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22758465 No.22758465 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22753764

>> No.22758475
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I Invite You To Consider Fascism

>> No.22758490

I wish Nigger-Anon had posted his full niggerscript.

>> No.22758491

I've never been an object of desire of any girl.

>> No.22758495
File: 120 KB, 984x718, IMG_20231126_041315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has now been more than a year since I last had someone to love. My last girlfriend was an astrology chick I left because I didn't want her to confuse my kids with astrology shit. The breakup was sudden and painful for both of us. I loved her.

As for now it's been getting hard not to think about companionship. I have friends and I want to get loved but... Not by people who don't share my faith. Not anymore. It sometimes feels like I have no options although I do have some. They're just not ideal to me, and the more I think of it the more I realize I'm not looking in the right direction. Love isn't the answer I want, nor is it what will fill the hole in my heart. The last time I felt like I belonged somewhere was when I worked and prayed with my father. I'm missing that feeling. I remember eating with my family in total harmony and living simply. I think I was happy that way. I'm pretty sure the reason why everything is stagnant in my life is because God wants me to return to Him.

When did life get so complex? I was always a man of God. Not a man of Women, or a man of Whatever-the-fuck-cuck-society-wants-me-to-be. I should call my dad and get back to praying soon.

>> No.22758517

>because I didn't want her to confuse my kids with astrology shit
>anti-artistic house, only cold..hard, facts and uncaring objective truth allowed.
"Every day I remind my kids this truth, 'Youre going to die one day, act accordingly.'."

>> No.22758522

I don't think I'm gonna reach out to her, it's too risky.

>> No.22758530

which book changed you most?

>> No.22758532

I'm yet to read one that changes me.

>> No.22758533
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>my faith

You fucked up, ROYALLY!!!!

>> No.22758537

Can't wait to purge my mind of all this noise called 'representation in taxation' and 'critical thinking' so my liberated spirit can perish in the trenches

>> No.22758538

The Culture of Domesticity (often shortened to Cult of Domesticity) or Cult of True Womanhood[a] is a term used by historians to describe what they consider to have been a prevailing value system among the upper and middle classes during the 19th century in the United States. This value system emphasized new ideas of femininity, the woman's role within the home and the dynamics of work and family. "True women", according to this idea, were supposed to possess four cardinal virtues: piety, purity, domesticity, and submissiveness. The idea revolved around the woman being the center of the family; she was considered "the light of the home".

Family life is a key value of domesticity.
The women and men who most actively promoted these standards were generally white and Protestant; the most prominent of them lived in New England and the Northeastern United States. Although all women were supposed to emulate this ideal of femininity, black, working class, and immigrant women were often excluded from the definition of "true women" because of social prejudice.

>> No.22758539

same. maybe one day

>> No.22758545

The Cult of Domesticity affected married women's labor market participation in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. "True Women" were supposed to devote themselves to unpaid domestic labor and refrain from paid, market-oriented work. Consequently, in 1890, 4.5% of all married women were "gainfully employed," compared with 40.5% of single women. Women's complete financial dependence upon their husbands proved disastrous, however, when wives lost their husbands through death or desertion and were forced to fend for themselves and their children. This division between the domestic and public spheres had effects on women's power and status. In the society as a whole, particularly in political and economic arenas, women's power declined. Within the home, however, they gained symbolic power.

The legal implications of this ideology included the passage of protective labor laws, which also limited women's employment opportunities outside the home. These laws, as well as subsequent Supreme Court rulings such as Muller v. Oregon, were based on the assumption that women's primary role was that of mother and wife, and that women's non-domestic work should not interfere with their primary function. As a result, women's working hours were limited and night work for women was prohibited, essentially costing many female workers their jobs and excluding them from many occupations.

The Cult of Domesticity "privatized" women's options for work, for education, for voicing opinions, or for supporting reform. Arguments of significant biological differences between the sexes (and often of female inferiority) led to pronouncements that women were incapable of effectively participating in the realms of politics, commerce, or public service. Women were seen as better suited to parenting. Also, because of the expected behaviors, women were assumed to make better teachers of younger children. Catharine Beecher, who proselytised about the importance of education and parenting, once said, "Woman's great mission is to train immature, weak, and ignorant creatures [children] to obey the laws of God...first in the family, then in the school, then in the neighborhood, then in the nation, then in the world...." One of the first public jobs for women was teaching. One estimate says that, with the growth of public education in the northern tier of states, one-quarter of all native-born Massachusetts women in the years between 1825 and 1860 were schoolteachers at some point in their lives.

>> No.22758569

This but completely unironically

>> No.22758570

If it suits you, then go ahead!

>> No.22758579
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>so my liberated spirit can perish in the trenches
Many died so other may triumph.

Your sacrifice will be remember until the neo-neo-liberal Age of 2063 when your tomb for unknown plebs is desecrated as being anti-transhumanist by jobs corps student activist. By 2064 its taken down as its a reminder of hate and evil.

>> No.22758605

My wife and I dont like our 2 year old daughter. She complains all day every day and refuses to sleep. We’ve almost divorced a few times now over it. I hope she gets better but it’s been over a year now and no sign of it.

>> No.22758607

unfortunately theres no trenches to die in anymore

>> No.22758609

Been thinking about death a lot. A few years ago I tried killing myself but ended up not going through with it. Afterwards I promised myself that I'd live out my life regardless of how bad it got. It's not like I'm gonna miss out on the opportunity to experience death. There's lots of people out there looking for ways to cope with the inevitability of death, ways to make life meaningful despite knowing it will be over eventually, that sort of thing, but for me it seems like a strange line of thinking to pursue. There's no reason to feel anxiety or fear over it. When I go I don't want to have left anything unfinished but I accept that I probably will despite my best efforts. I also know that it'll probably hurt, and maybe hurt quite a lot, and that it could take a long time. There's nothing I can do about that so I'm not going to waste the time I have worrying about it. On the other hand I wish it would come to me earlier, sometimes. Maybe there was a greater purpose to my life or some thing which only I could do at the specific time appointed to me, but I think I failed to do it. It seems like I've only ever burdened people. I don't think I've ever made anyone happy, or myself for that matter either. If I keeled over dead tonight it would seem good and just, in a way. I'd accept it.

>> No.22758614

A flight to Ukraine only costs a grand or so.

>> No.22758615

Why is it too risky?

>> No.22758623

I'm not fighting for either side in that conflict. I need a cause where I can reasonably suspend my disbelief in its legitimacy.

>> No.22758625

I tried reaching out to her a few months ago in a romantic fashion but she never replied and I don't know if that's because she never saw my message or if she did and chose not to reply. I saw her on Bumble again but this time her bio said that she isn't looking for a relationship but instead, she's looking for friends which is good for me cause I'm also looking for friends and she seems cool but I want to reach out trying to be her friend if she knows that I've tried to slide in her DM's in the past cause I don't wanna seem like a creep.

>> No.22758631
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>I need a cause
Cringe and anti-mercenary-pilled.

Fight for fun and friendship.

>> No.22758649

You sound like a desperate loser simp, lmao. Take the hint, she’s not interested

>> No.22758663

>that I'd live out my life regardless of how bad it got.
Was it that bad?

>> No.22758665

That's not very fash or trad or anything. It's not gonna be fun if it doesn't have a point

>> No.22758673
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>It's not gonna be fun
Lookie here, thread, we got us a "war is boring" soldier of super-fortune...


Someting tells me you'll turn white and vomit the second it become "too real".

>> No.22758684

>tfw eating tuna fish sandwich at 4am
>have to get up early
I hope to get better at this life thing someday

>> No.22758690

Dude never be embarrassed about wanting to get cozy with a woman, even if they dont like you back. Being openly and unapologetically infatuated with a woman’s beauty whether it’s reciprocated or not is such a chad move. But if youre tiptoeing around it, God they will be disgusted by that. She obviously isnt just looking for friends, she wants to get assblasted, and the mentality you have is not conducive to that. Play all your hands to all the women, because let me tell you women are not like us in that they LIKE when men have banged a lot of girls. They like us in our horny state so long as we have that thin coating of gentlemanliness we wear simply to keep from ravishing them on the spot.

>> No.22758691
File: 22 KB, 415x739, images - 2023-11-26T133036.028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you up late venting on the internet or out drinking?

>> No.22758693

Not a pup fan, but I’d smooch this one on his whiskers, at the risk of sounding like a redditor.

