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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 584 KB, 1216x1280, GRC0016783__89194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22724014 No.22724014 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>22719946

"as above, so below" edition

>> No.22724042

you wanna know what's on my mind? you REALLY wanna know what's on my mind?

>> No.22724049

How do I be a man of action when my circumstances lead me to not take action?

>> No.22724059

Not really

>> No.22724062

What does this picture mean

>> No.22724068

Nothing. Don't worry about it

>> No.22724072

alchemy aka retards philosophy mythified

>> No.22724074

>Faded Sun chapter 2
>Niun is a student-warrior in an alien race of warriors
>9 years in training
>not once get sent to war, cause his mom got overprotective
>tries to get a job behind her back
>regul (fat genderless aliens) said no cause his mom wouldn't give blessing
>has to go home and gets upset about being a NEET
I read sci-fi to escape reality, not to read my autobiography...

>> No.22724075

Off yourself

Anyways, related, but a somewhat close friend of mine died. Cause of death unknown.

>> No.22724080

I want to lick your skin off like a large cat

>> No.22724084

>Cause of death unknown.
Maybe he took your advice?

>> No.22724088

I think this whole idea around retirement is just another trickery of capitalism to make people go to work. Given that I abolished this idea from my thought and therefore my planning, I am the less a slave to capitalism and wagecuckery. I might as well perish like a dog, than slave away for some state-mandated retirement.
But such radical measures are not much seen even among the chuddiest of chuds, and my movement remains a drop on the hot stone.

>> No.22724090

A supposed year of change turned into a year of more despair and suffering than any other before it. The long forgotten thoughts of suicide came back from their graves to haunt me again and the only way out this time seems to be a drastic measure. Despite not having the strongest of faiths I still envy the monks of mount Athos, or the sufis of Cairo and wish to live the way they do, aiming for the divine in the decaying modern world, so that I can live half dead among places of old in an attempt to find what modernity cannot offer. There is still a doubt, as to whether the perpetual suffering will stop if I were to do this, so then I get pulled by the other extreme, join the army and die in some forgotten Ukrainian village as a means of escaping the stabbing grip of life as fast as possible.

>> No.22724095

What are you even talking about

>> No.22724102

I am talking about the re-etablishment of the Roman Empire

>> No.22724109

I am offering a way to bring closer the end day of libshittism, and a way to die nobly for this cause, a way of making it into the local newspaper without weakness.

>> No.22724118

Horseshoe theory. Leftists are now saying Jews control the media because of their support for Israel in the conflict.

>> No.22724136

sorry your mom 86ed your time in the space military anon

>> No.22724163

That's just double think,but you'll have a hard time finding a political ideology unaffected by it. Creating an ideology without double think itself is double think.

>> No.22724174

Why would putin fear the amerifat?

>> No.22724178

idk write a book about it

>> No.22724181

Sometimes you need to go on a bad date to get your life in order.

>> No.22724185

Dying a bum cuz you refuse to work won't make the paper

>> No.22724186

How bad was the date that you had an epiphany

>> No.22724223

I poop 3x/day. Is that normal?

>> No.22724234

Sounds like IBS

>> No.22724238

Well it wasn't a shitshow, but I think on the whole I wasn't polarizing and bold enough, and was too agreeable and boring. In the past few weeks leading up to it I've been reconnecting with who I was as a child before adopting a very different facade as an adolescent so I've been in a mode of trying to be very empathetic and compassionate and I think this carried over into our interaction, which made me come across as less masculine. Another thing too is that from the very get go she told me that she wasn't really into the art world (despite her line of work) and when people are self-absorbed and identify with their work to the point of it being their whole personality and are uninterested to talk about other things, she doesn't like that, which put me off from talking about things which are more interesting and essentially just stuck to safe topics. I think if I had held a stronger frame and said something like, oh, that's a shame, I don't really have a whole lot outside of my art, it could've been a better interaction or at the very least it would've been a kind of mutual acknowledgement of incompatibility. So I think it has made me try to reconcile the different versions of myself so that my values and self don't remain nebulous.

She was a good five years older than me as well, as I'd find out, so I understand that she probably wants someone who is already experienced and developed. It's not personal, it's like when I don't really like a girl for lacking in physical or feminine qualities. But I think if I had been a stronger character and maybe read up a bit more on dating it could've gone better.

>> No.22724239

Close enough, she convinced me to get a CS and not EE, and now look at where I am.

>> No.22724240

I don't have any of the symptoms. I have 3 normal poops per day.

>> No.22724249

You could always emigrate to China and get a job in a rip off phone factory, that'd show her
>Another thing too is that from the very get go she told me that she wasn't really into the art world (despite her line of work) and when people are self-absorbed and identify with their work to the point of it being their whole
She just jelly the muses don't demand her attention, you're having the wrong epiphany

>> No.22724254

It sounds like metabolism anon. Food pushes food, and if you're not having other symptoms it probably just means your digestive clock is on the faster side of normal

>> No.22724267

Nevermind, Googlefu says you're fine just on the shittier side of the spectrum

>> No.22724287

I think you're right, I would probably get along better with a girl with niche interests and idiosyncrasies and a stronger intellectual or aesthetic bent, but there was something kinda unpretentious about her which appealed to me and spoke to that version of myself from when I was a kid which didn't care for sophistication or whatever.

And yeah, there might have been a bit of envy going on towards those who feel fulfilled by the work that they do. In any case I didn't try to dilute the aspects of myself she doesn't like– if anything I've done the opposite, and affirmed the path I'm on, maybe because it is a retreat from these kinds of rejections.

>> No.22724295

Actual dedication isn't a pretense, anon. You're going to have to weed out the ones pretending to be dedicated to their stated interests too, not all of them are going to tell you honestly they're wrong for you like that girl did.

>> No.22724302

Deeze nuts are on my mind

>> No.22724306

Internal Bull Shit?

