reading


>> No.22779726
File: 1.88 MB, 498x215, hellraiser-pinhead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pain and pleasure seem to be just tools to efficiently navigate the fitness landscape

He has tasted neither heaven nor hell...his worlds have little value outside Facebook groups for boomers.

>who have these advanced insights without the character flaws?
Your character is corrupted by your ignorance which multiplies your arrogance.

You want smart to be as dumb as you...failing to realize the reason geniuses kill themselves is they have you as a friend and they truly view suicide as a more profitable option than trying to raise you into a comparable man while you LARP as a superior being...its disrespect double folded, and always fails.

This is why Man is a Fallen being.

>> No.22779727

I lecture professors.

Why is /lit/ the most illiterate dimwitted board?...all this classical literature and they judge the most stilted autismo writting as "not bad". It was fucking horrible....

>> No.22779738

>shitty strawman
He isnt that smart. Youre not a doctor and I can IMMEDIATELY TELL HE IS NOT ONE. Its is flat out counter evolutionary.

He sounds like he is talking to a room of normie students, he should be speaking to doctors, but he is speaking to his peers.

>The absence of suffering produces manchildren and maladapted adults
Get educated in Evolutionary Biology and Developmental Cognition.

Why, /lit/, why?....Im not asking you people....Im informing you. Also, Brian Tomasik is a legit hyper autist like me, picks up a random field and is peer to peer with people that have worked at it for decades kind of savantism.

>> No.22779762

Oh, and PhD in Philosophy without a decent double major is tantamount to "Professional Opinion Haver".

>> No.22779763

A person is only a genius when others consider him to be one. You're just another pedantic academic with an ego like many others.

If you were truly smart you would only use sites like 4chan for shits and giggles and tell others to kys if you disagree with them instead of seething.

>> No.22779771

Yelling at people on the street corner isn't a "lecture"

>> No.22779781
File: 519 KB, 3737x2757, 107155758-1669139654189-gettyimages-1443583402-wm_20161_fe474917-8d3b-4d20-afa7-5122f26f33f7 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A person is only a genius when others consider him to be one.
Democracy of truth, everyone. Science™, now with pure cronyism.

"We decide the what's what 'round here."

YAY! Im so glad the coincil of retards chose a lying charlatan as King Brain!

>> No.22779795

>on the street corner
I used to do a fair bit of clinical work on the street, homeless, addicts, criminals and such. I cant stand the west anymore though, Im far more interested in working overseas with people in impoverished countries.

I prefer living in countries that dont speak English so I dont have to hear the retarded shit that comes out of your mouths.

>> No.22779806

You must realize that getting so worked up on here makes you seem stupid. You remind me of this guy I used to work with who spent all his time designing a "perpetual motion machine," but he didn't actually know anything about physics or math. If you would ask too many questions about it or contradict his ideas in any way, he'd get upset and insist that you weren't smart enough to understand it.

>> No.22779811
File: 140 KB, 697x866, jocko-face-e1611015780418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David Pearce has taken these things into account
>"Two hundred years ago...The notion that physical pain could be banished from most people's lives would have seemed absurd."
"The earliest reference to opium growth and use is in 3,400 B.C. when the opium poppy was cultivated in lower Mesopotamia (Southwest Asia). The Sumerians referred to it as Hul Gil, the "joy plant.""

Go ahead and add "not a Historian or M.D." to the list...


>> No.22779814
File: 32 KB, 315x466, 184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a quote by Adler, retard. If you can't accept that's how the world works it means you're retarded. You're here because no one sucks up to you irl.
Ironically the anons clowing on you with lmao have the right idea and are smarter than you.
>>22779795 (last ((you)
And yet you're still here arguing and reading English posts.
Keep replying to me and others, you're already autistic so you're halfway there.

lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.22779819
File: 1018 KB, 5592x3496, Bane-Dark-Knight-Rises-image-Tom-Hardy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must realize
Stop LARPing at me, its fucking pathetic and disgusting.

Slimey cretin...you worship charlatans and conmen and hate comptency, this is why academia is rife is gatekeeping retards.

We could of had space stations...instead we have racial injustice and systemic hatred.

