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/lit/ - Literature

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22762833 No.22762833 [Reply] [Original]

monday morning edition.....

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous >>22756330

>> No.22762865

Sort of. In the second series, there is one character who learns to swordfight out of necessity. But the main cast of characters who are soldiers are all men. It's a very patriarchal society.

>> No.22762883

>grr I'm so tough, I'm a girl from the slums who tried to pickpocket an Imperial Justice and was only spared from having my hand taken off because he was how promising and tough I was!
>oh nooooo necromancy aaaaaa save me mr Vonvalt and mr. Bressinger ;_; if only I knew then how bad things would really get
This is getting kind of tiresome. Please tell me the next book in the Empire of the Wolf series by Richard Swan is less obnoxious about this.

>> No.22762891
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Shota Raistlin!

>> No.22762899

The Wood Beyond the World have lovely language but was quite dull. I realise it predates it, but everything you want from TWBTW you can get and more from The King of Elfland's Daughter.

>> No.22762902

I was considering having the four books for December for the /sffg/ Goodreads group be from sff authors that died during the year again, but when I looked there didn't seem to be enough notable ones, so I guess not. So, I'm going to go with something else. I have some ideas, but once again I'm open to whatever. My current thought is police or the private detective sorts. I have four books picked out already, but I don't know if it's that's the right choice for now.

I may be doing non-reading stuff for most of December, so you shouldn't expect me to have read and wrote about a new book each thread for December using my sffg tripcode. I don't have one for this thread either. I've read more books, but nothing I feel like writing about right now.

There's been an uptick recently in those joining the Goodreads group. I'm not quite certain what that's about, but sure, why not?

I'll have another silly thing to vote on regarding what I'll be doing next year in terms of reading around Dec 1st.

I don't know how much I'll be doing for the 2023 /sffg/ report/retrospective at the end of the year.

After the last stuff I did with mega, it's again a low priority. There are new images to add, though I think a lot may be dupes. They're for movies though. I've been adding a few as they are posted in this thread one by one.

I believe that covers everything at once regarding what I'm involved with that's relevant to this thread. If you have any questions let me know.

>> No.22762915

No, not really. You'll probably find as tiresome and obnoxious, if not more so.

>> No.22762943

I'm not caring much for Cugel and his adventures in Dying Earth.
Also from the title I expected more foreboding or depression. These are very light hearted and goofy at times.

>> No.22762950

Read Lyonesse if you want a more sombre Vance fantasy (although it still maintains a good sense of humour)

>> No.22762953

Is it the same setting or an independent work?

>> No.22762958

A different, pseudo-historical setting. It's a trilogy.

>> No.22762973

Why do fantasy writers love to put in incest in their stories?

>> No.22762990

Name one thousand and five hundred examples.

>> No.22762992

But have you read Wolfe???

>> No.22763030

Because incest is awesome, please respond with scifis featuring incest

>> No.22763068

The No-God fucking WHEN

>> No.22763070

Not him but Shadow is half compelling because it doesn't explain shit, then the other half is a 50-year-old writing about the chad he wishes he was, which is less compelling to say the least

>> No.22763077
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>> No.22763083

Morte de Arthur

>> No.22763084

Any fantasy and/or sci-fi set in sanatoriums/mental institutions?

>> No.22763180

If you're looking for melancholy in works, I recommend reading grrm's works like bitterblooms, the lonely songs of larren dorr, windhaven, dying of the light

>> No.22763184

Bakker's prose is tasty

>> No.22763213

Dozens of truly excellent fantasy writers and the best you could recommend anon was GRRM?

>> No.22763235

Name one writer who is better at writing melancholic stories than grrm

>> No.22763241

hobb and it's not even a contest

>> No.22763332

Hobb's characters are dogshit and dull, thoughever

>> No.22763333
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1/5 Actual garbage. I had more fun reading the Political Speeches of Cicero than this trash. The characters are bland and boring, the plot is dogshit, the protagonist is a pedophile, and the sci-fi aspect of its so uninspired that one of the main highlights was a roomba, A FUCKING ROOMBA. 3rd Heinlein book and I have decided he's dogshit, and no one can convince me otherwise.

>> No.22763358

>the protagonist is a pedophile
picked up

>> No.22763395


>> No.22763397
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>> No.22763408
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The Wood Beyond the World. Already posted about it earlier ITT.
the great ordeal the Ishterebinth sections are pure kino. I could read bakker describing the non-men citadel for pages and pages. one of the most modern takes on 'elves' I've read
Piranesi. Heard it's eerie and quite beautiful in parts. Looking for a short standalone novel before moving to aspect emperor book 4. That, or I'll read another of Plato's early dialogues. I'm up to Crito.

>> No.22763488
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Are pic related any good?

>> No.22763497
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22763500
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22763522
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Awake in the Night Land
would recommend

thinking of finally checking out one of the big modern scifi writers. banks, reynolds, hamilton, etc.

>> No.22763633
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also every GRRM book

>> No.22763651

I hate this faggot like you wouldn't believe

>> No.22763667

No it's not, I'm reading Darkness right now and I can't believe I got memed into reading this shit. I think you're shilling Bakker as a prank and you got me good. I don't care if his prose WAS good (it's not), anyone who unironically uses the words cock and cunny in a narrative is immediately disqualified from being taken seriously. And I refuse to believe boy-rape and pederasty have to be this thematically prevalent in a work of fiction without the author being an actual pedo.

>> No.22763678
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Embassytown by Mieville. I liked the first half and the world-building more than the second half, in which the plot just starts to tumble around. But overall it was good. I liked the City and the City more

Gavelston by Pizzolato. Violent neo-noir by the guy that did the True Detective shows. Great so far.

I'm in a weird "history and war" mood so I will probably read A History of Warfare by Keegan next.

truth shines!

>> No.22763704

>I think you're shilling Bakker as a prank and you got me good.
this is my first post about him but ok.
I haven't got to the pedo bits yet.

>> No.22763708

At least read past the first page of the prologue before commenting on Bakker's prose.

>> No.22763716

I finished the prologue. Did you not like the prose there?

>> No.22763717

How did you miss the book opening with a little boy being raped?

>> No.22763730

the 'when no one is left alive' part? Maybe it gets more graphic later but that was a relatively light implication of rape compared to what it will be like later (according to you). If I'm honest I don't really like gratuitous sexual violence so I may end up DNFing it. Regardless, I like what I've read so far.
does he really use cunny...?

>> No.22763747

Yes he does. The barbarians also use the term "faggot" which also takes me out of it. It comes off as too modern.

>> No.22763761

>It comes off as too modern
That's the thought I had when you said cunny lol. Isn't that directly a 4chan reference? I'm less excited about the rest of the book now...

>> No.22763765

No, cunny wasn't made up by 4chan and the book was published about a year before moot brought this hellhole online
>tfw been here since 2005

>> No.22763767

lol 2011-2012 here
how can you even stand modern /lit/?

>> No.22763791

I can hardly stand this site in its current form, but my resentment of it was a slow boil as the quality of discourse declined and anybody who wanted to have a good faith conversation jumped shop, I assume to reddit or something. This site has been such a consistent part of my online life that it feels weird to abandon it entirely. Like this 2ch format is a comfort blanket or something. Occasionally something entertaining still happens.