>> No.22724309

Empirical observations are not ideology

>> No.22724311

Nah, they're intuitions

>> No.22724313


>> No.22724343

Yeah, well she was honest and that's why I liked her. Down to earth girl. Deep down I am truthfully like this too, a normal sort of person at my core, and I think that we weren't able to connect on this level because this part of me is severely underdeveloped compared to the side of me which is dedicated to craft– which stems from the isolation brought on by my identity issues, from wanting in my teens to vainly attain some archetypal tortured artist ideal. It's not like there were a ton of awkward silences in our encounter or whatever but I think I was anxious enough that I wasn't really able to enjoy myself and listen attentively. And honestly, for what it's worth, I think it's pretty easy to tell when someone is lying about their interests.

I think honeslty I'm not even that interested in the work that I do, but I literally have nothing else, and I think that it will make sense in the end for others even if it remains a kind of hollow cathedral for me.

>> No.22724344

GF wants us to do couples therapy or else shes going to stay at her sisters indefinitely and a nigga is this close to catching a fucking case.

>> No.22724363 [DELETED] 

Okay never mind. I'm trying to speak in a more affirming way about life so forget what I said. I love life and I love art and I love it all and I will fight for it to mean something huzzah!

>> No.22724382

>anon has right epiphany

>> No.22724403

What did you do to bring this on?

>> No.22724442

My erection bobbed retardedly.

>> No.22724448

What's a tolerable minimum wage job? I seem to completely fail in finding one.

>> No.22724454

There's no such thing as a tolerable job. Just accept that they will all be awful and do the bare minimum to not get fired for a few months.

>> No.22724455

Night security pays better and you'll get plenty of reading time

>> No.22724460

I Be Shittin

>> No.22724476
File: 35 KB, 750x518, 1699641495120014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monist/nondualist metaphysics is so fucking trash and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.22724480

i'm a narcissistic autistic fag slut

>> No.22724483

took benzos now i feel nothing
thank you Jesus

>> No.22724485

wanna fug?

>> No.22724491

Horseshoe theory is an issue of semantics. Fascists and Nazis are leftists. Monarchists, conservatives, and Hoppean libertarians/propertarians are the right wing.

>> No.22724493


>> No.22724518

More than two weeks into NNN and I’m still going strong. Gay thoughts are nigh non-stop. I want to perform oral sex so bad. Just picturing the sheer humiliation and submission of being on my knees for the service of a dominant male is causing me to pant and blush.

>> No.22724529

[laughs in sexually frustrated bisexual] I see why people get caught in bathrooms

>> No.22724570

Being a closet simp while having a violent degrading sexual appettie. God just fucked my shit up when he made my capacity to deal with women.

>> No.22724581

i am not a happy man

>> No.22724638

my nipple hurts really bad.

>> No.22724693

pouring one out for anon’s nipple

>> No.22724699

Seize heaven by violence. Find the other man and kill him with your bare hands. Tear yourself limb from limb. The inner man is the natural man is the instantiation of the streaming activities of the embodied material animated by the soul and the inner man is the outer man and the outer man must die. I am already dead. I have died. My death is yet to come. At this very moment I am put to death by myself, for myself, in the moment of the death of myself through myself in itself altogether with myself. The bed is a grave and the grave is a room and the room one lives in is a bed upon which the sleep of the soul may be accomplished and the soul may never rest until it enters the grave.

>> No.22724702

i have made big decisions.

>> No.22724737

I'm a happy man.

>> No.22724740

>thread with alchemy as a theme picture
>full of bona fide mentally ill
like pottery, do you now understand why it is the retards philosophy?

>> No.22724748
File: 2 KB, 125x125, Hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW no cute black girls in my country.
My future partner is not in my country.

>> No.22724749

ativan is nice because it's like getting to drink two or 3 beers by just dissolving a little pill under you tongue

>> No.22724754

Makes me miss the psych ward mostly

>> No.22724756

And you don't have to have the lingering taste of piss in your mouth.

>> No.22724761

i like the taste of piss but it's definitely preferable to drink 25-50 0z rather than the 100+ it would take to get drunk if i weren't on ativan

>> No.22724770

i feel good now but i will not be ok in the morning

>> No.22724775

Purple nurple?

>> No.22724831

How do I learn to imitate another author?

>> No.22724840

>401k not a pyramid scheme, truss me

>> No.22724843

why would you want to imitate an author?
as to how you just need to understand the person who wrote it, their motive of why they wrote it and embody that persona
if you lack the shared experiences you won't succeed, you have to have a pretty similar life experience or the authors life has to be so shallow it is easy to imagine
think of it like method acting but a bit more psychological

>> No.22724847
File: 44 KB, 864x435, IMG_20231116_102502_532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22724851

Anyone starting to feel like rape is justified in some cases? Not for *all* women, just some.

>> No.22724859

maybe go to a psych ward because you read like you need it

>> No.22724861

Oh I forgot men with vaginas post here.

>> No.22724863

>You could always emigrate to China and get a job in a rip off phone factory, that'd show her
Pull up the China screencap. You know the one, that teaches us the saying of 一分钱一分货, you get what you pay for.
Something I've been thinking about is you don't really know a piece of media well unless you can name it's strengths, weaknesses, vision and how it accomplishes this. I'm bringing this up because so many times I read a book, listened to an album, played a game, and I can't really explain why I like it. I feel the media, I'm never going to forget Rincewind's adventure, but I can't really explain why I won't forget it, which makes discussing it hard.

>> No.22724869
File: 1.55 MB, 2940x3036, 1690136488568782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just asking for cops to rape you.

>> No.22724872

They're too fat to do that.

>> No.22724877
File: 446 KB, 2266x310, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to the wallpaper folder god damn, what an amazing image.

>> No.22724880

Very nice

>> No.22724881

I’ll bite

>> No.22724883

I like to think a greater being is behind me because I don't have anyone pushing me towards success. I'm more alone than probably anyone (even NEETs get to see their mom) on this board. I should fail at every step yet I'm still standing. I'll keep trying until the day of my death but fuck it if I don't feel like giving up sometimes. I hate that I am alone and would kill for companionship.

>> No.22724887

you don't wanna know what's on my mind

>> No.22724902


>> No.22724904

life was better when i could just call people gay and whine about vaccines with impunity. now people want me to explain my reasoning? what's the world coming to?

