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/lit/ - Literature

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22706730 No.22706730 [Reply] [Original]

ESL Edition.

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous >>22697481

>> No.22706742

Why do we hate Campbell?

>> No.22706743

King is Bakker!

>> No.22706775

I will put a curse on every Bakker fag who replies to this thread. You will lose your reproductive organs within 3 months, whether by choice or accident. If you wish to lift this curse, reply to this thread with "BAKKER IS DOGSHIT" in all caps.

>> No.22706776
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>> No.22706783
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lol anon this scene in your book is better written then it has any right to be.

>> No.22706814

Why is the Dying Earth more of a comedy fantasy than an adventure fantasy tale? Most of the events in the stories are either hilarious as is, or the circumstances behind them are ludicrous to the point of hilarity. It’s even written in a mildly comedic fashion.

>> No.22706915

is the guy who posts fantasy reviews still alive?

>> No.22706916

It's to balance out all the nightmare fuel.

>> No.22706927

Most of Vance's writing is funny. You could equally ask why select works aren't.

But as >>22706916 suggests Dying Earth would be grim reading without the ironic undercurrent

>> No.22706942

He is currently undergoing gender reassignment procedures and is unavailabable.

>> No.22707100


>> No.22707153
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22707168
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22707194

Asking for a friend, are there unironic Dying Earth titles?

>> No.22707215

Any merchant in a fantasy world type novels? I don't want him to be a fag who lazes around in one small village though, like exploring and stuff while being a merchant.

>> No.22707272

Spice and Wolf by Isuna Hasekura. Yes it's a Light Novel.
>The protagonist is Lawrence, an itinerant merchant in Not!Medeval Europe
>He's doing his rounds through a village he's stopped at before, and upon leaving he discovers he has a stowaway in his cart, that stowaway is in fact the pagan goddess who was worshipped in the village. She is leaving because the village is converting to Christianity.
>She strikes a bargain with him, if he'll take her home (Not!Russia), she'll help him in his business with her ability to smell lies, and her rather vast experience at dealing with people
>Also she'll protect him from bandits on account of sometimes being a 30 foot tall Maned Wolf
>They have (economic) adventures together, focusing on everything from currency manipulation based on altering the silver content of coins, to smuggling gold by sewing it into the skin of live sheep

>> No.22707289

literally everyone has seen this already

>> No.22707323

lol no. fucking dog shit and overrated. try walter john williams if u want cyberpunk that is at least written decently

>> No.22707482

> "I did take amphetamines for years in order to be able to—I was able to produce 68 final pages of copy a day," Dick said.[1]

>> No.22707512
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Light, Kefahuchi Tract #1 - M. John Harrison (2002)

Reading Light is quite the experience. Oftentimes it feels like Harrison is indifferent to entertaining his reader. The reader is a spectator to what is happening and serves the functional role of having the story become some small part of them, for better or worse. It's not so much contempt for the reader as it is disinterest. That can understandably be off-putting both in attitude and stylistic effect. The narrative doesn't much care whether the reader has any idea of what's going on or why it matters. Some of what it means is stated, but the specific details are mostly left for the reader to speculate upon and attempt to make inferences and associations. That doesn't make it a puzzle, in which its purpose is to be solved, so much as an exercise in apophenia. Maybe it's meaningful, or maybe it isn't. My thought process was all over the place, especially about cats and names. There are many references.

Usually I'd write some sort of synopsis to start with, but I don't believe that's needed this time. You can find that easily enough if it's what you need as a hook. This isn't a character driven book. The characters matter, but they aren't the ones making the decisions, or if they are, their free will isn't meaningful. The "plot" is what determines everything. If you need the characters to be likeable, have a lot of agency, be well-developed, or experience much growth, you won't find it here. There's a considerable amount of philosophy, which I surely didn't understand much of, let alone what relevance it has, aside from that dualities are prominent. The story alternates between three different perspectives and times. Science is present as well, in that extreme technologies are used and that it's advanced to the point where it may as well be magic for some things. Is it ultimately technobabble? I don't know. It does state that everything is possible, even when theories are mutually exclusive.

Light is New Weird Cyberpunk Space Opera. That's being reductive, as it doesn't seem to know any boundaries. There's various elements of horror, mystery, thriller, romance, and other genres. It's absurd and surreal, comedic and tragic. It may try to be too much all at once. There's an abundance of sex and masturbation, which is much more notable for its frequency than its eroticism. The relationships are dysfunctional and tenuous.

As shown by its rating distribution, its readership doesn't know what to think about it. I'm not exempt from that. What I do know is that I'll read the rest of the trilogy. I recommend reading it if you're willing to have an open mind and put in some effort trying to understand it. The ratings are all over the place so why not see how you feel about it? This is difficult to rate, but because it's such a different experience, though I don't how enjoyable of one, I'm giving it the benefit of rounding it up. Reading it definitely affected me.

Rating: 3.5/5

>> No.22707526

/sffg/ ratings (5)
5 stars: 1
4 stars: 2
3 stars: 1
2 stars: 1
Before I rated it, it was 1 each.

Goodreads rating percents:
5 stars: 26%
4 stars: 31%
3 stars: 24%
2 stars: 11%
1 stars: 05%

>> No.22707644

Need more human are space orcs scifi stories

>> No.22707834

I've finished the Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher. It started off rather slow, which was especially annoying after waiting so long for the book, but the second half made up for it with non-stop action. I also really liked the new details of the world Butcher gave us and the overall plot is shaping up to be very cool. Overall I really enjoyed it and I want to say it was worth the wait but eight years really is a long fucking time, Butcher. Looking forward to him continuing the series at a regular pace.

>> No.22708296
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There's no stopping this schlock train.

>> No.22708306
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>> No.22708307
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>> No.22708402

Damn seeing Paran's sister Felisin turn into a crackwhore in the span of 4 chapters is kinda depressing lol

>> No.22708428

>reading about women

>> No.22708430
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I only have time to start one of them.

