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22759553 No.22759553 [Reply] [Original]

No one remembers how bad it was.
I mean most people never experienced how bad it was because they just complied, but even those that saw it, or participated in it, they don't remember how evil it was.
I had one doctor literally accuse me of murder for not wearing a mask as well as deliberately trying to freak me out with a fake diagnosis.
Other doctors insulted me and gleefully declared they would not treat me.
Normal people would be ready to you throw down over not wearing a mask.

It was utter insanity and if you try to talk to any normie about it, they just kind of shrug their shoulders and go "wearing a mask kinda sucks, but it's not so bad"
That's their entire takeaway, that's all they remember. It's horrifying.

>> No.22759554

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22759556

The evil of these people is boundless and nearly impossible to fathom.

They permanently damaged and destroyed the hearts of who knows how many thousands of children, just because they could.

The even more sick thing is how many mothers and fathers, having access to all the information that screamed at them that they had no reason to do this, went ahead and did it anyway. No one was ever going to lose their job because their child was not injected with a new experimental chemical potion. They sacrificed their own children because of...social pressure.

>> No.22759561

normies are always this callous and sadistic, corona was just one of those times where it becomes obvious.

>> No.22759562

Why do this?


>> No.22759563

people forget they had to get the vaxx to enter literally any place besides a pharmacy or a supermarket for almost a year straight
australia and new zealand were even worse, reading news from those hellholes was incredible

>> No.22759569

Most people did it to enter a fucking restaurant and travool, that's it. Let's never forget it.

>> No.22759572

Its a freestyle poem, I thought you knew avent garde...

>> No.22759584

damn, I just quickly checked the /g/ thread and it's basically all vaxx cucks, wtf

>> No.22759598

Oh boy, you sure have been a victim of totalitarian oppression. People who lived through the Gulags, the peasants and slaves who were the property of recalcitrant nobles, those killed in the witch trials, truly they don't know the true pain, the pain of being told to wear a mask.

But, imagine if I were to tell you that the default in the past was not to have freedom. That people didn't tolerate anyone of an other religion to live near them. That practice was absolute? Maybe one type of minority is barely allowed, but you pogrom them in mass murders and rapes every fifty years or so.

Or imagine if you and every other male 16-30 got conscripted and forced to charge trenches as the enemy mowed you down with machine gun fire and shelled you?

Gee, it's almost like modern society is the only thing stopping such infringement.

>> No.22759604

illiterate rambling

>> No.22759616

Most of the past was far more free and tolerant than the present. The Mask was just one grievous example of modern idiocy and intolerance. Typical vaxie presentism.

>> No.22759625
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Why yes, I do remember all your retarded predictions that never came true.

>> No.22759631

Pointing to the most extreme and fringe version of something as a counterargument is an admission you were wrong.

>> No.22759641

Wait, so most people crying about masks did think COVID was real, not a hoax and did think the vaccine was just a regular vaccine? So this existential crying was just about having a piece of paper on their face?

That seems even more pathetic.

>> No.22759644

Motte and Bailey proves you are even more wrong

>> No.22759661
File: 33 KB, 575x350, chud_had_it_enogh_by_soygemvault_dfb0129-350t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully these guys. They will snap and go shoot up a day care or grocery store. You know how they do. Whole lot of important rage at finding out they aren't special and that they have to actually compete in the global economy with no safety net. Ironically, their plight was created by the same politics they embrace. They worship the 1950s not realizing it was created by a long period of total Democratic control of all the government, the New Deal, mass housing construction for new families, etc. This world we live in now is what the victory of neoliberalism looks like. And no matter how much the screech about disliking neoliberalism, they will vote for it.

What was Trump's biggest legislative move when he held both chambers of Congress and the Court? Not migration. They didn't hold one (1) vote on migration. It was all more tax cuts for the rich. Thus, the deficit tripled even before the pandemic, more debt for (you) to pay to support tax cuts for richfags, and migration hit an 11 year high under Trump anyhow. But you'll still suck him because your entire ideology is so susceptible to propaganda. The definition of useful idiots.

