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/lit/ - Literature

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22719991 No.22719991 [Reply] [Original]

Is this still a good reading list or are there better ones to go by?

>> No.22719997

lol this shit is retadfed

>> No.22720001

Read all that. Tell us how it went.
You goddamn dullard.

>> No.22720004

I wouldn't waste my time reading dated stuff like Darwin, Gibbon or Marx tbqh.

>> No.22720006

This is why St. Johns graduates become world leaders and why you're still on /lit/.

>> No.22720013

There are better ones but I can't tell you about it. Real hush hush.

>> No.22720064

because they're rich af and can go to school to study shit like "humanities" then get a do-nothing job at daddy's fortune 500

>> No.22720068

adler's how to read a book has a decent reading list

>> No.22720075

wide as an ocean deep as a puddle
you'd get more out of studying physics or mathematics while reading classics on the side instead of spending years on outdated systems of metaphysics and epistemology

>> No.22720101
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also: http://sonic.net/~rteeter/greatbks.html
>outdated systems of metaphysics
no such thing, yeah lets not read Plato and read Dennett instead.
But yes, skip the natural science