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/lit/ - Literature

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22735490 No.22735490 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22729101

>> No.22735494

I'm hungry again

>> No.22735497
File: 975 KB, 2200x2933, 22C28244-15C2-41CC-B51D-3BF61ADC336E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

>If a man knows "I am brahman" in this way, he becomes this whole world. Not even the gods are able to prevent it, for he becomes their very self (atman). So when a man venerates another deity, thinking, "He is one, and I am another," he does not under-stand. As livestock is for men, so is he for the gods. As having a lot of livestock is useful to a man, so each man proves useful to the gods. The loss of even a single head of livestock is painful; how much more if many are lost. The gods, therefore, are not pleased at the prospect of men coming to understand this.

>> No.22735502

The cause I want to support is a dead cause with a grim future.

>> No.22735504

all my heroes are dead and my enemies are in power

>> No.22735527

I have wasted 9 fucking years on this site. 9 FUCKING YEARS OF DOOM SCROLLING THIS SHITHOLE AND FOR WHAT? Holy fucking shit this is so grim. I have no friends and I can't connect with anyone, never had a gf or even kissed a girl and I'm fucking stuck in my own fucking brain doom SCROLLING S HIT shit for no fucking reASON i'm doomed I FUCKIN KNOW IT but i still com here for what fucking reason boy tell me why AAAAAAAAAAA CANT BE FUCKING NORMAL i wowuld be ok with just being some normal faggot who gets to dump his balls in some average brode that's cheating on him or wahtever and have a uselss job bUT I JUST FUCKIN GGG CAATTAK DAPSMK D Its actually so sad i;m more pathetic than a fucking zoo animal[ why does god have no pity on me WHYYYYYYYYYYY i cant i just fucking cantkm another day realizing this and tomorrow is going to be the fucking same
spending my entire day doom scrolling this shit for another ady jerking off and doing nothing nothing nothing nothing UUUUUUUUUUUGH why cant i just get out of my fucking h ead I WISH I WAS FUCKING RETARDED god fucking save me apkosorkasp oras spmeomgitmro something need st o be different or i dont knwo how long i can take it fffffffffffffffuckckca././/../././/.

>> No.22735537

I had to move to another city when I was 8. The realization that some things were out of my control broke something inside of me. All of my other problems can trace back their origin to this event.
But knowing is only half the battle...

>> No.22735541

he's just like me fr.

>> No.22735544
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Could be worse, I discovered /b/ in 2006

>> No.22735547

Being married is after five or so years the same as being an incel. I NEED to fuck a new chick

>> No.22735554

There absolutely is a right and a wrong side of history. It's called "winning side" and "losing side". How could you be wrong if you win, how could you be right if you lose?

>> No.22735557

it's annoying how /lit/ tends to attract the worst losers on 4chan. can't you go shit up an orange board dude.

>> No.22735560

The alternative version of myself that I was supposed to become has died and left behind a stinking corpse in the form of a rainforest of expired and rotting vegetables in my fridge

>> No.22735563

Grass is always greener. I didn't get married for exactly this reason and I feel like a dirty old man sex tourist. I want to say I wonder what being loved is like but honestly every relationship I've ever had with a woman was just endless bickering with some cunt.

>> No.22735579

I hate the Vtuber/anime/child/cute voice.

>> No.22735584

I think a big problem on 4chan nowadays is that this is the only remaining website that is a popular, accessible forum with minimal censorship so people feel the need to just talk about random shit as an act of freedom. They don't really talk about the actual board topics that much. This is partly because the whole Internet is a discourse machine now but also because 4chan is unique in even allowing this kind of expression. These threads for example are the most popular on this board and have little to do with literature

>> No.22735585

I want to know what its like to just come home and chill guilt-free and not listen to retarded banalities. Idk I always knew I wanted a family and am glad with my decision but my life isnt really my own and my interests dont matter. I just want some time to read and some fucking passion. I miss my early 20s and my old dogshit relationship. To get older is to become less and less romantic until practicality swallows you whole.

>> No.22735586

have you ever known someone who committed suicide? if so, how did your opinion of them change after their death?
i'm struggling to parse an old friend's suicide. it's a weird way to go out. could use some anonymous and diverse opinions

>> No.22735590

I wonder how many people lurk on /lit/ everyday? any mods with stats care to share? do you thinks demons lurk on here? post even? possess even? kekekek

>> No.22735597

how old are you? you could still change your life but 9 years is crazy lmao

>> No.22735599

i just post on 4chan cuz it's the only place that doesn't require an account. literature is possibly the only true joy of my life, except maybe a really good flow state coding session, so i post on this board, but if i found other sites that don't require accounts i'd probably go there. i used to post on slashdot when they let you post as anonymous coward without an account. once they added the account requirement to post even anonymously, i dropped it. that was, sadly, many many years ago.

>> No.22735600

Not suicide but one of my best friends relapsed and left his wife to live in a squallerly drug house with prostitutes for two years or so before dying in a car accident. He was an awesome and very caring guy who just made bad decisions and had ptsd and serious anger problems from being molested as a kid. Theres no reason to harbor resentment for your friend, man. He did what he did. It was a shitty thing to do but he obviously felt it was necessary for some reason or other.

>> No.22735611

Today I was sitting on the park bench reading litrpgs on my kindle, when an old man came and sat next to me. He glanced at my kindle and asked me about what I was reading very kindly and enthusiastically. I was too embarrassed to say a litrpg, so I muttered something very quietly and then ignored him. He laughed then continued sitting there for a few minutes before getting up and leaving. Now I feel bad. How would you Anons deal with a situation like this?

>> No.22735615

>9 years is crazy lmao
If you are an election tourist, maybe.
t. eternal newfag who came here during the fappening

>> No.22735618

me in 2007. I was looking for yaoi pics, go figure

>> No.22735627

I would have done the same. I hate small talk.

>> No.22735660
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All jews are trannies, and all trannies are jews.

>> No.22735691

Paul Wall, the people’s champ

>> No.22735695

I bought a poop shovel, but I don't go outside.

>> No.22735708 [DELETED] 

this is one of the hardest beats of all time idc what one says and that texas flow is perfect on top of it.

>> No.22735715

>drink 3 cups of coffee
>shit and piss my guts out, nose running like crazy sweating
>proceed to deep clean the entire apartment. Sweep everywhere, wipe sides of cabinets
>Do 50 chores at once: 3 loads of laundry, clean out my rats' cage, clean all dishes, take out trash, etc
>go grocery shopping
>play Morrowind for 12 hours straight
>do not sleep at all
How is coffee legal?

>> No.22735725

if u like the stuff that's corny but rock hard i offer u this:


>> No.22735731

when i drink a lot of coffee my muscles just get really tense and i start switching topics in my brain faster than i can actually experience/gain anything useful from the thoughts, which frustrates me and causes the thoughts to get progressively more unpleasant—until, within an hour, i am wishing true death upon all those who ever suffered, praying for our innocent souls to be released at last

>> No.22735733


>> No.22735760


>> No.22735762

Sittin' Sidewayz

>> No.22735766

>What I'm trying to say is that I can't do it by myself and doctors wouldn't change anything because I can't have them follow me around all day and babysit me.
They wouldn't have to. They could work with you on them during session time to help make the strategies habitual. I can't help but think that you aren't that bad off since you have had the attention span to stick with this conversation across a sea of distracting posts from other anons about completely other subjects. Clearly you are capable of caring enough to latch on to something spanning more than a couple of hours. You may just enjoy arguing with people online more than you want to do better in your personal life but that is not a symptom of ADHD.
>Because I'm a dropout with no skills, I can only get either shitty, under-the-table jobs (very common here) or shitty, "proper" jobs that still manage to disregard most labor laws.
Sounds like you may need to relocate by any means necessary. Again not a symptom of ADHD. Your problems seem to consistently veer away from your "illness" if I'm being honest with you anon.

