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22725886 No.22725886 [Reply] [Original]

Books to rationalize my hatred for women?

>> No.22725888

your hatred for women is disgusting

>> No.22725893

Just get over your mommy issues faggot

>> No.22725894


>> No.22725900

why would you hate women
they are angels

>> No.22725904
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no they're not
they're despicable self-centered idiotic and vain creatures.
just my opinion, though.

>> No.22725908

but they offer support and their beauty is fantastic
you have to control your women then

>> No.22725910
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>> No.22725912

idk maybe Wittgenstein, Tertullian, and Aristophanes. Aristotle also trashs women sometimes.

>> No.22725913

oh no, he le said my argument was le fallacy. i guess that means it must be wrong

>> No.22725922


>> No.22725936

women are actually the same as men in every way (mentally)

>> No.22725949

they are complexly different bro

>> No.22725962

Read Yoni Tantra if you want to go the opposite way.

>> No.22725964


It's not that hard OP. Hate implies that you're still interested in them. They ain't nothing. Stop giving them this much importance. The more you hate the more you'll think about them. When you ever get contact with them just treat them like you would treat a dim dude in your class. No big deal.

>> No.22727132
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>noooo, you can't say "all" when it's only 99.9% who act like this
Why are ALL basedjacks like this?

>> No.22727136

Alpha males don’t hate women. You hate women. Therefore you are not alpha and this explains why you hate them.

>> No.22727150

Why not both?

>> No.22727154

This except unironically
Women haters suffer from an underdeveloped anima

>> No.22727166

>women despise beta males and lower
>this is somehow your fault for being born a beta male

>> No.22727168


>> No.22727170

What would you know of "Alpha Males" you little faggot?

>> No.22727186

I didn’t say it was your “fault.” Some people are more attractive than others, that’s just the way it is.
seething with resentment

>> No.22727311

someone post the Wittgenstein turboautism copypastas

>> No.22727532

>and this explains why you hate them
does not follow

>> No.22727569

>everybody seethes at OP and no books are recommended


>> No.22727577

Kreutzer sonata.
What would justify your hatred the best however is any book written by a woman.

>> No.22727586

Alpha males don’t hate women the same way a tiger doesn't hate a mouse
When you're at the top of the food chain everything below you is just food

>> No.22727598

Lmao you can see the personality difference even in animals.
You'd have to be willfully blind not to notice a difference.
I have a female and male rat for pets.
Male one will be jumping around and will steal from the female. Just generally more aggressive.
By contrast the female rat is kind of meek and passive.

>> No.22727614

just go outside and talk to women and you'll hate them even more

>> No.22727620

Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.22727621

>Alpha males don’t hate women
Bullshit. Warriors, kings, conquerors — great men of the past are considered misogynistic by our feminist society. Or am I supposed to just ignore the fact that feminists spent the last century whining about patriarchs?

>> No.22727654

you're looking for an external reason for your own failures.

>> No.22727810
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That’s a nice rational argument you’ve concocted,
Too bad you’re just wrong.

>> No.22727817
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>> No.22728029

Ibsen. Of course I don't hate women, since rather a lot more of men are bastards than women are bitches. But My God he was a revealing cunt!

>> No.22728084

Misoginy != Hatred. If you have disdain or just not take women seriously at all, you'll be considered a misoginist by today standards, even if you don't actively hate them. I don't think we should hate what's inferior, we cannot be resentful towards the cattle.

>> No.22728086

use =/= next time

>> No.22729180

I am programmer, and in C we use !=. So i just use that instead of whatever you want to tell me.

>> No.22729193

>i must be right in this moment

>> No.22729199

Masterful bait

>> No.22729200


>> No.22729202

Sometimes it truly is other people

>> No.22729206

>just fuck everything with a hole
Got it

>> No.22729218
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>why would you hate women they are angels

>> No.22729304
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>> No.22729339


>> No.22729393

you don't have siblings, do you?

>> No.22729409
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I got you senpai

>> No.22729417

angels don't bleed every month. probably from making a blood pact with the devil

>> No.22729419

I love women.

I think they have a flatter IQ curve than men... with more closer to the median, but that could be cultural who knows.

