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/lit/ - Literature

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22745164 No.22745164 [Reply] [Original]

If God exists, it is obvious that he has hidden the fact of his existence from us. What are the philosophical arguments for a God to not reveal himself to humanity?

>> No.22745188

Because he hates you. Yes you. Only you.

>> No.22745200


>> No.22745228
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>> No.22745235

>for a God to not reveal himself to humanity?
To test us, obviously

>> No.22745237

how can people look at this image and say this isn't paganism?

>> No.22745240

Paganism by definition is a religion that is neither Jewish or Christian.
This is a Christian image. So, not Pagan.

>> No.22745247


He is Evil.

>> No.22745250

you are

>> No.22745256
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>> No.22745268
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>> No.22745270

maybe its because jews kept killing his messengers

>> No.22745272

that's a good idea, Jews suck

>> No.22745275

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/.

>> No.22745280

According to Christianity, God is somewhat Lovecraftian. He is an entity that humans cannot fully comprehend, and if you see him- you die. When you do die, you get sent to a place called heaven - where you get lobotomized by angels and you sing praise to God 24/7 for while in a complete state of bliss ... and that's the good ending.

>> No.22745282

>for while in a complete state of bliss .
*for eternity, while in a complete state of bliss .

>> No.22745299

It seems like free will and faith is important. If He were to “appear” to the whole of humanity and go “Hi, yeah this is God, so now you know I exist”, that would brutally override any sense of free will and independent growing, and faith would no longer be a thing. It could be He wants us to stand on our own legs, not like a parent that is constantly hovering over their child and doing everything for them.

>> No.22745324

>stand on our own legs

Growing into what? Stand for what?

>> No.22745327

Why do we need testing?

>> No.22745339

>sing praise to God 24/7 for while in a complete state of bliss ... and that's the good ending.

that's super boring ending

>> No.22745343

You mean christcuck handwaving. Look, people are stupid and mental. You have people who people who believe they are Tolkien elves, werewolves, vampires, elect of the alien overlords, who also happen to be supersayajin
Non-academic philosophy has very loose criteria, that basically come down to well, yeah, that's just like your opinion, dude, so it's perfect for anally autistic hucksters and charlatans

>> No.22745346

he is hiding his existence because he wants us to find out...

>> No.22745364
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growing into better mentality and spiritually rather than this endless cycle of useless wars that only cults profit from it

>> No.22745372

when you think about it, angels are somewhat robotic. And humans in heaven essentially become like angels. There is something scary about it when you think about it, but certainly not as scary as the concept of hell.

>> No.22745375

i'm here because i want my free will, heaven is hella boring

>> No.22745378
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what's wrong with people imagining things. that doesn't make them stupid it makes them creative you dull monkey

>> No.22745384

No. You literally have free will in heaven. Adam and Eve had free will despite not having the original sin yet. And so did Lucifer, despite being an angel.

>> No.22745385

he chooses not to make his presence explicit, as doing so would immediately influence any human's ability to make their own independent choices. Realistically his goal is for you to forget he's there, yet continue acting in proper ways. That's called integrity, and it's something that (for now) humanity alone is capable of. If we are to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth, then expand to become shepherds of life across the universe (which is his true goal for us), it will be necessary for all of us to suffer, and to independently choose to become something greater because of it.

>> No.22745389

Because He's closer to you than your own breath. He dwells within the mind of everyone. One Soul, One Body, One God. Golgotha is the skull of man, Christ was crucified within the skull of man

>> No.22745390
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i think that is a wise choice, humans are no worthy of being of God present

>> No.22745392

can't be free will in heaven, as there can be no sin in heaven

>> No.22745395

hold on, Adam and Eve were in Eden were they not? I thought that is different to heaven

>> No.22745403
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Nothing is being 'hidden' from you. You're just too stupid lazy or prideful to open a book, and then you consider what is inside the book as being hidden.

>> No.22745404

>free will can exist without the possibility of evil in heaven
>this for whatever reason couldn't have been the case when god created earth

>> No.22745411


Whence the worse mentality and cycle of useless wars?

>> No.22745412
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