>> No.22758696

In comparison with others, maybe not. It got a lot shittier after that, and ironically if I had gone through with it I probably would have suffered less. Sometimes I think about whether the people in my life would have been objectively happier and better off had I done it instead of living on like I did. Oh well.

>> No.22758706

>she wants to get assblasted
Despite also saying in her bio that she's not looking for hookups either? Also, I don't know if cozy is the right word, I'm just genuinely not interested in being in a relationship right now and she seems cool so I figured why not? I'm not a stranger to having completely platonic girl friends.

>> No.22758717

>I'm not a stranger to having completely platonic girl friends.

>> No.22758718
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You are in the trenches now, you are just fighting invisible enemies who win by targeting your children. It's called liberalism.

>> No.22758720
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>> No.22758728

>It has now been more than a year since I last had someone to love.
woah, that sounds rough, anon... how do you cope?

t. 32 years alone

>> No.22758739

In a perfect world, this would be completely reversed

>> No.22758740

Right and thats fine I’m someone who also tends to agree more with women than other men, but dude she is not on bumble to make friends. You know how many people I know who meet women whose profiles say they arent looking to date and they lay them the same night? It’s a public app, she’s just covering her ass. When it comes down to it, she will be willing. If you want to befriend her, do it. But not through the app, at least.

>> No.22758742

Kek, pretty based consideration.

>> No.22758743

3rd world is not a perfect world

>> No.22758746

Life is more fulfilling for the average Nigerian than the average firstie

>> No.22758749

>But not through the app, at least.
Well she left her Instagram handle in her Bumble bio the first time I saw her on there months ago and I've been following her ever since so I was planning on contacting her through Instagram, I just don't know what I'd say.

>> No.22758752
File: 148 KB, 867x681, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! WRONG LANE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i'm pissed, i will post the following, in caps lock.


lazyness so i get 'preconditioned' what a SHAM!

no one has this shit, it's not regular

SO you have a low iq and think funny. ! FUCK OFF i HATE NIGGERS.

no i'll not read the links, just thought it's worth sharing. they're performing social experiments on us. like, in order to prep for massacre. do not go in to the night lol

>> No.22758758


>> No.22758761
File: 312 KB, 1035x710, 2023-03-04_18.32.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one has this shit
Thats where youre wrong, kiddo.

>> No.22758763

Whatever, schizo

>> No.22758765

it's a hard problem for a reason. cause we cannot access the neuron contents.

its' also soft and plastic and not even REAL
motherfuck, IT"S ONLY abstract

>> No.22758768

Well be a little flirtatious but in a childish way almost. I like to flirt with women by teasing them a little. You should start with something something simple like “whatsup, nerd” or pick out some random detail of a picture and critique it, like “you gatta be kidding me with those shoes lmao” idk just anything to give her a hard time. My rule of thumb is that if you just treat them like youd treat a guy friend, theyll play along. It’s easier in fact, because women are more playful than men in many cases. I honestly tease my buddies at work in the exact same fashion as the women I crush on there.

>> No.22758774
File: 53 KB, 649x623, Bane_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a hard problem
Four ewe.

>> No.22758775

it's a label, diagnosed on a soft thing, with malnutrients etc.


>> No.22758781

I'll take it into consideration, this seems like good advice.
>My rule of thumb is that if you just treat them like youd treat a guy friend
I'm not gonna tell her that I'm gonna rape her like a $2 whore.

>> No.22758782

they litereally give schizophrenics poison acting like it's treatment.

schizophrenics don't need your poison.


>> No.22758786




>> No.22758789

Lmao well you gatta hold back a little bit, anon! But you get the idea haha good luck, bro.

>> No.22758793



>> No.22758796


>> No.22758798
File: 230 KB, 640x480, Agreed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good luck, bro.
Good luck to you in whatever you're doing too.

>> No.22758800

you're gonna feel retarded when your presence of mind comes back and you remember acting like such a sperg

>> No.22758807

Lmao felt this physically ngl

>> No.22758809

not really, your dismissal doens't change my tirade/rant.

I will still be a pissed member of society read y to unleash hell on this 'charity organization' committed to poisoning it's clientelle. ignorant civilians thought running around nsa was cool. didn't you.
DEFUND THE FBI lol. data warehouse for ''''''''mai waif'''''''' that's just the start, rofl. this is cult like sinister oppression.

>> No.22758811
File: 47 KB, 512x381, fdbaad45810c9933e1d2488db2d04cd965416694_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a label
Its a description of physiological properties.


All humans are schizo-phrenic by the nature of life itself, most people self censure their own cognitive perceptions and stop recording the memories of it on a subconscious level, the conscious mind has no say in this matter.

Ergo, you cannot remember what was never written into memory.

Youre confusing delusion with schizophrenic, but mosr random people on the sidewalk are delusional as hell, you jist dont see it because when in the flow of public movement they act accordingly...but pressure them or hear their deepest and most honest thoughts and the detachment from reality become clear.


...now look at the picture...a King.

>> No.22758812

and stting here, quitely with a smile on my hacking face.

i am quiety here just dissenting, this is my form of protest.

>> No.22758814

>data warehouse for ''''''''mai waif''''''''
what does that mean? the fbi is collecting intelligence on Borat?

>> No.22758815

>with a smile

>> No.22758820

I know exactly what it is.

But today it's stood for something else, the scapegoat of bad behavior. or not making it to school. or even doing drugs. some are selected while others actually have good morale. i don't give a shit about coping. i work fucking hard when i do, what i do. you cannot stigmatize what you don't own (except when you're a blaring asshole making out hullaballoo.)

I really don't believe in 'permament/chronic' psychosis. it is the mentally conditioned weaklings that do. not even a masc trait there. it is self dividing and propagating in it's own course.

i watched your video, (55 sec?). you're a sick fuck.

>> No.22758824

yea, cause they've been selling it dumbfuck!

eat your fucking goyslop you fucking brainwashed pig. keep consuming.

just like they always have been.

>> No.22758829


>> No.22758830

i have officially decided to go to RCI and become Catholic. hopefully one day i'll even become a monk

>> No.22758831

Death overtakes us all. Do not spend a second on trivial dribble. And yes this is a self projection
>Hurr durr I have never engaged in coitus so your problems are meaningless in comparison. The martyr archetype is literally me
Anon consult OP in a nice way or I will send you to timeout.

>> No.22758832

so YUHP.

I'm the violator. I'm the destroyer of nations. I'm merciless and ready too, consoom you. I'm ready to send you to the slaughter so that for mass grave notice, because I'm good at what I do.

>> No.22758835

>I know exactly what it is.
Anon...youre talking a doctor of Psychology who specializes in schizophrenia and similar cognitive phenomena like dementia or alzheimers but those two from a cognitive perspective, not neurological/molecular angle.

>I really don't believe in 'permament/chronic' psychosis
Thats called being reborne and can be very permanent.
>it is self dividing
Yes, schism means divided.

House of David, House of Davide. Divide.

You seem to be reaching a bit too hard to rejoin your phenomenological processing, which can backfire. Let it naturally come back together.

I, on the otherhand, prefer poly-perspective experience.

There is no descripion in all of human history that can describe what it was like to have each hemisphere of my brain turn and look at the other as a seperate entity processing reality in a way the other half could not truly translate.

>> No.22758839

insinuate condescension.
i wrote this you
>it is self dividing

without having clicked the vid

>> No.22758846

>the vid
Anon, I could explain further but something tells me youre not a Biologist of any kind so it would all be meaningless words.

Cells divide, so do peoples, both are collective intelligences and hives.


So can the individual, but how is rooted in cellular mechanisms and the why is far too deep in the sticks of Psychology for me to get into here, especially if you dont have a deep interest in it or a PhD.

>How though?
Youre asking how the universe is made before taking a course on Astrophysics...I cant...Im too lazy to summerize reality into 4chan posts.

>> No.22758864

Just found out my girlfriend of 5 years was basically a child porn star when she was 12. Sent images of her spread pussy to more than 60 men and women. Don’t know how to feel about it. On the one hand, nice. On the other hand, holy shit bro what the hell man.

