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22755918 No.22755918 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't he just marry the prostitute and live a "free life" outside of the norms of the society he hated so much?

>> No.22755976

because he was a retarded edgelord reddit atheist

>> No.22756021

because he was a retarded edgelord 4channel christian

>> No.22756037

I posted about this book in the past here, I had it confused with what I believe was The Idiot, so I gave Notes a shot. I found is pedantic and meandering, listless...sp I hopped over the Gambler.

Gross, both felt like some degenerate listing off his corrupted thoughts in my ears, schemes and idiotic notions from some leering bafoon, salivating at a woman's breasts.

I need to have other's give me synoptics of his works and I'll take their word for it.

>> No.22756051
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because he's too busy masturbating over how much he hates everything

>> No.22756077

because the author hates him and wants to decry him as a pathetic failure bureaucrat.

>> No.22756080

Ask the incels on 4chan

>> No.22756081

Did you miss the 20 pages dedicated to explaining that human beings often don't do what is in their "best interest?"

>> No.22756144

>titties are bad
OK. Shouldn't you love Dostoyevsky then?

>> No.22756152

4channers seek the company of others. They can pretend they don't but they still post and reply. The real life underground men are not as irrational but want to hate the world in unison.

>> No.22756160
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>some degenerate listing off his corrupted thoughts in my ears
Even if he is describing "the bad guy" I still have this disgusting descriptions in my ear.

One part was like a guy going back and forth about what he should do, chaotic thought process, indecisive, making one bad decision after another, leading to, Im sure, retarded outcomes.

It was like I was inside the head of a common fool going about his day woth degenerate ideations flying back and forth...All I could think of was "Stop being a degenerate."

Ack, like a mind-melded with a random 4chan troll jumping between /b/ and /gif/. Why? WHY WOULD ANYONE?

>> No.22756189

Nabokov said something similar. Dostoyevsky characters are neurotic lunatics and he portrays irrationality as inescapable. It might actually be unhealthy to read but it sure is fun.

>> No.22756214
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Peterson's glorifying of him means there is something there, and I can find genius in "nonsense" too, in fact I usually seek it out in the mundane and dull, but sometimes its just too much for me.

>> No.22756373

Why didn't you just marry the prostitute and live a "free life?"

>> No.22756377


>> No.22756382

Holy shit, this is probably the worst thread on the board right now, on the entire site, even. Not a single good post in it, just pure mental retardation.

>> No.22756391

You write like a really stupid person.

>> No.22756434

Watch your language.

>> No.22756437

Christ, you're all complete retards. He pushes her away because he hates himself you morons. He thinks to himself that hurting her so badly she'll never forget him would be much better than having her stick around and discover how empty he is, and having him drag her down to the same level. It's his only way of forming a connection with her that will remain real, because he's too incapable and the world too shit for him to believe in any other way. When she actually showed up to his apartment it was like a fleeting fantasy, born out of some momentary flight of fancy, suddenly coming to life in front of him, and he thought it better to destroy it rather than have it rot in his decaying life.

>> No.22756442


>> No.22756509
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He had to chase that thrill of gambling, you wouldn't get it

>> No.22756568

the whole book was about it: he wanted to overcome his feelings and become more than a human with moral restrictions, but consience and God beliefes won. I wonder if you read the book, his thoughts about the struggles are like a half of it

>> No.22756591

Wrong book idiot.

>> No.22756644

haven't you had similar thoughts about making some people disappear to make the world a better place? For example, you could take over his property, save people from his evil and give them money, you just need to mute your emotions and do it. Raskolnikov is similar to Light Yagami, but the latter managed to convince himself of his divinity and superiority and became evil himself.

>> No.22756657


>> No.22756673

>Why didn't he just marry the prostitute

What the fuck kind of question even is that?
How destroyed must a person be to not understand what an outlandish question that is?

How the fuck did we fall so far so fast?

>> No.22756968


Nah he's a lot worse than her in the book, and a normal woman would mean he'd have to rejoin normal society.

>> No.22757052

> When she actually showed up to his apartment it was like a fleeting fantasy
he’s more like Raskolnikov, basically just torturing her and saying a bunch of edgy shit, and he was seething in the park and ranting about how he loved walking around alone and how much he hated her and didn’t want her to come over but he ends up breaking down front of her and starts crying and that really makes him mad because of the moral inconsistency. It’s his demand for a type of aesthetic moral consistency and the literary ideals and the intense emotions that come with it that all constantly paralyze him. I think the thing is kind of Dostoyevsky’s defense of the Christian idea that the natural world is inherently bad, that’s why he’s countering Rousseau’s defense of nature and Kant’s idea of living according to objective reason. The Notes argue that everybody is self seeking, desperate and basically starving like an animal but he’s also an orphan and part of the tone is that he just doesn’t get it and doesn’t have anything else to fall back on so he’s constantly trying to formulate his own moral superiority and how he’s above it all. The real esoteric thing is throughout all Dosto the Russian women essentially represents the thing-in-itself, the embodiment of the sensual world whose truth cannot be known through sense. The same type of shock that the Notes describe happens to Ordynov in the Landlady. He’s some kid who loves Goethe and everything German and loves walking around alone and has all these scientific ideals and then he sees this soulful Russian woman and follows her into a church and looks into her eyes and the whole thing really messes him up and he ends up having fever dreams and autistic spergouts in bed all day and increasingly devoted to religion. The opposite of the Notes would be Ivan from Injured in Insulted, the guy who does everything for everyone. The coming to terms with the irrationality and brutality with people and trying to find a way to use it to your advantage thing and trying to find of aesthetic moral cohesion between the two is something he gets from Schiller and why he references him a lot to enhance his argument.

>> No.22757252

because he was a retarded incel

>> No.22757381

If that's what you feel like then why are you browsing this website? It's the equivalent of pouring raw sewage right into your mind and soul. Hypocrite attention seeker.

>> No.22757597

>degenerate listing off his corrupted thoughts in my ears,
Read autobiography and you will understand that all his book were about himself and low society that he lives in. He is a pedo, he is degenerate, he is gambler, he is the idiot, he is poorman thinking about murder, he is nihilist revolutionary, he is deeply orthodox Christian. He is sinner, he is a saint. All this thoughts swarming in his head at same time, he did saw through his time and people.

I disliked Dostoevsky when id read him at school, disliked his epileptic style, disliked his corrupted thoughts, disliked mood of his books, but now i feel that he was a genius.