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22724590 No.22724590 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the decline and fall of American community?

>> No.22724599

Communities are still there and doing fine. It is the individual’s problem if he doesn’t fit in anywhere and he is too stubborn to fix himself or too dumb to even realize he is the problem

>> No.22724739
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>> No.22724743

Like materialism, consumerism and socialism, transnationalism suffers from the same fatal flaw. It feeds the body and starves the soul. And eventually bored people hear the old calls again.

>> No.22724750

A cabal of polemicists and public officials seek to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America’s interests.

When asked: Why were you against the war in Iraq?

>> No.22724766

2000 people. Lol. Nothing can be extrapolated from such a small number. Just because you don’t have friends doesn’t mean it’s the same for others

>> No.22724789

General rule of thumb is that any random study with more than 30 observations should display a normal distribution.

>> No.22724793


>> No.22725072

Oh shiddd he got the data!

The Presence of the Past by Sheldon Wolin and/or Undoing the Demos by Wendy Brown

>> No.22725080

in the book he isn't even talking about people bowling alone, by themselves. he is talking about a decline in bowling league memberships and more people bowling with friends. it's false advertising.

>> No.22725088

Lasch is basically exactly what you're looking for. I don't think anybody is a better commentator on "the decline and fall of American community" than he. Culture of Narcissism is okay (minus the Freudian bits) but True and Only Heaven and Revolt of the Elites are incredible. Great historian (especially in True and Only Heaven, but really everywhere) and great social critic.

>> No.22725090

It's more that communities now are more niche and are aimed at increasingly specific demographics. It also doesn't help that everything takes place online now and so the true human connection is missing. Like, rather than having a local bowling league, there's now just a Discord server for people who like bowling and are also physically disabled and genderfluid.

>> No.22725094

Was it ever better?

>> No.22725114

Read Bowling alone

>> No.22725115


>> No.22725127

Go to a popular hangout on the weekend or walk around the closest city. People still gather and interact in person

>> No.22725486

What does that have to do with community?

>> No.22725492

I like him way more than Fisher. Fisher was an arrogant Trotskyite cum guzzler

>> No.22725884

There's a church up the road that would lovebl to have you join them.

>> No.22726145
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When your communities look like this it's no wonder people have become less connected

>> No.22726196

This is not true.. Number N of trials required for a normal distribution is relative to the variance of the distribution itself.. Yes, ~30 stocks would have a lognormal distribution. But 30 dice rolls would regularly be heavily skewed

>> No.22726230

Lebedoff's The New Elite had some interesting perspectives on the decline of a civically self-aware, self-governing class and its replacement by credentialed coastal elite retards

>> No.22726390

>either mainline and filled with lgbt and liberal hedonism
>or evangelical and retarded megachurch rockstar

>> No.22726461
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>American Low Church
>Blacks screaming during service
>Biblical literalism
>Wild and feral minority children running around
>In a rough area
>Service is barely about the bible
>Fat preacher drives away in a BMW
>Congregation believes it is a reward from god

>> No.22726510

What is wrong with the individual in that case though? What could have caused his condition in the first place? You could say that you are sustained by the people around you though you might not notice it.

>> No.22726529

Mostly television (and now internet) and the comforts of modern living spaces basically annihilating the need for one to go interact with people, especially people they don’t necessarily like and thus reduce the need/desire/ability to compromise and cooperate with your “neighbors”

Look at how many young men choose to live isolated hedonistic lives simply because it’s easier to do so than engage in a hostile, atomizing society. I don’t blame them for taking the path of least resistance. Yet paradoxically, this societal hostility can only be conquered by going out of one’s comfort zone and putting up with inconvenient people for the sake of preserving community

>> No.22726647

Sometimes I think people have gotten more particular about what they consider a "close" friendship, and that can go a long way towards explaining shit like this

>> No.22726661

Like these fuckin guys. They're offered a possible solution and they don't even bother trying it, they just come up with all these reasons it won't work anyway. Everyone wants to live in an Amazon world: exactly what you want, delivered directly to you with a minimal wait, and you can piss and moan for basically any reason and get your money back

>> No.22726666

>itt chuds and social failures rationalize their alienation

It’s no one else’s fault if you’re an unlikeable person with poor social skills

>> No.22726692

Quads of truth

>> No.22726693

Or guys like this. When given an example of how they could start building community, it's never enough. They say it's more than just people in proximity to each other with shared values and interests, but won't ever say what it actually is. Anything to avoid talking to people

>> No.22726706

I tried going to three different churches, but they never panned out. They had almost no young adults, and the few that were there were still smartphone addicted narcissists who didn't have any hobbies or interests.