Anyway, maybe Prince of Nothing gets better in the later books, but as of midway through Darkness, my impression has ranged from uninvested to repulsed. It's given me a lot of point of reference on what I DON'T want to have in my own worldbuilding fantasy project.

>> No.22763793

>I think you're shilling Bakker as a prank and you got me good.

Every thread on /lit/ is FUD, psyop, or laughably transparent guerilla marketing. Don't tell me you actually payed money for degen slop by some literal who

>> No.22763802

>Like this 2ch format is a comfort blanket or something. Occasionally something entertaining still happens.
iktf. "something entertaining" is the first high that keeps us coming back.
>It's given me a lot of point of reference on what I DON'T want to have in my own worldbuilding fantasy project.
interesting, let me ask you again as a writer: do you think I should finish this book? Has it put you off writing rape into your story or are you referring to something else in the book?

>> No.22763855
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Martial World - Volume 13 The Ancient Phoenix Clan
Martial World - Volume 14 True Martial World
Martial World - Volume 15 Geniuses of the Divine Realm First Martial Meeting

Thanks for the anon that talked about Lin Ming here and gave me the name of the novel, im really having fun

>> No.22763870

I plan on finishing the book and if the ending hooks me enough maybe I'll progress. I got through every current aSoIaF book and grit my teeth through Gurm's many disgusting fetishes, but what more or less engaged in the overall story.
I wasn't planning on putting sexual violence, but I did have a draft of a chapter where a character, goading a cowardly boy he's trying to toughen up, barks, "When [the enemy] comes, will you just spread your arse so that [your sister] may bear witness to her fate? Is that how you want to meet your ancestors? With a dry blade and a bloody arsehole?" It was pretty low hanging fruit and I wasn't married to the line. My writer friend looked it over and commented how references to sexual violence in aSoIaF-style stories don't really come off as shocking or edgy anymore, just kind of gross. I thought he made a good point and we workshopped a replacement that was more specific to their culture but still had the threatening bite without invoking rape and it was a much stronger choice.
After reading the third reference to boy-rape in Darkness, I've decided I don't want to mention sexual violence at all.

>> No.22763882
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>> No.22763889

Sounds like you made the right choice and your friend had a point, but I think you handled it fine considering the context. But I'm with you, SV has never been interesting to me in a story and has the ability to repulse a reader completely.

>> No.22763920

>uses the words cock and cunny in a narrative
caught you, the later word is not used in the first book

>> No.22763921
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Why do like this archetype for your MC?

>> No.22763927

>"When [the enemy] comes, will you just spread your arse so that [your sister] may bear witness to her fate? Is that how you want to meet your ancestors? With a dry blade and a bloody arsehole?"

>> No.22763941

Yes it is, when Sarcellus is thinking about how Old Father fucked Esmi, the thinks about her "cunny", using that word specifically. Check if you don't believe me.

>> No.22763951

yeah thats sounds legit actually

>> No.22763958

When one really gets down to it, even reading LitRPG slop or Warhammer or Star Wars books is a better use of time than reading and posting regularly on this site — so are we really in any position to criticize people who do?

>> No.22763963

if the dichotomy you're proposing is reading litrpgs or not reading at all and posting on 4chan then yes

>> No.22763966

This is what it ended up being (so far, everything is still technically an alpha draft and I might tighten this one up for brevity)
>“Tell me, Blå̄ža Tøron, what good is a coward to his clan? If your sense of honor is no better than that of an exile, then take the brand and let us be rid of you! Is that what you want? Would you have Thakki lose her last remaining brother to his own dishonor?”

>> No.22763978

>Star Wars
Matthew Stover's stuff is actually pretty decent. Shatterpoint, Traitor, etc.
Peter Fehervari's stuff is actually pretty good. Fire Caste, Requiem Infernal, The Reverie. There are several other books which rise to the level of "good for what they are", not the high end of genre fiction by any means but fun and very readable.
Ok, fine, I got nothing. I disagree with your basic premise here, reading 4chan posts is a better use of time than reading any LitRPG I've encountered.

>> No.22763982

she doesn't just learn to swordfight, she gains superhuman strength and reflexes, is literally chosen by god, is confirmed to be spiritually perfectly pure and guaranteed to go to heaven, and trudges across the entire continent while pregnant

she's such a blatant mary sue I'm half convinced hakker was simply trolling at that point.

>> No.22763987

Maybe it'll hit harder when you've tightened it up but the original line works for me. It might be out of place compared to the rest of your dialogue but if this is supposed to be a moment where your MC gets scared straight then it would work (for me).

>> No.22763996

This is a clan-based society and exile is the most sever punishment one can face. They are ritualistically unpersoned and branded on the face so that all they encounter know they are not to be trusted, leaving them to the mercy of the elements. It is better to be ass-raped than to be exiled. Because of this context, I think it hits harder than the rape threat.

>> No.22764001

Full scene for context:

>> No.22764012

>Blå̄ža Tøron,
don't do this. most of your readers won't know or care how to pronounce the ESL markings anyway.

>> No.22764025

Nope, I like autismal diacretics and how they lend to each language's distinct aesthetic.

>> No.22764031

the context does add something to the threat, although now it seems like a choice between two different things. One is the threat of his enemy, the other is the threat of his own tribe. From the sounds of it the latter works better here.
btw you end some dialogue with ',' even though the character doesn't speak on the next line e.g.
>“Aye, settle cousin,” Holn said.
I'm not sure if this is a stylistic choice?

>> No.22764035

Looks like standard dialogue punctuation to me.

>> No.22764038

I might just be retarded

>> No.22764042

>Blaʒa Toron

>> No.22764059

Any sci-fi horror recs? Looking for something with that same atmosphere of isolation as the first Alien film.

>> No.22764070

Any recommended alt-history books?
I read The Man in the High Castle but it was boring and The Plot Against America was just "oy vey this could be the anudda shoah". I also remember this one where Jesus wasn't killed and started a revolt, but that took a backseat to the actual plot.

>> No.22764082

Lovecraft if you don't mind it being more fantasy than sci-fi and being set in the 20s.
You know the thing is pretty much based on lovecraft works right?
I'd reccommend the Color out of space, the Whisperer in darkness or At the mountains of madness.

>> No.22764092

Oh I've already read my share of Lovecraft. He's good but not quite what I'm looking for in this instance.

>> No.22764101

Thanks for reading. Didn't think anyone would give it a chance. The incest was inspired by Mordred and Arthur as well as GoT. The story needed some form of grotesque issue

>> No.22764199

Hold on, I was going to read your book because of the incest but now you're saying it's grotesque? Don't know if it'll be my thing now.

>> No.22764313
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>I like autismal diacretics

>> No.22764325

Martial World - Samsara of Life and Death, BLAME!, and Frieren.
Martial World - A Light in the Dark.
Considering I'll have two MW books left after my current read, I think I'll have a quick buffer. I'm debating between Heaven's Laws: Monolith, the sequel to the cultivation story where the femMC gets raped and then unraped, OR maybe I'll check out that Neverness book that seemed interesting, like some sci-fi I can get behind.