>> No.22759702 [DELETED] 

More than anything Coronahoax exposed the goyim on levels never before thought possible. We already had a decent idea of who the jews, elites, corporations, governments and the occultists really were and while there have been a lot of new revelations regarding their plans nothing pales in comparison to how much the goyim have been unmasked.

The fuckers who pushed it were geniuses and deserve our gratitude for exposing how foolish and willing to betray us most people really were. The real criminals are the morally sanctimonious narcissists who put their faith in governments and pharmaceutical mega corporations. Every day average "law abiding citizens" are the reason the world we live in is in such turmoil and full of suffering.

>> No.22759722

Ok incel. Sure, you are the children of light. Everyone else are the children of darkness. You are ascended and wise. Truly, the beta rebellion shall usher in a utopia.

Just hurry up and get to it. I know you pure of heart have a lot of "nigger hate threads," to post in, plenty of videos of black children being beaten that you seem to enjoy, but we need your goodness out in the world.

>> No.22759730

jokes on you, i graduated high school in 2020 and neeted it up for three years
sorry if you were doing gay shit like "actually working at a job"

>> No.22759733

>corona will kill you!
>ok, corona didn't kill you
>but corona will hospitalize you!
>ok, corona didn't hospitalize you
>but corona will give you brain fog!
>ok corona didn't give you brain fog
>but corona will ruin your sense of smell and taste forever!
>ok, corona didn't ruin your sense of smell or taste forever
>but we can go back to normal once we vaccinate 60% of the population
>ok we didn't go back to normal
>but delta will kill you!
>ok, delta didn't kill you
>but we will fire you if you don't get vaccinated!
>ok, we didn't fire you
>but Biden mandated the vaccine starting in November and you will lose your job!
>ok, the November mandate didn't happen and you didn't lose your job
>but Biden will mandate the vaccine in December and you will lose your job!
>ok the December mandate didn't happen
>but omicron will kill you!
>ok, omicron didn't kill you
>but omicron will ruin your brain forever
>ok, that was a lie too
>but this winter you are 20 times more likely to die of covid if you are unvaccinated! Winter of death!
>ok, you didn't die last winter...
>but you will have elevated risk of cardiovascular complications up to 1 year after you get corona!
>ok, your unvaccinated heart is healthier than proffessional football players...
>but the kraken variant will definitely kill you!
>did I say kraken variant? I meant XBB.1.5 covid will kill you!
>oh yeah, buckle up. It's really going to happen
>corona's over
The masks didnt work, social distancing didnt work, lockdowns didnt work, the vaccines didnt flatten the curve, vaccines didnt prevent the spread, vaccines didnt give immunity, vaccines didnt lessen symptoms, corona is still going strong and people are still dying today, but it's "over" now because people got bored playing this game. Vaxxies BTFO. Purebloods win.
>we need masks and lockdowns now!
>variants EG.5, FL.1.5.1 and BA.2.86 are spreading and they are going to KILL YOU FOR REAL THIS TIME!

>> No.22759770

The masks and vax did work on slowing it down Dr. Chud

>> No.22759859

When used with other proper protocols maybe. Like Japan had very few cases.

They didn't work much in the US, in part because compliance with other things was pretty low, particularly the distancing.

Interestingly, Japan didn't have laws to enforce these things, people just agreed to it "for the greater good."

But the Chud line makes no sense. If the entire medical establishment is so corrupt and evil, why did they start saying "the evidence for masks with this particular disease didn't really pan out?"

It makes no sense with their own version of things. Here is the explanation that makes most sense: public officials are not omniscient Gods. They got panicked and they picked a raft of policies that would tend to work for most infectious diseases if properly followed. The disease was novel, and they didn't know the best way to deal with it, but wanted to look for the best solutions possible.

In retrospect, closing schools was not a good move. However, there are lots of complications, particularly kids with elderly/frail parents and elderly/frail teachers. We had never done anything like the sort of remote learning that was tried, and so policy makers were operating in the dark as they considered tradeoffs.