>> No.22779826
File: 355 KB, 717x713, 2023-07-13_02.39.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by Adler
I dont subscibe to retards, so I wouldnt know who saud what retarded thing.
>If you can't accept that's how the world works it means you're retarded
How would you know?


Not reading the rest, youre low as fuck effort and cannot even see your own failures, address them before replying.

Im your doctor, not your father, otherwise I would belt ypu into correction.

>> No.22779831
File: 164 KB, 250x230, tenor (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more "smart people" links please, I feel like crushing more dreams.

>> No.22779835

Hawking the cripple

>> No.22779838

why are you wasting hours on this site? it makes me believe you are not truly that smart, otherwise you would not come to an anon imageboard for validation from retards

>> No.22779848

So that's a no then

>> No.22779850

Read it in 7th grade.

I could beat him up then...and now.

>for validation

Im correcting remedial students papers as a form of Philanthropy....BECAUSE IM A GOOD PERSON.

Correct an error of logic.
Correct an error of ignorance.
Clinical work.
Clinical work.
Clinical work.

If a patient doesnt know they how they are sick they will never know get well.

>> No.22779855

I didnt read it, youre a living LARP. Meaning you dont even know who you are, you confuse your impulses to pleasure and repulsions to pains as an identity.

Its not...if I spent time on you I could reverse engineer your cognitive malformations but....eh....I...dont care.

>> No.22779872

He is autistic, try watching this video

>> No.22779882

Lol, stop being counter logical and LARPing like youre smart. Do you have a doctorate in Psychology?

No, he should watch this;

>> No.22779895

People (particularly people who just barely smart enough to be considered "gifted") drastically overrate the importance of raw intelligence. After a certain point what starts to matter is a person's ability to interrogate their own arguments and reconcile their theoretical framework with the world around them—something which doesn't necessarily correlate with IQ—otherwise their output just turns into intellectual masturbation. String theory (and many ToE's proposed by schizos and/or geniuses) are the golden example of why this matters: even if they're actually true they're epistemologically useless unless/until they can demonstrate an experimental difference from the standard model.

Compare Langan's work to the quantized inertia theory, which might be utter bullshit but currently has a satellite in orbit trying to prove its predictions because its supporters have actively sought to ensure their theory becomes more significant than a mathematical curiosity. Not a perfect analogue insofar as the theories themselves are concerned, but I mean it to illustrate the general principle that intelligence alone isn't what enables a person to achieve great things. Except maybe in mathematics, but that's a tautology.

>> No.22779904

>Do you have a doctorate in Psychology?
Do you? What's all this "clinical work" you keep talking about?

>> No.22779906
File: 97 KB, 640x674, 1643803438308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligence alone isn't what enables a person to achieve great things
Climbing mountains and slayng dragons tends to leave bruises and scars.

>> No.22779918

>Do you?
Yes, Developmental Psychology and Physiological Cognition.
>What's all this "clinical work" you keep talking about?
Read the posts, if I have to educate you in literal English on a """""literature""""" board....man...you people are fucking illiterate as shit....

>> No.22779925

>I've been all over the world, professors and elites take my advice

>spends hours at a time on 4chan arguing (poorly) with random people
>posts South Park gifs and boomer style motivational facebook memes

>> No.22779951


>>>22778644 (You) #
>Correct an error of logic.
>>>22778668 (You) #
>Correct an error of ignorance.
>>>22778695 (You) #
>Clinical work.
>>>22778700 (You) #
>Clinical work.
>>>22778709 (You) #
>Clinical work.

>boomer style motivational facebook memes
Hahha, wince at it, turn away from the painful truth, regress into comfortable lies of "Im not a failure."


>> No.22779953

Good effortpost. I try not to be a mental masturbator pseud and it provided some insights into the thought patterns I erroneously fall into sometimes. Thanks.

>> No.22780063

Didn't he die couple days after elon musk reached out to him or whatever

>> No.22780219

he thought it was just a mean prank

>> No.22780248

Where was Langan's IQ ever published anyway. We only ever saw reports by journos, nothing concrete. He might be a complete con artist and the journo might be banking in on some of it.

>> No.22780261

I always wondered whether it was real or not. He was a smart dude i feel bad that he died. He had nothing but potential.