>> No.22758868

sounds like she lived a rough childhood, i would try to be understanding and not bring up the topic unless she wants to open up about it and even then try to take her side, i doubt any kid of that age would willingly do that unless coerced by circumstances or being force to

>> No.22758881
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>> No.22758942
File: 261 KB, 1024x1024, _b9530b3e-33ca-45ad-b1f5-5d9efddd3c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the dimly lit halls of Miskatonic University, where the shadowy secrets of the cosmos whispered their forbidden truths, a group of young women found themselves entangled in a web of envy and torment. These college girls, fair of visage, yet scorned by a clique of cheerleaders who possessed wealth and popularity. The cheerleaders, their hearts tainted by envy, coveted the brains and confidence that the nerdy girls possessed, beyond mere physical beauty.

It was on a late spring night, as the moon cast its eerie glow upon the nearby swamp, that Hilda, Julie, Dolores, and Susie, driven by their scientific curiosity, ventured into the murky depths. Their purpose was to seek out bullfrogs, mere pawns in their grand experiment. But fate had a different plan in store for them.

As the four girls waded through the shallow waters, their eyes beheld a sight that seemed plucked from a fevered dream. A meteoroid, its surface pulsating with an otherworldly luminescence, beckoned to them like a siren's song. Drawn closer by their insatiable curiosity, they beheld a colony of phosphorescent slugs, their bodies a swirling kaleidoscope of hallucinogenic hues.

Before Hilda, Julie, Dolores, and Susie could react, the slugs, like ethereal tendrils, clung to their bodies, covering them in a pulsating tapestry of colors. Panic and terror overcame the girls as the slugs writhed and squirmed, their slimy forms encasing their very being.

Frantically, they struggled to free themselves from the grip of the slugs, their minds consumed by a mixture of awe and revulsion. Yet, their efforts proved futile as the male counterparts of these slugs emerged from the depths, towering over them in grotesque proportions. These gargantuan slugs, with their hypnotic hues, ensnared the girls' feet, causing them to sink into the mire, their short skirts and wellington boots offering scant protection.

The colossal male slugs slithered up their legs and thighs, their slimy forms insinuating themselves into the girls' intimate undergarments. Terror gripped their hearts as they battled against the bulges that formed in the front of their sodden panties. But just as suddenly as they appeared, the phallic-like creatures vanished, leaving the girls bewildered and trembling.

Unbeknownst to them, the slugs had accomplished their true purpose, infiltrating the very essence of their femininity. They had become one with the girls, merging their alien presence with their most intimate selves. The boundaries between host and invader blurred, as the slugs extended minuscule tendrils into their vulnerable minds, their desires intertwining in a macabre union.

Driven by a shared memory of torment, the girls, now inextricably linked to their symbiotic slugs, hatched a plan to exact revenge upon their cheerleader bullies. Through telepathic persuasion, they convinced their parasitic companions that their true purpose lay in subjugating the more beautiful, wealthier, and socially connected group.


>> No.22758944

Wtf dump her you idiot

>> No.22758945

One by one, the nerdy girls cornered their cheerleader tormentors, finding opportune moments within the secluded confines of the girls' bathroom. In a sinister twist, they guided their slugs to invade the cheerleaders' anuses, for residence within their sexually active pussies proved too unstable.

The cheerleaders, unknowingly becoming hosts to the extraterrestrial slugs, fell victim to their mind-altering influence. Any waste they expelled underwent a filtration and purification process, orchestrated by the colossal slugs themselves. As the week drew to a close, the once-cruel cheerleader girls transformed into brainwashed vessels, their reputations tarnished by whispers and rumors.

Throughout the halls of the high school, gossip spread like wildfire, staining the cheerleaders' names. Tales of their debauched addiction to anal sex with their football player boyfriends tainted their very existence. Their gait, once filled with confidence and superiority, now betrayed their altered state, leaving them humiliated and shunned by the very society they had once ruled.

In this twisted tale, the nerdy girls found empowerment in their union with the extraterrestrial slugs, exacting their revenge on those who had tormented them. But in the darkness, the lurking presence of the slugs remained, a reminder that even in victory, there are always consequences yet to be revealed.

>> No.22758957

Yeah, dump her for something that she was most likely manipulated into doing.

>> No.22758958

I read two pieces by C.S. Peirce and I got this:

“How To Make Our Ideas Clear" and "The Order Of Nature".

It seems to me that Peirce basically stated that the universe has a set number of propositions that are either defined by relationships to other set propositions or are defined by their lack of propositions in relation to those that lack similar qualities. Hence, everything at its core, is ordained by holistic logic that nothing, even the lack or negative qualities of, can escape a taut formation of order prepositions.

>> No.22758964

Without examples this means nothing, use example of telepathy if you please.

>> No.22758965


>> No.22758966

Just came across this girl that liked me on Bumble. We share a love for movies, she's a year younger than me and she's decently cute but I don't know what to do. Relationships are scary to me, I just use dating apps as little games.

>> No.22758987

My superhero power would be to make people suffer.

>> No.22758988

>I don't know what to do
Meet to "just talk".


>> No.22758990

She lives two and a half hours away and I don't drive. Also, I have phimosis so I can't fuck, I don't know what I did to be cursed with this.

>> No.22758992

Heaven is other people.

>> No.22758993

Peirce took a selection of letters in the alphabet to prove his point and arranged them in rows. Every row was defined, using a set number of letters, to either be in relation to other rows or defined by lacking letters other rows had. Hope that’s helpful. Or that certain concepts in science cannot exist without its relation to other concepts, a a round ball within in spatial area cannot exist unless space, volume, size, circumference, the existence of shape and weight and then follows gravity, and then time, and color, etc.

>> No.22759000

What are the odds that she would wanna talk to me even if I did reach out to her? I wouldn't know what to say without sounding insanely cringe anyway.

>> No.22759009
File: 35 KB, 442x694, images - 2023-11-26T162225.608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She lives two and a half hours away
"What do you mean I have to fly south in the winter, I think I'll just stay here since the weather seems fine to me."

>> No.22759016

I'm a Southern Northerner born in the North as a Northerner; once living in the South in North, South Carolina; but now living back in the North as a Southerner.

>> No.22759029

I'm no logician but I do recall reading Pierce seriously considered the possibility telepathy was real. I wonder if his logic alphabet would have been of any utility in clarifying the possibility of the reality of telepathy at a quasi abstract level. I.e. a person has what I are convinced was a genuine telepathic experience and then use Pierce's logic alphabet to clarify in their minds the essential and/or defining elements of the experience, reducing the possibility of its reality to certain certainties (almost certain certainties) and the remaining dubieties and mysteries, all represented according to his logical method and resulting in a preponderantly positive or negative logical outcome for the prima facie impression of telepathy having occurred.

>> No.22759031

I should probably put a picture or two of myself on my Instagram just so I'm less offputting when I try to slide into girls' DM's but the idea of putting myself on social media is so cringe to me, it feels like everyone is going to judge me for doing it since I've never done it since first having social media. I don't know, I guess it's remnants of when I was in my "I don't want to be like everyone else" era.

>> No.22759032
File: 27 KB, 200x202, thumb_a-soviet-soldier-who-went-missing-after-a-battle-in-13652792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens. The basically only get culture shock when returning to the US now. I literally feel more at ease in the mountains of Afghanistan than I do in Amerixa.

>> No.22759035

What are some safe and comfortable books for people who have gentle and autism?

>> No.22759039

if you're into philosophy i would say max stirner - the ego and its own is a pretty good book to make you feel good about yourself and to ease the tensions life in civilization has imposed on you, not sure if it is "safe" because some people become dicks when they become free but if you have a gentle soul i don't see that as a problem for you
if you're looking for fiction i unfortunately don't know enough books that are safe and comfy at the same time

>> No.22759051

Were the mountain people nice? When I was in the Philippines the people were so nice to me, very welcoming as a foreigner. They wanted me to experience everything in their culture, even getting invited into their homes, both rich and poor, literally I was in their mansions and shacks with dirt floors.

>> No.22759054

Why can't I forgive myself?

>> No.22759061

because you hold yourself to unrealistic standard that you most likely don't expect out of others because you have an innate need to be either better than others or at the very least approved of by them, it is natural feeling but due to being inclined to introversive thought you most likely are way too hard on yourself
it is pretty common thing, just learn to be okay with negative feelings and your past actions with time, patience and kindness to self that you would show to yourself if you were still a child

>> No.22759062

How to read longer than 10 minutes?

