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/lit/ - Literature

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22762308 No.22762308 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22758465

>> No.22762330


>> No.22762331

I lost an argument to my friend so I statted sending him a bunch of basedjacks

>> No.22762351

sometimes when i first wake up in the morning I lie there for a while and think to myself, "boy, i can't wait until tonight so i can go to sleep again". it's not a matter of depression, but of being constantly molested by pain and lacking the ability to perform basic tasks. i dont think there's anything worse than being on the wrong side of the window pane.

>> No.22762361
File: 388 KB, 1080x615, Sample_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started writing romance fiction where the main guy is good in a fight but shy/awkward around women.

>> No.22762364

>okay, let's check out the wikipedia page for black mirror, people haven't been able to shut up about it for years and while I hate television and especially american television, once in a blue moon some things can turn out alright, like, breaking bad wasn't that bad
>let's read the plot synopsis for the last episode that came out, I heard the episodes are standalones, like the twilight zone
>close the tab and never look back

>> No.22762365

Myxococcus llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogochensis in my blood.

>> No.22762369

That's a British show, don't put that shit on us

>> No.22762370
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Didn't get any feedback the last time I posted this sample of my writing.

>> No.22762395

I’ve been trying hard to figure out a way to advance my career without feeling like I took a big step backward but I’ve not been able to come up with anything.

>> No.22762398

Shoulda been there for the season 1 hype. Your fault for coming in several years late

>> No.22762403

>he miscorrects himself away from the dative
This is an obscure form of cringe and I can't go on. I assume it's intentional, and well done if so, but I can't

>> No.22762422

I often feel the same way. Its a shame we can't just be friends with each other. There is a common lived experience and obviously common interests considering we're all posting on the 4chan literature board. Its doubtful I will ever meet someone who will understand and get along with me like anonymous strangers on the internet do. Real pathetic huh

>> No.22762427

>Its doubtful I will ever meet someone who will understand and get along with me like anonymous strangers on the internet do
That might be limited by your exposure to both events.

>> No.22762450

It's confusing to read, I think it's because every bit of action has an internal monologue response. Try just separating the two more. Have a longer passage where you eloquently show us what's going on in her head, and have the action have it's own part.
Obviously the two are connected but right now they're to interwoven.

>> No.22762455

>I'm in a court case I can't hear where even the manacled person isn't interested
Why am I not napping instead?

>> No.22762465

The northeast has fallen

>> No.22762468

Tbf the Mongolians had a good run

>> No.22762475

If you’ve taken a hard, giant shit then you know what it is to be a bottom.

>> No.22762478
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Day 10 of quitting adderall.
Drank 600 mg of caffeine today but still felt too lazy to get out of bed
My brain and stomach ache horribly
What can I do ? . . .

>> No.22762481

Sorry, /lit/ is a tops only board since we got into Rambo

>> No.22762491

l had a dream about a couple that has been murdered by a serial killer. The husband wakes up as a corpse in a pile of bodies in a Saw-esque room. He is a walking dead man, but I guess he died relatively recently, because he didn't look pale or cold at all. He finds his wife, beheaded. Somehow as this husk of a person he stitches her back together. It's just this absolutely devastating and sad fucking situation. His wife somehow comes back to life just because of how much her husband loved her. She is blonde with a shoulder-length haircut and wears a grungy thin cotton jacket, and he wears a sort of casual brown coat and has medium length chestnut hair. She and her husband hug each other immediately after she wakes up. The husband doesn't care about the state he's in, he's just happy his wife is alive - the wife is completely destroyed emotionally and thinks she's a monster now. They escape the killer's lair, and I think burnt down the place with the killer still inside, and the husband tells his wife that she's the most beautiful woman in the world to him - not despite but because of what she went through with him - they literally came back from the dead for each other and avenged themselves. It's a sort of metaphor for people with psychological trauma I guess, but i genuinely think she didnt look too bad - she looked perfectly alive, just with a scar and stitches at the base of her neck. The husband was in a worse state but gladly consoled her. I think this ends with them walking into the fire to go into the afterlife, but for some reason I saw flashes of both of them being chased by the killer in broad daylight and screaming for police, who shoot the killer dead.

>> No.22762493

I am become normie, haver of sex.

>> No.22762498

rape doesn't count nonny-poo

>> No.22762499

>One less in the wizard club
This is why the dark arts are dying

>> No.22762500

I'm a sapien but not a homo.

>> No.22762507

Stim withdrawal is fake, you just get headaches and lethargy for a couple days and then you're fine. you probably feel like shit because you're drinking way too much caffeine and lying around like a lazy sack of shit. Don't believe me? Go get hooked on dope or benzos and find out what it feels like to kick a REAL drug habit

>> No.22762508


>> No.22762511

Not chug caffeine moron.

>> No.22762515

Eat real food

>> No.22762516

A hat

>> No.22762517

hype is for niggers

>> No.22762519

put on a video of frequencies and sounds like those that mask tinnitus and don't starve yourself idfk

>> No.22762520


>> No.22762521

Is it a musical if the musical is in the background?

>> No.22762524

Is there any act more courageous, more noble and manly than self castration?
Only an extremely brave person would be capable of such an act of total sexual renunciation.
And afterwards the eunuch lives in a clean world devoid of any dirty fluids, smells, and the ritual debasement that is all sexual pleasure.
I wish i had the courage and determination to do it.
The biggest problem asides from actually accomplishing the act itself is the drop in testosterone as a result
It would permanently alter my character.
I don't want to become less manly, just to be free of sexual desire

>> No.22762532

Transvestites castrate themselves and they are not free of sexual desire you fool. Are you trying to justify becoming a sex deviant?

>> No.22762534

>ives in a clean world devoid of any dirty fluids, smells, and the ritual debasement that is all sexual pleasure.
>anime waifuism refreshes the wizard ranks

>> No.22762550

>dirty fluids, smells, and the ritual debasement that is all sexual pleasure.
You are still going to piss. You insane gnostic.
Try to focus anti-life feelings on productive things, like megalomania or art. I do that, and I have yet to go insane with hatred of life.

>> No.22762552

It doesn't work. Many court eunuchs in antiquity still fucked the royal and aristocratic women, and of course you have transsexuals who engage in endless debauchery without a nanoliter of testosterone in their bodies
Arousal doesn't depend on hormones as much as you think. It has more to do with psychology and blood circulation

>> No.22762569

>Transvestites castrate themselves and they are not free of sexual desire you fool. Are you trying to justify becoming a sex deviant?
Not a tranny have no interest in becoming a woman.
And no if you get rid of everything, you won't have any desire (or very little)
>You are still going to piss. You insane gnostic
That's unavoidable.
Seminal fluid is more revolting, smelly and sticky It is a marker of sin you can smell it on a person. God designed it to be so to remind you of your sin nd debasement
In ejaculation a man loses a piece of his soul in a act of pure expulsion, becomes a lesser human.
Desiring for desires sake, a consumption that consumes itself without end.
The eunuch lives fee from this recurring evil desire

>> No.22762570

You guys don't know? That's sad.

>> No.22762579

Yes you are the completely on the right track. God gave us balls just so we could cut them off. It was just a little test.

>> No.22762580

Family has always been my biggest problem…

>> No.22762581

>Many court eunuchs in antiquity still fucked the royal and aristocratic women,
How exactly does a man have sex without a dick lol. You are making stuff up
>and of course you have transsexuals who engage in endless debauchery without a nanoliter of testosterone in their bodies
They take estrogen/HRT. Not to mention those that don't get surgery

>> No.22762586

Okay and why did God give us ejaculate
Ejaculate that smells weird, sticks, looks unsightly
Just for the lols?
No he did it to try and encourage the blessed few to rise above these cyclical, infernal desires

>> No.22762598

Correct again. The purpose of our sexual nature is to just be painfully renounced. Gods design is great.

