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/lit/ - Literature

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22734820 No.22734820 [Reply] [Original]

how can we be certain that the copies of the books that we buy are not censored or altered? especially translated versions.

>> No.22734829
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>> No.22734873

Read the original as well.

>> No.22734894

how do we know the original is the original and not altered into the agreed version over the years by the publishers ?

>> No.22734896

Are you new to reading?

>> No.22734953

is this a bot post

>> No.22734956

because people will have the copies of the original to compare

>> No.22734967

>how can we be certain that the copies of the books that we buy are not censored or altered?
You can't unless you buy a first edition, make sure it's verified to be real by someone that knows what they are doing, make sure that person is who they say they are, make sure they aren't in cahoots with an external organization with an agenda, make sure the book he examines is the same book you bought and there hasn't been a switch-up, make sure the supposed author of the book actually existed, make sure they actually wrote the book and of course make sure the book existed in the first place.
Welcome to paranoid schizophrenia, friend, you're going to have a terrible time!

>> No.22734995
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>mfw i found out anglos cut shit out from translated books with no mentions
>like completely editing them into unreadable shit where even half of content might be missing

>> No.22735002


>> No.22735023

That’s the funny part, you can’t. When Julio Cortazar, an atheist communist, translated Robinson Crusoe to Spanish, he made sure to remove references to Christianity, including entire passages. This wasn’t really known until a Spanish translator cross-referenced the translation and the original and was so disappointed and angry by what he found that he produced his own uncensored translation.

>> No.22735031

Nigga we don't even have the original works of Greeks. In some cases we have to re-create their works using other works that critiqued them. So who knows what parts were selected for critique and what parts were skipped

>> No.22735035

In the same way, you know 99% of the things you know. You trust experts. This is unfortunate because experts are often untrustworthy but it is the only method quick enough to do for every book you read.

>> No.22735210

unironically reasonable. It is the normies who are crazy.

>> No.22735287
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that's the least part of the problem, how do you know glowies or shadow people aren't manually replacing words in your books when you are asleep?

>> No.22735351

Have you seen Dark City?

>> No.22735356

>translated versions.
are by definition altered

>> No.22735380

this. furthermore anything run by an editor is by definition altered. I only read unedited manuscripts now.

>> No.22735789

The only thing you can be certain of is that they are altered. Especially translated versions. I don't get how you can ask such a naive question. Christfags been doing it for ages. Do you think people hunt copies of first editions and learn authors languages just because they have nothing better to do?

>> No.22735796

that's a nice one anon