Economic policy wise, I would say it was a success. The stock market crashed harder than the Great Depression originally. Credit dried up harder than 2008. We could easily have had a global financial crisis. Yeah, we got inflation, but it let up after 7 quarters and is now where it was for most of the 90s. US inflation was actually milder than most of the world, but ECB inflation has done better than I would have expected too. Given the scale of the disruption and the fuck ton or bad corporate debt going into the crisis, I would say everything came out better than I would have expected. We even had the most robust real wage growth for the bottom 50% of earners in almost half a century.

>> No.22759876

>But the Chud line makes no sense
Yeah it didn't work because chuds can't follow simple instructions

>> No.22759904

Corona did a great deal to the disintegration of Western society, not because of the damage Corona itself did to society, but because it showed the inability of modern states of dealing in a state of crisis.

>> No.22759907

OK chang

>> No.22759911

you guys got duped and lied to and shown to be cowards who will do whatever people with authority tell them to do, and you're still seething at the chuds? fuck you retards!

>> No.22759935 [DELETED] 

Count yourself lucky you weren't in Australia. It actually makes me angry how everyone and their mother turned against me.

I couldn't rent places because everyone wanted to see my vaccine passport.
I was fired from my job because I could no longer attend the office.
I was barred from going to stores. They had "guards" who would check that your vaccine passport was current before letting you in.
I was locked in my house and wasn't allowed out while vaccinated people were. $5,000 fine for leaving my front door.
I wasn't even able to get a haircut for like 2 years, just because the government said barbers and hairdressers are high-risk covid hotspots.
I lost friends and family because they thought I was insane and would laugh at me behind my back. And sometimes tell me they did so, just to try and shame me into getting the vax.

Life was absolute hell in Australia for the unvaccinated, and I will never, ever forgive the people of this country for doing that to me. I have zero loyalty to this country now and I wish a slow and painful death on all those who played into this fucking bullshit.

Seeing this play out in real time shattered my faith in humanity.

>> No.22759969

Brace yourself for worse things

>> No.22759981

It also damaged Orthodod Medicine's legitimacy in a terrible way.
By trying to bundle the Covid Vaccines with older vaccines, all they did was kick off a reactionary pushback against all vaccines.

Now old plagues are going to pop up and infant death is going to spike, because Doctors failed in their roles as Custodians and told Young Men that 1 in every 1000 or 1 in every 10000 chance is death was accepitable to save the old, and those Young Men are going to remember that for the rest of their lives.

>> No.22759984

vgh.. won't someone think of the poor young men

>> No.22759985

>Seeing this play out in real time shattered my faith in humanity.
It did not outright shatter my faith in humanity, but it did remove any remaining sympathy I had for the Anglosphere.

>> No.22759990
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friendly reminder that 4chan is now, always has been, and always will be pro-mask

>> No.22759992
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>> No.22759994

>all they did was kick off a reactionary pushback against all vaccines
Only by chuds that no one will miss anyway.

>> No.22759998

>we don't need any support from young men
>also lets try to pick a fight with China, the Middle East, and Russia at the same time we told all the young men to fuck off

I'm convinced the collective west has a subconcious death wish, and are pushing for outcomes that will get them killed without it being a technical suicide

>> No.22760004

what else is new

>> No.22760012

keep dreaming
>Middle East
oh no, not the inbred goat fuckers
pretty sure russia "picked a fight" by three-day special operationing a neighboring country

>> No.22760023

Pray that God (not the Demiurge) will grant you death and spare you the next one (likely coming this spring).

>> No.22760032

We have been bombed in Iraq and Syria over 60 times in the last month to put pressure on us to put pressure on Israel for a Gaza ceasefire which worked and the Biden Admin is supressing the news to avoid calls of reoccupying Iraq, we are also avoiding taking on the Yemani pirates that just hijacked a third Israeli Cargo vessal in the red sea.