>> No.22762600

Eunuchs had their balls cut off, not their dicks

>> No.22762602

castration is the removal of the balls, court eunuchs still had dicks you ignorant nigger. if you planned on lopping you dick off too you should have said so
>They take estrogen/HRT.
Estrogen plays no role in arousal

>> No.22762604

Both are eunuchs.
I am talking about the whole 9 yards, all of it balls and dick
No half measures

>> No.22762607

Learn to love yourself mate. All bodily functions can be appreciated positively. Shitting is healthy and can directly tell you the state your body is in by how it goes. Ejaculate smells weird as well only if you're sickly - otherwise it's completely natural. Accept your biology.

>> No.22762610

Also castration can refer to only testes, but looking off your dick is also referred to as castration
If I am going to purify myself, there is nothing more impure, revolting, and sinful than a penis.

>> No.22762614

Raises the question of why they (usually?) cut off the balls only. Can you even hold your piss in without the penis?
Either way Im againt the idea of cutting off body parts. Much better off to learn self control, a skill that will help you avoid other sins too

>> No.22762618

>there is nothing more impure, revolting, and sinful than a penis
A vagina is surely worse. rather than hate your manhood, praise God for not making you a woman

>> No.22762620

Natural /= good.
The cult of self love, of assuming what is natural is good, is a modern abberation
Extreme self denial produces enlightenment
Consumption and expulsion, intake and outake, is a form of self forgetting; a disruption of pure thought

>> No.22762627

Well, that immutable anxiety from knowing others is ctushing me again. My mind and body immediately go to desire things to mask this feeling, which those desires always bring the anxiety to its peak, but at its peak it doesn't feel as moving as it does before. At its height my mind and body fall into a stupor and in a twisted way, feels content with what causes the anxiety. If I can feel ravaged or lesser, then I won't have to feel the weight of another's life and their interaction with me. It blends into an inoffensive color suited for an office. Not the offices people work at now, one of those dime a dozen office spaces before a veil of thought for workers was worn. This color is a bland mask violently put on to stop the consistent writhing of these anxieties. The anxiety caused by others not in their control or mine, and a sensory mask put on without my or anyone else's doing. Just to shut me up and slow me down. It's a medicated feeling without the ingestion of a vehicle for the mask. The pain and feelings are there still.

>> No.22762628
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Correct both are revolting reminders of original sin.
The hole inside woman is a symbol of eternal lacking
The protrusion of manhood is a symbol of excess--exising beyond the self in expulsion
Both are in a word aberrations
As for self control. The act or castration requires a extreme amount of self control and will to so intentionally mutilate one's self and renounce one's basic desires.
Saint Origen did, as well as many other saintly men throughout history

>> No.22762634

Coming to /lit/ tonight only made my night worse.

>> No.22762636

Origen never castrated himself, his detractors made that up about him to defame him

>> No.22762641

I'm not religious but I think you just hate yourself and need to get a load off; emotionally, that is. You just sound like me when I was suicidal. And yes, you're not necessarily wrong, but you will still need to realize that you're taking it too far.

>> No.22762656

Nevermind, I feel better. I do need to pee though.

>> No.22762659

How do I learn to love humans? I feel like a relationship is the natural next step in my life and there's a cute girl who shares my main hobby that liked me on Bumble but I don't wanna get into a relationship cause it'll be purely one-sided.

>> No.22762665

you ever feel like nothing good was ever gonna happen to you

>> No.22762671

I still feel like that.

>> No.22762677

Self abnegation is a virtue so long as it is non-consumptive and aimed at moral refinement.
Suicide undertaken in a spirit of denial can equally be virtuous.
It sounds to me like you were in a state of grace, but were corrupted and lured back into falsity by the temptation of lower pleasures.

>> No.22762680

Why are girls so afraid of compliments from guys?

>> No.22762681

Yea, and nothing ever did. So what?

>> No.22762688

there weren't any lower pleasures. I just decided to turn to art and talk with other people that feel the same way so that we could be nice to each other and get through it. I accept death if it comes, but for now I want to live and show kindness somehow.

>> No.22762698
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I present: conservative eyes

>> No.22762699

only from you

>> No.22762710

Maybe you can try it out and converse with her about it. I know placing that much weight on someone can be a lot or seen as wrong, but you never know what an open conversation can bring into your conscious. Just remember she's a person too. This obviously doesn't need to happen right away, but just feel the whole thing out. Love is chaotic.

>> No.22762712

So despite my trust issues, fear of commitment and not knowing how to love humans, you think I should swipe right on her and match with her?

>> No.22762715

with dissociation everything is cyclic. Deep breath, heartbeat, the creak of the door. you breathe and you feel each bone in your body inhaling and flowing like paper in the wind. And then the ringing comes as your brain pulsates and you leave behind the soft strokes of noumenal truth. sometimes you forget your place in the cosmos as just another object in motion

>> No.22762724
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I’m regressing in life. I started with literature and got bored. Regressed to kino until I got bored. Now I’m 33 years old and am just going to start getting into vidya. Where do I start? I played pic rel. Kind of good. But if this is the epitome of vidya it’s going to be rough.

>> No.22762738

play Pathologic. And not I'm not a tranny for liking that game

>> No.22762751

What sort of games are you looking to play?

>> No.22762761
File: 889 KB, 1280x1160, Untitled_Export-e_PrRiCi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now present the sequel: liberal eyes

>> No.22762771

Morrowind is /lit/

>> No.22762784

Why are people doing this? I was networking with a girl and some pissborn idiot (woman) friend barged in and asked if we were going to date each other. Said friend barely knew the girl I was talking to. Maybe it was meant to be a joke or a banter starter but it wasn't funny because I had only talked to that girl twice in my life and wasn't sure how she'd react. She of course didn't know what to say, was visibly confused and I had to save us from cringe by jumping in a friendzone I didn't even know existed. Deep inside I was ripping my friend's fucking head off.

That's my reward for being kind and befriending retards. That's also what I get from having people know I'm a celibate. Next time I'll just fucking lie and say it's complicated so that people assume I'm a drama king or a faggot. Either way they'll stop doing cringe shit and stop asking if I want to fuck every breathing woman in proximity.

>> No.22762788

I been working with this girl that I have a crush on for about four months now. I usually talk to her every time I see her, but it dawned on me recently that she doesn't know my name and has never called me by my first name.

>> No.22762789

I'm studying non-geometric Euclid.

>> No.22762792

Idk. Just trying to play a game that will make me feel. Something that reading anna karenina or watching twin peaks can do. Something worthwhile I suppose.

>> No.22762798

i just wanna stop being an insecure low energy alcoholic manlet with an inferiority complex who gives in to every impulse and refuses to love and take care of himself

>> No.22762809

Yes, you are human no?

>> No.22762814

I am but aren't those things just a recipe for disaster?

>> No.22762820

I don't think so, and even if it ends bad you both will have learned something. I really think that succumbing to romantic feelings is great. There's too much that cause those feelings and anxieties to suppress.

>> No.22762824

Not really

>> No.22762829

I would feel bad telling her that I love her though, it would be a lie every time.

>> No.22762831

Had a dream where I had a big, shiny revolver with one bullet. As I was staring at it I knew that I should commit suicide with it. I couldn't do it at first and called myself a coward, but eventually I put it under my chin and blew my brains out.

>> No.22762835

Nobody wants to read my book... what do I do with it now?

>> No.22762837

Is it valid to fear getting into a relationship because you're afraid that the girl will get fatter with age? This is something that women love to do.