>> No.22780460
File: 283 KB, 400x310, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly tranny fag shitting from his mouth about topics he pretends to understand while jerking off to himself
I see /tttt/'s containment has been breached

>> No.22780467

>ITT: schizo namefag shits up thread
He’s the average /sci/ poster btw

>> No.22780477

>He’s the average /sci/ poster
You mean shut them the fuck down, only the college kids type can really lecture about shit Im not very adept in, various Mathematics or some Physics, everything else I lecture them.

If you have an actual education you would be able to discern wise and learn-ed men from charlatans, but you cant because youre a beta bluepilled normie that conflates popularity with intelligence.

Go...consume your Neil Tyson and Bill Nye trash with funk-o pops.

>> No.22781062

>Billions of such cases.

The 'occult' was standard fare in 'higher' education until very recently in history. God forbid you point it out, or not be atheist doing so.

Heaviside, Maxwell, Tesla, none frotting-particle cultists of 'quantum'.

Watch that interview where he's asked innocently wtf magnetism is. It's not surprising in light of that.

>> No.22781246
File: 203 KB, 825x960, hedonistic imperative bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its is flat out counter evolutionary.
It's obvious that you don't have a good understanding of Pearce's philosophy. Pearce's proposal of gradients of bliss is intended to take evolutionary factors into account when trying to redesign human biology to not suffer. The idea is that you could create an alternate signalling mechanism that performs the same functions as pain, but without the pain. This is vastly different from congenital analgesia, where there is no such alternate signalling mechanism.

Information on how gradients of bliss as a hypothetical pain replacement could work:


Are you seriously trying to argue that anesthesia has not advanced at all for thousands of years? The fact that opium existed thousands of years ago doesn't imply that it was just as accessible and just as effective as modern surgical anesthesia.

>> No.22781348

>The idea is that you could create an alternate signalling mechanism that performs the same functions as pain, but without the pain
If it's not unpleasant for a person to experience then it will be ignored often enough to be harmful to a person's health in the long run. I.e. people exercising after getting a surgery despite doctor's warnings because they feel fine and can easily ignore the little itch telling them not to do it. Unless you'd expect it to take the form of something more like stress than pain, which arguably carries more of a debilitating risk.
>gradients of bliss
I can't see that working. Firstly because pleasure is largely relative: the heroin addict in recovery will feel far less pleasure from eating chocolate as a child eating it for the first time. Secondly, pleasure/pain is not strictly a dichotomy; absence of pleasure does not act in any way like the presence of pain, apart from it being unenjoyable. A sharp reduction in dopamine doesn't necessarily result in someone trying to change their behavior, instead more likely causing them to spiral into a depression and leading to a drastic reduction in motivation. Pain, meanwhile, causes people to immediately spring into action to stop it, if they're able.

Perhaps you could rewire people's brains to perceive pleasure in absolute terms, avoid the pitfalls of depression, etc. but at that point you might as well say we ought to rewire our brains to be happy and fulfilled all the time but still work, reproduce etc. purely out of the desire to create an even better world. That is to say this is a retarded and unfalsifiable philosophy since it can just cite yet-to-be-invented technology to refute any argument.

>> No.22781451

4chan hasn't learned to ignore Cult of Passion yet

>> No.22782246
File: 42 KB, 900x506, Jo Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of Jo Cameron? She's a British woman with a rare genetic mutation that causes her to feel almost no pain or anxiety, and is an otherwise functional person. Why couldn't we just genetically engineer everyone to have Jo Cameron's genetics?


>> No.22782273

>The absence of suffering produces manchildren and maladapted adults, his theory is to manufacture evolution so we can perpetually degenerate ourselves like a teenager looking for a drug with no side effects or comedown.
I understand it better than he or you every will and I would LECTURE HIM on it.
>is intended to take evolutionary factors into account
>Information on how gradients of bliss as a hypothetical pain replacement could work:


(Im having to yell because youre confusing words with emotional trash...)

>Are you seriously trying to argue..



Yeah, you should learn to stop lying to yourselves. I have these soulless retards who have LARPed in real life so long they no longer have any clue who they are...DE-LU-SION-AL.

