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/lit/ - Literature

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22777292 No.22777292 [Reply] [Original]

Peasant edition
previous >>22772770

>> No.22777297

If I could have a wish, it would be for women to not be able to grow past the age of 12.

>> No.22777303

Ive been rejected by more girls than you've even talked to

>> No.22777322

The Coasters might be one of the best groups ever

>> No.22777331

Good persistence. How is your hygiene?

>> No.22777343

Its wild because we have men like that now.

>> No.22777348

Hygeine is good. I just need a haircut and my hemorrhoids to heal so I stop leaking shit everywhere

>> No.22777351

Got disrespected by an ugly fat middle aged woman at work today and I can't stop thinking about repeatedly stabbing her in the throat, this happened many hours ago
Laws are a problem. I should be able to kill anyone I want without risking jail

>> No.22777377

Taking a huge, sticky, smelly, toilet-destroying shit right now

>> No.22777382

And getting dubs at the same time. I need to up my ante

>> No.22777391

Go read crime and punishment. It perfectly captures your angst.

>> No.22777409

have to chop my story down to 1500 words for a contest.. all the meat and brilliance of the story is lost now

>> No.22777433

Actually though how do I quit video games for good? I’m too old to play Pokémon and The Legend of Zelda.

>> No.22777458

More than 5?

>> No.22777566


>> No.22777594 [DELETED] 
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Get saved /lit/ anons before it's too late. It's very easy to be saved from hell fire and get to heaven because salvation is by faith alone. pic related.


>> No.22777609

I have a Pessoaesque feeling of cosmic love for humanity and i cry with this world of suffering. Please, stop war. We are all brothers and sisters

>> No.22777624


>> No.22777625

>Please, stop war. We are all brothers and sisters
Only child?

>> No.22777639

Nathaniel Hawthorne's daughter might become canonized as a saint.

>> No.22777758

dubs and I'll die in my sleep tonight

>> No.22777776
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Been thinking about this quote a lot. I will not call anyone names from this point on. Its so childish

>> No.22777777

we are all gonna make it

>> No.22777780

Not fat >people though

>> No.22777791
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i don't even know where i want to make it to anymore

>> No.22777793
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Sextuplets of truth. We're all going to make it!

>> No.22777804

Omg chekt

>> No.22777809

Finished reading 'The passenger' and 'Stella Maris,' and honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. They didn't seem bad to me, I mean McCarthy's prose is excellent, but all that mathematics stuff, I think it overwhelmed me."

>> No.22777822
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Inshallah my brothers

>> No.22777862


>> No.22777893

Rereading Cocteau’s Holy Terrors. Dargelos turning back seemingly to give Paul an apology only to grab some candy from the proctor’s desk is a funny tidbit I never noticed the first ten times I read this.

>> No.22777907

Me too? But how?

>> No.22777915

Make what?

>> No.22777923


>> No.22777952
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I want to have unprotected sex with a stranger.

>> No.22777959

no we're not

>> No.22777965
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This but also the stranger needs to be a girl. A young girl.

>> No.22777973

Blessed check
Things are going to be better

>> No.22777988

I like the smell of skunk
Like my hoes lil chunk

>> No.22777998

I want to give an update about how it's going since I turned my phone into gray scale mode.
It's going really good.

>> No.22778038
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>> No.22778042

Cool story bro

>> No.22778045


>> No.22778047

>Birthday money gets lowered from $200 to $150
>Can't even go to the city to spend it tomorrow because the trains won't be running
>Will be busy Sunday

>> No.22778051

what would you have spent it on poorfriend?

>> No.22778054

A chess set

>> No.22778059

Don't know, I don't really have any particular interests or hobbies, maybe some books, maybe some vinyl records that I'll never listen to, who knows?

>> No.22778060

What kind?

>> No.22778067


>> No.22778090
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hell yeah

>> No.22778137

damn this shit is fire


>> No.22778166

how the fuck did it just get so cold it's fucking freezing in here

>> No.22778170

this nigga ANEMIC

>> No.22778194
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>> No.22778217

Using slang from 5-10 years ago doesn't make you old, it makes you outdated, unfashionable.
Saying stuff like "that's a hoot and a half" makes you old. The latter was never cool, was always old, it wasn't overtaken by the hot new thing, rather it was always there just waiting for you to age in to it.

>> No.22778238

We live in a Whoreocracy.

>> No.22778258

I'm a crusader.

>> No.22778263

nigger. why do you care? she's probably mad because she's fat and ugly. 9 out of 10 times people are dicks to each others because of built up self resentment. it wasn't about you

>> No.22778266

cool it with the anti-semitic remarks~

>> No.22778276
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>> No.22778288


>> No.22778292

Under a clear sky this afternoon I heard the faraway and faintly apocalyptic sound of a big military jet like a B1 or something passing, the unmistakable and sustained thunderous rumble of which makes one imagine an erupting volcano just over the horizon. Combined with something else that happened that day, where I failed to remember the name of a neighbor I ran across, about whom I remember so much else, it's kind of ridiculous that I could forget it yet again, I noticed something about how conscious memory operates. Firstly, a principle of sensory displacement seems to be involved. For instance, when it comes to sound, my memory is borderline echoic, but as for sight, it is absolute trash. You really can't have it all when it comes to modalities, and one or the other gathers dominance in waking. I know a guy who can draw likenesses from memory easily as I can mimic, and who has magnificent taste in architecture & art, but whose taste and memory for music is dismal. Secondly, is that the difference is inverted during REM dreaming. I hardly hear much of anything in dreams, but am usually delighted by how visually rich they are. Thirdly, it's that memory of tone or atmosphere or idea, always comes at some cost to rote or verbatim memory, and vice-versa. Of course any kind of grind is almost by definition an idiot, but that's almost too easy to notice by itself: In general it's best to get more than adequate sleep, as much for the pleasure of it as for pleasant waking.

>> No.22778310

Had another shit dream last night. It was normal, mundane occurrences, but I kept finding streaky brown shit in my underwear, feeling little crumbs and bits like peppercorn in the spread, deep brown against my black undies. Had a number of false starts as well, waking up in dreams and walking around again only to find the skidmarks after a little while. When I finally woke for real I had to do a quick check, clean but had a bit of trouble falling back asleep after that. It was hot and I was sweating a bit when I woke up, I ate too much bread before bedtime again, so maybe it was the sweat down my crack that made me think I had the runs. Not as bad as the last shit dream I had. In my college dorm, a shared room with my mate, and I wake on my back in the bare light of dawn and lift up the blue comforter, sticky sleek of polyester, and see everything underneath smeared in baby green shit, like chunky peanut butter. I was cold that night but I woke up in genuine fear I remember. Not as bad as that. Hopefully there'll be a better dream tonight.

>> No.22778319

What about wearing clothing from 15-20 years ago?

>> No.22778332

I can only love a very specific kind of people : The beautiful and the soothing. I remember cracking your shell and bearing witness at your perfect flaws. The evening you let your head rest against mine although we were just friends at that time, I was happy. I am that simple. If the burden of our past feelings suddenly disappeared, I would pay hundreds to relive that moment once more with you. I would love to spend just a night watching stars, catching dreams or playing Mario kart with you. I miss you, Mary. I truly do.

>> No.22778340

Should I go to graduate school?

>> No.22778346

Lulz, and good luck with that.

>> No.22778362

The powers that be will never let me have sex. They'd kill me first.

>> No.22778390

Yes. Do it. Now.