>> No.22708433

Glad you're enjoying it.

>> No.22708435

Read Malazan.

>> No.22708440

Deadhouse Gates is pure kino outside of ms crackwhore

>> No.22708443
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Malazan was influenced by Black Company.
>being this slow of a reader
*laughs in a Malazan book per week and a half*

>> No.22708445

Read something that's standalone instead due to lack of time

>> No.22708452

>there's a dragon on the cover of the book

>> No.22708459

>there's a dragon on the cover of the book
I will now read your book.

>> No.22708462

How about a cute girl?

>> No.22708502
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Can I get any BattleTech recs?
Surely there must be at least some decent books.

>> No.22708511

Burn it!

>> No.22708515

Recently bought the complete Arthur C Clarke short stories I know nothing about his other work but I'm making my way through 2001 series at the moment and have already read the blueprint for it The Sentinel. Any you would suggest I must read straight away?

>> No.22708558

Ideal War

>> No.22708736
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What's that story by Clark Ashton Smith about a couple of sorcerers who finally summon something too powerful and ancient to handle?
I heard he had a good story with this description, but I don't have any other info about it.
Do you know which story this is?

>> No.22708747
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>> No.22708777

Book of the New Sun is not ironic.
Viriconium starts nonironic at the least.

>> No.22708788

Black Company, first three books

>> No.22708888

Deadhouse Gates might be the most bleak book I've read in my entire life .

>> No.22708893

Just read all his Zothique stories.

>> No.22708896

I think you want "The Double Shadow". It's in collection 3 (A Vintage from Atlantis)

>> No.22708901

Read more.

>> No.22708905

The Coming of the White Worm is sort of like that, except the sorcerers don't summon the eldritch monster, it just kind of shows up.

>> No.22708947

I just asked chat-GPT and it said it was "The Seven Geases".
Are you fucking serous? No, i'm not gonna read his complete works just to find this particular story. You could have just as well advised me to write up my own story based on that prompt. What a retarded dickhead you are, anon.

>> No.22708949

I'm only on chapter 6 so far but I'm absolutely loving it

>> No.22708967
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I will never stoop so low as to read a litRPG

>> No.22708971

>No, i'm not gonna read his complete works
Zothique isn't his "complete works," you retarded queer. And they're all short stories you could easily read in a few days.

>> No.22708974

>you could easily read in a few days
The anathema of normalfaggotry. Reading?! Barbarism!

>> No.22708985

I'm also trans, if that matters.

>> No.22708987

I just read "The Seven Geases" and it's nothing like what you described. I maintain that you want The Double Shadow

>> No.22709000

I just wanted a particular story, and you recommended a compilation of short works that may or may not even contain such story?
Why are you so retarded? Are you a fool or are you trying to fool someone?
Mmm... maybe chat-GPT made it up, i'll check them both. That usually happens, that's why I prefer asking here (if it wasn't for the trolls I wouldn't mind asking chat-gpt tat all)

>> No.22709048

is it just tradition for litrpgs to feature a cheating/cuckolding scene?

what is it with these authors, is it the self publishing that does it to them?

>> No.22709069

I don't know why you quoted me. I didn't recommend you shit. Why are you so retarded? Are you a fool or are you trying to fool someone?

>> No.22709087

What does that have to do with my post?

>> No.22709103

All you had to do is say "I don't know which book you mean", or better: not post anything at all.
If I wanted to read Zothique I would have done just that, don't you think?
What an absolute low-IQ sub-human.

>> No.22709129

So I can read books that are more bleak than Deadhouse Gates? Why? I read a lot, but I'm not particularly drawn to grimdark.
Hell yeah. The improvement in writing from Gardens to Deadhouse is crazy.

>> No.22709130
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>be me

>just started reading the book of the new

>finished the sword of the lictor

>"this is good i want to keep reading what's the next book?"

>i decide to look up next book and buying it

>i want the one published by tor essentials since the cover is cool and it matches the previous book

>while at it looks at the covers of other publishers

>they're all ugly

>i notice the fan-arts of Severian

>every depiction has a different style


>notices a image with a guy that does not look like severian adorned in a royal fashion

>the image says "severian the Autarch

>froze for a second realizing i just fucking spoiled myself

Why am i like this anons, i was enjoin the book, now i gotta thrash the all thing

>> No.22709139

What's the best litRG book to start with the genre?
Everyone says it's shit so I may as well read it myself to judge.

>> No.22709141
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If DCC is the best of the bunch then you're not missing out. Sad!

>> No.22709144

Dude, what you're describing is a super common motif in the Zothique stories. If you just picked two at random and read them instead of acting all pissy and ignorant on a malaysian mat-weaving forum, you'd be content right now

>> No.22709147

>he still thinks I'm the one who rec'd Zothique
If anon was right and you thought that was his "completed works", in addition to all of this reading aversion then yeah you're certifying yourself as a big faggot. Sperg some more about how everybody who replies to you is the same person, newfag.

>> No.22709156

Go to the first chapter of Shadow and read the last sentence retard.

>> No.22709160

The Shadow of the Torturer, chapter 1:
>It was in this fashion that I began the long journey by which I have backed into the throne.

>> No.22709183

No. Because I wanted the specific name of a story just to fill my curiosity. I don't care that you think something will be more enjoyable or whatever. If I request something and you don't know, just say that and don't waste anyone's time. I know it's hard to say "i don't know", but you have to learn that. You are not useful.
It was an illustrative image, I know it's not its complete works. But if I ask about a specific work, don't recommend a compilation in hopes that it's inside it. That's stupid.
And so are you. How do you even work in society being so retarded? Well, clearly you don't.

>> No.22709192

DCC is shit. It's faggot cat people that like donut the mush face cat shitting on the protagonist.