>> No.22759065

try audiobooks instead, some people lack the patience to read written books and retain memories better when it is audible, either that or read out loud if possible

>> No.22759066

>Were the mountain people nice?
In the country side very much so. Some issues in with the city people, disgruntled over control over Kabul. I dont recommend travel there unless you know how to not act like a westerner.

>> No.22759068


>> No.22759077

Makes sense for Afghanistan. Filipinos are more keen to idolize America. I saw people wearing American flag designs. No plans to go to Afghanistan, don't know anyone there. I know someone in Saudi Arabia, probably won't go there anyway. I would like to go to Japan, my grandfather loved it there when he was stationed.

>> No.22759079

It’s so difficult to get up every morning when I just don’t care.

>> No.22759088

Nta but I wouldn’t forgive another either. Unrealistic standards are good. Everything else is horrific. I’m supposed to pretend that everything is ok when it falls short?

>> No.22759091

Im in Hokkaido at the moment, really like it here, just a one month visit to scope out moving here. Great place to raise a family atmosphere.

I will visit again some day and tour the place instead of it being a "work trip".

>> No.22759098

Are you Japanese or just rich?

>> No.22759100
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humans are not perfect creations nor beings, we make mistakes, it only serves to make you miserable and to sate your own vindicative impulses to whip yourself over making mistakes or to bear a grudge over mistakes of others
to seek perfection as a human being is folly outside of religious practices, you would do well to instead seek ataraxia so you can achieve a peace of mind and automatically become better because you no longer have a bubbling mess of emotions stirring inside yourself and a self loathing for falling short of your own standards that you set impossibly high
it is enough to try to be the best you that you can be, if you seek perfection you denounce your flaws and become blind to them, your flaws and demons will dance in the unconscious mind and since you did not acknowledge those parts of yourself you will be blind to them

>> No.22759117
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I am the last samurai.

>> No.22759122

Well, that's boring.

>> No.22759124

I look to my uncle for guidance but he and I don't have the sort of relationship where I can say deep shit to him. Should I make an alt discord account and use that to hit him up with my deep shit? He's the type of person that will go along with it despite not knowing who it is.

>> No.22759134
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>> No.22759147

This is not a bad advice, but it is just an advice from one average chud to another. Next level (or ten) advice is don't be a fucking coomer chasing after pussy.

>> No.22759163

It's so hard to meet people as an adult
I want to do a tarot reading for a chick and talk about folklore and fungus, I want to rip open my chest in front of someone and be overcome with joy as my passions pour out across my palms. I need sincere, venomous folly to kill the ennui gripping my shoulders.

>> No.22759165

I remember the good old days when a man could shit post his heart out on doomer threads and the anime weebs would coordinate with the most influential people in all the world to set it up. now it’s like everything is wasted on this site. This website has changed.

>> No.22759166

>want to do a tarot reading
thats pretty cool.

>> No.22759173

I'm not, I have no interest in chasing after sex and I have no interest in being in a relationship, I literally just wanna be her friend.

>> No.22759175

how would you define "parasite"?
i've been thinking about how cats seem to be parasites. they almost mind-control the host into supporting them; they are very cute and so a person is willing to feed them and clean their shit out of the litterbox, take them to the vet, etc.
gold-diggers behave the same way; a gold-digger provides sex, cuddles, intimacy, whatever in exchange for money.
you could argue that both of these examples are mutual exchanges, whereas a parasite provides nothing and takes whatever it needs. but i would invite you to consider the extreme cases, like cat ladies who have 30 cats and orient their lives around supporting them all, or women who make their living by taking advantage of lonely men via onlyfans or twitch or something.
consider also this: when an anorexic intentionally puts contracts a tapeworm or some such parasite, does it cease to be a parasite? it is technically a mutual exchange, but i doubt many people would consider the tapeworm anything but a parastite, even in this scenario.
so how do you define "parasite"?

>> No.22759184

something that takes from others to survive, meaning literally every living being on this planet that doesn't survive purely on something freely given like water or sunlight
the real definition of parasite would probably be "a creature that latches onto another living being to feed / survive that is a detriment to the host", if it is mutually beneficial it is symbiosis
the only real difference between feeding and parasites is that parasites don't have the mercy of giving their victims a quick and clean death

>> No.22759192

>whereas a parasite provides nothing
Because love and friendship is free so its valueless to you?!


>> No.22759202

so i guess there are varying degrees of parasite-ness, then. a tick is a full-on parastite, whereas a house cat falls into grey area. i'm somewhat unsatisfied with this definition, since it seems to only blur the boundaries without clarifying the nature of parasites. i guess it would probably be nedlessly pedantic to seek some kind of semantically flawless definition. i appreciate the input nonetheless

>> No.22759203

What nonsense. Why would you ever want to be friends with a female? Have you spent any time at all around a female who wasn't your mother? They are annoying and irritiating as fuck, the only reason men get close to them is for sex, if you genuinely don't want to have sex with specific female and just want to ne around then you are sick in the head.

>> No.22759213

i'm not clicking that link, anon. it strikes me as something i could go without seeing. better play it on the safe side.
>Because love and friendship is free so its valueless to you?!
i don't quite understand what you're getting at. care to elaborate?

>> No.22759215

>Have you spent any time at all around a female who wasn't your mother?
Yes, I've had many female friends throughout my life, my best friend from my childhood into my early teens was a girl and I had no sexual or romantic attraction to her, the most we ever did was hug and we only did that once and that was at her dad's funeral.

>> No.22759219
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>care to elaborate?
I already did, that was the video.

>> No.22759222

then i suppose i am at an impasse. good day to you
i teach piano to my younger sister and it's a pretty good time. she's not unpleasant to be around at all. i also play video games with this one lesbian chick and she's pretty cool too

>> No.22759226

I think it'll be fun, I've only gotten to do it with myself thus far.

>> No.22759232

most accurate one would be a creature that uses another creatures body as a host and harms it for its own benefit

>> No.22759233

Years of isolation make it difficult for me to talk to people.
And then people, understandably, interpret it as me snubbing them, but I'm actually just afraid to break the silence.
After a certain point as well I start to harbor fears that they think i am a freak/weirdo (I am) due to my extreme asocial tendencies

>> No.22759239

What youre describing is a cishet man who votes for racist liars.

>> No.22759241

i see. some problems arise with this, i think. a fetus absorbs nutrients and causes great detriment to its mother, sometimes killing her at birth, but it doesn't seem right to consider a fetus a parasite. i realize that this may be a pointless thing to do—to define any particular word with exact precision—since everyone already intuitively knows the definition. i'd still like to do it, though

>> No.22759242

You are consumed by fear. Learn to be stupid. Act on impulse. Be irrational.

>> No.22759243

Makes sense more people die to old age + all the shitty food and shitty air we take in takes a cumulative toll
A more interesting graphic would be to see the leading causes broken down by age group

>> No.22759246

i do not recall asking for your political speech nor do i care to hear about it
a baby is technically parasitical but the difference is that (usually) the pregnancy is a intentional thing and the outcome is not meant to harm or kill the host but to create a offspring to carry on the beings genes past its lifespan
i would say a parasite that just feeds on the body and stays there is a true parasite but technically yes, babies are parasitical beings until they are born

>> No.22759248

Yes ik I am too restrained, hyper-aware such that it's like I am never inside myself fully.
Even as a child i would never spend my allowances, instead just letting it pile up
Like i am unable to shut my brain off to enjoy anything presently or short term.
That's why i love alcohol, the only thing which makes me at all capable of socializing.

>> No.22759254

people who are excessively political are just useful idiots that got tricked into spewing nonsense made to control people onto others, you're like a infected leper trying to spread it onto others if you try to shill a political view, and yes this includes anarchy and that's the final redpill on politics, any participation in it is stupid nonsense and a waste of time

>> No.22759255

Are good at doing reads?

>> No.22759266

Do you also like to talk alot, gossip etc?

Have you been around a non related female and one who was not a lesbian?

>> No.22759277

...your qualia-mind is a parasite to the central nervous system. Did I hit a nerve? Do you feel mocked?

t.Evolutionary Hierarchical Cognition

>> No.22759278

>Do you also like to talk alot, gossip etc?
It's not something that like or dislike, if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't, I'm not bothered either way.

>> No.22759281

your consciousness is a parasite of the hivemind of bacteria that make up your body

>> No.22759290
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Constant overanalyzing? A paralyzing fear of rejection? Perhaps the sensation of being slow-witted, as you may struggle to flow naturally in conversations?
You've become lost in your self-reflection. The ability to observe yourself is important, but you must press yourself to loosen your shackles without intoxication. Alcohol can help, but ultimately all it does is demonstrate what you're already capable of - you can reach that spontaneity sober, with sufficient experience. I believe in you because if I don't, I'm lost as well.