>> No.22760034

by what metric? How much did it slow down? How do you measure the speed of corona infections? Corona infections did not "slow down" at all. Infections persisted unabated regardless of whatever measures were implemented.
Japan is proof masks don't work. Everyone wore masks for three years in Japan and infections still persisted. Hell, in September 2021 corona infections peaked in Japan. It was officially worse than February an March 2020, before masks use became widespread in the country. People in Japan are still wearing masks to prevent corona, and it's still doing nothing.

>> No.22760100

Hi, non-schizo, here. Just curious- what's a current cope for why the lockdowns didn't last forever like your camp so confidently said it would and why the vaxx hasn't killed me yet.
Thank you for your consideration.

>> No.22760235
File: 1017 KB, 1666x2310, First Vaxx Offensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22760249

>asking a schizo a question expecting a coherent answer instead of unrelated image macros
My blunder, really.

>> No.22760250

All of this was justified. Might makes Right when it comes to chuds.

>> No.22760253

>Chud crying because his rights are being taken away
Not even pro clot shot but it’s funny to watch free thinkers seethe when their nanny state bites back

>> No.22760255

Fuck you, it isn't based when it happens to ME

>> No.22760350
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Every day the golems are exposing themselves more and more.

>> No.22760363

The only source I can find on this story is the article itself, and they’d already booted the guy in the pic like three months before that article? Is there like a video or anything of this shit being said?

>> No.22760368




>> No.22760372

Ok, now compare the cases per 100,000 people in the US, Mexico, or Canada vs Japan. And keep in mind that Japan is incredibly urbanized.

Saying cases "peaked" means fuck all unless you look at what rate that peak represented. No one says Japan was good at rolling out vaccines, they were quite slow. But both they and Singapore did good on controlling the spread of infections, unlike the US, UK, China, etc.

China really had the worst of both worlds. Draconian lockdowns, poor vaccination roll out, and waves of high case rates.

>> No.22760373
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I was already in a bad mental state before this whole thing, and all the Corona shit made much worse. Jews ruined my life.

>> No.22760389

The Russian military has shown itself to be an absolute fucking embarrassment. Where did all the roubles go? Definitely not to making an effective fighting force. Ukraine had received little in lethal aid before their invasion and they still took atrocious losses and got pushed back by a very poor country using almost entirely antiquated Soviet hardware. Russia is not blowing through all the old Soviet reserves, fielding unupgraded 60+ year old hardware and relying on North Korea and Iran for weapons systems. They won't be a threat until they fix their corruption, but when they fix their oligarchy they probably won't even have problems with the West anymore.

China is a real threat in the Pacific but as of yet can't project power well. They are mostly picking up Russia's old orbit and will be busy with that for a while. It's more likely that they support some sort of "independence" movement in Siberia than invade Taiwan at this point. They still vocally contend that Russia owns Chinese clay and now the entire Far East is like 20% Han because they have made Russia accept their workers for all the natural resource extraction.

The Middle East is an absolute basket case of civil wars. Iran, Hezbollah, and even the Hamas political leadership in Qatar just noped the fuck out of embracing the latest Hamas fuck up. The only threat from there is the numbers of refugees fleeing these places destabilizing Europe. Same with Russia, they have absolutely hemorrhaged educated young people to the OECD. Meanwhile, how many westerners willingly move to Russia, Egypt, or Iraq?

>> No.22760397

>The Middle East is an absolute basket case of civil wars. Iran, Hezbollah, and even the Hamas political leadership in Qatar just noped the fuck out of embracing the latest Hamas fuck up.
If you are going to ignore reality than the rest of your analysis can be ignored as well

>> No.22760403

Jewish lies more like

>> No.22760411

If they called the mRNA vaccines a new type of prophylaxis and told people the truth about what the research said, which only .edu dweebs could access but was there from early 2021, the wouldn't have discredited a potentially very helpful institution.

It was all so braindead.

>> No.22760433

Where I lived it wasn't like that at all. I moved midway through the plandemic, and in both states (GA and TX), no one gave a flying fuck. Only a small handful of times that I got bothered about a mask. Hell, in Texas people actually got pissed at me for wearing one.

