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/lit/ - Literature

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22754024 No.22754024 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to the Critque of Pure Reason reading group?

>> No.22754053


>> No.22754057

it wasn't very good so i bailed. I don't think the chans are the place for serious discussion

>> No.22754058

The critique is light reading. No need for a reading group to baby you. You can read it in a week if you’re not retarded.

>> No.22754096

terrible bait

>> No.22754101

>i bailed
were you the OP?

>> No.22754231
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>> No.22754274

Nta nor OP but in defense of Kantposter (I just assumed the read along was him could be wrong) most of the philosophers talked about on here were critical of Kant so most philosophy posters here are likely to share those views, couple this with the fact that the CPR is still a viable filter for most readers and you are looking at a wicked uphill battle.

>> No.22754481
File: 164 KB, 1140x618, DieHerrenDerMetaphysik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in defense of Kantposter (I just assumed the read along was him could be wrong)
wasn't me. I know better.

>Philosophy is, by its very nature, something esoteric, neither made for the vulgar as it stands [für sich], nor capable of being got up to suit the vulgar taste

>> No.22754491

they weren't too reasonable

>> No.22754496

>Critique of Pure Reason
>Is actually a praise of pure reason
Wtf was this guy's problem? Nothing he says is even close to accurate. Not even the title.

>> No.22754504

did you even read it? I mean, he even tells what he means by "critique".

>> No.22754588
File: 27 KB, 666x500, 532cce556da8112a73f33da5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well spoken, as usual, I should have known better.

>> No.22754590

>I don't think the chans are the place for serious discussion
where go then? University too expensive and I have to work so can't attend during work hours.

>> No.22754721

I'd like to imagine this board could host a reading club for the Phenomenology of Spirit someday but I think the best time for that might have been 10 years ago.

>> No.22754726

In no way whatsoever will this ever happen

>> No.22754733

The first 300 pages where he does the transcendental deduction are about the understanding, not reason. He does masturbate the understanding but then totally annihilates reason.

>> No.22754740

>The first 300 pages
I don't think many make it that far

>> No.22754798

Kant doesn’t make it easy. It would probably be only 300 pages long if literally anyone else wrote it.

>> No.22754808

An anon can dream.

>> No.22754845

>I very soon became aware of the magnitude of my task, and the numerous problems with which I should be engaged; and, as I perceived that this critical investigation would, even if delivered in the driest scholastic manner, be far from being brief, I found it unadvisable to enlarge it still more with examples and explanations, which are necessary only from a popular point of view. I was induced to take this course from the consideration also that the present work is not intended for popular use, that those devoted to science do not require such helps, although they are always acceptable, and that they would have materially interfered with my present purpose.
I don't believe anyone else could have it shorter.

>> No.22756016


>> No.22756025

Philosophy isn't literature.

>> No.22756028

yes it is

>> No.22756031

There's no (pure) reason to read it. I Kant stand it.

>> No.22756033

Ok, read this:
I fuck your mother.
this is very insightful

>> No.22756039

Alright, that post made me leave forever. Thank you buddy.

>> No.22756046

kys ahmed

>> No.22756053
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It fucking shouldn't be. Nondeterministic immaterial philosophy must perish.

I dream of Kant and his stupid lecture hall surrounded and set ablaze by Prussian artillery.

>> No.22756063

seethe more midwit

also Kant was Prussian and they loved him retard

>> No.22756243

>In the interest of brevity, I have omitted the examples that readers of popular works may have come to expect and rely upon.
Yeah nobody could possibly have put a point more concisely than him

>> No.22756298

There should be a new thread on Monday. However, the more I read, the more I think reading it in German should be easier. If Monday's gonna be interesting, I might continue, otherwise I will just start improving my German, read the Prolegomena and then jump into the Critique.

>> No.22756369

r u the reading group OP?

>> No.22756933

No, man.

>> No.22757247

I am still doing it and tried to spam the threads with a few of the things that helped unlock my understanding of Kant. But no one was really talking or asking questions beyond that, and I forgot to check the thread for a day or two. I didn't want to spam any further with my personal shower thoughts about a book I've read several times because I didn't want to overwhelm others, I already worried my initial posts did this even though I had good intentions.