>> No.22735807 [DELETED] 

that beat is so sick. putting that mellow jazz guitar riff over that farty monophonic synth line is so simple but so perfect. for the longest time i thought that guitar was like an organ or sth until i heard the chopped and screwed version where you can hear it's a guitar. i tried to look up the samples, but they don't seem to be listed anywhere.

>> No.22735853

why do anons delete their posts and make me question my sanity?

>> No.22735859

i am severely, dangerously underweight. i'm 5'11 and weigh 96lbs (43.5kg). i look like frail dying tree. some kind of pale spaghetti apparition.
i need to stop doing drugs. i don't like the idea that i could be physically overpowered by most random people on the street. even your average woman can likely best me in physical combat. a good running tackle from a plump—or even just healthy-weight, 5'5" —that would be lights out for me. bones shattered.
i don't like meeting people too much because this shit is embarrassing. absolutely ridiculous bodily configuration that i've cultivated here.
i'd like to thank the CIA for storing this post forever, i wanna thank my mom for making this all possible, i want to thank the future enjoyers of stalking random people across vast stretches of time, and lastly i'd like to thank you, anon, for reading today's entry of my diary desu

>> No.22735872

Be safe, drug addicted skeleton roastie

>> No.22735875


>> No.22735877

>I can't help but think that you aren't that bad off
That what I tell myself, but it only made me complacent.
>a sea of distracting posts from other anons about completely other subjects
I didn't read them lol.
>Clearly you are capable of caring enough to latch on to something spanning more than a couple of hours.
Only if it allows me to procrastinate. I should be working right now.
>Your problems seem to consistently veer away from your "illness" if I'm being honest with you anon.
I'm only entertaining the thought of having ADHD out of desperation. I just want to understand why I feel so different from others. Is it just a lack of grit? Maybe my parents should have hit me when I was a kid? Do I just need to get laid? Should I throw everything away and experience real hardship?

>> No.22735880

hey wait i'm not a girl

>> No.22735913


>> No.22736108

I barely spoke to anyone at all when I was 18/19. It was very common for me to go 3 weeks without talking to a single person. That would be interrupted by only a brief exchange. I think it permanently affected the way I talk. It's been several years since then and I still talk funny.

>> No.22736113


>> No.22736116

Is that it? You moved as a child? Some of you fags are so fucking weak

>> No.22736119


>> No.22736121

Yes. I should have been euthanized.

>> No.22736125
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Halloween is over Mr Skeleton. Go back to the boneyard til next year

>> No.22736126
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I genuinely could use some talking through on this.
Of all the countries and peoples on earth, Croatia and Croats must make me the most angry. Yet I'm not a Serb; I have no ancestry from the Balkans period. I'm an American, who never left North America, whose ancestry is almost exclusively from the British Isles and France.
For the past year I haven't been able to read about Croatia in the '90s without my blood pressure rising; one time I got tunnel vision and my ears popped.
It certainly isn't from ignorance or lack of knowledge; I'm sure most people haven't even heard how it was Croats who bombed the Statue of Liberty on June 3rd, 1980, and hijacked a plane while bombing Grand Central Terminal, killing a NYPD officer on September 11th, 1976,
https://youtu.be/eqLU0QTrir0?t=1748 (29:08)
So I certainly have reason to detest the Croatian state and Croatian nationalism, but why does it elicit such stronger emotions than other abhorrent nations and peoples? The only other countries that elicit even a semblance of this reaction for me are China and Israel, yet they really aren't even close. I can actually hold constructive conversations with Israelis. If I had to guess why, it would be because many people know of the crimes of China and Israel, and are actively opposing them, whereas Croatia's crimes are unknown and forgotten. But is that seriously it? My reaction to Croatia and Croats is akin to the evolutionary reactions of people to fangs, spiders, and snakes. Can an added layer of escaped accountability really be the only difference?
I was born amidst a Croatian offensive against Krajina Serb civilians, although I admittedly was not conceived during any noteworthy offensive. I sometimes wonder if I'm the reincarnation of a Krajina Serb civilian, brutalized and murdered by HV criminals, and the trauma of it lasted into my current life. I mean, what other answers are there? The more I learn about Croatia, the angrier it makes me; is it beyond the realm of possibility that I'm unlocking sentiments and memories, or opening wounds from a previous life?

>> No.22736135
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Have you guys ever thought about how humans suck at making beautiful things compared to nature? You can take almost any animal, any plant, any forest, and it will look prettier or cooler than 99% of man-made architecture or art. Even after humans cut down all the primeval forests, the ones that grew back in their place are already pretty enough after a few hundred years to deeply inspire and move us.

Idk man. I'm not a theist but how do you even explain that? Literally anything created by nature just looks good, even if it's a threat to us.

>> No.22736168

I have ADHD. My reality reforms itself every ~15 seconds based on my pure total utilization on short accessible memory as opposed to with a long stored form. I know that from today, today as in the object, case in point, and point in case that the end is indifferent. I strangle and grip this idea or thought periodically, well enough that it was capable of burning into my long term memories, or core memories as you will, and this thought or feeling I call it due to lack of mental capacity to properly order that/this train of thought will be my character and or self before I die until I do die and it is reduced into 'nothingness',

>> No.22736185

and in these moments leading to my death, these thoughts will affect my interpretation of my lifetime, meaning in my last moments I will believe no time passed from this initial prospect to my last, my death. How do I rid this fear?

>> No.22736192


everything is predetermined

>> No.22736200

>I just want to understand why I feel so different from others.
It could be a million things man. I hope Im not coming off like Im shitting on you for this. Its fully possible that you don't give a shit about what other people do. It doesn't sound like its ADHD though. I still recommend seeking treatment for it, if for nothing else than it might help shed some light on the real issue. Contrary to popular belief, incorrect diagnoses rarely goes unnoticed.

>> No.22736201

little white boi racist moves into a big new diverse blue city and got scared LMFAO

>> No.22736207

i'm so deeply irony pilled that i just laughed at the delivery of this even though you basically described my life as well. why can't i have the dignity to at least feel like shit after reading this. wtf is wrong with me

>> No.22736235

Play Talos Principle (2) and read Chesterton (in and out of game)

>> No.22736240

I wonder if "modern austrian literature", as in, Kraus, Schnitzler, etc. having zero austrians in it is a controversial matter over there or if it's something everybody silently agreed to pretend not to see.

>> No.22736248

>Maybe my parents should have hit me when I was a kid?
I'll beat the shit out of you if it will make you feel better

>> No.22736267
File: 276 KB, 1024x1024, _8cfdcb67-52d1-4a67-81b2-8271cceacb01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A story I am experimenting with:

"Princess Andromeda, a being shrouded in mystical energies and possessing extraordinary psychic abilities, reigned over a benevolent celestial realm engaged in a relentless battle against an empire of malevolence. It came to pass that this intrepid princess, inspired by courage and determination, made a fateful decision to lead a daring mission to rescue countless souls enslaved by one of the most notorious tyrants in the known galaxies.

The malefactor in question, known as Gula Raptus, could be aptly described as an immense creature resembling a lumbering whale, its enormous maw capable of expanding to cavernous proportions, much like an unhinged anaconda. Its form, a curious amalgamation of a whale, a gargantuan worm, and an extraordinary walrus, exhibited an awe-inspiring spectacle. Gula Raptus, as stated, possessed a mouth of prodigious size, matched by a massive bluish serpentine tongue, curiously hermaphroditic in nature. This impressive organ, equal in length to that of a medium-sized human, held the principal duty of perpetuating Gula Raptus through self-impregnation.

