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22721348 No.22721348 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT we badly explain the plot of our favorite book and other anons have to guess.

I'll start.

A guy lives in a subway tunnel, and has to run around all the other people living in one to tell them that something bad is gonna happen soon.

>> No.22721421

Spanish teacher takes a vacation to Spain and goes camping in the woods . Learns a lot about civil engineering and chemistry and makes a bunch of new friends and has fun with his new Spanish waifu until the one friend goes cuckoo and fucks things up for everyone because he’s a suicidal alcoholic.

>> No.22722134

No clue but I'm very interested

>> No.22722142

Who lives in a subway tunnel? I've read this but can't remember.

>> No.22722210

Invisible Man?

>> No.22722296

Guy fucks his sister, then whines about it

>> No.22722302

Metro 2033?

>> No.22722323

Man is afraid to die in war

>> No.22722340

I was gonna guess Metro

Here's mine: A russian immigrant convinces a german boy to steal a vehicle and go to see the russians family together

>> No.22722343

It's a low effort thread, but we don't have to steep this low

>> No.22722565

for whom the bell tolls

too ez

>> No.22722572

Yeah, it's Metro 2033

>> No.22722584

Young man goes to the heights of Europe and there becomes a reddit pseud but also a based cigar huffing conversationalist. Spergs out over pencils. Doesn't want to wage and ultimately starts nofap to overcome his homolust. Nofap selfhelp bullshit ends when die erste rasekrieg starts and he becomes a nietzchean jocko willink. Book ends with GOOD.

>> No.22722635

Douchey guy goes to Greece and meets this weird rich dude and fucks his daughter or some shit he’s not sure but then it’s a set-up but sort of isn’t but he’s not really sure he just knows he wants to fuck her even though he should be in love with this cutie tomboy

>> No.22722644

All quiet on the western front?

>> No.22722649

Guy rapes his wife

>> No.22722705

a gay guy gets paid to dunk on women

>> No.22722813

someone's having a bizarre dream about a village covered in snow in which he works as a school janitor for a short while, gets cucked by a german maid and suddenly wakes up this is a pretty good summary desu

>> No.22722819

a bunch of people converge on a weird city and never really directly interact with one another

>> No.22722826

A schizo and his neighbour goes on a adventure

>> No.22722841

The Castle

>> No.22722859

yeah that was way too easy, good job regardless

>> No.22722943

The Tunnel by William Gass


The Taming of the Shrew

The sorrows of Young Werther

these are all to easy

>> No.22722954

A man makes some coffee in his apartment. A cat appears. He folds his laundry while reflecting on how his life has recently become filled with remarkable women but they keep disappearing. He drinks two beers. The cat is now gone.

>> No.22722955

A train brings the carnival to town but the main attraction doesnt go down so well when the patrons start fighting with an old lady.

>> No.22722961

>The Taming of the Shrew

>> No.22722962

Melancholy of Resistance

>> No.22722965

Haha mine wasnt oedipus but close I guess

>> No.22722967

Yup. I am surprised someone actually got it so quick because it isnt discussed here too frequently.

>> No.22722975

That's definitely not the Tunnel, no idea what it actually is, but that's not it.

>> No.22722976

I don't know which of his short stories that would be but this definitely sounds like Bukowski.

>> No.22722993

Tschick? had to read this in school, does it hold up?

>> No.22723000

Windup Bird

>> No.22723006

Irishman discovers Ireland sucks and fucks off.

>> No.22723020

Man discoveres what he wants in life by smelling coochi. He then works incredibly hard to fulfill his dream because of his autism. Finally, the man achieves his dream, until finally he dies because of consumption

>> No.22723029

People disappear into the big black anus of a suburban home, while others question if it even happened.

>> No.22723031

House of Leaves?

>> No.22723034

>sorrows of young werther

>> No.22723035

Ya lol.

>> No.22723058

>does it hold up?
Hold up to what?

>> No.22723107

Don Quixote?

>> No.22723131


>> No.22723352

to a reread as an adult, i remember not liking it too much

>> No.22723425

Honestly just try it again and allow the book to really take you into the heads of the two boys, that's where it's magic lies
But then again I'm extremely biased since this is one of my favourite books of all time

>> No.22723472


>> No.22723633

The TARDIS, except it can't travel through time or space. Also it's a labyrinth. Also it eats people.