>> No.22709219

Read Zothique and fuck off.

>> No.22709240

>that guy who thinks Carl got cucked and irrationally hates the cat
>this defensive weirdo aversive to reading
Will "you're brown if you don't like <popular AAA author here>" anon show up to complete the trinity?

>> No.22709243

u havin a bad day, brah?

>> No.22709246

Why would you ask ChatGPT? The Seven Geases’ main character is a warrior who gets cursed by a sorcerer, and is thus impelled by seven geases in an increasingly ludicrous and hilarious series of circumstances. The main character of the Double Shadow is the disciple of a sorcerer who summons a blue thing and everyone gets shadow’d by it.

>> No.22709247
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This isn't the place but i've been going through some shit lately, books are the only thing that keeps me stable but you guys are fantastic. I always have fun here and i never run out of books thanks to yours suggestions. Thanks anons very cool

>> No.22709267

Go get something to eat, and shut the fuck up.

>> No.22709273
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It gets like that sometimes.

>> No.22709284
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>> No.22709294

dungeon diver carl if you like wacky comedy

>> No.22709335
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Fantasy books for this feel.

>> No.22709361

My diary

>> No.22709386

Where did I state that carl was cucked? I just hate the cat because the story shifted to it. I want to read about Carl, not carl suffering and having to do shit for a footfag AI while a cat types in all caps.
Take your Glurp Glurp and fuck off and an hero.

>> No.22709388

What if I don't?
Like, surely the genre has more to offer than just ironic comedy, right?

>> No.22709394

Looking for some "humanity in the far future" books. Maybe in the theme of Baxter's "Ring" or "Vacuum Diagrams", but other types are welcomed.

>> No.22709406

Most of the rest of the Xeelee sequence. Exultant; the other two short story collections Resplendent and Endurance.

>> No.22709426
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Hell yeah, sunset time!

>> No.22709627
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>> No.22709640

I feel kind of lucky that I didn't read New Sun, just listened to the audiobook so I now have an excuse to just read it for the 1st time and pretend I'm experiencing it for the 1st time.

>> No.22709643
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Gardens of the Moon
Deadhouse Gates
Probably Memories of Ice lol

>> No.22709653

>The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch reread
An open-ended ending, with a reasonable conclusion unlike the Ubik ambiguity.
>A Scanner Darkly reread
Very cerebral. I was shocked to learn he wrote this in two weeks, albeit it was very autobiographical for Dick. I have the movie to watch afterward. Some of the dialogue has gone exactly how I preferred, and other parts of the dialogue have gone in the opposite direction.
>probably another Dick reread lol

>> No.22709715

Much appreciated friend.
The Old Man And The Sea
The Windup Girl
I'm thinking either Ready Player One or All You Need Is Kill. Any suggestions as to which?
The Windup Girl

>> No.22709753

Anon, I'll admit that Neuromancer is far from perfect, but it ain't dogshite
Wait, there are people in 2023 who don't know about Spice & Wolf?

>> No.22709754

If you had the hollywood clout and money to bankroll a faithful adaptation (live action or animated) for any series, which would you choose?

>> No.22709764

Probably something by Moorcock. I think the world needs to see a more faithful adaptation of The Final Programme or at least have an Elric or Hawkmoon tv series

>> No.22709780

RPO is kinda dumb. Entertaining enough, but lacking any substance. I think people dunk on it a little too much.

>> No.22709836

i have windup girl on backlogue. how is it? any cool ideas in it?

>> No.22709845

The Belgariad
'Arthur Rex' and 'Frolic on the Amaranthyn'
Probably King of Elfland's Daughter

>> No.22709863

Different anon, and its been a while since a read it, but the idea of measuring everything in terms of caloric energy seemed neat to me. And biological warfare between corporations.
You know, I think an animated adaption of New Sun could actually work. Even on a surface level, Severian's adventures through dying Urth are super cool. I don't know how well it would translate to animation, but something like Mignola's style is my dream.
Long Sun would also translate well to an episodic format, I think. The characters are certainly likeable enough. An entire season in the tunnels.
I really don't think you could make short sun work though.

Barring that, Wizard Knight, for purely selfish reasons. I want to see Eterne and the Grengarm fight on the big screen.

>> No.22709897

What >>22709863 said is true. Future world where engineered plants/ animals have run amok and there is widespread famine and whatnot. Neat overall premise and it's keeps my attention. One of the main drawbacks is that the author LOVES throwing out names that the average English speaker couldn't hope to pronounce. Every thing, person, group has a name and I've long since lost track of which is which. Doesn't keep you from following the story, just tedious.

>> No.22709926

It's set in Thailand iirc. Or somewhere in that region.

>> No.22709965

I just finished rereading Johnny Mnemonic. I guess there's not much to discuss about it, it's just a neat short story. I like that Gibson gave Johnny's sorry a proper end in Neuromancer, the short story has far too happy of an ending. It doesn't make sense that the Yakuza would just accept the loss of one of their ninjas and forget about the whole thing.
Dead Girls is set around that area too, I think if you liked Windup Girl you'll like that.

>> No.22709997

Correct. They just use Thai names far too much for my taste. I have no clue what a Somdet Chaopraya is and couldn't be bothered to look up a translation for every new name per page I run into. Like I said, though, it's more of a minor annoyance than an immersion breaker.

>> No.22709999

Children of Time. Bretty good, nice page turner.
Finished The Shadow of the Torturer about an hour ago. Enjoyed it well enough, but had a lot of abstruse scenes. Hopefully the next one will start to fill in a few more blanks.
Children of Ruin. I like to alternate series to avoid burn out, so I'll go back to Wolfe after this one.

>> No.22710062
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Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
good if you like Neal Stephenson
man in the high castle by philip k dick. It's pretty good
if I like MIHC then I might read something else by Dick. But I also just put in 2 orders for used books including some recommendations from this thread's main post.