Thus, Gula Raptus utilized its immense, tadpole-sized sperm to impregnate a vast harem of intergalactic slave girls and concubines, bypassing traditional fertilization processes. These peculiar tadpole-like creatures, akin to gargantuan green sperm cells, attached themselves directly to the wombs of the enslaved maidens, experiencing rapid growth and development within. After several weeks of gestation, they would ultimately be birthed by the impregnated slave girls.

Emerging from these unequal unions were miniature clones, bearing a striking resemblance to the walrus-like intergalactic kingpin known as Gula Raptus. However, these clones were not brought into existence within the confines of the mighty kingpin's invincible fortress planet, known as Gula Maximus. Instead, once the slave girls reached the peak of their pregnancies, they were gathered together as a group and transported aboard a vessel from Gula Raptus' fleet to the birthing and nursery moon known as Gula Minor. In this lunar abode, the quasi-surrogate mothers, bound by their enslavement, raised the clonal progeny of Gula Raptus.

Following a mere span of five years, the clonal Gula Raptuses matured under the guidance and tutelage of commanders handpicked by Gula Raptus himself. These commanders initiated them into the necessary arts encompassing war and commerce. However, it was the imposing figure of Gula Raptus who maintained a telepathic connection with his clones, forging an unnerving unity of thought. Thus, their unwavering loyalty to the kingpin remained unblemished, rendering them the most faithful emissaries, both as traders and as warriors, incarnations of their progenitor's desires."

>> No.22736281

I should stop doing stupid things so I don't have to move

>> No.22736282

>Princess Andromeda, a being shrouded in mystical energies and possessing extraordinary psychic abilities
Stopped reading there. I don't read stories where women have important positions

>> No.22736293

Actually good advice that sounds like a meme.

>> No.22736294

>no thanks
>In search of lost time
>Julie (ou nouvelle Heloise)
>no way
anon don't play yourself like this, you're making the sci-fi masturbator look okay and that should never happen

>> No.22736295

Nah. Do what you want and move where people wont care. You can thank me later.

>> No.22736299

I finally watched the barbie movie and i was expecting something interesting because people told me it was good but I was wrong. It was literally women are awesome, men are dumb idiots and everything is their fault. most cringe moment was america ferrera complaining about being a contemporary woman. the movie simultaneously tries to uplift them while also showcasing everything stereotypically wrong with women at the same time, I couldn't believe how absurd the writing was. like how they claim that the women who start canoodling with the men are simply "infected", basically absolving them of responsibility and personal will.

>> No.22736302

Based. As an American I can recommend GA or FL. Very open and laid back mentality. Jersey too for a northerner. God forbid you dont live along a coast. People who never see the ocean are sexually repressed and uptight as all hell.

>> No.22736315

>move where the weapon that will kill you is less traceable
sorry chickadees, different problem

>> No.22736316

no one in GA lives coastal m8

>> No.22736318

Does anything matter anymore? Just gave counsel to a friend of mine who wants to dump her boyfriend. She went in the convo acting like she was seeking advice for her relationship but she slowly unraveled that she already took her decision months ago and wanted someone to support it. The worst thing is that I know the guy because he's also a friend. The soon-to-be ex was looking forwards to their career together and their future kids last time he talked to me and all she could talk about on the phone is how she doesn't feel anything for him anymore and wants to fuck other people.

Really tried to save the guy but she clearly wanted out so I gave her my blessings and she was happy in the end. Why even be in a relationship if nothing or no one matters to you? The older I grow the more tired I get of everything that has to do with humans.

>> No.22736337

Oh youre gay? Well then move to cali retard

>> No.22736345

Well it was good for her to move on if thats how she felt. Otherwise you would ask why she was stringing him along. Are you a woman? Maybe you want to be with him. If so, go for it. No need to get cynical, though I do get it. Relationships are tough.

>> No.22736346


>> No.22736370

Hey, if she didn't want to be with him its better for the both of them that she leaves. If you care about your male friend you know that he is better off with someone who doesn't doubt that they love him.
>Does anything matter anymore?
If a relationship not working out is the thing that makes you feel like nothing matters you deserve the torture of nihilism. Maybe the baptism by fire is what you need to stop being such a pussy.

>> No.22736374

Giving you a hard time but dude nobody can help you if you arent open with your problem. Stop with the esoteric bullshit and just say what’s bothering you.

>> No.22736380

>move where the weapon that will kill you is less traceable
This is not how you framed it and you know it fag. If you know the thing you are doing is bad for you the correct path is clear. Whiney bitch.

>> No.22736382

Stop acting as an emotional tampon for women that you aren't fucking.

>> No.22736390

I adore watching the intellectual classes of neocons/new atheists/anti-woke grifters/bay area tech retards/intellectual dark web liberals freak the fuck out over Israel's reputation around the world collapsing. I open Twitter and see literal glowie writers like Martin Gurri lament the collapse of the West and pig cunts like Bari Weiss tell us that Jewish ethnonationalism is essential for the West's survival. God I love seeing their tears. In an ideal world they would all be fucking purged for the millions and millions of people these intellectual frauds supported being killed by the West, and then they fucking bitch and whine wondering why everyone hates us

>> No.22736396

In the murky depths of time, there existed a figure of unimaginable power - Gula Raptus, the ensnaring monarch of the known realm. A being of five centuries, he possessed clones that were but feeble replicas, doomed to a mere hundred years of existence. Throughout the ages, Gula Raptus, though refraining from causing harm to his enslaved maidens, employed the pretense of terror to ensure their unwavering docility. Yet, in later years, his methods evolved, relying instead on a preponderance of hormones to maintain his hold over them.

In his insidious dominion, he feigned the consumption of these hapless souls, threatening to devour them in one fell swoop. But in all the centuries that had befallen him, not once had he devoured a single slave girl or concubine. However, certain men who dared challenge or invoke his wrath were consumed with a ravenous hunger that could not be sated. Nevertheless, Gula Raptus's sustenance primarily derived from a diet of colossal mud tadpoles, the larvae of the dreadfully monstrous serpentine behemoth reigning in the murky swamps of Gula Maximus - a sluggish species known as Culibarius.

The unorthodox manner in which Gula Raptus impregnated his enslaved maidens and concubines possessed a grotesque peculiarity. Employing a system of pulleys and ropes, he lowered them into his cavernous and salivating maw, their modest coverings cast aside. This prospect alone, especially during the initial encounters, caused the maidens to succumb to faintness even before reaching the depths of his jaws, where they would find themselves submerged up to their waists or midriffs. Once safely nestled within Gula Raptus's maw to his peculiar liking, his colossal blue tongue, akin to the size of these unfortunate women, would release but a singular green tadpole. Propelled through a phallus-like tubular structure, a forceful jet of verdant liquid would propel this worm-like entity, riding atop the intoxicating wave, into the awaiting abyss of their feminine essence. With his tongue sealing their entrance for a brief span of time, the emerald spawn would venture forth, swimming and crawling, often against the back splashing currents, penetrating deep within their wombs. Attached to this fecundative chamber, it toyed with their hormonal balance and beguiled their endorphins, inducing a blissful subservience. Additionally, these maidens would experience weekly paroxysms of unparalleled ecstasy, ensuring their loyalty and contentment. This quasi-factory cycle repeated with each slave girl or concubine until the comparably mature age of forty, at which point they would retire, free to inhabit the realm of Gula Maximus as they saw fit.

>> No.22736414
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>> No.22736423

I'm not a woman. Yeah, it's probably better for the guy in the long run but that still fucking sucks. The whole thing is iffy. To me if you don't want kids then don't get in a long term relationship with someone who wants kids. No time wasted and the world would become a better place.

You are right although I've lived through a lot and still enjoy lots of stuff. Enough to say I'm not a nihilist.

