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22750616 No.22750616 [Reply] [Original]

I have decided to convert to Judaism. What are some books to help me grow in my faith?

>> No.22750618


>> No.22750625

You're born a jew. Larpers are not taken seriously

>> No.22750627

What if millions of people converted to Judaism and by doing so then would be able to subvert the religion

>> No.22750634

I've been told for years that converting to Judaism is not even allowed, only some reformist sects allow it, is that true?

>> No.22750635

Talk to a rabbi who will help you through the process. You’ll need to spend hundreds of dollars getting your own tefillin and et. al.

>> No.22750644

Judaism was made obsolete by the New Testament and Christianity. It's a dead-end faith.

>> No.22750650

Doesn't matter, build a synagogue and fill it with converts and subvert the jews, it worked for the Mormons

>> No.22750656

Become a rabbi through a bullshit online course

>> No.22750676

Idk people used to all the time ask me if I was Jewish

>> No.22750682


>> No.22750684

I have jewish blood, just never practiced.

>> No.22750685

Incorrect, Its too tight knit to ever die.
Christianity will die a worse death through dilution
Christianity is so good at spreading it loses its character

>> No.22750691

Meaning I could blend in if I wanted to

>> No.22750692
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Did you get your foreskin cut off yet?

>> No.22750693

You're a jew, then.
2 more weeks, rabbi.

>> No.22750699

Its always been crazy to me to think there are thousands of christian detonations but only one judaism

>> No.22750704

You're a jew tho

>> No.22750709

>only one judaism

>> No.22750719

I had a bris when I was a baby but other than that I don't know much about the religion

>> No.22750725

I'm not the same anon who said he's mistaken for a jew.

>> No.22750731

Im not though I have zero Jewish heritage.
Sometimes i do wonder though i find myself atrracted to jewish thinkers and artists

>> No.22750735

who's the jew, then?

>> No.22750755
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>I have decided to convert to Judaism.
>What are some books to help me grow in my faith?
The Bible (both Old and New testaments) and picrel.

>> No.22751443

All you have to do is realize that the Judaism of today is much younger than Christianity—Jewish Bibles today don’t match up with the Dead Sea Scrolls too well. The dragons in genesis podcast episode 39, by a bugman atheist is perfect foe btfoing judaism.

>> No.22751454


>> No.22751465

No, the Book of Ruth enshrines conversion.
Although some mystical currents of Judaism believe that converts were actually born as Jews, but were given a trial to see if they would accept their religion by choice.

>> No.22751495

Probably should have thought about that before making the decision to convert.

>> No.22751513

You're not a convert, then, you're just going back to the faith. They have a name for this. Like the muslims when they sau "reverting", but only for jews

>> No.22751708


Get some sleep, Javier

>> No.22751730

>but only one judaism
You clearly know nothing about actual Jews

>> No.22751888

sounds like your a retarded tik tok or r/eddit user. go fuck yourself

>> No.22751906

Get off 4chan, Milei

>> No.22752291

The New Testament. You can't be a Jew if you reject the messiah.

>> No.22752318

You have to put your mouth on a kids penis first

>> No.22752537

I don't reject the messiah. I patiently await his arrival.

>> No.22752572

Hi, I'm an Orthodox Jew. Unfortunately, if you don't convert through a recognized Orthodox institution, your conversion will mean basically nothing. If you're serious about this, I'd suggest finding your nearest Orthodox rabbi and talking to them about it. It's a HUGE commitment, though, so unless you feel this is the only way to properly serve G-d, I'd recommend looking into the Noahide Laws.
In terms of books to read in the meantime, that depends on how much of Judaism you're already familiar with. What is your level of background?

>> No.22752589

I'm born jewish and I know the gist of the basic holidays, but I never practiced.

>> No.22752599

Well obviously, the Temple was destroyed long after Jesus but the Pharisaic tradition is much older than him.

>> No.22752607

Is/was your mother Jewish?

>> No.22752628


>> No.22752833

All of them allow it. Orthodox Judaism just has a more rigorous and longer process. You can convert and make Aaliyah to Israel as well, you just have to have proof you’ve converted and spent time in the Jewish community.