I logically refuted all but one dipshit-link posted.


>> No.22782300
File: 525 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231202-130215_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word of the day, lazy retards.

Stop "studying" Philosophers and study STEM...its lead you all to delusions.

>> No.22782368

Why did you choose that name for yourself? What does it mean and what do you hope to accomplish?

>> No.22782393

Always sad when retards fetishize and over-narrativize schizophrenia. This guy had very run of the mill schizophrenia, which manifests around his age and totally fucks up the person's life. He didn't go crazy because he was smart. He was smart, and he went crazy. The randomness of it is infinitely more tragic.

>> No.22782404
File: 2.93 MB, 500x361, tumblr_d442499a57a9192ae457a59b17abd652_6d9f723b_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your species is pathetic.

You worship retards and crucify geniuses.

All humans lie, lies they believe so they behave likes theyre speaking the truth, a double insult to reality.

Demons wearing Angel masks and forgetting theyre evil.

Synogogue of Satan is humanity, the lies manipulate cognitive abilities, ergo aspects of physiology alter perceptions of reality. Yuri Bezmenov "Even with credible proof they do not believe." and that is because they cognitively cannot even see it. Mind blindness isnt just visual, its also conceptual.

Its pure hell to see how souls work on the most fundemental levels, down to the subatomic level, in a word that doesnt even believe in reality...

Now, you'll have to excuse me. Im going to go downtown and eat some Japanese pancakes while internally grumbling at all of creation for being "shit that I could do better", because I could, but the "smarter" people are the more hostile and emotional they get over feeling dumb, ergo its a "power position", not a relay of truth seekers....because humans are a corrupted creation of Satan, but not all that walks and talks is...human.

>Daniel 3:25
There werent any Geneticists or Evolutionary Biologists thousands of years ago so they didnt have words like Phenotype or Haplogroup, think with humility or think like a retard.

>> No.22782409

>This guy had very run of the mill schizophrenia,
Haha, let me guess....Not A Psychologist, huh?!


>> No.22782454

I was just trying to make polite conversation and see if I could learn something from you and vice versa but you're closed off. I can't reach you, man. You're in a bubble. Come back and share your knowledge with us unless you're better than God. You're not better than God, are you?

>> No.22782466
File: 23 KB, 275x183, 2023-04-19_22.47.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Youre not "reaching out", youre offending me with your unearned ARROGANCE (lies of ability you believe in)....


>You're in a bubble

>You're not better than God, are you?

I am. FULLY.

>lmao nuh uh


>No one can.


>Yuri Bezmenov "Even with credible proof they do not believe." and that is because they cognitively cannot even see it. Mind blindness isnt just visual, its also conceptual.


>> No.22782481

I think that's enough for today. You sound like a bot or a completely unhinged anon. I hope you get the help you need, bro. All the best.

>> No.22782491

Youre a sackless faggot, you wanted to play the victim so you lied your way into the position.

>and see if I could learn something from you
>Your species is pathetic.
>You worship retards and crucify geniuses.
>All humans lie, lies they believe so they behave likes theyre speaking the truth, a double insult to reality.
>Demons wearing Angel masks and forgetting theyre evil.
>Synogogue of Satan is humanity, the lies manipulate cognitive abilities, ergo aspects of physiology alter perceptions of reality. Yuri Bezmenov "Even with credible proof they do not believe." and that is because they cognitively cannot even see it. Mind blindness isnt just visual, its also conceptual.
>Its pure hell to see how souls work on the most fundemental levels, down to the subatomic level, in a word that doesnt even believe in reality...
>Now, you'll have to excuse me. Im going to go downtown and eat some Japanese pancakes while internally grumbling at all of creation for being "shit that I could do better", because I could, but the "smarter" people are the more hostile and emotional they get over feeling dumb, ergo its a "power position", not a relay of truth seekers....because humans are a corrupted creation of Satan, but not all that walks and talks is...human.
>>Daniel 3:25
>There werent any Geneticists or Evolutionary Biologists thousands of years ago so they didnt have words like Phenotype or Haplogroup, think with humility or think like a retard.


>and vice versa

What a delusional asshat you are.....