>> No.22778408 [DELETED] 

i've noticed that when i sleep in boxer-briefs rather than switching to boxer shorts i sleep better. i had always thought boxers that let your cock flop around and become stiffly erect without any resistance would lead to a better sleep. i've started noticing that i'm more likely to sleep through the whole night and feel more rested in the morning with more restrictive boxer-briefs on. now it is possible the reason for this is that when i'm more tired i don't bother to switch to boxers before going to bed, so naturally on those nights i sleep more deeply because i am more tired. still, i can't shake this feeling that roll around impacts your sleep quality somehow. have any sleep scientists looked at the cock-sleep connection?

>> No.22778414

My doctor says I have ugliness.

>> No.22778421

My doctor says I have gay cancer

>> No.22778431

Just sleep naked

>> No.22778442

Slang in general is ugly garbage. For profanity it depends on the degree of affection, the more affected or theatrical the use, or user in the circumstance, the better. It's all a matter of inflection. I sound lame and embarrassing no matter how I say "fuck", but "cunt" still retains a special position in my repertoire.

>> No.22778467
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>I sound lame and embarrassing no matter how I say "fuck", but "cunt" still retains a special position in my repertoire.
Are you british? I have the exact opposite problem, where I can't say cunt but love to say fuck.

>> No.22778581

Well, I can’t do it right now but maybe January or August at the earliest.

>> No.22778583

Great Lakes region of North America, specifically the southern tip of Lake Michigan. Bizarre as it sounds, Chicago and the whole surrounding region is amazingly chaste when it comes to profanity, even in irony. One has to go considerably farther South to hear much of that in practice these days.

>> No.22778598

Do it

>> No.22778600
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Hell yeah brother

>> No.22778608

Asked my gf if she would hold my penis while I pee and now she won't talk to me.

>> No.22778612

i'll do it

>> No.22778617

If you like and are adept at the subject, and can afford it without inordinate hardship, why not? I've met people with Master's and Doctorates in everything from organic chemistry to literature to philosophy to law to neurosurgery, and they seem to me a rather happy bunch compared to the usual run of men and women.

>> No.22778631

I'm sitting here eating reheated pasta bake while watching Scooby-Doo and imagining a girl on my bed behind me secretly recording a TikTok of me laughing while watching Scooby-Doo because she thinks it's cute. How sad is this on a scale of 1-10?

>> No.22778634

You guys might, I won't. Nice digits.

>> No.22778654

can't be expressed in integers or imaginary numbers

>> No.22778661

you always say "write what's on your mind"
but never do you say
"write what's in your heart"

>> No.22778662

Yeah, I figured.

>> No.22778671

I want to cut myself. Just a tiny cut, enough for a bit of blood to slide down my arm. Nothing deep or anything.

>> No.22778675

It's okay anon. I used to grt drunk and watch tiktok and then put down my phone and have entire imaginary conversations with my favorite girl all night. Then I would get blackout drunk and cry and cut myself but be so blacked out that I would forget I even cut myself until I saw myself in the mirror the next day.

>> No.22778678

Do 30 push ups NOW!

>> No.22778680

I'll do it as soon as this episode ends.

>> No.22778689

Yeah it can, consider magnitudes of bad and then lay out lines of a few bad things and then Euclidean algorithm them down to a unit then with a unit of bad measure the final badness that is to be measured

>> No.22778691

Improve yourself don't reduce yourself sir and you will become a better man

>> No.22778699

Upon reflection I realize the novel got popular and dethroned poetry specifically because the West was moving away from the spiritual and toward the rational. Nowhere is this better anticipated than in Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy, where the narrator begins reciting his woes in verse before being chastised by Philosophy and instructed to turn towards the spiritual. But what appears to be a turn towards the spiritual is in reality a turn towards the rational. What people misunderstand about the Scholastics is they are eminently rational, and it is this contemplation of God in strictly rational and logical terms which first paves the way for the obsolescence of God. To approach religion in this way is, I think, to misapprehend it. God is not the novel; God is poetry and verse. God is not rationalized; He is felt.

The Western departure from the spiritual goes back much further than people realize. Generations of Christians worked tirelessly building up the machinery that would eventually replace them.

>> No.22778762

Has anyone here ever thought about writing for a Visual Novel like Katawa Shoujo and Snoot game?

I watched a video recently about Snoot Game having better writing than the game it was parodying. I forgot all about Snoot Game except the game it was parodying came out a few months ago so it's back in public eye.


I was thinking about creating some tools to create Katawa Shoujo style visual novels for the web. Basically just something to put character animations up, a set background, some transition effects, a bit of code for the text and next, basic if statements for the player options.

Reason being, now that AI is getting better for drawing consistently, that cuts out the need for an artist so now writers can bring their work to life easier.

Would anyone be interested? Does anyone have ideas for visual novels?

>> No.22778765
File: 86 KB, 345x279, apu happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay :) thank you anon and sextuplets god for thinking of us

>> No.22778796

Fuck, now I'm busy on Monday too.

>> No.22778800

How big is the visual novel market? Much money to be made?

>> No.22778816

A lot of weabs love them. Also big in Japan. You can sell them for pretty cheap on Steam too and people will buy them.

I wanted to do it in web tech so people could put the demo (like a chapter or two) on their web site for people to play for free, then at the end of one of the chapters it says something like "buy the full game for only 3 dollars on Steam" or something.

It can all be written in HTML, CSS, and JS pretty easily and thanks to things like ionic and electron be ported into apps or phone apps so people can play on their phones or steam.

If your writing is good enough it's basically a cash grab.

>> No.22778833

Interesting. HTML is something that I've been wanting to learn anyway. My only issues are that I don't know how to draw and AI art is too unreliable.

>> No.22778844

Check /g/, AI is getting more and more consistent, and just in the last several months it's gotten several times better with the new releases. There's actually someone doing an AI influencer now bring in tens of thousands of dollars a month, and my favorite tech channel did a quick tutorial of how they did it, even mentions how to do it in retro video game style or anime style. If it can do people consistently, doing anime characters consistently should be easy as pissing in the shower.


>> No.22778860

Also interesting.

>> No.22778870

Our lives are like romance novels.

>> No.22778881

Cute girls aren't diverse enough in their interests. I've spent hours searching through YouTube videos about things I like only to see fat white middle aged men.

>> No.22778888

They are, they're just afraid to show it and for good reason. Imagine if you were a cute chick that was really into 40k, imagine the swarm of fat guys that would come at you.

>> No.22778892

Or just the swarm of guys in general.

>> No.22778898


>> No.22778901

Do it that shit will feel so good. Then afterwards huddle in the shower in a corner thinking about how disgusting you are

>> No.22778914

I like rats and crows.

>> No.22778954
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Have a comfy pepe bro.