>> No.22762846


>> No.22762850

His enemies fulfill his prophecy. Overestimation becomes the estimation.

>> No.22762853
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>poundage per dowery cent goes up
How is this bad? Thats a good deal.

>> No.22762867

I just cannot get over the passage of the past and all those impactful years gone forever. Like even if I get my shit together, whats the point if you're in 30s. Might as well be dead.

>> No.22762871

You're an involuntary reality manipulator. In the events of the car accident, the burglar break in, the cancer, the fall, etc. every thing that killed you you changed the space and time to prevent the death you experienced, but you're unaware of these changes.

>> No.22762881

I feel you, it's okay man. I hope this stuff gets better. It can be stressful.

>> No.22762884

>I hope this stuff gets better.
So do I, I just don't know how to make it get better.

>> No.22762908

But I've been on them for 5 years

>> No.22762910

I’ve come to the conclusion these past few months that the only way a person can become a truly great writer and intellectual today is if they, as a person, are exceptional and say exceptional things. Otherwise every person will fall into the abyss of Content and no one will care about them even if they do write some good works. Seems like an obvious conclusion but it’s not so easy. Because unfortunately no one in our cosmopolitan global society is exceptional. We are mediocre consumer cattle. You’re all shit out of luck unless you can become a wealthy world-famous activist like Tolstoy so that people will care about what you have to say instead of reading New Smut Fantasy Book promoted by TikTok #82964

>> No.22762930

I've heard good things about Outer Wilds, not to be confused with Outer Worlds.

>> No.22762960

Morrowind is garbage crap for pseuds.

>> No.22762961

I want a lower IQ or knowledge or whatever the word is, I just wanna be happy. Seeing all my friends do anything without even thinking the consequences. Never afraid about the future looks like or will do anything to them. This depression and stress haunting me everyday. Fear not afraid of failure of many times that I did based on my past to my future. Feeling stuck on a cubicle imaginary comfort zone. The more I read stuffs, the more I scared and hated this world. I wanna kill myself but afraid there is a heaven or hell since I'm a sinner. Even there is no heaven or hell, I'm still afraid about dead because I never do anything good in life even for myself. I don't wanna made people around me thinking that I'm a loser. I hate life even though there is happiness and sweetness around but it's not worth the sadness that I need to deal with.

>> No.22762965

Do you have hobbies? What are they? Do you think it’s normal and good to have hobbies?

>> No.22762966

>I want to be a stupid bitch
Okay woman.

>> No.22762978

>Do you have hobbies?
>What are they?
>Do you think it’s normal and good to have hobbies?

>> No.22762980

I'm more pathetic and unlived than anyone else on this website, there are no doubts about this in my mind.

>> No.22762981

I bet I could give you a run for your money.

>> No.22762984

I think you mean a lower IQ. Your unhappiness is due to a lack of intelligence, affecting your ability to navigate life's challenges, foresee the future outcomes of your actions, and make informed decisions. This can lead to heightened stress, fear about what lies ahead, and a feeling of being trapped in a comfort zone without the strategic foresight, akin to a beginner chess player unable to anticipate moves in a chess game. The presence of numerous grammatical errors in your statement indicates the difficulties you may be facing in articulating your thoughts coherently, which could be attributed to educational challenges. Were you perhaps placed in remedial classes growing up?

>> No.22762987

You're wrong.

>> No.22762993

What counts as a hobby? Playing video games? Watching movies? Reading? Laying in bed and thinking? Painting Warhammer figurines? Knitting? Going clubbing? Watching tiktok videos? I feel like most people don't have 'real' hobbies.

>> No.22762995

I meant to say higher IQ, not lower IQ. I made a mistake while trying to criticize another person for their grammatical mistakes. This mistake has brought me great shame. I have decided to refrain from further communication on this website.


>> No.22762998
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>> No.22762999

Basically as Ted himself said, we're plagued by endless surrogate activities to distract ourselves with.

>> No.22763002

Teds Dead

>> No.22763013

I look like the unkempt, obese man the media shows to criticize people who troll. On one hand it's accurate, but on the other hand it's ironic they're shaming these people's bodies in the same message about criticizing people who shame people's bodies.

>> No.22763016

I'm a third worlder, I just need to hear this from people on /lit/. If I'm not good enough or stupid then it is. Thank you for your reply.

>> No.22763029

And I'm in a mid to low class of group, 25 years old

>> No.22763037

All I know is that at the end of the world theres going to be a lot of people still lining their pockets with money and the CEO's will still get their bonuses

>> No.22763041

Objectively wrong. Bet you got hardcore filtered by the gameplay. "Wahhhhh i can't kill every enemy in 1 to 2 hits like Skyrim"
Slit your wrists faggot.
I bet you haven't even played through the game.
The atmosphere and world is unmatched by any other elder scrolls. The political dynamics of the various factions are actually interesting and complex unlike in Skyrim where it's basically all just Stormcloak v.s Imperial.

>> No.22763043

The slime creature is analogous to human history.

>> No.22763053

A night in shining armor, so I can see.

>> No.22763060

I’m the most attractive man in the world suffering from depression. It’s sad to see it all go to waste.

>> No.22763064

>not armoire
>not sea
Containing the night in a drawer on a ship, so the sun is always up, allowing for spotting land.

>> No.22763086

Standing on the crow's nests of masts.
This is what I'm listening to.

>> No.22763099

I feel like I never have anything to say in real-life conversations and I constantly get in my head that I'm being awkward whenever there's a lull. I'm awful at telling stories too, not that I have many to begin with. How to not be like this?

>> No.22763103

Practice. Don't fear failure but see it as growth, as it is.

>> No.22763110

Been told to try in here. Is the anon who wrote this here or do anons know if similar stuff has been posted?

Summer, Year Two

Each day she wore a different flower on her ear; Marigold, lavender, rose- they would always accent her clothes and compliment her perfume, though, they could never distract from her lips, which spoke soft and felt softer and tasted of blueberry and peach. She parted them to eat and to kiss but rarely to talk. Everything she had to say she said with her eyes; They were vibrant and wide and clear as a cloudless sky; She could set you free with a glance and imprison you with a stare. Sunlight would melt into her golden hair as if it could find no better home. It seemed to remain with her, nested between her locks, even after the twilight fell. Even when she let her hair loose to be blown by the wind, like a feild of wheat or rye, the light held to every perfect strand; Just as she refused to let go of my hand or lift her head off my chest. Ants had pilfered our picnic. Songbirds had gone to sleep. The ground was getting colder and harder with each passing minute- Yet, she was every summer night's bonfire. She was the kind of heat that warms you from the inside out. I am Prometheus and she is the flame; Though, I will not share her the world. Never.

>> No.22763132

In my leisure time I like to jerk off to furry futa hentai and play runescape for pleasure. I have hobbies. I am an interesting person. This is normal and good.

>> No.22763161

Improve and write another, repeat until death.

>> No.22763185

Ayy, thats pretty good for 4chan. Has a Max Richter/Hans Zimmer vibe to it.


>> No.22763199
File: 42 KB, 664x605, 1559074617693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like I never have anything to say in real-life conversations
Imagine if everything you say breaks the comforting lies your friends and family tell themselves...

>> No.22763264

OK, say I get into a relationship, I'm expected to text them every day, right? What do I text them about?

>> No.22763296

Religious people like you are insane.
Small step from where you are to a schizoid.
Please do cut your dick off. It's clearly what God would want.

>> No.22763305

Some anon suggested that if I want to slide into a girls DM's that I should be a tiny bit flirty I.e What's going on, nerd. This doesn't feel right for some reason. For context, I'm not tryna date or fuck her, I just wanna be her friend.