>> No.22782515
File: 652 KB, 553x496, 0p123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem to be either schizophrenic or an autist, perhaps both even OCD too, but diagnosing anons on 4chud is as awful as responding to (You) in particular; you are not a genius anon, one day you will realize this, perhaps you will forget this conversation, I certainly will after a day or two if your reply is witty enough to cause an impact.
Take your meds, and have a long life, perhaps we will grow to see your true achievements despite you bein (You),


>> No.22782519

Nah bro you're just acting weird is all plus I don't know if you're a real person so yeah. Sorry to disappoint but I don't think there could be a meaningful exchange between us. You're so paranoid and obnoxious dude. Calm down

>> No.22782523

>you seem to be either schizophrenic or an autist
>LARPing (LYING) that he is qualified to perform cognitive tests online.

Dont ever insult me with "friendship", what part of SPECIES do you not understand?
>Yeah, but...I just assume uoure lying or delusional because I am too, just like everyone else.


>> No.22782531
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1920, ber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dont ever insult me with "friendship", what part of SPECIES do you not understand?
it was witty!

>> No.22782533

>I don't think there could be a meaningful exchange between us.
Yes, you are mentally retarded and delusional.

Fucking faggot wants an "emotional connection" while ignore EVERYTHING I POST.


>> No.22782536

>He still views his dad as authoritative in any way.

Youre not a man.

>> No.22782541
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>>He still views his dad as authoritative in any way. Youre not a man
This was less witty

>> No.22782620

Being highly intelligent is not the same thing as being right.
Arguably a lot of delusions can be very complex and require a degree of intelligence

>> No.22782631
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>This was less witty
Your father is an utter failure, nothing produces delusional fem-men like you without fatherlessness.

Youre retarded and live an emotional narrative...deluded by your own farts to feel superuor in a world you will never comprehend, confusing posturing with competency.

*A chihuahua that confronts a bear with complete certainty.*

Her lived truth....(You).

>> No.22782643
File: 1.27 MB, 1155x1074, romance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>This was less witty Your father is an utter failure, nothing produces delusional fem-men like you without fatherlessness. Youre retarded and live an emotional narrative...deluded by your own farts to feel superuor in a world you will never comprehend, confusing posturing with competency. *A chihuahua that confronts a bear with complete certainty.* Her lived truth....(You).

Even less witty. Let's go back!

>> No.22782649

you are an evil rat

>> No.22782651

Polish-Anon? Is that you?

I'll be back in Warsaw some time in 2024.

>> No.22782694

I relate to this guy on another level. He's like me but 20 more IQ points and better educated. I wish I could have talked to him before he died.

>> No.22782704

Ah, the hallmark of a midwit.

>> No.22782715
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You need to enter the Pain-Cube.

>> No.22782735

It must be difficult being as uniquely uneducated as you are. Especially at such an old age.

>> No.22782753
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>uniquely uneducated
>Just say the opposite of true and smirk.
Doing this too much will start to delude you on a soul level, the subconscious, kayfabe-ing ironically starts to become unironic. You become the lie...then...all you can ever speak is a lie because it originates from a lying source; (You).

Synogogue of Satan.

t.Developmental Psychologist

>> No.22782803

Beware penis
Penis makes you poor
Being poor makes you peniless
Being peniless makes your penis less

>> No.22782831
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Mother, fucking, PANCAKES.

Two plates, two scoops, two middle fingers.

>> No.22782874

Typical schizo who thinks anybody wanted to read his word salad and just had to vomit it out into the simulation

>> No.22782908
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>Typical schizo
>based on my hypothetical analysis of faux-superiority where every fist fight vs elephants I win with my superior prowess

Good thing you dont have any qualifications to judge yourself...that would be a very bad, no good, day for you, so live it up!

The mirror shows nothing at all! Yuri would be most proud.

>> No.22782946

My qualifications are not being a fucking dead spic

>> No.22782954
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>> No.22783025

>The absence of suffering produces manchildren and maladapted adults

Demonstrably false.

>> No.22783033

>Demonstrably false.
Objectively incorrect. Pseudo-men cannot distinguish men from boys and use themselves as templets for what they believe manhood is, which is a boy.

Youre halfway to a belt'n, boy.