I'm reasonably fluid and eloquent with it, though my intuition is imperfect. It's a skill like any other and I'm becoming better with practice but I'm far from an expert.

>> No.22759291
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And if you subject yourself to an environment it cannot continuously survive they will submit tobyou and feed you its consciousness instead of you feeding it's.

You are controlled by the Goa'uld.

You are no Pharaoh.

>> No.22759292

this seems to be a satisfactory definition, then. i admit, my true area of interest is that of the "abstract parastite"; i.e., a gold digger, a NEET who refuses to pay rent, etc.
i suppose that some degree of fuzziness to the semantic borders must be admitted if i am to consider abstractions, though.
>Have you been around a non related female and one who was not a lesbian?
yeah. my aforementioned younger sister is a step-sister, so we aren't blood-related.
i see what you're saying, though. i can only think of one other person. it was a girl with whom i enjoyed talking about WW1 for the 6 or so months that we lived next to each other. she was quite knowledgable about the subject. perhaps i should add that i found her rather unattractive, so there was no temptation to escalate the relationship to anything romantic.

>> No.22759294

Ok, do you hate it when females talk (alot) and gossip in front of you? Do you participate in such conversations or do you find an excuse to leave the conversation?

>> No.22759303

Not that anon but how do you reflect? I have this thinking where I either immediately know things (thought comes) or just nothing.

>> No.22759314

>o you hate it when females talk (alot) and gossip in front of you?
Why would I?
>Do you participate in such conversations?
If they want me to or if it's a topic I'm interested in.
>do you find an excuse to leave the conversation?

>> No.22759323

>Constant overanalyzing? A paralyzing fear of rejection? Perhaps the sensation of being slow-witted, as you may struggle to flow naturally in conversations?
Yes to all. Conversation feels artificial, i find it very hard to feel a genuine connection to another person or to be myself.
There is always this barrier there, and I've lost any sense of naturalness in conversation. Everything i say feels feigned.
I do also fear rejection to a degree that's self defeating. In large part because i have had some very bad experiences in the past including having my old roommates kick me out. Which was followed by a period of living out of my car for 3 months.
Major trust issues as a result.
And from that experience I have over-corrected by suppressing revealing anything about myself to my roommate's good or bad. Cause I am afraid if i reveal the nasty side to me it could end badly again.
Sometimes it still slips out
I harbor a lot of resentment and unexpressed anger.

>> No.22759325

Then you have a female mind. Maybe your a tranny and/or gay.

>> No.22759329


>> No.22759331

gold digger is not a parasite, it is a symbiosis, a beautiful gold digger / a gold digging person gets to live in luxury and the wealthy person gets a partner
NEET isn't a parasite either technically since the welfare system was made to minimize petty crime and extreme poverty that kills people, less people stealing bread and what not when you give them enough to live by, the system is "willingly" keeping you alive for whatever reason civilization needs people, even if you lived your entire life as a NEET you're not really harming a system you're just burdening it
a parasite would be a person who takes peoples money without putting in any effort, a system is not a person no matter how the law sees it, a system is just that, a bureaucratic entity with a code of conduct to define it
a parasite would be something like a shareholder, loanshark who intentionally loans people money with interest rates to make them go bust in debt, women who marry for money but don't hold up their vows / women who marry rich men and kill them for inheritance, criminals that do harm to others, lying / corrupt politicians / officials, dirty cops, military officials who betray their country etc
there has to be harm done to the victim, just like with the baby example a NEET isn't being a NEET to intentionally mess the system up they're just burdening a bureaucracy already in place that was not made by them, NEET's would be more akin to something in nature that is a nuisance but not harmful, like pidgeons or something

>> No.22759333

>Why would I?
Personally when i hear a girl gossiping often for me it's like t.v static. I just instinctively tune it out:
>and then like Keisha said like .... I think David might be into...

>> No.22759336

Confirmed tranny

>> No.22759340

I've been having strange dreams recently. They aren't really dreams since I'm only ever half asleep when they happen.
Basically, I'm lying in bed after having been awoken by something, trying to fall back asleep when I feel a beast-like creature interact with me somehow. I will feel the physical sensation of a large dog licking my chin, and hear the sound of its saliva sloshing around its mouth. Two days ago, I felt a tall bipedal creature leaning over my bed and sniffing my cheek. It's an extremely realistic sensation, but the moment I open my eyes and become fully awake, the saliva on my face vanishes, and there is no beast at my bedside.
This is quite disturbing to me. I've never experienced hallucinations like this before—they are extraordinarily realistic. I was legitimately convinced a large dog had snuck into my apartment and was licking my face.
You know how, when a dog or something jumps onto your bed, you can feel the indentations around its paws? I felt four paws leap onto my bed and stand perpendicularly over my body. I jolt up to react, and there's nothing there.
This has been happening almost every night for the past two weeks, and it's seriously fucking with me.

Does anyone know what this is? I don't think it's sleep paralysis because I'm never unable to move when it happens.
Also I'm not insane or anything. Aside from this, I've never hallucinated before—at least not for real.

>> No.22759342

I could take an action right now. What would the consequences of this action be? Would they judge me, fairly or unfairly? Would my intent be perceived as sincere, or brushed off with an excuse of ulterior motives? What are they thinking right now? Why are they here, does it relate to why I'm here? Would my potential interference be welcome or offensive? Would I stand to benefit from my own actions, or would they be counterproductive to my current goal? Maybe I should do something different; how would that compare to my original plan? If I act rashly I'll stumble and look like a fool, but if I don't act soon I won't be able to act at all.

And now the moment has passed and the opportunity is gone. That's the difficulty. An unceasing mire of What If and Maybe.

I can wholly sympathize, even to the point where I find myself being left out of conversations because I attempt to formulate a response to something that was said 30 seconds ago and now it's already slipped past.
I am by no means an expert therapist, but exposure therapy seems to be the best treatment for the both of us. You have to force yourself, to nudge out as much as you can every chance you get. You may not be able to shatter the icy shell on your own, but if you can crack it enough to expose your fire seeping from within, then the hands of others will want to reach in and help you pry it apart because of their own curiosity.
There will be time to apologize for your fuckups when you HAVE fucked up. Dispense with the preconception that you are going to automatically fuck up. Don't let concession and apology flow from your lips without due cause; you have every right to act in your own self-interest and seek your own passion. If that leads you into conflict with others, seek peace, but don't quell your life solely to avoid that conflict.
"Never let your fear decide your fate", as a certain song goes.

>> No.22759344

Though i disagree with other anon.
It's more effeminate, but not necessarily gay. Depends on the person.
My brother is the kind of guy that likes to gossip and other kinda more feminine things but has a girlfriend and got plenty of girls in the past

>> No.22759353

Nope, it's extremely annoying and irritating. When I hear someone talk like I have to get away from them (or make them stop talking)

>> No.22759376

Actual child.

>> No.22759380

It is said that most people in a conversation are not listening but "waiting for their turn to talk". I don't experience this, I am waiting for my turn to walk away.
Life just feels like endlessly finding polite ways to navigate my way out of conversations I don't want to be in with people I don't care about.
One of the worst situations is being shown some art or whatever by a so called "creative" and forcing myself through the back breaking cognitive labour of manually constructing a comment along the lines of "Wow, that is so cool. You are very talented".

>> No.22759383

is there anyone on earth, alive or dead, that you would like to have a conversation with?

>> No.22759386


>> No.22759389

You are an actual tranny faggot, talking for 30 hours non stop and not saying anything of substance, literal gossiping female, transition if you haven't already.

>> No.22759390

price of living among people, you can try to live like a hermit to minimize your interaction with other people to get a peace of mind from having to exert yourself to interact with them or choose to surround yourself with people you enjoy
conversations (good ones) to me are me waiting for a opportunity to throw in my two cents and listening on their points while waiting

>> No.22759391


>> No.22759398

i don't know which is you, but suppose you are struggling with some task and meet someone who has mastered it. would you rather learn from the person or teach yourself, reinventing the wheel, so to speak?

>> No.22759399

Something on your mind there, Timmy?

>> No.22759402

Id read that persons book. What information is not in books these days? I can't think of anything that has bot been passed down in books.