>> No.22764333
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>> No.22764336

Can anyone recommend me a good, affordable edition of the Empire novels from Asimov?
>The Stars Like Dust
>Pebble in the Sky
>The Currents of Space
Has to be the same edition, paperback would be great, mass market paperback is also alright.
I bought the 2023 Harper Voyager edition and the print is shit and the paper doesn't look too great either.

>> No.22764340

I'd rather read humorous scenes from Dungeon Crawler Carl than the one millionth newfag embarrassing himself with his shit taste and smug shitposting attitude in this thread day-in and day-out.

>> No.22764354

Islands in the Net / Bruce Sterling
overall good, not really a fan of his writing style
Earth Abides / George Stewart
very good, some plotholes but still great to read
don't know, I finished Earth Abides last night

>> No.22764374

Its not treated like GoT where it's accepted and glorified, but rather like Arthur where it's seen as a curse.

>> No.22764472

Is there a single story among these where the MC isn't a cuckold or roastie?

>> No.22764484

>where the MC isn't a cuckold
that's not allowed these days because marrying a virgin is basically rape by restricting her access to information (on how other men's dicks feel in her every hole). therefore every literary heroine has to have a long and storied sexual past, which makes anybody romancing her a cuckold by definition.

>> No.22764496

Primal hunter. Author made mc "based" but the story and other characters are just literal garbage, half way pov changes to some roastie pov. So much for basedness

>> No.22764499

>which makes anybody romancing her a cuckold by definition
I don't think that's the definition of cuckold

>> No.22764515

Dungeon Crawler Carl is the best option out of those. The MC has bigger balls than most the cast and most MCs in general.

>> No.22764527

>inb4 that one retard who keeps insisting that Carl is a cuck

>> No.22764532

a cuckold is someone whose wife/gf fucks another dude. time is just the fourth dimension of spacetime. if you're not ok with your wife flying out and fucking some dude in the bahamas even though it's thousands of miles away, why would you be ok with her fucking some dude in the past simply because it's thousands of seconds away? she's still doing it, you're just not there to observe it.

>> No.22764533

Women are just doing exactly what men who have easy access to sex do.

>> No.22764542

I think the key issue here is that during that time, it's likely you didn't even know each other existed and that sex could've been in the context of a previous monogamous relationship.

>> No.22764550

Lol there he goes. Over and over in every thread.

>> No.22764551

you don't see your wife while she is in the bahamas, how is that any different from you not seeing her while she is in the past? retard. is it ok if she decides to be monogamous with the bahamas nigger?

>> No.22764557

I literally don't care about women's perspective on anything. They can do whatever the fuck they want, why should that affect my standards? I want virgin wives and I want many.

>> No.22764560

who is carl? I don't read litrpg schlock. just because you happen to disagree with this website's common definition of cuckoldry doesn't mean that everybody calling you out on it is the same anon.

>> No.22764564

Monogamous and cheating are mutually exclusive. How warped is your brain that you think "Is it okay if she's monogamous while she cheats on you?" is a coherent sentence?

>> No.22764568

>website's common definition
newfags make up their own phrases and words, and subsequent definitions, to make sure they're right in every argument
>giving any amount of a shit what any 2010+ newfag posts

>> No.22764586

it's not cheating. she annuls her marriage to you, fucks the bahamas nigger while in a monogamous relationship with him, then goes back to being in a relationship with you. this is kosher in islam btw.

after all, you are fine with her fucking other guys so long as he offsets it along the time axis.

>> No.22764589

>Is it okay if she's monogamous while she cheats on you?
also, disregarding your attempts at deflection, if you are okay with her cheating on you if she relocates it along the time axis, why are you not ok if she relocates it along the spatial x axis?

>> No.22764595

Do you guys have any recommendations for a medieval fantasy novel about adventuring as a party or being in a mercenary company?

>> No.22764608

>she annuls her marriage to you,
You didn't mention this before and it changes the context of the scenario entirely. You were trying to frame it like the wife was sneaking off to commit adultery in secret, but now this is in the context of a relationship that broke up and later reconciled. In this scenario, I'd be dating other people during the break period as well.

>> No.22764614

The Black Company

>> No.22764617

Black Company

>> No.22764622

>Dungeon Crawler Carl is the best option out of those. The MC has bigger balls than most the cast and most MCs in general.
And yet he had to be cuckolded at the start of the story.

>> No.22764630

>if she relocates it along the time axis, why are you not ok if she relocates it along the spatial x axis?
Because she's not traveling back in time to cheat, you schizophrenic. You can't cheat on someone of you literally don't know they exist, let alone aren't dating/married to them.

>> No.22764642

Cucking by time travel is an interesting concept to explore through science fiction, anon, but it isn't real. Ah well, /sffg/ relevant, I suppose.

>> No.22764643

Much appreciated

>> No.22764653

>I want virgin wives and I want many.
How many do you have currently?

>> No.22764668


>> No.22764679

>Primal hunter. Author made mc "based" but the story and other characters are just literal garbage, half way pov changes to some roastie pov. So much for basedness
Okay, that's bad enough but even this guy got cuckolded by his girlfriend with his best friend. I wasn't kidding when I mentioned cuckolds. All of these I could find info on mentioned that the MC gets cheated on.

>> No.22764692

Bakker 1
Bakker 2

>> No.22764696


>> No.22764698

Not my fault that you guys tolerate cuckoldry so much that I have to constantly check everything you recommend for cuckshit.

>> No.22764702


>> No.22764712

When everything is cuckoldry, nothing is cuckoldry.

>> No.22764716

Have you read Reverend Insanity yet?

>> No.22764720

Everything has been cuckoldry since ~2012 when the newfags picked it up. It replaced "faggot" as the go-to insult except newfags genuinely believe everyone they call a cuckold is actually a cuckold.

>> No.22764724

Sorry, I take some of this back. Everything was cuckoldry until 2016, when everyone magically became a transsexual. polite sahgey

>> No.22764742

>When everything is cuckoldry, nothing is cuckoldry.
Which is why I only call the series that straight up feature the MC walking in on his girlfriend fucking his best friend (or similar) cuckshit.

>> No.22764749

I don't like bugs.

>> No.22764752

>can't make up legitimate reasons to dislike a book
>makes up stuff instead

>> No.22764756

Yeah you do that because you don't know what cuckoldry is.
>When everything is cuckoldry, nothing is cuckoldry.

>> No.22764759

The reason fantasy sucks now is that people misconceive it as a genre and think it's primarily out a) characters, b) "believable" or intricate worlds (magic systems, byzantine politics), c) high-level and thus highly self-conscious speculative or moral elements.