>> No.22752852

The good news is that you don't need to convert - you're already Jewish, according to Jewish law. The best move is to find an Orthodox Rabbi who can help you learn more about your heritage. What country/region are you from?
Some well recommended introductory books are To Be a Jew, Understanding Judaism, and Jewish Literacy. Peninei Halacha (available online, partly in English) is a great resource for finding out more about Jewish law.
Artscroll.com is the best publisher of Jewish works. They have most of the extremely important books in great translation, as well as a lot of newer/English language works. If you browse their website, you'll find a host of books on every topic for every level of background, including books on Mussar/personal improvement (like Mesilas Yesharim) and developing faith. If you're looking for something more intellectual, you should check out Koren's Maggid Press; they publish the more "philosophical" authors of recent years, such as Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein.
Chassidus is a world in and of itself, and many people take to it. Navigating it can be tricky, but Chabad.org has a lot of info about their own brand of Chassidus. Breslov is also popular, and there are a lot of websites dedicated to it.
Lastly Aish.com is a resource many people like.
Good luck, and if you have any questions, let me know

>> No.22752914

not a jew, but you can't exactly 'convert' by saying so, the conversion is a process, it is a study of the holy texts from Judaic scholars. its is also a process with ceremonies, religious rituals and great deal of involvment in it.
Judaism is a far more involved religion than American Catholicism, this is presuming you are american.
My best piece of advice is you visit your local synagogue and speak to one of the Rabbi

>> No.22753006

I am from a conservative sephardi culture, and thank you for the resources. That's what I was looking for.

>> No.22753236

That’s it
Christianity is the continuation of first temple Yahwism. If a “Jew” (ridiculous term) disagrees, then simply ask him who God’s wife and most important son are—Asherah is El’s wife, and Yahweh his most important son, who was eventually kinda conflated with him.

We know from historians like Josephus that the Herodian dynasty, the ruling Jewish dynasty of before, during, and after Jesus’ day, of Idumean/Edomitish descent, had been filling the temple with men without any priestly pedigree. The Essenes appear to be genuine Zaddokites (where the term “Sadducee” appears to come from) who left the temple because of this. The story of Christ matches really well with first temple rituals of the high priest.

>> No.22753362

Sorry I believe in only one G-d, not this fake polytheism stuff.

>> No.22753371

>Ask him who G-d's wife and most important son are
G-d has neither wife nor son. The Bible refers to Israel as both, but that is to be taken metaphorically alone. Asherah is the product of idolatry

>> No.22753469

Kek, read something other than rabbinical literature once in your life. The Hebrew Bible is polytheistic—in the form of today henotheistic. Historians can see that El and Yahweh were separate beings, later conflated. Asherah (wisdom/the spirit of God) is the wife of God. She literally appears in the Bible. It’s still not polytheism to believe God isn’t a monad.

>> No.22753487

>The Hebrew Bible is polytheistic
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:
Deuteronomy 6:4

>> No.22753494

18 And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;

2 And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,

3 And said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:

4 Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree:

5 And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on: for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast said.

6 And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.

7 And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetcht a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it.

8 And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.

God appears in human form all over the Tanakh—God knows if you’ve even read any of it.

"When Elyon gave the nations as an inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bny 'l[hym]). For Yahweh's portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance".

Here, Yahweh is the son of Elyon, and his inheritance was Israel.

>> No.22753497

>It's still not polytheism to believe G-d isn't a monad
I have bad news for you
>The Hebrew Bible is polytheistic
No, the Hebrew Bible *describes* the polytheistic behavior of Israel, and condemns it. The entire point of the Prophets is that Israel/Judea kept descending into polytheism and idolatry and abandoning G-d, and how that resulted in all their troubles, leading to the exile of the ten tribes and the eventual destruction of the First Temple. The fact that historians have found evidence of polytheism in ancient Israel is not at all surprising. That's literally the central focus of the bulk of the Historical parts of the Bible.

>> No.22753517

That’s a clear mistranslation—“our lord is one.”