>> No.22763315

I'm in a relationship and don't text every day.
I pretty much only text to set up a date or invite her over which is like twice during the week and once on the weekend.
Other than that I only text if something interesting happened. I'm not big on texting.

>> No.22763365

>tfw landlord throwing rocks at my window

>> No.22763370

I hope my wife doesnt get mad when she wakes to find me drinking at 6am

>> No.22763377

I enjoyed this.

>> No.22763384

You need to read city of god. Too lazy to find the chapter but somewhere early on in volume 2 he defends the body and says that corruption comes from the soul, not the body. Castration wouldnt do you any good, you need to look inward and focus your will on the good.

>> No.22763387

Lmao this was me. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t say it. But what else can you do? You’ve got to take a leap of faith in some direction or other.

>> No.22763390

thanks for the laugh anaon

>> No.22763422

You ever notice how the further you get into "intellectualism" or whatever, the less anyone understands you? It's like even if you dived super deep & brought back some amazing truth, anyone you showed it to will utterly lack the content and experience to understand how perfect and true the knowledge is, and they'll just start some dumbass argument with you about how you're wrong. You could find the meaning of life and no one but you would get it

>> No.22763423
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>But what else can you do?
Yeah, I know. You seem cool, anon, for what it's worth.

>> No.22763428

Nah most of those people are articulate

>> No.22763437

Why do you want to be her friend anyway? I’m guessing you don’t have any, and the other men you encounter like to talk about sportsball lmao

>> No.22763441

Lmao nah bro you've been reading propaganda! Take your meds dude, you need help. Everything is fine bro you’re BUGGIN!

>> No.22763445

Sleep no longer works

>> No.22763447

Sleep is the cousin of death

>> No.22763449
File: 19 KB, 480x476, 1699995653545323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

>> No.22763453

In theory, I have many things to do today

>> No.22763460

>I’m guessing you don’t have any
I do but one of them lives two hours away and the other one is drifting away and I really only see him when I hang out with the other one since we're all friends. Also, she just seems like a cool person and I'm no stranger to being friends with girls so I figured why not? And I know your stance on it but she did say in her Bumble bio that she's just looking for friends and so am I so it just seems like the right move.

>> No.22763461

Still it cried 'Sleep no more!' to all the house:
'Glamis hath murder'd sleep, and therefore Cawdor
Shall sleep no more; Macbeth shall sleep no more.'

>> No.22763508

lately, my heart has been beating off rhythm. Light spasms in the chest. my body isnt me.

>> No.22763514

I'm drinking everyday - although I can endure a couple of beers before getting tired. That's fine, right?

>> No.22763516

Yeah I feel you. Shit do it then you’ve got nothing to lose. But since this seems to be taking a bit of occupancy in your mind I’d just tell myself to not rest too much of your hopes on friendship in general, be it with a man or woman. Most are fair-weathered, yano?

>> No.22763536

I too feel you.

>> No.22763545

Take a break from it while you still can

>> No.22763551

The expectation depends on who you're dating. My wife and I wouldn't text every day when we started dating. But usually you just ask how their day went or something along those lines

>> No.22763552

I don't drink but tonight my brother offered me a shot of absinth and I've never been one to turn down doing something wild so I said fuck it, why not? That shit was horrible, I don't recommend it.

>> No.22763558

>What counts as a hobby?
>Playing video games? Watching movies? Reading?
It depends on the level of engagement with the material

>Laying in bed and thinking?
Maybe but probably not

>Painting Warhammer figurines? Knitting?

>Going clubbing? Watching tiktok videos?

I never understood why people care so much about "surrogate activities." Would you really prefer a life of mere survival?

>> No.22763562

Modern hyper sexualization of interpersonal relationships caused by heightened attachment to sexual identity in the zeitgeist. Is your friend terminally online by chance? Sorry you had to put up with that bro.

>> No.22763563

a shot of absinthe???? thats freaking wild you absolute madman!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're exactly like hunter s thompson

>> No.22763565

Only a couple more days, I need to stop looking at porn or these last few days are going to be hell.

>> No.22763568

You're supposed to mix it with cold water and sugar

>> No.22763569

Yeah, he and I are pretty much the same person.

>> No.22763571


>> No.22763575

I'm aware, he isn't though.
I'm based.

>> No.22763576

Really liked your work with the Angels

>> No.22763581

maybe his worst book. complete drivel

>> No.22763584

You have incorrect opinions and I have a bolt cutter

>> No.22763586

Thanks, bubba, I really liked it too.

>> No.22763594

Had a dream where I lived in a town that was comprised of one main street and then a labyrinth of interconnected trailers and favelas. Doors from the back room of one trailer would lead to the 3rd story of some dilapidated tenement house who's stairs lead nowhere and the only way to the next hovel was through the floor boards. And it went on like that to infinity. The main street was the street of my small home town which had a library, a police station, post office, corner store and some houses on one side and my old high school and its old boarding house and theater on the other next to the only gas station in known existence. There were no cars that I can remember. Any way the boarding house was our (me and my girlfriends) destination (I think we lived there maybe). It kinda looked like those old two story wooden plantation house with the wide columns holding up the second floor balcony but the top floor was larger than the bottom. As we approached the building we heard a rustling to our left. Glancing over in that direction we spotted a couple mountain lions fighting with some wolves, which must have realized we were there at the same time because they turned to us immediately started malling the fuck out of us. They latched on to me and my girlfriend with their fangs and attempted to bring is down but we managed to drag them, fighting the whole way (I remember it being exhausting and very painful), to the police station where an officer shot each beast in the head. It was the only way I could think of to get free. The officer asked me where the animals came from, but when I opened my mouth to answer, bits of glass filled my mouth. The rest of the dream was spent pulling broken glass painfully from my bleeding maw. I don't usually remember my dreams. I guess this one was just weird enough to stick.

>> No.22763624

Do you think I'll get over my commitment and trust issues with exposure therapy?

>> No.22763642

Maybe. It depends on if the exposure is a positive or negative experience. It could very well make things worse. Hows your exposure to not committing and not trusting anyone? If positive I wouldn't bother trying the therapy.

>> No.22763645

A self-reflection is must.

>> No.22763652

I'm aware that it stems from my shitty childhood.

>> No.22763669

I swiped right on the girl and we matched, let's see where it goes from here.

>> No.22763675

So? I know guys who were addicted to crack or meth who admit they never had withdrawals, they only kept doing it because they didn't want to go on without the high

>> No.22763686

>believing what a crackhead tells you

>> No.22763688

>I know guys who were addicted to crack or meth who admit they never had withdrawals
You, anon, got lied to.

>> No.22763691

No, but I'll believe what multiple crackheads tell me, all completely independently of each other. There's also the criteria of embarrassment. Why would you admit that you simply lacked impulse control when you could claim to have a physiological need to keep doing it? Also just google it nigga

>> No.22763702

I am trying to write a story in a serial style for the first time.
So far I usually stick to short self contained stories.

It's my 3rd week in. While I know basically what I want to do with the story I am losing steam of even wanting to bother because the audience I am writing it for has had no response or feedback. So it feels like I am basically just writing into the void.

I am not the type to "just write for myself" so without a audience i get bored as it all feels like a huge waste of time and effort.
Not much of a story teller if you are just telling stories to yourself. You know.

Anyway, if even the third part doesn't get a response then I will probably stop and go back to short stories that people actually read.

>> No.22763707

Furthermore, explain why every alcoholic, dopefiend and benzo user will whine ad nauseum about how withdrawal makes them horrifically ill, and only stim users don't?

>> No.22763712

I get painfully constipated without my stimys. Its a condition. Facts don't care about your feelings fag.