>> No.22710281

Read the first book (or perhaps first 3) of the Black Company. After that you can move off, if you didn't like it and if you liked/was interested in the Taken characters.

>> No.22710295


Stone of Farewell by Tad Williams
Mona Lisa Overdrive-Gibson
Warrior Prophet by Bakker
To Green Angel Tower part one by Tad Williams

>> No.22710330

What do you think of Mona Lisa Overdrive?

>> No.22710465

Stalled out on this one. Even though I think the authors realized after the first novel that shorter page length is better for these kinda non-stop action books it's starting to become very tedious.

>> No.22710499

Just started Malazan. What am i in for /lit/bros??

>> No.22710509 [DELETED] 

finna biutta pasta dab

>> No.22710513 [DELETED] 

ochre potsherds

>> No.22710662

This is the second time I’ve gotten to book 3/4 of malazan and I just can’t seem to continue… what do bros?

>> No.22710669

> Children of Ruin

I enjoyed Children of Time with the spiders but went about a quarter of the way with Children of Ruin and lost interest. Non of the half bug people were very interesting.

>> No.22710706
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>> No.22710775

Three Hearts and Three Lions is so shit compared to Broken Sword. Its like Anderson just shit this out in a night.

>> No.22710803
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>See you, mortal, a chicken is the human soul, and the road is life which must be crossed, from the ditch of birth to the ditch of death. On that road there are many perils, not alone the ruts of toil and the mire of sin, but wagons of war and pestilence, drawn by the oxen of destruction; while overhead wheels that hawk hight Satan, ever ready to swoop. The chicken knows not why it crosses the road, save that it sees greener fields on the far side. It crosses because it must, even as we all must.

>> No.22711001
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Serves you write

Never trust a fat man

>> No.22711027

Visual novels are the best you can get. They're self insert friendly

>> No.22711053

SF is so much better than fantasy it's insane.

>> No.22711056

Reddit: the post.

>> No.22711114

>5 new novels

>> No.22711122
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>> No.22711142

Posts like this reminds me to never took too seriously what you retards says. Actual mongoloid

>> No.22711156
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>> No.22711285

Well, he does say in the very beginning of Shadow that he "backed into the throne"
So you should've been able to piece it together

>> No.22711344

I think that's pretty much the weirdest sci-fi book ever written, and that's a lot considering i've read the book of the new sun.
If I were to describe it in a single word, it would certainly be "anachronistic", which doesn't fit sci-fi books at all in my opinion.
Also, the sequels are even more batshit insane.

>> No.22711396

meant for >>22710706

>> No.22711486
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If only it wasnt true.

>> No.22711515
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Do I read Naked Sun or Caves of Steel first? I Keep hearing from several Asimov fans that they read like the same story and one is a better version than the other

>> No.22711516

>Azarinth Healer is o-k for a few hundred chapters then goes to shit.
>Dawn of The Void is good but self destructive retards are a bit fetishised in it.
>Book of The Dead for slow progression.
>Dungeon Devotee is good but plot armor is stronk
>The Reincarnation of Alysara if you are a fury.

>> No.22711532

omg thnk u so much anon!!!

>> No.22711571

I bought it on kindle after reading Between Two Fires. I had to put it down after reading the first 10 pages. The writing feels so cringy. Should I stick withit?

>> No.22711586

I'm trans btw

>> No.22711617

Forget litrpg give me your dungeon core recs. I want to read about a dungeon lord autistically making kill zones and slaughtering murder hobos (and abducting the cute ones)

>> No.22711694

Lewd Dungeon

>> No.22711707

Based Tad reader. Love To Green Angel Tower

>> No.22711708
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>> No.22711719

Return of the Whore looks good.

>> No.22711737

About to re-read this. Read all the Culture books except Hydrogen Sonata. CP honestly has one of the best action sequences from all of the Culture books.

>> No.22711750

Is the action scene involving abducting children?

>> No.22711840

It does?? I barely remember anything about that book except it was a drag and the cult section was shit, in every meaning of the word.

>> No.22711852

I seriusly kneel, i whish i wasn't this poor.

>> No.22711934
File: 940 KB, 4032x1960, 169908935043987053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I took this picture, my individual copies of the rest of Long Sun arrived.

>> No.22711936

where did you get them? amazon? bought one by one or as a bundle?

>> No.22711940
File: 41 KB, 604x467, 20231014_052128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same goes for you
PS. holy shit i fucking knell
how much?

>> No.22711956

double copies? based

>> No.22711979

Calde was $40 and nothing else in that picture was at all expensive. Almost all of it was less than $10.

>> No.22711996

where? when i search them up i can't find anything under 25

>> No.22711999
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1559553918450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what fucking reason? These are all available on libgen. I know richfags don't care about money but do you really just throw away money? Like you are bored and you have a hundred dollar bill so you just feed it to a shredder?

>> No.22712006

owning a book feels good anon

>> No.22712015

Mostly from various used bookstores in my area.

>> No.22712018

The dune books suck dick, don't read them.

>> No.22712035

Seems rapey. Scale of 1-10 how rapey is it?

>> No.22712041

It's coomer shit/10

>> No.22712046

Funny how in all Culture, there is only one scene where you witness a SC vs. someone of their level or higher-tech fight.

>> No.22712079

dumb frogposter. very jealous.

>> No.22712082

DUDE but where's your VANCE collection????

>> No.22712088

I don't buy physical copies of genre-fiction. I read all of it on my kindle.

>> No.22712092

>I don't buy physical copies of genre-fiction
Am I supposed to have forgotten the bragging photo up above? You're as dumb as this frogposter you lambasted.

>> No.22712098

Not everyone who posts on 4chan is the same person.

>> No.22712102

Okay what are some good non-coomer dungeon core series (besides divine dungeon)? I prefer a variety anyway.

