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22748232 No.22748232 [Reply] [Original]

POWER edition.

Previous: >>22741987

>> No.22748247


>> No.22748267

>Look up housing in my country.
>It's shitty and way too expensive.
>Look up housing in Oregon.
>It's beautiful and affordable.
What I wouldn't do to move to Oregon.

>> No.22748270

i am literally nick mullen, indistinguishable. i watch him and think, 'that's me'

>> No.22748288

"Traditional"(Reactionary) Christian culture has a problem with marriage and family. They greatly emphasize the virtue of marrying young and having lots of children, but they have seemingly completely accepted the romantic notion of marrying whoever you like and not being too practical about it, whereas before the family's of women would vet and turn away suitors, at least until they have good prospects.
They've combined these two things, while also forgetting that everyone is maturing slower now, in respects to how long it takes a person to be competent in their culture, and the result is that there are many very retarded, dysfunctional, poor, large Christian homeschooling families. The children are poorly socialized and very bad at navigating the world.

>> No.22748302
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I can’t make sense of reality. I don’t know how to behave moment to moment being aware of this. My anxiety is debilitating and I end up crying most days. I don’t like living like this. I can’t seem to like anything.

>> No.22748307

I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off, sometimes life’s okay

>> No.22748311

I saw you write this in another thread, how many people have you told this story to so far? I was gonna call your life boring because this is the only story you've been telling but my life isn't exciting so it would be a bit hypocritical.

>> No.22748314

maybe you shouldn't follow him around while he shares stories about his exciting life?

>> No.22748319

I do understand this. From my experience you have to do things that bring you back into a natural, goal orientated and real world frame of mind. Imagine you were really hungry and were chasing after a deer because you needed to eat, there's no way in hell you'd be having an existential crisis. Your world wouldn't be inside your head. Your world would be the real world. You'd be focusing on running, where to put your feet, what's ahead of you, where the deer is. And when you got it you'd bring it back, cook it up and feel at rest. That's an extreme example but I'm sure that this is the problem. You're just have nothing to do that excites and really grips you in the real world.
I don't think it's possible to get out of this headspace in any other way. You're spending all your energy inside your head. You need to be more childlike and just focus on what's around you. Don't live in your head.

>> No.22748342

You’re right that this would cure me for the most part. I don’t know how to do it realistically. But I also HAVE to think about making sense of reality. To ask me not to, is to ask me to be incomplete.

>> No.22748344

I was raped by a Khajit bandit outside of Riverwood.

>> No.22748346

It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.

>> No.22748348

Alright, Mr Fight Club.

>> No.22748356

Yup, I know. We're similar I think, I've actually literally had physical paralyses from trying to make sense of reality, trying to dig deeper into my self. It's insane. There's something recursive about doing that though, something that keeps looping in on itself, maybe you could say its the self looking at the self looking at the self, and on and on and on. Like a two way mirror. I don't know if that makes sense to you, it's what I found though.
I don't think there's a solution bro. There's no thought you could possibly ever have that would answer it. If it's impossible I think you just have to accept that and come out into the real world.

>> No.22748360

>I can’t make sense of reality
I don't know if anyone ever makes 100% sense of reality. People have limits. You have limits. When I've felt similar, I was not acknowledging my limits. I allowed myself to believe that others did not have limits. I was looking for safety and I found it in anxiety. No one is coming to save you. I can't say I've completely contained those feelings and that I have the right to give advice to others. You're capable of more than you know. That's just true logically, if you're always learning about some new thing you aren't capable of.

>> No.22748367

I don't mean to make it seem like you should abandon the pursuit though. I think that's basically what Buddhist mediation would have you do, but I like the Promethean aspect of the West. But I think it is possible to have a better balance and know when and how to leave the questions aside.

>> No.22748373

Alone I sit and question my future, harshly judging my present and regretting my past.
But I am not lonely because it isn't attention, companionship nor love that I crave.
What I crave is knowledge which seemingly is impossible to obtain.
It would be easier had I been cursed because then I could blame my faults on some otherworldly power(s). but being blessed, I fear I will see the darkest part of Hell when I unwillingly relinquish this temporary vessel of flesh and emotions.
Laziness has to the best the most grievous of sins for those that God grants gifts to.
Pity is a repulsive sentiment, so I don't seek it or allow it.
With my future ahead of me, I keep turning my back to it in anticipation of something from the past coming back.
Living in finite episodes, more tragedy than comedy, more "no happy ending" than "hero succeeds".

>> No.22748410


disgusting faggoty pics

>> No.22748430

No matter how much I hate life, I cannot fucking fathom wanting to be dead and embrace eternal oblivion. Fucking horrifying. That animal part of my brain controls me so thoroughly that I just cannot escape it.

>> No.22748452

Yummy twinks, I want to do sexual things to them.

>> No.22748459

>wanting to be dead and embrace eternal oblivion
This is all i’ve ever wanted. I can’t fathom continuing like this for eternity. Fucking horrifying.

>> No.22748476

my mom's cat died only a few minutes ago. we let him die naturally, so it took a while, I'm sad, but I didn't have a close relationship with him. I'm worried I won't be able to comfort her very well.

>> No.22748494

I have to be dysthemic. That would explain my cognitive decline. It isn't that I'm stupider per se. There is a fundamental screw that went loose up there. Structure. My thoughts aren't structured. My approach to everything is haywire and chaotic and unstructured. Especially learning. It makes everything harder.

>> No.22748497

Well at least only one of us is fucked

>> No.22748498

I don't even know what I do.

>> No.22748504

I fucked up.

>> No.22748519

The only occasions I've cried much were on the death of my father, at 28, my next oldest sister, at 54, and on formal breakup with my first and best lover, at 31, with whom I anyway lived with like best friends for 6 years after that. In general I'm a pretty cheerful little prick, and especially enjoy subjects like stellar evolution, botany, industrial infrastructure & design, Anglo-American poetry, and experiences like walking just outside of a big old sedan with the heat roaring in nature preserve in winter, a camera in my hand. I'd do it all over without a qualm.

>> No.22748553

That sounds horrific. At least you like it.

>> No.22748555

>What I wouldn't do
Move, apparently

>> No.22748563

Can't, I've got no way other than marriage and fuck that.

>> No.22748566

You're horrifically tone-deaf.

>> No.22748571

What part of that sounds horrific? It doesn't even sound intense enough to be positive. His post was just a blog about his life and experiences, most of which were really tame.

>> No.22748577

lol what the fuck? This isnt medieval Europe and youre not a princess....or are you?

>> No.22748578

A tame life is horrific pleb

>> No.22748579

"i'd do it all over without a qualm" is positive enough.

>> No.22748582

Tame response.

>> No.22748583

>I've got no way other than marriage
Huh, explain?

>> No.22748592

I'm not from America and the only way I could get residency is through marriage since I don't fit the requirements for a work visa and studying is too expensive (also I'm a high school dropout)

>> No.22748604

I appear to have ran my mouth off a bit too much. What did I say? I hope you can just laugh it off and we’ll all be okay.

>> No.22748606

>What did I say?
The same thing.

>> No.22748614

Much as I like HD600s, the soundsystem in my car is better at about 1/2 of the soundtracks in my collection. Don't know how they did it. Maybe headphones are generally overrated.

>> No.22748630

>Rationalizing his fruitless life so he doesnt have to grapple with the grief of regret...since he also wont deal with the difficulty of the present.
"This is fine."

At a certain point it becomes too much for them to consciously accept and they become unable to see themselves in the mirror, living a lie so long they cannot see the truth anymore. "Lived truth."

>> No.22748645

The capacity for joy is life's ultimate fruit, most particularly when it comes to music.

>> No.22748678

>The capacity for joy is life's ultimate fruit
Is that how you became world renowned? Have you altered the human course for the fields of Botany, Stellar Evolution and Infastructure?

Or are those simply enjoyment pastimes? Like smoking weed and watching Beavis and Butthead? Getting high on the BioMolecular responses to stimuli?

>i enjoi doe
Yes, and so does Onions McLimpwrist with the new female empowerment Star Wars movie, now with more hollow nostalgia with none of the mythological narratives and a thousand Funko Pop dolls, he enjoi too.

>> No.22748718

>Or are those simply enjoyment pastimes?
Absolutely. Do you do anything for enjoyment? Is there anyone you have felt simple affection for? A parent, a sibling, a friend, a colleague, a neighbor? Have you ever entertained or pleased anyone of them just to make them happy, without expectation of anything in return? Have you ever hosted a party? Have you ever had sex? Have you ever lived, just now, completely in the moment?

>> No.22748734
File: 355 KB, 717x713, 2023-07-13_02.39.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you do anything for enjoyment?
Conquer my enemies and leave an eternal dent in the evolutionary path of Earth.
>Is there anyone you have felt simple affection for?
Street kitties.
>A parent, a sibling, a friend, a colleague, a neighbor?
All of them are degnerate shitbags with corrupted morals, I would beat them with beltz before hugging them...except for grandmas, I visit them from time to time.
>Have you ever entertained or pleased anyone of them just to make them happy, without expectation of anything in return?
>Have you ever hosted a party?
Friends are for faggots, women and dogs.
>Have you ever had sex?
Im a father.
>Have you ever lived, just now, completely in the moment?
lmao....no, sir...THATS ME SAYING THIS TO YOU. You sound like an obese man sucking the flavor off his fingers asking me if Ive ever truly lived....

Look at that pic then read that last response again.

>> No.22748746
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Nothing tastes as sweet as acheivement.


>> No.22748753

>Conquer my enemies and leave an eternal dent in the evolutionary path of Earth.
Quintessential delusions of grandeur.
>Im a father.
My fucking ass, except, maybe, for casual bastardy.

>> No.22748755

I'm never myself around anyone (whoever that even is), I'm always the person that other people want to be interacting with.

>> No.22748759
File: 45 KB, 393x308, 2023-04-02_20.45.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was you thesis on in Psychoanalysis?

Mine was on Developmental Psychology, Physiological Cognition and Collective Phenomenology.