>> No.22724927

it is unfortunate that you could not return the favor of sating my curiosity on why you would want to accomplish this feat, may your journey be what you deserve

>> No.22724965 [DELETED] 

do you ever wonder if maybe the reason nu-/lit/ sucks so much ass is just cuz you/we are old as shit and just not in the mood of edgy shit anymore? like maybe i'm just too old to have to start every thread from some trollish premise. and when i say i'm too old, i don't mean it in oh i'm holier than thou zoomers way or anything. i'm not particularly mature, i'm just old and tired. sometimes i just want to talk about literature without the bullshit.

>> No.22724971

you're in the wrong thread, find a more specific one about an author or a book or create one yourself

>> No.22724981

>Create thread about specific author or book.
>It gets maybe 10 replies over the course of five hours because it's too niche.
>Thread dies.

>> No.22724989 [DELETED] 

>insane chud notices author's name is sort of german sounding
>fills the thread with ridiculous conspiracy theories and nepotism rants
>thread dies since no one wants to go near that noise

>> No.22724992

>come to cry about open forum threads being nu and shit
>can't keep vanillas up
sounds like a (you) problem

>> No.22725004

i have lost the ability to read
my reading goes before my writing

>> No.22725018

my uncle supposedly has parkinsons
i dunno the guys pretty fucked up and theres clearly something wrong with him. but parkinsons? i dunno man

>> No.22725025

Anyone read Blaise Cendrars’ poetry? Not worth making its own thread for so I’m taking a shot in here

>> No.22725044

Is there not a poetry general right now?

>> No.22725046

man fuck it i'm going to bed

>> No.22725050

There's a video game community that I really want to be a part of but the largest portion and the portion with the coolest people are on the other side of the world.

>> No.22725098

I discovered a bunch of potential health problems recently. I went to get one thing checked out and I thought it was a small thing but now I have appointments with two specialists. Unironically there's a risk of cancer associated with the thing I went in for and a routine blood test showed an unrelated risk of chronic kidney disease.

I'm not a particularly healthy person but I at least don't eat like total garbage. I'm a coward and the fear and paranoia of disease and suffering are making it hard for me to focus at work or enjoy time out of work. I truly have no friends or anyone to seek comfort from. It's always been hard to come to terms with how I've wasted my life and been a disappointment to my parents and the lowest achiever of my extended family. And the new issues adds to the weight of unhappiness I carry around with me every day. I know so many people are worse off than me, but that sort of comparison doesn't really make me grateful.

Do you have any book recommendations for me to read? I want something to feel better, it doesn't have to be anything specific content wise, but anything uplifting would be cool.

>> No.22725105

Which one anon? I can't think of many examples. Starcraft and Korea?

>> No.22725111

hoi4 and Europe?

>> No.22725122

I was diagnosed with autism a few days ago. I wish I had known it before, when I was a teenager, it would have made many things easier, but I always was suspicious about it.

>> No.22725155

I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off, sometimes life’s okay

>> No.22725176

Haha thank you anon

>> No.22725185

Seems like there’s a lot of half assed /pol/..I mean /lit/ threads recently

>> No.22725187

SSBM and America.

>> No.22725214

October was so slow, November has gone by so quickly.

>> No.22725215

Song lyrics

>> No.22725221

I'm a video game historian and Star Trek philosopher AMA

>> No.22725231

Captain Kirk.

>> No.22725238

One time when I was 15 on the last day of school a girl literally gave me her phone number and i still didn't realize she was attracted to me.

>> No.22725269

I fuck hoes like I'm Marilyn Manson

>> No.22725290
File: 40 KB, 735x469, FB_IMG_1674231033058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can contextualism be reconciled with an epistemic theory of truth? How would it play out?

>> No.22725293

What's SSBM?

>> No.22725342

smash brothers melee.

>> No.22725352

Do you think a lot of premodern women were into wealthy merchants in the same sense women are into billionaires today?

>> No.22725364

What about tentation?
Should I give in in the hopes that'll get me rid of it and leave me free to concentrate on other things, or should I not give in, in the hopes that'll get me rid of it?

>> No.22725374

Oh I’m an early millennial have no idea

>> No.22725380

The amount of societal and institutional pressure in America to support Israel's recent antics is shocking. I'm not sure how to feel about this.

Also, the amount of conservatives biting back against Israel is weird too. Shapiro is going full retard has been entertaining though.

>> No.22725402
File: 163 KB, 482x612, gay retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was spotted. Now I'm striped.

>> No.22725411

This board doesn’t know basic epistemology it seems

>> No.22725431

I'm tired of staring into a computer screen

>> No.22725459


>> No.22725480

I bought folio editions of both the Alice's Adventures books mostly because Lewis Carroll is a fellow man of culture. Not really sure what to expect but I'm looking forward to reading them.

>> No.22725485

Which app is the best to read on phone? And before you ask, yes I'm poor.

>> No.22725488

I think I'm going to take my life soon, not tomorrow or anything, but probably before the new year. I'm really exhausted with the whole "life" thing. Time enough to get the affairs in order, then sweet nothingness.

>> No.22725512

What's the best course of action since I know that I'll never get to live my dreams?

>> No.22725604

How does incel ideology make any sense at all? If it's all genetics, how do incels even exist? Everyone who exists would descend from Chad.

>> No.22725612

I read Nietzsche and I am not caring for it
It doesn’t help that the modern fans of Nietzsche tend to be only slightly smarter than the people who get grifted into Andrew Tate

>> No.22725640

>If it's all genetics, how do incels even exist?
It's not genetics, though genetics do play a part. The problem was that the woman was not aware of the chad in 1950 so she settled for a non-chad guy but now every single woman is aware there's a chad somewhere, he could be near us right now. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa

>> No.22725662

Incel ideology revolves entirely around modern dating. Sorry but broads during the 50's didn't have a newspaper in their pockets at all times telling them there's at least four ggood looking tall guys near them that are up for fucking. Women have always been ready to become chad's side peace cumdump over entering a 'honest' relationship with someone more on their level. The difference is now they're not only unleashed to follow their desires but actively encouraged.