Nigger has never heard of the concept of friends. Do you ever go out? You can't only have superficial relationships

>> No.22736434

>Enough to say I'm not a nihilist.

>> No.22736451

Read some after-word in a non-fiction book of Hesse and Camus' spirits having a fictional conversation in the sky.
Interesting how well the author could fit their spirits, these Faustian creatures into a pseudo-scenery like in the ancient Greeks.

>> No.22736455

Was Israel's reputation ever particularly high in the west outside of bible belt america and germany? Like actually supportive kind of high, not just "doesn't actively campaign against israel but wouldn't lift a finger for them either" kind of supportive?

>> No.22736485

A ghost bent my arm while I was sleeping, and now it's sore.

>> No.22736486
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The moles on my tummy make a triange

>> No.22736494
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Does this work as a stupid question thread for /lit/? I'm seeing a guy next week for dinner and I kind of want to give him a compliment that essentially he looks like a goofball but very endearing and by no means unattractive (like pic related but a high 6-7 range. What is a tactful way of saying this. Or should I just avoid the conversation entirely?

>> No.22736496

- barely 7*

>> No.22736499

Dont do it. It'll come out wrong

>> No.22736515

Gay or insulting?

>> No.22736517

First there was only niggers and Mongols and Native Americans on the planet. They killed and raped against each other, strong massacring the weak, the weak trying to gather the largest possible distance from the strong. Anthropophagy: their politics, superstition, their religion.
Somewhere in the Altai, or in Siberia, or in the Himalayas, white people appeared. Isolated in some cold, snowy place somewhere deep inside the highest mountains, they herded their animals, searched for precious metals, invented the wheel, searched for their Gods in the sky.
Nimrod leaved the group and invaded Assyria. He killed masses of nigger warriors, mounted on a chariot tank and enslaved the rest. The first state in history saw it's creation. Nimrod and his white gang ruled their slaves despotically and relentlessly, imposed on them religion and laws.
After a while, Nimrod and his people had completely merged into this mass of niggers and became indistinguishable from them. Semites penetrated this civilized region and conquered the descendants of Ham to establish new Assyrian states. History repeats itself.
The Aryan group descended from the mountains to the region of Iran, where Slavs and Celts split from them to search for a region more septentrional. Iranians and Vedes, still united, split, the Iranians to conquer the Semites, the Vedes to find the Aryavarta.
Two Vede tribes leave the Aryavarta, one to the East to found China, one to the South-West, sailing ships, to found Egypt.
Greeks conquer Semites in the Balkan.
Illyrians and Thracians found their own empires to the North of the Greeks.
Slavs and Celts mingle with the Finnish peoples, thriving in some permanent state of theocratic anarchy.
Semitized Celto-Slavs found Rome, seventh civilization in the order of history.
Finally Germanics came and took everything.

>> No.22736523

Verily, Gula Raptus is the most wretched and fearful being that ever lived, for he is the very embodiment of dread and despair, which, like the ancient gods of yore, who sought to mingle with the daughters of men, in a perverse and unnatural lust, whereby they craved the doom of mortal flesh, or the closest union with the same and with their monstrous offspring. With these, it was said, they spoke in secret thoughts, and through them they partook of the curse, as it were, of mortality itself, casting off the bonds of immortality which Jove forbade them to break, under the penalty, not of death, but of endless life with endless woe. In a word, the worst of both worlds. Their only solace, as said, being to lie with a mortal maid, of surpassing and unearthly beauty, and to beget by her a half-mortal, and therefore mortal, copy of themselves. Gula Raptus, in brief, was the prodigious and wayward result of such a union, rebelling against the boundless and cruel pride of his immortal sire and the equally culpable dame who had dared to assume the airs, regardless of how much she feigned to have been deceived or violated by a deathless one, and to bring forth a creature who was doomed, doomed from the womb, to be the tool or the proxy or the clone of a higher being who wished to feel, as closely as possible, with a lower one, thereby giving his son the most inhuman of legacies: the disinheritance from his father's godly grace, power, and eternity. A mere toy of a cross-dressing, sadistic god, who feared to sire a foe, who might usurp, surpass him, and even confine him for evermore. The outcome of this immortal envy or prideful spite and blindness to the feelings of the begotten lesser one was Gula Raptus. How many other such blindly and hopelessly envious and estranged half-divine and half-vampiric beings there were in the cosmos she knew not. But she knew that there was at least one too many: Gula Raptus. Whom she henceforth chose to name in her mind Gula Ghoul.

>> No.22736525 [DELETED] 

oh shit milei won in argentina

>> No.22736526

Who and who

>> No.22736527

What absolute piece of garbage.

>> No.22736531

I dreamed that my dad gave my LSD

>> No.22736534

This. When did using racial slurs become a substitute for good writing on this god-forsaken board?

>> No.22736543

I don't care, it's the only coherent world history I could find, the one that connects the dots.

>> No.22736548

No body is trying to look goofy if they got a second date. Avoid this tactic. Just stick to the endearingly attractive angle.

>> No.22736550

any three dots make a triangle so long as they aren't all in a line. Thats how triangles work.

>> No.22736553

Lucky. My ghost did my taxes wrong. Now Im being audited by the IRS.

>> No.22736556

How do rectangles work?

>> No.22736574

You realize agriculture was developed in the Middle East? The people there were and are tan skinned, an environmental adaptation, but otherwise have Caucasoid facial bone structure. Whiteness is also an environmental adaptation, etc, etc. And to be sure, what you call mongoloids, are on average more intelligent than whites?

>> No.22736580

I watched it recently as well. It only deepens my suspicion that critics are braindead. And either just repeat what other critics say, or are deeply in the pocket of Hollywood.
Pretty much every critic wrote about how it was daring and subversive.
Meanwhile the movie is just bland political propaganda.
If there is any message at all it was just solipsistic individualism--wherein the only value that matters is individual empowerment.
"You can do whatever the F you want don't let society's rules get you down. You go girl!"
This is supposed to be radical? Lmao
It's also funny how the film presents itself as being critical of consumerism while being the embodiment of it.
Characters were flat, boring, and the humor ungodly cringy.
The male characters are all depicted as superfluous frat bros with zero depth.
Every movie does this these days, male characters are always depicted as blundering and naive

>> No.22736583

The &amp guys are really desperate to keep their shit relevant here. I just saw them post the same thread after someone showed they were basically wanking in a thread with nearly 20 replies with only 7 posters samefagging.

>> No.22736592

Ask your fourth grade geometry teacher.

>> No.22736594

Of course agriculture arose independently. The Indo-Germanic languages trace common or similar words for herdsmanship, but for farming, no. Perhaps was farming even invented by the non-white tribes.
Yellow people are more intelligent after what measure?
Many of them seem to have been heavily influenced by white people too. 'Arion' means 'pure' in Turk or in Mongol, but they both came from Siberia.

>> No.22736595
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download - 2023-07-12T191536.084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to look like this. "Endearingly attractive" would just sound out of left-field, gay and could describe a twink as well as one of these guys. In fact it would describe every man who doesn't look like a hypermasculine gigachad. Should I maybe just tell him he looks like the composer Aleksandr Scriabin? That's who he reminds me of. Anyway the goofy thing is literally my angle to compliment another man's appearance and I think it is actually even better than having the gigachad-look, because its unique.

>> No.22736597


>> No.22736599

>anon is listening to the lies Ireland told in the middle ages
Anon we've had loads of great liars since then; branch out.