The vaccine stuff did effect me though. Job threatened to fire me for not taking it. In the end they never did. But the pressure between my job and some of my friends was pretty whack.
What's some essential Coronavirus literature?

>> No.22760439

Unvaxxed reporting in

My government job's religious exemption form had a condescending question like "Explain the logic of your religion on why you don't need a vaccine" and I told them to go fuck themselves, I said does every Catholic granny need to know systematic theology? No, she is part of her religion, her priest and congregation come to a conclusion, and she doesn't want to take the fucking vaccine. I will never forget how smug and smarmy the normie urban Uber-taking class was about the whole affair, it's proof that we are always three seconds away from Stalinist tyranny or a Rwandan massacre or whatever

I also think people should NEVER forget that ALL the so-called leftist intellectuals were in favor of biopolitical hyper-nanny states, including Habermas, and above all, that when Agamben spoke against the COVID measures in perfect accord with the philosophy he had been expositing for decades, all his gay French fairweather friends wrote smarmy op-eds about how he's a crank. Fucking cocksucking niggers, I'd NEVER talk about a friend that way even if he became a total retard. Imagine betraying your own friend in public like that so you can win brownie points with the French bourgeois establishment, Jean Luc Nancy can suck shit out of my fucking ass

>> No.22760450
File: 337 KB, 1080x1920, PKaeGzN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are deeply stupid. Even to this day I've lost friendships (ahah losers) with people who get touchy over the covid hoax mythology. Oh mah gawd dood I'm at risk it could kill me we have to wear da mask... okay loser.

It's a cult. People got pushed into performing the outward motions with regulation and then internalized the dogma to rationalize why they did so. There's nothing intellectual going on in the process, just the defensiveness of idiots who get testy when their god gets challenged.

Covid hoax is the ultimate litmus test for whether you're politically self-aware or sentient

>> No.22760469

And all for a Jewish psyop like corona, weak

>> No.22760485

To believe in the govid hoax you would have had to exclusively listen to mainstream media and the opinions of poorly educated normies downstream from that. There is no excuse considering the wealth of information on the internet. It was the ultimate exercise in demonstrating normies are little more than cattle

>> No.22760497


Based. Zizek especially was totally subhuman about it. He has been openly in favor of authoritarianism in the past BUT he always said it has to be the "right" authoritarianism, totally opposite to the 2020-2022 disgrace.

>> No.22760502
File: 1.39 MB, 3556x2667, GettyImages-1211395473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This question on a form triggers me, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The "hard men" who will make good times everyone.

>> No.22760506


I had a great time.

Did school online, got Fun-employment, didn't get sick because wearing a mask wasnt the same thing to me as being raped by the government.

Feel bad for the doctors and nurses, but I wish it would happen again only stronger, just so it could ruins the lives or simply kill off the retards some more. lmao

>> No.22760507

yeah okay richard

>> No.22760515

>Everyone else is cattle, sheep, weak, disgusting.
>Reeeeee I have no GF, no job, no house. It's all those incredibly weak and stupid people oppressing me. I am a heroic soul like Evola said, I just somehow get oppressed and lose to those beneath me. It must be because I am so moral and good, not like everyone else.
>When Blump wins, I will rise above all these women and minorities like I deserve!

>> No.22760517 [DELETED] 

don't forget when world famous anarchist noam chomsky said the unvaxxed should be put in camps and if they can't get food too bad.

>> No.22760524

Dunning-Kruger effect in action, you are a literal slave to Jewish elites

>> No.22760532

I forgot that everyone was supposed to be dead from the vax by now, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.22760537

lol. It was the biggest thing in politics, it lasted for at least two years, it disrupted everyday life in a significant way. And you didn't even bother checking whether it was all a bunch of bullshit with your frens on the internet. Looser

>> No.22760548

>biggest thing ever
>everyone has also forgotten about it except terminally online goyim
The world has moved on, COVID was never a thing and you’re just schizo babbling about a made up cough

>> No.22760550

yeah, why don't these paranoid freaks trust big pharma? by the way if your kid sprains their ankle playing soccer, they have highly addictive opioids available that will have them feeling good in no time!