>> No.22759404

It's so cold inside my house I can see my breath.

>> No.22759407

Learn from them, but I would think it important to keep some reservations of my own. It's not that I don't trust their experience, but some subtleties can only be learned by doing it yourself. That, and who's to say that everything they're doing is automatically the best way to do it all? Some parts may simply be their own style.

>> No.22759408

Mass m*rdering faggots and trannies is on my mind

>> No.22759421

there are certain things that are much easier to learn in-person. an example would be learning to play guitar, or to operate any kind of complex tool. these kinds of things can be learned through books, but a human guide is almost always vastly superior.
the reason i ask this question is because it is in our nature as human beings to enjoy speaking with each other. a large part of our survival strategy is to share knowledge with each other, and so we've adapted to enjoy doing this. it's why we like to tell stories, it's why women gossip, and it's why so-called "creatives" will try to sit you through their dogshit screenplay or whatever.
talking/listening is really just a means to learning things that may be come in handy. you can read books to accomplish the same end, but you still likely have some vestigial desire to converse. maybe not. it would be very odd if you truly didn't, though

>> No.22759424

Seek help.

>> No.22759445

I was agreeing with you faggot

>> No.22759455
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Asian women are God's gift to the white man.

>> No.22759457

No you weren't you shitty orbiter tolerating woman behaviour no matter what

>> No.22759468

Have fun creating dysgenic hapa mutts

>> No.22759483

It's more than you'll ever create.

>> No.22759513
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>posts rich chinese oligarch's daughter
No thanks. I want a house wife, not a socialite.

>> No.22759544

>house wife
>Someone I can control and manipulate.
You can try and trick others with your double speak but I won't be so easily fooled.

>> No.22759560

> expectation
> reality

>> No.22759566

I pray that God helps me understand why I am the way that I am and that he helps me have compassion with myself and helps me mature and grow more peaceful with myself, with the world and with what I want. I pray that he helps me understand why I am so afraid, and that He frees me of my fear, and that He forgives my faults, shows me my errors and invites me into grace and gratitude.

I am writing this because it's true, but also because I think it helps keep me from checking her social media. Allahu akbar.

>> No.22759588
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>double speak
First off...I speak objective truth to such a degree people think Im constantly lying because theyre used to associating with lying loser with nothing worth boasting about.

Second, youre not familiar with humans, I am, youre familiar with people who think like you do and this has poisoned your ability to percieve cultures...you have what I would define as type of "white supremacy", in that you cannot even see other cultures, only your own, the ultimate form of supremacy.

Ergo, in terms of racism, "Youre not racist because the other 'things' arent humans to be a race of." Thus you cannot see me as moral because anything that isnt you cannot be moral.

Cultural Fascism.

>> No.22759638

Learning the value of small talk and been more confident in engaging in causal conversation has helped me immensely.

I often read of people being quite dismissive of small talk, only wanting to engage in deep conversation, or nothing at all, which I can understand, I think this in part comes from low confidence and lack of appreciation of its value but also that too much shallow interaction and not enough meaningful and deep connection can be off putting.

I see small talk as a way to positively affect myself, others and to be present, though I think it helps to go in with little to no expectation. I think it can serve as a gateway to deeper conversation, friendship and new experiences so it's something worth practicing.

>> No.22759646

Small talk is fine as long as it's *small* and does not morph into 5 hour conversation about nothing.

>> No.22759650

>having to exert yourself to interact with them
I understand this. Currently I'm a little more depressed and isolated than usual. However when I'm generally higher in spirit I don't find it as much as an exertion, and it just seems to flow more naturally. The more experience you have, the more you'll be able to deal with those conversations you aren't interested more gracefully.

>> No.22759659

You have to be the biggest schizo in this general.

>> No.22759664

Yes ofcourse, at that duration it's no longer small talk.

Though thinking about I suppose small talk isn't just to be categorized by duration, but by the depth of it's subject.

>> No.22759676

Reminds of Jupiter's proximity to the moon the other night.

>> No.22759688
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>biggest schizo in this general.
Im the biggest schizo in the galaxy.

Medically speaking, youre basically cognitively impaired, confusing "deluded and likeability" with schizophrenia.

Do you think its healthy to pretend youre a doctor on the internet, when we both know youre not?

Very mentally unhealthy...seek a therapist (not what I am, Im doctor House...NOT your friend-for-hire).

>> No.22759690

The first type of labour division was that of men and women, right?

>> No.22759703

It's just a boomer with a midlife crisis.

>> No.22759713

Food changed everything.

>> No.22759717

retvrn to starvation

>> No.22759723
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>It's just a boomer

I, for one, pushed for the concept of "boomer" being an era of life and not a chronological birth parameter.

>> No.22759750
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>be me just now
>pick up this book I'm reading
>flick through the pages to get to my bookmark
>loose my grip and open book like +80 pages ahead
>my eyes catch a line of text that sticks out compared to the rest of the wall of text on that page
>"mr. very important character is dead"


>> No.22759777

How do you manage?

>> No.22759787

I want to message her so bad but I just can't bring myself to do it. I think my inability to do it currently is due to a lack of knowing what I should say instead of fear, though there is still some fear.

>> No.22759847

Just do it pussy

>> No.22759860

I want to but I don't know what to write.

>> No.22759868

No, no, no.

First, get a tuxedo, a boquet of roses and a boom box and take these to your bedroom window at midnight and throw small rocks at it.

When she opens her window, play her favorite song, holding the boombox above your head, and ask her to marry you.

>> No.22759975

>do this epic pop culture reference
Gen X fucking sucks

>> No.22759987

Have it your way then...


>> No.22759997

Get a life and stop shitting up the board you miserable goon

>b b but I have more of a life than you ever will, I'm in a yurt in Tajikistan right now
And you're spending your time arguing on here? What a complete waste

>> No.22760031
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[bull's eye]

Nice try but most of my research is done online, field research is in spats, namely when "in country", and educating the plebs is what Buddha and Jesus did.

As such...I am exatly where I should be...surrounded by the most degenerate and damned.


>> No.22760038


>> No.22760040

Stop replying to him

>> No.22760076
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Pick a science, any science ya got.
Got Maths? I got maths.
Got Phsyics? I got Physics.
Got Biology? I got Biology.

Literature? You mean research papers?

Fiction? You mean Psychological profiles of archetypal procilivities?

The only winning move is to not play.

>> No.22760085

Feeling the urge to escape to southeast Asia (again) but broke af

>> No.22760106
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Mashallah, stop fucking ladyboys and get married, Anon.

>> No.22760140

I'd settle for a 40 yo Thai woman at this point. Damn I miss that place even though I went mad like Kurtz or that guy in The Beach last time I was there.

>> No.22760154

Funny enough its looking like I'll be moving to Thailand if I cant pull it off in Japan being how I basically have to have a co-signer here.

Weed is legal in Thailand, so that will be nice. Get a pair of VR, street racing game and driving down the wrong way on the highway while blasted.


>> No.22760163

That’s odd. I’ll have to look.

>> No.22760187
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>considered the possibility telepathy was real
BioMagnetic signals, what nature uses to evolve special as species and not millions of seperate evolutionary paths.

Why did bee flies all become bee flies and not each evolve towards a moth or butterfly or leaf?

How did peoples thousands of years apart build the most monumentally egineered structures in geometric alignment?

A conspiracy spanning several thousands of years and every major empire in history without every being revealed (until now)?

>> No.22760192

>evolve species* as (whole)* species

>> No.22760196

Last I heard they will make it illegal again. It has not been so popular with the natives.

>> No.22760202

A hat

>> No.22760229

When were you last there? I was maybe 6 months ago.
"We can have that regulated for medical use only."
Good thing Im broken all over and shouldnt have much of an issue with that.
“Cannabis is here to stay, but in what status is not yet clear.”

>> No.22760277

It's been almost ten years. But honestly feels like just yesterday. I need to update my passport and get the money together.

>> No.22760285

If a qt compliments your appearance how do you accept it gracefully?

>> No.22760293

>"As it stands, the market is oversaturated with cannabis that hasn't undergone proper lab testing,"
Its a markets issue, not a moral one. They started importing weed and a cash cow becane a money vacuum. I got offered coke there often, street often smell of rotteb alcohol, a party place of degeneracy, surely weed isnt "immoral pearl clutching". That doesnt make any sense.