>> No.22726722

>the few that were there were still smartphone addicted narcissists who didn't have any hobbies or interests
Did you actually spend any time with them or was that just your snap judgement after learning they had instagram accounts?

>> No.22726725

ironically the exact sentiment you're expressing proves the point
>could it be possible to be negatively affected by society? no, it's entirely your fault and you are personally a failure if you think otherwise

>> No.22726730

Then how are most people well adjusted, have friend groups, relationships with the opposite sex?

>> No.22726734

Retards say this about literally any number when they disagree with the results of a study. 2000 is plenty.

>> No.22726921

They increasingly don't

>> No.22726925

community's are inherently communistic and must be replaced by radical, rugged individualists.

>> No.22726965

Literally everyone I know has friends and and a romantic life to some extent. If someone is a shut in perhaps they should try to get out more. Lol at anons expecting to make friends and form bonds after meeting someone a couple times, like the I went to 3 different church fag.

>> No.22727058

Jesus Christ. I dont know why I even go on Goodreads. I went to read reviews of some of his books and half way through reading this long ass review it turns into a four paragraph rant against Trump

>> No.22727081

>Literally everyone I know has friends and and a romantic life to some extent.
Then you must be right

>> No.22727114

>Oh shiddd he got the data!
When you can't refute, ridicule.

>> No.22727137

>Everyone wants to live in an Amazon world: exactly what you want, delivered directly to you with a minimal wait, and you can piss and moan for basically any reason and get your money back
whats wrong with this
>provide "solution" with tons of holes in it that wont work
>get mad when people demand better

>> No.22727155

Yeah. Say what you will about Trump but for me his lasting contribution is his capacity to get supposedly mild-mannered, intelligent, and "loving" people to have emotionally unhinged meltdowns at the slightest perceived provocation or reference. I think Trump would've been far too brash and mendacious for Lasch but Lasch's positive use of the word "populism" is enough to spawn some negative reviews about his books that probably talk more about Trump than they do the book

>> No.22727161

Lowwit response

>> No.22727171

Wow anon you sound like such a nice person, wanna be my friend?

>> No.22727173

Absolute facts. Those excluded from society even without having negative health or economic hardships deserver to be excluded.

>> No.22727178

>local incel demands better
Do you think making demands on 4chan will cure your kisslesshuglessness?

>> No.22727216

It may be tough for some anons to handle but they are superfluous men. In ye olden days the undesirable men were culled off by war and disease. Now they live and bitch on the interwebz

>> No.22727303

Rural midwestern American is hell. I don’t know how people do it. I lived in nowhere Oklahoma from birth until college. I now live in a comfy coastal city. As a kid, there was nothing to do, the food sucked, culture was nonexistent, nobody had any ambition beyond just going to work then coming home a drinking. In the city, you’ve got people like that, sure, but you’ve always got huge pockets of culture, amazing food, and anything you want to do can be done with a dozen people who are motivated to do the same. I think the only benefit of small towns is that random people you don’t know are often nicer than strangers in a city. That just leads to people who can’t fathom having a negative interaction in public without pussing out and planning to move, though. Rural midwestern Americans talk a big game, but they’re stuck there. Whether it’s because of money or mindset, few people choose that life when given an earnest choice.

>> No.22727365


>> No.22727391

>how are most people well adjusted
most people spend all their time on their smartphones. I wouldn't call this "well adjusted".
>have friend groups
they have "buddies" and "bros", but they don't have true friends
>relationships with the opposite sex?
They're sluts.

>> No.22727478
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I want to live in a walkable village or small town that is largely self sufficient where every is White european decended and we don't have to worry about politics and taxes beyond the 10% of gross.

>> No.22727521

Civic life is so fucking busted in this country that morons like this don't even know what they are, and that communities used to really exist. When the word "community" enters her tiny brain what comes to mind is probably "fandom." Pathetic.

