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File: 192 KB, 505x768, Adolf_Hitler_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22727757 No.22727757 [Reply] [Original]

>If you ever feel you can not do anything , remember that a homeless man took half of Europe and a big portion of Russia .
Here is the link to the best book on Adolf Hitler and nazi in general you will ever read it .

>> No.22727765
File: 376 KB, 1079x1076, 1700238951006455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did Wotan decide to incarnate with such a specific mustache type?

>> No.22727859
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>> No.22727904

OP here. To clarify, I hate him obviously

>> No.22728642

finished it a week ago, very enjoyable read together with mein kampf gives you a very clear picture of Adolf and his greatest aspirations

>> No.22728876

why? he had faults sure, and the stress of the war brought them out, but all in all he was a good person that meant well

>> No.22728895

This is the centrist position.

>> No.22728902

Yeah the center of my ass

>> No.22728942

>To clarify, I hate him obviously
>the obligatory footnote after each 3 pages in any biography of Hitler or translation of Mein Kampf

>> No.22728954

>reading history of minor agrarian party in bulgaria
>"...and in that year, Hitler, STINKARD as he was, FOUL, RETARDED HITLER[63], MY WORD, WHAT A NIGGER THAT HITLER WAS!!!, SAVAGE, BRUTAL, SMELLY, RETARDED HITLER signed the corn treaty into existence, which effected Bulgaria in the following ways.."

>> No.22728977
File: 9 KB, 250x202, 1676106104153601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successfully commits genocide

no matter your misgivings about jews, gypsies, or gays, systematic murder requires a level of callousness and slavery to emotion that one does not find in a "good" person, never mind someone great.

>inb4 he did more than you ever will
No one can deny his achievements, but one can criticize his motivations and their ridiculous nature. Did he actually believe that killing a massive amount of individuals would somehow benefit an already decrepit country?

>> No.22728981
File: 58 KB, 285x285, 1682744333100240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22729002

Is Mein Kampf actually shit and unreadable like people claim it is? Just purely literary, is it actually good?

>> No.22729021
File: 49 KB, 650x850, max-stirner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22729028

It's a bit rambling and boring.

>> No.22729038

Many repetitions, but overall has good ideas and political advice, like :
Generally, a man should not be active in public politics under the age of thirty unless he is of
extraordinary talent. The reason is obviously that before that age, he has been building a
general platform from which he can examine the various political problems and build his
own beliefs. Only after he has established a fundamental World-Concept and has stabilized
his own way of looking at the individual questions of the day, should the man who is at least
achieved an inner maturity be allowed to guide the community politically.
Otherwise, he is in danger of either changing his previous positions on fundamental
questions once he realizes he was wrong or clinging to a view which he no longer supports
or may even be against. This will make it politically difficult for his followers to maintain
their faith in him. Their old unshakable solid belief will be upset because he now appears to
be undecided himself. To followers, such an about-face of their leader, means complete
confusion in addition to their feeling of shame in front of those they have previously
attacked over the issue. The second alternative brings about a result which is particularly
common today. The leader continues to publicly claim he believes in what he had previously
said. He then becomes more hollow and superficial and eventually becomes more corrupt.
He no longer dreams of working seriously for his political ideals; no one dies for something
he does not himself believe in, and his demands upon his followers grow greater and more
shameless to compensate for his own insincerity until at last he sacrifices his remaining
fragment of leadership and begins to play the political game for the sake of politics alone.
He has joined that class of people whose only real conviction is absence of conviction
coupled with a bold and shamelessly well-developed skill at lying. Unfortunately for decent
people, if such a fellow moves into big government, the essence of his politics is limited to a
heroic battle for permanent possession of his position to maintain his political life for
himself and his family. The more his wife and children cling to him, the more stubbornly he
will fight for his seat. If only for this reason, he is the personal enemy of every other man
with political instincts. In every new political movement he senses the possible beginning of
his end. In every greater man he senses a danger which may threaten him. I will have more
to say about this sort of Parliament (bed)bug later.