>> No.22778961

The raid. It will be fiction. I am trying to get a point across. About pessimism, nihilism, modern warfare, geopolitics. Write about a boy who isnt me. Not my life. Not my mission. Not reality, but a map. The ambiguity of combat. The comparison to Junger and real combat. The overwhelming advantage of technology and training. 500Lb bomb dropped on a donkey. A donkey walking through our formation during infil. 40 graves being dug in the village seen on the ISR footage in the aftermath. Shooting at silhouettes. Training with Afgan commandos. Putting drop guns in the Skedco bag. The CIA, Russian, OBL, stinger missiles. Sitting in the door of a Balckhawk. Buddy getting shot and paralyzed. Prepping a frag but never throwing it. Blood on my face from a bird exploding in the Blackhawks rotor. Skin peeling off bloated mangled corpses. Finding bodies to SSE by smell in the dark. People cheering like its a football game as we watch drones kill people on 20 different screens. Watching man pray on the top of a mountain after he watched his comrades get chewed up by 40mm rounds and then getting some himself. Man tazing a dog in a compound and it shit itself. Seeing a nice pair of Afgan tits while pulling security into a compound and circling them with my IR lazer so my friend would see. Playing FIFA in full kit while waiting to see if the mission would be cancelld due to weather. ‘Fast’ roping. The pullout from Afghanistan while I’m out of the Army and in college. The money I still get every month. Mercenary mindset. War as a literary tradition. Power dynamics and war as a game. How young everyone was. How clueless we were and still are about why exactly we were there. Ect…

>> No.22779001

>Have 15 likes on Tinder.
>Swipe through all the people available in my area.
>Do this routinely every day.
>The number of people who liked me never goes down.

>> No.22779117


>> No.22779134

i was lookin for a sign

>> No.22779146

I'm always thankful for the things people give me but I'm terrible at showing it and I'm terrible at showing how appreciative I am. I was just given a good pair of headphones for my birthday and I said thank you but it came out as flat and plain as you could imagine, I'm not gonna ham it up either cause that would be disingenuous. I hope people know how appreciative and thankful I am despite not knowing how to show it properly.

>> No.22779256

Giving women the vote was probably one of the most disastrous decisions the west has ever made.

>> No.22779306

I think seeking companionship at a BDSM dungeon that's a 90-minute drive away is something of a questionable decision. I've been there once before and they're a very pleasant bunch, but I'm a type that's not exactly in high demand in fetish communities in the first place. But I genuinely don't know of another way to meet people and certainly not another way to meet people who I have any sort of interest overlap with outside of dating apps. Such is the pain of living in a city that's so small it only has one actual bar, one actual coffee shop, and no clubs or anything of the sort.

On a related note, I found out a city about an hour away has a hookah bar. What in the fuck happens at a hookah bar? I'm aware (kinda) of what a hookah is, but nothing past that.

>> No.22779308

And men voted for it, proving that no one should be aloud to vote at all.

>> No.22779343
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>> No.22779440

democracy isnt real you dumb peasant

>> No.22779445
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I think I discovered the ultimate test to filter out dogmatists from true, open-minded thinkers.

It's simple: Just start up an interdisciplinary discussion. Bring in some piece of knowledge from a totally different field and make a connection. 90% of people or more will go, "Oh nooo we can't do that, this isn't in the script, they didn't prepare us to deal with that topic" or "No that's a TOTALLY different discipline and only a specialist in that field can accurately address it!!"

You have to realize most "intellectuals" are not actually thinking. They just adopted an ideology or framework of beliefs which is less common than the mainstream, and once adopted, their skepticism goes out the window. Asking them to participate in interdisciplinary talk is fun because they freak the fuck out at the prospect of going off script and having to think for themselves.

>> No.22779456

Checked, Based and thanks fren

>> No.22779458

I'm turning 21 in just under 2 hours, I have no:
>Friends that I see regularly (maybe twice a year if I'm lucky)
>Girlfriend (I haven't been in a relationship since I was 15.
>Realistic goals.
>And much more that I can't think of right now.
I'm NGMI am I?

>> No.22779460

youve got to realize youre going to die and be eaten by worms. keep that in mind.

>> No.22779462

democracy is working as intended

>> No.22779464

I'm aware, I don't fear death.

>> No.22779467

lol. 21? TWENTY ONE. you're a child still. if your parents are still willing to support you i'll tear your head off. i'll tear it off twice if they'd put you through postsecondary

>> No.22779469

Define support.

>> No.22779475
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> i'm a blank slate. am I NGMI?
nigga you can do A N Y T H I N G
the world is yours
go smoke crack or some shit

>> No.22779478

>nigga you can do A N Y T H I N G
But I don't care about anything, I have no interest in learning anything because nothing interests me.

>> No.22779491

just do things you dont want to in the meantime. ill pick for you

- work out: warm up however you can, then do 4 sets of whatever workout strains you. do this every day. it might only take you 20 minutes. do 4 sets of multiple exercises if youre feeling zesty
- play guitar: get that beginner guitar on amazon and do this https://www.justinguitar.com/guitar-lessons/how-to-tune-a-guitar-for-beginners-b1-101
- read a book a month (minimum)
- write or draw, or something like this

you dont have to like/want any of this. just keep yourself from turning into a blob.
dont think about work yet (if you dont need to)

>> No.22779494

and you can find friends online through videogames. you think you can handle that?

>> No.22779500
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astronomically based, we're all gonna make it bros and siss

>> No.22779504

>work out
I'm not out of shape and my ego is at a fine level.
>play guitar
Tried guitar when I was younger, I'm way too retarded and uncoordinated.
>read a book a month
I've been reading.
>write or draw
I'm really bad at those things so I get discouraged too easily, it's better for my mental health if I don't do them.
I don't play online video games, I get too discouraged when I lose.

>> No.22779522

re: work out
this isn't for ego or anything. im the same. it's 'discipline'. it's just doing something without the need. it's better if you dont have a reason to imo.
AND it will be more important when youre older so start now

in regards to the other things, i wasnt ASKING. you simply just do these things, because you can. that may change, but im the meantime you have to just do it. you shouldnt want results, you arent playing to anyone or showing anyone anything.
no, if you were a fucking idiot you'd do these things out of aspiration. YOU are doing them for abstract purposes.
otherwise replace my tasks with your own. but you cant not do shit. simple as. you cant refute this.
good luck

>> No.22779536

lmao haha

>> No.22779565

if ai can make such convincing imagery it surely can make same with prose or poetry

>> No.22779570
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There is no point to anything anyone anywhere does, from the actions of some tribal cannibal warlord in Africa, to a high level politicians within major nations, and the realization of that fact has sapped any motivation I have to do anything.

The idea that's propagated that you can construct meaning is also a facile attempt at obfuscating the reality that we exist in, a thin veneer that's meant to distract yourself from that reality. It's as "meaningful" as deciding that I want cornflakes instead of fruit loops that morning.

These two beliefs in tandem have painted me into a corner; I cannot find meaning (whether it does exist or not is impossible to say, my perspective trends persistently towards a negative perception, however), and I cannot construct it.

>> No.22779581

damn that "ecstasy surrounds me" song isn't on the new tiga album wtf but this shit goes p hard tho

>> No.22779598
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imagine being some retard on instagram paying 100s of dollars or euros to some bitch to show you her tits and in reality its not a real woman but ai made by some 4channer trolling you.
God I swear there are going to be some men who will inevitably kill themselves when they realise they were simping for a woman that not only doesn't exist but they could generate pictures themselves for free without wasting money. That is both hilarious and disturbing.

>> No.22779607

I’m so tired. I’m so desperate for sleep. I seriously might off myself if this continues. My health is plummeting. Nobody seems to care. Why is it so hard to just be quiet?

>> No.22779608


There's been something similar.

>> No.22779631

this actually brings up an interesting idea from lit theory: that while the authorial intent may be irrelevant i.e. the intentional fallacy, there has to be an author for it to be language otherwise what you're looking at is just marks that happen to look like language. check out knapp and michaels' paper "against theory" where they get into all this. you could apply the same theoretical thinking to love or attraction. which brings another odd thought: what is the relationship between emotions and language? like if you wasted your time interpreting a fake poem generated by a markov chain would u feel ripped off the same way as if u fapped to an ai generated chick? and why?