>> No.22712106

>hopping into conversations not relevant to you
Makes sense with the comorbidity between newfaggotry and narcissism.

>> No.22712110

This is an imageboard, anon. Discord's the other way.

>> No.22712114

There is none. It's all garbage.

>> No.22712119

>newfag shit
You've made your philosophy repeatedly evident. This will be my last reply.

>> No.22712123

>newfag shit
You've made your philosophy repeatedly evident. This will be my last reply.

>> No.22712129
File: 242 KB, 329x380, 1692527445275241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this will be my last reply
>posts it twice

>> No.22712139

Have you read a lot of it?

>> No.22712143 [DELETED] 

Great post anon, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good??!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good??? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.22712150

I read it all.

>> No.22712160
File: 351 KB, 1960x2011, 169981880619810110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22711934 here, my Vance collection is just a Tales from the Dying Earth collection, an old paperback of The Dying Earth, a Demon Princes omnibus, and The Jack Vance Treasury. I hope to find a good copy of Lyonesse sometime.

>> No.22712161

Stop it! You are so annoying!

>> No.22712169

What were some of the least shit ones?

>> No.22712185

Maybe Chrysalis? It's ok at first but later it turns shit.

>> No.22712204

You're pathetic to the point of not even being funny

>> No.22712214


That's not true. It happens with some frequency and a lot of the time SC gets btfo at the tactical level.

>> No.22712266

eh, IDK about that, Vance has an appreciable sense of mirth, but thats more stylistic then the core of most situations. Its still usually centered first around an adventure.
I wouldnt even call it ironic, most of the situations are pretty frank, but there is a "se le vie" attitude with just how insanely complicated and multi-layered the world is in its later years thats a set attitude is itself absurd. I think calling it ironic actually detracts from it, most of the humor comes from things having their own internal consistencies that must be figured out or exploited. I think it would loose some of its believability if it was more grim. In this old age of a million million different things that happened, the variance of attitudes would even out to a placid absurdism for those travelled. When there is distopian future societies next to Magical wizard layers next to fate bending snail people, all separated by the red grass which causes endless smiles.
One of my favorite things about vance is that he usually doesnt make some shitty satire of something in specific, but makes logical conclusions to smaller premises. Like When Cugal was with the band of theologians in the Eyes of the over world, it could just be a petty jab at those with their heads in the air, but there was a veriety of outcomes to them, and the head guy who seemed the most doggedly dogmatic, actually became Cugal's one actual freind in the whole book. THe one person he actually felt bad when he finally died.

>> No.22712293

>reborn as an ant
What's with all these gimmicky "ooh oh no I'm underpowered until I'm not!" premises in litrpg? Is this a result of jap influence?

>> No.22712297

ShitRPGs are just western Isekai light novel slop, some might be slightly better than others but it's all shit in the end.

>> No.22712323

portal fantasy

>> No.22712383

Chronicles of Amber would do well.

>> No.22712503

>'But there is nothing Holy in rape', Kalam growled. 'No, not holy.' The man grinned. 'But just.'

>> No.22712505
File: 2.95 MB, 320x240, 1695336976169625.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just people securing an initial patreon boost before they filler out the story then move onto the next one under a different pen name.
Demonic Tree is the worst offender closely followed by All The Dust That Falls (Roomba isekai).
Tenebroum is the only good dungeon core i know of that isnt some edgelords excuse for being an unchallenged harem sperge

>> No.22712522

>samefagging because you didn't get a (you)

>> No.22712525

That's retarded. Does this Kalam character not know that what is just is necessarily holy? What is good is God, because God is good, God is Justice? Whoever wrote this garbage just wanted to write a cool line. Could've easily said rape is holy and just and be right.

>> No.22712531
File: 391 KB, 1400x788, homm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fantasy novels with homm3 vibes? I just love this aesthetic all around but I suck at the game, fun to watch youtube videos on it but also wondering where to go for this type of midevil mystical fantasy.

>> No.22712665

Looks really interesting. Thanks anon

>> No.22712729

Dungeon Devotee is the worst story that got popular on RR I think. Other stories may be cuckshit or even have f*male MC, but DD just reads like it was written by an underage ESL.

>> No.22712765

forgive me I don't remember specific details but it's the part where Horza blasts his way out of a GSV in another smaller ship. It goes on for pages and is really intense.
Based. I will scour used bookstores for months before stopping to ordering off Amazon. Then again I don't feel bad because Amazon started out as a bookstore, I also work for them and feel proud when I pack a used book on the job.

>> No.22712825
File: 126 KB, 991x683, 1699913021050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't have to answer me seriously haha i was making a joke about child abduction being the action sequence bc the abbreviation for Consider Phlebas (CP)

>> No.22712892

The silmarillion is basically a long sequence of people starting up a based city state and then eventually getting rekt

>> No.22713138

That cover of The Broken Sword is so much cooler than the one on my copy. I'm seething.

>> No.22713162

Finished Shadow of the Torturer, breddy good but the boomoid power fantasy elements and moaning about women were easily the weakest parts

>> No.22713235
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 4rafjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna cum.

>> No.22713304

Would you say House Lannister of Lannisport are GRRM's equivalent of the Sackville-Baggins? They feel like a nod to them except GRRM went in the opposite direction with them

>> No.22713415
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>> No.22713473

orange woman bad

>> No.22713480
File: 352 KB, 584x323, Martin and Martians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will "you're brown if you don't like <popular AAA author here>" anon show up to complete the trinity?
That was multiple anons, all calling you an ESL faggot with shit taste. You're the one who assumed that meant they were calling you brown and spammed "brown ESL" constantly.
Completely mindbroken by Martinchads

>> No.22713538

No idea who this is but based on the books on her shelf I'm thinking she's got good taste, her content any good? Feels like 80% minimum of book youtubers either only suck off or roast YA shit for the entirety of their video libraries.