>> No.22729050

Even a man who is thirty years old will have much to learn in his life, but what he learns will merely fill out and complete the picture which his fundamental World-Concept presents to him. His learning will be more than a mere relearning of principles. It will mean learning more, understanding better. His followers will not have to choke down the uneasy feeling that up to this time he has misled them on some matter. On the contrary, the visible organic growth of the leader will give them satisfaction since his learning seems to be the deepening of their own doctrine. In their eyes, this is an argument that proves the truth of their views.

>> No.22729053

A leader who has to abandon the platform of his World-Concept because he realizes it is mistaken is honorable if he admits his view was faulty and is ready to correct his conclusions. He must then give up any further public political activity as well. Since he has already fallen victim to error once in building his fundamentals, the possibility of a second lapse is always present. He has no right to ask for, let alone demand, the confidence of his fellow citizens.

>> No.22729067
File: 84 KB, 443x472, 1581931347646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand the whole "epic conqueror great man" mindset that somehow shines a positive light on "taking half of Europe and a big portion of Russia" just for the sake of it, consequences be damned.

its even more perverse in the context of Hitler who is lauded as a man who "loved his people", but who ultimately treated his people as a vague abstraction and forced them into a meat grinder of industrial war to fulfill his own ambitions, and completely destroyed them.

for all the talk about how much he loved his people, what really mattered to him seems to be pure superficial vanity, and the fate of the german people was ultimately sealed by a chapter in mein kampf, where he goes on about how a policy of aggressive expansionism in continental Europe is needed to make Germany great, in the age of industrial warfare of all times, and also where he specifies that not even a return of all german territory will satisfy him

there comes a point where it becomes obvious that real flesh and blood people were a secondary concern, and this vague notion of greatness was just a big vanity project to ti satisfy the pride and ego of a few ideologues who completely lost the plot.

>> No.22729069

You seem knowledgable.. so is it good? Also which translation would you recommend? I do speak Dutch but i would prefer to read it in English since i'm trying to completely switch to the English language with everything i'm doing, but if all English translations are shit i'll read it in Dutch

>> No.22729078

That was the culture at the time. Hitler himself was a great man worshipper who looked visibly touched during his visit to Napoleon's grave. The consequences of this mindset were disastrous.

>> No.22729092

I have recently become convinced that the holocaust was only a few hundred thousand or at most under a million Jews, and it was mostly unintentional and unsystematic.

>> No.22729098

The Ford translation is good, although it does not provide any precise history on Hitler, it just gets to the point which is why i like it. As for wether it's *good*, i did not read it completely so i can't say

>> No.22729191

not anymore than the amount of german civillians killed too

>> No.22729197

>If you ever feel you can not do anything , remember that a homeless man took half of Europe and a big portion of Russia
Traddies eternally btfo, aristocrats of the soul don't come from inbred xtians
It's fine, but clearly very personal. If you wanna get the 'ideology' don't look there. That's retarded anyways though.
>there comes a point where it becomes obvious that real flesh and blood people were a secondary concern, and this vague notion of greatness was just a big vanity project to ti satisfy the pride and ego of a few ideologues who completely lost the plot.
Those flesh and blood people supported it and agreed with him. Hitler didn't invent the German desire for greatness. He simply put it into political reality. A million other Germans would've willingly done the same.
And he was right- they did need to. The west today needs to too, even if NATO won't admit it.

>> No.22729225

>and he was right

clearly he fucking wasn't given that another world war was the logical conclusion of aggressive expansionism in Europe, and that did worse than nothing for germany

he was clearly really wrong. like, "worst geopolitical blunder in human history" levels of wrong

>> No.22729243

>he was clearly really wrong. like, "worst geopolitical blunder in human history" levels of wrong
Your premises imply his whole project was the blunder. That's not true. I agree with your statement though; the worst geopolitical blunder in human history was a collection of cockblockings Hitler did with his generals that could've won the war if he wasn't focused on pursuing some romantic LARP. They should've taken the Suez after Cyrpus, the USSR wasn't ready and it was already too late in the year.