Im not asking you, a retard, Im lecturing the professors you worship because your ignorance in those fields allows for no other way to see then than demi-gods...delusions of grandure on your part, LAPRing as a great Psychologist until the ones you worship enter the thread but since theyre not here you'll proselytize for them.

"Infinity+1", idolatry of the self in third person by proxy.

>> No.22748770
File: 68 KB, 500x272, 2022-10-05_04.30.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should read literature, not masturbatory fictions that are lived through vicariously...instead living them yourself, in REAL LIFE.

>> No.22748779

Yes, i want a good loyal girl.
I dont want a cult freak who quotes me books from 12th century on what i should and shouldnt do, who cant think for themselves and whos a total hypocrite on top of that. One whos family are gonna dictate my life and whos gonna dominate the relationship.
I dont want someone who was forced from young age to follow blindly every minutiae of some middle age theory as if its infallible. Im a thinker, not follower. Of course, all the main tenets of church i do believe in and would definitely want a spouse whos a believer. Its not that simple as how youve put it

>> No.22748791
File: 75 KB, 1000x966, justgotalktoher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give in.

>> No.22748800
File: 2.37 MB, 418x175, anigif_original-grid-image-24391-1438026131-9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take out.

>> No.22748822

Say something, anything, about your father. Mine was kind of a little guy, a high-earning STEMfag, somewhat litigious, with quite decent taste in music, and a somewhat experimental attitude to his only son. We had rather a lot of conversations in cars, almost all of them while I was driving, some of them great bawdy fun about things your schizo brain would would explosively hate even on the mention of.

>> No.22748835
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>your father
A drunken coward who never fathered, I raised myself, hence "call no man father".

>about things your schizo brain would would explosively hate even on the mention of
Your faux superiority is laughable if it was so mentally ill...delusion of grandeur. Stop trying to "relate" with me, youre simply using that as a vector for pseudo-equality so you can attempt a superior position....Stop trying to manipulate me like you do to your friends and family, thats why I dont have any, theyre dirtbags like you.

t.Doctor means Doctor, not "lol jk Im retarded"

>> No.22748841
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How retarded was it of me to link this to my crush who has mentioned in the past about needing to lose some weight. Like said to me her doctor said she needs to lose weight because she is bordering obese.


I sent it 3 hours ago and no reply or comment back. Was it an offensive thing to do or something she could have taken the wrong way? She mentioned not having gone to the gym in a few weeks last time I saw her.

I genuinely thought it was an interesting vid and thought it might be helpful info to her but I don't know. I'm feeling it might've been very retarded? Expecially when I sent the text link, it appeared as it's thumbnail which is pic related.

How do I save the situation? I tried texting shortly after that I was binging the channel and didn't realise how corrupt the food industry was but she still hasn't replied.

Also she's not obese obese, she's like regular kind of chubby. Not usually my type but fuck, she's such a sweet person to talk to I somehow developed a crush on her. Plus she has a nice face

>> No.22748858

>A drunken coward who never fathered, I raised myself, hence "call no man father".
That explains rather a lot, almost everything. There was nothing dependable in my youth like my father, and to be honest I had rather sheltered life, especially from 1971 to 1989.

>> No.22748865
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>not suggesting to go to the gym together
>says "This is the real reason youre fat."
Anon, autism can be terminal if not managed properly.

>> No.22748875

You are a primary psychopath.

>> No.22748876
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>That explains rather a lot, almost everything


>I needed secure rock to lean on

>> No.22748880

You are a primary psychopath.

>> No.22748891
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Classic fatherless behavior, he had a male in the house, NOT A FATHER FIGURE, he treated you like an equal or a friend, not a parent.

Now you lie constantly and even to yourself and believe those lies because lying is all youve know; MANIPULATIVE RELATIONSHIPS.

PSYCHO-PATHIC....Jesus, you retards, man....DOCTOR MEANS DOCTOR.


>> No.22748897

Are you even real?

>> No.22748907

morning schizos

>> No.22748913
File: 326 KB, 720x1480, 2023-04-15_23.53.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Basically) Everything I post is the absolute truth and without ego or delusion, flat out what is, has been or will do. I say basically because I do bant...sometimes.>>22748759
>Mine was on Developmental Psychology, Physiological Cognition and Collective Phenomenology.

Doctor means doctor. I didnt even mention my works in Number Theory, Physics, Theology, Political Science (the Actual science of it, not whats taught in bullshit university where people are taught to conform to the matrix, not understand what youre conforming to...the reason why people like the author of 1984 can foresee generations ahead, its logic applied to political ethic.)

Ive been here, this is where my work has taken me. Tenured professorship means little to me...dime a dozen.

>> No.22748944
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I really can't imagine anything about how you live. your age, what you look like, or for that where in the fuck you live. I live quite well, am 60, and live about 70 miles west of Chicago.

>> No.22748968

Fags are incapable of going a second without talking about fag-shit. ". heh I am what I eat. Yeah I am a power bottom. "
Why are they like this?
No one wants to hear about your disgusting sexual habits.
I also find it mind boggling that anyone would publicly brag about being a cock-sleeve to another man.
You're basically signaling to the entire world you are a bitch that likes to get used and taken advantage of by others.

>> No.22748970

why are you hanging out with fags bro

>> No.22748977

I don't . Have you never heard of been around a fag before, are you sheltered?

>> No.22748978
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>I really can't imagine anything about how you live.
I wake up on planet Earth and mimic humans in their natural environment; Simulated Truth.

Im in the process of moving to Japan at the moment and early next year getting residence in Afghanistan, visiting Russia and the warzone on my way to central Asia, then return to Japan for cakes and coffee and vidya.

Spook life is cool when talking to people about but not very fun living it...very alienating and choatic.

>> No.22748979

*heard or been

>> No.22749006

You are a primary psychopath. Tripfags like you should be filtered out.

>> No.22749010
File: 206 KB, 664x853, 2022-10-03_18.36.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a primary psychopath.
Youre not a doctor, you just cant stop lying, habitually, in every post.

You lie to your family.

You lie to your friends.

You lie to yourself.

>> No.22749018
File: 346 KB, 719x966, 2023-07-05_17.55.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if by Psycho (Psyche, the mind) then yes. God-Head, Christ Consciousness, Super Brain. That is my Path. But Psychoanalitically Im sociopathic, the "psychopath ones" lie constantly and have zero regard for truth as that is aimply something that will not always align with their solipsistic desires.

Doctor means doctor, not "words said to win a battle of willpower".

Wanna talk technical?...lets go, newfag.

>> No.22749020

You're so pure a psycho I can hardly tell it from parody.

>> No.22749029
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As serious as two dozen kills in Afghanistan.


This base: 35.1655881, 71.4378084

I went back in November (but turned into the mountains before reaching the base, went several hours into the hills. Really want to get a shack in the sticks.)

>> No.22749032

Good advice, I need to do this more often. I've talked to myself, fantasised and existed only in my own mind for so many years, to the point that I'm incapable of having a decent conversation with most people. I really don't interact with the world at all, there's just too much to think about. Going for walks and forcing myself to look forward, up and around is what helps me detach from myself.

>> No.22749035
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If all you know are lies then the truth will be unbelievable.

>> No.22749039

Now we're getting somewhere. What is your country of origin? Let's start there.

>> No.22749145


>> No.22749148

I wanna fuck you like in anime

>> No.22749304
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Sometimes I'm reading a book & can't understand something written on a page. And even if I read it again & again, I'm unable to get it. I feel really dumb when that happens.

>> No.22749318

Go touch some grass, dimwit.

>> No.22749351
File: 87 KB, 800x548, 1700250677228855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talked to the pastor at church about how the vaccines are a prototype of the mark of the beast and UFOs are a demonic deception and the synagogue of satan and its connections to socialism and globalism.
My dad sort of agrees with me but he also is more practical-minded and he doesn't really see the world in a mystical way as much as I do. He is more interested in the mundane aspects of things. I'm not trying to sound mean about my dad. He is a very intelligent man. We just have different ways of thinking. I have more mystical inclinations.

>> No.22749352

Welcome to our new server centred mainly around western philosophy and theology, civility is the only rule here: https://discord.com/invite/pTarFa92

>> No.22749356 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 656x1454, Screenshot_20231122_143712_Signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your thoughts on this?? >>22749351

>> No.22749361

shot on twos to save money?

>> No.22749371

>no U dum dum
Youre fucking retarded and an utter failure at life.

I know so because people with shit worth hearing about dont claw for faux superiority at the sight of someone superior to themselves. The sight of someone doing better than you forces you to tear it down, your inferiority is revealed to yourself by contrast...the mirror is what you hate.


>I feel really dumb when that happens.
Cognitive inpairment, or colloquially known as mental retardation.

>> No.22749376

In a way that breaks a centuries old curse but also dooms our relationship as we cease to exist in the same plane of being?

>> No.22749386

>Youre fucking retarded and an utter failure at life
>"Friends are for faggots, women and dogs."
Brother, you gotta rethink your life if you're that bitter.

>Cognitive inpairment, or colloquially known as mental retardation.
Thank you, doctor. Could you prescribe me some Ibuprofen with that?

>> No.22749399

Don't talk to your mother that way

>> No.22749404
File: 536 KB, 1480x720, 2023-03-12_04.40.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, boy, youre a failure, stop LARPing a big man to sooth your bruised ego.

>> No.22749407

you mean soothe

>> No.22749411


>> No.22749412

Women are horrible sexual selectors

>> No.22749422

I’ve always had easy nose bleeds but this one takes the cake.
Been going on now for nearly two weeks. Every day a nosebleed. Either from simply rubbing the outside of my nose or like today just looking down while going down the stairs.
It’s insane. If I could go one day without it I’d be over it but it’s daily.
Even had it when trying to have sex. Nearly bled over her but I felt it coming.
Need it to stop by Sunday cause I’m doing an activity that day.