>> No.22779647

Read Les Enfants maybe 20 yrs ago, still possess a copy

>> No.22779651

Anyone that simps for women online and sends them money should 100% die fast

>> No.22779661

i've been plagued by shitty sleep for like the last 10 years. man it sucks so bad. on the rare day i actually feel rested, it feels weird. like wow i feel all relaxed and mellow and shit and concentrating is sooo easy. normally i just have low level anxiety burning in my nervous system. like the more tired i get the more anxiety and doom paranoia i get. yesterday i only got like 5 hours of sleep and by the time i was home from work at the end of the day i was dooming the fuck out like i hope i die so i can escape this sense of dread that weighing on my chest.

>> No.22779670

Was reflecting on the mere title Paradise Lost yesterday evening (yes, I've read it) feeling that it concerned far more than just the loss of 'Paradise'
Romanticism beginning with Wordsworth is essentially the poetry of loss, in his case the loss of his 'youth'; his problem, or rather his struggle, is to restore his Edenic vision in a context of complete loss, etc.

>> No.22779676

Same here. It’s been almost 10 years. It’s just particularly bad right now and as I get older it hurts me more. But what’s worse is I’m living in a house with people who just don’t seem to be capable of being courteous enough to be quiet. I get that doom and dread feeling too. I try to take mid-day naps but it’s impossible for me.

>> No.22779682

ya but abrahamic "spirituality" was always alien to the west and the operation to graft it on by the failing roman empire was eventually rejected like a pig heart implanted in a man.

>> No.22779684

Sappiness is far more 'real' than whatever it is we think (social) realism is; otherwise advertising wouldn't be as successful as it is

>> No.22779685

>I’m living in a house with people who just don’t seem to be capable of being courteous enough to be quiet.
Not the guys you're replying to but I'm in the same situation, what makes it more annoying is that they're my family.

>> No.22779686

Is advertising that successful?

>> No.22779688

dude for a couple years i had one of the worst roommates imaginable. these dude would have all his teenager friends from the nearby housing projects come over and smoke weed and fuck prostitutes all night almost every night. and one the rare night he didn't have a part until 3 in the morning, he'd being playing fortnite at full blast. if i hear that fortnite siren noise i'll probably have a ptsd flashback. i've never actually seen the game only heard it through the wall so i don't know what it signals, i just know it goes off regularly. now i just live on a noisy street with a loading dock like two buildings down which attracts all kinds of monstrous refrigerated trucks in the morning.

>> No.22779689

The novel was a favorite among the lesser educated middle class and especially among the lesser educated female segment of the lesser educated middle class. The whole of Western modernity can be summarized as an increasing pandering to this group. Poetry, after all, isn’t easily mass produced, but prose fiction is. The novel wasn’t even thought in collegiate-level English programs until the last 100 years and nobody considered the novel an art form until Joyce. It was basically a favorite among the middle class that they often used to sort of offer social criticism or drive narrative with sentimental kitsch, which they love, and the massification of society and economies of agglomeration made it so popular that it supplanted poetry. The total abandonment of classical education in the 19th century did not help. Students today are not even exposed to poetry at all. Even so-called elite schools skip poetry. All this to say it’s not just an abandonment of the spiritual. What you see over the last two centuries, starting around the mid 18th century, peaking in the early 19th and reaching saturation through the 20th into the 21st is a radical and drastic break with the traditional methods of just about everything.

>> No.22779690

There’s no such thing as “Abrahamic spirituality” you fucking pseud.

>> No.22779693

stay triggered, pseud

>> No.22779694

Yeah. Same here. Much younger sibling goes to sleep at 2 am and and parent goes wakes up 6 am. Neither one seems to know how to be quiet, which means I get 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night at most. You should see the damn bags under my eyes dude. And the whole reason I’m here is because they convinced me it would be a quiet peaceful space to study for the MCAT. I seriously want to kill these people some days. They’re so fucking rude and lazy it’s unreal.

>> No.22779696

I had a similar roommate in college but I was in college so I didn’t really care.

>> No.22779698

Mass can-do insouciant ignorance is a tough relay as a point (to convey), anon. Though my feeling is that you're probably looking to convey something extra or beyond just that.
Nice set of descriptions, though. Clearly the modern martial experience has moved away from even that of Jarhead. Good luck

>> No.22779702

I have bags under my eyes too but I think it makes me look cool. My mum has gotten better with the noise but occasionally for some reason (she's also up at six) she'll decide to put away the pots and pans that she cleaned the night prior and she's not gentle with it. I'm generally a light sleeper though so the smallest things wake me up.

>> No.22779704

Praise be to Allah, who revealed the Book, controls the clouds, defeats factionalism, and says in His Book: "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)"; and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad Bin-'Abdallah, who said: I have been sent with the sword between my hands to ensure that no one but Allah is worshipped, Allah who put my livelihood under the shadow of my spear and who inflicts humiliation and scorn on those who disobey my orders.

>> No.22779705

Trying to buy a house today is an unbelievable nightmare. It’s not even that all the really good ones are absurdly expensive and the bad ones are also absurdly expensive. It’s that 99% of houses regardless of price are hideously ugly. They’re all this hideous suburbcore style with a garage, plastic siding, tacky features built in the 70s. Even the expensive ones are just grotesquely ugly and anything not absolutely hideous is so expensive that you’d have to be an idiot to buy it.

>> No.22779707

This is why few like actual poetry, anon. But it's also precisely how knowledge moves, or 'advances'

>> No.22779709

My mother is like a fucking typhoon especially with the pots and pans. 5 am? Still dark out? Know someone requested quiet so they can sleep? Better slam the pots the against the sink for the next 30 minutes. Better put the TV on full volume. Better drop shit and curse and swear in frustration.

Then when I tell her I’m leaving because it’s making my studying harder and I hate it, she tries to guilt trip me.

>> No.22779710

that's why i never bothered to do the gre or gmat cuz i just know the day i have to take the fucking test there will be like a fire truck outside my window for an hour at 3am or maybe some criminal bums will set off the alarm on some building they're trying to break into that will go off all night and morning until about 10am. happened on both nights last weekend. it's really reassuring to know that an ear splitting siren can go off for about eight hours and the cops won't come take a look. apparently it's just there to annoy the thieves more than alert the authorities since they never bothered to show up.

>> No.22779724

Are you me? I want to say that it's weird that two people from across the world can live such similar lives but I guess it's not, there are a lot of people in the world. Just thought I'd add this since it's something that has affected my sleep in the past and it's something else that you might also be able to relate to, I fucking hate people that snore, it pisses me off to no end, it drives me fucking mental. I used to share a room with a guy that snored and I would nearly cry at night because I couldn't get any sleep.

>> No.22779725

Artistically, no.
But that's my point. It doesn't have to be.
Economically, yes, obviously. Otherwise it wouldn't be perpetrated on the mass scale that it is.

>> No.22779729

I guess the only difference though is that I can't leave, I have to live here because I have no job. Wouldn't matter if I did though, housing is too expensive to be able to live by myself in my country and I don't have any friends so it wouldn't matter if I had a job. One of my only dreams is to be able to live comfortably by myself.

>> No.22779732

Boomers don’t give a fuck dude. I’m not surprised that someone else has a parent who is the same. I probably snore so I don’t have an opinion on it.