>> No.22729531

>zee Führer
>single-handedly destroys 12 army groups on the Eastern Front by consistently insisting on the worst strategical and tactical decisions ever recorded in the history of warfare despite massive opposition from every one of his generals whom he ignored.
He literally destroyed nazi military capability, and then eventually killed Hitler himself, along with turning nazism into the most hated and villified ideology of all time, subscribed to only by the most abject contrarian losers today.
Based as fuck, honestly.

>> No.22729664

You're actually right, National Socialism solves so many problems people seem to have these days, if Hitler wasn't such a hated figure if he died at any point before shit went south i'm pretty certain National Socialism would still be huge

>> No.22729785

That's an extreme understatement. Look at a map of Nazi Germany in its prime time.

>> No.22729788

That wasn't his doing. That was Himmler.

>> No.22729893

This isn't more David Irving shit, is it?

>> No.22730120
File: 147 KB, 1600x1144, Berlin in 1945 4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah

>> No.22731340
File: 187 KB, 1130x847, kwadratowe-koloseum-Rome-5b87c1c866a50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler and the NSDAP made strategic and diplomatic errors, the consequences of which are of course deeply unfortunate. The ideology is vilified, certainly. But the influence that National Socialism and fascism more broadly exert on the postwar world can't really be overstated. All politics takes place in its shadow; the strongest empire in the world actively kneecaps and destroys itself as we speak, purely to spite the ghost of National Socialism and those who espoused it.

I don't think that, at this point, it is truly be the most hated throughout the entire world, if it ever was. If you asked someone outside of America, Israel, and its closest clients what ideology they hate most, they would probably say they hate American liberalism. Even most Americans hate the American regime. It is not National Socialism that's universally despised, but its inversion. Does this mean that as America dies we'll see the return of National Socialism, exactly as we saw in Europe in the interwar period? Certainly not. But I think something more like NS than unlike it will be the ultimate victor in the present crisis, which is cause for celebration.

>> No.22731354

>how can i demoralize my opponents
>i know, i'll post heroic and tragic pictures of them fighting for what they believed in and dying
>lmao if you were so right, why would i be able to disgrace your corpse like this???
Truly a sickening view of morality

>> No.22731381
File: 92 KB, 1024x668, Aterrizaje_en_la_playa_de_la_Concha_del_bombardero_modelo_Heinkel_111_que_venia_directamente_desde_Noruega_de_Leon_Degrelle_piloto_belga_y_cabeza_del_partido_nazi_en_Belgica_en_la_Segunda._1_de_5_-_Fondo_Car-Kutxa_Fototeka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand it. Sometimes they'll also post pictures of Mussolini and some of his officials being strung up, and I always think about how one of the people in that picture is Nicola Bombacci, a communist who believed so ardently in fascism as a perfected socialism that he stayed with Mussolini until the end.

Do I wish Europe had won, certainly. But its defeat, in historical perspective, is not demoralizing but tragic: SS Charlemagne fighting to the end in Berlin, Degrelle making an insane flight for Spain and only just making it over the border, Franco and Peron and the Arab states taking refugees in and shielding them from the victorious enemy. Am I supposed to think poorly of these people, laugh at them for struggling against the odds?

It reminds me of the quote about Jews that they're sniveling in defeat and cruel in victory.

>> No.22731389

Right wingers do the same thing when they win, dude. Don't be delusional.

>> No.22731404

Not him but first of all that is tu quoque, and second, I have personally witnessed more honor on the right wing side lately.

>> No.22731414

Confirmation bias because you're right wing yourself. Modern right wingers generally oscilliate between whining and genocidal fantasies, often in the same person.

>> No.22731435

Evola is usually considered the most right wing man of all time and called himself a "superfascist" and he was explicitly against genocide, racism, and frankly bullying of any kind. He was a moderate and moderating voice in fascist policy-making both on the Jewish question and on the racial issue. After the war he praised the Israelis for showing such martial prowess. He praised the Nazis despite disagreeing with much of what they were doing for showcasing such excellence and health, and he praised the fighters of the Italian Social Republic for standing and fighting with Mussolini even though he disagreed with their further straying away from his ideal of fascism by reemphasizing the socialist element. Meanwhile he sometimes criticized Italians harshly for being a bunch of layabout retards. He seems to have been a genuinely nice man and never gave into extremist or hateful tendencies, even at the height of war.