I do think they have different impulses and responses to similar stimulus. I would imagine that has to do with the RADICALLY DIFFFERENT HORMONES THAT GOVERN MANY SYSTEMS IN OUR BODIES.

There's also that thing where we are like 2 times their size on average.

But what the fuck do i know we may in fact be a eusocial species we just don't know it and "think" we think.

>> No.22729429

>There's also that thing where we are like 2 times their size on average.

probably the most influential factor, as in primitive times, being small and weak completely changes how you have to navigate life

>> No.22729432

the connection you fear. it looks like this can in fact be controlled

>> No.22729750

>unable to answer

>> No.22729783

Kys you dumb muttoid freak

>> No.22729940

grow up faggot

>> No.22729946


>> No.22729948

This random quote from a nobody sure changed my mind, anon.

>> No.22729951

Why are you looking to confirm your biases? Also, hatred is resentment, and resentment is a beta, pussy trait; you're still attached to women, only in a negative way. If you're really such a loser to want to "own" them, simply don't think about them at all.

>> No.22729974

I came to a conclusion that the reason women are shit is because men are shit as well
women inherit male traits from their fathers and you get shitty women in return

>> No.22729979

Esther Vilar

>> No.22729982

All of the adjectives that you listed are spooks. Simply nothing obligates me to play along with your bullshit. I will own women, i will be happy

>> No.22729994

Lucifer is an angel as well

>> No.22730044

Women are to look up to men, not stand among them. That is the level they are fit to stand on.

>> No.22730080

you own nothing really

>> No.22730124

>it's men's fault for corrupting le pure womerinos
retarded simp

>> No.22730131

Alpha is when you are afraid to put women in their place

>> No.22730137

it's exactly that faggot nigger

>> No.22730140

You have to be 18 to post here.
Who's afraid? What place?

>> No.22730143

Nah that's just you rationalizing your autogynephilia
>men bad, wemen gud
Just chop off your dick already

>> No.22730207

You wouldn't hate women if you didn't expect them to be something that they are not and never will be. To hate women for being primordial chaos would be like hating earthquakes and tornadoes...are they destructive, sure, but they are simply what they are and they can't be anything else. Chaos and order are an inseparable yin-yang, just like woman and man.

>> No.22730218

I love jordan peterson too

>> No.22730236
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push and pull, life and death, good and evil, yin and yang

>> No.22731312

because it... it just is, ok? ugh incel

>> No.22731978
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>> No.22732041

>I love women.
Damn, you must be a paragon of masculinity.

>> No.22732171

You only ever own something if you have the power to protect it, you pay taxes in exchange from a certain level of backing in power from the state. By yeah the concept of private property is a spook
Haha spooks

>> No.22732201

I only met one woman I like and by anyone's standards she is so nice and down to earth she'd be considered a beta woman, but I never met someome so wonderful, every female to me is like a demon or satan but she is just sweet. So this is like an advantage because I can easily dismiss and not care about any other female on earth or existence because they're not her.

>> No.22732210


>> No.22732393

freud psychosexual theory

>> No.22732397

I dont know but I forgot to mention the best thing about her, she feels geniuely sorry for me being an incel. She told my friend she has severe pity for me. Still wont fuck me though but she is still nice to me.

>> No.22732400

If you hate women you don't need someone to tell you how, you are already doing it. Try instead to focus on something to improve your life.

>> No.22732406

One day you'll realize the indifference of the others is less of an offense than the pity of the one, and you'll snap - figuratively, because you're fat.

>> No.22732428

Yeah but shes hot so i dont get your logic. It's like torture, I would never torture a male or an ugly female, only a hot chick, anything else would be cringe. I see her face and know she probably cries herself to sleep thinking about me and if not, her whole day is ruined the moment she thinks of me, I bring others down with merely my existence.

