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/lit/ - Literature

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22706570 No.22706570 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite book-tuber?

>> No.22706581

Fuck off with your e-celebs you monumental fag

>> No.22706587

Not that faggot. And none of the rest of them either

>> No.22706594
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>> No.22706597

Me (I haven't started my channel yet)

>> No.22706628

He was my favourite when he used to do books, now he does cringe shorts stuff.

>> No.22706637

I think he's funny :)

>> No.22706647

Cloudcuckoocountry has the best format for book reviews on YouTube. Just wished he'd do less homo shit. That and uploaded more

>> No.22706696

This guy

>> No.22706698

The quality of his taste (in actual lit, consumershit aside) is way above his ability to actually engage with the material, it seems like he just copies his picks directly from Bloom and reads without much understanding. I enjoy his videos though, he's actually funny a lot of the time - even though I don't care about the slop franchises he talks about - which is a huge advantage over essentially every big youtuber. And even if his reading goes over his head at least he serves the function of a "popularizer". His comment section is extreme Reddit cringe.

>> No.22706703

literally me

>> No.22706768


My diary, desu

>> No.22706844

waiting on plankton farts and dies 3

>> No.22706988


>> No.22707128

>watching youtube in 2023

>> No.22707162
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>> No.22707338
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I have a script for a video essay on creation myth and demiurge-symbolism in Thomas Ligotti's Red Tower done and recorded but editing is an incredible pain and I don't want to be a guy talking in a camera.

>> No.22707347

Absolutely disgusting face.

>> No.22707443

who is the OPs picture?

>> No.22707447

Yes! Yes! Yes!

>> No.22707453

>the subtle art of wasting the readers time

>> No.22707976

Looks like a pseud leftist fag, am i right?

>> No.22707988


he looks like he dumpster dives for bottles and cans in kelowna

>> No.22708023

>English speaking booktubers
>Leftists, blonde women, tiktok book reviews

>Spanish speaking booktubers that get recommended to me
>Anglophobic conservatives reeing at American Academia and complaining that people (in Spanish) don't read enough Spanish speaking authors.

Any books for this phenomenon?

>> No.22708029

>Thomas Ligotti's Red Tower
are the character from your image sourced from there?

>> No.22708094

He's so hot.

>> No.22708148
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>> No.22708321

Use a sock puppet

>> No.22708363

Steve Donoghue

>> No.22708369

OK, Steve

>> No.22708370

how do people get their hair to puff up so much, is this manlet cope?

>> No.22708386
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>> No.22708480


>> No.22708484

>ugly whore

>> No.22708510
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He accepts evolutionary psychology, which pseud leftist fags generally reject.


>> No.22708533

The idea is based on darwinism form of evolution so the the pseud part works. The "article" if you can call it that way looks like a chatgpt work and i'm not reading it, so i don't know about leftist or fag but the conclusion is just blabber.

>> No.22709117

I kind of respected this cunt because she actually wrote a book of (sad girl) poetry. But now that she is just using this as a means to an end to become a high society prostitute, I have zero respect for this cum dumpster.

>> No.22709133

Don't shower for two or three days. That's the reason it's sticking up like that. His hair is really greasy from not showering.

>> No.22709164
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>> No.22709212

>I trained an AI model to mimic my direction-brained thinking!
>This proves I am right!

>> No.22709471

aging like milk

>> No.22709484
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Benjamin McEvoy is the only booktuber that I like. Man Carrying Thing has funny skits, but I don't like his literature videos; his taste is good, but his insights aren't.

>> No.22709564

I can't stand that type of tryhard Ghibli girl. Every act in their life is solely for the creation of an image.

>> No.22709631

Exactly what I said above >>22706698, it's funny how easily he can be clocked as a Bloom drone based on his favorite authors. Is McEvoy actually good? He doesn't seem dumb but I get the sense that he is trying to be accessible rather than interesting - I've never watched a full video though so I don't really know what I'm talking about, just basing this on his demeanor and the topics he chooses.

>> No.22709849

nta but pretty sure its characters from touhou
Unironicaly a good idea, anon should do just that

>> No.22709854

I like this guy but I don't watch all of his videos

>> No.22710117

He makes stuff but he's still a salesman. He wants to sell his book club

>> No.22710156

Any really hairy booktuber chicks? Like, very hairy forearms, and possibly unshaved legs/pits/everything else? I want to see forearm and armpit hair while they're showing off books.

And same question but for BBWs, who are the hottest fat booktuberettes?

>> No.22710981

No that's Seiga and Yoshiko from Touhou 13: Ten Desires

Unironiclly thought about getting a ski mask

>> No.22710992
File: 941 KB, 1914x1080, RGsDevilship_Roya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite? RGsDevilship ofc.

>> No.22711050

no one has mentioned Quintin yet. is this really /lit/? shame on you people

>> No.22711371


>> No.22711743

they look exactly the same
the emperor ain t got no drip ong, or whatever you zoomers say

>> No.22711901

i love her so much bros

>> No.22711919

His taste is cringe

>> No.22711925
File: 419 KB, 1272x1694, IMG_1949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Leaf by Leaf fella. I used to like Cliff Sargent but his Beckett review and his talk with Leaf made him look like a total pleb.

>> No.22711927

I don't really read books, I'm just here for the banter.