There are many examples like this. Of course, retarded skinheads and Stalinist trannies will always be annoying but they are simply teenagers acting out their angst.

>> No.22731441

I'm not so sure. I think it's a particularly Jewish and liberal thing, not even a left or right thing. I see partisans of the American side in the Ukrainian war relish videos of dead Russians, gloat about dead ziggers and so on; I see relatively less of it from partisans of the Russian side. Anglo-American WWII propaganda seems to me to be particularly bloodthirsty in a way that I see less of in Axis propaganda. American war propaganda in the late twentieth and very early twenty-first century was likewise borderline genocidal toward the enemy, which is notionally a "right wing" cause.

This is not to say that the Russians or the Axis do not and did not commit atrocities, let alone simply kill soldiers. It's only to say that I can hardly imagine those factions making light of the atomic bombings, or singing "napalm sticks to kids."

I fully admit that I enjoy seeing Jews in the present Palestinian conflict die, but I have never been able to take pleasure in the deaths of Ukrainians, nor in the casualties inflicted on the Allies by the Axis. I would not consider myself right-wing because I do not think of fascism as a right-wing ideology, but that's mostly a quibble.

>> No.22731454

I take a little joy in the Jews getting their comeuppance in Gaza but it's in a fairly impersonal way. I go out of my way to avoid videos and I really think it's horrible karma to do stuff like stomp or piss on the corpses of your enemies. I always found that strange. War is hell and that could just as easily be you tomorrow, so is that what you want war to be? A gay sadism thing where everybody gets their appointed day to piss on a corpse and then their appointed day to be a pissed on corpse?

I think there's something world-historically significant about the fact that Europeans invented rules of war and literally imposed them on the entire fucking planet. Imagine going from ancient war being a complete free for all to "listen EVERYBODY ON THIS ENTIRE CELESTIAL BODY, if you do any of that weird pissing on people stuff, we're going to kill you, and we won't even piss on you afterwards." That shows the greatness of Europeans and why Europe's destiny was probably to lead humanity and unite the earth, at least for a little while until the other races got up to speed.

Now I think we need to do the same thing but in a pluralist framework. The best and brightest of all nations (maybe even the Jews), except Africa so far, are capable at operating at European levels of cognition:
Evola describes this process perfectly in the Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race. Basically, we're all internally aryanizing. We just need the best in each world-historical civilization at the helm.

>> No.22731483

Yeah, I suppose so, now that you say it. I like seeing Israel get its nose bloodied and hope their world-system collapses around them, but I don't necessarily want to see their soldiers' corpses defiled or innocent people (to the extent a Zionist can be innocent) harmed. I don't look at stuff like that.

I also feel the same way about other cultures, sort of. In the early 20th century only Japan had really been able to stand on its own merits with Europe. Now there are more peoples like that and I don't begrudge them that, I think it's nothing but positive. Thanks for the article, I'll give it a read.

>> No.22731492

>I fully admit that I enjoy seeing Jews in the present Palestinian conflict.
Yeah and leftoid trannies see you as you see Jews, so you're the same after all.

>> No.22731525

Maybe. Maybe my viciousness toward the Jews is a character flaw and I should regard them only as a political enemy to be neutralized. I can also say truthfully I've never taken pleasure in those photos of typhus victims that people try to pass off as evidence of the supposed Holocaust, or in the thought of the Einsatzgruppen burning villages in reprisal for terrorist actions. Liberals and Jews certainly do take pleasure in the firebombing of Dresden, meanwhile.

I think the universalizing aspirations of Jewish liberalism lead it to dehumanize far more people in the way we're discussing. If I'm guilty of such a vice, or fascism broadly is, I can say truthfully that it's much more circumscribed.

>> No.22731631

Hitler himself was a sadist who had his underlings make a snuff tape of von Roenne's execution for his personal enjoyment.

>> No.22731645

I don't really find allegations like that compelling. You might as well tell me that Buchenwald manufactured Jewish soap or that Hitler had a scat fetish. Do you have anything to say about the general point being made?

