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/lit/ - Literature

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2277747 No.2277747 [Reply] [Original]

What is the weirdest novel you have ever read? Not weird as in it sucked because it was so strange, not weird as in different for the sake of difference... but truly unusual/eerie shit that was well-written.

>> No.2277753


>> No.2277749

The last half of Steppenwolf.

>> No.2277761
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The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches

What the fuck man.

>> No.2277769

OP here. I like where this thread is going.

>> No.2277774

quints get

>> No.2277775

so close and yet so far
check mine though

>> No.2277777

eat poop

>> No.2277778


merry quincemas

>> No.2277779


Guess you have to do it, OP.

>> No.2277781

inb4 /lit/storm

>> No.2277788

do it OP. Eat poop.

>> No.2277795

Let the right one in.
What the actual fuck lit...

>> No.2277831

Them literary quints.

>> No.2278029

how long do /lit/ threads last? I want to check tomorrow morning.

>> No.2278031


>tomorrow morning

You're safe.

>> No.2278047

the Urantia book or Beelzebub's tales to his Grandson are both pretty trippy

>> No.2278054


>> No.2278064

It's not that weird, but Something Wicked This Way Comes is remarkably eerie.

>> No.2278073
File: 335 KB, 973x1600, 5-31-2010+10%3B30%3B18+PM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought this off Amazon for a penny (+ shipping) because /lit/ recommended it in some horror thread. It's now one of my favorite books.

>> No.2278095

An excerpt of In The Realms of the Unreal (aka The Vivian Girls)

>> No.2279147


>> No.2279154

House Of Leaves.
If you can get past the typography and the way it's structured, it's actually really well written. By the end of it it's creepy as fuck, also.

>> No.2279155

Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.2279158

Not a novel, but I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream is pretty fucked up.

>> No.2279173

The collector weirded me out a little. Just kept coming back to me..
but it wasn't that weird really.

>> No.2279202


>> No.2279230


>> reported.

>> No.2279276

In the Heart of the Country by J. M Coetzee

>> No.2280309


>> No.2280317

Kafka deserves his obligatory mention.

>> No.2280472

something about the vacuum of space being breatheable, a lactating astronaut and NASA giving out free poisoned duck.

>> No.2280474

Steppenwolf gets pretty weird

>> No.2280475

Probably Molloy by Samuel Beckett. It's not really eerie, but it's weird in a way that made me feel all sorts of things - confused sad, amused, intrigued etc.