>> No.22763713

>Why would you admit that you simply lacked impulse control when you could claim to have a physiological need to keep doing it?
You might not see it this way, but admitting that you "need" a drug instead of just wanting to do it is like admitting that you're weak or powerless

>> No.22763723

Yeah and billions of people can't shit without their morning coffee. On the other hand, opioid users literally shit themselves and vomit uncontrollably for days during withdrawal. Take a colase or something nigga
I've been to rehab and seen users fresh off the streets. Seen alcoholics have seizures. Seen opioid users vomiting for hours at a time. Never seen a stim user do anything worse than sleep for a long time

>> No.22763731

A lot of addiction is behaviour dependence. Meth especially in America is a different beast to how it is consumed elsewhere because you have a confluence of people crushing legal and readily available speed, and smoking it. For a lot of methamphetamine users who take the slower release route once every few days, it's harder to build a habit. Smoking meth however is the kind of activity you might repeat a couple dozen times a day, so it's easier to feel like you're missing something regularly. It's like nicotine smokers who can quit so long as they have something to hold like a pen. Sure they have some base level nicotine dependence, but the something to hold and tap every couple of minutes is what they really miss. Basically the behavioural difference explains why in some places meth means you're constantly tweaking while in other places it means you like going to music festivals with hippy dippy vibes and vegan food

>> No.22763738

I have mastered the art of dancing silently in my apartment, for the sake of my downstairs neighbor. It involves a lot of sock sliding.

>> No.22763739

>while in other places it means you like going to music festivals with hippy dippy vibes and vegan food
Where is that? I've never heard of people using meth like this

>> No.22763743

My point is that stims don't produce serious physical withdrawal. I never asserted that they aren't addictive

>> No.22763745

3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine is ecstasy

>> No.22763751

this is my secret chat room with my anonymous friends

>> No.22763755

I'm just explaining why in America meth will generally be seen as addictive. Crack too, but both crack and ice were CIA plots against black populations which spilled into the white working class

>> No.22763760

Actually, now that I think about it.

Maybe if I read the stories out loud and make it audio then people will be more likely to read/listen to my stories and give feedback.
I don't exactly have the best setup for recording audio and I ain't a voice actor, but it dramatically lowers the mental investment of the potential audience so they are more likely to give it a go. At least that is what I think.
It's more effort, but not really that much more.
The writing is still the hard part. Which I already am doing. So adding a extra step can't make it that much more complicated.

>> No.22763764

based dance master anon

>> No.22763778

every time i try to write i get hung up thinking about how i lack the knowledge, education, and life experience to write whatever it is i'm trying to. and furthermore how writing would be nothing but a pastime with no real object for me. am i just making excuses for myself, or would it really be a waste of time to try to write something? is there an inherent value in finishing a writing project, even if it's bad?

>> No.22763790

First draft is always shit

>> No.22763799

That's not meth

>> No.22763804

>Whats that, you feel achy and nauseous if you don't get your opioids? Just take dramamine and ibuprofen nigga.
The existence of treatments doesn't mean the symptom isn't caused by withdrawal. Also you clearly have never experienced crippling constipation. Quit betraying your rectal privilege. I have a disease that only addy abuse can cure.

>> No.22763806

same bestie

>> No.22763809

>Methamphetamines aren't methamphetamines

>> No.22763816

I think people give nihilism way too much crap. People can be nihilistic and still be decent people. The hatred towards it is wildly overblown.

>> No.22763821

These are two VERY different drugs. Lol dude did you really think there are thousands of Americans smoking large quantities of ecstasy every day? Are you retarded?

>> No.22763822

You know what I mean you pedantic sperg

>> No.22763823

I would say reading may or may not be a hobby but all of the others are hobbies.

>> No.22763827

Don’t you think people need a thing other than their presumably meaningless work that they can’t escape to live healthy lives though?

>> No.22763830

You think a methamphetamine user is going to turn down racemic methamphetamines? How are they testing this?

>> No.22763838

It’s widely known that many great authors became progressively influenced by film and cinema as they progressed in life as authors so if it was good enough for them, it’s good enough for you. That millenials and zoomers would add video games to film seems only natural. If you’re interested in narrative and storytelling as well as poetry unique to video games, I would suggest playing Nier: Automata, the Soulsborne games, the Elder Scrolls games, the Fallout series games, Red Dead Redemption (1 and 2 in any order), and the Bioshock games.

>> No.22763839

Molly is way more expensive than meth dude

>> No.22763841

no dealer in the US would ever cut meth with ecstasy because ecstasy is more expensive. the complete opposite, however, is very common. i really think you have no idea what you're talking about since MDMA isn't considered a major drug of abuse anywhere in the world, whereas meth is one of the most prominent on a global scale

>> No.22763843

I think the thing about Morrowind is that you had to get into it either when you were young or it was relatively now. The game is so dated now that it’s almost unplayable and I say that as a Skyrim fanboy and Elder Scrolls lore nerd. I can acknowledge that those games were great for their time but none of them can surpass Skyrim for me because Skyrim was my first and those are just so dated.

>> No.22763844

They’re probably friends and she’s trying to set you up. I’m willing to venture that if you asked the girl on a date she would say yes.

>> No.22763850

You know how people like Tucker Carlson get name dropped to run for President and Senate because they’re these big time media journalist names? Do you think that we’ll have that one day but instead of institutional media names they’ll be YouTubers and Twitch streamers? Are millenials going to encourage streamers to run for office one day?

>> No.22763853

also you're not even using the word "racemic" correctly, since MDMA and meth aren't isomers of one another. they're two completely different chemicals, made by completely different processes

>> No.22763854

I started with Skyrim and ended up liking Oblivion a lot more when I finally played it. Haven't had a chance to play Morrowind yet though

>> No.22763873

Depends what kind of streamer.
Well I say that but people like Fetterman are literally retarded and can win Senate seats.
So I guess even if you're an idiot and smoke weed all day you can be in high office.
I think for the right a guy like Fuentes might go for depending how he continues the next 10 years.

>> No.22763874

>But our drug supply and pricing we set by the CIA
>that's why Singapore will only death penalty you for everything
It's kind of funny you all think that hippies would turn down speed if ecstasy wasn't on the menu. It's a weird bit of cultural forgetting of why tweaking is called tweaking
>when you used the word to indicate how home cooked this shit can be and we have no way of knowing which racemic compound anyone is smoking when it comes to crystal I decided to ignore that problem with my ideas about drug users being really picky smokers

>> No.22763875

watching a child deftly manipulate a smart-phone is sickening

>> No.22763878

I hate hyphenated words and I wish I could just mash them together, but propriety prevents me.

>> No.22763880

Unless there is some sort of ultra-drastic paradigm shift I think guys like Fuentes and that MAGA communism guy are effectively barred from office lol. They come off like more of a joke than serious whereas the people I’m talking about are mostly serious.

>> No.22763893

And who is it you're talking about?
Say what you will, Fuentes has a lot of knowledge about geo politics and has rhetorical skills

>> No.22763897

>has rhetorical skills
He talks like an autistic faggot

>> No.22763902

Anyone that can talk hours on end while speaking sense (whether you agree or not) has very clear speaking skills

>> No.22763905

Realized that the last woman I went out with had narcissist personality disorder. She fit the criteria to a t. Even was somewhat the stereotype of a narcissist by being a judgemental model who needs her ego constantly stroked and never had a single friendship. I feel dumb for not seeing it at the time. Also because of how sad I felt after we stopped going out and for still having feelings for her.
Maybe a few months down the line I'll be able to appreciate the bullet I've dodged but for now I still miss her. Even thought I'm blatantly ignoring all the bad shit and only focusing on what I liked. I guess a little delusion is fine as long as I don't trick myself and know when to let it go.
I don't like how much power I let women have over me. I know I could be a hundred times worse, like one of the pussywhipped guys I know, but it's still too much for me.