>> No.22783054

>The absence of suffering produces manchildren and maladapted adults
One could say they do suffer, which all things do, but they shy away from suffering. Being in a constant state of avoidance of suffering, like a drug addict always trying to be high...

Always away from suffering, always towards comfort. This makes one asymetrical. Voluntary suffering, bearing a cross.

>> No.22783061
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Pleasure cube is overrated.

Enter the End-Zone, live forever.

>> No.22783068


And? By the same Logic, men cannot be distinguished from pseudo-men since they use themselves as templates for what they believe manhood is, which is a man. Regardless, the point is that suffering does not map onto any of this.

>> No.22783070


Your point being...?

>> No.22783077

A man and tell is a boy is mature or not.

A boy cannot distinguish a mature adult from an immature adult......boy.

>By the same Logic
Youre not using logic, youre using dialectics, technically speaking reality isnt fully invertable, its partially invertable. Meaning its slightly uni-directional.

By you logic a wise old man couldnt tell is a toddler from a wiser, older, man.

>Regardless, the point is that suffering does not map onto any of this
It is the sole difference between men and boys, facing fears, fighting dragons, slaying demons.


The fear of the truth about one's self...your friends all lie to you and you lie back. They expect the lies, and you expect their. If you stop, and tell them how you really feel....they will drop you like a sorority to a Trump supporter, zero love from then on.

Go forth and Live the Truth and find out who the realen are...if you fill the boots yourself, bwoy.

>> No.22783080

>Your point being...?



>> No.22783089


Vulgarization of Logic aside, everything your deem valuable can be mapped onto the avoidance of suffering: all the tradition, institutions, services, etc. are founded on an avoidance of suffering and a perpetuation of avoidance.

>> No.22783105

>Vulgarization of Logic
Yes, so stop doing it.

>founded on an avoidance of suffering and a perpetuation of avoidance.
Stop trying "sum up my work" like you ever could, entire religions are founded on what I know, religions like Judaiism, Islam, Christianisty and Buddhism.

We live in a particular time where suffering is almost all but elininated, only when its voluntarily approached is it really found. All other suffer would a be a consequence of avoidance of suffering. This alters how the mind and body perceives the situation, even activating genes in the process, and which emotions are tied to the memory, this all alters the development of a person.

Get a Phd is Psychology, Genetics and Neuroscience if you want to challenge me more, Ive done the research and know my shit.


>> No.22783116

"I want to be a fully actualized human but without anything bad...just blowjobs from the Auto-Cock 9000, plx."


>> No.22783120

Reconcile killing yourself with theory of evolution, there you go, thread over
anyone who posts below this line is gay

>> No.22783121


This does not address my point.

>> No.22783123


>This does not address my point.

>> No.22783200

I hope you get beaten with a rusty crowbar for being a pseud namefaggot.

>> No.22783203
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>> No.22783210

If you were actually intelligent you could find me yourself. But since you're a pseud, I've got nothing to worry about.

>> No.22783267
File: 753 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20231202-212829_Maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gazelles engage in stotting, i.e., jumping into the air, when predators are nearby. A prevailing explanation of this behavior is that stotting is an honest signal of the animal's fitness to run away, so predators should not bother chasing it."

Fite me.

>> No.22783269


The grift won't work here. There was a dago nonce and an actual retard (frater anselmo), neither were given much attention.

>> No.22783271


>> No.22783408

What's with schizos and aerodynamics? Any comprehensive QRD?

>> No.22783518

>dago nonce
>frater anselmo
Idk, I dont speak Arabic.

>> No.22783532

It's fun riling him up. It's been a long time since /lit/ had a jester to throw rotten fruit at.

>> No.22783548

>kayfabe-ing ironically starts to become unironic. You become the lie...then...all you can ever speak is a lie because it originates from a lying source; (You).

You've brainwashed yourself into psychological degeneracy, you will never be an Ubermensch.

You will always be below, always the inferior, always wrong, always, all ways.

>> No.22783640


>> No.22783644

Why didn't he answer?

>> No.22783886

You’re akin to a caveman looking inwards at civilisation, you’re too pigheaded to understand and so you revert to a position of false superiority, exactly how a hollow bugman would.