>> No.22725718

You're just whoremongers seeking no strings attached one night stands, why the hypocrisy?

>> No.22725754

I'm pretty sure one of the guys I go to uni with is gay and is attracted to me.
It's weird.
But as far as I know, straight men do not look you in the eyes and tell you
>"You have very pretty eyes"

>> No.22725765

my friend has done almost nothing but read webnovels and pornwha for like 4+ years now. we are only friends with him still because he's basically tenured

>> No.22725825

The entire group at the uni treats me rather strangely. I can't tell if they think I'm developmentally disabled or think I'm a cool guy.

>> No.22725826

Very tempted to look at porn but I will not. I made a promise to myself at the start of this month and I plan on sticking to it.

>> No.22725830

How do you become "basically tenured"?

>> No.22725844

by being a group of friends for like 25 years

>> No.22725848

I don't think you know what tenured means, anon.

>> No.22725850

are you ESL? i believe most native speakers would immediately understand what i meant by that. i wasn't being literal

>> No.22725873

Are all of you driven entirely by inertia?

>> No.22725883

without getting too into it, it's some mix of of like-- compartmentalization and the boiling frog metaphor. we are 'self aware' and talk about this stuff, but we're busy. i guess

>> No.22725889

How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.22725895

Because 'chad' is not actually a masculine man, just the one who gets the most amount of whores.
He's the elite whoremonger, so to speak.

>> No.22725921

Raping underage groupies?

>> No.22725931

Incels do not decry the fact they are not 'chad', their indignation comes from the fact that they're alone and will probably remain so unless they curb all pride and respect for themselves and take one of chad's many mistresses later in life. What is or isn't masculine is irrelevent as woman are not reasonable and make poor decisions all the time, them all choosing the strapping young buck means that they're out of the pull of mates, him being all show is irrelevent. Like calling the snake oil salesman a crook after he's sold his stock and has the bag of money.

>> No.22725933

Why do I have such a good memory of antiquity, but so poor remember the Middle Ages?

>> No.22725937

Many whores= peak man.
At least in the basest and most primitive sense of what being male is.
Which is the level most people operate in, at least subconsciously.
>He's the elite whoremonger, so to speak.
This is every dominant male in any mammalian social species but with more violence.

>> No.22725940

But Chad only gets the whores. If you want a woman that wasn't pumped and dumped by Chad don't take a hoe.

>> No.22725945

> Many whores= peak man.
So having lots of relationships with the lowest class of women (whores) somehow makes you an elite? You're full of shit.

>> No.22725946

he gay
one of my housemates in uni was very obviously gay and would never acknowledge it. he'd always be feelin our one buddies muscles up and telling him how handsome he is and then claim not to remember doing it in the morning. guy had a serious drinking problem so any time he did something weird he could just say he didn't remember

>> No.22725952

Meh, depends on the situation and the way he said it. If you truly had pretty eyes I wouldn't have hesitated to say it either, although it can come off as gay even among non-gays.

>> No.22725956

By that definition all women are whores as chad can take any woman if the conditions are right. You are in over your head if you believe that women don't do a great deal of convincing themselves that their attraction to someone isn't purely their jawline and height. Chad pulls both the nightclub going roasties and the quite nerdy girls, all you need is charm and confidence when you're tall and good looking, and of course the actual motivation to pull tail.

>> No.22726002

technology is all so broken. companies literally won't let me give them money because the tech doesn't work right.
>have old cell phone i haven't payed bill for in a while
>website won't let me make payments to reactivate service
>call tech support
>"sir you need a new sim card to redeem service blah blah blah"
>"is my existing sim card broken?"
>"no you just need a new one cause you just do ok"
one example of people literally declining the money i've freely offered to give them over some nonsensical tech issue
>try to set up crypto wallet
>browser can't take pictures of my ID through their web page to verify
>take pictures on another device and email them to the company
>receive email saying they've been verified
>go back to website and try to use account
>it asks me to fucking verify
>cannot get past the verification page no matter what i do
i realize now that Ted didn't have a real ideological complaint against technology, he just had one too many bad experiences with tech sapport

>> No.22726011

rap is crap

>> No.22726012

danny hasn't mattered in a long time. will not be listening. that nigga really thought it was ok to record and release Old

>> No.22726015

them as well

>> No.22726078

>tfw drinking beer

>> No.22726132

> By that definition all women are whores as chad can take any woman if the conditions are right
That's exactly where your thinking is wrong. You are pretending there aren't women who dislike, and don't go out with whoremongers. Chad only goes for whores, the ones who would sleep with someone after a few dates at most. The type of women that only goes for committed relationships doesn't sleep with chad. They might not be virgins, but their bodycounts never go beyond 4-5, better even, their partners weren't whore-mongering 'chads'.

>> No.22726136

The more I analyze schools, the more I hate everything about them.

>> No.22726146

Name 3 things that you hate the most.

>> No.22726149

Not that I'm some sort of puritanist, but a distinction should be made between degeneracy worth living and degeneracy not worth living.

>> No.22726153

I had three wet dreams: The first one felt like a really real blow job like I was actually getting one I couldn’t believe how accurate it was I almost came from it too.

The other one I don’t know I was like running in some town and was humping some girls leg I came from that too.

The third there was nothing just nothing I just came myself from that too somehow.

>> No.22726156

“Man of action” what does that even mean?

>> No.22726159

1. It makes you have friendful relationships with people you do otherwise not have anything in common with, who might come from criminal environments, at an age where you don't know better
2. It brainwashes people into believing that the goal of life is being a good work ant 'you have to get good grades in order to get a good job'
3. By mixing girls and boys, not in elementary school, but in middle school and certainly in high school, most people become corrupted and obsessed with sex
Literally a Satanic ritual.