>> No.22723700

Not my favorite book, but this one a retired artist sends a kid and his family to a really shitty part of the country, which he and his relatives bitch about for decades afterward.

>> No.22723762

Could be Magic Mountain.

>> No.22723766

Not Stoner.

>> No.22723771

Could be Hogg.

>> No.22723774

Could be Dhalgren. But there are other options.

>> No.22723790

Could be any number of things but I'll guess Portrait of the Artist.

>> No.22723794

A biography of Samuel Beckett?

>> No.22723875

no. come on, this is an easy one

>> No.22723893

Cant believe nobody got this yet

>> No.22723901


>> No.22723902


>this is an easy one
No, it could be lots of things.

>> No.22723904


>> No.22723905

I don't have any single favourite book so here's half-a-dozen.

1) A man is saved from a mid-life crisis when his ex-girlfriend gets together with his favourite author to show him the universe.

2) Two Texan friends visit Montana. One of them dies so they come back to Texas again.

3) Our heroes leave home and find a nice new neighbourhood. Having no girlfriends, they embark on a daring GIRLFRIEND RAID, but problems ensue.

4) A man employed to deal with rogue vacuum-cleaners tries to deal with six in one day. This strenuous workload is made harder by the fact that a) they're not really vacuum-cleaners and b) he gets romantically involved with a seventh along the way.

5) A smug bitch encourages her empty-headed friend to think she's the cat's pyjamas. E.-H. F. then decides she wants to marry the guy that S. B. wants to marry, which brings S. B. back to reality in no time flat.

6) An American lady complains that her husband has no balls. Then he finds his balls under a bush, so she shoots him in the back of the head.

>> No.22723918

lol I bet the retired artist is Hitler

>> No.22723944

1 is deffo the Divine Comedy

>> No.22723955


>> No.22723962

3 is Rape of the Sabine women from whichever Roman historian chronicled that story.

>> No.22723965

Epileptic prince returns to his country and falls in love with a weird ass woman, he keeps chasing her for years but she keeps cucking him.

>> No.22723971

i do mean this plot summary literally. it's not hyperbole

>> No.22723976

>1 is deffo the Divine Comedy

>3 is Rape of the Sabine women
Wasn't meant to be but I realized when I posted it that it sort of fits that story pretty well too. It was a 20th century novel I had in mind.

>> No.22723980

He sounds like an idiot to me.

>> No.22723987

first try, well done anon

>> No.22723988

The Lord of the rings?

>> No.22723991

No. It’s modern lol.

>> No.22724015

Guy is a valued patriarch in his community by virtue of his seriousness and ruthlessness. Righfully punishes a woman who steps out of line. Community gets all upset at him. Exile. Comes back years later and community has been cucked by slave morality. Loses his shit. Dies mad.

>> No.22724024

3 is watership down

>> No.22724027

The Scarlet Letter?

>> No.22724029


>> No.22724040

Correct. I will never not shill Watership Down.

>> No.22724053

I never actually read the Scarlet Letter but I plan to someday.

>> No.22724066

I didnt finish it yet but going to guess king leer lol

>> No.22724103

That's correct

>> No.22724176

Fuck yeah, the book is tops and that old animated version is gorgeous too, maximum comfy adventures

>> No.22724837

things fall apart

>> No.22724854

A man visits a rural village to solve surreal disappearances, hunt wolves and find a wife

>> No.22724865

Wuthering Heights?

>> No.22724910

yeah, it's Night

>> No.22724919

cannibalism has been legal worldwide for a long time. our main character is gifted a single head of female human cattle. the main character goes through mental anguish and moral dilemmas soon after

>> No.22724925

The world is changed forever because of a spanking

>> No.22724932

A strand of god’s hair witnessed his owner consorting with a whore

>> No.22724960

6, Francis Macomber?

>> No.22725162

The Magus?

>> No.22725517


>> No.22725524

You got it man

>> No.22725538

two siblings have tons of sex, become separated, unite again, have some more sex and the little sister kills herself

>> No.22725551

An autist crawls across some farmland in Ireland

>> No.22725557

Story of an Eye?

>> No.22725577

Yeah you got it haha

>> No.22725657

nah, Ada or Ardor

>> No.22725703

That description also sounds reminiscent of Les Enfants Terribles.