>> No.22727573
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>I went out for cheap drinks with some friends at Applebee's just the other week. It was packed! What do you mean there's no community anymore?

>> No.22727596

>whats wrong with this
Real community requires compromise and always has

>> No.22727600

>they have "buddies" and "bros", but they don't have true friends
Why aren't they? What is true friendship to you?

>> No.22727605

>unlike going to applebee's on friday night, going bowling is trve community!

>> No.22727638

learn to greentext

>> No.22727644

no you, you fucking old piece of shit. stop making these threads, no one under 50 gives a shit about the fucking elk's lodge or whatever.

>> No.22727652

I agree you should put me in a concentration camp

>> No.22727658

i'm younger than you and I'm more successful than you

>> No.22727662

making boomers cry is mean.

>> No.22727670

dude just look at the threads you make. christopher lasch? bowling alone? that says it all.

>> No.22727677

are you a schizophrenic? I'm not OP, I'm just not a moron like you.

>> No.22727686

right, that's why you weep over the local bowling alley closing and the moose lodge membership declining because you're so young and successful.

>> No.22727689

Who cares? Why are you guys throwing your lives away worrying about blacks? Have you just drank too much koolaid

>> No.22727696

I've never even seen an elk's lodge—i live in NYC because I'm better than you but I'm not stupid enough to believe it's a good thing that the country's civic life has been carved out. Middling, narcissistic garbage like you don't deserve a vote.

>> No.22727710

>He saw the Order as a way to provide a social safety net for a working class membership, using a low annual membership fee of $10–$15 (equivalent to $330–$490 in 2022).
gee did putnam ever think maybe these organizations started to decline because everyone has social security now? i'm not reading that shitty book, but it shouldn't be a surprise membership dropped off after the johnson admin expanded social security.

>> No.22727720

i too live in nyc. the only reason you'd find a lack of community here is because you're a transplant from some awful flyover dump. feel free to go back and join the local bowling league.

>> No.22727736

>because you're so young and successfu
>muh youth
>muh $$$
Believe it or not some people care things beyond money and looks

>> No.22727740

Disgusting NY scum, typical. Your way of life is dead because it was only ever parasitic on real communities and real human beings. Enjoy your rat-filled shithole full of schizos pissing themselves and beating old women. I know you won't because you are one of the trust fund babies who will go fly somewhere else and begin ruining that too, as soon as not even your daddy's money can keep your lifestyle tolerable anymore. I pray that you will be forced by some government or unexpected circumstances to stay in the places your worldview created, until the rats and schizos consume you.

>> No.22727748

who says I personally have lack of community in NYC? I was born and raised here. Don't even begin to tell me that you're reasoning through societal dia/prognosis from personal anecdote alone HOLY SHIT it turns out you're below mid.

Trying reading one of the books being discussed in this thread for once, ya stupid oakie.

>> No.22727750

tell it to this guy then dummy


>> No.22727760

>don't worry about your society goyim now accept 1 million more refugees

>> No.22727762

who wouldn't want to join a bowling league with such nice old boomers?

>> No.22727772

>Kings County

the only "lodge" I ever made note of passing was the masonic temple

>> No.22727776

Coming apart Charles Murray

Primal screams Mary Eberstadt

>> No.22727801

step your larp game up goofy

>> No.22727831

Manhattan is NYC. That's it. cope harder

>> No.22727882

Are you 15 or something? Why do you have such an irrationally negative outlook on peoples’ social lives, anon?

>> No.22727933

sounds like you're gay and want a bf

>> No.22728013

You’ve got holes in your brain. Get well soon.

>> No.22728019
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>> No.22728060

Okay. So what does your realistic ideal community look like that you yearn for?

>in b4 no blacks or browns

>> No.22728095

Okay. So what is 2+2?
>in b4 4

>> No.22728140

Anon, I hate to break it to you but your social life isn’t bad because of blacks and browns. Time to grow up

>> No.22728156

On the contrary, Dante, in Canto XVI of Paradiso, writes
>Ever the intermingling of the people
>Has been the source of malady in cities,
>As in the body food it surfeits on.
Since Dante is the greatest writer of all time, I defer to his expertise.

>> No.22728179


>> No.22728185

>anime pfp

>> No.22728189


>> No.22728191

Move to Iceland/Albania/Belarus/Poland. Simple as. Your ideal community already exists.