>> No.22726174

>women make poor decisions constantly so they’re at fault for their own situation
>incels aren’t

>> No.22726180

I already mentioned that some women can escape this faith simply because of circumstances. Howeever women have a very singular idea when it comes to what is desirable in a man, and some of them 'settling' for a man that doesn't comform to the idea of 'chad', is just the result of a desfavorable situation. This can be anything from family pressure, to simply not being able to handle loneliness, or even something as trivial as an odd momentary fancy. But in the end the result is always the same in that those women grow resentful, either at themselves or at their husband. For what is perceived as failure and unfairness. And no one is happy in such a relationship. Because at the end of the day you sit down a woman for a confession or a thorough examination, you will find out that all of them would prefer to be chad's 50th concubine, who gets a single day of sunshine in a year over a husband whom might love them until they die, that is short, balding or generally ugly.

>> No.22726266

>Cause of death unknown.
That seems like it would be the best death. "Modern science hasn't a clue what killed him, but sure 'nuff he's dead. At least we think so..."

>> No.22726289

>The tough part of it is — you’ve got to aim high just to hit anywhere at all. It can get to be heartbreaking, too — trying for the sublime every time, and just escaping the ridiculous, or the mediocre.
>No matter how high you aim, you can’t hit escape velocity. Ambition is a trajectory with its impact point in oblivion, no matter how high the throw.
>— from 'The Darfsteller' by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
There are few things outside of nature - that is, created by hands of man - that are not loathsome.

>> No.22726306

>1. It makes you have friendful relationships with people you do otherwise not have anything in common with
That is one of its biggest boons. After you're out of school, that possibility of social clique, that network, tends to evaporate.

>2. It brainwashes people into molding themselves into a formidable competitor
When it comes to brainwashing at school, that rates nowhere near the worst part. That is fine. Its a winners world, and if you can't compete you are already dead.

>3. By mixing girls and boys, not in elementary school,
That argument could be compelling 20+ years ago, but now porn and hollywood-style entertainment has far more damage in that respect. I'd say keeping kids around only kids in school is more harmful. Smaller class sizes filled with knowledgable adults - not teachers, actual skilled people who can mold and demonstrate personally - would be preferable maybe.

>> No.22726314

Are these circumstances in the room with is anon.

>> No.22726320

One day I will sit aside a bonfire behind my hovel on the outskirts, roasting hotdogs and marshmallows, and playing guitar to the trees. And there will be no more screens.

>> No.22726321

Every time.

>> No.22726323

I have three sex dreams I distinctly remember even though it's been years:
1. Sex with a woman in a shower
2. Threesome between me and two women
3. Sex with my mom (Freud would have been amused)

>> No.22726334

You could always get you a new GF. One that actually likes you maybe.

>> No.22726448

living for myself made me miserable. i was filled with resentment, i obsessed over stupid ambitions, i felt constant discontent and restlessness. living for others has given me something resembling peace

>> No.22726479

agree with this guy >>22726334

>> No.22726502

>coolest people

>> No.22726509
File: 6 KB, 185x272, download (54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan may not survive Western normie attention simping for Japan.
Japanese gatekeep SO MUCH.
Japanese do not gate keep ENOUGH.
Dirty filthy fucking normies REEEEE

>> No.22726546

look at all the religious crap in the catalog

>> No.22726640

Where are you going to get hot dogs and marshmallows after the world ends?

>> No.22726672

the government put me in jail for being homophobic. now i have to post from the phone my boyfriend smuggled in his ass

>> No.22726686

Mindhunter season 2 is pretty based

>> No.22726717

She does love me, otherwise she would have just broken up with me, she just thinks I get out of hand sexually and she finds it degrading and terrifying. Im just fucking mad because what is talking to some hack about the intimate details of our relationship going to solve.

>> No.22726822
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>trying to read about stinky hippies

>find this thing written by a hippie icon when hippies were still culturally relevant

>it hasn't been digitized and nobody even remembers who Abbie Hoffman is

I don't want to have to buy a physical copy, fuck

>> No.22726830
File: 506 KB, 1682x2560, 9780520201224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this one hasn't been digitized either


>> No.22726834

>nobody even remembers who Abbie Hoffman is
He's pretty well known for Steal This Book

>> No.22726904

I work hard and play hard.
There are no other players besides me.

>> No.22726905

I tried to do more social things and make plans and hang out with people for a while. I was sad and thought that lack of socialization may have been one of the causes. If you Google things like "depression" or talk to a therapist about it this is often one of the possible ways out of it which they suggest. I have done both of those things in the past so I know this is true. In any case, it didn't really seem to help. Talking to people and leaving the house and having some vague semblance of responsibility towards a girl I do and so romantic things with: none of these things seem to provide the natural warmth of joy that comes more easily to others. The sadness cycles besides. As did the brief easy-come-easy-go relationships, if they can be called as such. I'm left in the position of knowing both that being a shut-in doesn't make me happy and neither does the opposite. The set of all things which are either: 1. a shut-in, 2. not a shut-in, is all things. I'm in a pickle.

>> No.22726989

>the white race
>the black race
>the brown race
>the yellow race
All made up categories arbitrarily assigned to various groups of genetic clusters
Racism is good btw

>> No.22726994

I had a dream last night that I was hanging out and smoking weed with the unseen elder vampire from Witcher 3. He wanted to kill me when I first walked in but I gave him a techdeck and he started doing nasty tricks across the cave with his teleportation and shit. We moved a couch and an old box TV into his cave and chilled out for a while playing old 360 games.

>> No.22727000


>> No.22727007

Bj wet dreams are based
>all you need is charm and confidence when you're tall and good looking, and of course the actual motivation to pull tail.
Incels can geomaxx or take other routes but honestly most are lazy. The least lazy are the looksmaxxing incels although looksmaxxing is for everyone

>> No.22727025

Chad litrtally comes from Chad Thundercock jock meme. Many of these guys get married
Chad now applies to attractive handsome men of various types, but always masculine. Yes even the slim 5,10 male model acts masculine

>> No.22727045

>actual motivation
like so many things in life it goes to the guy who wants it more

>> No.22727078

High-stimulus or high-risk taker, which could be anything from a rugged outdoorsman to an insider trader who actually enjoys the impending legal doom to anyone noticeably oblivious to all things audio. Obviously I'm rather low on the stimulus-seeking scale: The sting of frigid temperatures, or the thrill of fast driving where roads are magnificently over-engineered, sometimes do it for me, but only where easy retreat to indoors and lower speeds takes the slightest movement of will. The main thing I suppose is that I don't much want to be otherwise than what I am, quite possibly because my father was much the same.

