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/lit/ - Literature

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22716183 No.22716183 [Reply] [Original]

Afraid of afterlife, of no afterlife, of any religion being true, of any schizo theory being true

Books to cope with that?

>> No.22716225

No you aren’t. It’s impossible to be afraid of something so abstract. You’re either LARPing or you have some feeling you don’t know the cause of and you’re identifying it with this because you lack introspective powers. My advice, read Paul Churchland. Whatever you think about yourself is almost certainly wrong, including what you think you’re afraid of.

>> No.22716230
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>> No.22716231

From nothing the universe was created, and via entropy, from nothingness it will return. If it can come from nothing once is can do so again, and when time is not an obstacle it will eventually remake itself in precisely the same exact was as is has right now. We'll experience the same life over and over and over again without end. better make your life right now as good as you can and not worry to much or else you'll be worrying for eternity.

>> No.22716234

Thanks Nietzsche :)

>> No.22716315

Consciousness is the determiner of reality. A mass of consciousness directed at a certain belief system literally creates reality based on that belief. So what group consciousness of Humanity believes happens after death is what happens after death.
At least that's my theory, it could also be that individuals can create their own afterlife for themselves personally since their own consciousness within their body is a closed system and is the only determiner. So what you believe in is what becomes true after you die.

>> No.22716322
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Believe in God or hell awaits you you strumpet and sinner

>> No.22716553

you're clearly underage and retarded and gay and worst of all a giant pussy. go back to r/eddit and tik tok

>> No.22716559
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HP Lovecraft or pic-related.

>> No.22716835 [DELETED] 

>No you aren’t. It’s impossible to be afraid of something so abstract. You’re either LARPing or you have some feeling you don’t know the cause of and you’re identifying it with this because you lack introspective powers.
Dumb post. To quote Lovecraft: The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.

>> No.22716869

i'm afraid of life ngl
esp life in society

>> No.22716875

Leaves of Grass

>> No.22716908

There is a state of perfect clarity between waking consciousness and sleep, where all the cushions the ego reclines in are absent, and impending death of a loved ones or the self can be seen for the unspeakable horror it truly is. The fear originates in some primitive part of the brain, and I guarantee if a smug fuck like you could glimpse it, you would shit and piss your pants.

>> No.22717450

But consciousness dies with the brain, just like your consciousness didn't existed before you were born

>> No.22717499

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.22717542

I really thought /lit/ was better than this. This is a horrible and morbid reality, at one point we will stop experiencing. We truly exist and experience which is in my opinion the cruelest thing evolution has created. Eternity is terrifying, oblivion is terrifying, a lot of philosophy starts right at this junction.

>> No.22717573

The denial of death

>> No.22717580

Becker was a hack, that book is awful

>> No.22717606

Man’s search for meaning by Viktor frankl. The myth of Sisyphus by Camus. Mortality by Christopher hitchens.

>> No.22718426

>It’s impossible to be afraid of something so abstract
Tell that to lovecraft. True horror (as opposed to animalistic terror) is the response to a stimuli which exceeds and overwhelms our capacity to adequately conceptualise it. The stimuli in this case is not death itself but the knowledge of death and the absolute uncertainty as to what follows it. An animal can fear death as an instinctive survival mechanism, but only a human (ie, a being with logical-conceptual faculties) can conceive of its own demise and wrestle with the implications of inevitability and radical indeterminacy that accompany it. The fear is very much justified.

>Paul Churchland
Oh, so you’re a p-zombie. Got it. Can’t fear death if you’re already dead!

>> No.22718431

Yeah like youre an authority on that, loser.

>> No.22718506

The theory of the rebirths is not super hard to come up with it in the first place
-at death you either die forever
-or you go to some place but dont come back
- or what dies is recycled into what will be alive again

>> No.22718606

So you think man cannot fear the unknown? The history if literature in general (and the history of horror fiction in particular) seem to refute that view.