Fantasy really exists specifically at the layer appreciated by Wagner and Tolkien, the layer of symbols and archetypes, so it can't be about characters in the sense of realist literature, especially the kind of hyper-reflexive realism that dominated certain types of modernism and then postmodernism. Characters like Conan and Bilbo are not dead archetypes but they are also not utterly contingent, utterly unique individuals. Fantasy characters "lean into" archetypality. Bilbo's archetype was perfect, Tolkien masterfully shows within the first 20 pages that Bilbo is both like other Hobbits and not like them. Other Hobbits will never be a subject of any story because they are archetypally "those that never leave the village," they are the village. Bilbo is not totally "not of the village," but he feels the call to leave, and so he's the archetypal young man caught between the village and his strange desire to risk everything and strike off on his own. This archetype has a classic arc that can travel through the story, and it would simply be otiose to add contingencies like a feud between Bilbo and Gandalf. Instead Bilbo's feuds all make sense in the context of his archetype: they make him, and the reader, question whether Bilbo should have stayed in the village or whether this is part and parcel of striking off.

Fantasy also has to take place on a "frontier," from the perspective of both the characters and the reader. A frontier in the sense that it can't be a "finished," intricate world, even if that intricacy is known only to the author and revealed in bits. The very sense that the intricacy is there, waiting to be revealed, destroys the feeling of the wild frontier, of the unexplored land. If the reader is elevated "above" the world by knowing that it's really a complex moral parable or metaphysical metaphor, it becomes a little diorama and the characters become little puppets. We no longer see the world from below, with Bilbo, at the foot of huge mountains. We instinctively wonder where these mountains are on the map and how they factor into strategic considerations of the three kingdoms the author semi-cleverly based on real historical empires. We no longer feel sheer wonder at Gollum in the underground lake, following the twists and turns of the caverns as Bilbo escapes. We are already thinking "past" this, at what sort of magic caused this and what the author is trying to say by having that sort of magic in the setting.

In a way fantasy is a much more restricted genre than scifi, which is really more of a license to speculate. Fantasy is romantic and symbolic.

>> No.22764761

Make an exception if you want a non cuckold, non pozzed protagonist.

>> No.22764772

>Fantasy really exists specifically at the layer appreciated by Wagner and Tolkien
Stopped reading here. Don't lump Wagner and Tolkien together.

>> No.22764785

Anybody? Sorry, I know the books aren't about cuckholdry but maybe somebody has a good edition lying around and can recommend it to me.

>> No.22764797

Carl was cuckolded in the classical sense but he wasn't a cuck by any definition. He didn't stay with the woman who cheated on him and he didn't try to rationalize her actions or forgive her let alone be turned on by it. Some woman being a whore doesn't make you a cuck. Women do not have the power to make men into cucks. It's the man's choices that decide whether or not he is a cuck.

>> No.22764810

I don't care about your mental gymnastics. He was cuckolded and his sidekick is an annoying animal. That's all I need to know to avoid it like the plague.

>> No.22764813

>Carl was cuckolded in the classical sense
I meant to say he was only loosely cuckolded in the classical sense

>> No.22764830

There are actually no mental gymnastics required to use words correctly. If you want to skip a book because a character's backstory involves a cheating whore then do so who gives a fuck but when you keep calling everyone a cuck despite there being no cucking then you just sound like your garden variety retarded newfag.

>> No.22764832
File: 320 KB, 1772x997, F_eEV7HXMAAFeLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good?

>> No.22764836


>> No.22764838


>> No.22764840

>There are actually no mental gymnastics required to use words correctly.
Yes, like I did. Someone who gets cuckolded is a cuckold. Even more so when he just runs away.
>despite there being no cucking
It's classical cuckolding, anon, even you just admitted it. Why are you people defending this shit with so much fervor?

>> No.22764865

>cuckfag finally admits he's the catfag too
Getting cheated on doesn't make you a cuck. It's a choice. Once he found out she was with someone else, he immediately cut ties.

>> No.22764877

>It's classical cuckolding
It isn't
>even you just admitted it
I clarified what I meant to say. Cuckolding in the old sense has nothing to do with modern cucking.
>so much fervor?
There's no fervor here. If I didn't enjoy arguing with retards then I would have been able to leave this place years ago. It costs me nothing and I get amusement from how desperately you need to see cucks everywhere you look.
>when he just runs away
He dumped her and tried to steal her cat. Was he supposed to immediately fly across the world to murder her and the other guy?

>> No.22764903

/sffg/ has been spicy lately

>> No.22764907

>I clarified what I meant to say. Cuckolding in the old sense has nothing to do with modern cucking.
It's all cuckshit to me. All I wanted was to read some litrpg without a cuckold or roastie to get in the way of my enjoyment.

>> No.22764914

Looks like generic YA shite.
>I hate gays reeeeee

>> No.22764918

It's a recurring carousel of bargain bin shitposter.

>> No.22764968

so it's good?

>> No.22765071

Thoughts on Alaistair Reynolds? I rememebr starting Revelation Space, not being a fan, dropping it, then revisiting it and getting into it. I read
>Revelation Space
>Redemption Ark
>Absolution Gap
>Started Inhibitor Phase
>Chasm City
>Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days
I moderately enjoyed Revelation Space and Redemption Ark, Absolution Gap wasn't good and was a shit end, Inhibitor Phase was shit so I dropped it. Chasm City was great and I liked Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days. Overall the world and tech was interesting but the characters were bland and the plots weren't interesting.

>> No.22765080

Revelation space was ok, everything else is mostly trash, some of it is pozzed trash(house of suns, blur remembered earth). Reynolds is openly communist or something like that

>> No.22765100

Fantasy rules, sci-fi drools.

>> No.22765107

Ahh yes, elves, dwarves and an evil bloke #2359834, big fan.

>> No.22765110

I enjoyed RS but felt it was too long winded in describing the scenery from what I remember, didn't finish RA think I made it about halfway or so and just fell off it. I will eventually go back to finish the trilogy but I'm not in a huge rush just yet.

>> No.22765121

>elves, dwarves and an evil bloke
Nice title

>> No.22765155

don't tell me it's the whore? (I stopped at the first trilogy). So Cuckker totally lost it.

>> No.22765178
File: 198 KB, 1536x1536, arnw-square-1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read gardens of the moon. I give it three stars out of five. Is the second book any better?

>> No.22765202

I read all the books about a decade or so ago. If you can stick with the series then it ends up being the grandest world and stories you can imagine, but it's not an easy read. I can honestly barely remember anything but I believe Deadhouse Gates is quite different to the first book and might be where things really start off, but I'm probably wrong.

>> No.22765218

>but I believe Deadhouse Gates is quite different to the first book and might be where things really start off,

Ok, I'll continue reading the series, thank you for replying so quickly!

>> No.22765258

I'm still working my way through the last book/part of Memories of Ice so I can't state for the entire series but DG is the best of the three I've read so far.

>> No.22765271

What is your favorite fantasy series?

>> No.22765300
File: 43 KB, 258x392, Too_Like_the_Lightning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here but me read the Tera Ignota series?

This was some ambitious stuff. If it was executed slightly worse, it would have been awful.
Loved it. Still I can think of 1000 things I would wished to be improved on.

>> No.22765303

I'm not sure about a favourite. I did love Malazan Book of the Fallen at the time, I have a signed copy of The Crippled God.

>> No.22765334

My answer is super generic but it has to be ASOIAF, maybe it's just the time I read it at but it shaped my entire taste in fiction going forward.

>> No.22765336

Let me change the question... what are your favourite fantasy series?