>> No.22727205

>searching for books about polish history on goodreads
>every second one is about jews

Talk about overresearched.

>> No.22727215
File: 1.60 MB, 498x273, tomato-confuse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally actually googled dancing israelis

>> No.22727218

I grew up in a big family and was never without a friend from 11 to 55. Some of the circumstances in which I met them were perfectly ridiculous, and they were all very different except for one thing: All of them had Subjects, and certain kind of poetic detachment in conversation about them. That is to say that they were in general highly articulate.

>> No.22727221

>Abbie wanted people to steal his books
>not all of them are on libgen

>> No.22727245

Can I suck your tiddies? Could help

>> No.22727248

>fellow man of culture
Wasnt he a pedophile

>> No.22727252

I had a professor from eastern europe who was close to retirement and didn't give a fuck anymore, and he heavily implied that Jewish studies is a huge racket. Basically a distributed thinktank spread out over other countries' academic establishments exploiting good will and victim narratives to train a new generation of self conscious Zionists or crypto-Zionist "seculars liberal democrats."

>> No.22727263

I treat my grandmother like a sargeant.

>> No.22727274


>> No.22727281

Grandmother's know best. If she tells me to jump, then I jump.j22swn

>> No.22727282

I'd like to meet your grandmother. Bet I'd find the bitch rather a riot both in person and in insinuation to others.

>> No.22727307

That sounds like western academic historiography in general, it's all an astroturfed gaslighting factory for liberal NGOs and minorities.

>> No.22727319

How do I deprogram myself from the hangover of Abrahamism?

I still carry so much retarded baggage even though faith left me 5 or 6 years ago.

>> No.22727320

Read Henri Corbin

>> No.22727330


>> No.22727333

>professor of Islamic studies
Why I would read him? I don't wanna go back. Faith left me, even if I became a Muslim tomorrow I would've no faith.

>> No.22727335

penis yum suck suck

>> No.22727352

Law cannot exist without coercion, if it could, we would call it custom.

>> No.22727362

pussy yum lick lick

>> No.22727366

Realize that your beliefs/faith are not abrahamic but just innate spiritualism. You just dress them in abrahamic garment out of habit. The god or whatever divinity you have in your mind is not YHWH
And read Nietzsche

>> No.22727372

There's a new genetic study out and apparently Poland was not inhabited by Poles until after the Middle Ages lol. The previous population was Scandinavian-like.

>> No.22727376

Are shame cultures superior to guilt cultures? Guilt seems to be a lot unhealthier an emotion for a society to have than shame.

>> No.22727401

Yes. All ancient cultures like Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, Persia constantly shamed themselves for underperforming
China is also doing it all the time now but they have 0 guilt over anything

>> No.22727410

Just got a heavy deja vu experience from this
>Realize that your beliefs/faith are not abrahamic but just innate spiritualism.
But I'm talking about Abrahamic philosophical framework.

Which Nietzsche's book I should read to cure this moral and philosophical hangover?

>> No.22727430

Abrahamic "philosophical framework" is made up shit and didn't exist 1800 years ago unless you refer to the OT, which really is just a pagan ethnonationalist epic.
Anyway, start with Genealogy of Morals and Antichrist. Keep in mind that the goal isn't to agree with Nietzsche but to see Abrahamism for the manmade cope that it is. It's literally D&D fanfiction.
This would probably do the trick. I don't think your belief in divinity would be affected, but abrahamic concepts wouldn't arise just like D&D concept don't arise.
At the same time Nietzsche protects you from nihilistic atheism that many fall in the trap of when they try to expulse the jewish mythology from their brains.

>deja vu
What if I'm you from the future?

>> No.22727447

Delillo's Libra is such a cool book

>> No.22727498

I yam what I yam

>> No.22727506

Purchase a fedora and stop using deodorant

>> No.22727570

No, he simply appreciated and gathered inspiration from the subtle, gentle, virgin beauty of young maidens.

>> No.22727576

I love Metaphysical Poetry

>> No.22727581

It is so god damn strange that I am still alive and supposedly have many years left to live, or could have at least.

>> No.22727595

Regardless of incel ideology, ugly/bald people make no sense from an evolutionary point of view. Being short and weak has its advantages but being ugly doesn't.

>> No.22727597

Being ugly is based. Beautiful people are gay looking, like women. Whenever I see a beautiful man start to speak I instinctively start yawning because I know he's just going to say some pathetic "optimistic" shit and he's probably a heckin' wholesome doctor who goes to the gym or something like that. Give me an ugly bald Caesar who conquers nations over a gay fag "never skip leg day :P! But seriously, everybody remember to hydrate today!!!" prettyboy piece of shit any day

>> No.22727612

Whereas with an ugly bastard like yourself, it's pretty much a guarantee that you'll speak in negative cliches that you mistake for profound

>> No.22727632

>says nothing of substance, adds no jokes (accustomed to not having to put in extra effort to be respected)
>incapable of banter / detecting banter (not used to having real friends, only "admirers")
>flustered feminine babbling upon being challenged (not used to it; expects to be able to dispel the offender by pouting and moaning)
See? Look what being attractive has done to you. You are like a woman.

>> No.22727659

Do you think ultra-high income careers that have to become your whole life and personality are worth it? I got one of these when I graduated from college and I hated it so I quit. I’m starting to regret it a few years later. I always imagined I would find something better but I never did and when I see my parents and my siblings struggle I just think about how nice it would be to just give them the money they need.