>> No.22749432

Not him but my thoughts are don't do mushrooms on a remote Greek island

>> No.22749436

Let the record show: Today, on my way from getting burgir, to the grocery store, my eyes caught a young woman as she walked past me. I felt a slight connection as we looked at each other for a split second and she was on my mind for
a while. I went into the grocery store around the corner, and lo and behold, there she was again, strolling around, glancing at me again, even though she was walking in another direction when I first saw her. I had headphones on at the time, took a while to gather everything and got to the end of the queue. She was waiting a few spots before me, but eventually went back into the store, came back to the front, put a drink back and went outside without buying anything. I do not know whether she was following me or if I'm just imagining. Maybe I don't want to know. The end.

>> No.22749464

why are you "around" fags bro, are you gay?

>> No.22749508
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I want to fuck this bitch so much, she's literally perfect

>> No.22749523

People actually think this Sam Altman guy got fired because he successfully developed an AI that demonstrated consciousness. I swear AI is the single biggest hustle that these tech faggots have going for them. People are so retarded that they will believe anything about things they don’t understand. The nerds get to be the new priests and deliver God. Fucking idiots.

>> No.22749526

I was born to be a big, fat jovial man. I am forced to choose between my health and being the man I was meant to be. Life is cruel.

>> No.22749531

No one’s actually told you what reality actually is. The most fundamental reality in my eyes is that of truly loving relationships. That’s what you need. That will give you the power and freedom to navigate reality in the best way possible. My advice is to go out there and seek it out. It could be a friend, a lover or a family member. You need to find someone who is truly open minded and you can have frank discussions about yourself and the world so you can come to conclusions together and ultimately share the same world.

>> No.22749536

>I swear AI is the single biggest hustle that these tech faggots have going for them.
Wdym? I'm in tech and while I think people who worry about a Skynet scenario are stupid I still think AI is going to automate basically all of work

>> No.22749542

>tfw on months of exercise restriction
motherfucker pls get in the pool and go for a swim and fucking enjoy it until you believe you were born to be a happy sea creature and evolution was a series of mistakes

>> No.22749543

Careful with that edge, kid; you might cut yourself.

>> No.22749557
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Who can make me a popular science personality?

I want to talk about hard topics on TV or through podcasts. A smart PhD with a lot of people looking up to me and saying, "Look at this guy, he knows what there is and what there isn't, wow."

Jupiter, Saturn, how liquids boil in a container, when the first cell happened, who owns what, etc. These are among the things I'd be asked. And I'd have split second answers that impress people.

>> No.22749560

I do not feel like a man because of my height and there is nothing I can do about it.

>> No.22749565

Ask the pygmies if you can join them?

>> No.22749656

While I don’t agree, I’m not talking about productive automation. I’m specifically talking about pie in the sky fantasies and nonsense like “achieving consciousness”. Some of these geeks talk about AI like it’s already a sentient and conscious being, more sentient and conscious than animals even. That’s just ridiculous. It’s effectively just code that writes code lol. It’s not conscious. It will never be conscious.

>> No.22749661

Nowadays, academics are basically worthless and all of the really popular ones are graduate school drop outs. What you want to do is take the Tom Holland approach. Get into a good PhD program and drop out to become a journalist and non-fiction author. That will be your in to media. But frankly, if you’re trying to make it anywhere other than YouTube you’re wasting your time. Network TV is a dying medium and in 20 years all of the Netflix talent will be sourced from YouTube and TikTok.

>> No.22749663


>> No.22749729
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That comment was banal and you revealed your failings....stop trying to one up me, Thread, youre not that guy....YOURE NOT THAT GUY, PAL.

>> No.22749740

You okay?

>> No.22749813
File: 176 KB, 600x740, 1665764862974481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that every time I try to go
where I really want to be
it's already where I am
and I'm already there.

>> No.22749848

i dunno if anyone remembers this from a few threads ago but i'm a fucking loser who was contemplating taking my whole savings of about 12 grand going to Albania and just living the vagrant life out in the balkans for as long as i can manage. i've decided definitely i'm going to do it. i have a few things i have to do here in the US and then it's literally just a matter of buying a ticket and leaving. i don't know what's gonna happen out there and i don't care

>> No.22749864

I recommend going by ship. Albania has good ports. They are called the Shipetars after all.

>> No.22749866

I just had rather phun phone conversation with an employee of a corrupt and annoying business, on which I hung up three times, and was called back just as many. The guy seemed concerned about the implied threat of litigation, and had obviously fielded dozens of calls like it before, imagined himself an expert liar, and had lots of absurd and smart-ass answers already at hand, most of them remarkably revealing. I know the type: Stupid, arrogant, and servile all at the same time.

>> No.22749870

i will really feel much more comfortable when i'm very far away so i won't be doing anything that will delay my arrival. thank you though, i'll be sure to visit all the port cities once i'm there

>> No.22749872

i need a woman

>> No.22749877

I've taken 15 IQ tests over the years and my scores have ranged from 148 to 185. I'm a member of Mensa, Prometheus Society, Mega Society and Ultra Society. When I was 3 years old, my neighbor's daughter, Teresa, asked me to determine the next element in a sequence and I did. When I was 5, my teacher, Mrs. Wilson, asked me whether Spinoza employs a dialectical method akin to Hegel's. When I was 9 years old, my father asked me whether the sum of two primes was always even and, after spending two weeks thinking about it, stumbled upon a proof of a corollary to Goldbach's conjecture.

How are these people alike? What do Teresa, Mrs. Wilson, my father and countless others have in common? They don't and can't understand me -- I'm alone. What I wouldn't give to knock off a mere 50 IQ points. Anyway, sorry to bug you guys -- just venting here.

>> No.22749882

Well, travelling on a ship is a very nice experience and suitable for that.

>> No.22749889

perhaps i will take a ship from albania to turkey or something while i'm there. i like traveling by boat but i can't stress enough how anxious i am to leave my current situation and stand on distant soil

>> No.22749899

A ship is distant too. Lot of time to relax and not think about stuff. Going outside in the night, distant lights once in a while, the calm realization that those are just other ships. Don't have to take a cruise, ferries are nice too.

>> No.22749900

only from a distance to me.

>> No.22749914

Well I'm gonna be here a few more days at least anyway, I guess I can look into ways to get there by ship. I do live near one of the biggest ports in the East US

>> No.22749961

pussy is too expensive these days

>> No.22749971

The bible is actually 1st century

>> No.22749999

To be honest. about all I have to deal with in my life at this point is minor irritations. On the other hand, there's something exciting about giving cunts their due comeuppance, especially from the distance of an eloquent voice.

>> No.22750013

A fake Jamaican took every last dime with that scam
It was worth it just to learn some sleight of hand
Bad news comes, don't you worry even when it lands
Good news will work its way to all them plans

>> No.22750018

I need to maximize my free time, but I sleeping less than 8 hours fucks me up too much to get anything done.
Guess I'll have to train my tongue to enjoy healthier food.

>> No.22750037
File: 1.36 MB, 1140x4395, my-image(15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ranked every book I've ever read

>> No.22750047

i see you like pop shit

>> No.22750060
File: 2.50 MB, 1140x1316, my-image(21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mainstream mostly stuff yeah

>> No.22750067

I am so autistic that I figured out how to be cool to normalfags by overanalyzing it and working on it for 4 years and now when I hang out with normalfags my real autistic self will sometimes bleed out and it's like they suddenly saw a lightning flash and I turned into a skeleton and back into a normal man again

I can see it in their eyes when they go huh...? n-no... must have been nothing. But they saw

>> No.22750078

i'm looking for a book, it was posted in a thread with books about people fucking up their lives beyond redemption. american, 1930s/40s/50s i think. the title was a direct lift from some famous quote or line of poetry. it was the author's first book i think, minor classic status
pls help, it's on the tip of my tongue

>> No.22750079

I hate dem niggas
All the pins and needles PAIN
but my thinking is to REARRANGE
Open wide
Breathe deep
It's a feel then you're on the floor with creep
dark notes and full blows a gas leak a high tide
I don't know these niggas but it's all good because this ain't my hood

>> No.22750119
File: 61 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If in order for something to count as tolerance, it must come from a place of objection (otherwise it would simply be indifference. there needs to be an effort behind toleration), and then acceptance, and since progs do not object to all things diverse and inclusive... Then what the fuck do progressives actually tolerate?

>> No.22750132

Most of my problems come from not having close friends.

>> No.22750186

tolerance implies putting up with something that would require you to endure it, progressive are racist but they get more satisfaction from image of being a decent person for enduring the company of minorities than they do with saying the nigger-word
true inclusion is when you, a black dude, asian dude and a middle-eastern dude all agree in unison that it would suck to live near niggers

>> No.22750189

I should've went into IT. I didn't realize zoomers would be as bad at computers as boomers.

>> No.22750199

>zoomers are bad at IT
nigger please, IT is one of the fields that is still going strong for now even despite what the future is predicting for IT as a field outside specialists
maybe boomers should make less comics denouncing technology and learn how to use the most basic shit that a school kid can use

>> No.22750201
File: 306 KB, 1064x1280, 1698399650300288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got ldr....not sure if the best idea

>> No.22750205

don't worry, if they saw you irl they wouldn't date you

>> No.22750219

already did

>> No.22750220 [DELETED] 

I'm editing humans to fit my needs.

>> No.22750225

Mercilessness towards oneself - this is the essence of a strong character.

>> No.22750227

>looks good enough to have irl relationships / is tolerable enough for some hagbag
>still in ldr
we in the business call those men-in-waiting, because she'll cuck you until she needs you and then if she can't do better she'll pick you to raise the kids and pay for her retirement

>> No.22750237 [DELETED] 

Are you watching little brother?

>> No.22750242

If I was to think of some characteristically traits still observable in modern humans, that beyond a doubt, are a heritage of the Atlantean race, it is the act of thinking for someone else when this someone is performing a task for the former, so as to correct him when he makes a fault - the paradox of asking someone else for help in a task without pretending not to be handling the task oneself

>> No.22750247

Brain energy - energy produced through the process of burning excess brain fat.

>> No.22750274

Yeah I was just thinking this same thought. Isolation and loneliness are so destructive to the human mind.

>> No.22750279

Anon has more than one ldr?