>> No.22736602

The moral of such movies, if it can be called a moral, is the modern mythos of the individual freed from all social convention. Social laws/norms/conventions are depicted as aritifical external impositions over an individual. As basically repressive and so bad, as the will of the individial to do as she desires is the only value.
The film overall reflects how narcistic and paranoiac American culture has become--societal constraints are regarded as nothing more than entrapments from which the individual must escape.
Barbie gets to be whoever she wants to be YASS! You go girl!.
Why? Simply for existing, she deserves to get whatever she wants.
It is hard to imagine a more entitled, thoroughly narcisitic message.
The ending of the film is a re-affirmation of extreme consumeristic individualism where the only value is self-empowerment. The freedom of Barbie to change her name to Barbara and visit a gynecologist is the highest good. Individual self-affirmation, self-esteem is the only imaginable good the stunted and unimagintive Hollywood writer can imagine.

>> No.22736606

> The people there were and are tan skinned, an environmental adaptation, but otherwise have Caucasoid facial bone structure
Philology refutes this claim.

>> No.22736607

The accuracy of the description matters less than the implications of looking "goofy" in any context. You are not trying to paint a picture of what this guy looks like for him. He can see himself in a mirror for that. You are trying to complement him no?

>> No.22736611

Obviously anyone would like to look like Pratt and this guy. I mean I would like to look like a fun outgoing guy. I am reasonably attractive myself, maybe just a bit less than my friend, but its a boring attractiveness and thus I don't even have a thing going for me. Not attractive enough to turn heads but completely not endearing.

>> No.22736622

And yet you provide no evidence.

>> No.22736631
File: 6 KB, 190x266, download - 2023-11-19T174105.893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right but Scriabin is a goofy looking guy with a curled mustache, so if I tell him he reminds me of Scriabin and he looks him up, then he will understand that he looks lively and outgoing. Albeit, this is a James Patterson tier character-description.

>> No.22736635

One evidence is philology, the other evidence is that nature doesn't produce intermediate forms. If the Levantines are tanned and caucasoid, these characteristics arose from the mixing of blacks with whites.

>> No.22736639

Thank you for explaining the mechanics of triangles.

>> No.22736641

Humans were in europe before they were in north america

>> No.22736642

No problem.

>> No.22736647

He's not claiming the Irish are all Jews who also founded Troy and Rome. He's just saying some are Jews and found Rome. He's still wrong, because he splits Goidelic languages from Vedic Sanskrit, but he's not wrong in a way that you're accusing him of doing. He hasn't read those books.

>> No.22736649

i larp as a millenial online but im actually an elder zoomer. im a le wrong generationer for jaded 2000s hipsterdom. i grew a shitty ironic mustache and started drinking pbr and everything

>> No.22736650

I wonder if that illustrator I sent my manuscript to ever read it.

>> No.22736653

Thats weird. I started drinking pbr when I larped as white trash. Why did hipsters like it?

>> No.22736654

I larp as a 45 y/o Filipino man who is secretly a dog, but that's just because I am a millennial.

>> No.22736661

Yes, before the arrival of the first Celts and Slavs, Finnish hordes throughout Europe.

>> No.22736662

Im sure Scriabin would have rather been called handsome and endearing a million different ways than be called silly in any way. But at this point I can tell you are just latched on to this idea you have and aren't actually looking for advice outside of "how do I insult this guy without him knowing." Its my fault for expecting anything less from some fag posting dating advice on /lit/.

>> No.22736664

Huh? Cro Magnon man predates that

>> No.22736670

I think Finns just evolved separately from moss and ferns within 200km of their spawning pit, and everyone else evolved from monkeys in Africa. It makes the most sense.

>> No.22736672

I'm either a genius or a maniac.

>> No.22736675

You can do two things, anon, I believe in you

>> No.22736678

Hell if I know dude I'm just doing it for the look

>> No.22736679

>dating advice
What? I am the last guy to ask about dating advice.

>> No.22736686

> broader faces, more prominent brow ridges
Sounds like ancestor of the yellow races, but I'm not a specialist on the stone age.
Finns migrated back from America during the last ice age.

>> No.22736689

Just last week I lost three good friends due to a series of complete miscommunications. The sister of one of the friends is terribly lonely. She works as a model in Bruxelles. Due to her beauty she developed a particular way of interacting with others, especially men. After a string of bad relationships and a total lack of friendships she developed trust issues, which were far more intense than I realized at the time. I pitied her, so I made attempts to invite her to social gatherings: coffee, clubbing, really any kind of environment where she could make a connection with others. For the past three months I messaged her twice or thrice each week. She would come to many of these events and I would talk over her love life and try to give her some advice when and where I though appropriate. Several times I walked her home, especially when she was completely drunk, to make sure she got to bed safe.

Then last week I was sat down by my friends during a movie night, it was a kind of intervention. They said that the messages were completely inappropriate and that I was making the sister feel very comfortable. I explained that I didn’t realize I was making her feel this way and would stop immediately. Shortly after I was blocked by three friends of mine, whom I have known for over four years. I wrote out letters to each of them explaining the situation while asking for forgiveness and asked for an opportunity to have a coffee and talk it over. Only today I’ve heard from a friend of a friend that they won’t even open the letters.

>> No.22736690

First insulting and then as you explain yourself it'll sound gay

>> No.22736691

>migrated back from America during the last ice age.
Only as fern spores caught in ice. Think about it.

>> No.22736692

Also I need a bigger data set. So far its just two different subjective opinions. Can somebody else weigh in here? Is it bad to look like a funny person?

>> No.22736694

You're clearly not a specialist in anthropology

>> No.22736695

Gay and insulting, it's a read

>> No.22736701

That doesnt make any sense

>> No.22736702

Yeah the whole idea is not needing any kind of pre or postamble. I thought some of you fags were writers. Trust me, no matter how poetic or idiosyncratic it sounds, it will sound par for the course coming from me.

>> No.22736706

How so?

>> No.22736707

Women are just cattle for reproduction

>> No.22736708

Anyone around pasadena wanna hang out

>> No.22736712

It's called adaptation to environment, as in whites derived from populations that were non white, but Caucasoid.

>> No.22736713

More like hunting game and whales, hopping the tundra.
No, I'm more of a history and ethnology guy myself.

>> No.22736718

I have a podcast tonight and I’m dreading going on

>> No.22736720

Theres no good way to say what you're trying to say.

>> No.22736722

Good luck.

>> No.22736723

I'm not going to talk about Esau having red hair, and taking 'Oolibama' as his second wife.
I'm only going to say that there's reports until fairly recent ages, of click languages being spoken in some isolated regions of Anterior Asia.

>> No.22736729

>More like hunting game and whales, hopping the tundra.
Anon, you have seen Ylilauta try to draw, you know this would not work.

>> No.22736730

It's pretty clear that whites are derived from some of the finer facially boned (neotenic) subsaharan African populations.

>> No.22736733

Dude. Why not just day he is handsome, endearing, and funny? That is the triple threat every guy wants to be. No guy wants to "look goofy."

>> No.22736735

There's like 50 places called Pasadena in the US. Pasadena Maryland?

>> No.22736737

The opposite could be said without less accuracy.

>> No.22736740

Has any of you ever sent someone a draft and gotten a response from then like years later? Ghosting is harsher than rejection

>> No.22736746

Sorry I didn't help you insult someone in a way that they would be duped into thinking it was a complement. Clearly I should hang up my hat as a writer.

>> No.22736747

Most places are getting stuff from agents and everything else is just slush, which may or may not go in the recycling.

>> No.22736764

I probably would have downed his pants and doused his dong with my lady juices

>> No.22736767


>> No.22736781

Kys tranny samefaggot

>> No.22736783

Are the trannys in the room with you right now?