>> No.22713546

She only reads books with rape.

>> No.22713560
File: 148 KB, 1360x768, 1695021351600112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's cute single white women in their late 30s ranting about fantasy.

>> No.22713571

What fucking book on her shelf indicates good taste? It's the complete opposite

>> No.22713604
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, 1697579633618240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its easy to say what you 'don't like' so out of interest, what do you consider a 'good' Lit-RPG?

>> No.22713613

I eat these on the regular
Book recommendations?

>> No.22713643
File: 11 KB, 183x275, ashes_of_onyx_seth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried asking on /tg/ but it's better to ask here. What do you guys think of Seth Skorkowsky's books?

>> No.22713762

>shitty modern chicklit cover


>> No.22713778

>judging a book by it's cover

>> No.22713821

You can absolutely judge books by their cover. If i see a book with big booby anime girls on the cover, i know exactly what I'm in for. If i see a book with a middle aged woman doing nondes ript magic shit on the cover, i also know exactly what I'm in for.
If yourbook and your cover do not match, then you habe failed at creating an effective cover for your work. A picture says a thousand words, it should be more descriptive than your synopsis.

>> No.22713823

Is your ceyboard bro en?

>> No.22713825
File: 292 KB, 634x345, 1699722746684891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not judging a book by its cover

>> No.22713842

It definitely appears to habe some nondes ript problems.

>> No.22713913

What are some good youtube channels related to the thread? I found thelibraryladder a while ago and really dig his stuff, he has a nice soothing voice

>> No.22713921

Mobile keyboards are simply too small.

>> No.22713959

absolute depravity...

>> No.22713972

You're supposed to just use your thumbs instead of trying to ASDF / JKL;

>> No.22714047

Cool video never heard of this guy until today

>> No.22714088

what is she on a scale of woke to based.

>> No.22714093


>> No.22714151

She cares more about storytelling than being woke so i guess she's slightly based.

>> No.22714153


>> No.22714332
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Finally done.

Great kids book, but reading it as an adult I'm just left feeling I could've read something else.

>> No.22714333

>a salmagundi of whimsy
Get actually fucked

>> No.22714357

>t. Brown ESL

>> No.22714387


>> No.22714424
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, 1696639345312904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

फ्रैंक हर्बर्ट ड्यून

>> No.22714449

Ok this guys channel is sick his Tad Williams video was really good

>> No.22714529

Interesting content but the delivery is as dry as his voice

>> No.22714573

Just finished the first Altered Carbon book. Really enjoyed it. Unsurprisingly, everything I disliked about the netflix adaptation was added by Netflix.

Other than the sequels, other recommendations? Sci fi noir really clicks for me.

>> No.22714582


>> No.22714590
File: 112 KB, 662x1000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello buys. Waited patiently for the site to come back to warn you not to get this audiobook. It fucking sucks, so much worse than the Prince of Nothing series
>Agongorea = "Agonorrhea"
>King Harweel II = "King Harweel Two"
>short-lived pronounced as "short lye+vd"
How can a native English speaker be so retarded

>> No.22714607

Thin Air, also by Morgan
Slab City Blues stories by Anthony Ryan
Titanium Noir by Nick Harkaway

>> No.22714664

Outlawbookseller if you like unhinged british boomers talking about vintage scifi
Bookpilled is funny.
NerdyKathi if you want to see a grandma reviewing fantasy books
His Thomas Covenant review is really good too.

>> No.22714674

Have you read ANY good book released this year?

>> No.22714679

It reminds me of how, despite being kino, Roy Doutrice in the AsoiaF audiobooks would constantly change accents and name pronunciations on the fly

>> No.22714680


>> No.22714682

thanks anon!

>> No.22714684


Charles Stross is probably the closest to Richard K. Morgan in theme and content. Other than that some of the usual late 80s-90s scifi names; Iain M. Banks, Pat Cadigan, Peter Watts

One oddball recc; hannu rajaniemi. The Jean le Flambeur series is a very good far-future throwback to noir heist novels. Summerland is weird but an interesting take on a futuristic spy novel.

>> No.22714685
File: 901 KB, 1536x1258, martingods stay winning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry about it, Winds of Winter will come out before you will ever be a native English speaker

>> No.22714689

You are brown

>> No.22714699

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

>> No.22714703

The Olympian Affair came out last week and it was good.

>> No.22714749

And you're still seething, ESL-kun

>> No.22714768

Altered carbon is shit book while netflix adaptation was actually ok (at least the first season)

>> No.22714834

What five mysteries do you want solved from Ice and Fire before the series ends? I doubt we're ever going to get clear answers on things like what really caused The Doom of Valyria, or who Aegon/Young Griff's parentage and background really is since the ambiguity makes them that much more intriguing to the reader and compelling pieces of lore but I think my top choices would be:
1. How do House Dayne decide the process on who is worthy enough to hold Dawn and inherit the title of Sword of the Morning
2. What are The Others REALLY after
3. What happened to Benjen Stark
4. How did House Blackwood's tree get poisoned
5. Where are the rest of Robert Barratheon's unaccounted bastards and will they play any significant role on the story

>> No.22714840

>4 posts in an hour
trying to be worse than bakkerfag?

>> No.22714873

I can't help but love Roy Dotrice's audiobooks in spite of the flaws, it's going to be strange one day when Winds comes out and he won't be narrating it. At least Harry Lloyd (read dunk and egg) is a good narrator so hopefully he is who they go with.

>> No.22714879

I want to know just what the FUCK the red priesthood thinks their agenda is and what it actually is. Wheels within wheels there.

Also wouldn't mind finding out Littlefinger's true objective. Is he a Joker figure that just wants to see everything burn or does he have another objective?