>> No.22750301

i'm not interested enough to ask about the specifics so i used the only gender neutral term that the hamhanded english language has

>> No.22750339
File: 48 KB, 736x736, 0f44eaaa257a3ec4fb9cd6c7f9a17869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to going away and starting a new life so fucking hard it's unbelievable. I got lots of friends but I detest that I can never be unhappy in front of people. I detest that I can't be my real self with anyone in the world. I detest that they all know this deep inside but still pretend I'm a cool guy anyways.

>> No.22750396

I was harassed today. A dude was passing me on the sidewalk and said "good looking" to me. This is why we don't like men.

>> No.22750406

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.22750411

The average zoomer social group has at least 1 fag
If you have seriously never been around a gay person, you are either lying or you live in Antartica

>> No.22750415

that is not harassment, that sounds to me like a compliment and maybe an attempt to be flirty
men are expected to be the initiators in most cases so it is difficult to do that without seeming like you're imposing on strangers by coming up to them
in your case they could have even been homosexual that liked your clothing, make-up or how you dressed based on the lack of follow up to the compliment

>> No.22750442

For years I thought a "tableau" was a type of elegant party kind of like a gala. I looked it up and apparently the closest definition is a type of costumed painting.

A tableau is a party, am I crazy?

>> No.22750460

i am a man and i do this to other men on the streets. sup handsome?

>> No.22750648

I made several bad decisions today and I am planning on arguing with the internet to really round it off.

>> No.22750683

>This is why we don't like men.
Who's this we?

>> No.22750721

I miss butterfly…

>> No.22750741

I'm tired of my life

>> No.22750807

Thank you.

>> No.22750812

The modern world is a dictatorship of extremist Pythagoreans who have been convinced that numbers are the only thing that matter. GDP per capita, statistics, and other such number related values have been placed upon a pedestal in today's world. I understand that the previously mentioned values are important for an industrial society, however because of how much focus has been placed upon it, it has lead to modern culture feeling soulless.

Also, how wealthy are freemasons usually? While I was visiting a cemetery recently, I found that most free mason tombs there were pretty decorated and large.

>> No.22750863

I successfully avoided talking Israel/Palestine with my cousin’s conservative Jewish family over Thanksgiving. I like to read about Talmudic secrets and Jewish heresies like Sabbatai Sevi and the Frankists, so it would almost be a fun anthropological experience to get in an argument with some Jews, but we had a lovely apolitical time. One of my favorite things Jews don’t like to talk about is how they’re halachically forbidden from entering churches.

>> No.22750934

I hope she's in the big permaculture farm in the sky

>> No.22750987

Original butters is canonically in lesbian heaven, which I imagine is the same thing

>> No.22751023

bro my colors kinda forbidden fr, i kinda love the love that dare not speak its name, i'm a man's man, i'm a handsome sailor fr

>> No.22751032


if only. capitalism would be an improvement. so would communism. or any commitment to principle from "leaders", really. we're not far from the point where castroesque dictatorship would be an improvement, or arguably far past the point depending on your opinion of castro. eternal debt slavery under the "leadership" of impossibly-shameless pathological liars is pretty bad. if the situation were much better there'd be little reason for the status quo and its propagandists not to boast about and trump up whatever modicum of decency existed. since they don't, the assumption must be made that reality is objectively no better than i perceive it, if not worse.

>> No.22751034


>> No.22751038

For what?

>> No.22751083

>if the situation were much better there'd be little reason for the status quo and its propagandists not to boast about and trump up whatever modicum of decency existed

Could you provide an example of the ruling elite doing this?

>> No.22751101


both major political parties seem to have bubble reputations, thanks in part to mass media. is that not gross enough?

>> No.22751105

Could you both go Reddit space on Reddit?

>> No.22751108


it's all the same shite.

>> No.22751111

Prove to me you can triforce

>> No.22751114



>> No.22751115

Because look at my beautiful quads >>22751111, you loser single death number puller. I rest my case

>> No.22751120

she punched me like a man

>> No.22751121

>both major political parties seem to have bubble reputations
Haven't the reputations/values of the Dem/Reps changed over the last few years? I don't know any die hard Reaganite/pro war individual on the right

>> No.22751124

was her name lola?

>> No.22751132

I'm sure you can; it's in your muscle memory.

>> No.22751205
File: 42 KB, 499x605, Fox in fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few months ago, I saw a girl on Bumble and she had her Instagram handle in her bio, "I may as well shoot my shot" I thought and so that's what I did. Ultimately she either didn't see my message or she did and ignored me, I still don't know, either way, I unsent the message after a couple of days and went about my life. That was until I saw her on Bumble again just the other day, this time, however, her bio said something along the lines of "I'm not looking for a relationship or hookups, just looking for friends that can deal with my silly mental health and we'll see where it goes from there". I've done a lot of thinking since I unsent my message and I've come to the conclusion that I'm not ready for a relationship either, I've got trust and commitment issues, it would be bad for both parties if I did find myself in one. I have however been wondering if I should contact this girl again but instead in a friendly as opposed to a manner which makes me seem like I want to date her. She seems like a cool girl and god knows I need friends but I'm not sure what I should do since I don't know if she saw and still remembers the first time I tried to contact her. Help me out, fellas.

>> No.22751207

I nutted inside

>> No.22751220

>In the aftermath of the 1780 Battle of Pollilur, 7,000 British soldiers were held imprisoned by Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan in the fortress of Seringapatnam. Of these, more than 300 were forcibly circumcised.
>Cromwell Massey, who kept a secret diary during his captivity, wrote: "I lost with the foreskin of my yard all those benefits of a Christian and Englishman which were and ever shall be my greatest glory."
>James Bristow, a teenage artilleryman, revenged himself by circumcising dogs, believing that this would harm the religious feelings of the Muslim warders. The prospect of punishment did not deter him, because "compelling us to undergo an abhorred operation [was] so base and barbarous an act of aggression, that it was impossible to reflect on it with temper."

>> No.22751237

dood im so fucking bored i like people but i want nothing to do with them but then i kinda do theres this push and pull type thing going on and i just dont get it

>> No.22751242

>Haven't the reputations/values of the Dem/Reps changed over the last few years?

you seem to be missing the point, no?

>> No.22751249
File: 140 KB, 888x708, Fertile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been using an online AI model to help write a story where a blatant self insert and his online friend get teleported to a generic fantasy world. It started as an entirely pornographic scribble where a tall Caucasian beard man dragon knight fucks a chubby femboy gnome dancer with glowing pink eyes and clothes/makeup like a hentai slut.
However, the model has pivoted towards this being a sexual tension, will they won’t they, get into embarrassing situations type deal + a main action/adventure/fantasy plotline (go various places and find pieces of a broken god that have been transformed into weapons to revive the god and return home).
My first instinct is to delete fucking everything and forget about it because it’s fetish cringe, but I may be able to edit it down to being a basic but enjoyable isekai story. What do y’all think
>inb4 kys
Later, I promise.

>> No.22751326

>you seem to be missing the point, no?
Hmm perhaps I am.
What point were you trying to get across then?

>> No.22751488

The mainstream of the humanities in any given society never belong to the most talented, but rather to the group with the most wealth, connections, and overall influence, that enables them to dominate the institutions and networks that produce, contextualize and interpret art in the mainstream. Any value judgments made by those groups therefore must necessarily be seen as a crystallization of that particular group's ideology rather than a value judgment that has any application to appreciators outside the circle of that particular group. In other words, what such groups create is not value in itself, but a discourse about the humanities.

>> No.22751506

ya we know foucault pointed this out in like the 60s

>> No.22751515

I should read Gogol

>> No.22751572

Don't blame the English language for your lack of lingusitic ability

>> No.22751577

Your mom

>> No.22751578

>proud of speaking english
next you will say that you're proud to be monolingual too

>> No.22751586

I have a mix of confusing feelings brought on by meeting my European relatives. I'm reminded that I grew up isolated from my family and my roots. We didn't move here and establish any kind of stable life or integrate into a community. We moved to some shitty urban center and were atomized. My nuclear family shattered and then my dad started a new family with an asian woman. As alien as America was to me, her way of life was even more alien. I go through holiday after holiday in a room of people speaking a foriegn language. This is the first time in a very long time I've met my family from Europe. But even they were speaking a different language. But one of my relatives told me that my nuclear family just disappeared one day with no contact. He came over expecting to see the family we left as but found as as this weird interracial mix. I feel very alone and out of place. America is like a meat grinder. It destroyed me. I am totally alone.

>> No.22751588

Who are you quoting? One need not be monolingual nor a native English speaker to use the language correctly. If you can't figure it out, don't blame the system for your incompetence.

>> No.22751598

Maybe I'm just assuming but I think we just attract people who we are like. I have a sister who's extremely toxic and have this habit of playing or being the victim in all her stories. Almost all of her friends have been toxic as well, with it always there's drama. Then there's me as well, I'm apathetic to a lot of things. Most of my friends are very damn care about life.

>> No.22751601


>> No.22751606
File: 489 KB, 1200x1579, Pope-peter_pprubens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it's another Chad come to say he's blessed through Jesus. Did you know Jesus had a mortal plane form to be in earth with the humans.

>> No.22751614

What does it day about me that I attract nobody

>> No.22751640

Seconding this.

>> No.22751641

grug use word that mean one thing, you no get what word mean, your head full of stupid spirits, doesn't understand what grug mean even when grug tell you what grug mean, stupid spirit head man stupid like the stupid spirits in his head, grug tell you go away

>> No.22751646

You don’t put yourself out there enough

>> No.22751652

You're either too shy or just anti-social. Honestly I'm kinda anti-social, so making new friends for me is very rare. All the friends I have are limited to the ones I made when I was kid and was more social.

>> No.22751655

Not the guy that you're replying to but if you don't drink then there's not really anywhere that you can go to put yourself out there.

>> No.22751664

Sorry you suck at speaking English, anon. Maybe stick to your own language.

>> No.22751670

I had to point my finger to the words and mouth along as I read to even be able to digest what was writtenn. Jesus this is a level of retardation that I never thought I would stoop to. What is wrong with my focus?