>> No.22731653

if it's not the country it's the regionalism
if you can't just voice Hitler to score an easy Eva Braun, you are not even errant

>> No.22731679

I actually couldn't find this allegation being made anywhere prominent, which is unusual because often Hitler's enemies take pains to portray him as a butcher. After some searching I found that
>During a famous interview in the Playboy of June 1971, Speer stated that Hitler watched the movie time and again and that was weird. In his own books, Speer hadn't mentioned anything about it. [...] There are hardly any witnesses who confirmed Speer's statements
Speer might have been a decent architect but his unreliability and his propensity to talk shit about the Nazis after the war are well established. I think it's beneath you to use a random Speer claim as a counterpoint to the point I'm making about liberalism's thirst for blood.

This is incomprehensible, sorry.

>> No.22731696

>holocaust not real
>Hitler not bloodthirsty
>genocidal war didn't happen
Why do I even bother.

>> No.22731712

That same article I linked, which is hardly a National Socialist article, details Hitler's sensitivity to the horrors of war.
I do wonder why you bothered, if this is the level you're attempting to engage on.

>> No.22731810

Oh some random website written in terrible English says so? We know that Hitler ordered Roenne and conspirators to be slaughtered like animals.

>> No.22731839

a tuckoo

>> No.22731859

Sure, Hitler ordered the execution of a ring of conspirators against the state, which isn't really the same as being a sadist who watched execution videos for fun.
The state kills people, in peace and in war. It is an unfortunate fact that many leaders have struggled with, and doesn't imply the same kind of bloodthirst that I detail on the part of liberalism in the posts I made before you barged in to tell the class that Hitler was actually really really bad and evil, guys. I'm not really sure what you're getting at or why you think this is relevant to what I'm talking about.

>> No.22731882

We know for certain that Hitler had the videos made and was overjoyed after watching them. Whether he watched them over & over like Speer claimed I do not know.

>Hitler hatte schon die Berichte über die Verhaftungen, über neu auftauchende Verdachtsgruppen sowie die Protokolle der Vernehmungsbeamten »gierig verschlungen«. Noch in der frühen Nacht trafen jetzt die Filme vom Prozeß und von der Exekution in der Wolfsschanze ein, und Hitler ließ auch seine Umgebung daran teilhaben. Der Putsch sei »vielleicht das segensreichste Ereignis für unsere Zukunft gewesen«, sagte er und konnte sich an den Bildern seiner überwundenen Gegner nicht satt sehen. Aufnahmen der Erhängten lagen noch Tage später auf dem großen Kartentisch in seinem Bunker. Es waren, vor einem auf allen Seiten einstürzenden Horizont, große Befriedigungen, die er daraus zog, seine letzten Triumphgefühle.


>> No.22731887

>hitler thread
>jews talking about how hitler forced people to eat oreos until they exploded
Every time

>> No.22731929

>propaganda based on spurious unsympathetic accounts half a century after the fact
>still only says "Hitler was happy that a coup failed"
>"Hitler viewed records of the trial and execution with satisfaction"
Meanwhile the English Wikipedia article:
>he was found guilty by the show trial and hanged on a meat hook at Plötzensee Prison on 12 October 1944.
Even though the German and French articles just say "hanged."

Typical maudlin Jew shit. The problem with you people is you can never be subtle. You inflate numbers and turn every execution into being stomped on by Hitler's personal dinosaur. You must think your audience is more gullible than it is or something.

>> No.22731953

>present credible source
>it's Jewish

>> No.22731966

>saccharine article in yellow press owned by hostile regime



>> No.22731970

Actually he didn't say that the source was jewish, he said the way you lie and fabricate is jewish. The source is plainly inaccurate, with new words inserted into the English translation that aren't present in the German as he pointed out.

>> No.22731974

Hitler had one ball

>> No.22731982

I linked a German document though.

>> No.22731987
File: 370 KB, 1187x1174, Berlin in 1945 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis lost LOL

>> No.22731988

It's an except from a book by Joachim Fest, who was a close associate of Speer and got his start working for the American occupation.
Is this inherently proof of the falsity of the claim? No, but considering that the claim is unsourced and that more serious anti-Nazis like Kershaw often emphasize Hitler's sensitivity, it's hardly credible.