>> No.22728211

Dante’s historical image and reputation is one of willing stubbornness. He embraced being in self exile and such forced aloneness. He certainly isn’t the writer to look towards when one wants to be social and talk about community.

>> No.22728219

Confidently doubling down on a cope doesn’t make it suddenly stop being a cope.

>> No.22728231

It wasn't a cope to begin with

>> No.22728237

In case of Belarus or Albania it's even dirt cheap.

>> No.22728243

Any books about global culture and the death of national identity?

>> No.22728248

>self exile
You're retarded. He was forced into exile, and before that, he was very active in Florentine politics. He cared very much for the community and society.

>> No.22728277


>> No.22728281


>> No.22728287

More Whites have been killed by blacks since desegregation than American GIs died in WWI. This has effected my family and closed friends personally.

We have studies showing the more diverse a community the less social trust exists not only between our groups but also within a racial group (due to rightful fear of betrayal, we are dictated by genes competing for resources at the level of group selection)

White genocide has progressed to a point where Whites were even denied Covid “medicine” before nonwhites, not to mention the time we tried to pool resources via scholarships and were shut down due to being ‘racist white supremacists’ putting us at a distinct disadvantage compared to every other group which is encouraged to collaborate. Merely a microcosm of the macro situation we are faced with.

Communities are actually being targeted for being “too white” by POTUS even during Obama’s term and after by various NGOs etc. of course we cannot protect against this because we are legally second class citizens compared to “protected groups”.

Btw I’m NTA this is my first and last post. Was just gletting tired of the cruel gaslighting going on in this thread. Just remember when the worm turns what it is you stood for, fucking Antiwhite creeps.

>> No.22728299

You don’t have friends because you’re boring and autistic. Blacks have nothing to do with it, man.

>> No.22728331

>due to rightful fear of betrayal, we are dictated by genes competing for resources at the level of group selection
How many blacks have been killed by blacks? Are uniformly black communities rich in social trust?

>> No.22728359

>you're boring and autistic
[citation needed]

>> No.22728392

What happened in 1315?

>> No.22728400

>”empirically demonstrate I’m boring and autistic”
>quotes Dante out of nowhere in response to being called a friendless fag

>> No.22728475

You're welcome to find a passage in the Divine Comedy that proves I'm boring and autistic

>> No.22728503

>ugh we're back to 2018
this anime pfp is so far up her own ass it's comical

>> No.22728555

I think young people cannot even imagine how much things have changed in our culture. Before smartphones were widely adopted, it was a perfectly normal to start conversations with strangers if you were waiting in line, or for class, or in an elevator, etc. Most people didn't have devices to stare at and the silence would be broken by chatting with someone. Nowadays when I see strangers have a conversation it's always middle aged people, but even this age group is far more socially restrained now. Young people appear to me to have no concept of actually "being with" strangers, if they don't know each other they pull out their phones and behave as if they were completely alone.

>inb4 some zoomer cries about how they're not like that
Obviously I'm generalizing.

>> No.22728684
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>> No.22728747

updoot, my guy!

>> No.22728781
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here, enjoy some wisdom from someone who actually accomplished something in life and not some terminally online twitter cuck real proud of his AP Euro-tier grasp of nouns.

Hey... mercantilism btw... edict of worms, eli whitney, battle of midway—take that, chud!

>> No.22728980

You’re welcome to go outside even if there are blacks, faggot.

>> No.22728994

No thanks. I don't want to get mugged.

>> No.22729096
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Boring and autistic.

>> No.22729111

You’re both welcome to dez nuts

>> No.22729129

Then why haven't you moved to San Marino you fucking mong

>> No.22729138

>whats wrong with this
Atomization is the price you pay for convenience.

You literally can't have it both ways because a strong social fabric requires the ability to amicably and regularly interact with inconvenient people in situations that you would may find uncomfortable

Said ability is cultivated only through actively choosing to do so

>> No.22729159

No one asked for any of your faggotry. You also are welcome to dez nuts

>> No.22729175

4chan is upstream of nearly all internet culture and further, popular culture in general and has an excellent track record of “being ahead of the times” dating back to it’s very inception.
By complaining on 4channel dot org, Anon creates a consensus of discontent which hopefully becomes strong enough to pass along to the next, bigger social group until like a parasite hopping from host to host it becomes an issue with enough force and history to be discussed and debated in the venerated halls of powers that govern us.
Whining on 4chan is possibly the most influential thing most people could ever hope to do and is far more impactful than any one day of activism.