>> No.22760556

>the pilpul isn't working, we have to pretend to be ridpied raycists now

>> No.22760576

Why are you kvetching so hard?

>> No.22760582

Bugmen tend to fall in line more easily

>> No.22760592
File: 44 KB, 756x560, 5E7D16AB-A8FF-4B7D-BA0B-2D4B2730BB6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the people I knew with ‘passionate’ about coronavirus one way or the other were all drooling retards

>> No.22760602

I think you guys need to calm down a little.

>> No.22760611

passionate views rather

>> No.22760646

>malding over a literal made up virus is passionate and not autistic
Sure thing buddy

>> No.22760661
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> do you have a source for that
you have become the meme

>> No.22760672

>I believe everything I read at face value and feel the need to question nothing I am told
How do I know you’re a goy slave without even knowing who you are?

>> No.22760697

Just look at India retard

>> No.22760740

>still up after nearly 7 hours
Nice jobs jannies, you really earned that paycheck.

>> No.22760749

too busy deleting normal threads on /k/ for the ukoper defense force

>> No.22760795

>brings up ukraine out of nowhere
Fuck off HATO, go back to your containment board, two more weeks until evil Russia is thrown out right?

>> No.22761043
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>> No.22761050

For BC the vax pass was required for:

Any federal or provincial government job (depending on position)
Any education job (though some districts rebelled)
Any medical job
Any military job (depending on spec)
Any public transit job
Any rail or airline job (including maintenance at the airports/baggage/operations)
Gyms/Fitness Centers
Facilities used for Sports (swimming pools, martial arts gyms)
Strip or Sex clubs
Music Festivals
Gaming Establishments (arcades, bingo halls, casinos)
Schools (elementary, high, middle, university and college)
Racing events
Restaurants (indoor and outdoor dining)

Currently the government has announced intention and that they are working on allowing corporations or business owners to require it for consumer purposes or work. It is also currently required for any air travel or boat travel (ferries have talked about requiring it for visitors, it is on staff) at all, and may eventually be required for interprovincial travel.

Now addendum:

There is no exemption - even people who are deathly allergic to known ingredients in the vaccines. They are still mandated to take it. If you do not take it, you lose access to all the above. The official response from a public health officer on this matter was that in the case of the allergy, or side effects, the appropriate response is to plug you full of steroids and treat anaphylaxis or other side effects if that occurs.

The other addendum is that due to the option of an actual choice (either loss of access or take the vaccine), this is considered not a violation of our charter rights or constitution. This has lead to sticky situations already and the supreme court has upheld that stance - a young woman's mother died, and she asked for permission to visit the family in the next province over for the funeral - this was considered banned travel and blocked.

>> No.22761066

>some guy was talking out of his ass, therefore it must be true!
Not an argument, keep kvetching about a made up virus

>> No.22761067

Canada has been hovered over by a cloud of pure evil for at least half a century. Whenever I think of Canada I picture nice ordinary midwesty type people utterly cluelessly living in a state that combines everything notoriously bad about California AND New York. Canadians never stood a chance, the government just boiled the frog on them while they kept trying to be nice and ordinary people.

Now the place is filled with disgusting shitskins and gooks so I don't know how you fix that.

>> No.22761162

Dumb zigger

>> No.22761308

That doesn't answer the question he asked. What is the cope for why the vaxx hasn't killed the vaxxed yet? It's been more than two weeks since people said two more weeks. It's actually been two years...

>> No.22761311

>bringing up Ukraine in a discussion not related to it at all
>somehow I’m the bad guy
Nigga I don’t even care, just keep it on /k/ and /pol/, I’m fucking sick of seeing dead ukies and ziggers 24/7

>> No.22761331

The people adopting language such as this faggot saying zigger are the same ones that adopted Corona mandates with such zealousness, complete puppets and automatons

>> No.22761342

The brain is good at coping and forgetting negative and hard experiences, otherwise everyone would probably have various levels of post traumatic syndromes.
Secondly, they keep pumping out new propaganda and other current things to worry about. Ukraine, inflation, Israel vs Palestine and everything in-between we already memory holed, like that mass shooting in Maine.