In the US, 10+ years ago, medical weed shops were the primo, world class (Amsterdam aint shit) with dozens and dozens of strains. Legalization killed that, now its a few trains in plastic packages, gone are the local farmers curing buds like its an artform. Painful to see it disappear...

>> No.22760309

95% of America's problems would be solved with the banning of Christianity.

>> No.22760334

Just ingore her completely and walk away

>> No.22760360
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A Canticle For Leibowitz is a really great book.

>> No.22760382

man i dispensary finally opened in my city downtown in the restaurant area but it looks so out of place, like it has blacked out windows like a strip club, trad graffiti bubble letter style signage and on the weekend a big mean looking security guard standing outside. this is a wealthy area where brownstone will cost like 2 million minimum. now i see why people were so opposed to dispensaries. i was imagining something upscale like an organic coffee shop but for weed, instead it's like a liquor store mixed with a strip club. what the hell is this shit. i hope it goes out of business.

>> No.22760395


>> No.22760404

I wish someone would scold me like this I'd moan

>> No.22760409

It looks that way because the government forces them to be a cash business, aka high risk of robbery. With weed legal its much harder to perform arbitray searches and arrests.

It means the government is against the people's votes and wants bad things to happen to you so they can enact more draconian laws. They do this whenever the people vote for something that undermine's the deepstates projects.

Then they say "See, told ya it wouldnt work. (as they intentionally crash it)."

>> No.22760415

I hate farting. I never trust a fart. I always worry it's a shart. I don't understand big farters. I'd never take a chance like that. No I'm not fat either.

But one time I was hanging out with a friend and he was sitting on a chair and lifted his leg and farted really hard and for several seconds, and it sounded wet and muddy, and I asked him bro, did you just shit your fucking pants? And he said no. I said, there's no way that wasn't the world's biggest shart. He swore it wasn't. I told him I'm afraid to fart like that because that would definitely have been a full shit and a half in my pants. He shrugged and said his farts never do that and he frequently farts like that. I wish I could go back in time and figure out if he was lying. Did he spend the rest of the night with shit drawers?

>> No.22760478

It's crazy how western cucks are interested in eastern slop religions but I'm eastern with a mudsilme background and attracted towards early Egyptian christcuck monks and that crybaby Kierkegaard and that toxic gambler Dostoevsky and that rich land owning womanizer Tolstoy.

I'll become a Christcuck when I'll see just one glimpse of Yahweh. I'm so buck broken and desperate. I'm such a cuckold

>> No.22760493

Nice larp, but it becomes clear from your prose that you're a fat North-Western

>> No.22760540

I am giving you my word that Iive in east, although I have been on 4chan for the last 8 years.

I'm a buck broken weak and pathetic cuckold. I don't know anything other than suffering. After a glimpse from Yahweh I'll become a christcuck then I'll fuck off to some barren shithole with nothing but a printed Ecclesiastes in my hand.

>> No.22760606


>> No.22760674

Gobineau is right. Muttification is the sole reason for all of the problems we have today. Until the 20th Century, people were religious, laborious, owned their own land, boomers and milennials, degenerate hippie atheist freaks. Why? That's the outcome of moving to America, and mutting with other nationalities like it makes no difference. A pure Scottish person might be able to lead a virtuous life, a pure German might be able to lead a virtuous life, but mix the two together and on average you get a dysgenic freak with no sense of morality whatsoever, who is repulsed by it.

>> No.22760677

things have to either get worse or better but they can’t stay the way they are

>> No.22760690

>tolerating woman behaviour no matter what
Lol & what do you do when a woman is yapping?
Probably say nothing, you come on a basket-weaving forum to whine like the pathetic loser you are

>> No.22760693

Not him but I suplex her into a glass coffee table

>> No.22760710
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I cannot concentrate on anything because I realise so many habits are mere bug activities and I can't get laid, which makes me appear more desperate and therefore less likely of getting laid, I have been in this spiral for 29 years
etc. I come here to post as a creature of habit, I had to jerk off because I felt like committing suicide, but how long until it will be back. I live in a small-town and don't know how to leave it, it is like a prison, a prison because I don't know how to get women, a prison because I am alone here and know only one other person (who has a gf) I don't know what to do, every day I alternate lying in bed between suicide thoughts and dating apps. I am not good looking although I am tall, this does not register on the apps.
I write this out of pure frustration in my small town I can't leave, each day like a failed prison break

>> No.22760722

Retard take, Europeans have been mixing for centuries without any problems. The presence of nogs and jews and religion in the general population is the root cause of all the problems. Remove these three factors and we will have next 1000 years of prosperity.

>> No.22760724

Gay prose

>> No.22760729

I walk away and do not engage in conversation with that woman for at least 2-3 days.

>> No.22760734

I'm already tsunderemaxxing and it's producing mixed results.

>> No.22760751


>> No.22760758

If you knew something about Europe until the 19th Century you would knew that there were highly prohibitive laws around marriage. Hell, 1/4 of the population on average didn't even reproduce because they weren't allowed to do so. Burgeois capitalists did away with that law to produce more factory cattle.

>> No.22760788

I don't what specific country you are taliking about but none of that happened where I am located, most poor people married, even those that did not had children, sure children out of wedlock was looked down upon but it didn't prevent people from having them

>> No.22760797

polniggas think europe was like a perfect strategy game run before the west fell (1789, 1914, 1945, take your pick)

>> No.22760811

Yes, everyone married into his own material class, in what roughly resembled his own locality. If the marriage wasn't incestuous, they were the more so rigorous about not marrying into the family, like among the Slavs, where partners weren't considered until after the cousins nine times removed.

>> No.22760815

If you are already a dysgenic mutt than this discussion isn't for you

>> No.22760834
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I want to live here.

>> No.22760906

It’s been tough realizing that the people I care about are white trash and that they’ve held me back in my education, career, and life, maybe permanently and irreparably.

>> No.22760954

describe results

>> No.22760974

Search engines are ass today. Most of the time qualifiers like quotes or using - to remove something dont work.
And if you search anything at all specific it will still just show you the most popular irrelevant options.
I'm actually convinced google is worse today than it was 10 or more years ago

>> No.22760980

Ah i see so you don't actually say anything, you just come on here to bitch cause you are all talk

>> No.22760983

It is, it has switched entirely away from a keyword model and toward an algorithmic model that works better for "low to mid level" searches, meaing people saying "h ow i make bred good," as opposed to a human being saying putting "marx's epistemology" and "mandel" in quotes because he knows the page he's looking for has that exact phrase and Mandel's name in it. Google now actively fights you if you try to do a proper keyword inclusion/exclusion search. If you go other search types, it will alter your query to make it more general, removing the quotes etc.

It's because 98% of internet users are literally retarded monkey niggers and stinking fuckin Indians.

>> No.22760990

Search engines are fine, but the sources of information are not there anymore. Most websites of old do not exist anymore. Most discussion happens behind paywalled or at least registration requiring private fb groups. The best you can get is some r*ddit thread which is actually the worst option ever.

>> No.22761001

What I meant is conversations irl, I don't obviously talk to women online

>> No.22761005
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YouTube has been intentionally making Firefox load slow and keep interrupting, but I found I can get around it by setting quality to 240p.
I've realized 240p has 10x the SOVL of higher resolutions. It's like the bigger the pixels and chunkier the audio quality is the more comfy it gets.
In higher resolution you can sometimes see too much. With 240p your mind's eye comfortable and reliably fills in all the imperfections you'd otherwise see.

>> No.22761006

> I live in a small-town and don't know how to leave it, it is like a prison, a prison because I don't know how to get women, a prison because I am alone here and know only one other person (who has a gf) I don't know what to do, every day I alternate lying in bed between suicide thoughts and dating apps. I am not good looking although I am tall, this does not register on the apps.
A painfully familiar feeling. At this point I've settled with driving over an hour to the nearest city every couple of weekends just to get a social touch.

>> No.22761042

Beast of Bray Road, Oscar the Turtle, Mothman, Space Pancakes, Hodag, Project Sanguine, Kensington Runestone

>> No.22761049

Forty bucks on Space Pancakes.

>> No.22761056

>I am not good looking although I am tall, this does not register on the apps.
I know this exact feel.

>> No.22761087

After Joe Simonton gave some small Italian-looking aliens a jug of water they gave him four small pancakes that were greasy and tasted like cardboard.