>> No.22727680

Atheists are morally abrahamist thoughbeit. It wouldn't work
>no sense from an evolutionary point of view
Mutations can go wrong y'know. We just raise the retards now whereas animals don't
Not everything is an advantage. Being 190cm has an advantage but being 170cm doesnt have a different advantage. It just has less of the same advantages being 190cm does

>> No.22727682

Prettyboys are usually low T or average. Handsome men have high T features and often don't look pretty but they very much are.
On the other hand, ugly men are subhuman filth

>> No.22727688

Theyre good for a few years but not after 30

>> No.22727729

Why do you think that? I would think that if anything they’re pretty much useless before 30 whereas after 30 it’s really life changing money and that’s when you need it the most.

>> No.22727732

[...] in the environment of Chanaan, were constantly renewing and abounding, leading to the formation of previously unknown varieties and types. Such a contest was taking place, because the Phoenicians offered occupation to everyone. The work of its ports, its factories, its caravans, required a lot of arms. Tyre and Sidon, besides being large maritime and commercial cities in the manner of London and Hamburg, were at the same time major industrial centres such as Liverpool and Birmingham; they became the evenings of the populations of earlier Asia, they occupied them all and they were transferring the overflow to the vast circle of their colonies. In this way, through constant immigration, they sent fresh forces and an increase in their own lives. Let's not admire this prodigious act too much. All these advantages of an everincreasing population had their unfortunate reworms: they began by altering the political constitution in order to improve it; they ended up determining its total ruin.
We have seen by what ethnic transformations the reign of the gods had ended, to be replaced by that of the priests, who, in turn, had given way to a complex and learned organization, destined to give access to [...]
History repeats itself, from location to location.

>> No.22727908

Anyone noticed there is a shrill materialist jew in every thread right now

>> No.22727909

so is it any particular crossroads I need to sit at or is the devil accepting souls at all of them?

>> No.22727917

>bald people make no sense from an evolutionary point of view
losing all the rest of our body hair doesn't seem to bother you, monkeyboy

>> No.22727930

Life changing money comes before 30 lol
After 30 you are wasting time you should be spending on bigger profits with less work

>> No.22727946

online nietzscheanism is cope. it boils down to
>yeah you might take my land and rape my women BUT my people built aesthetically pleasing urban societies. if you kill me i win. i have (had) BETTER MORALS than you haha

>> No.22727953

which isnt nietzscheanism at all btw. it's inferiority complex and neetsche would call it abominable slave morality

>> No.22727959

these brit pop bands that have two good songs are so annoying

>> No.22727964

Sometimes I wonder if good old Nietzsche would have gotten beaten up, would he admire the man for being stronger?

>> No.22727969

I just got into an online argument (sorta not and also sorta so) about the words unconjecturable and unanswerable. The sticking point for the other person is they are very very similar in meaning. My sticking point (and this was a religious conversation) is that they are literally not the same thing. They mean completely different things. They are as different in meaning as the words possible and impossible.

>> No.22727981

Stone Roses are too old for britpop. Besides
That's at least three

>> No.22728001

>calling stone roses fans the equivalent of blur fans
kek. for your own safety, never visit manchester (general good rule, but especially for you)

>> No.22728017

That's a type of resentful vanity, so probably not

>> No.22728028

how is it this dude is a professional comedian (albiet british) on tv and shit but also puts out jams like this as a side gig ngl talented af

>> No.22728038

oh shit sam altman is out at openai

>> No.22728047

My GI health plays a greater role in my overall happiness than literally anything else. I'd rather be in jail with a healthy gut than a rich free man with the shits

>> No.22728048

a bill bailey set will blow your mind kid

>> No.22728078

idk if you know how bad being in an institution is, hope you work out what's wrong with your guts though

>> No.22728101

>We just raise the retards now whereas animals don't
That's largely a recent phenomenon and doesn't apply to beauty, as raising someone doesn't mean that person will reproduce.
>Being 190cm has an advantage but being 170cm doesnt have a different advantage.
Yes it does, being 170cm takes less calories to grow and maintain. That's extremely important for survival, even in relatively recent periods of scarcity.

>> No.22728108

Not the man, but he would admire strength
Or maybe I'm projecting because I've done this, I have lost fights and realized that the other guy was better than me at something, so that something must have been good and I should have it too
Btw Nietzsche's values werent his own. His only own concept is the ubermensch

>> No.22728109

>Prettyboys are usually low T or average.
No doubt. Yet development works in stranger was than you suggest. Some of them turn quite hideous by 40, and some are beautiful only by then, and some ugly looking men are very charming, and the best of company.

>> No.22728121

Of course ir applies to beauty, beauty is a signal for better health
>takes less calories to grow and maintain
So does being 20cm but we arent 20cm on average, hmm curious isn't it
weird how an advantage can far outweigh another... peculiar indeed... why did strength and muscles evolve... stupid things take up energy, oxygen and calories! it's an advantage to burn less calories by having no arms at all!

>> No.22728122

i used to be a bisexual with a preference for pretty twinks, but now i'm full-on rough trade masc4masc aids havin macho gay

>> No.22728135

What's your overall point here? More people are 170cm than 190cm, especially throughout history.

>> No.22728142

>trade cured anon's greediness
tell me more

>> No.22728153

It's quite possible you're not making that shit up. And even if you are, it's just as spooky.

>> No.22728159

I used to be African American.

>> No.22728162

And taller people are more successful, hence more advantages. If being short has an advantage that being tall has less of, being tall offers much more advantages. Being short doesnt provide NEW advantages, the tall dude still has the advantage of requiring less calories than an elephant for example

>> No.22728165

same, but then I wondered what would happen if I rubbed anal bleach all over my body

>> No.22728168

Michael Jackson

>> No.22728178

sorry, I can't follow this schizo logic

>> No.22728216

alcoholism is neat because you can make yourself so extremely ill that people think you're actually dying and then recover 2 weeks later. i can simulate terminal illness nearly at will. two weeks ago i looked like a corpse and people were alarmed to look at me. now i'm perfectly fine.

>> No.22728222

yeah that's a ball that only bounces so many times anon

>> No.22728245

Amidst the translucent liquor and spilled pill bottles, the black light last night flickered bodily fluid stains everywhere. There we were watching two twin gals twirling germs on these stain-ridden steel poles, harmonizing together as one the music overhead with the thrust of their Monday night figures. (The poles themselves hovered six meters above planet earth but I digress.) Figure-hugging clothing, whether by diet or function, tore and pulled. She suffocated me with the contours of her posterior in front of my girlfriend. And my girlfriend, masking her dopamine-induced reverie behind her posture and hand open-faced towards our new stripper friend, unsheathed my oncoming pulsating member like with telepathy or some dumb shit.