>> No.22751678

grug sorry you head full of stupid spirits, no cure for stupid spirits

>> No.22751680

You don't need to drink to put yourself out there. Drinking could help but it's the end all. There's a lot of social gathering activities you can find to find new people. But if you still wanna consume something to meet people, just smoke.

>> No.22751722

I only mentioned drinking because really the only places people go to be social these days are the bar and the club, that's it. And if you're city is shitty like mine then you're not really gonna have many social gatherings.

>> No.22751733

I might commit suicide. I just can't think of a single damn thing I look forward to.

>> No.22751734

There are plenty of hobby and interest based communities

>> No.22751742


>> No.22751745

>maybe boomers should make less comics denouncing technology
Shut up little faggot, if even dumbfuck boomers can realize your technological enslavement then there's a serious problem.

>> No.22751768
File: 53 KB, 540x471, 1 U36hBj8i-C7JJJxS4MP2HQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convenience is enslavement
go shout your lungs out drunk in a stadium and tell the team to kick the fucking ball you coke head

>> No.22751794

Don't read articles.

>> No.22751799
File: 97 KB, 900x599, elderly-man-reading-a-newspaper-mauro-fermariello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't read jewspapers

>> No.22751811

Look forward to killing yourself

>> No.22751814

If you're misanthropic like me then you're probably suicidal too.

>> No.22751821

>>convenience is enslavement
That's all you stupid dysgenic faggots can think about is the immediate present and how you can get your coffee faster.

>> No.22751833

>cheering for your team
>'avin a pint
>snortin some coke
>gambling in casinos
>stock gambling
>LSD STD party
>nose in newspaper
>wife beaten
>car waxed
>housing market ruined
>country sold to middle-east
yep, a good day to be a boomer innit champ
let me know when your kids agree to visit you

>> No.22751847

Getting a little erratic here
And I don't know who to trust

>> No.22751858

just go through the checklist:
are they black with facial tattoos?
do they have gray hair?
do they have crooked nose?
does their beard go past their nipples?
do they have dyed hair outside natural color spectrum for hair?
if the answer is yes to any of these, don't trust them

>> No.22751905

You will be replaced by a language model AI in 3 years. I work at the company doing it. Heads up

>> No.22751939

Why do I like glitch music so much

>> No.22751993
File: 765 KB, 1537x1537, Times_Square_looking_more_and_more_like_Blade_Runner..._8735774078-e1529927977615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even despite what the future is predicting for IT as a field outside specialists
that's what i said, i don't see them replacing the 20 years of experience specialized in some IT niche stuff people any time soon
a lot of work will be taken by AI or automation pretty soon, it's going to be fun times ahead

>> No.22751994

So yesterday or the day before an anon posted a thread on a semi-fictional biography novel of Melville by Jean Giono (an avid admirer of Melville) and I wished to contribute to the discussion because threads on actual literature besides the tiresome usual shit are depressingly rare. But I could not. I hadn't read Giono. I should have bumped the thread. It depressed me to see it die without even a single reply. Now I see that there are /lit/ threads up on political shit (Keith Woods), proselytize threads etc. - all with dozens of posts. It's not all bad but I go through warosu and I see lighthearted banter with fruitful discussions back then a decade ago. It's sad but who am I to complain.

>> No.22752101

I could never be in a relationship, every "I love you" from me would be a lie, I don't know how to love humans.

>> No.22752198
File: 84 KB, 252x252, 1653000368095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me sick thinking about how much time in life I wasted by watching video essays and true crime docs on YouTube at normal speed instead of 1.25x.
I found out recently that there is basically no fucking reason not to watch at 1.25x speed. It is an improvement in every single fucking way; once you start using it, you realize how frustratingly slow people talk and how much time it takes up.
Like, I think of all the videos I didn't watch at 1.25x speed, and it genuinely makes me want to hurl. Like I get physically ill.

>> No.22752206

>once you start using it, you realize how frustratingly slow people talk and how much time it takes up
YT slop already has no dead spaces between sentences, and barely any pauses, and YouTubers already speed themselves up, why would you do this to yourself? Is it brain rot?

>> No.22752209 [DELETED] 

you are me and i am you

>> No.22752211

If you're watching true crime docs, they often times talk super slow to try and be creepy, and make dramatic pauses.

>> No.22752256

The direction of my life is largely determined by a MILF I met when I was in 19, who exhibited some faith in me. All my sexual ventures, all my creative ambition, largely come back to her.

>> No.22752286

I interviewed for a job today. I currently have a comfortable office job, this would be for a decently higher paying job. They ask me why I want the job. I come up with some bullshit. I tell my current manager that she might get a call. She's supportive but she asks me interests me about the job. NOTHING. I don't WANT any of these jobs. But I need to have a job, and I would prefer a higher paying one if I'm going to have one at all. But going through this process really reinforces how much I fucking hate all of this rat race bullshit. I started laughing at one point. I don't want any of this shit. But I guess I could be having bombs dropped on me right now or starving in a South Sudanese refugee camp, so I should be grateful for what I have.

>> No.22752288


>> No.22752289

i am slowly turning indian

>> No.22752301

Not in my case

>> No.22752330

Do you think you could ever actually kill yourself? I've got close but the fact that I pulled away tells me that I could never actually do it. I think I'll die sad and old at 80 or whatever.

>> No.22752341
File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, _9babbf2d-6a70-4db8-8ac8-5a6906644bfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heliodora's Ardor or Tragedy's Defeat Below the Thames (nsfw)

Heliodora Cunemange was a beautiful young sorceress of some twenty years of age; milky white were her buxom breasts, and amply pleasing to the eye what could be discerned of her derriere under her long skirts. It is March, the year 1679, near Oxford, England. She arrives, head concealed by a woolen cloak, on a white mare, of which it would be no exaggeration to say she was the regal female twin of the angelic Pegasus. Heliodora settled in an inn for ladies exclusively, and, both surprisingly and not, sold her mare to a local farmer for an impressively advantageous price. She called herself many things: seamstress, midwife, healer, and sundry other endeavors of particular assistance to women. However, it was she herself who made the rumor circulate that she was secretly, and above all else, a witch—a true witch. Indeed, the worst sort of witch, with a secret demonic familiar, and all the rest. Her striking redheaded beauty and nubility are what visibly struck people the most, and they, unsurprisingly, generated all manner of envy among the gossiping wives of the town burghers. Some would have said, for that alone, her life ran certain invidious risks; which was, ironically, precisely the result of feminine fear, envy, and intrigue. The local officials were prodded by their wives to keep an eye on young Ms. Cunemange, and they obliged for a parade of reasons. Then it was the professors and sages associated with the renowned university who began to sniff around her skirts, as it were, because it was their implicit motto, on the subject of witchcraft, that where there was smoke, there was usually, eventually, no matter how invisible at first, also fire.

Interested in looking up the secrets of this witch in particular, owing to her age and comeliness, the latter sages, alchemists, professors, etc. ordered their agents to keep a close eye on her. Then, not long after, matters ultimately came to a head when Heliodora Cunemange found herself in the midst of a most vehement discussion with a middle-aged fishmonger’s wife, during which the latter’s skirts and petticoats suddenly and altogether inexplicably were ripped off her by what could only have been the hand of some unseen entity or the most violent of winds, save there was no such wind at all. The result is that the fishmonger’s wife’s ample, clearly well-nourished, and not altogether unappetizing derriere was suddenly left entirely exposed both to air, man, and gossip alike. Fortunately for the matron in question, her house was not far away, and she was readily able to find refuge within. However, in no more than a day, the rumorous ferment began to cook and circulate through all the main channels of vox populi that connected and intersected Oxford like a series of Venetian canals, and by the end of the week, the young, nubile, and comely Heliodora Cunemange was in chains, accused of the most malign and wicked witchcraft.

>> No.22752348


The fishmonger’s wife, a certain Mrs. Fanny North (and inevitably many did joke a certain north wind had suddenly elevated this Fanny’s notoriety), accused Heliodora of using magic to shame, humiliate, and molest her, and that she had not only been utterly deprived of all her clothes while in the midst of an argument with the aforesaid Heliodora Cunemange, but that she had felt both her crotch and fundament accosted by unseen hands that pursued her and insinuated themselves even into her backside(!), until finally she found refuge in her home, which was protected by tied bunches of dried sage which she used to guard against ghosts, spirits, and, to be sure, demon-possessed witches. The case quickly went to trial, and a ‘jury of her peers’ found Heliodora Cunemange guilty insofar as she was deserving of being put to the water test, by which her definitive guilt or innocence would ultimately be proven. Heliodora Cunemange protested her innocence, albeit in a curiously reserved way, and awaited the imposition of her sentence, which came a week later. Upon which time she was taken to the allotted riverine spot in the evening, though not remotely near the fall of night.

A group of civil authorities, clergy, and Oxford dons stood in attendance at a certain distance from the accused, who, by means of a harness, would be lowered into the Thames River at a point very near the town itself. But before that process could be undertaken, she had to first be deprived of the entirety of her garments, both outer and inner, and then thrown (or lowered) unsparingly naked into the river below. An old crone undressed Hilda before the flock of gaping men as they beheld her ample milky white breasts in their utterly unveiled form, her thick and rather proud nipples, like prows before the coming storm. Not a few became engrossed in the fiery mane that formed a sort of unruly laurel over the yet concealed line of her sex. Then the men had her face the river, even as her ample and admittedly well-sculpted derriere faced them, in turn: her plump and carnose cheeks blushing on account of that same icy unharnessed air. The gaoler, assisted by a group of young giggling toughs, strapped her to an asperous and coarse bridle of ropes, their own calloused hands grating, like sandpaper, against the soft porcelain silk of her bosom, in the process.