It uses “echad,” not “yachid,”—it’s a one of unity.
>No, the Hebrew Bible *describes* the polytheistic behavior of Israel, and condemns it. The entire point of the Prophets is that Israel/Judea kept descending into polytheism and idolatry and abandoning G-d, and how that resulted in all their troubles, leading to the exile of the ten tribes and the eventual destruction of the First Temple. The fact that historians have found evidence of polytheism in ancient Israel is not at all surprising. That's literally the central focus of the bulk of the Historical parts of the Bible.
I’m aware of this idea. It’s simply false. The Hebrew Bible is not written very monotheistically, but merely against the worship of other gods (and that’s only mostly, and in its current state).

“When Elyon gave the nations as an inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bny 'l[hym]). For Yahweh's portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance".
Multiple sons of Elyon, Yahweh is one.

>> No.22753520

The Holy Bible, or at least the OT part of it. Its the Tanakah.

>> No.22753522

Hey, I'm not the OP of this thread but I am a would be convert. I've talked to Rabbis in my country about this and they essentially said I have to move to the one city (theres only 1-2 in my country) that has a synagogue. I am not able to do so for another 7 months while saving up for an apartment.

My question is, I have started taking modern Hebrew lessons and want to be more prepared for biblical Hebrew. How different is the modern Hebrew spoken in Israel and diaspora from the Hebrew used in siddurim and in synagogue?

I've already read all the books you mentioned ITT and probably 20ish others aswell. Is there anything more I should be doing to prepare?

>> No.22753524

Why would you rely on a clear mistranslation? It does not say “one Lord.”

>> No.22753529

Even so, the commandment states:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:3

>> No.22753541

I don’t disagree with it. Notice how it even says “before me” rather than “at all,” though. For a Christian, the trinity is God. For an ancient Israelite, El is the father, Yahweh his son (and also him), and Asherah his wife/spirit.

>> No.22753552

>The Lord appeared
>And he saw three men
Go actually read the rest of that narrative, and you'll note that when the three men leave (Genesis 18:22), Abraham "remains standing before G-d." They're clearly distinct entities, and the Bible later refers to them explicitly as "messengers of G-d" (in Jewish interpretation, angels).

>Citation of the dead sea scrolls
Firstly, there's a reason the DSS aren't canonical. Secondly, the polytheistic heredity here doesn't even make sense, because the name of G-d you're appealing to is used constantly in conjunction with the tetragrammaton. It's raw conjecture.

>> No.22753556

I only believe in one G-d.
Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.
Isaiah 44:6

>> No.22753572

>How different is modern Hebrew from Rabbinic Hebrew
They're much closer to each other than Biblical Hebrew. If you know the grammar of Rabbinic Hebrew, and you can understand the Siddur, you'll have an easy time with Modern Hebrew, though there are some differences.

>Is there anything more I should be doing to prepare?
If you feel you have a background, make sure you know Halacha well. Idk what community you're converting into, but you can find works of Halacha for each sort of community. I'll recommend some more stuff, but how well do you know Rabbinic Hebrew, and what's your native language (I assume you're fluent in English?)

>> No.22753586

>Go actually read the rest of that narrative, and you'll note that when the three men leave (Genesis 18:22), Abraham "remains standing before G-d." They're clearly distinct entities, and the Bible later refers to them explicitly as "messengers of G-d" (in Jewish interpretation, angels).
I don’t disagree with them being separate from El, or with them being angels.

Read: 20 And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

21 I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.

22 And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the Lord.

God says he’ go down, and the men go down. El’s everywhere, throughout all time, so clearly he doesn’t need to “go down.”

>Firstly, there's a reason the DSS aren't canonical.
They aren’t canonical to you. Similarly, Christians care little for your masoretic text (barely 1000 years old) and prefer the Sepuagint. If you want to see what’s the oldest Bible, read the DSS.

>because the name of G-d you're appealing to is used constantly in conjunction with the tetragrammaton.
I know. Yahweh and El are largely conflated.

>> No.22753596

>I have decided to convert to Judaism.
Really? You guys dropped the Tradcath/Orthodox thing already?

>> No.22753608
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I don’t disagree.

>> No.22753614
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>when you nut but she still sucking

>> No.22753630

My native languages are Swedish and Norwegian. However I am fluent in English and French aswell. Also have studied 2 other languages but not to complete fluency.