>> No.22761360

don't omit how when our lawyers finally made it to the Court the judge wouldn't even permit utterances in the court lest it be put into written record and be circulated

The Freedom convoy scared the shit out of them and led to all the provinces dropping their emergency orders shortly thereafter. If things had continued there would have been thousands of people active across the country and who knows where it would have gone from there

>> No.22761370

The freedom convoy was amazing and I was unsurprised to see fucking disgusting leftists worldwide snickering at it and saying they're petit bourgeois because they're technically owners even though this was forced on them by duplicitous practices
I wonder if guys like this ever see all their actual viewers, the pseudoleftists who have no idea what actual labor is, and realize they fucked up

>> No.22761392

My local subreddit (lmao, lmao) was absolutely toxic. They still have hundred-post threads involving some soccer mom bitching because two people wave a flag at a local bridge once a week. Leftists unironically lost the right to participate in democracy in my eyes after the covid hoax.

>> No.22761575

This thread will probably (rightfully) be taken down eventually or soon, but who knows, sometimes mods are sleeping and leave entirely off-topic threads up for days. Even though I usually get irate at off-topic threads, though, I’ll miss this one, as it’s a topic close to my heart, and there’s a lot of interesting responses and perspectives I want to read, compared to how neutered the rest of the Internet is on subjects like these.

In a way, seeing it all happen was “freeing”, as in freeing you from illusions about the masses having some “Great Awakening”, helping to disillusion you. If you’re younger, it’s probably one of the most explicit instances of top-down, lockstep, homogenized political control being exerted on the entire Western and Anglophone nations (including Australia and New Zealand) you’ve ever seen in your life, analogous to the War on Terror led by the U.S. and U.K. under the figureheads Bush and Blair, which was another example of such a globalist agenda come up with by the oligarchs of the West asserting itself in a lockstep way.

It was not organic. It was not grassroots. There was a concerted top-down effort from the news media, social media, Big Tech corporations (like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, former Twitter, etc., choosing eventually to take down content that “went against W.H.O. guidelines on medical disinformation and misinformation” some time into the pandemic — I’ll never forget seeing the YouTube videos put up by dissident doctors at the time shortly taken down with that disclaimer on it, “This video has been taken down for going against guidelines of health disinformation and misinformation established by the W.H.O.” ), academia, Democrats in the U.S. as well as even the neocons and RINOs, to push specific mindsets and policies in response to the pandemic while also censoring, belittling, attacking, at worst firing dissenters from their jobs and banning them entry to certain places and generally making their lives very difficult.

They attacked the right to freedom of assembly, in some places through social conditioning backed by the media’s pronunciations of what the W.H.O.’s, “health experts’”, and Fauci’s directives were (in the U.S., where it’d be harder to attack the right to freedom of assembly explicitly without an even bigger backlash due to it being enshrined in the Bill of Rights), and in other places rather explicitly and draconically, like Australia and New Zealand, which displayed some of the maximum of totalitarianism in response to the pandemic in the Western/Anglophone world (excluding nations like China, of course).

>> No.22761596

Anti-lockdown protesters in these nations (Australia and NZ) were arrested simply for breaching “lockdown restrictions,” I believe the infamous footage and news stories of unmasked people being attacked by police and forcibly masked were from there, and there was even a case of a woman trying to organize or simply suggest an anti-lockdown protest on Facebook being arrested at her home by police for doing so.