>> No.22765344

Correction: your favourite THREE fantasy series.

>> No.22765352

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.22765363

Is Teatro Grottesco the best place to start with Ligotti? I purchased Conspiracy because it's his most well-known book, not knowing it was non-fiction.

>> No.22765388

Does the fact we'll never get to read A Dream of Spring depress you?

>> No.22765391

Not even THAT woke. The setting wasn't supposed to be a model society

>> No.22765399

Requiem Infernal by Peter Fehervari.
The guy shockingly manages to write something interesting despite the inherent limitations that come with being a Warhammer novel. Book doesn't overexplain what's going on and never feels like it's just trying to sell you overpriced plastic army men. Even had some oblique references to Islamic theology that blend surprisingly gracefully with the metaphysics of the setting.
The Palace of Love by Jack Vance.
I'm glad I'm spacing out my reading of the Demon Princes series, because Vance recycles a hell of a lot between them. At this point there's a very obvious formula he works from while writing them, but fuck if it isn't a formula I enjoy. The setting and various cultures and organizations Vance populates it with are great fun. This one, which is essentially about our hero Kerth Gersen pursuing a powerful incel, has supporting characters I find more interesting and enjoyable to read about than those in the previous installments.
Have not decided yet.

>> No.22765407

>implying that winds of winter will even come out

>> No.22765415


>> No.22765420

Oh of course so I delude myself into thinking we will get Winds and that I'll be alright with that being the last lol

>> No.22765444

Let's be optimistic and say we get Winds of Winter in 2025. Which author should Martin entrust to finish the series after Martin dies?

>> No.22765446

I never understood why people accused this series of being pozzed.
It has fascists larping as the Roman empire portrayed as the most legitimate form of government.

>> No.22765510

It's filled with LGBT characters to say the least.

>> No.22765514

Tbqh I think I'd prefer it remained unfinished in that case, already had one bad case of fanfiction undermine and entire series of formerly excellent television.

>> No.22765531

You have a point.

>> No.22765536

I said fuck it and started writing my own aSoIaF-like, only without being an old coomer

>> No.22765559

George R.R. Martin is on the record

as saying that he has left instructions for his estate to destroy any unpublished manuscripts, and that he does not authorize another author to “finish” his work in the event of his death.

“…history has shown us is eventually these literary rights pass to grandchildren or collateral descendants, or people who didn’t actually know the writer and don’t care about his wishes. It’s just a cash cow to them. And then we get abominations, to my mind, like Scarlett, the Gone with the Wind sequel.”

His main concern is that, after he dies (and probably after his wife dies), and since he has no children to act as the conservators of his work, publishers will be free to have someone else write in his “sandbox” so that they can cash in on the enormous popularity of the world he created.

>> No.22765609

Any authors you specifically look out for the older edition paperbacks of? I've been buying them up lately especially the Asimov, and Moorcock ones because I heard the newer reissuses on Elric and Foundation/Robot stuff wasn't that great. Plus the artwork is usually always better and more aesthic,


What do you think the covers to Winds and Dream will be? I think Winds will be something connected to The Others or maybe the Weirwood throne itself in Bloodraven's cave. I think the last cover will be an image of a blue rose, in a partition on the wall.

>> No.22765634
File: 127 KB, 710x1085, 960x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though it was already confirmed not to be I always really liked that one fake cover (pic rel) that was making the rounds like a year or so ago

>> No.22765642
File: 1.62 MB, 771x732, scienceFictionRoxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't do it. I read Rev Space a while ago and barely remember it. a sick captain frozen on ice.. no wormholes or fast travel..insanely powerful aliens. I tried reading House of Suns this year and dropped it 1/4 of the way through

suck it nerd!! sci-fi kicks ass. checked

checked. sell me on it - is this the series that drops in 18th/19th century philosophy and political ideas?

>> No.22765676

>Do you guys have any recommendations for a medieval fantasy novel about adventuring as a party or being in a mercenary company?

>> No.22765727

So modern fantasy writers write for a modern western audience, and its all fitting

How can you write the fantasy of 100 years ago when whites were 1/4rd of the planet with empires, today, when we are 1/20th and already foreigners in our homes?

>> No.22765751

Most good fantasy books are not like this. You'd know this if you actually read.

>> No.22765770

>18th/19th century philosophy and political ideas
Yeah, you can tell the author's daytime job is as a history teacher focused on the Enlightenment period.

Mankind has reached unprecedented levels of peace, equality, and prosperity. Flying Cars...
Nation states are a thing of the past, now the super-globalized humanity define themselves by freely joining huge weird political factions, that rules the world. The factions are:
- Sports and Entertainment Fan
- Voluntary dictatorship larping as Romans
- European cultural heritage enjoyer
- Psychologist
- Nerd Scientists who want to live on Mars
- Land owners?
- Charity worker/Carebears

In the future, you need to be 1 of these. Or be some crazy individualist.

It follows a main character who is your eccentric and unreliable narrator who really likes talking to himself. He is literally insane. Don't trust him.

He is mysteriously tied to the leaders of all the big political factions. Doing work as a mix of janitor, sniveling diplomat, detective and the world's greatest statistician.
He's a convicted criminal, and is treated somewhat like a slave with very restricted personal freedom, as an unorthodox punishment for a past crime.
MC is not very likable!
He's kind of nasty. And fails to do the things he's supposed to do. I'm still not sure if this was intentional or not.
Also he got a secret 11YO wizard living in his backyard. (This is the FICTION-element, in an otherwise SCIENCE-fiction series)

The 1st book kinda just spends a lot of time exploring the world's political systems, and SciFi setting.
Then this is used in later books as a stage for a whole different, much "bigger" plot.

It got very vivid characters and factions. Like, really pops out, lots of interesting visuals descriptions for the imagination to work with.
Series is coherent (that's good, right?), spends a lot of time setting stuff up, cashing it in later.

>> No.22765890


Terra Ignota is a really interesting work. Yeah very ambitious. Book 1 starts off a bit slow but gets rolling towards the end, books 2 and 3 are some of the best shit written in years, and book 4 is classic shark-jump moment; complete trash.

>> No.22765919

>terrible cover
>terrible title
>author's name reeks of pozzery

>> No.22765928

I joined the good reads just 2 days ago .
Last: Ringworld, by Larry Niven. (already wrote about it 1-2 threads ago)
Current: a deepness in the sky, by Vernor Vinge (already discussed last thread)
Next: Thin Air, by Richard K Morgan or Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson.

>> No.22765950

If i were to write a book set in todays time, with no fantasy creatures and no futurism, but the story revolves around magical event happening (the sun getting brighter and more devastating), would it be fantasy/science fiction?

Is magical realism fantasy?

>> No.22766001

very interesting but four books is a bit of an investment for now, my backlog is too big at the moment

if it's definitely a "magical" event that causes the sun to get brigher and more devastating - I would think it would classified as fantasy. but since it doesn't sound like it has elves and it doesn't sound like it has spaceships if I were working at a huge bookstore with a shitload of different genres and subgenres, I'd put your book into the "speculative fiction" section.