>> No.22714894

>how will the northern conspiracy pan out
>what does dorne have in mind with the sand snakes all throughout westeros
>how will jon change after being resurrected similar to how catelyn became vengeance incarnate
>what is littlefingers endgame
>how batshit will cersei become in search of revenge now she's free of the faith and Kevan is no longer in charge
These aren't quite high level mysteries but rather just plot points im particularly eager to see unfold

>> No.22715011


>Littlefinger end game

See now this is an interesting one. Since the beginning of Ice and Fire, we've been drilled into our head as readers how fucked the fuedalistic society is. I think Littlefinger is taking one, long massive revenge against the current social order, and it will be replaced by something different in the end. I think in A Dream of Spring we'll see the end of fuedalism replaced by another societal system, whether that's by LittleFinger's hand or someone else remains to be seen but I absolutely believe this is his goal because he couldn't get Catelyn when he was younger due to not being born into the right house or high enough on the social ladder to get approved as a suitable marriage candidate. Maybe he'll bring in some sort of constiutional monarchy style system where he can live happily with Sansa larping but I think she's going to wind up with Aegon because both are pawns of Littlefinger and Varys not to mention a lot more in common. Though if someone was to do a complete reboot of Westeros I think next to Littlefinger, the best candidate would be Bran.

The Red Priest is an interesting one though. I wonder if they would be able to survive in the vaccum of space, since Moqqoro seemed absolutely fine when he was pulled onto Victarion's ship and it's hinted through Mel's character they don't need food, sleep, etc.

>> No.22715024


The Citadel and the maesters are the egalitarian anti-monarchy conspiracy. If grrm stays true to character and form Littlefinger will have to play them off the church.

>> No.22715154

Galactic Bounty by Dietz

>> No.22715168

dietz nuts

>> No.22715181

Titanium Noir was great

>> No.22715211
File: 49 KB, 331x500, olympian affair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was good, now hopefully Jim doesn't take 8 fucking years to write the next one

>> No.22715299

I have hope he'll write the rest of the series rather quickly. He's said that he likes writing more when he's alternating series and he's already almost done with the next Dresden book. So after that it should be back to Cinder Spires 3 in the next year or two. He also said that writing OA rekindled his love for writing this world and I'm hoping that outweighs the inevitable slump in sales that happens after you take a decade to write the second book.

>> No.22715420

The original ones weren't great either.

>> No.22715530

I was going to try and animate Nightside of the Long Sun as a fun project but Macmillain has told me on no uncertain terms that if I put it on the internet they will sue me so hard that my descendants to the seventh generation will spend their whole lives binding genre fiction. I need a book that has the same criteria, namely being somewhat short, a relatively normal setting that is visually compelling without needing horrifically complex bespoke modelling, having little to no action, but also one critical difference: An expired copyright, or having been published in a sufficiently foreign land that I will not have to worry about their heathen lawyers suing me.

>> No.22715617

They almost certainly never would've found out. By asking you doomed yourself. You're probably on a shared list of possible copyright infringers to intentionally for in the future now.

Being out of copyright excludes basically every SFF novel. The main SFF things that are out of copyright are magazines from the early 1900s.

>> No.22715636

Just change the names and later claim you've never read what you are accused of infringing upon.

>> No.22715672

The Sapkowski method

>> No.22715782

Hopefully he doesn’t have another divorce where his wife takes most of his cats again

>> No.22715812

Women are scum.

>> No.22715833

What's this series about? I'm about to finish WoT and I need a new series

>> No.22715842


>> No.22715845

Surely we've got at least a few years before he marries again.
Also this

>> No.22715860

The surface of earth is full of giant monsters so mankind lives in giant spires and travel between them via airship. It seems to be a late 18th century inspired civilization with magic-crystal based technology and the plot is about war unfolding between the major spires while unraveling the mysteries of the surface. The naval action scenes are great but the books spend a lot of the time on the spires themselves.
It's steampunk in the thinnest, most inappropriate use of the word, but it does kind of fit. So far not a single cog anywhere.

>> No.22715889

I actually picked the audiobook of the first one last night idk when I'll eventually get around to it tho ideally closer to the release of book 3

>> No.22715925

i'm not a fan of when fantasy authors overuse their fictional "languages" and give a foreign in-universe name to absolutely everything in an attempt to give "colour" to the story
>flingybong, the [insert normal description]
Bakker is majorly guilty of overusing this, he'll have it as many as several times in a single passage

>> No.22715931

consider not reading pseuds like bakker

>> No.22716192
File: 326 KB, 696x523, superlative laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a no-fly list circulating among the big five containing all sorts of miscreant fan filmmakers, unauthorized dramatic performers and video game idea guys

>> No.22716205
File: 465 KB, 901x632, 1665349301686869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we stay winning, bakkerbros

>> No.22716582

any idea what happened? sitewide maintenance?

>> No.22716595

Red Star, Winter Orbit is one of the shittiest short stories I've ever read.

>> No.22716664


It was written before the Berlin wall came down so it's an anachronism several times over. No surprise that it hasn't aged well.

>> No.22716677

Yeah true, although it wasnt that bad, kinda ok.
For what it was it was pretty good, I had a great time reading it, and it remains one of my top10 scifi shorts.

>> No.22716687
File: 15 KB, 305x362, sad todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a few more chapters left, but tfw Reverend Insanity will end during the current fight I'm reading now

>> No.22716706
File: 984 KB, 1376x1485, 1700012735436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if would interest any Hardcoverchads here but if you live in the states these cool editions of the original Red Rising trilogy are for sale open the the public instead of locked behind Fairyloot's gay subscription box thing

>> No.22716750

those look like shit

>> No.22716769
File: 650 KB, 1440x2431, 1700013959976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had these more minimalist ones that look nicer I saw but it was limited to their subs and the resale market for them is actually absurd talking $1000+

>> No.22716773

I read a lot of shit and I've never heard of them

>> No.22716777

Where does the stormlight archive rank in relation to shit like harry potter and the hunger games?