Of course, Canada arguably displayed as much totalitarianism with the de-banking of those involved in the truckers’ protest/Freedom Convoy. Imagine being locked out of your funds and access to your bank account for participating in a peaceful protest in a supposedly “democratic, free country that enshrines human rights. Trudeau also enacted the Emergencies Act of Canada that enabled the Canadian government “to take extraordinary temporary measures to respond to public welfare emergencies, public order emergencies, international emergencies and war emergencies”, in an echo of Bush’s idiotically named so-called PATRIOT Act (which has never been repealed since it’s instatement). They also really ramped up the “far-right domestic terror threat” propaganda in response to it in Canada, smearing the truckers involved as “Nazis,” “people involved in it waving Nazi flags,” “making White supremacist statements and waving such slogans on signs,” etc.

Go into Biden’s presidency (or regime, as some call it), and you even get the Biden White House, FBI, and DHS working with Big Tech corporations to bully/intimidate them to tell them what to censor, including “disinfo/misinfo about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines.” Accounts of this are established in the Missouri v. Biden (filed 2022) case now pending in the Supreme Court, but of course the masses rolled over about this without a fight. It also of course discredits everyone’s favorite leftist/lib/progressive talking-point in response to complaints about Big Tech censorship: “Nothing says CORPORATIONS and private entities can’t decide what speech they do and don’t want to host on their platforms! It’s only referring to governments censoring speech, you dumb hick!” So, hilariously enough, it then turns out the government and law enforcement agencies like the FBI are working with these corporations to tell them who to censor … is there any outcry from these “progressive champions of human rights” about this? Well, maybe a few principled oddballs (now also largely attacked by and kicked off the MSM) like Naomi Wolf and Glenn Greenwald, and others who don’t have as much of a public voice, but, otherwise, the wokescolding harpies of the MSM who talk down on you for being a white male, for being unvaccinated, for believing in any “conspiracy theories,” etc., mostly stay silent about it, or discredit it as a “case brought up by a Republican anti-Biden conspiracy theorist”.

>> No.22761597

Nice pasta

>> No.22761649

You also had Biden’s executive orders mandating most federal employees, contractors, and healthcare workers be vaccinated for COVID-19 under threat of losing their jobs, the major E.O. being that any federal employees or contractors part of a company with more than 100 workers had to be vaccinated for it. Of course, I’ve even seen faggots on Reddit (why do I still go there?) trying to gaslight about the pandemic and saying “DUDE ALL THAT HAPPENED WAS YOU COULDNT GO INTO A MOVIE THEATER OR RESTAURANT WITHOUT A MASK FOR A WHILE LMAO WHO WAS FORCING THE VACCINE ON YOU? BIDEN NEVER FORCED IT ON ANYONE???” Either oblivious or malicious … Universities also did this, many healthcare workers faced this, and many other employees, particularly in NYC.

Hey, remember when “experts” suddenly shifted their views about how dangerous it was to congregate outside in large numbers during the pandemic for the BLM/Floyd protests(-cum-riots)? Funny, right?

In the meantime, some “losers” who don’t get much airtime on CNN suffered blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, neurological disorders like Guillain-Barré syndrome causing complete or partial paralysis of one’s limbs, strokes, and more adverse health effects attributed to the shots, but, hey … anything to save grandma, right? Also, remember not to xenophobically suggest it came from the Wuhan Laboratory of China that was studying bat-derived coronaviruses with U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) funding for several years, dating back to Obama’s presidency while Fauci headed the NIH and approved such funds! A coronavirus pandemic which the official mainstream story typically attributed to a bat-derived coronavirus surely DID start in Wuhan, China, as the tale goes, but that lab being there with joint U.S.-China funding and research on bat-derived coronaviruses going on is just a coincidence!

Luckily, though, perfectly for an occurrence such as this, we’ve had federal rulings/laws passed by Congress and a Supreme Court ruling for some decades now barring pharmaceutical corporations from liability for adverse effects attributed to their vaccines. Good thing they now don’t have to worry about that! Their hearts are SO good, so pure, their motives SO humanitarian and benevolent, that to consider ever punishing them for any adverse effects coming about from their injections … by Golly! It would be just downright MEAN. Just cold-hearted! It’s a short step from doubting vaccines’ safety and efficacy to supporting the gas chambers of Nazism, after all. Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper told me.