>> No.22725706

Except it was the brother who killed himself in Cocteau’s novel.

>> No.22726233

Guys magic penis predicts future rocket strikes

>> No.22726460

Lol, that might as well be the summary on the back of the book.

>> No.22726523

An effete man simping for a mysterious brown girl at an elite European university instead becomes a gay cuckold and, ultimately, becomes spiritually female in the literal sense.

>> No.22726573

A young girls father gets killed by a bum so she hires some dude to go after him with her and another guy ends up joining them.

>> No.22726579

True Grit?

>> No.22726593


>> No.22726631


>> No.22726679

A man who holds no prejudice toward the crippled makes enemies out of 2 cripples.

>> No.22726808

Brazilian woman fails at encountering the love of her life so she becomes a nude model and eventually takes a flight to Gèneve with her rich boss, but then finds out her boss is scamming her so she leaves her job. She decides to become a prostitute until she finds a random painter who says he can see the light in her.

>> No.22727921

The passenger/stella maris?

>> No.22728260
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Bureaucracy, amirite?: the book

>> No.22728407
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>> No.22728708


>> No.22728998

A guy goes outside at night to find his girl

>> No.22729106

an 80's yuppie is going around murdering people, but is he really?

>> No.22729252

Russian guy goes to the frontier and does alot of war crimes.

>> No.22729311


>> No.22729317

your diary desu

>> No.22729345

Dude likes fucking cheap foreign whores, until he falls in love together with the girl who provides them. Then fucking mudslimes ruin everything.

>> No.22729357

In the beginning an autist sees the aftermath of a shipwreck where many Irish passengers died

>> No.22729391
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catcher in the rye
5 is that jane austen movie with mia goth ?
story of the eye
literally me

>> No.22729423
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1. three friends can;t remember the thing that ruined their life

2. stuck in a bosch painting

3. an encounter with a niche subculture helps a distant married couple rediscover their passion in unconventional ways

4. an autist is new to town, gets involved with the local it-girl and a dwarf

>> No.22729715

>5 is that jane austen movie with mia goth ?
It's Jane Austen, yes. No idea what film you're talking about. The only film version of it I know about had Alicia Silverstone in. (A very loose adaptation.)

>> No.22729875

Perfume: Story of a Murderer

>> No.22729885

How the fuck did no one guess that this is Ada or Ardor

>> No.22729889

1. Absalom, Absalom (????)
2. Blood Meridian
3. Crash
4. Breakfast at Tiffanies

>> No.22729892

1.Ultra manlet with 'billions must die' mindset encourages the king to begin a war with another kingdom
2.Based on Biblical story. Evil king finds good-natured pussy. Dat pussy so good it makes him soft (in a moral sense). He notices it and doesn't like it. Orders his henchman to assassinate her. Regrets it immediately and turns mad
Hint:Those are Swedish works

3.Dude gets jailed because the Sun was too hot and he didn't cry during his mother's funeral

>> No.22729907

3 is the stranger. Easy

>> No.22730022
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yeah. here is your prize: some arithmetic

>> No.22731296

A thot seduces her family member's man, and then the two of them go fucking bender across the country. The thot eventually bails on the guy, gets pregante by a tradesman, and has a miscarriage.

>3. an encounter with a niche subculture helps a distant married couple rediscover their passion in unconventional ways
Aneantir? Which STILL hasn't been translated to English.

>> No.22732431

4=do androids dream of electric sheep?

>> No.22732462


>> No.22732490

>misses all of them
>too easy
I wish I had your confidence, anon

>> No.22732500

Master and margherita

>> No.22732503

Sad American man lives a quiet academic life marked with external turmoil and dies as impotently as he lived

>> No.22732524

Lolita? Odd way to center the story on her

>> No.22733062


>> No.22733209

Man dreams alone.

>> No.22733381
File: 35 KB, 419x476, 4chansxparanormalboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 is correct

It was Crash by J.G ballard

Stoner? Popular book
The Room by Selby?