>> No.22731998

A document which doesn't say what your secondary sources claim it does, and proves you wrong. How stupid are you?

>> No.22731999

>nazi faggot

kys lol

>> No.22732010

And so we return to the actual interesting conversation as started here.

>> No.22732011

>weekly review
>but he's not still trying to work with us
>get sorted into nazis
>ok then
>next weekly review, get sorted into ten year game development job
>they can afford it
>no cope for actual point of being in the wrong seat

>> No.22732019

>no evidence is valid unless I approve of it
Which secondary source? I linked one article.

>> No.22732020

Don't piss your pants

>> No.22732043

>Others have criticized [Fest's biography of Hitler] as weakly researched and too dependent on dubious testimony by Albert Speer
This is not purely my judgement, this is a fairly common one. If you have a claim by Speer, and then you cite Fest to justify it, you're citing a primary source and then a secondary source that depends heavily on that same primary source. Speer isn't credible.

None of which is relevant to the discussion of liberalism's thirst for blood, by the way.

>> No.22732048

Pretending to be an unfathomable retard doesn't mean you aren't a normal retard.

>> No.22732053
File: 63 KB, 976x549, _103330503_musk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but you're a nazi retard

>> No.22732061
File: 41 KB, 485x364, H7YD7ZAJHQBOQWZOBLMM5QV36M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their
argumentative tactics. At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of
their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find
a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should
they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they
could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another
field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if
you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters
of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced
them with this point they would escape again, and you could not bring
them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm
grip on any of these apostles one's hand grasped only jelly and slime
which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a
moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced to give in to your
argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought
that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on
the following day. The Jew would be utterly oblivious to what had
happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his
former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become
indignant and remind him of yesterday's defeat, he pretended
astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the
previous day he had proved that his statements were correct. Sometimes I
was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more--the abundance of
their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their
falsehoods. I gradually came to hate them."

>> No.22732063

>the liberal nazis are after me!!!!!

>> No.22732065

Incoherent. Please act like an adult.

>> No.22732066

Go be a dumb fuck on pol

>> No.22732069

You realized what you said was bullshit and you're backtracking. I linked one article and quoted it verbatim.

>> No.22732073

Says the nazi faggot stick

>> No.22732076

The excerpt isn't from his Hitler biography.

>> No.22732078

Finally Warosu is back up (thanks to Warosu owners) and I can post the excerpts from the book OP is recommending, if anyone is interested:
Interestingly that thread also had a JIDF troll in it. But the excerpts are still there if anyone wants to read.

>> No.22732099

I'm not necessarily accusing the people I'm speaking to of being Jewish. They could just be garden variety retards or boomers.
Once in a while it would be nice to have an artful opponent such as Hitler describes, rather than a screaming nitwit repeating the kind of lurid atrocity propaganda that even serious Jewish and liberal historians don't repeat. It's really on the level of citing Daily Mail articles about how Hitler was a tranny or something- no discussion is made of ideology, merely personal slanders that don't even have the decency to be true. Hitler could be everything claimed about him and it would not necessarily invalidate fascism any more than the depravity of Churchill necessarily invalidates liberalism.

So you concede the Hitler biography is not credible, but claim the account of the 20 July plot is? That seems really dubious. I think generally when one acquires a reputation for spouting falsehoods it's a reputation that holds.

>> No.22732112

>I think generally when one acquires a reputation for spouting falsehoods it's a reputation that holds.
He's a respected historian in his country.

>> No.22732131
File: 246 KB, 1221x1165, Berlin in 1945 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis lost, genius

>> No.22732137

They lost a battle and won the war. Hitler is like Jesus except real, he ascended to the heavenly domains and will return at the head of the Wild Hunt.

>> No.22732146

Your mom is a respected whore in yours, and the day she's cremated the entire property will reek of bacon.