>> No.22779746
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Of course

>> No.22779886

Having children is murder, as murder is an action that results in death and all children are destined to die

>> No.22779909
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>The pressure of it almost feeling obligatory to have to meet every week to do the same thing is becoming unbearable for me. You go and have some beers because nobody can stand this sober. You have dinner at an expensive place because apparently, you have money to spare. You talk about superficial things and ask a few work-related questions, the answers to which you couldn't care less about. You end up talking about people who aren't there because you really don't have anything in common or anything interesting to say. And you keep drinking, hopefully ending up drunk and convincing yourself that you had a good time. And next week, it starts all over again.
>Journal, December 1st, 2022

>> No.22779934

>anon reminds me of tiga's disco drama mix of soulwax
this song's been living rent free in my head for so long i think it has freehold

>> No.22779956
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Lots of people itt living with noise pollution. I eventually got fed up with inconsiderate polluters and spent money on the problem and I've been sleeping and living in peace ever since. Rhe solution is a layered defense. Table fan + one or two white noise sources + ANC headphones + white noise app will beat at least 65db

>> No.22779970


>> No.22779983

I have a very light cold and I never take any medicine for stuff like that but my mom suggests I take some paracetamol. Should I do it? I know you Americans take medicine for everything, how does that go? I would like to be fully healthy again but I don't want to fall for big pharma.

>> No.22779987

Paracetamol is literally the mildest thing you can possibly take.
Works good against pain.

>> No.22779994

I don't have any pain though. Just maybe a very slight fever and the feeling of being cold.

>> No.22779999

Just now I thought of Bryant's "Thanatopsis" while waking slowly from vague but pleasant dreams in a setting not only made for them, but arranged, just so, with considerable foresight, just for that purpose. It is a serene place, even or especially while rain falls steadily from cool and heavy overcast. Where one is reminded a little while the last of autumn reigns, of peonies and such. And about how much of science fiction is dystopian, in one way or another. Huxley's Brave New World is in some sense an exception to the rule, since its prevailing tone is comic, and ends happily, with its hero retiring to some academic island where his mind is free to do whatever it will in quiet luxury, where the will to speculation, rigorous or relaxed, whatever the vagaries of mood, moves without felt resistance.

>> No.22780002

Doesn't that just put more noise in your ears?
t. Ear plugs enjoyer

>> No.22780009
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put me in the screencap

>> No.22780012

This thread needs to understand the power of inexpensive ear plugs. Go to the super market or cvs and get some today. You will see an improvement as soon as tonight.

>> No.22780015

Then don't take it. I only take it for headaches.
But the idea that paracetamol is Big Pharma is silly. things cost pennies and have less effect on you than half a cup of coffee.

>> No.22780018

I don’t see how this would help. I sleep with white noise playing from either my phone speaker or in my AirPods and if there’s banging and commotion going on in the house, sirens outside, nothing drowns it out. I’m going to by some kind of dark eye mask and I’m looking for some noise cancelling headphones for sleep sort of deal. I desperately need to get out of here and get a place of my own again though so I can control my room, my house, and my life again…

>> No.22780030

I tried that but they don’t stay in my ears. I actually got an ear infection from the foam ones.

>> No.22780033


ANC is pretty good at countering steady ambient noise but not very good at countering sudden intrusions. Having a bunch of white noise in the environment helps the ANC defeat intrusive noises more effectively.

>> No.22780036

Just combat the noise with more artificial noise. Solve water pollution by dumping billions of bioengineered enzymes in the ocean. Build a big machine that sucks the carbon emissions out of the atmosphere and puts them underground. Make textiles out of recycled plastics. We'll combat the horrors of modernity with more modernity and it'll work PERFECTLY

>> No.22780041

Why do middle and working class wives in have no aesthetic sensibility at all. Somehow they all get frumpy, wear terrible clothing, buy ugly homes, decorate it with ugly tacky decor in ugly colors.

>> No.22780046

So what should I be looking to buy exactly? Googling “ANC machine” gives me milling equipment.

>> No.22780052 [DELETED] 

I think I’m going to try to make a career switch to journalism and if that doesn’t work out, I’ll go to graduate school around 33. Or maybe I should just go to law school now. Idk.

>> No.22780069


Can't wait to fly hypersonic jets low over tradcuck zones tbqh. >Vreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*boomboomboom*

Down to personal taste and needs. I use a normal table fan, a dohm white noise generator, and Sony wh-1000xm3 headphones

>> No.22780089
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>> No.22780092

Why journalism?
If you do it on your own fine but if you go to school for it and all that I think that's very stupid.

>> No.22780137

Journalism if you relish horror, Law if you relish eloquence.

>> No.22780145

Deleted because I thought nobody would engage, but here you are

Why journalism? Don’t really want to do anything else. There are at least a few historical journalists that I admire, it’s an industry that I think is mostly repugnant but in which some dignified manner of work is still possible, and because I’ve gotten very used to working remotely on an open schedule and don’t know how I’ll ever go back to living under fluorescent lights in a cube or office ever again. I have no plans at all to study journalism. I’ve been mulling over a graduate degree and I want to study a topic that I also want to write about, but it’s not a journalism program. Those programs are a giant waste of money. So is this one, but less so.

>> No.22780165


>> No.22780188

Personally I admire journalists who have the balls to go where they do. I'm not at all cut out for that, and don't have a clue about how the best of them make a living, or for that matter how many of them are compelled to hustle for lack of legacy, but am often astonished by their work, especially in documentary films.

>> No.22780189

If you don't have any interests and nothing to look forward to, why does the prospect of you "not making it" concern you at all?

>> No.22780193

They stab me with their barbs to inoculate as much of the disease as possible. I don't mean the vax you schizos

>> No.22780221

Lawyers are foremost good actors, journalists attracted to scenes of crime. They differ a whole lot by temperament, if not subject matter. Very intelligent lawyers are often lovable guys, and so are journalists who don't mind travel as much as the profession requires.

>> No.22780237

What sorts of stories do you think you'll be researching?

>> No.22780247

well then give some context drama queen

>> No.22780258

Sorry bro. Rolling.

>> No.22780265

Gotta just start kicking the shit out of them instead. Straight to violence was always the answer.

>> No.22780266

The number gods are telling you both something

>> No.22780269

Hell yeah brother!

>> No.22780273

You're too young for that shit, as the dice tells.

>> No.22780295

But what dubsanon?

>> No.22780301
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In my teens I knew a really cute girl who looked like a fairy princess. We started hanging out and soon fell for each other. But before anything could materialize I moved away. A decade passed and I returned to that small town. She'd changed. Didn't look anything like a fairy now. She had picked up several bad habits including smoking, drinking, and weed. I don't know if it was the smoking that caused it but her face didn't look anything like the sweet skinny girl who I used to carry around. Now morbidly obese, covered in tattoos, wearing stained clothes that seemed like they hadn't been washed in months, I couldn't hardly believe it was the same person. To make matters worse I had gone from an awkward looking lanklet to a literal chad (my friends' words) in the same time. Before you anons accuse me of being vain.. her personality was drastically different too. I saw her randomly waddle to a homeless guy and scream at him so loud that several people walked out of their houses because of the commotion. It was depressing being with her now. She wanted to pick up where we left off.. but whenever I looked at her it felt like my sweet pretty friend was dead and had been replaced with this hideous ogress. It was so unfair, I couldn't believe it. I wondered if my teenage self had been mistaken; what if she wasn't that pretty to begin with and it had been a matter of seeing her through rose-tinted glasses? Nope. She was as adorable as I remembered, if not more so. I spent hours look at her old instagram photos, with tears in my eyes, thinking "she's fucking gone, I'll never meet her again". I mourned for her even though she was very much alive, probably rotting on her couch, scoffing down half a dozen bags of cheetos. To be honest I'm not sure how I can move on. If my literal 10/10 sweetheart could age so horribly, why not any other woman?