I have only been studying Hebrew for around 2.5 months now but I want to take the following 7 months to prepare several hours every day since I am unable to meet with any Rabbi until then, and I figure this is the best way to prepare.
My grandfather spoke Hebrew but he never taught his children before passing away. I am converting to Orthodox Judaism.

I don't want to start doing mitzvot since some Rabbis I listened to said its forbidden for non Jews to do them, so all I can really do is just study study study, right? Thats fine by me if its the case

>> No.22753646

I figured Islam would be the next religion online right-wingers would convert to.

>> No.22753649

There's millions of people on the internet, you know? Also the people in this thread converting have jewish ancestors

>> No.22753673

Now that Israel is Nazi they have to convert to judaism to remain a consistent fascist

>> No.22753700

Nothing can be older than God, anon.

>> No.22753706

Leftists have been calling Israel nazi since the 50s

>> No.22753707

I was talking about religion

>> No.22753758

Love God

>> No.22753846

If you're not jewish can you even call yourself a real Nazi?

>> No.22754070

Christianity is judaism for the goyim

>> No.22754102

Most knowledgeable /pol/ user

>> No.22754137

Actually judaism for goyim is noahidism.

>> No.22754188
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Here you go, Anon. Good book on the most important thing in Judaism; drinking goyim blood.

>> No.22754223

Eating blood is forbidden in judaism, it goes against halakhic law as given in the Torah.
>10 And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.
>11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
>12 Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood.
>13 And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.
>14 For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Leviticus 17:10-14

>> No.22754982
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truth be told I've been considering it too.
people always ask "the Jewish question" of why they're always in power. but at the same time, they tout that they've been kicked out of 109 countries. so my question is "if the Jews are always successful, then it can't be by trickery as apparently, the entire world is """wise""" to it. so why are they still successful?"

in my mind, it has to be their culture. almost everything that we value in Western culture comes from Jewish culture. to me, and the Jews I've seen and spoken too, Judaism as a religion cares less about belief in god and more about the belief in Jewish culture. and despite all the Jews have gone through they still manage to find success in every major field, clearly their culture must be onto something.

>> No.22756008
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>I have decided to convert to Judaism.

You mean: "pervert".

>> No.22756011

That is called Islam.

>> No.22756026

Are you cut? You will have to get cut if you want to be a jew. I guess it's not an issue for Americans.

>> No.22756052

Elliot Wolfson, Martin Buber, Abraham Heschel, Emmanuel Levinas, Franz Rosenzweig, Gershom Scholem, Vladimir Jankelevitch, and Moshe Idel.

Good contextual resources would be Maimonides, Aristotle, Plato, Bergson, Husserl, Heidegger, Marcel, and Jaspers. Obviously pray, be close to the Scriptures, and devote yourself to community.

>> No.22756076

Yes I am

>> No.22756086

Where can you find the zorastrianism episode with burry photos?

>> No.22756108

What kind of a religion shuns converts? How retarded is that?

>> No.22757143 [DELETED] 

Is that the cucked official translation?
You should download the independent translation instead


>> No.22757154


>> No.22757158

A religion that doesn't need to push its bullshit on others. It's self-evidently true.

>> No.22757168


>> No.22757172

>cares less about belief in god and more about the belief in Jewish culture
Putting anything above God... The absolute state of this board, let alone jews.

>> No.22757175

No, I didn’t say they just don’t care about converts, I meant they push converts away because they think you gotta be born into it.

>> No.22757413

The Torah was not given to the gentiles to be followed, it was given to the Jews exclusively. As long as gentiles follow the Noahide laws, they are fine. The Torah commandments are the exclusive burden of the Jewish people.

>> No.22757424
File: 93 KB, 667x1000, 71J8M2wftZL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understand our history first brother.

>> No.22757678

My argument is the same: Christianity is as old as God.

>> No.22757691

Bad argument. Even according to your belief system, the new covenant did not exist prior to cavalry, and according to your own scriptures the jews were bound to the old covenant prior to his sacrifice.

>> No.22757729

You didn’t understand what I meant. Do you really believe time affects God? Think it through.