>> No.22763926

Nobody in particular. That’s why I’m asking the question. It’s not like anyone comes to mind as Senator quality but then again Tucker Carlson probably didn’t either 20 years ago. What I’m asking is basically whether YouTube journos will be able to enter politics like Media Corp. journos do assuming they’re not jokey edgy radicals like Nick Fuentes or something. It’s just a weird thing to think about.

>> No.22763928

That kid doesn’t know anything. You could only think that if you’re young and inexperienced and not particularly well-read.

>> No.22763949

He has good knowledge of history from what I've heard. Knows geography very well and what parties/presidents are in power and what the interests are in current conflicts.
Do you have any point to make or do you just call people faggots and young?

>> No.22763959

nice song

>> No.22763970
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Has anyone read pic rel?

>> No.22763971

I think he has the knowledge of history that would impress someone who has little to no knowledge of history, if you want me to be honest. Frankly, this is a huge problem among these online right wing talkers and even among their favorite authors. They really love historicity but usually it’s either a mostly but not entirely dishonest historicity or else a shallow historicity that doesn’t tell the full story. People don’t know any better so they just accept it. I saw that so much in my years of tuning into these guys, which I don’t anymore.

>> No.22763974

I disagree and think you're not fit to speak about who has knowledge or not.

>> No.22763980

in response to this guy: >>22763971

>> No.22763988
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White women are single handedly bringing down the west with their credulous nature and readiness to act as useful idiots to the subverters.

>> No.22763995

death dying mortality impermanence transience ephemerality vanitas

>> No.22764050
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how the FUDGE do I have SEX with OLDER WOMEN / cougars ?
You never see them on nights out and I have no idea what apps they are on?
I just want an older woman to take my (29yr old) virginity.
It's all I can think about, ok, have a funny lit image as payment for my blogpost

>> No.22764084
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Just snagged a copy of picrel on Abebooks for only $35 CAD. I'm pumped cause the next cheapest used copy was like $70 and new copies are over a hundred. Boo yah.

>> No.22764087

Now who has no point to make…?

>> No.22764093


>> No.22764096
File: 27 KB, 511x428, 1420055000349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i automated several macros to make lesbian femdom porn in dall-e after learning how to bypass the filters and let them run for seven days and i feel empty inside.

what man needs so many images of victorian era lesbian femdom? if you had asked me seven days i would have answered, every man. now i don't know. i've seen too much and too little. once you have everything you want there's nothing left to strive for. i'm going out for a walk.

>> No.22764107

Wait! Teach me how to bypass the filters.
And yes, i have said before that AI will end porn. It is only fun if it is still a hunt. Once you can have everything you could ever want instantly, it loses all its magic.

>> No.22764190

Sleeping only 5 hours will bite me in the ass, but I can no longer afford to do things the right way. I already squandered most of my 20s, gotta try to make up for it somehow.

>> No.22764194

Well, this explains why you think that guy is so intelligent I guess…

>> No.22764198

Just took an excellent poo. Gm bt w

>> No.22764204

When I first graduated from college, I had a pretty bad substance dependency and was reeling from the trauma of a family member that got killed in a random attack so my mental health was just awful. I went and got a job at a big investment bank in the city and they worked me like a dog. I think averaged 3 hours of sleep per night for the better part of 3 years. Nowadays, I get closer to 6 on average but it’s not exactly high quality sleep. I’ve just managed to acclimate to functioning with little sleep. Maybe you can too.

>> No.22764280

true. I think by comparison its easier to cut your cock and balls off and alter your physiology to not have sexual desires. it takes true strength to abstain from it purely mentally, showing actual self control.

not that im ever going to stop jerking off to hentai and eroge, but its a pretty cool train of thought, nonetheless.

>> No.22764343

thank you anon

>> No.22764361

You gave no argument for dishonest history or lack of knowledge. I then return the favor and you respond like a passive aggressive woman because I kept it short like you did and said you don't know shit.
First you make an actual point before you demand someone else give theirs, chump.

>> No.22764365

when I jerk off, for a moment I don't have to deal with the sucidially ardous soul crushing effects of the dating market as an ugly man, it is a placebo,
but when I do jerk off it just extends the spiral for which I am essentially, not human, a bug for not having a woman partner and the longer I am in this spiral, the more inhuman I become

>> No.22764373

>complete outsider of a culture comes in and saves it
I don't like it because they look like poser
>person from that culture who grew up in the invading/enemy culture who goes back home and redeems his ancestry by becoming a hero for his home culture
Amazing, can't get enough. It's a redemption story as much as it is a hero's quest, of going back to your roots.

>> No.22764390

I stated my argument: that it’s ahistorical or inadequate, obviously. You gave no argument at all. You just said you disagree, but not even what you disagree with.

>> No.22764394

Do you think it’s possibly to be a pious Christian and an occultist or a pagan at the same time?

>> No.22764400

What is ahistorical or inadequate and why?

>> No.22764406

I understand now why religion hates sluts and porn, it's because they are literally the same thing.
They both leave the moment things aren't going well and not only offer no comfort, but openly leer at your misfortune. They leave after they've already taken away everything valuable from you, once you've become useless and broken. They laugh because they know you're under their control, that once things go well you'll go back into your vices, your pleasures, those dreamy highs beyond normal and reasonable experience. It's a false paradise, if only because it is ephemeral.
God hates pleasure because it makes his creation useless, mediocre, corrupt, but most importantly, it is the greatest distraction from HIM.
God, a jealous slut himself, cannot even stand the idea that people can think of something else other than him. Can't stand the idea of there being altars and festivals to anything but him.Can't stand people cuming without giving him more slaves. God needs you BAD. So bad, he's willing to torture you for all eternity if you don't swear absolute devotion to his almighty cock and balls. He WILL forgive anything you've done. ANYTHING. No matter how evil or fucked up, as long as you render yourself entirely to him. That's how bad God needs you. Almost as bad as those heartless women want your money and black mirror Moloch wants your time.

>> No.22764410

It depends on purpose.

>> No.22764411

I am writing a James Bond type villain who has the goal of gaining control over the world but I don't know what his plan is or how he is going to try and do it.

>> No.22764427

Good, good. You are starting to understand. Now realize that this is how every woman feels. This is why she collects simps and will go to extremes to steal a man she does not even want from someone else. There can be no god besides her. She had to do her best to collect the collective desire of all men.

>> No.22764438

I like how 20th Century Boys handled the bad guy taking over the world
>create a plague
>frame the hero as the creator of the plague
>rescue the "world" from the plague
>become untouchable
We recently had COVID come in, so you can tie into that to make it hit harder for modern audiences.
also I just realized that I sound like I'm talking about the COVID plot, I'm not, that's just what happened in that manga.

>> No.22764458

I thought you were talking about the political history of the 20th century…

>> No.22764461

A white supremacist whose goal is to exterminate every nonwhite.
He comes from an ancestral line of white supremacists who have been acquiring power for centuries. Right now, he is the CEO of a mega-corporation that controls the banks, the media, the military, and so on.
He has managed to create a cultural zeitgeist through subtle mind-control and mass media to make non-whites reproduce less, as well as empower whites more and more. He's also poisoning food and water supplies, to make non-whites frailer.
The name of this family? The Eichmanns
The name of that company? WhiteRock

>> No.22764481

Their reading of history. Why? I don’t know. Historicity has been a weapon of philosophers since Hegel and especially Nietzsche and since most of these people are Hegelians, Nietzscheans, or Evolians, all of whom offered up their incorrect historicity as truth, I suspect that’s why. If you read Nietzsche and accept that what he says is literally true, you’ve just accepted a take on history rather than history as it actually is and make value judgements as if it were history as it actually is. With the Fuentes guy, he says things along these lines all the time in regard to WW2 and post-war history. I mean, you’re the one who think he knows a lot, right? So give me an example of a thing he said that you found profound and I’ll critique it. Because to this point, my argument was general and not particular, but you didn’t have any argument at all. You can pick a general one or a particular one if you want.