>> No.22752352

Try hard

>> No.22752353

Once Heliodora Cunemange was fully harnessed, she was unceremoniously pushed down into a deep spot in the river from her perch on a small, muddy cliff. Again, the rough, calloused hands of the gaoler were quite unkind to her as they pressed against her derriere, from which point she was pushed over the low cliff. In short order, she plunged into the near-icy depths of the Thames while intently maintaining her eyes open throughout. The water fortunately was clear enough in the early evening light, and immediately she was able to discern an old, rotted tree trunk just above her frigid feet. Heliodora Cunemange dove further down towards it, feeling the force of the lower depths enveloping her even as she sought and found a place under the trunk with which to anchor herself by her hands and arms, and began the process of waiting. All while keeping her legs well apart, indeed, she did more; she let go of the trunk as far as her left hand was concerned and used the same to spread her intimate lady parts, after which she returned to grasping the trunk with both hands. She did all this, dear reader, because it was due to her sex and her sex alone that she was presently breathing, for breathing she was. The latter ‘miracle’ having been endowed upon her since memory served, in the form of a lateral set of feather-like gills, which, as a native of a sandy cove in a land beyond England, she had been permitted to discover as she began to venture forth beyond the foam and turf. On one such occasion, she was swept well and fully into the sea, but instead of drowning, she felt a thrilling vibration between her legs, and both lost and caught her breath simultaneously as it were. From that day on, she trusted in her ability to breathe utterly unimpeded while submerged at any physically tolerable depth of water for as long as she pleased.

Heliodora Cunemange didn’t know how long she remained some ten feet below the river’s surface, but eventually she felt an exceedingly harsh tug on her upper body, whereupon she let go of the trunk, and let herself be lifted upwards into the dying light of the approaching night. Curiously, the muddy depths from which she clung were not as cold as the water above, a type of muddy ferment seemingly generating a sort of underwater pocket of heat. Just as Heliodora Cunemange’s head was about to breach the surface of the water, she pronounced an incantation in a sing-song voice and induced upon herself a state of quasi-sleep, not unlike that ascribed to bats and other wary circumspect creatures of the night. The pale-as-snow naked body of Heliodora, covered from head to toe in an entwined garland of riverweeds and otherwise maculated with mud and hungry clusterings of river leeches, her eyelids half open, betraying the uncanny vacantness of lifeless eyes underneath, was fully fished out of what all the congregated men unquestionably perceived as her watery grave.

>> No.22752357

“The witch became entangled in a sunken branch or trunk, but we were gentle enough while lifting her. And she has nary a scratch, Messrs,” the head constable said, cap in hand. “Have her washed a bit, and for pity’s sake, remove those awful leeches from wherever you find them on her. Then deliver her under covers, without one additional scratch on her, to the laboratory of Professor De Trage on Oxford St. Do you understand? Here’s a bag, whose weight and contents I trust shall assure that her body is not subject to gross conduct in passage to the learned Doctor’s.” “Milord, it shall not happen any other way, save as you desire,” said the constable. Heliodora was manhandled, but not defiled, at a mill, by the river, under the instructions of scrubbing her by the constable’s men, with the milliner’s wife keeping watch from a distance, at the price of a coin or two, all while the latter covered her mouth with her apron, as much out of morbid curiosity as shock. Heliodora was put on a cart over a bed of fresh hay, with a long, coarse cloth concealing her entirely, although it did appear a womanly form, in outline, could be discerned under its covers.

In any case, no one on the main Oxford streets stopped to notice, doubtless in no small part, because it had become quite dark. Two servants of Professor De Trage’s finally received the assumed remains of Heliodora before midnight, and, with candles in hand, they had her delivered, carried over the shoulder by a tall, heavyset man, who seemed only too readily inclined to stabilize her presence over his shoulder, by grabbing her blanket-wrapped derriere muscularly with one hand. His dark, piercing, dart-like eyes looked around the dusty abode, covered with innumerable objects and a sundry mix of scientific apparatuses and books. The two servants directed the profusely sweating man, with his falcon-like grip still fixed on Heliodora’s wool blanket-covered haunches, to a slightly more spacious room, whereupon the latter marked a cleared table, over which he gently set the still unwrapped Heliodora and awaited receipt of a small gleaming coin, at which point he left, but not before appearing to kiss the hand that had previously been emplaced on Heliodora’s shrouded bottom for a notable enough time, and, in turn, seemed to wave his hand in her body’s direction, as if passing on the kiss to the mortal coil of the damsel proper, upon whose fundament he had depended to balance her against himself.

>> No.22752360

The two servants, one of whom could not have been more than a mere lad of fourteen, while the other was a much older man, talked and tittered among themselves as they uncovered Heliodora’s face and illuminated it with lighted candlesticks. The older man had been forewarned by Dr. De Trage that he knew well enough when a body had been tampered or played with and that he would hold him personally accountable for the slightest unnatural mark that he might detect on her the following day. This warning served well enough for the man to resist his urge to drop melted wax on Heliodora’s snowy white bosom. “She seems like a marble statue, does she not, my boy?” asked the older man, more rhetorically than anything else, to the younger; the latter, in turn, could not help but blush at the gorgeous quasi-stony idol before him. “She seems like a statue by them Romans of that notorious harlot named Anne’s Furtightly.” To which the older man responded, as he seemed to dry his lips against his dirty sleeve, “Aye, that’s exactly right; she does resemble and clearly was in life; nay, even now, in stone cold sleep, she remains a great temptress to any man with hot blood still in their veins.” With that, the older man left the lad to guard the remains of the alleged young witch alone. He then quickly set off to his abode and drank himself to torpor.

>> No.22752363

The young lad of fourteen, whose nickname was Rooster, and who was the younger brother of a sixteen-year-old maid named Amanda that Professor De Trage had made his mistress two years prior, had not long before been given the position of servant to the same at the behest of Amanda, who wielded a certain influence over the rather Bacchanalian Professor De Trage, who, besides being a famed hunter of witches, was also a secret pursuer and practitioner of that particular form of venery, for which the only target worth the chase was that of virgin flesh; “the younger the sweeter,” opined the hunter, “to a point. Just like green wine.” Rooster felt goosebumps form across his arms and even legs whenever he got too close to the statuesque witch of icy pallor and temperature. But on the last account, he ventured towards her, candle in hand, with both the image of the maiden that lay before him mixing in his mind with that of his sister, who he had once spied naked by accident while she was in the embrace of Professor De Trage. In one fell swoop, Rooster removed Heliodora’s shroud and beheld her alban form in all its naked glory and vulnerability. Her breasts seemed the softest and most silken of cushions, despite the icy air around the blue-veined marbled whiteness of their prominent, soft as milk-skin forms. Her stomach a perfect bed of snow. The enthralling cinnamon curls that be-laureled her bluish nether lips were, in their combinations, evocative of a singular meaning that he felt he had utterly misplaced in the most uncanny and enthralling of dreams. He touched her foot; it was as cold as marble stone. Yet, the temperature of the temptress began to matter less and less to Rooster, whose own virile crest began to rise to full attention in his woolen pants, which his sister had for him sown.

>> No.22752364

And then Heliodora rose, opening her eyes to him and striking him with them in such a fashion that the boy fell instantly dumb with passion. He stepped towards her, as if utterly hypnotized. He lifted himself onto her table-rest, and lay on top of her; the utter coldness of her embrace did not deter him at all. The singular presence of a leech encoiled in the auburn crown of curls above her blue-lipped quim did not repel him. Her despoiling of his clothes and her icy thighs’ caresses of his prominent, albeit blunted, Rooster’s ‘beak’ did not cool his ardor for her. In less than an hour, she would twice despoil him of his fulsome reserves of youthful seed. After which he fell into such a sleep, under the muddy woolen covers that had but heretofore served as her impromptu funereal shroud, but in his case served well enough to keep him warm instead. Heliodora, enlivened by the ex-virgin’s cum, which now dripped down her legs in coagulate clumps, began to search Professor De Trage’s study for a certain priceless book of magic.

She reached for her quim, which was inexorably dripping Roosters curdling cum, and dipped her forefinger in a good-sized clump of the same, then incantated the following words in Latin: “Quod abundat non obstat mihi. Inveniet quod quisque velit; non omnibus unum est, quod placet; hic spinas colligit, ille rosas/What is in abundance does not hinder me. Each shall find what he desires; no one thing pleases all; one gathers thorns, another roses.” She then pointed that same cum-coated forefinger at the four compass points and their four intermediate subdivisions, starting from South and moving counterclockwise till reaching the North East point, whereupon she moved in said direction, leaving a slight trail of virgin seed in her wake. In short order, she came to a large metal chest, sealed with a hefty iron lock in the form of a heart. Again, she reached for her quim and coated her little finger with as much remaining cum as she could gather, thereby transferring the recently depucelated boy’s seed onto the female sex-shaped orifice of the lock. She repeated the Latin incantation, and it opened and fell, with a clank, to the ground, like ripe fruit. After which, Heliodora carefully opened the chest’s heavy lid and thereupon found the unnameable grimoire based on the teachings of among the most ancient of Eastern magis, and indeed, the trunk or chest had been positioned in the approximate direction of the ancient homeland of the aforesaid.

>> No.22752366

The ponderous vellum tome was barely less heavy than the chest that hid and guarded it, but it immediately became as light as a raven’s tailfeather in Heliodora’s hands. She carried the tome pressed against her naked chest as she retraced her steps, retreading the exact path she had followed to reach the inconsummate and incommensurable book, but this time in reverse. Whereupon she quickly found herself once again in the laboratory proper, with the young, freshly depucelated lad still fully in the dulcet embrace of Morpheus’ daughter’s concubinary. However, she was surprised to see, simultaneously, that his young phallus once again stood as erect as a hot, thick candlestick. She felt quite challenged by this particular occurrence and, perhaps despite her better judgment, put down the magic tome upon a nearby chair and then uncovered the lower half of the fair lad, whose true name she did not know, and pressed her already cum-soaked quim against his towering phallus, with its tender, rosy-hued tip, and sat upon it till, in its engorged entirety, it had slipped and disappeared within her quim. Her quim elucubrated (or burned the pre-dawn oil, if one prefers) upon his strong and unconsciously lusty staff, even as she caressed his golden locks, and then, without breaking their congress, she folded herself over him, as though one were attempting to close a book. By which method, her mouth reached his tender ear, and she whispered in a voice she intuited was his sister’s, certain familiar words. Immediately the boy, whose phallus had remained in uninterrupted congress with Heliodora, began to dream of the germane sibling, specifically of the day he saw her naked at the break of dawn, when she herself was some fifteen years of age. And forthwith his member became even more rigid, engorged, and longer, as if reaching forth to seek the deepest depths of that very apparition of his sister, and then a violent trembling, eruption, and disgorgement of the contents of his member began in earnest, and Heliodora did not separate herself from Rooster until the first cock had begun to crow.