>> No.22766062

you're doing the classic thing where you've read 4 specific books that you like and tried to create a grand sweeping theory about why the entire genre is bad if it doesn't copy them

>> No.22766081

That's just scif, it's the most classic scifi imaginable changing one thing and then imagining what happens as a result of it.
Plausibility has never mattered except to the most hardline of 'hard' scifi

Look at Crystal World for example, you could easily describe that event as magical but it's a scifi novel.

>> No.22766155

I refuse to read any books written by women.

>> No.22766167

>House of Suns
My first Reynolds book, and first time I read scifi with such a large "scale", of time and distances
I really, really liked it

>> No.22766172

Bwo.. Women authors go to writing school, sometimes that pays off

>> No.22766229
File: 130 KB, 500x281, 1524170601340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Omen books as a teen
>thought it was the scariest shit ever
>but barely stumbled upon something as scary
>oh hey they're making a movie now, cool
>too lazy to watch it
>recently discovered the books were just novelizations of old movies from 80's
>no one actually ever gave a fuck about the books
Whole life was a lie.

>> No.22766243

How is The Riddle Master trilogy? Plot seems trite, but I've heard her prose is dense and lyrical.

>> No.22766289
File: 485 KB, 952x498, 338f76f85fda1ae1f628ce281d53beb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Belgariad (gud)
>The Curse of Chalion (gud so far)
>The Worm Ouroboros

>> No.22766291
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, gaydeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this book, I expected slop but it's charmingly tryhard. Am I going to be disappointed by the time I finished it?

>> No.22766304

I don't think so. If anything, the worse parts of it get more palettable as it goes on.

>> No.22766305
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, get the fuck away from me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charmingly tryhard
That's a strange way of saying it's shit, but also
>poc woman with dyed hair on cover

>> No.22766315
File: 370 KB, 1292x1433, Expedition Wayne Barlowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /sffg/, don't normally come here but I do like to read SF so here it goes. Anybody read picrel? I just ordered it this morning and I'm excited to read it. I already started it on PDF so I guess I'll wait to get it in the mail since I've got other books on the go right now, but is there anybody else who has read it who can share their thoughts?

>> No.22766328

I'm on the last Hyperion book. The only one I even remotely enjoyed was the first, and that's because it's The Canterbury Tales: In Space

>> No.22766337

like where? who has it paid off for?

>> No.22766353

It paid off for ladyboys and gentlexirs everywhere

>> No.22766354

What other filters do you employ? Must be white, male, straight, Anglo, published from ~1900 - 1950 for sff?

>> No.22766459

>Must be white, male, straight, Anglo
ESL detected. It would be 'straight, white, Anglo, male'.

>> No.22766696
File: 1.30 MB, 1695x1695, Skeleyoked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Conan
How in the fuck has no one written this yet?

>> No.22766704

>civilization bad but darkies also bad IN SPACE

>> No.22766705

That's basically what Warhammer 40k is isn't it?

>> No.22766716

No, anon. Not even close.

>> No.22766729

Nobody ventures outside of their comfort zone.
>t. this thread

>> No.22766731

I'm actually writing a story like that right now.

>> No.22766756

And I'm sure it will turn out just swell.

>> No.22766764

Thanks, anon.

>> No.22766770

sounds gay and retarded

>> No.22766790

Only someone gay and retarded would say that.

>> No.22766827

Sounds like something someone who's gay and retarded would say

>> No.22766868

You're gay and retarded for me

>> No.22766872

For you

>> No.22766907

Yeah, the Romans were kinda faggy. Your point?

>> No.22766941

they were pedos

>> No.22766959

What does /sffg/ think of Berserk?

>> No.22766973

Entertaining yet schlocky, one of the better mangas I have read, definitely the best fantasy manga. I'm around 20 volumes into the series and don't find it to be the groundbreaking masterpiece that people make out but as I said it's certainly an entertaining read.

>> No.22767173
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>> No.22767178

has anyone here ever read a story in Analog?

>> No.22767223

>hands you a bowl of sea water and a floating piece of garbage
>good tea

>> No.22767244

>actually read
lmao who reads? Fucking loser

>> No.22767265
File: 145 KB, 2048x1152, 1700345024120298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not caring much for Cugel and his adventures in Dying Earth.

>> No.22767287

Frog in the well.

>> No.22767290

any good resources on planning a whole series rather than planning a single book?

>> No.22767320

He's actually very much a horror writer, and his best works play into that side of things. I can remember those scenes the most vividly, but its a classic case of science fiction where I remember vividly the ideas and setting but I cannot name a single character. The demarchy of Yellowstone, the cogitators and their unique FTL, the stigmata virus, the Inhibitors, the ultranauts, all wonderful pieces that come from an author who I'm sadly convinced really doesn't understand how to form a narrative; see Galactic North for the most damning example of that summation.

>> No.22767489

reading twi.
the winter solstice is pretty damn good so far.

>> No.22767666

Everybody says "do not read past Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion. looks like they are right.

>> No.22767683

Hey resident Bakkerfag, I'm like 60% through Darkness and I have a question- Why am I supposed to like or be compelled by Cnaiur?

>> No.22767698

>he fell for the B*kker meme

>> No.22767707

I deserve your mockery. Every chapter I read leaves me hanging my head in shame.

>> No.22767711

guy who only read the prologue here
is it really that bad?

>> No.22767742

I've read worse, but he has the tendency to make questionable decisions in his wording or what themes he dwells on, like using unserious language such as cock, cunny, and faggot. He also has an odd fascination with boy-rape and hints of a pederastic or emotionally-pederastic dynamic between two characters.
Maybe the climax will hook me into the next book, but it better be a bangin set piece. Or maybe it's great and I'm just growing weary of dark and edgy fantasy and what's supposed to shock and make me morbidly fascinated is just feeling gross to me.

>> No.22767751

Oh yeah and can someone who's read the whole Prince of Nothing confirm if Cnaiur really got suicidally betrayed because crying for his dead friend made his tribe think he was a homosexual or was there a deeper, more sinister motive I glazed over?

>> No.22767759

SO, let's address the elephant in the room. BRANDON SANDERSON.
I've never read anything from him. BUT, I do know that he got some slack due to some homosexual remarks.
My question is - until what book can I read to, before I get to the one where he transitioned into the tranny that he is now, having being cucked by the wokes?

>> No.22767762


>> No.22767765

Just read what you want until you no longer enjoy it. Dumb schizo.

>> No.22767769

well, maybe he was raped as a kid and now he's trying to cope by writing about rape

>> No.22767781

Bakker is a Catholic?

>> No.22767787

Yes, thats it, he hated the fact he got manipulated into becoming a faggot with Kellhus. As far as I remember, the book did not specifically mention that they also fucked.
Either way, it's faggotry and absolutely retarded "muh hating his orientation, Cnaiur is actually fluid bros"

>> No.22767789

There's no deeper motive, Moenghus used him to escape from captivity and safely pass through the steppes while Cnaiur was genuinely seduced. Then he had roid rage all his life and tried to be the manliest man to compensate but it never worked

>> No.22767791

>/Sffg/ recommendations
I never voted for any of these. My corner of /sffg/ recommends anyone interested in litrpgs necks themself.