>> No.22736786

/lit/ is a female only board, interloper, and mills and boon one of the top rated employers for job satisfaction

>> No.22736787

I want to scream

>> No.22736797

> the seethe

>> No.22736802

look, unless you're secretly a rakish duke interested in innocent peasant girls, your kind isn't welcome here

>> No.22736809


>> No.22736811

Member is good too

>> No.22736813
File: 187 KB, 1024x1024, _2be00d7e-bd71-49d8-bbea-9bf1fdaa05e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you're actually a fernmale

>> No.22736815

I think I might be part Finnish actually, awaiting tests

>> No.22736818

Mine is still packaged, and I won't unpackage it for (you)

>> No.22736823

I am a fem fag sent to service the crank of my lord. My right hand is lighting. My left hand is thunder. Look upon my mangled vagina and tremble.

>> No.22736825

Why are you casting me as the rich bitch? I can milk a cow bulls too

>> No.22736827

Dropping out of high school is my biggest regret. It had to be done though, it was that or suicide, it was destroying my mental health.

>> No.22736831


>> No.22736832

I've read that one, where the demon you're mated to expands to monstrous proportions when he cums in his one true love. Nice, loved the bit with the OCD acceptance

>> No.22736833

I didn't cast anyone, but nice way of outing yourself.

>> No.22736835


>> No.22736836

Theres only one Pasadena that matters

>> No.22736837

Oh no, I'll get raped in the peasant revolt chapter!

>> No.22736841

Dropping out of high school was the single best decision I ever did in my life, wish I had it done earlier

>> No.22736843

>Anon has irl friends
What's that like?

>> No.22736846

You're hideous dickless faggot

>> No.22736849

Idk about eunuchs, anon, harem romance is more of a boy thing

>> No.22736852

With dickless faggot I mean a woman

>> No.22736854
File: 108 KB, 764x707, 1690624408609395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing an essay for a philosophy course, but I can't think of anything decent to say. It's really frustrating me. My head is all foggy and I can't think properly. It's already past due and all of this is making me even more stressed out. I feel like a failure and an imbecile. I understand the material but the connection to what I want to express with it is very tenuous. I'm hoping a nights rest will satisfy me.

>> No.22736855

>nickname longer than real name
It's a choice I guess

>> No.22736867

this thread is officially now just girly things

>> No.22736869

It's okay

>> No.22736870

Well he's not funny though. He's not a sadsack or anything but him having a funny disposition is not the point. Also this is literally the gayest option so far.

>> No.22736873

Go see the professor durig office hours and get some advice

>> No.22736877

why do niggas gotta be like this? why is human nature so inherently flawed? our entire history seems a macrocosmic shakespearian tragedy; i cannot believe that God would arrange us in this way out of love. how can a man ever learn to love himself when God has given him a mind capable of comprehending his depravity?
they say that God man man in his image—man's nature is twisted and vile: it is also his nature to know this truth. i can only imagine God must despise his own nature as much as his image does. it seems then, to me, that we were created to torture ourselves—tools for God to suffer via our suffering.
i'm not serious, God. i'm just drunk and sad so pls don't send the rape gnome again i'm just venting

>> No.22736884

I go from delusions of grandeur to extreme paranoia in minutes.

>> No.22736888

send me the prompt and i'll post some high tier shit for u anon. gotta be quick tho cuz a mans gotta get that beuaty sleep nawsayn.
i wish i had not written that in ebonics

>> No.22736889

Same bestie. Big break is just around the corner -- like it always is

>> No.22736891

I have delusions of adequacy at times and that hasn't panned out yet, so I think you'll probably be fine

>> No.22736892

I just had a nightmare about blackrock?

boxes or crates moving boxes or crates with boxes or crates in them, wild!

my mouth was shut like telepathy too and I could not hear my scream

>> No.22736899

Thought about taking my puppy downtown as bait to meet people. Instead I jacked off to autoerotic asphyxiation three times and got drunk.

>> No.22736910

>this is literally the gayest option so far.
Coming from the person who doesn't know there is no good way to spin "you look goofy" lmao. The word you are looking for is charming. Just say he is charming. And try to be less retarded.

>> No.22736911

There is a way to express any idea thoughbeit.

>> No.22736916

Why is some anon obsessed with some guy named Goggins? There is a thread every couple days on the guy. Why hasn’t he been banned? Why are autists and spergs like this?

>> No.22736919

Just five more minutes, and then I'll do something productive, like browsing 4chan.

>> No.22736920
File: 8 KB, 221x228, Frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it! I'll say he looks "effervescent"! Turns out I am the best writer in the thread!

>> No.22736922

Pls report back

>> No.22736928

You should just say he looks goofy. Throw in some stuff about how you think he is weak and wouldn't be able to support your dreams too. That way he can drop you and save himself the trouble of finding out how insufferable you really are.

>> No.22736932
File: 370 KB, 537x569, 69a05c2766058554b9ae16aef9647558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22736934

Now that sounds really gay

>> No.22736959

>he does something that accentuates the quality you wish to comment on—maybe some kind of miniscule physical blunder: pulling out his chair awkwardly, gestating in a particular way, i don't know
>you make a joke about this; NOT an agressive or derisive joke, something along the lines of "lol i liked the way you did X just now
he will likely respond with something that follows this general form:
>yeah, i guess that's just what i do under the conditions that facilitated X
now, you say something like this:
>i mean it's not a bad thing; you've got a kinda <insert name of well-known person with comparable traits> vibe about you.
this scenario is so contrived that i would not feel confident trying it myself. my advice is to simply not give this compliment until you are either close enough with him to feel comfortable acting kinda gay (in a joking way) or when you're drunk and feeling charismatic. either way good luck hopefully you succeed in banging your coworker or whatever i don't remember your post anymore

>> No.22736975

Well I always use gay florid words anyway but now it doesn't even sound like I'm going out of my way to make a big deal about his appearance

Retarded. Apply yourself. I seriously question your grip on reality if you think anyone would do this.

>> No.22736982

Just want to make someone's day is all.

>> No.22736986

Anons bringing the womeme memes to this biologically female thread made my sides the first female to pass alpha centauri

>> No.22736994
File: 1.62 MB, 1024x1024, _a0764bd9-3e49-4443-b70a-ebb13a5e9bd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop snorting rainbows

>> No.22736996

I am dying bros. If you see significantly fewer obnoxious annoying posts in the coming weeks, it is because I have succumbed. Thank you for all the good times

>> No.22737001

>significantly fewer obnoxious annoying posts in the coming weeks,
Do you really need weeks?

>> No.22737003


>> No.22737005

maybe six feet aint so far down

>> No.22737006

I mean I'm not gonna drop dead right NOW. At least I don't think I am

>> No.22737009

But think of the board quality gains

>> No.22737010

Sucks not to have good goy certificates

>> No.22737014

I've got two, three weeks tops. You can put up with me for that much longer, can't you?

>> No.22737015

>Retarded. Apply yourself. I seriously question your grip on reality if you think anyone would do this.
i dunno what you mean. the scenario isn't that outlandish and i even told anon not to try it because it felt too contrived.
i'm upset that you called me retarded though so eat my shorts bozo

>> No.22737016

My dick can really take a beating

>> No.22737020

Idk might have to kms

>> No.22737025

replied to wrong post
treat your dick with care. dont end up with ED

>> No.22737031

>treat your dick with care. dont end up with ED
Im afraid it's too late for me. I've already irrevocable broken my dick.

>> No.22737033

why are you dying
time heals all wounds. except a very large category of wounds that do not heal. i'm sorry to hear about your dick

>> No.22737034

Sorry but I can only die so quickly

>> No.22737035

>this thread is officially now just girly things
pouring one out for all my home girls who accidentally burnt down the house trying to destroy all his clothes

>> No.22737038

I see the funny side of life.

