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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 619 KB, 1664x2212, tlbocfdwf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22726459 No.22726459 [Reply] [Original]

Since a number of people have the big itch for a new /lit/ collab, let's do it.



A book of cocktail recipes, naturally. Type your nonsense directly into the file.


We'll keep it going until some time in December then edit it into a nice pdf.


Ctrl + Enter creates a page break and you can add something new or you can add to what's already written.

>> No.22726845

huge BUMP

>> No.22726940

This seems like a terrible way of going about it. I feel like we need prompts and a better way of submitting. At least a theme to start with. Something more than a Write What’s on your Mind on a canvas that is instantly going to be fucked with.

>> No.22727089

Bump for quality post.

>> No.22727453

The theme is cocktails, and nobody has fucked up anything so far.

>> No.22728436
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Thanks for your input anon. Great stuff. We will follow your lead.

>> No.22728449

reminder that OP is a self admitted redditor

>> No.22728470

proof??? XD

>> No.22728474

You gonna sperg about how you "know" "Destiny" despite being a redditor this time?

>> No.22728487

Bro, OP or someone in the last thread said he talked to Destiny. Is there anything more cringe and definitely real than that? He is a literal redditor. This is real. Not a joke.

>> No.22728501

Someone tried to brag about knowing a faggot?

>> No.22728510

Unreal and &amp attempting to ruin another anon project before it's even began. Very sad. Many such cases.

>> No.22728518

I just checked with my mom and she explained that it was probably a joke lmao I was fooled hehe touché! I shall keep my eye upon these threads!

>> No.22728520

go back to being a redditor, faggot
maybe the "destiny" subreddit is what you're looking for

>> No.22728524

>it was a joke
OP is a faggot redditor confirmed who says they're friends with ""destiny"" whoever the fuck that is

>> No.22728528

Anon, I just had it explained that that must have been a ruse upon us! Ha! Mother is pretty clear headed on laughing matters.

>> No.22728534
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>use of "anon"
>use of exclamation points
OP redditor faggot confirmed

>> No.22728537

>obvious Ari project is getting spammed to death
And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.22728549

The email of the one hosting the doc is pineconemagazine, which is the same anon who ran Pinecone at the tail end. Sorry for exposing you, pinebro.

>> No.22728570
File: 1.12 MB, 1436x800, itmeansnothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this have to do with someone mocking you by saying they argued with more intimidating people than Destiny? All this means is your brain damaged from alcohol or hard drugs and can't tell if you're being mocked by an anon or OP =\

Contribute a recipe or bump the thread, no one cares =)

>> No.22728593

>thinking every response is a bump
OP is a newfag redditor
this project is SHIT

>> No.22728601
File: 92 KB, 404x404, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going to write the third eggnog recipe?

>> No.22728671
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>not understanding how 4cringe works
You're the &amp guy? Yikes my guy. I'm going to sic Destiny and worse on you, just you wait faggot.

>> No.22728683

not part of any faggot clubs, especially not your faggot redditor club, OP
this project is SHIT

>> No.22728707

Anon... I...

>> No.22728717
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>> No.22728721

seethe harder OP redditor faggot
kek "destiny"

>> No.22728725

He said he talked to destiny and worse heh yore in over your head

>> No.22728773

Don't hold it against Ryan. I think he's back on drugs again. He's a completely different guy when he's sober.

>> No.22728789

I'm sorry &amp was shit dude but obviously almost no effort was put into it. The anon cocktail digressions in this are already better than &amp entries and unfortunately I know this from reading &amp (a mistake). Never source off-site. Whomstever type in the doc from &amp did y'all a hilarious disfavor. Go back to weddit and stay there this time. There once, there forever. Bye.

>> No.22728793

No one cares. Addicts are the ultimate NPCs. They have no free will.

>> No.22728817

Okay. Let's start over. I'm a 4chan Pass holder which already legitimizes my over you as a 4channer. I may use R3ddit to source material but 4channers just don't reply to the threads so wow holy fuckin' shitskies we use R3ddit and Discord you're so above us oh my god. While your in church or praying or whatever were working hard on a fresh and interesting ezine. You're eyes are popped out at the latest stonethrow and were working on worldclass design and ezines. Literally go back to R3ddit.

>> No.22728818
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And yet &amp self-destructed? Tf are you going on about

>> No.22728835

How come nobody has submitted a recipe with piss in it?

>> No.22728841

That could spice up one of the Amanda Byne cocktails. Girl spit was already used twice.

>> No.22728865

That's disgusting.

>> No.22728870

>somebody just CTRL+A'd
oh no

>> No.22728874

Check the version history and restore it, hopefully their spergery only lasts for one purge

>> No.22728875

&amp chads, where we at?

>> No.22728894
File: 38 KB, 480x471, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't remember the gdoc for Tundra

>> No.22728904

Sorry your a old head beta. We do things a little different in 2023.8nx8sp

>> No.22728916

No hard feelings anon. Send me the amazon link when your novel drops.

>> No.22728920

It was probably terrible then too. You need to look at &amp to see how it should be done. Emails and a website for hosting. Anything less than that is just not worth anyone's time.

>> No.22728927

can you be serious please

>> No.22728928

It was terrible, but it's 4chan. Anything else would be inappropriate

>> No.22728936

So you're not looking to make an actual product that can be enjoyed? Is that the excuse you've prepared when nothing comes of this shitshow?

>> No.22728943

Which shitshow? &amp? At least deny you're involved with that utter trash so we can take you seriously...

>> No.22728957
File: 17 KB, 540x270, 0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're not looking to make an actual product that can be enjoyed?
Why are you on /lit/ dude hahahaha wtf is this i don't understand? You're a new newfag?

>> No.22728968

>make an actual product that can be enjoyed
You're lost anon.

>> No.22728969

These projects have evolved since your time. We have people making actual businesses out of it now. You can't come in here presenting shit and expect to be taken seriously when your only retort is "haha, look how silly I am for making shit that was obviously never going to be something more than shit".

>> No.22728970

anon... i...

>> No.22728978


>> No.22728983

Ari, I know this is you. I'll prove it.

>> No.22729046

Listen you little shit I ran an actual bUsInEsS something you wouldn't understand and I made it our on TOP despite the weaklings nipping at my heels and the useless artists who couldn't run an project worth there shit and here you are thinking you can just post an open doc to edit like that even means a shart when there are people like me who can actually MAKE tHINGS HAPPEN and wow your on reddit? Like HELLO? NO ONE CARES YOU TALK TO DESTINY HE'S NOT FAMOUS AND NO ONEHAS HEARD OF HIM A LITERAL WHO

>> No.22729068

Don't think for a second that you're going to get away with this.

>> No.22729080

This will be a failed project if it doesn't include recipes tailor made for each board. Write your suggestions.

>> No.22730020

I added my drink
Other boards is a good idea. Maybe ask /k/.

>> No.22730259

also how are you able to solve captchas in such a state

>> No.22730538

Semen for every board.

>> No.22730941

Or just add it on behalf of the other boards

>> No.22731125


>> No.22731152

how can I add to your google document without revealing my google identity?

>> No.22731157

Just open it in a private window

>> No.22731359
File: 190 KB, 768x977, 13292MEM131123.jpg-768x977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Log out of your google account first (duh?)

>> No.22731702

Thanks. I did the haiku

>> No.22731703

You're going to need to run Tor off of Tails on a VPN

>> No.22731715

Opsec still too weak. Anonymous is coming for you!1!!
Captcha: SNS 4G (lol)

>> No.22732213

I just go down to the library and wear a covid mask