>> No.22729183

That’s why I primarily am privately Christian

>> No.22729189

Travel is a luxury for wealthy people. I am below the poverty belt

>> No.22729203

What has 4channel accomplished in pop culture?

>> No.22729210

It's actually entertaining and schizophrenic

>> No.22729213

It’s the first place on earth that machines talked to one another

>> No.22729254

its where all your influencers who "create" "your" "popular" "culture" steal their memes from.

>> No.22729257

You asked and I answered

>> No.22729273

Memes are nothing. If you put any value in memes you are a retard

>> No.22729313

memes are molecules of cultuh

>> No.22729418
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>Memes are nothing

>> No.22729662

books that talk about this?

>> No.22729681

I can't make myself believe.

>> No.22729973
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Nah, you're just lazy

>> No.22729977

You use the word culture as if it were a commodity

>> No.22729980

This, it's because of progressives

>> No.22731048

The scale of that settlement and a modern city, as well as the density, the principles of design. They're all totally different. This is a bad faith response. Kill yourself.

>> No.22732286
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>> No.22732308

well then continue wasting away the hours of your pathetic life

>> No.22732330
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i will achieve my true will

>> No.22732334

black and white photography

>> No.22732342
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>he got mad

>> No.22732351


>> No.22732353
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>> No.22732354

rape is not a swear

>> No.22732359

you'd better calm down bro. take a screen break

>> No.22732384

You don't need books to figure this out. Just look around.
Wokeness, minorities becoming majorities in voice, political divide, etc., and of course, social media and the internet at large peddling all of this agenda.

>> No.22732399
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>> No.22732403

how many variations of this ten year old meme do you have saved, anyway?

>> No.22732409
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>> No.22732553

It gets worse. The foreword to my copy of Culture of Narcissism was written in 2018 and is just pages of TDS. I’ve never read a foreword that aged so poorly, so quickly. Embarrassing.

>> No.22732556

Tell that to someone who had not one but two exes fuck niggers behind his back. I’m pretty sure my life would be a lot better if that didn’t happen.

>> No.22732666

Being a boring, reclusive person won't change if you live in the suburbs or not. Besides, tell me how that means people are "disconnected" more than other areas without using Reddit buzzwords.

>> No.22732668

Kek. You either choose poorly or are overtly racist. Outside of white trash, it’s always a girl getting back at her racist dad or boyfriend

>> No.22732931

This. America is about the individual. If you fail to find what you want then it is your own fault.
Stop blaming other people, or you will become a leftist (Commie or Fash, makes no difference, both a gay and unamerican).

Take some responsibility for your life.

>> No.22732979

Men don’t actually choose their partners, if you really want to know. Ultimately it’s up to the girl whether you have sex or not. And racism is just a buzzword used by black people. Get real.

>> No.22733012

I can't believe I only realized this recently but racism is such a meaningless nonsense term. It's like some kind of Soviet psyop term that you read about on wikipedia and go "why did retards actually believe this?"

What does it even mean? To believe races are real? But everybody does that, including blacks. To believe some groups are smarter than other groups? But that is scientifically proven. To believe that some groups should be in charge? But a lot of famous racists never believed that. To want racial "purity"? But a lot of minority groups want that and it's a completely normal thing to want - who wants a distinct group with its unique form of beauty and unique traditions to be diluted and dissolved?

Racism is a shifting term that samples from all these meanings but ultimately rests on none of them. It really only makes sense once you see that ANTI-racism is the primary term, and anti-racism is really just anti-white racism, a religion and worldview in which whites must be perpetually grovelling to non-whites and are the universal scapegoats of all problems. Only this explains why "racism" is permissible as long as non-whites are doing it.

But somehow my reflexes and instincts, if I don't deliberately hold them back, still want to think "racist" is a meaningful term. It's deliberately meaningless and shifting.

>> No.22733018

I believe Trotsky was the first to use the term, ironically enough.

>> No.22733019
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>> No.22733070

t. not part of any community