>> No.22780303

Well, it seems like it’s pretty possible to get a job as a legislative reporter in my state so I’ll probably try to cover legislative assemblies and courts. But really, I want to write about politics in general.

>> No.22780310

i have sinned
every moment of my life i have sinned
and i keep on sinning
i keep on sinning and sinning and sinning
My sin is to never do what is right
I turn away every moment from what is right and true.
Every single moment of my life.
I can deny it, i can pretend otherwise, but i can not change the truth.

>> No.22780314

I woke up and my body was next to me. Breathing softly. I was kind of handsome and definitely more manly from an outside perspective, but I wasn't sure if it was me or the fact that I wasn't talking. I leaned in my collarbone and fell asleep again.

>> No.22780322

The “best” of them make a living by their parents getting them a staff job at publications like the New York Times. Becoming a journalist is not all that different from becoming an investment banker. You go to a target school, you make clear that you know the party slogans and jump when you’re told to jump, and if you’re connected you get a slot at some big firm that pays you too much to rent an apartment in the Upper West Side. Everyone else has to hustle to write articles that nobody reads for their local publications and they also have to know video, editing, sound, everything and make their own videos for less pay than a teacher.

>> No.22780327

Idk anon I just roll the numbers not interpret them

>> No.22780351

I looked into it and if anon speaks Mandarin, they're prosperous, but not if they speak Cantonese.

>> No.22780361

Aw shit. I do be speaking Cantonese though...

>> No.22780370

>The “best” of them make a living by their parents getting them a staff job at publications like the New York Times. Becoming a journalist is not all that different from becoming an investment banker. You go to a target school, you make clear that you know the party slogans and jump when you’re told to jump, and if you’re connected you get a slot at some big firm

This and there is a degree of revolving door nepotism with the intelligence community since war correspondents are pretty much the only civilians with a plausible excuse for wandering around a war zone with a bunch of sophisticated camera equipment etc

>> No.22780381

Pls face door so your luck flows out

>> No.22780382

The best advice I can give to any anon on this board is to let go of that "doing x thing for y reason is stupid" mentality. If x is the good/right thing, reason y does not matter.

>> No.22780383

If you know a janny help make the world a better place through violence. Kick the teeth out of all jannies. There is no such thing as a good janny.
They just killed the poetry general. Who are these "people"? Why do they show up everywhere I go and destroy everything with any potential? How can these subhumans tell themselves they're not pure evil? What happened to them to turn them into these broken shells and why does everyone else have to pay?

>> No.22780395

Just imagine the type of person who will freely act as a janitor on 4channel

>> No.22780405

Yeah it does appear to be nuked
I don't know how that happened

>> No.22780434

That person is either motivated by the most insane petty shit imaginable or he's a glownigger. There's no chance a reasonable janny has ever existed.
Anyone with any info about jannies should release it, all names, addresses and history. They all deserve so much worse than they'll actually get. They should be terrified of facing consequences of their subversive attacks against the public forum and the human project.

>> No.22780480

>documentary films
Do you happen to live in MA? I am looking to start a documentary crew.

>> No.22780506

I'm tired of making the same mistakes, and now with the threat of being constrained even more by outside force. I need the self restraint, even though I show more self restrain than the past, all it takes is one more ousting and I'll be done. I'm done enough as it is, another year and no progress where it has been needed and wanted for so long.

>> No.22780526

Correct and also with academia. It’s the same circles moving between big media companies, big universities, and government agencies, including intelligent agencies.

>> No.22780527

If someone could, for example, become a high flying investment banker and make a lot of money and although they despise their career and find it ignoble, they use that money to have a nice house, beautiful wife, good kids, to take care of their siblings and their aging parents and do good in the community. Would you advise them to do that if it meant giving up on some dream like being a bohemian poet or something?

>> No.22780532

Any books like Rear Window where characters try to solve a mystery and they're le quirky and funny. I loved that movie but I guess that doesn't exactly work in book form.

>> No.22780543
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>open /lit/ for the first time since forever
>open first thread i spot
>See this

>> No.22780563

I (20) don't have a gf. I don't even have a girl I like. I think there are some girls with a mild interest in me, but I just can't push myself to try and advance the relationship into a romantic one. At the core of my being, I just cannot pursue a girl I'm not properly interested in. I've fumbled a few decent ones too. And honestly I don't even know where to meet girls from different walks of life to my own. Would really appreciate some anon commenting on my retardation in this field and any pointers in any direction.

>> No.22780566

checked and based

>> No.22780576

>i've never actually seen the game only heard it through the wall so i don't know what it signals, i just know it goes off regularly
If I had to guess it's the storm siren. There's a circular storm that slowly encroaches on the map and every couple of minutes it pulls inward to force all surviving players together since you take gradual damage standing in it.

>> No.22780579

Money injections don't take care of anything. Your community and your kids will become spoiled idiots that think life is about banking.

>> No.22780587
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I can get the same result but cheaper while also make everyone's life around a living hell blasting black metal through shitty speakers 24/7.

>> No.22780608

I was a lot like you. Basically didnt talk to girls for years. I'm 24 now. Realizing I was dumb as fuck. You cant know if a girl is right for you if you never get to know her. Are you in college? If so you should be able to meet girls.

>> No.22780615

for me it's experimental folk music

>> No.22780621

I'm an absolute sperg but there's something I've learnt.
If a girl makes any effort to get around you she either wants something from you or is into you.

>> No.22780646

You might like Plan for Chaos by Wyndham. Le quirky pro-am detective is a pretty solid trope in books, from Psmith to Poirot, but you kind of need more than that to pick a style. I chose Plan for Chaos based in your being on 4chan, so that fills out the plot points that aren't press photographer with blonde try to solve weird murder mystery

>> No.22780654

Maybe modern civilization, the past 1850 one, wasn't one about people becoming so degenerate that they abandoned culture for becoming rich. Now that I read a bit more about history, maybe it was more like when the ancient Persians started using nigger slaves to lead more comfortable lives. Perhaps the initial motivation wasn't something too much retarded. But the lesson is that the Persians ended muttifying themselves for this comfort and the same will happen to Europeans if they don't abandon comfort.

>> No.22780658

Goddamn migraines

>> No.22780675

Thanks fren. I'll look into it.

>> No.22780697

Saturn has cursed me and turned me into ugly looking ogre.

>> No.22780701

Could be worse, Zeus could have a crush on you

>> No.22780708

What if vacations aren't actually real and you guys are all messing with me?

>> No.22780709
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>tfw Aquarius Ascendant

>> No.22780721

>born after I can explore sea and new lands, born before I can explore space
This is cope. People are having extraordinary adventures today, meeting interesting people, witnessing interesting things/events, outer space wouldn't even be discovering places.

>> No.22780750

I'll never ever have a gf, might as well get drunk on spirituose.

>> No.22780753

Live music events. cooking, art classes?

>> No.22780754

>I'll never ever have a gf
why not?

>> No.22780755

Why do you need a gf?

>> No.22780769

Because I have thought through it and even though I'm tall, built, lank, intelligent, socially skilled, I simply lack the social skills to get a gf. How do I explain myself? I'm too dumb and retarded to get a gf. I don't know women's need. I couldn't comprehend women's needs.
I don't, but neither do any moral circumstances apply to me like not getting drunk, because it won't make a difference anyways. I'll die childless and alone.