>> No.22764495

My friends anand family always pick the worst time to have personal crises. Why can't they be so needy when I'm really fucking busy? Why do they always need the most attention when I'm swamped with my own life?

>> No.22764508
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Nietzsche was right about everything, hope is the worst of all evils.

People love the internet even and especially when it ceases to love them back because it's the distraction of distractions, and distractions are today's substitute for hope as we're all nihilists or positivists or whatever even if in denial. The internet is so much worse than it was, and any satisfaction therein all but gone, but we'll do anything to not look directly into the abyss before us, because the moment you make that eye contact you need to think about life in practical immediate terms, which is the last thing anyone wants to do. There's so many things I know I should do, and that I can do if only in some abstract technical sense. But I don't do them. Instead I look at anything else. Isn't this what's meant by life denying? I've lived my entire so called life this way, it's so hard in some inexplicable way to do anything, I never learned to learn, I want to want, and here at the end I realize there's nowhere to begin. It's not too late, but I want it to be, because with every passing moment what's demanded of me, what should be done, it grows while my potential and strength shrink in proportion. I'm so tired yet I've never done anything. I'd give anything to be 20 again to waste a few more moments in that buffer against reality called youth. Nothing would change likely, but I yearn for reprieve, and is that not why I'm writing this, to put a moment between me and starting...

>> No.22764519

Literally me.

Let's close or browsers and do something, anything. Even if it means just walking in small circles and thinking for a while.

>> No.22764528

I’m realizing that if I want to salvage this pursuit, I need to have some success at this within the next 3 years…

>> No.22764543 [DELETED] 

I made this webm from a Yarvin podcast instead.

>> No.22764553

Kek, what's the difference.

>> No.22764618


>> No.22764650

Your problem, and everyone else’s problem, is that they forgot what leisure is.

>> No.22764658

Adorno has a good essay on this in The Culture Industry, on otium and negotium and how modern "work/leisure" has destroyed the earlier conception of honest and meaningful work that is also one's joy

>> No.22764705
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Yeah bitch, put a bow on it.

>> No.22764706

I think the only possible way for there to be anything truly good in the world is if human beings believe that there is one God, or an immutable order of things (as I think the buddhists do), which always and unconditionally rewards good and punishes evil. I think this is the only way we keep from devolving, everything else will just lead to trying to fend for oneself one way or another, and if it isn't "one" then it is a negotiation, which also opens up to strategizing. The belief has to be in the one. That's what I think.

>> No.22764778

> no I do like you as a person, but we can't be together
> ...
> you're an eth-nnic
> grabs her purse and runs away insulted

>> No.22764843

> So give me an example of a thing he said that you found profound and I’ll critique it
Not how this works sugartits. You made the claim that he doesn't know shit.
You have to come with an argument for why you think that.
In >>22763949 I gave a general view of why I think he knows his stuff on geopolitics.
Work with that or just admit you spoke without knowing a single thing about him.

>> No.22764859

Somehow spent 20 minutes searching the reddit for that podcast with the two older whores for references to 4chan, and found tons of them saying they are OG 4chan users or that the reddit is a gathering place for retired 4chan users, but in the very same posts they say shit like "mfers" or advocate using the 4chan /lit/ discord

It's interesting to me that this board has an entire subrace of permanent newfags who also think they're oldfags

>> No.22764945
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I looked him up.
Now this guy's a youtuber so automatically I discredit his knowledge, but besides that he's too young and being senator/representative requires being popular in his area. He has a (from my brief research) US niche audience, not a strong NY or MA audience. He won't win in those.
Plus elections are run by money, not by knowing about geo politics or rhetoric. How many people vote for senators based on stuff deeper than party? His change of winning is based on successfully integrating with the republican party, but even then his fame might come back against him, as the more middle of the road conservatives for blue just to not vote for him.

>> No.22764950

We see that George/James youtuber become a boxer. That alone should be evidence that given a couple decades time, youtubers can become politicians.
Which sucks so much balls, by that point youtube will have become so mainstream and will probably suck.

>> No.22764956

Fuentes will become a minor Kingfisher/Father Coughlin type character and probably get killed at some point

He has natural charisma and poise and knows how to play a character consistently without spilling outside the lines, a lot like Alex Jones. And unlike many other ecelebs, who constantly let their personal neurotic desires overrun their character and try to turn their audience into their therapist or the mommy who never validated them or whatever. People think Fuentes has poor optics but part of his character is being wildly antinomian so it's not quite the same thing. He also knows how to get rid of drama without being a pathetic tyrant and making it personal like that Spencer guy.

All in all I think he has the makings of a great politician, he has that weird cocktail of self control and charisma and energy and showmanship. But he is so isolated on the fringe that things would really have to change for him to occupy the center at any point. Like I said more likely he will be a major anticipator or enabler of something big. Or try to be a Kingfisher/Coughlin and get shot "by a mysteriously crazed assassin who had no motive."

>> No.22764972

>Now this guy's a youtuber so automatically I discredit his knowledge,
Just a stupid thing to say.
And you mis the entire point.
>too young
I already acknowledged that you would have to wait and see for the coming 10 years before he is even eligible. Here: >>22763873
>Won't win!
Was never part of the op question. Only whether someone would run yes or no.
I think I just found my argument for dismissing you as someone who can judge whether someone is knowledgeable about history or geopolitics. Because you simply can't read.

And besides, the one thing you need to win an election or at least come close is media attention. And he has plenty of that

>> No.22764973

Do you / would you write nasty thoughts and secrets in your journal? I feel like I editorialize what I write. There's this feeling that someone is going to read my journals at some point. It keeps me from writing anything incriminating in there. Not that I have any murders to confess. More like fucked up dreams, strange memories, and fantasies that come up over and over. I feel like it's limiting my ability to let things go via 100% honest confession.

>> No.22765022

This is why i just go to the gioyc or i write shit down then burn it.

>> No.22765032

go to the WHAT sir, the WHAT

>> No.22765055
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The uuuh the uuuh the uuuhmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.22765062

I feel like there's no way I'm gonna try to be a person again until I have a better angle. I'm gonna stall until something makes sense.

>> No.22765074

Your spiral is unraveling.

>> No.22765109

>and an occultist
Absolutely. Read Meditations on the Tarot.

>> No.22765125

But is that violating orthopraxy is really the question. I’m well aware that people do both as a matter of fact. The Catholic Church condemns Tarot as divination and forbids it for example. Hard to see how you meditate on the Tarot and be properly Catholic…

>> No.22765145

Just read the book instead of making assumptions from the title, anon.

>> No.22765186

Have you ever met someone who just lived for literature?

>> No.22765198

The book doesn’t divulge dogma so it doesn’t really matter what the book says about my question. Am I wrong? You seem to think the book can make clear something like Catholic dogma, but I don’t see how.

>> No.22765217

I write all my nasty thoughts in /wwoym/. Nigger

>> No.22765222

>He has natural charisma and poise

>> No.22765226

You asked if one could be a pious Christian occultist, not if there was some loophole that lets occult practices be precisely in accordance with Catholic doctrine.