>> No.22737042

Well now you're just lying on the internet

>> No.22737044
File: 892 KB, 400x300, 92b40170-7929-4131-9d75-f56f5194596a_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already found my solution

>> No.22737048

Yeah. Yeah baby. I can feel the tide turning, once again.

>> No.22737087

Going from occasional alcohol blowout to daily drinking to day drinking is the death spiral. You can be a drunkard for years and survive but once you make that subtle transition it has you forever.

>> No.22737096
File: 18 KB, 235x419, 0cb1397b2a54a66cf7ba0878bb76bc18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm not Catholic anymore, and I really want to have sex, which is what they warned me about, that I'm just irrational, emotional, lustful and selfish and denying Christ.
I was raised very deliberately Catholic, and my father is a very smart man. I was raised on his fringe theories connecting math, physics and theology, I also read/watched the standard Catholic apologetics from a young age (Chesterton, Robert Barron, CS Lewis, EWTN etc)
But then I read Kierkegaard, and when he talks about the leap of faith, how there's no purely rational defense of Christianity, that you just have to take the leap and choose faith on barely any criteria. I just began wondering why I would do that?
Couldn't muslim or another denomination of Christianity ask me to do the same thing? Show me all they have that's a rational defense and then say "well now it's rather mysterious, you just have to trust."
I have zero interest in joining any other denomination or religion for that reason. And then I began looking at Catholicism from an outsiders perspective, if it wasn't a completely implicit part of my childhood to young adulthood, what would I think of it?
I don't know, it just seem to be necessarily true. One can easily imagine a world, complete with a spiritual aspect, wherein Catholicism is just not true. What if that's the case? I'm beginning to think it is.
I wonder how this all seems to someone who was never really consciously religious and practising, probably just silly.

>> No.22737099

day drinking is bad? huh... I day drink all the time. I thought it was just something normal people do.

>> No.22737102

Not bad.

>> No.22737103

Us raised atheist and agnostic become firm believers in God.

>> No.22737105

Me too, but when/if you ever experience real terror then the funny outlook doesn't work. I used to think I solved life because I was able to see the humour in anything, but then something really fucked up happened to me and now I know, that indeed, there are some things in this world that are not funny at all.

>> No.22737117

from time to time i lose my mind and begin to incessantly post tits on /lit/ till I get banned. My aim this time around to beat my record of a two week ban. Ideally the goal should be achieved without showing full nudity. Why do I do this? That's like asking: why do I exist? I don't know.

>> No.22737123



that's a sign if I ever saw one

>> No.22737125

>there are some things in this world that are not funny at all.
not to sane mind anyway

>> No.22737126

Can you post a webm of a woman opening her bookcover herself for literature purposes?

>> No.22737128

Ok, I CAN die sooner, but I don't want to

>> No.22737129

It's called a trace, you must have Thracian ancestry.

>> No.22737140

In what way is it firm? Because I used to feel like that, like I had this immovable place in my heart where Christ was, and which I'd always acknowledge, but now not so much. But it's not completely gone, I'm trying to figure out if I'm either; being a silly evil bastard who's deluding himself in order to seek pleasure free from the consequence of eternal hell, or, just seeing the plain truth that there is no one true religion.

>> No.22737158

Drinkin in the martins parking lot again

>> No.22737160

i don't get it

>> No.22737162

I have read the Upanishads. The earliest are the hardest and longest. I recommend skipping the Brekekekekekek and Chandogya Upanishads and moving on to the easier shorter ones first.

I miss Guenonfag. Is he still here?

>> No.22737164

I don't know about Christ since I'm not a revealed religion person, but on purely rational grounds I believe in God. Thank you German idealism.

>> No.22737168
File: 113 KB, 1125x803, IsHeTheSameFag?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe he is the Kantposter now

>> No.22737171

Revealed religion is actually more rational than rational theology, if you think about it

>> No.22737177

I have thought about it and I don't think so

>> No.22737181

Look it up, they believed their Gods never showed themselves explicitly and their popes were autistic about searching 'traces' everywhere that the Gods had left there to communicate something

>> No.22737189

Do you really think a God with an interest in humanity would just leave us to our own devices, to figure him out by just thinking about it really hard?

>> No.22737192
File: 399 KB, 1280x1280, Hegelisthebest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22737196

>Posts a devout believer in a revealed religion

>> No.22737202

Join a fishing boat or become a male prostitute.
These are the most /lit/ options

>> No.22737203

>The word Thrace, from ancient Greek Thrake (Θρᾴκη), referred originally to the Thracians (ancient Greek Thrakes Θρᾷκες), an ancient people inhabiting Southeast Europe. The name Europe (ancient Greek Εὐρώπη), also at first referred to this region, before that term expanded to include its modern sense. The region could have been named after the principal river there, Hebros, possibly from the Indo-European arg "white river" (the opposite of Vardar, meaning "black river"),

>The name Europe (ancient Greek Εὐρώπη), also at first referred to this region

>The region could have been named after the principal river there, Hebros

holy shit.

>> No.22737209

nope. He was Christian, but not in any orthodox way. He knew God through pure reason.

>> No.22737211

4th time. Not sure why but an orgasm is so much more intense when I'm gasping for breath

>> No.22737216

Oh look it's fucking idiots. Go shit in an alley.


>> No.22737226

>i write poetry in google docs when i feel too much

the constant everything or nothing

-i can’t stand that you’ll never say
-you get my side
-i don’t need your agree
-brother, simply see me

-i can’t be a perfect being
-and neither can you, fool
-your sick little words make me just so damn blue
-get over yourself and just be you

-i hate all the talk
-i hate all the play
-lover, kiss my lips and know it’s true

-i don’t want to be straight
-and now being gay’s overrated
-this is all just so damn over-inflated

-no more more name, no more blame

-hello subtlety
-hello language
-goodbye war and goodbye anguish

>> No.22737227

You can rationally explain Christian theology after the fact, but you can't arrive at it independently

>> No.22737231

"In these lands, a herd needs but a single cowherd's watch. Sure, a man might take to rustling cattle from another, but he oughta be prepared for the bite of a six-shooter. The wiser path? Tend your own fields, labor under the sun, and earn your cattle through sweat and honest toil."
- Chester Fields

>> No.22737264

>you can't arrive at it independently
yes you can, in fact even go beyond and see through its mythology to its pure rational essence which is the same as the essence of all other true religions regardless of their particular culturally contingent garbs. The truth itself is rational-- Christianity is just one mythology-- one massive parable-- to aid weak minds that cannot rationally comprehend it.

>> No.22737278

You just need to find a nice gal to choke you

>> No.22737285

There is no equivalent to Christ in any other religion

>> No.22737304

Can I introduce some errant anons to Silly Wizard?

>> No.22737307

oh boy...

>> No.22737315

Krishna is not like Christ. Buddha is not like Christ. Whatever fake pagan nonsense you have in mind is not like Christ

>> No.22737316

actually, yes-- yes they are in fact.

>> No.22737319

I got a feeling

>> No.22737325

I laugh more at the retards on here than in any other activity in my life.

>> No.22737335

There is just no book that explains the crisis of the 21st century. None. The closest that I've read is Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen but it's still a limited overview because it's written by a conservative with inherent sympathies to liberalism. There is no overarching book describing the broad issues of the world today and why they exist. They all seem to argue from spectrums within these tensions instead of assessing the nature of these tensions. And I just do not understand why no one has written this book yet. There's no modern equivalent to Nietzsche or Marx or Spengler or Adorno or any of these types of people. It's all just pundits, political scientists and grifters.

>> No.22737336

I don't really want to drink anymore but I am afraid to stop. I probably wouldn't die but it would definitely hurt. If I could just go to the ER and get some Librium it would be ok, but I don't know if they'll let me have it if I'm not actively exhibiting withdrawal symptoms. And I'm not going to intentionally stop to induce withdrawal

>> No.22737341

That's because the 21 Century was explained in the 19th Century, just like the 19th Century was explained in the 18th Century. Current writers aren't explaining our Century, but the 22nd and the 23rd Centuries already.