>> No.22780771

Not him but what's a good way to find those? I love the first two and while I can't draw for shit I wish I could so the third is within my realm of interest too.

>> No.22780773

>socially skilled, I simply lack the social skills
are you a retard

>> No.22780778

>I'm too dumb and retarded to get a gf.
not an excuse, dumb and retarded guys get gfs all time.

>> No.22780789

Well, it is not that I cannot hold eye contact and hold conversations, and negotiate for anything in the world like at a job for example, but when it comes to 'getting to things' with women, well, I either take it too fast or too slow, I simply ruin it like in a way so cringe it's forever cringe lol.
But I'm like, my processor doesn't work properly, like some guy said today at work as a joke while presenting me to strangers lol.

>> No.22780798

The irredeemable illiterate retard jannies are still going around deleting threads they don't understand. There is no possible justification, they're simply pure evil and must be opposed on all levels including through physical violence.

>> No.22780804
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>Want to read
>Want to write
>Want to study
>Spend 10 hours a day on /lit/ instead

>> No.22780824

Research all live music venues that you could feasibly travel to and see what's on. Or, the other way would be to look at all the music artists you're into and see if they have any upcoming events.

I've only just started going to live music events last year and I'm in my mid thirties. First one I went to was in a city which is an hour and half away by train, I was nervous, and I went in with little expectation and thoroughly enjoyed it for the music alone and ended up talking with one or two people. That's was a vital thing being open and ready to strike up conversation with anyone that was interested. It's why I've come to value both the importance of small talk and the confidence to be at ease doing it.

You say you can't draw, I'd say that's a big reason to go and find appropriate classes. Learn to draw and maybe make new friends and find potential dates.

>> No.22780834

Dubs and the result will be changed by my efforts.

>> No.22780839

Ahh, slowly getting to that level of drunk where I'm drunk enough to feel something and sober enough to enjoy the process.

>> No.22780848
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My main concern isn't a lack of interest or desire but more not even knowing where to begin looking. Google is plagued by nonsensical, automatically generated, or unmaintained garbage. I actually live within a semi-reasonable drive of Memphis, TN, so music is certainly on the menu, it's just a matter of finding it.
>I'd say that's a big reason to go and find appropriate classes.
Yeah, that's the issue. I'd like to, but how?

>> No.22780857

Are you seriously asking how to find live music in Memphis? Bro you're hopeless

>> No.22780863

feel something?

>> No.22780866

It's nearly two hours away by car so it's still not exactly my first preference, if you get me.

>> No.22780867

>Like flyers ceased to exist with Google
I think you need to look up from screen more

>> No.22780876


>> No.22780877

Ahh, that only in a few hours I'll be disagreeably sitting in the night train to capital city, soberly drunk, smoking cigarettes on no end.

>> No.22780888

Yeah, feel something

>> No.22780900

I'm about to smoke some moonrocks and try to write some shitty poetry or maybe a short story. Wish me luck anons.

>> No.22780901

its so often the case that of the people who appear 'degenerate' the smarter/kinder ones are always from strict religious families. they only adopted the poison later on in life and still retain some of the uncorrupted values and predisposition that their household ingrained in them.

>> No.22780915
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How many books have you finished reading this year?

1-Two arms and a head
2-Elric of Melnibone book 1
3-The way of men
5-American psycho re-read
6-Short timers
7-Into The Wild

The wolf of wall street
Fear and loathing in las vegas
Protocols of zion
One flew over the cukoo's nest
Understanding media
God is not great
The joy of writing sex
Red rising
The death of Ivan Illyich
The grammar book: ESL teacher's course / the grammar bible
Techniques of the selling writer
The art of fiction
The elements of style
Rhetorical grammar
Harry Potter and the methods of rationality
Catch 22 re-read
Notes from the underground
Never split the difference
The storm of steel
Elric of Melniborne 2
My Voice Will Go with You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson
Lazlo Polgar - raise a genius
Truth in Comedy
Gormengahst 1
Pragmatist's guide to religion
Atrocity Fabrication
Can Life Prevail?
Prince of Thorns
The Great Gatsby
Death of a Salesman
The art of thinking clearly
Understanding Media
La Raza Cosmica
Shooting an Elephant

I didn't drop those books because they were bad (some of them I dropped near the end) I just felt like moving on to something else.
Any recs based on this?

>> No.22780918


>> No.22780921

checking anon's various repeating numbers and rousing addictions

>> No.22780925

Bipolar disorder seems like a huge meme. I mean, isn't basically everyone like that?

>> No.22780933

I really doubt it bro. Everytime something goes right, three things go wrong.

>> No.22780937

The ceiling lamp reflecting on my vodka. The radiator sound kindly filling the background with noise. Everything seemed in harmony with nature.

>> No.22780938
File: 48 KB, 1080x908, 1666624244803328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone give me some lines or some imagery to include in my next writing exercise. I'll check back in half an hour and post the results after that.

>> No.22780941

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed

>> No.22780942

I think it was the 8th shot of a vodkaoid beverage. Just enough to be drunk for a prolonged period of time without appearing so and without getting any downsides.

>> No.22780974

Why does it feel like I need bigger doses of copium than others? Is it because I don't drink?

>> No.22780984

drinking doesnt help
t. me

>> No.22781000
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Anyone else genuinely surprised at how much being a racist right winger on 4chan in 2014 was betting on the right horse

I feel like even I knew in 2014 that I was marginalizing myself from society. Now everybody is getting more racist and right wing by the day, and the people who aren't are doing everything they can to piss off the people who are. I feel like I invested in a good stock or something.

>> No.22781004
File: 84 KB, 252x252, 1653000368095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered the dream I had last night.
I had to marry a literal female bear that was the daughter of a giant demon mother bear, in order to make peace between human and bearkind and stop her mother from slaughtering humanity.
I'm not a furry, so I was adverse to it, but I ended up getting along with her and remembered I'm a vocel who doesn't need sex, and it ended up being strangely peaceful with a happy ending.

>> No.22781008

A semi-retarded gangbanger fails to vet a pervert-female’s pervy past, inadvertently transmitting pregnancy (DNA extrapolation remains infeasible), credit card debt (marriage binds one’s debt to the other as if two souls were merged magically), and HIV (it’s not as bad as the real world, for the carriers, but it’s super volatile in the babies, so the baby is gonna live for like a few years except the man cuck doesn’t know if it’s his; also, the babies can make clones of themselves to: they all dir within two years, but only from the moment of conception or cloning, so they can permanently keep cloning themselves before the original or the one from before dies )

>> No.22781048


>> No.22781114

Bears are very pragmatic creatures, you chose a good wife

>> No.22781115

Dang scammer tricked me. I got several texts about a birthday party, and I tried to be nice by saying it's the wrong number, then they sent a picture of a hot girl saying it was them. I'm a fool.

>> No.22781173
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>By age 25-30 3.9% of men and 5.8% of women will remain virgins
If you take into account that most of these people are probably incels, not volcels, that means people like myself are pretty rare birds. I even turned down sex with a girl that I loved. Who does that? A wizard, that's who. I'm a member of the elite wizard aristocracy. I have made it.

>> No.22781189


>> No.22781193

Yes, also Kant, Eriugena, Tesla, and many other based men. Virgin power is real.

>> No.22781200

I got texts like that before. I texted back "wrong number" and the person said "oh haha my bad you seem cool anyway how you doing haha" and then sent me some phishing links

>> No.22781202

I should rewatch Kill la Kill

>> No.22781205

>Go to sleep late, figure I'll be able to sleep in since it's my birthday.
>Landlord decides to send a plumber around at 8:00 on a Saturday.
>I've gotten less than six hours of sleep.
>I'm gonna go insane.