>> No.22732156

Being well respected in the German occupation state doesn't necessarily prove reliability. That's a political claim, though, so I'll supplement it with the established fact of historians who are mentionable on Wikipedia criticizing Fest for his unreliability.
What you could do to bolster your claim is provide a source that is not Fest or Speer for Hitler's supposed sadistic glee in viewing the executions of the 20 July conspirators.

see >>22731340
The destruction wrought by the Allies doesn't demoralize me, either, it just makes me hate them more and relish the end of the order they wrought. You're kind of proving my point.

>> No.22732161

So, nazis are the eternal cucks?

>> No.22732166

Enjoying your level headed posts and not being thrown off by the retards.

>> No.22732169

>Being well respected in the German occupation state doesn't necessarily prove reliability. That's a political claim, though, so I'll supplement it with the established fact of historians who are mentionable on Wikipedia criticizing Fest for his unreliability.
Don't you realize that you have impossible standards for arguments because you dismiss lierally any source as Jewish fabrications?

>> No.22732170

Oh yeah and what point is that? That you're a nazi weenie crying because he stepped off pol?

>> No.22732177

Enjoying your seethe :)

>> No.22732179

*you can dismiss

>> No.22732192

Seething so hard he made a typo. You will reply to this post.

>> No.22732202

Nazi cock sock go make your leader proud and blow your brains out like him

>> No.22732208

Thanks. I really do wish for a more serious interlocutor. The person who was criticizing my own pleasure at the poor showing of Israel in the current war was interesting. This kind of nonsense we currently are engaging in is very tiresome.
Well, no, I've dismissed a claim by Speer, who is widely regarded as a fabulist, and a repetition by that same claim by Fest, who has received criticism for uncritically repeating Speer.
I haven't accused you of being a Jew once, either.
Unfortunately for you serious third positionists are perfectly welcome to discuss their views on this board. It's really you that's out of place; please try to improve your posts. If you want something to respond seriously to, you might consider >>22731435 >>22731381

>> No.22732211
File: 774 KB, 1899x1168, 1680771844933323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler had sex with Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics, here is proof.

>> No.22732218 [DELETED] 

Yeah and you're free to seethe as I laugh at you

>> No.22732222
File: 182 KB, 1021x1016, 1698286893556960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah and you're free to seethe as I laugh at you

>> No.22732223

I mostly feel contempt, I have to say.

>> No.22732224

>Well, no, I've dismissed a claim by Speer, who is widely regarded as a fabulist, and a repetition by that same claim by Fest, who has received criticism for uncritically repeating Speer
Most of the information in the excerpt in question seems to come from the camera team that filmed the executions. All in all there were 10 cameramen, one of whom committed suicide.

>> No.22732225

At your own shitty life Yeah I can't blame you

>> No.22732239

The cameramen that were in the Fuehrerbunker and screened the film for Hitler? You seem to be retreating to a claim that the 20 July conspirators' executions were filmed, which I don't see any reason to dispute. Could be false, could be true- Again I wouldn't impute sadism to Churchill or Roosevelt for having the execution of the German high command recorded.

>> No.22732240

methinks the faggot nazi doth protest too much

>> No.22732251

If you mean Hitler's reaction I don't think that was from Speer either. Speer claimed that he watched the video over and over again, and that's not in the book.

>> No.22732268

You don't have to desperately cling to any shred of argument you can impotently muster. You sound very listless yet you can't help but reply. You could just close the tab and goon or whatever it is you usually do on saturday evenings, no one really cares at this point when you've lost every exchange on every front.

>> No.22732272

Well, if Fest has another source about Hitler's behavior with regard to the executions then I'm willing to look into it. We're sort of paring down the claim as well, going from
>Hitler himself was a sadist who had his underlings make a snuff tape of von Roenne's execution for his personal enjoyment.
>Hitler had the executions of the 20 July conspirators recorded, and may have watched them at least once.

I would really be interested to see if he can show something separate from Speer's fables. It doesn't even really bear on the question of liberalism as a bloodthirsty ideology, but if he wants to prove that Hitler watched an execution video then I'm listening.

>> No.22732284

That's not my claim. My claim is that Hitler had a camera team of 10 film the brutal executions, and that he was elated after watching them according to reports. If it wasn't sadism why didn't he just have them executed the normal way, and without having the entire affair filmed meticulously?