>> No.22767795

You're not supposed to like him, he's an asshole. But if not for him Kellhus would just go around speech checking every single character, at least he's not susceptible to that

>> No.22767797

Sometimes I unhide the filtered posts and wonder why you guys reply to the bots. Just add that post to filter and don't bother anymore.

>> No.22767818

The two worst aspects of Bakker are the excessive talk of fucking, penises and vaginas and the absolutely staggering amount of times he uses phrases like
>darkness was all around them, not so much engulfing as seeping into them
>The captain appeared near the entrance, more tense than alert
Seriously if you have a drinking game for every time he uses sentences like these you'd die from intoxication

>> No.22767824
File: 545 KB, 1080x1399, 1701179994287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I'm talking about. This is from The Judging Eye

>> No.22767835 [DELETED] 

Bakker's writes not so much of a good literature.

>> No.22767836

Bakker writes not so much of a good literature.

>> No.22767845

I blame his editors, Bakker does write compelling plots and characters but he needs someone to mop up after him and they're not doing their job

>> No.22767870

doors of stone or winds of winter first?

>> No.22767875

Neither book is ever coming out unless Gurm dies and they task Sanderson to finish the series. I bet he already has a draft done

>> No.22767880

I'm working on my own fantasy novel and I guarantee as a literally who amateur writer with no connections or experience, my novel will be on bookstore shelves before either.

>> No.22767897

K. keep me posted.

>> No.22767962

Winds, dos is never coming out

>> No.22767963

What's with Elric having shitty releases over the years is it just Moorcock being stingy or other reason with publishers. You'd think one of the most influential fantasy series would have a better snd more consisting release

>> No.22767979
File: 36 KB, 479x487, coltaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wipes the board clean by taking place on another continent with only some old characters returning. I would argue it's a better introduction than gardens of the moon, though.

>> No.22768068
File: 27 KB, 315x475, 20231118153419_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf am i reading?

>> No.22768084


>> No.22768101

He really likes the word preternatural too. But the over the top cheesy writing is not without purpose, I'm pretty sure that he wanted to imbue the series with a kind of biblical feel to it, reading like a religious text since religion is central to the plot.

>> No.22768107

I don't know many religious texts invoking the words cock, cunny, or faggot.

>> No.22768193

>cute and funny
Surely there must at least one religious text that mentions these

>> No.22768197

That's... not what that means...

>> No.22768270

What does it mean then?

>> No.22768293

It's slang for vagina, from "cunt". Where the hell did you get cute and funny?

>> No.22768295


That's usually what my reaction to a lot of Egan's works are but I like them. Diaspora is even more batshit insane but he's clearly more of a writer who like throwing around complicated ideas, and scenarios rather than focus on developing his characters. All of them read like they have the same voice but his world building is top notch

>> No.22768299

Winds, sadly.

>> No.22768303

/tv/, /a/, /b/, /v/, basically any populated board.

>> No.22768305

I'm rereading it after some years and the illustrationd are still rock solid, sadly I can't say the same about the plot. As a teenager it was cool, now it's just mediocre at best.

>> No.22768313

Nonono, what are you thinking anon?
Cunny is just "cute and funny", there's no sexual implication at all here.

>> No.22768325

Cute and funny is basically the 4chan cunnyposter dogwhistle. Just like wild and silly is for shotaposters. How new are you that you don't know this pillar of 4channeler vernacular?

>> No.22768362
File: 20 KB, 246x403, Emergence_cover_first_edition[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /sffg/ verdict about picrel? I honestly can't really understand how it's so highly rated.
I got used to the shorthand bullshit but only at the end of the book, probably because I knew I was almost finished. Next time I don't skip reading an excerpt before buying a book.
Never really cared for capeshit but I imagine it's something like the protagonist here.

>> No.22768375

Figures. I rarely/never visit those boards and don't participate in cunny threads when I see them.

>> No.22768400


>> No.22768409

Fucking newfag

>> No.22768456

Some years ago I read Egan's short story collection' Axiomatic'
It's weird, in a 20 page story he manage to make way more of a human character than in his 300 page books.

>> No.22768491

Haven't read it, sorry. Why don't you read it and give your opinion about it if you've already bought it anyway?

>> No.22768626

i bought a mass market paperback copy of dune messiah and i'm not exaggerating when i say it's made reading the book a genuinely miserable experience. whoever decided to make the book that narrow needs to be killed if they aren't already dead.

>> No.22768647

could you put wheel of time down early and if so after which book?

>> No.22768649

You're supposed to root for him simply because he has to deal with a sociopathic mary sue

>> No.22768652

>Oh yeah and can someone who's read the whole Prince of Nothing confirm if Cnaiur really got suicidally betrayed because crying for his dead friend made his tribe think he was a homosexual or was there a deeper, more sinister motive I glazed over?

>> No.22768656

Moenghus touched him to manipulate it him. This turned him gay as bakker wanted to highlight that all faggots are born from abuse

>> No.22768657

Finished reading Babel

what did I think about it?

>> No.22768658


I liked Cnair and Kellus's roadtrip bromance journey. It was pretty fun but I'd say the weakest POV was probably either Esement, or Drusus.

>> No.22768659


>> No.22768681

I couldn't recommend stopping before 4 because 4 is when the series really finds itself and becomes the Wheel of Time but once you've started 4 I can't recommend stopping before 6 because 4, 5 and 6 are incredibly kino books. Once you've read 6 you might think the ending is a good place to pause the series for a bit but 7 8 and 9 are much more slowly paces and coming back to them after a long break would be torturous. 9 might be a good place to stop but 10 is so bad that it would be even worse to come back to. Stopping after 10 is also silly since 11 is when it gets great again and you don't want to end on a note as sour as 10. 11 is the last book written by Robert Jordan so that might be an okay place to stop, but since 12, 13 and 14 are authored by someone else coming back to them might skew your perceptions too much to be a fair reading. So I'd say 14 is probably the best place to put the series down for a bit. Objectively speaking of course.

>> No.22768723

Dude! I know right!

>> No.22768728

I hear about there being a slow slog around 7 8 9 but what does this actually mean (without spoilers). Is it like the 'a lot of walking' thing from LOTR?

>> No.22768733

Come on guys let's go to posting so we can get to the next thread, I'm at page 200 and some change of 'A Deepness In The Sky' by Vernor Vinge and my experience has completely changed from around page 100.

>> No.22768734

The filler in WOT is on a whole other level than what you have in LOTR. Despite being a long book, LOTR is actually quite dense on plot development

>> No.22768737

poor babby newfag can't get attention if he posts ontopic at the end of a thread :C

>> No.22768740

>Is it like the 'a lot of walking' thing from LOTR?
Pretty much, yeah. The term slog is a holdover from when the books were still being written and readers had to wait years between each book for 7 through 10 and there was a lot more sitting around in each book. Nowadays it's overblown by people who haven't read them and that part of the series is much easier to read through.

>> No.22768759

Viewing it like this, Bakker is actually redpilled. We are back.

>> No.22768774

Have you ever tried Tree of Aeons? How does the demonic tree compare to that?