>> No.22732438

Yes, women hatred is a sign of a highly undifferentiated anima, which is projected. That's absolutely true and OP should be aware that his women hatred is a sign of immaturity (i.e., he sees his own underdeveloped traits in women). (If the fact that he's looking to "rationalize" his preconceptions was not already a big enough giveaway that he is not being rational.) However, this proves the exact opposite of the post you were replying to, since men and women are totally different in their psychological makeup.
Based on this, it's likely that you yourself are self-centred and vain. Women are just people and, like men, have good and bad qualities, though men and women tend to have different kinds of bad qualities. It's not that it's not possible to hate an entire sex with valid reason,—it might be, though I doubt it—but this kind of hatred tends to be a sign of immaturity.

>> No.22732452

>Women are just people

>> No.22732457

It hurts yourself more than anyone else

>> No.22732461

I think western women have rapidly changed from sexual selection so much since the sexual revolution, and will only continue to do so. The original second wave feminists being basically a sterile nun caste compared to the ones who stayed in church being fecund housewives must at some point have an effect.

Unironically, the consequence of female liberation might eventually be women being more primed to submission towards men on a genetic level. Especially in the upper classes. I'm starting to see signs with it in Gen Z, where I notice women in the upper middle class and above are increasingly christian and family orientated. Successful large families are conservative and christian families. With atheism and liberalism being packaged instead with weed smoking degenerate women in the underclass.

Just some casual thoughts, but I think in twenty years time the culture will shift towards Victorian tier social norms in the upper class again. Being religious, conservative, family orientated will be seen as a sign of superiority, and status climbers will try to fill churches and mimic the trad dress habits and repeat those values. Sexual hedonism will be for the poors.

>> No.22732479

I think the environment I grew up in could be described as the gender inverse opposite of the handmaids tale, where women just have everything they want with minimal effort. Growing up under a useless parasitical single mother getting single mom buxx, every other boy in the neighborhood growing up under the same family unit with the husband long since divorced and tossed to the side. Every authority figure being a woman in schools. It's natural to develop a seething resentment towards women going through that, because for boys it's not only just an arbitrary unfairness, but highly emasculating.

And growing up there was a genuine belief that boys were inferior to girls. It does permiate the public school system. And girls used to be pretty smug about the double standards, and were socially aware of how good they had it.

Much of the seething against women online comes from growing up in such environments I think. I've noticed strangely enough, the african american incel-like communities really hit this aspect home the most. Blacks seem to suffer from matriarch mammies and welfare queens more than everyone else in the west.

>> No.22732592

>jung fag spouting tranny mumbo jumbo

>> No.22732594

Just because you're a fatass with bitch tits doesn't make you similar to a woman, bitch. I hate this projection and cope.

>> No.22732619

What creature submits to another creature? This is infidelity.

>> No.22732647

The fuck is this picture supposed to represent? I opened the door and the girl sees me and is ok with me watching? But also I'm crouching because I'm the door handle height? Am I in a wheelchair? Am I a huge dog or a child?

>> No.22732656
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I both love and hate women, as it should be. They are the most annoying fucking retards on the planet and very childish but they are also wise in their own ways and worthy of respect.

>> No.22732946

Schopenhauer's On Women, Weininger, Strindberg. Philip Roth makes some good points.

>> No.22734027

>Women are just people
let's not get too edgy here, anon

>> No.22734070

Lmao, you're not being a Chad here. I bet if you were to describe the ways in which yuo "hate women" it would be total reddit nonsense. Women's only good qualities are that they are childish, you have classified that as a negative, because you are stupid. "Wise" lmao, just comical. Kys.

>> No.22734542
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Your relationship to women is identical with your relationship to life itself.

To hate women is to hate life, as for a woman to hate men is to hate the generative principle.

>> No.22734652
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>Successful large families are conservative and christian families
Successful large families owns large sums of money and know how to handle them to be successful, anything else is secondary, or pure facade
>Sexual hedonism will be for the poors.
Your sorry ass knows shit about what nobility, WAY much less the fucking victorian upper classes, did behind curtains

>> No.22734665

I'd ponder those orbs if you know what i mean

>> No.22734676

If you hate women, you're still attached to them. Women, like men, have their own negative traits. If you don't equally dislike men for their faults, you're a hypocrite or turbohomosexual.

>> No.22735714

>Your relationship to women is identical with your relationship to life itself.