>> No.22761144

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

>> No.22761157

I wonder on how handsome could I actually get if I've tried. I do have some very unfortunate features so thats a bummer.

>> No.22761169


>> No.22761257

"You're becoming a regular here" says the cashier at the liquor store, with an expression that signifies both pity and contempt. "haha yeah nobody else is open this late". i have to force the words through uncooperative vocal chords, as every muscle in my body tenses painfully, against my will. i hobble oldmanishly through the store, pretending to weigh my options as i grab malt liquor and bottom shelf vodka again. i put my purchases on the counter in a slow, deliberate way, the only way i'm capable of moving without shaking like a parkinson's patient. "that'll be $xx.xx" says the good natured and attractive young man behind the register who clearly hates me. "wow, you guys have great prices here" i observe for the second night in a row. i hand him a 50 and he squints at with what seems like real suspicion. "well, it doesn't have to be real, it just has to fool me" he says with a little smile. it's not much, but i appreciate that he's still willing to make light hearted jokes with me in spite of my obviously desperate condition. the bill is real, for what it's worth

>> No.22761263

Quit wanking to gay stuff

>> No.22761272


>> No.22761276
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Is this autobiographical?

>> No.22761286


>> No.22761287

no l'm saying l've quit

>> No.22761293

Right so you say nothing irl
What I thought

>> No.22761310


>> No.22761324

Either a short-lived and intense affair that goes nowhere ultimately or a rumbling nothing that tapers off quickly.

>> No.22761329

way to go!

>> No.22761333

>it will alter your query to make it more general, removing the quotes etc.
This is exactly what it did. I was reading a history book that describes a Soviet writer who said "if a jackal could write he would do so like Sartre and T.S Eliot"
I tried searching this 1st and all i got was Wikipedia page for T.S Eliot & some irrelevant jstor article.
So i add quotation marks, Google says 0 results with "" and removes them.
Completely ridiculous
If i tried to search this in the past, 1st result would have been exactly what i was searching for

>> No.22761359

I'm feeling grape.

>> No.22761371

i feel like a woman

>> No.22761388

Anon, it is time for you to admit that you are powerless over alcohol - that your life has become unmanageable.

>> No.22761436

It's time for you to admit that you're gay and powerless over your lust for men

>> No.22761454

>tfw no more qt3.14... to stare at

>> No.22761462

What should I say? Should I start arguing with over their nonsense? I have better things to do that waste my time and mental energy talking to them.

>> No.22761476

I loved the first two parts but the last one was too Catholic for me

>now its a few trains in plastic packages
This hasn't been my experience at all. Honestly I wish I could get the same shit twice but it's always different. Given, my state still doesn't have recreational and I buy everything illegally but we are surrounded by recreational states at this point. I have a friend who works at a "weed factory" after coming from more of a California weed farm background. She says it's awful, they throw so much stuff away cuz it's cheaper and easier than actually making sure people know what they're doing

>> No.22761509

Brave New World moment

>> No.22761605

If that were the case you would have had your head split open by an axe by now

>> No.22761651

Imagine if your parents decides to adopt two poor Ukrainian and Palestinian lolis and you had to bond with them and teach them your culture and also to save this winter's spending on heat you had to take warm bath's together haha whoah nelly

>> No.22761674

Back in the day Westerners could buy lolis as slaves. I forget who, but there was one famous English writer I was reading the biography of and he went to Russia and bought one from her parents.

>> No.22761749

What should someone do first if they plan to delete their self?

>> No.22761755

Were you unloved as a child

>> No.22761756

Talked to a qt in church today. She cute :3

>> No.22761758

I invite you to consider DEEZE NUTS

>> No.22761760

Bro, most voters don't even pay taxes

>> No.22761763

probably figure out why you want to do that in the first place and is it just a kneejerk reaction to mortality to gain a modicum of control over your death

>> No.22761772

Instead of going to the liquor store again tonight, please go to an A.A. meeting.

>> No.22761775

When I worked at the liquor store me and the regulars would joke about our high functioning alcoholism. Good times

>> No.22761822

They’re dissatisfied with their life, ashamed of what it’s been, and don’t have a lot of hope that it can all be redeemed to a degree that is satisfying

>> No.22761832

>life wasn't as great as it was cracked up to be
do be like that

>> No.22761871

Tell them to go to church

>> No.22761874


>> No.22761930

Read Nietzsche and hopefully abandon their resentments

>> No.22761962

i'm nothing but a cartoon dog with a barrel around its neck

>> No.22761978

I wanted to find out what it's like to be under fire from an 1800s cannon and now I'm down this weird rabbit hole of Civil War prison camp accounts.

>> No.22761988

Iirc it's the bouncing and rolling that gets you. Like heavyweight dodgeball

>> No.22762042

I prefer white mode over black mode.

>> No.22762072

No that part I'm familiar with.
The ball hits, usually missing or overshooting into a formation, and it's the ball bouncing or your friends being broken that gets you.
I don't know what it sounds like.

>> No.22762073

Hypnagogic hallucination or sleep paralysis, either way nothing to really worry about. It could still be sleep paralysis, just a less terrifying form, but if it's only when you're drifting off to sleep it's probably just a hypnagogic hallucination. Both kind of work in the same way, where your brain hasn't got the timing of your body and consciousness being alseep: unless you sleepwalk, most people spend most of their sleeping time somewhat paralysed so they don't actually try to fly or cook an egg just because they're dreaming it. It filters info from your senses so if someone turns on a space heater near your face you might dream you're in a fire before the message this is something you should wake up to fix gets through. Hypnagogic hallicinations are pretty common and they're basically your body misinterpreting shit because you're turning off your consciousness. Sleep paralysis does that too, but it's happening while your body isn't able to act out shit but you're fully conscious. Some people with it can wake themselves up by trying to move in what seems like a bad dream, encouraging the connection between wakefulness and not paralysing your body. But some people also have to scream or have someone touch them or other inconvenient and impractical things and that's what most people think of for sleep paralysis.

>> No.22762080

Not exactly

They’re religious but don’t think it’s helped them change

They’ve read Nietzsche and didn’t find him helpful or interesting and don’t think they’re particularly resentful

>> No.22762089

Human babies are pigeons.

>> No.22762090

>don’t think they’re particularly resentful
Then why do they regret their entire past? Why is their future destined to be bleak? Why do they lie about reading Nietzsche?

>> No.22762091

They coo and they poo

>> No.22762111

They don’t lie so if you’re not trying he’ll why reply?

>> No.22762142

>How can I be resentful when I'm the perfect Kantian?
I think I found the cause of the stroke you seem to be having here.

>> No.22762154

I'm slowly getting desperate. I couldn't be more grateful for finding the truth, for nothing seems more terrifying than being trapped by psyops, lies, & paving my road to hell. Yet, there's simply no joy in going against the current alone. I have no friends, and my mother is my only family. She loves me, but we're not close in the slightest. Her love is the natural love of a good mother, but mine comes solely from the gratefulness for this fact. I constantly think about if I would cry if she died, probably would, but wouldn't feel sad enough, not as much as most people.

I write this bearing in mind that I won't feel so lost tomorrow, for no feelings ever remain with me for more than one day. Tomorrow I will meet my classmates for a little farewell party, and I will feel happy, then it will pass... This dread will come back again, then it will pass.
It seems like I won't ever find a spouse, and if this is my fate I'd rather become a priest, friar or monk soon, so I can finally enjoy a community, a family. I just hope I don't use a prostitute to not die a virgin before, because this filth sounds worse than having the sex I refused.

I wish I could find joy in your company alone, my Lord. I do not love you enough.

>> No.22762235

The problem with jerking off is that once i get back in the habit it's never enough
2 hours after the impulse returns
It becomes a habituated expectation such that I'll even notice the impulse returns at the exact same time I did it last
Whereas when i deliberately suppress my sexual desires & go weeks avoiding, I enter into a fully non sexual mode where the impulse after 1st week simply ceases to arise

>> No.22762310


>> No.22762335

>didn’t find him helpful

Then try listening to David Bowie

>> No.22763026

Are you okay, anon? I’m concerned

>> No.22763457

This makes me feel better, I was worried this is the beginning of late-onset schizophrenia or something. Maybe it's nothing to worry about, but it's still really weird and i wish it would stop.
Anyway thanks for being a voice of reason

>> No.22763463

you may be an alcoholic, but you can at least you can write pretty good