>> No.22765227

The creep of woke shit is so obviously a symptom of internet-enabled and social media amplified over-connectivity and public space displacement. I think it’s nuts that not body has really pointed this out in literature to my knowledge.

>> No.22765232

Another chapter done. I missed a lot of deadlines but maybe I can have it wrapped up before spring.

>> No.22765235

I feel like I can't explore random stuff that isn't related to the current developments of the world, even if I wanted to. Everything just seems on the verge of collapse and rebirth

>> No.22765248

If you’re anathema to every church in existence, you’re obviously not really a Christian but are rather practicing some made up religion. Is that not obvious? What I’m looking for is where and how orthodoxies actually allow a space and place for people hat we might commonly consider the occult or esoteric. A Hindu that calls himself a Christian because he worships a Vishnu Jesus is obviously not really a Christian but a Catholic who agrees with some Eastern ideas might be, especially if the clergy agrees. A good question, for example, is if the Catholic Church actually allows for magic and divination in some circumstances, rather than whether some magician thinks magic and Christ are reconcilable. The former might be dogmatic but the latter is just not as a matter of fact.

>> No.22765256

It’s a lot easier if you disconnect. The whole world comes back into view.

>> No.22765273

Most people who make use of the term "woke" are not exactly scholars of literature.

>> No.22765305 [DELETED] 

gioyc on /adv/.
I go here if I have something bigger to talk about, there for shitposts. Like
>be me
>in OP's mom
>thread 404s
>MFW the pussy archives itself on my dick

>> No.22765314

>heh you use a colloquial term? Better luck next time kiddo

>> No.22765320

Man, y must u betray the secret place like this?

>> No.22765322

Do you have a better one? If anything the fact that there isn’t any is suggestive that what I just said is 100% correct. How else do you think these ideas and the words that refer to them get into the mainstream lexicon if not via the internet?

>> No.22765323

My 1st elder scrolls was oblivion and then Skyrim. I first played Morrowind probably 2020, and got super into it.
Dated doesn't mean anything.
Like any elder scrolls you become absolutely op. On my current playthrough by lvl 6 I was extremely op killing most enemies in 1-2 hits.
I'll admit the dice roll for hitting is a little annoying but people exaggerate how bad it is. Once you've lvled up your weapon skill every other hit lands.
Graphics look old but it has aged well. The artistic design is beautiful.
I love the design of dungeons, daedric, and dwemer ruins.
By contrast Oblivion looks cartoonish, and cities all have the same generic medieval fantasy look. In Skyrim likewise most of the world looks like the same snowy landscape, and every dungeon feels the same.
The magic system is more interesting than any other elder scrolls with the ability to levitate around
After playing Morrowind I find Skyrim kinda boring.

>> No.22765332

They enter inorganically because they don’t arise in real life but online.

>> No.22765346

I really regret retesting and reapplying but I couldn’t have got admitted to my target last year.

>> No.22765361

Chain smoking on campus, good feeling. Ahh the weight of others and myself.

>> No.22765365

At first I was confused on what's so secret about that board.
But I realized I saved that anon a google check and gave him a sauce, and now I enabled no-googling habits in anons, and now I feel bad.

>> No.22765371
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t. Hylic

>> No.22765376

I’m thinking about picking up smoking again to curb hunger and lose weight.

Should I? I smoke cigars a few times per month.

>> No.22765381

>poetry unique to video games, I would suggest playing Nier: Automata, the Soulsborne games
I haven't played any except Dark Souls 1 but how are they that unique to story telling? That there's no depth to the story unless you investigate the lore?
I mean I enjoy Dark Souls 1
You are playing video games for the wrong reason. If you're looking to feel/great stories you're gonna be lacking. At most I suggest playing adventure games, GIOYCs and puzzle/simulation/wargames: those are the three genres you'll get the most story out of (simulation might seem weird but I count the player's story as a story, and puzzle games are a story of getting gud mentally).
Now if you approach vidya stories to have fun, than you're in luck. You mentioned Twin Peaks, Dark Seed 2 was influenced by Twin Peaks and is a so bad it's good game.
I recommend you approach games as toys. Or just playing open world driving/vehicle games, they're strangely atmospheric.

>> No.22765396

Nier Automata takes advantage of game mechanics to tell a story in a unique way. It’s a slog at times but worth it for the novelty alone if you can get through it. The souls games use what’s called environmental storytelling. Basically in lieu of prose narrative it relies on audiovisual cues. The elder scrolls are somewhat similar to soul, particularly
Skyrim since a lot of those graphics consulted medieval literature and then of course there’s mountains of lore and in Elder Scrolls and like hundreds of novels to read in Skyrim. Fallout is similar in regard to lore. RDR, particularly RDR2, and buoshock, particularly 1 and infinite, are just narrative storytelling done really well in video games.

>> No.22765398

>corruption comes from the soul, not the body.
I do not care what that heretic wrote. The soul comes from Elohim himself and returns upon expiration. The soul neshamah is a pure incorruptable reflection of divinity.
Nefesh tarries on the physical plane connected and looking upwards to the higher neshamah. It is from the bodily impulses that aim downwards, just as piss and bodily liquids flow downward, that corruption stems. Whereas the soul like a flame ascends ethereal.
>it takes true strength to abstain from it purely mentally, showing actual self control.
The sheer act of will required to castrate one's self, to ignore the pain and permanently deprive yourself, is an act of far greater self control.

>> No.22765405

I do enjoy how Dark Souls portray it's story. It's method of me having to piece together clues on what happened here (like why is blighttown fucked up?) is much more enjoyable than if someone told me what happened.

>> No.22765406

Hmm idk, I don't think anyone has the right to make a decision for you. I enjoy it. Sometimes I feel it can reinforce an unhealthy emotional state, but that's a reason I like it. The exciting and depressive qualities of nicotine can be beneficial sometimes. I sometimes use it to not eat much, but I'm already super skinny. Idk man, I think your intention on it should be genuine and respective of the drug.

>> No.22765424

Yeah bro, a smoke after a light meal will definitely help you to eat less and discourage snacking afterwards

>> No.22765457

The sun is resting at a 45 degree angle on my face with the rest of my body in cool shade, in here there's a terrible worry. Stemming from others their weight feels much too burdensome. I'm unsure what to do or how to feel. An insecure mind has no need putting its heart into other people, but that's what it needs. That need that was thought to be had so long ago revealed to be a farce. Slightest hint of undesire for me sends me into a spiral, but the foot of desire for me puts me in George Floyd's situation. Both of these feelings are demanded equally yet only one can be present at a time.

>> No.22765504

The souls games are the least interesting of those I’ve mentioned imo. I sort of hated Nier:A’s story but the way it’s done is extremely interesting.

>> No.22765509


>> No.22765584

Not him but a smoker and that's true. Cigarettes are an appetite suppressant, which is why anorexic chicks generally love them

>> No.22765606

What is all this yugioh bullshit

>> No.22765620

Pls don't insult yugioh

>> No.22765648

Is chivalry dead?

>> No.22765652

Chivalry is just what we used to call simp behavior to get in someones pants. I wish it was dead but unfortunately it is very much alive and thriving.

>> No.22765702

Do you have a horse?

>> No.22765707

Story in porn is really important, hell there's entire tags about the story, like NTR/corruption. This doesn't account that if you go one step deeper, all the different outfits/body types is also just context. A school girl vs an office lady both show off legs, wear skirts, and have other similarities, but the school girl's context is a brat while the office lady is a mature woman, and that invokes a different reaction to people.

>> No.22765809


>> No.22765887

anon here again
nigger OP didn't post new thread

>> No.22765901

Not dead, but the eternal feminine is notably absent and so too is chivalry