>> No.22752367

It was three in the morning when Heliodora finally felt the boy had no more spasms left to offer her famished quim, following which, curiously enough, the first audible rooster to her that morning began to crow. However, in the case of the “Rooster” nearest her, his cocky staff or beak was now as soft as a cooked asparagus spear and much shrunken besides. Having regained her clarity of mind and strength of body in no small measure because of this particular boy, she readily got off the triply and thus most assuredly depucelated lad. She then put on his woolen black pants that fitted her very well indeed, for she was barely taller than he, and in any case, the pants were oversized for him (so he could grow into them, and horizontally he surely did earlier that night). Then she filled his boots with hay and waded into them with her much smaller feet. She put on an old hooded lambs wool cloak in turn and finally covered her jaw and lower facial cheeks with soot from the chimney, so that it might better seem she was a man and not any sort of suspect woman. She made sure to cover Rooster with the thick, coarse blanket that had begun the previous evening by serving as her pauper’s shroud. She then stepped out with the ponderous grimoire, worth far more than a kingly ransom, into the remnant darkness of the early morning hours. It was not yet dawn, but the risks of discovery were exponentially increasing by the minute.

Walking out of the apartment’s side or alleyway door, she kept to the shadows and then lesser channels, passing amongst derelicts, drunkards, and the occasional half-ravished prostitute until just before the true auguring of dawn, she finally reached an open field. She crouched and micturated under the canopy of an oak whilst leaving the grimoire pinched in the crotch of two branches. A dead branch, as thick as a muscled man’s upper arm, crowned with its corresponding head of dead leaves, would serve perfectly as her broom. She repeated the incantation she had invoked some hours prior: “Quod abundat non obstat mihi. Inveniet quod quisque velit; non omnibus unum est, quod placet; hic spinas colligit, ille rosas/What is in abundance does not hinder me. Each shall find what he desires; no one thing pleases all; one gathers thorns, another roses.” Heliodora, having gathered both her thorns and her roses and unified the two in one singular night, flew off into the Eastern light.

>> No.22752368

After a year’s passage, during which time Heliodora devoutly devoured the grimoire of her ancestors with her heart and mind, she returned, as it were, to the scene of the crime. Not hers, to be sure, but that of the utterly deceitful and lecherous Professor De Trage. As the moment of reckoning approached, she used her perfected magic to disguise herself in the form of a young, albeit utterly impoverished, virgin of fourteen years of age. In such a guise, she presented herself to Professor De Trage’s apartments. A kind maid of some seventeen years of age took pity on her and allowed her in, offering leftovers and pieces of dried bread soaked in milk. She then took her to her small alcove, where she slept when she was not conscripted to share Professor De Trage’s own bed, which was more often than not, to her utter chagrin. The first time she was with child she had barely turned fifteen, but her master, to whom she had lost her flower when she was but the same age as the present waifish girl standing before her, had not allowed her to keep it, and it was sent off to a convent. Amanda was told by De Trage, at the time, that she should consider herself fortunate he had not done away with her as well. From then on, she guarded herself against becoming pregnant again by consulting an old crone who was wise in the ways of men and the means of inhibiting the potency of their seed. She had once had a brother who was now lost to her after he attempted to ravish her one night while drunk. Ashamed at his own comportment, he left Oxford under the cover of darkness some time ago. Some said he had become a soldier, or at least a drummer boy. Others that he had indentured himself in the province of Virginia.

>> No.22752369

That very night, Heliodora walked down into Professor De Trage’s study and peeked through the door that had been left ajar, as she had been alarmed by the sound of crying rising from the first floor towards the attic, where she lay hidden at Amanda’s behest. It appeared Professor De Trage was thoroughly drunk and in the process of ravishing the very same Amanda in a most unnatural fashion and, needless to say, against her will. Then he suddenly stopped, as though he had discerned a noise in a house that was meant to be otherwise thoroughly empty. He threw his crying, half-ravished ‘lover’ onto the ground, where she soon fainted after hitting her head against the fireplace’s casement. Then he ran towards the ajar door and uncovered the young virgin, Heliodora, hiding behind it. “What have we here?” he exclaimed through bloodshot eyes, spume dripping from his lips. “Why I do discern naught but a petty trollop, a little mouse that must be taught a thorough lesson by the cat of the house!” he bellowed. He rent the young Heliodora’s clothes from her body, then lifted her over his shoulder so that her right bottom cheek was pressed against his face as he carried her back into his bedroom, where he planned to ravish her forthwith. After having poured a goblet of red wine over his rampant member, he came at her like a raging bull. She fought with all her might, biting and scratching his arms and face. But ere he could return the ‘favor,’ she fell faint before the first strike. After having removed what remained of Heliodora’s petticoats, Professor De Trage readied himself to deflower the young pucel. He spread her legs wide, noting the paucity of hair over the bony arch of her quim, and then he mercilessly sunk himself in.

>> No.22752371

Professor De Trage revived after the passage of less than an hour, and the freshly depucelated Heliodora herself lay still in dazed, or rather, utterly shocked, stupor. De Trage recommenced his onslaught for a second and then a third time, until he neither had fury nor seed left to spare the thrice depucelated waif. When De Trage awoke for the third time, he found the girl cold to the touch; her legs remained splayed and unmoved from what he recalled of their previous position, and her eyes stared starkly at him with the opaque blankness of the funereal beyond. “I have killed this wretched hussy,” he thought, feeling neither remorse nor shame but rather quite the opposite, a reviving rage, which resolved in his mind the need to secretly do away with the young girl he had recently finished ravishing to extinction. He carried her desecrated remains down to his study, by which time Amanda had disappeared, but he paid no heed to her—all but a mere child, to be sure, but one he once presumed to love. He opened a large metal chest (of the heaviest kind) and managed to fold Heliodora’s inert body within it, then closed and sealed the coffer with a heart-shaped lock and dragged this anchor-like coffer out into the night. He readied a horse from his stables and stopped a mendicant passerby, to whom he paid half a king’s ransom to help him lift the chest onto the wagon.

Then Professor De Trage set off, racing against what little remained of the night. Arriving at a place by the Thames River, from which point, at a certain distance, an old mill could be discerned. With no one to assist him, De Trage was forced to carry, drag, or push the coffer off his cart, but it was to no avail; the object was now so inexplicably heavy that it simply could not be moved. With no other choice but to open the coffer by unlocking its lid and remove the ravished virgin within, whose life he had snuffed out in an orgy of truly barbarous depucelation, he carried her, utterly naked in his arms, and threw her into the frigid river below. But just as he was set to leave, he slipped on one remaining fragment of her petticoats, which clung to her like an impregnable stain until the very moment she was in his arms, whereupon it fell from her thigh onto the wet and muddy surface of the little cliff. Forthwith, he stepped on this slippery piece of shredded and bloodied feminine clothing and was immediately launched into the deep, in unintended pursuit of the fourteen-year-old Heliodora herself.

>> No.22752373

Didn't read lol

>> No.22752374

The still quite inebriated De Trage sank not only with the weight of all his clothes, flesh, and bones, but with the intoxicating drink within him coursing yet through his veins, and with perhaps a pinch or two of sin added to the already burdensome mix. Perhaps that same mind was already a veritable tome or tomb of shame and half-drowned lament, for which the curse of the icy Thamesian waters were nought but a refreshing change of course. Perhaps said iciness would at last exhaust the otherwise inextinguishable fires of depravity, routinely consuming but never, up to that point, quite destroying his own psyche. Whose inflamed lust would revive each night like a phoenix of turpitude and stuprum, which affected, in an entwined but differently defined and inclined sense, both predator and prey. What was oft held to be the shared fall of both would be rebalanced and reversed into the acute curse of one and the total liberation and compensation of the other. Two bodies of differing sex, size, and weight collided in the icy and muddy maw of the otherwise bewitchingly beautiful river.

>> No.22752376

De Trage’s awful weight, despite its blunting by the enveloping watery element, again struck the body of Heliodora like an iron shaft against a beautiful brazen bell. During his fall, Trage had not hit his head on either rock or cliff, but it was he who was left thunderstruck when he came face to face with the ravished and now yet more ravishing Heliodora, whose visage had been transformed into that of her true guise, age, and nature. With serene and sirenic eyes, within whose keep the verdant blue of the sea could be seen, she looked straight into his own umbrous and spinning pool of sin, whereupon all of a sudden a wondrous spear of light traversed and transformed the same, so that understanding entered and expanded through what heretofore had been the domain of a submerged and most frightful abyss of night, the hideous rictus of death in life. The veil of hate was, albeit momentarily, rent from the latter’s eyes, and De Trage comprehended his position in the firmament of understanding and mystery for the first time, beginning with the disappearance of the fabled alchemical tome into which he had invested all notions of power and self-worth—the unmoved mover, as it were, of this doubly tragic tale. Yet in her newly lofty and elevated serenity, Heliodora had mercy upon this grossly benighted being, who had so routinely fed and been variously engorged by hate. She kissed his shivering icy lips, and in that instance, he was transformed into a forest of water lilies, a mere speck, to be sure, of the countless billions that verdantly bloom each year, which feed and are fed in turn upon the honeyed elixir of life without knowing ever of such, let alone of love, hate, or fate. She, in turn, was carried by the misty currents to the sea and thereby freed for a second time by the river Thames to live her remaining years in the isle of her birth, traveling there on the whitecaps of joy, which lifted, buoyed, and transported her in the manner of the winged white steed, Pegasus, born of the spilled blood of the murderous Medusa. And in such gentle yet majestic fashion, Heliodora was delivered forever to the East, but this time likewise towards a transcendent star, which stood even aloft the cares and questions of so-called witchcraft and magic as it ascended and was privy to a clearer sphere, a more rarified air, an even loftier fount of light.