>> No.22757290
File: 441 KB, 1125x2153, you?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a book I've read several times
was picrel you?

>> No.22757301

No I was the one sperging about how you ought to understand Kant's perception of contemporary science to understand what his goals were, and I also got into a discussion with another anon about the moderate realist interpretation of Kant.

>> No.22757335

An actual reading group for the Phenomenology just had its first session this Friday. You didn't miss any content since everyone just introduced themselves and we talked about which translation to use (decided on the Pinkard one). Not sure if you can still join, but it's the one by the University of Lisbon.

>> No.22757359

on /lit/?

>> No.22757379

I don't think I could read the PoS with a bunch of well meaning normies coming at it from a thousand different angles, 80% of them mostly because of its meme status, another 10% as leftists who only know it through fags like Pinkard, and maybe 10% actually remotely metaphysically and phenomenologically sensitive. I would claw my eyes out.

>> No.22757386

At the very least I would use the % of women in the group to gauge the seriousness and potential of the group. (The only acceptable % is 0.)

>> No.22757390

The ideal place would be old style forums. I think a place like this could have some worthwhile reading groups, but I think it could only be successful with works that are much shorter and more digestible than Kant's Critiques.

>> No.22757394

>University too expensive
such a shame but some professors let you audit for freee

>> No.22757399

In that case it's better you stay away. You seem insufferable.

>> No.22757403

No, the meeting was online on Google meet.

>> No.22757404

Yes but I understand Hegel. At the end of the day you have to decide whether you prefer the company of autistic elitists or normie woman dabblers. I have made my choice.

>> No.22757408

they started reading it and realized it was shit

>> No.22757416

I see. The thing is though that the autistic elitists hardly ever get something done. At least all the reading groups on here don't seem to last long or don't seem very productive.

>> No.22757433

>autistic elitists hardly ever get something done
anon, they are the ones that actually write the books

>> No.22757436


>> No.22757448
File: 322 KB, 1125x1416, FilteredByHegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon was picrel you from the Hegel thread?

>> No.22757493

These are the real ones though usually in an academic context and are happy to share their knowledge. I'm talking about the ones posting on /lit/. Of course there might be an intersection of the two, but it seems small.

>> No.22757511

>there might be an intersection of the two, but it seems small.
you'd be surprised

>> No.22757528

I completed my habilitation on the retroactive ramifications of Fechner's psychphysics on the Kantian concept of a priori intuition and I come here for the lulz.

>> No.22757536

Thanks, I'll think about it.
Neat, mind talking about it a little more?

>> No.22757575

Happy to be proven wrong. I'm also in academia (about to start my PhD), but a lot of discussions on here quickly devolve into insulting each other and not engaging with each other. Sadly I have no clue about your research since my focus is mostly (analytic) ontology, mereology and logic, but it sounds interesting.

>> No.22757641

Link thesis or give recs, I want to understand James' admiration for Fechner. Best book on Fechner's fondness for Naturphilosophie?

>> No.22757644

Pitt, w/ Fine?

J/w, not fishing.

>> No.22759104

No, but that would have been pretty great. I wanted to stay in Europe and decided on the Humboldt.

>> No.22759685

Is it good? What about the city?

>> No.22759872

I'd say it's pretty good, probably not as good as Pittsburgh though. It's the Humboldt University in Berlin and I really like the city but I know quite some people don't.

>> No.22760203

Nice. Good luck, anon. I really liked Berlin about 10 years ago, but I heard it's changed a lot since then. I'm not sure how I'd feel about it now.

>> No.22760281

>heard it's changed a lot since then
like what?

>> No.22761578

Rents skyrocketed; it's ridiculously difficult to find a room; Lebanese and Syrian mafia. Germany overall seems to have worsened.

>> No.22761631

Also, perhaps most importantly, Berlin seems to have lost a lot of its character and become like most major European capitals.