>> No.22732293
File: 2.99 MB, 320x240, m1oQv4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler had a camera crew record everything like the Otaku he is

>> No.22732343

Executions are necessarily brutal, since you're putting someone to death. Emotive language aside, your claim then is specifically that Hitler took pleasure in watching the recordings, which doesn't seem to be supported by anyone except Speer and Fest (i.e. Speer).
I looked in Kershaw's biography of Hitler for example, and while he takes pains to emphasize the tragedy of the execution of the 20 July conspirators, he makes absolutely no mention of the executions being filmed, let alone shown to an elated Hitler. I also consulted some books about the 20 July plot specifically and found no mention of the subject. Some representative sources.

>> No.22732352

He's not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.22732370

Why are liberals unable to respond to meaningful output without facebook snark from 2018?

>> No.22732373 [DELETED] 

>Executions are necessarily brutal, since you're putting someone to death.

The executions were deliberately brutal, presumably because of Hitler's instructions. Some more reports by the camermen who worked on the films:


>> No.22732389

You're a fucking nazi dude

>> No.22732390

Thanks for the link to Kershaw's biography. Very enlightening.
Let's end this discussion.

>> No.22732423

Hitler never ordered a genocide. There isn't a single document found of this.

>> No.22732429
File: 2.45 MB, 2528x1744, Einsatzgruppen_murder_Jews_in_Ivanhorod,_Ukraine,_1942 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that proves it didn't happen

>> No.22732436


>> No.22732444

That's why noone takes you seriously and you're stuck sucking dicks on /lit/

>> No.22732449

It's so funny because if you read any history book that has a chapter on him it's always from such an overtly biased and negative perspective it's embarrassing. This same book didn't have many bad things to say about atrocities committed by European kings and didn't constantly feel the need to attack their character but when it comes to Hitler it's always like this lmao

>> No.22732473

Explain Dunkirk

>> No.22732673

I think more than a couple people need to die for it to be a genocide

>> No.22732755


>> No.22732836

Beautifully said.

>> No.22733499
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1700025206885443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>just 1 (ONE) [UNO] mention to David Irving
Please tell at least one of you niggas have read "Hitler's War" by him, shit is free on his page, you literally have no excuse

>> No.22733537
File: 97 KB, 240x267, Screenshot_20230711-210028-171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genocide of Jews is justified when you're a Christian though. Because those Jews go to hell. No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

How angels amuse themselves: sinless pleasure at the expense of demons. That Michaelangelo painting of families embracing themselves is pretty hilarious. Eternal life is a right.

>> No.22733542

>claims they can know your name and still sell to everyone

>> No.22733661

>cockblockings Hitler did with his generals that could've won the war if he wasn't focused on pursuing some romantic LARP.
>t. 15 year old Manstein and Guderain memoir enjoyer.
The generals had always the myopic vision of war, mainly concerned with the operational art of war, whereas the Fürher had the overall bigger picture in mind. For example, the Industrial regions in and around Kharkov and Donbass & the metalic mines in north Finland and not to mention to strategic soundness and brilliance of crushing the Soviet in Ukraine first by diverting the forces of Army Group Centre before launching the Operation Typhoon, i.e, the drive on Moscow in Oct. 41.
No matter how differently had the Generals or the Furher might have ran the war on the Eastern Front the outcome would have been the same, defeat. Till Stalin was at the helm of affairs, he would have put every man, woman and child between him and the Wehrmacht. So, to conclude, the war in the East was unwinnable from the get go, and had Hitler let the generals solely run the war, the Soviets would have in Berlin in May of '44 itself.
>They should've taken the Suez after Cyrpus
ah, yes, why not roll in & simply take Suez as if it wasn't well defended to the teeth and what's logistical difficulties for Army Korps Africa? pfft.. it's nothing, right? (sarcasm implied).
>the USSR wasn't ready and it was already too late in the year.
Russia under the ruthless communist rule was unwinnable from the get to. This larp about had they not invited Yugoslavia before as it interfered the Barbarossa hence jeopardizing it somehow is foolish and unsound talk.