>> No.22752381

I'm much relieved, because the language alone is embarrassingly bad and uninteresting

>> No.22752383

You got the Latin passable at least

>> No.22752389

I think you can outsource it now in case you're too fucked to do it yourself

>> No.22752405

How can I be her friend if I've already tried to reach out to her once before with no success? The last time I tried to reach out was for romantic reasons, this time it's purely for friendship since I've figured out that I'm not relationship material.

>> No.22752417
File: 507 KB, 2000x2000, -Anime-фэндомы-Stable-diffusion-7860295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried taking a hint that she doesn't want you around?

>> No.22752420

Give both of you a second chance

>> No.22752439

Unironically though having consistent sex makes me happier

>> No.22752440

I don't know if she ever saw my message the first time I tried to reach out or if she saw it and ignored me. I unsent the messages a couple of days after sending them and I'm afraid to reach out again in case she did see it and she remembers it and I subsequently look like an obsessed creep.

>> No.22752443

If you become friends you'll both know both your embarrassing moments and laugh about them unselfconsciously

>> No.22752449

I hope you understand what I'm worried about here.

>> No.22752452

Well if you want to self-consciously worry on your own that is an option

>> No.22752457

I'm worried about coming across as an obsessed creep who is trying to reach out again after not getting through the first time. I also don't know how I'd convince her that I'm genuinely trying to be her friend and that I have no ulterior motive.

>> No.22752465

If she thinks you're an obsessed freak then she's probably seeing hundreds of those a day because her obsessed freak scale is set so low. Don't bother trying to explain that away, just tell her you want to be friends but lack social skills.

>> No.22752472

Interesting. Do you reckon she saw my message the first time and ignored me or do you think she genuinely didn't see it? I know it's impossible for either of us to know but I just want another perspective on this. Also, how would you approach it? I don't know how to slide into DM's, maybe that's why I didn't get a response the first time.

>> No.22752507

Idfk ask her

>> No.22752509

have you considered that if she wanted to be your friend you would be friends already, your "i just really really want to be friends" bit is starting to sound like scared stalker crap

>> No.22752517

>have you considered that if she wanted to be your friend you would be friends already
Considering that I don't even know if she knows about me, no, I haven't considered it.

>> No.22752552

And no more turn aside and brood

>> No.22752554

>it's not a stalker, it's just a simp
you should tell her that you want to be her friend, be very specific about the friend part and that you're not like the other guys

>> No.22752559

>Doesn't know the meaning of simp.
Also, she explicitly put on her Bumble profile that she's looking for friends.

>> No.22752568
File: 9 KB, 204x247, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for friends and good times
>loves to travel
>prefers company of guys
>2 kids
go get 'er tiger, slip in them DM's

>> No.22752570

She's 21 and the only thing out of those that was in her profile is the looking for friends part.

>> No.22752581

Why am I so afraid to put pictures of myself on my Instagram page? It's not like I care about being hidden and mysterious or anything, my face is on other people's pages like my mum's and my friends. I probably should if I ever wanna hit up a chick and not scare her off instantly by looking like a creepy anonymous profile.

>> No.22752631

Either she's super dumb or she knows what she's doing and is cruising for miles of cock
What I want to know is why you would want to be 'friends' with a girl you don't know. You sure you don't want to fuck her?

>> No.22752637

>What I want to know is why you would want to be 'friends' with a girl you don't know
Am I meant to know people before I become friends with them?
>You sure you don't want to fuck her?
If she offered I wouldn't decline but sex isn't important to me, if it doesn't happen then I don't care, it's not something that I'm actively trying to get.

>> No.22752642

You're planning on becoming a beta orbiter.
Why not drop the charade and ask her out for a date? Why not try to land her as a gf instead of becoming 'friends'

>> No.22752647
File: 1.17 MB, 1650x2250, kevin-enhart-18-the-newborn-scorn-colors-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get your coffee faster
Its instant but the kettle isnt...bah..why live!? I have posts to shit COMEONNOW!

Fuck you, mom!

>> No.22752649

girls who put their social media on their dating profiles typically just want a higher follower count because big number make brain feel good. Looking for friends means "I want to be taken on dates but fear commitment"

>> No.22752650

>Why not try to land her as a gf instead of becoming 'friends'
I have no interest in relationships. Also, I don't have any friends and clearly, she's looking for some and she seems cool enough so I figure why not?

>> No.22752659

Right so you also downloaded Bumble to make friends?
I'm not too convinced anon. If you want a friend why go for a girl? You a nancy boy or something?

>> No.22752661

>You a nancy boy or something?
He's a dancin' lad. Thats all.


>> No.22752686


>> No.22752713

>Right so you also downloaded Bumble to make friends?
I use dating apps as a little game, every time I swipe right on someone I get a little dopamine boost because it's a little risk, there's always a chance that they'll swipe right on me as well.
>Why go for a girl?
Why not? My best friend as a kid and into my early teens was a girl, it's no different to me than being friends with a guy.

>> No.22752872

Based, I love Mentzer

>> No.22752949

"black friday" sounds like the commemoration of a horrible tragedy, like "bloody sunday"
but instead it's just a day for getting the best deals at your local walmart

>> No.22753192

Like what? And how does one find such a thing? Asking unironically.

>> No.22753195

my tummy hurts

>> No.22753242

so is the Kant reading thread died?

>> No.22753246

>Why am I so afraid to put pictures of myself on my Instagram page?
because deep fakes are a thing

>> No.22753250

we judged you too soon anon.

>> No.22753306

It is based off a tragedy, when shit was first put on sale niggers beat each other and trampled each other and killed each other hence the name black Friday

>> No.22753315

>third world high school dropout
highly grim

>> No.22753325

socrates nuts

>> No.22753340

Men are pedophiles because they've evolved into reverse queen bees. If you look through history at kings and cultural equivalent many have concubines, often dozens, but what's often overlooked is their age, typically these were little girls, and I've seen numbers as low as 6. We've evolved to want numerous little girls to impregnate, and have their babies released into the world, like a reverse queen bee.

>> No.22753345


>> No.22753350


>> No.22753360

High school dropouts, last hope of the West

>> No.22753375

I'm not making a value judgement. This is a thought that popped in my head while taking a shower 5 minutes ago.

>> No.22753398 [DELETED] 

Among the lower races that might have been the case, desu
Niggers reach fertility at age 8 or 9, shitskins at age 10 or 11

>> No.22753439

One of the Anglo-Saxon kings was controversial (I think some lady in his court was upset by it) for having like an ~8 year old wife, I think stolen from an enemy, and she apparently got hurt from him having sex with her. I forget which king it was.

>> No.22753448

Nigger friday

>> No.22753450

Some fucking ass hole in my areq keeps catching bans for spamming bait on /vt/. It's always the most retarded boards that these fags post the most retardedshit to ctach bans for

>> No.22753480

The main wife is never anywhere near that age.

>> No.22753632

Guess what
If she really wanted you she would call you
You don't matter

>> No.22753668

Who would call me?

>> No.22753748

Your mom

>> No.22753761

I want coffee but it's already 1pm

>> No.22753765


>> No.22753773

Based West Coaster. Are you around Pasadena?

>> No.22753812


>> No.22753815

(Though I'm from Wisconsin)

>> No.22753842

I feel this. Things are dire. Somehow the average person is dumb enough to not mind.

>> No.22754867

Dear Diary,
Today I peed and shidded on myself ^_^ eet made me so warm n happy
i spend whole day thinkeeng bout eet. wut if jason see me
he would laff and pee to i hope<3

>> No.22754971
File: 404 KB, 655x637, InstructionFailureLID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I be my arthoe gf's #1 cuck?

>> No.22754988
File: 67 KB, 600x600, SeinfeldReservation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never stand up for yourself

>> No.22754993
File: 67 KB, 900x675, pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introducing mankind's first professional booking system for the world's oldest profession.
Want to reserve a night with a hoe on an actual date? Like a date that takes place on an actual DAY you actually end up going to ON THE SAME DAY? Radical concept I know but this sophisticated stuff I introduced with my PATENTED SYSTEM:

Reserve your date today and A woman of sorts will be with you on that day if your deposit is set now!

>> No.22755005
File: 25 KB, 406x245, SubsequentlySneedsChoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept you're describing sounds like a hypothetical scenario where there's a profession or service that addresses the scheduling challenges associated with consensual non-monogamous relationships. In this case, Chuck's building serves as a hub for managing appointments and coordinating time-sharing arrangements with various women.

Let's break down the key elements:

Profession or Service:

There's a specialized profession or service dedicated to solving the challenges of scheduling and coordinating appointments in consensual non-monogamous relationships.
Scheduling Hub:

Chuck's building acts as a central hub for managing appointments. It could potentially provide a discreet and organized space for individuals navigating multiple romantic interests.
Time-Sharing Arrangements:

The profession or service facilitates time-sharing arrangements, allowing individuals to coordinate and manage their romantic engagements effectively.
Discretion and Privacy:

Given the nature of consensual non-monogamous relationships, discretion and privacy would likely be crucial aspects of this hypothetical service. Chuck's building could be designed to ensure confidentiality.
Appointment Coordination:

The service assists individuals in coordinating appointments with a variety of women, addressing the logistical challenges associated with multiple romantic interests.
It's essential to recognize that this is a fictional scenario, and such a service does not exist in reality (at least as of my last knowledge update in January 2023). In reality, individuals navigating consensual non-monogamous relationships often rely on clear communication, trust, and mutual respect to address scheduling challenges and maintain healthy relationships. The hypothetical scenario you've described adds a unique and fictional twist to the complexities of modern relationships.

>> No.22755021
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, ChucksConcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introducing Chuck's Education Plan!
Bachelor's Degrees!
Master's degrees!
Go tell your girl to go ChuckU!

>> No.22755057

There's always a job as long as you're on your knees! ™

>> No.22755070
File: 353 KB, 712x509, guts+and+griffith+duel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have this dream where I am a knight and its all medieval but its all edgy but Im cool and haha yknow who can relate?

>> No.22755073

pope paul iv had a point about the jews