>> No.22737342

Christ is not the only son of God cited in the Bible, there were many.

>> No.22737343

I wish. I asked my last gf to choke me once and she cried when my face went red.

>> No.22737344

Oh boy here we go with The Zeitgeist leftovers

>> No.22737347

Incredibly unconvinced by what you're saying. So then what are the books that describe the 22nd and 23rd centuries? Who are the great intellectuals? I have not seen any.

>> No.22737348
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>> No.22737350

If anything Socrates is more like Christ than those poo peoples figures.

>> No.22737351


>> No.22737352

nick land

>> No.22737358

Your mom

>> No.22737360

What do you think people should do when they feel down about their life and have little hope?

>> No.22737365

It's more complex than that.
For example when Nietzsche writes about the Last Man it could very well apply to people of today even though he said that the Last Man lives far in the future.
When Marx wrote about the class struggle and the following dictatorship of the proletariat it might also as well applied to the current age. When Gobineau wrote about the final hybrid, 1/3 white, 1/3 black, 1/3 Mexican, who he puts into the year 8000 AD, it might also as well apply to the current era.
And all the other sage writers who predicted the final fall of Faustian culture, like Spengler.
See, it was all written in the books of the 19th Century already, the only thing wrong were the dates.

>> No.22737373

I see your point about the 19th century writers but you still didn't answer my question. It seems to me that because we still consult writers from the past few centuries to describe things happening today it means that we currently have no vision of the future or structural innovations which would actually prove someone like Fukuyama correct.

>> No.22737375

Sex is honestly very boring often times. I'm sort of sick of giving women the attention they want, anyway. Our eyes are half their weapons and it's just a ruse to lock us into an already busy life, out of our weak need for companionship and lust. The easiest way to live the freest life is to not lock yourself in, no? Is marriage not just a construct invented by religions, and hasn't existed for as long as it hasn't? I'm sort of happy on my own rn and don't want it to meddle out over time as I age, even though I know I will get older and uglier. Many men are happier with their wives, sure, but so many get divorced or just aren't. I was a mailman for awhile and the amount of child support letters I delivered got to be incredibly depressing. I guess I just don't get it.

>> No.22737378

The year is 2017. Me and my buddies are drinking kraken in my homeboys fucked up Honda in the baseball field parking lot at 3 AM. We are listening to blonde by Frank Ocean. My buddy is leaning out the door and puking and we're all having a good laugh about it. Nothing bad has really happened to me at this point in my life, or maybe it did but I didn't register it. Things didn't get to me back then. I was too busy drinking bad liquor in parking lots with my best friends to ever be sad. My other buddy has just told me an absolutely disgusting anecdote about his sex life, and I think it's the funniest thing I've ever heard

>> No.22737382

Okay this picture is funny but I hope it's not real. Hegelianism is fundamentally Marxist and Gnostic? How the fuck is it Marxist if it predates Marx? And Gnostic? What?

>> No.22737396

Well, technically Fukuyama is correct, about the end of history, the end of the history of the West, and it's slow fall into decadence, or may I say, it's fall into decadence in Goliath steps.

>> No.22737416

Lay down boys and take a nap
Something something something Cumberland gap

>> No.22737431

Thinking about Laura Palmer.

>> No.22737434

Go and have fun

>> No.22737435

Laura Palmer?

>> No.22737439

I want money to buy books, and yarn and to be able to afford visa fees and plane tickets and relatively rundown trips to shitholes that are only luxirious only in the that they are not my shithole. I wanted money so that I wouldnt worry about money. About getting the italian cheese from the grocery store, or a higher gamme liner. I wanted money to splurge on clothes and food in gentrified spots.

I think different people are born with a different penchant to greed, and that that disposition is innate but could be nourished by subsequent circumstance but not curbed. A greedy human born to wealth will never be assuaged by their own assets, and the one varying parameter is that they were already born in stretch beyond the finish line so their longings will be juvenile and commonplace. I say so because the pursuit of money is considered a serious quest no matter the protestations of anyone who wants to pretend we don t actualize the moment we generate enough income to engage in a transaction.

>> No.22737472
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>> No.22737474

hold me now

>> No.22737482

Someone make a new thread

>> No.22737484

I would anon and I wouldn't even feel gay about it

>> No.22737494

I'm so excited to be able to look at porn next month.

>> No.22737514

wish I could

>> No.22737533

Yes, a close friend. Maybe be more specific in your questions, it's a tough subject to talk about. I don't think my opinion changed on them post death but I had known they had been planning it for a while and we talked about it and I helped them write their suicide note so it wasn't really a surprise.

>> No.22737540

You've helped more than one person commit suicide? Fucking monster.

>> No.22737544

I enjoy reading, but whenever I'm reading fiction I have a little voice in the back of my mind telling me that I should be doing something productive, and not wasting my time on such a low value activity. Is this healthy? How can I fix this?

>> No.22737548

Whenever I get drunk I literally start going AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I shoukd stop drinking so much

>> No.22737570

Reading is productive. That voice is an asshole trying to render your work pointless

>> No.22737576

I didn't want to reveal it was a girl.

>> No.22737587

go stack bricks or something you drone

>> No.22737590

peasant mentality

>> No.22737602


>> No.22737609

Funny how?

>> No.22737613

what led you to assist with the note? most blame themselves for not seeing the signs before its too late. i don't want to presume anything but it kinda sounds like you were indifferent to the situation

>> No.22737640

It's about Barbie (the beautiful WASP) stepping down as the eternal feminine ideal and becoming just another woman in a multiracial future. A mortal woman who will die.
It's supposed to groom white women to willingly embrace white genocide as if it were "empowerment".

>> No.22737651

I don't think "my note is shit" would have been any real deterrent from them doing it. They were set on it at this point and while I wouldn't say I had 'given up', I had accepted their decision. I felt it was better to help them put their family at peace somewhat than for them to leave without ever getting across what they feel to their loved ones. Somewhat I felt like it made them more real and their life more meaningful. I don't know, In the moment i didn't really consider it beyond "they are my friend so I will help them when they ask for help, they are going to do it either way", she already had enough people constantly not accepting her decisions in their life. Yeah, somewhat indifferent but I would frame it as accepting, I had tried, I had been in a similar boat 10 years ago, I know of their suffering and while I do think it can and does get better and I told them this, I still don't know if I would have regretted doing it (I know that's logistically not possible lol). There is a lot I can blame myself for but I think I acted honestly and don't have real regrets. Getting over grief is not easy but ultimately you do simply because you have to. First you have to learn that it's not really honoring your lost friend to punish yourself and dwell in grief, it's narcissistic ego stroking. Anyway, I'll quit the blog.

>> No.22737677

I didn't really notice any racial element to the movie. I think you're interpretation is a stretch.
I dislike the film but for different reasons

>> No.22737680

i read you wrong. you sound like a good friend. i hope your friend is in a better place

>> No.22737690

Nta but I've undergone periods of extreme isolation and had a similar experience. Isolation fucks with your mind.
The details are hard to explain if you haven't experienced it.
I am fairly certain i would unintentionally slur my words by talking very slow. Or the opposite talking too fast. Like I'd blend two words together
You also lose your sense of nuance in terms of tone.
For example speaking in a tone that sounds loud abrasive when to youself it sounds normal

>> No.22739147

4chan and the internet are evil. Your case is beyond your control so you should restrict your free will which made ypur life this way. Retaliate against electronics you own and then live without them. You'll get used to it after a while.

>> No.22739164
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