>> No.22711960

Proof that left wing cute dorks are made for right wing men.

>> No.22711990

Looks amazing anon, thanks for sharing!

>> No.22712009

Something about this guy is very off-putting

>> No.22712290
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>> No.22712339

every woman act is for the creation of an image, they dont see themself as they are but as they look to others

>> No.22712412

The banter is terrible though, it's all recycled and charged with resentment and insecurity. Always aspirational, always something to prove, no one can ever relax and have fun. It's a gay board, I can't imagine anywhere except /mu/ even gets close to the same levels of gayness. The only funny post in this thread (which is obviously about an extremely unserious topic and should be ripe for "banter") is the based nigga asking for BBW recs.

>> No.22712837

I like him. He feels strongly about things and expresses it well.

>> No.22713221

>based nigga
You lost me there

>> No.22713232

Thanks for making my point for me

>> No.22713234 [SPOILER] 
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I will always remember her

>> No.22713260

is this a booktuber? who is it?

>> No.22713379

She's cozy.

>> No.22713387

Who and is she hairy?

>> No.22713394
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>> No.22713414

she was a goddess, paperbackdreams. She got Blacked. Nothing was ever the same. Don't you faggots remember? it wasn't that long ago.

>> No.22713426

Who was that one chick booktuber who had entire forum threads with women seething at her for some reason?
I remember she was English

>> No.22713471

Hottest Australian

>> No.22713476

Ikr. I've been following her for a long time. I liked her old videos better though.

>> No.22713498


>> No.22713506

I don't watch booktubers so it actually might end up being MCT. His skits are kinda funny and most of his book videos are good if a bit cringe. I watched Krimsonrogue's videos on Onision's books which were funny but I haven't watched much more of his content and that was far from the best review of those books anyway.

>> No.22714660
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For me, it's ほんタメ

>> No.22714663
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>> No.22715251
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>> No.22715262

Stop advertising your schlock here, loser

>> No.22715310
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>> No.22715360

I talk to myself about books as a Gaytuber

>> No.22715910

This stoner guy loves McCarthy and says he got fired from work for reading Moby Dick

>> No.22715951

This post is very touching and well-written anon, thank you.
>she was a goddess
>She got Blacked
>Nothing was ever the same

>> No.22715980

Please tell me they're gay

>> No.22715985

I used to enjoy watching Better Than Food. I still do but I used to too. I still tune in to see what Cliff is up to…. The thing is his book reviews aren’t even reviews. He gets all the important information from other sources then rambles about personal anecdotes and films/music he likes. Cliff also gets satanic pleasure from subverting his younger audience with de Sade and Batille. He collaborated with RC Waldun… it’s over for Better Than Food… but it never really began. He’s just not well read enough to be reviewing books. Clifford Sargent needs to go back, lurk more, alas, not in gay Berlin kink clubs where he really belongs. I didn’t mean to shitpost but Cliff can’t keep making a living like this.

>> No.22715996

>first sentence is a Mitch Hedberg quote that redditors love
>admits to watching and enjoying Cliff Pseudgent
> satanic pleasure from subverting
Go back

>> No.22716031

>Go back
>Falling for obvious bait
Go back

>> No.22716310

fuck this guy

>> No.22716540

Yes Ben is based and his passion for books is really infectious. He got me back into serious reading.

>> No.22716709

>serious reading

>> No.22716828


>> No.22717666


>> No.22718201
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Stop bug-spraying my wife

>> No.22718296
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>> No.22718429

Probably the same face he makes in every single thumbnail + his hairline cope + he's british

>> No.22718442
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god help zoomers

>> No.22718532

Leaf by Leaf
WASTE Mailing List

>> No.22718587

>diabetes by diabetes
>WASTE of space

>> No.22718694
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Based old man

>> No.22718699
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Cranially gifted

>> No.22718850

QRD? What is wrong with him?

>> No.22718852

He's a cringe comedian

>> No.22719061


>> No.22719080

I think philosophy tube is kinda sexy idk

>> No.22719131

I like philosophize this!” I haven’t watched much tho.
What’s that picture supposed to be? She sucking on opium pipe and he’s giving good night kiss who are these characters?
I don’t like watching trans YouTubers. They’re voices are kinda annoying

>> No.22719286

>philosophize this!
I love that little nigga like you wouldn't believe. He got me into philosophy

>> No.22720115


>> No.22720242
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Do schizophrenics count as booktubers?

>> No.22720388

I used to work in the same bookshop as the Outlaw Bookseller, solid dude, very well read unlike many of these zoomertuber e-thots. He got me into JG Ballard.

>> No.22720783

He seems pretty genuine and well read, as someone new to the SF genre and still hitting all the classics I appreciate all his thoughts on the classics.

>> No.22721139

I dislike all e-girls, but reading, I felt everything he did.

>> No.22721142

Did he read them all in one night?

>> No.22721229

Stop wifing my bug spray, numbnuts

>> No.22721231

so painfully unfunny and uninteresting, i've known people like this IRL, they try so hard to make up for not having a soul and it just saps the life out of you

>> No.22721442

>But now that she's a success and living it up, I imagine she's having lots of sex for money

>> No.22722042

>i've known people
Why are you lying on the internet?

>> No.22722163