>> No.22728250


>> No.22728394

pls take hands off the bear of the night's ass and text me back about this conversion by craigslist deal, kthnxbai

>> No.22728420

Black swan event. Hot milk doesn't make me sleepy.

>> No.22728428

i can do this indefinitely

>> No.22728433

Yo did someone throw out my glass of cum?

>> No.22728440

indefinitely is doing a lot of work there anon, your drunk over literal ass deserves to post on our translated Laotian semantics discussion board

>> No.22728448

i don't understand what you just said, and i don't attribute that to the fact i'm drunk

>> No.22728455

i'm high and i think you're very beautiful, very gracious, very talented and i love you very much. that probably explains it

>> No.22728456

I became a wizard. Then I got a girlfriend that was hard to love at first, but now I realize, that actually I am her, just like her, but didn't want to confess this to myself at first. I thought I was a better person than her, as her actions represented. I am not. I hate being around people because people suck. She doesn't mind. And I love her for that. Cheers. I just won at life. As a no more wiz.

>> No.22728488

say that shit to my face fucker not online see what happens (i would make love to you for hours)

>> No.22728515

hnng it's actually a scuffed quote from ellington but we can listen to all his albums while fucking

>> No.22728532

ok but i'm on top and that is NOT negotiable

>> No.22728535

yeah i'm lazy it's cool

>> No.22728543

are u guys gonna do a yaoi. can i watch

>> No.22728553

can you draw?

>> No.22728554

ok i love you babe
i can't stop you. it's a free country after all

>> No.22728557
File: 2.49 MB, 498x280, 1655663932702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever have that friend, who you still talk to because you've known them for so long and feel sorry for them since you know they don't really have other friends, but they're fucking bonkers?
But like, even though you know they're bonkers, you trick yourself into forgetting so you can keep hanging out with them, so each time they say some crazy shit you're always taken aback by it? Like you make yourself believe you have a normal friendship just to keep functioning, and then suddenly he's emphatically confirming the existence of forest monsters that walk between dimensions and steal peoples' souls, or how his family are actually the ones involved in some historic event even though you know it makes no sense?
What the fuck can you do?

>> No.22728559

ily2 but i gotta pass out so let me know if it's good

>> No.22728562

okk gn bb

>> No.22728580

Every smart and interesting person I've meet who is drunk becomes a conservative.

>> No.22728591

thinkin about my early 20s when me and my friends would just send each other dick pics and call each other gay. why were former days better than these?

>> No.22728598

Standards vary. I start to worry if if the kitchen counter looks cluttered, or the Apricot Madagascar Periwinkle doesn't look that good.

>> No.22728632

And none of them in the sense you mean.

>> No.22728637

Your friends were gayer than you were.

>> No.22728643

that explains why they moaned so much when i fucked them

>> No.22728646

Does /lit/ have spoiler text?


>> No.22728680

Never. If they still feel like talking to me, they will, and if not, not. And whether they're happier with with other friends, or in solitude, I let them go their way, and wish happiness in their own way.

>> No.22728685


>> No.22728827

the government accidentally gave me over twice the welfare money i'm entitled to. think i might buy a horse i dunno.

>> No.22728848

i was thinking about taking a nap and then realized it's 9:30 and i should just go to bed

>> No.22728855

I read just under 40 pages in an hour today, I'd say it was about 38 pages, this is a new best for me, pretty proud of myself.

>> No.22728890

It’s scary how some people just completely lose the plot. I have friends like this who were completely normal, even kind of social chads growing up.. but life didn’t go the way they wanted.. and the world confused them.. so they just completely went off the rails. I think most everyone is crazy in some way, and we all have blind spots, but it honestly worries me how far some of those things take some people. Makes me concerned for my own sanity

>> No.22728930

I wish I was born in a cool country like Spain, France, or Japan.

>> No.22728933

>Want to write.
>Write some stuff.
>Read a book from a renowned author.
>Holy shit this is good.
>Get discouraged because my stuff is nowhere near as good.
How do I stop this from happening?

>> No.22728946

you cope by knowing its easy to become good at writing when its your literal day job

>> No.22728958

>you cope by knowing its easy to become good at writing when its your literal day job
how successful are you?

>> No.22728984

i am that friend but worse than what you described. i often wonder what my high school friends think of me when i talk or hang out. i don't think it's a burden to them since they often initiate and seem to have a good time when we're together, but it's undeniable that my life has taken a very different route than theirs

>> No.22728989

are you fat?

>> No.22729005

i am consumed by shame but i am not going to stop
i am crushed under self hate but i will not change

>> No.22729019

But it only became their day job because they're good at writing. Hmmmm.

>> No.22729030

What kind of art do you work with?

>> No.22729037

archaism, the tenebrous ideology

>> No.22729057

nigga, i pet cat

>> No.22729062

i was going through some of my apple music 2023 reply songs cuz there's always good shit i forgot about in there, and i just realized 2023 is almost over. damn.

>> No.22729105


>> No.22729351

I work mostly in writing and music, about the culture of United States and the foundations of the Information Age- things like cinema, jazz, and technological developments. I don't want to talk too much about it cause it's not very far along in development but it's like multimedia storytelling.

>> No.22729365

Thank you for reminding of me of that beautiful word, tenebrous

>> No.22729494

Eh, my reasons are truly saddening and shallow as to why I would want to be imitative of another author(s). One of them, however, relate to me coming to terms with my mortality.

>> No.22730223

>Life changing money comes before 30 lol
Almost never. I don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about…

>> No.22730226

Anyone have a strong opinion on this? I could really use some advice.

>> No.22730231

Schmitt was 100% right and nowhere is this illustrated more clearly in the transformation of Europeans informed by biblical stories to Americans in formed by constitutional law.