>> No.22768781

Cnaiur manages to mostly keep up with Kellhus despite having none of his dunyain h4x, which is admirable. Also the idea of a 160iq nerd being randomly born among steppe horsefuckers and forced to cope with their stifling society is rather compelling.

>> No.22768792

explain to me how someone is supposed to write a multi-hundred page book without reusing SOME turn of phrase multiple times.

there's nothing wrong with that construction grammatically. hakker likes his autistic flourishes but once you get used to them you barely notice them.

the weakest part of his books by far is the obscene amount of time wasted in the whore POV chapters. you could basically cut them entirely and lose very little of value.

>> No.22768881

Honestly there's every chance that the shitty tree story I read was tree of aeons, I'm not remotely certain now that I'm looking at them both lol

>> No.22769053

>girl fell in love with guy because he was kind
Why do americans hate it so much? It's pretty common with japanese fantasy, but burguers have some kind of visceral need for the guy to "deserve" the girl in any way. It's one of the reason I don't like romance in western fantasy

>> No.22769086

>why can't nice guys irl in america gets pusseh like in my japanese cartoons

>> No.22769099

Because fantasy (and scifi) still has to believable. I can believe in magic and dragons but a woman falling for a kind guy, not so much.

>> No.22769105

I am so tired of edgy and dark books, what do? I like fantasy but I don't like science fiction that much.

>> No.22769114
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Because kindness isn't a particularly interesting or outstanding trait, it's the bare minimum of being a decent person. There's nothing compelling about a romance based on a mediocre NPC of a man simply existing, unless you are a mediocre NPC and this is wish-fulfillment for you.

>> No.22769118

Wait for my book to come out desu

>> No.22769128

What's it about

>> No.22769139

Coomers and roasties

>> No.22769141

A multi-sided arms race to collect potent high magic relics that have fallen from space onto a low-magic world with medieval/early gunpowder tech.

>> No.22769170

Try some classic fantasy (eg MacDonald, Dunsany etc)

>> No.22769180

I'm not going to effort post and have it be left behind.

Reminds me of 'A Fire Upon The Deep' and 'Children of the sky' by Vernor Vinge. Collective intelligence wolf pack dogs are in medieval times and lots of the story is about them using or working with humans who crash landed on their planet who have technology akin to magic.

I'd read them if you haven't because he does a pretty good job at a similar thing.

>> No.22769186

>coomer fantasy book
>hot woman on the cover
>the book is about a gary stu being the manliest man among men, the girl is just a side chick he can deepthroat his 10 inch dick with
Am I insane to expect less about the guy and more about the women on coomer books? I just wanna goon to animal women...

>> No.22769196

The coomer books try to appeal to all fetishes so each girl gets a couple chapters max before theC is on to the next one with a different set of animal ears.

>> No.22769237

I think the description of The Slog is usually focused on "it happens in book X", but let's be real: the Slog is whenever Perrin is on-screen post-marriage or Elayne post-pregnancy.

>> No.22769264

I should have heeded that advice. However, curiosity got the best of me.

>> No.22769275

I am reading hyperion this month, you think reading the rest of the series was something you'd recommend even if you didn't like it?

>> No.22769299

While the second book isn't as good as the first, it's worth checking out. They're basically two halves of one book. Be warned that it jumps from 'space Canterbury Tales' to a more standard space opera/sci fi book.

I'm hesitant to recommend the second set of two Hyperion books. They're objectively worse than the first two books, imo. I'd only read the second group if you want to finish the stories, or you want to find out what happened hundreds of years after the first half.

>> No.22769308

I like space operas... I have a feeling I might get suckered into reading 2-3 of them if I like the first one.

What kept you reading them personally? Wanted to finish the series? No other books interesting?

>> No.22769317

Does liking all of Hyperion mean that there's something wrong with my brain?

>> No.22769322

the opposite

>> No.22769327

>>I never understood why people accused this series of being pozzed.
>Entire society uses they/them pronouns.
>One of the core characters is some genderless faggot.
Yeah, it's pozzed.

>> No.22769332

It's Tumblr: The Novel. Don't wast your time.

>> No.22769334

I hope to live long enough for someone to post a picture of Egan's real face on the Internet.

>> No.22769360

Even in the book, this is specifically portrayed as something that may not be a good thing. It directly contributes to a lot of the problems and conflict in the series.
It's not prescriptive

Look, maybe it's just me that don't understand what it means for something to be "pozzed"
I'm thinking something like -> uncritically pushing an agenda, not just having the themes of gender roles, etc

>> No.22769380

I just want to read something GOOD, like Hyperion again.
Afraid I'm scratching at the bottom of the barrel now. Read all the good space opera, just trash left.

>> No.22769478

Pozzed means "HIV positive", as with AIDS, which goes along with the various accusations of faggotry.

>> No.22769484


>> No.22769517

Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good??!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good??? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.22769536

I think its time to start a new thread.

>> No.22769605

Let the autism simmer here a bit more or it'll carry over into the next one with enhanced fervor

>> No.22769640


>> No.22769702
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>> No.22769709

>electronically balkanized society
what the FUCK did he mean by this

>> No.22769716
File: 30 KB, 489x173, what a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic post hope you get some updoots on r/4chan

>> No.22769790

Imagine if he went into detail with this professor about how 'adult' his novels are lol

>> No.22769836

*Cnaiur wakes up, after blacking out in an uncontrollable rage*
"Huh, why is there shit on my dick?"

>> No.22769847

It'd be worth checking out, if you like space operas. As for why I continued reading, I'm not sure. I have a tendency to finish any shorter series I've started, so it's "I just wanted to finish it"

>> No.22769900

Actually try Mark Lawrence. Everything he's written after his debut trilogy has been fairly uplifting and YA-ish. If you need a place to start, I'd recommend Book of the Ancestor.

>> No.22770084

>so many retards on r*ddit complaining about Sorweel's Ishterebinth chapter(s) in The Great Ordeal
This is some of the best shit in the whole series. Walking through this alien, ancient fortress that's decayed on multiple levels. R*dditors eternally filtered.

>> No.22770143

Why are you censoring yourself, midwit?

>> No.22770158

Usually reading makes me feel better, but I have tipped over the edge into such a sad state that I can't even concentrate on a book for 5 minutes. Instead of reading, I'm binge-watching Everybody Loves Raymond.

>> No.22770160


>> No.22770163

>Everybody Loves Raymond

>> No.22770185

Consider audiobooks fren its worth it

>> No.22770296

diaspora is a lot of fun, it's full of really novel ideas

>> No.22770304

banks? red rising? permutation city?

>> No.22770352

>red rising
This plot looks kinda YA at a glance.
If it's not (too much), I'm gonna check it out. Sounds fun.

I think I may have red too many dry books lately. Which is why I put off permutation city, but add it to my list, so I don't forget about it again. I've already read like half of Greg Egan's stuff, so I suspect it may be a bit "dry".

>> No.22770397

NTA but red rising sheds its YA traits the further it goes on, stick with it even if book 1 comes off as a hunger games clone at moments

>> No.22770725

First book is 100% YA battle royale trash. Second book is somewhat less YA, and is at least fun space opera. Third book is much less YA. Fourth book completes the series' journey through puberty and isn't YA at all.

>> No.22770846