>> No.22733423

havent read but its what i imagine count of monte cristo to be, alternatively literally my diary desu

>> No.22733424

Three of my favorites:

1. Man helps others go fishing because he's depressed. They fail.

2. Boy meets girl. Boy goes to jail. Boy gets over girl with Greek slave girl.

3. Man watches bird.

>> No.22733436

journey to the end of the night
you're not even trying

>> No.22733441

could be the plague could be brave new world

>> No.22733455

white nights

>> No.22733460

incest village dissappears via tornado

>> No.22733465

napoleon wannabe autist fucks a milf, a princess then gets death sentence

>> No.22733470

Some of my favorites that I think have a chance at being recognized

>a real man writes letters to his brother and a few other fellows. He kills himself

>3 generations. Woman yearns for something more

>man slums it up in Paris. Hijinks ensue

>the wild autobiography of a goldsmith

>the introspective autobiography of an adventurer

>poet takes up philosopher’s call. Tries to see the poetry in everything and make everything a poem. Oneness and a Buddhistic attitude. Life into death and beyond

>poet responds to amateur poet. Tells him to have a Nietzschean attitude towards creation

>do nothing and everything is done in of itself. How could it be otherwise?

>times are tough. Friends tell bawdy stories to keep spirits up in the face of a cruel world

>brother comes to help outwardly more successful brother with his logging business.

>fucking Euripides and Socrates…

>mysterious comes to town with a yellow suit and fiddle. He is a man of highs and lows. Things aren’t what they seem

>> No.22733490

Spot-on. :-)

>> No.22733510

>poet takes up philosopher’s call. Tries to see the poetry in everything and make everything a poem. Oneness and a Buddhistic attitude. Life into death and beyond

>> No.22733512

Man starts with the Greeks and accidentally disproves his own existence

>> No.22733514

yes because if he tried to do this he would be focusing on one thing and not another

>> No.22733583

Guy meets a tranny alien and goes hiking with him

>> No.22733592
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1. A pedophile experiences a temporary rise to power; a woman identifies herself by her tits

2. A simple man tries to get along in the country by his own resources but baby murders keep happening

3. A man and a woman distract themselves from the apocalypse with their abusive relationship

is 3 The Peregrine?
Don't know what 1 is but made me think of the movie stalker.

the last one is 'Mysteries' by Knut Hamsun?

>> No.22733599



>> No.22733605

Shaolin monk rapes mongol warlord

>> No.22733887

The first is The Old Man and The Sea?

>> No.22733889

>poet responds to amateur poet. Tells him to have a Nietzschean attitude towards creation

Martin Eden?

>> No.22734123


>3 generations. Woman yearns for something more
Could be The Rainbow (Lawrence), but it fits a lot of things.

>man slums it up in Paris. Hijinks ensue
Down and Out in Paris and London (Orwell)

>the introspective autobiography of an adventurer
Too vague. Fits lots of works. Could be The Adventures Of Augie March (Bellow).

>do nothing and everything is done in of itself. How could it be otherwise?
Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu [A more-or-less direct quotation, but there are many different wordings if you read it in English. Might be someone quoting / alluding to it.]

>brother comes to help outwardly more successful brother with his logging business.
Sometimes A Great Notion (Kesey)

Some of the others are hovering on the borders of gettability. Will ponder.

>> No.22734164

1 steppenwolf
3 whatever
The signal man

>> No.22734194

i have a few

1. an old couple's ugly daughter goes away for a week and they have fun

2. a pianist turns up to a small european town to do a concert that seems very important

3. an archivist finds a mysterious manuscript and travels to america to upload it to the internet

4. the count of monte cristo - in space!

>> No.22734206

2 - lonesome dove?

>> No.22734225

>is 3 The Peregrine?
>Don't know what 1 is but made me think of the movie stalker.
Correct on Peregrine.

>The first is The Old Man and The Sea?
Not quite. Santiago fishes alone and I don't recall depression, whereas the narrator of my book describes exactly why he set sail (with his husband among the crew, as it turns out) on the first page.

>1. an old couple's ugly daughter goes away for a week and they have fun
Skylark (Dezső Kosztolányi)
>2. a pianist turns up to a small european town to do a concert that seems very important
The Unconsoled (Kazuo Ishiguro)
>4. the count of monte cristo - in space!
I have not read this yet, but I'm 90% sure it's on my list because it was described to me in this way. I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.22734263

After reviewing my list, I'll answer number four with The Stars My Destination.

>> No.22734268

correct for all three. enjoy the bester!