>> No.22781224

Nah, you should rewatch Hellsing Ultimate. Also Gantz and Akira.

>> No.22781240

i watched Gantz-0 the other day, great movie

>> No.22781243

>tired of retards IRL
>escape to books
>most authors are retarded as well

>> No.22781248

>housemate having sex
>fuck-juice smell waft into my room, can't ignore the smell
>spray my entire room with air freshener, can still smell it
I hate having a sensitive sense of smell. His room is down the hall but I can still smell it faintly

>> No.22781251

>>I've gotten less than six hours of sleep.
>>I'm gonna go insane.
You're fine. Try 2 days straight without sleep and then get back to me

>> No.22781254

Start keeping piss bottles. Leave them uncapped so the piss smell wins against his gay sex smell

>> No.22781259

>I've had it worse, that means your situation can't be shitty.
Shut up, retard.

>> No.22781260

I'm gonna be 24 in March. Still a virgin.
I've turned down many opportunities. I just don't have the courage or will for sex.
It just seems gross and wrong no matter what to me

>> No.22781265

Just live in a house.

>> No.22781266

I like to jerk off but penetration is so disgusting. I can't get off to it

>> No.22781267

Are you also the anon who complained he only got $150 instead of $200 from his mom for his birthday and cant buy a chess set?

>> No.22781276


>> No.22781286
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Sure. Happy birthday anon, I'll smoke some weed in your honor.

>> No.22781290

Why are so many girls fat by the age of 20? You guys need go stop finding fat women hot, you're only encouraging them.

>> No.22781292

Be good, lose the need to play them through that.

Menstruation and the cultural shift to womanhood typically starts past that age - you've typed an inaccurate statement about girls.

That's manageable as long as you don't get rejected by your woman.


Curb your violent tendencies, anon! If you don't there will be a lot more disrespect than what's causing it now.

Conciseness is an art.

Can I get an AMEN!

You're going to make it in your own unique way.

Make 'it'.

That's your coolness radiating!

Changing diet changes dreams, usually.

That's economic, frugal, and therefore based - this is /lit/, not /fa/: function over fashion.

This is based on a catholic Mary-cult level.

It's seems to be lot of work, but education is worth the effort.

That's a 6/10 for urgeposting.

A+ for cardiovascular posting

I'd just write, and let the ideas come with writing.

Over here, it's not huge. No.

Eh, fooling people with AI generated images will always be fooling people with AI generated images.

Busta Rhyme it, man.

You're not NGMI, you're now just NMI.

Well, then no wonder you think you're NGMI. You need to start losing and losing a lot in order to see that only through losing and persistence, you'll win, and even when you win, you still lose. t. 30-year old loser who still loses but sometimes wins.

>Ask your doctor
>If your mom is a doctor, ask another doctor

>> No.22781297

I've never experienced it but seems nasty to me.
Genitals also gross me out and turn me off
Full of slimey body juices...

>> No.22781302

OK, I lied, I was the one that complained about getting less money but that was some other anon that said he wanted a chess set, I don't care about chess.

>> No.22781306

>sung stories are not for /lit/
lol no you can't make me, without me making everyone take homer there too

>> No.22781308

And thanks for the happy birthday, it's the first one I've received so far, hope your weed is good.

>> No.22781312

A fat woman is truly a bizarre thing to behold, it's like a man with a brain like Albert Einstein but he sleeps 23.9 hours per day. All that potential power and it's just locked away and useless. You have ONE life, you rolled Easy Mode (Woman), you are at the peak Easy Mode of Easy Mode (Youth), and you waste it on being fat?! 95% of the joys of being alive as a woman are just lost to you now. I feel like the government should hire me to wake up fatties to how badly they're wasting their lives.

>> No.22781323

He means he wants to have sex with preteens without the inconvenience of legality and parents.

>> No.22781331

I can develop a new need for the many ways in which decide to communicate my message to the world even if they seem at times to be a different way of analyzing the different flowdowns or approaches in which we may decide to enter into a new form of reality that is based on typing very fast and flowing and going and choosing what is right and what is wrong not based on values of the past but based on a way of understanding the reality dynamics of current meta level awareness of my own named and identity, that which does not decide in any matter form or way to depend on anything that has will or indeed may prior reinforce the skepticality of the divine certitude of my writings.

>> No.22781334

I consulted the oracle. You should buy some cool Nikes with your birthday money. That, or some gin, some pineapple juice, a half quarter of some premium dank, and a pizza with two dipping sauces. Then you should watch There Will Be Blood or read Child of God.

>> No.22781341

I disagree. You can be fairly large as a woman and still have many men interested in you. As long as you are still seen as fuckable. If you mean grossly fat then I agree

>> No.22781346

Every woman is seen as fuckable by some guy, unfortunately that doesn't go both ways.

>> No.22781351
File: 85 KB, 695x1024, 1675567920039800m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt want a self concious chubby girlfriend who will make you dinner and surprise you with baked good after doing your laundry
Never gunna make it.

>> No.22781357

>no girls would ever ugly bastard
>grills: beauty and the beast, frog prince, shrek, vampires and werewolves and sliced up bad boys oh my
Girls are hentai mfers adjacent to furries

>> No.22781360

There are lots of women into ugly guys, just be aware that they like them for weird depraved psychosexual reasons

>> No.22781363

We don't need to tell anon about fujoshi, let him think tentacles are only in Lovecraft and stories about fishing boats

>> No.22781372

I'm aware that there are women that are into ugly guys, I'm just saying that there are men out there who would fuck a woman from My 1000 lb life but you would struggle to find a woman that would fuck a guy if he weighed that much.

>> No.22781376

I would find her body repulsive. Also, fat people (chubby is just small fat) always have terrible personalities and attitudes, it gets worse with the amount of weight.

>> No.22781377

>Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; And in sin did my mother conceive me. Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: And in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

>> No.22781383

>stories about fishing boats
>the cutest drawings of moby dick fanart are always the two to a bunk sleeping conversations
Girl will read whaling novels if they can smell boy love in them, nothing is safe

>> No.22781403

There are fat girls that are considered hot by many men tho. These are the kind of girls that if they lost weight they would be really hot. There are also fat girls that most men find gross. The hotter fat girls are curved nice whereas in the others the fat just sits in gross places.

Also, men only care about looks. Women care about your identity more. So you can be some guy in a wheelchair that gets more women than an average looking guy if you are more “man” than him. Identity can be changed. Looks can barely be changed much

>> No.22781405
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, fodse_makeupholocaust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks can barely be changed much

>> No.22781475

Ok you’re right. Women can deceive us with makeup. But a 5/10 compared to a 10/10 is such a large difference that the 5 would need major surgery to overcome.

>> No.22781590

Cleaned my room, feels good

>> No.22781624

Good job bucko. Here, have a Xanax

>> No.22781638


>> No.22781793

Kys, Nordicist subhuman POS.

>> No.22781832

close air openings, welcome the air from outside or light a candle
t. sensitive smeller

>> No.22781838

I love chubby girls. They're the funniest to be around. Truly fat ones are disgusting though

>> No.22781848

My very overweight friend fucked two girls. I initially thought they were using him as a fucktoy because he's a nice guy but one was with him for over 2 years and even drove for hours to see him. For some people it really isn't about the looks.

>> No.22782496