>> No.22757807

not what I said

>> No.22758141

Yes, I already replied to that. If you want to discuss what I said, you have to address what I said instead of talking around it.

>> No.22758180

>If you want to discuss what I said, you have to address what I said instead of talking around it.
no thanks

>> No.22758182

Gerschom Scholem, OP

Kabbalah, Main Currents, and On the Possibility of Jewish Mysticism in Our Time

Now, I must return to denying the Holocaust in other threads

>> No.22758186

Oops correction

>> No.22758233

Hi, sorry for the late reply - it was Shabbos.
So, actually, most people who convert start practicing mitzvos long before they undergo the conversion. The big thing you're not allowed to do is keep Shabbos, so most people start keeping it but do one act of "work" - like turning on their stove, or a fluorescent light - to prevent them from really having "kept" Shabbos. The big lifestyle changes are important to start doing before you convert, so they're not a total shock, and orthodox rabbis generally require you to be "ready" before your immersion. Kosher is a big one - I assume you live in Scandinavia, and to be honest, I have no idea how easy it is there compared to America and Israel.
What I would really recommend is for you to get in touch with the Rabbi of the community you plan on moving to. If you give him a call and tell him your situation, he'll get your situated. I'm sorry I can't give more useful info right now, I'm honestly exhausted, but I wanted to reply. If this thread is still up and I think of anything more productive to say, I'll post, and in the meantime, if you have questions, feel free to ask.

>> No.22759585

Thank you for the reply, don't worry about it being later.
I will start doing some mitzvos then, that's great to hear since I have wanted to start doing it. Kosher food is difficult to get here but I will hear with the rabbi how they work around it.

One question I haven't really been able to find much information on the internet for. How does purim and alcohol drinking in general work for people that work with saving lives? As a doctor I have to be ready for on call pretty much 24/7, so I assume its not permitted for me to drink even on purim? What about kiddush? I will ask the Rabbi this and other questions aswell but if you know anything about this topic feel free to point me in the right direction for me to read more about it.

>> No.22759589

Ask your rabbi

>> No.22759621

(Almost) Anything is permitted to save a life.

>> No.22759658

I'm well aware of that. But in the case of purim where a doctor might assume he isnt working, but potentially could be, should he refrain from drinking? I'm not knowledgeable about these potential to save life scenarios

There are days where I have been told I am free from work for the entire week only to be called in after a few hours to come help

>> No.22759682
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With regards to Purim, there are different opinions about the extent to which you ought to drink, and most rabbis today will tell you you don't *need* to get drunk. (Picrel is one such opinion - the Rama in the name of the Kol Bo, in Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 695). I think it's interesting, and you should eventually ask your rabbi about it. I'm sure he'll tell you that it's pikuach nefesh not to get drunk.
With kiddush, however, you don't need to use wine at all: you can just drink grape juice.

>> No.22759745

Well first of all you should work on your work life balance, but that's not a religious issue. Purim drinking is rabbinic in origin, not Torah. So you should consult your rabbi, perhaps ask him for commentary to read to come to a conclusion. I would say, that a holiday of joy should be treated with joy, and if you wpuld like a few glasses of wine that's good. If work calls you in, stop drinking and by the time you are scrubbed in you should be fine.

>> No.22760134

this is wrong, there are Haredis, Karaites, Sabbateans, Chasidim, Reform vs Orthodox and countless small sects in every century from Solomon to now

>> No.22760367

>it was given to the Jews exclusively
Judah is but one tribe of 13—you realize that Idumeans fall under the umbrella of ‘Jew,’ don’t you? Were they chosen?

>> No.22761092

Why would anyone want to convert to Judaism? Jews are the most obnoxious of all religious people, aside from reddit atheists.

>> No.22761135

There are twelve tribes and Idumeans are not one of them.

>> No.22761142

It's the only true monotheistic religion.

>> No.22761198

The ancient Jews worshipped stones and a cow. What are you talking about?

>> No.22761246

Thank you for the answers. Have been unable to respond during the day and now its late here so will keep it short.

There seems to be so incredible much to study and memorize even for small everyday situations like this. Really fascinates me and makes me respect rabbis more. Hope you have a nice week, I will talk to the local rabbi about this and more.