>> No.22734274

this is 100 years of solitude

>> No.22734283

a buncha mexicans have a real bad attitude about tranny orgies

>> No.22734343

>1 steppenwolf
>3 whatever
They might sort of match these suggestions but other anons have already identified what I intended (Divine Comedy and Watership Down, respectively.)

>> No.22734347

Correct. That's the last one of the six. Time to do another lot.

>> No.22734370

a man wakes up one day with a mysterious plastic knob on the back of his head

>> No.22734387

>man slums it up in Paris. Hijinks ensue
Tropic of Cancer?

>> No.22734401

>3. an archivist finds a mysterious manuscript and travels to america to upload it to the internet
War and war

>> No.22734402


>> No.22734443

you got it chief

>> No.22734761

Pretty sure Down and Out in London and Paris and the Decameron are in here.

>> No.22735008
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an elf reads a lot, gets moody and fucks everything up
misadventures ensue

>> No.22735021


>> No.22735063

>the rainbow
>Saul bellow
No. Like an actual autobiography by a man known as an adventurer
>Tao te Ching
No, but that does fit in

>> No.22735817

Another half-dozen. Two shorter works.

1) Man is told he can't come in the front door so he visits Haiti, kidnaps an architect and says his daughter's mother is no better than a horse.

2) Old guy tells autobiographical anecdotes to his grandson to stave off ennui. Plus, imagine if your top-of-the-range gaming PC turned into a HOT BABE!

3) Caesar salad, soup with extra bread-and-butter, lamp chops, baked potato with sour cream, pudding cake with sauce, and vanilla ice-cream with just a dash of chocolate syrup.

4) Slimy P.O.S. tells his girlfriend that it's all perfectly natural and she says will you please please please please please stop talking.

5) Kid finds 50p in the street and (fortunately for him) buys not one but TWO items.

6) Hero is punished rather harshly for a little exuberance. When he gets out of prison he finds the filthy Bolsheviks have got uppity, but his bros are there for him and order is restored.

>> No.22736051

5 is Emma right?

>> No.22736055

either i am severely misremembering the plot of kafka on the shore, or you haven't read the book

>> No.22736068

Yup. Some other anon suggested a film adaptation which I didn't know. I assumed it was correct but didn't check.

>> No.22736577

>4. an autist is new to town, gets involved with the local it-girl and a dwarf
the castle

>> No.22736588

the first one he guessed at isn't even supposed to be a book summary.

>> No.22736591

A pychiatrist falls in love with his patient and brings her along for hijinx and misadventures across Southern Europe

>> No.22736604

Tendies for the Knight.

>> No.22736613

Clever girl

>> No.22737058

Pools are the. worst. thing. ever.

>> No.22737083

>a real man writes letters to his brother and a few other fellows. He kills himself
The Sound and the Fury

>3 generations. Woman yearns for something more
You said it was The Rainbow, but it sounds like The House of the Spirits to me.

>man slums it up in Paris. Hijinks ensue

>the introspective autobiography of an adventurer

>times are tough. Friends tell bawdy stories to keep spirits up in the face of a cruel world

>> No.22737090

>1. A pedophile experiences a temporary rise to power; a woman identifies herself by her tits
Genji Monogatari

>> No.22737138

A small, elite squad of soldiers defect from their post and are viciously hunted down by their former allies.

>> No.22737143

Jane Eyre

>> No.22738709

lol could be The Swimmer by Cheever but I bet it's not

>> No.22738941

the A-team

>> No.22738953

1. Moby Dick.

>> No.22738963

Low-life hacker delivers pizza and utlimately triumphs over the bad guys.

>> No.22739152


Let's have another clue:
We all do some retarded shit when we're young.

>> No.22739874
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>> No.22739913

a young feral dr. poolittle goes on adventures with his forest friends

>> No.22739976

Man wants to kill himself, various attempts to achieve this cause him to not want to kill himself.

>> No.22740104

life for sale
snow crash

>> No.22740196

>life for sale
Well done. I'm sure at least a couple other works do something similar but I can't think of any.

>> No.22740201

>I'm sure at least a couple other works do something similar but I can't think of any.
honestly, i almost wrote exactly that in my firat post.

>> No.22740234

All you gotta do is look for the designated shitting streets, the simple designated shitting streets.