>> No.22716787

By what criteria? By which metric of measurement?

>> No.22716788


>> No.22716793

All three are low in quality.

>> No.22716807

>epic fantasy vs a child's book and YA
What's wrong with you?

>> No.22716811

I would appreciate recommendations for existential novels about long stretches of time.
Either about society in general https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5r8iT1rszk
Or about immortal individuals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbCerMBxUFM

>> No.22716813

pseuds here like to clown on him but sanderson is still orders of magnitude better than shit that gets consoomed by normies (like harry potter and hunger games)

>> No.22716826

freeze-frame revolution and the rest of the sunflower cycle (the others are all short stories in the same setting)

>> No.22716838

Better but desu Harry Potter only really falls off a cliff in books 4-5, I had enough of Stormlight after two books.

>> No.22716852

many of the stories within the xeelee sequence, specifically the novel ring (sure theres the final book but its also the 'true ending' of the series)
greatship series (marrow, well of stars, short stories etc) has colossal time stretches, considering it's about a jupiter-sized ship circumnavigating the Milky Way
man freeze-frame was so much better than the other stories imo, not that I remember them at all after this many years haha

>> No.22716858

Forgot to mention I did read 17776

>> No.22716912
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This must be Felisin's fault kek

>> No.22717045

>“Ah, well, my writing falls into two degrees, the writing done under the influence of drugs and the writing I’ve done when I’m not under the influence of drugs. But when I’m not under the influence of drugs I write about drugs. I took amphetamines for years in order to get energy to write. I had to write so much in order to make a living because our pay rates were so low. In five years I wrote sixteen novels, which is incredible.

>> No.22717061

I have an idea for something like this but inspired by the maritime traditions of Polynesia.

>> No.22717111
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damn you anon!
>You made me reinstall it after 20+ years.
>Cant get custom maps to fuggin work.
Try any d&d novels for the vibes...Shame no recent fantasy can really seem to capture the feels.

>> No.22717143

The Tales of Catt and Fisher: The Art of the Steal

>> No.22717167

Should I read wheel of time or Malazan?

>> No.22717286

I remember reading codex alera and hating the slave collar, the drugs, and all the rape stuff

Any of those things make a reappearance here?

>> No.22717300
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 1698625023657053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>reading Arthurian legends
>have miraculously never been spoiled
>read a sentence where Guinevere swoons at the thought of Lancelot joining the round table.
>cuck alarm goes off
>immediately hit the Googles
>turns out she cheats on Arthur
>turns out she never even gives him an heir
>turns out she is the cause of the downfall of Camelot

Thank fuck I dodged that bullet. Saved me 400 pages of trash. Why bongs see this work as a W I'll never know, and I don't think I want to.

>> No.22717315 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 658x1000, A12-pvxNq-L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.22717325

Do you drop a history book when it turns out people did retarded shit? Women have always been the sole reason for the downfall of societies. Of course it's going to show up in legend.

>> No.22717327


>> No.22717343

>turns out she is the cause of the downfall of Camelot
She is a dumb whore but Arthur is the real cause, if he didn't try to kill mordred when he was a baby he would never grow up to hate him and the knights of the round table.

>> No.22717522
File: 199 KB, 850x1076, 1695065588938234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll read this retelling if he beats them to death using Morgawse's swan, and then plows the lady of the lake.

>Do you drop a history book when it turns out people did retarded shit?
No because history books aren't the same as fantasy books, and so I read them for completely different reasons, and have different expectations. Are you fucking retarded?

>nooooo you must read my cuck legendarinoooo
post teeth bong tranny

Nevertheless, at least his preeminent blunder occurred before their marriage, and from ignorance as to the identity of Morgawse. Queen Guinevere, on the other hand, as you said is just a dumb whore. I can't for the life of me imagine reading 400-600 pages of something that can be summed up by saying 'this bitch is horny and retarded and ruins everything the end' Yeah, no fucking thanks. I think I'll just go read something with more to offer instead.

>> No.22717545

unironically, lancelot was invented for french cuck fanfics

>> No.22717549

women won't date me. the west has fallen

>> No.22717551

Arthurian legend isn't fantasy. What is wrong with you? Are you the dumbass here who constantly calls the bible fantasy and thinks he's being clever?

>> No.22717552

Redpillme on Chronicles of Amber. Worth reading? Is it finished?

>> No.22717561

>he thinks Merlin is real

>> No.22717570

Fiction is not fantasy, you idiot. Neither is mythology. Homer isn't Fantasy. Dante and Milton didn't write fantasy, and neither did Chrétien de Troyes or the Pearl Poet.

>> No.22717581

You're right, I was thinking of the dialogue specifically when I said ironic.

I'm not sure how to describe the overall tone. Fae, possibly?

>> No.22717590

too much anime

>> No.22717621


>> No.22717626

They're in part the source of the fantasy genre itself, and are thus comprable enough to speak of as if they're one for the sake of brevity. Not everyone is a faggot who needs disclaimers, and masturbatory semantics to speak of something as stupid as King Arthur.

This makes the most sense desu

>> No.22717708

Any modern fantasy written in verse?

>> No.22718019

Last and First Men, and Star Maker

>> No.22718150

Wasn't Kalam black in Malazan? Lol

>> No.22718197

does the three-body problem get better in book 2 and 3?
the first book had cool ideas, but not much else

>> No.22718412

I just read the first Thraxas book. Does it get better? I found it chaotic, but kinda boring. Didn't feel funny enough for a comedy or mysterious and exciting enough for a detective book. But it wasn't that bad. I am conflicted, tell me what to think.

>> No.22718557


>> No.22718567

All of that is fantasy you ape.

>> No.22718688

I am interested in Red Rising hardcovers so I just took some time to look at my options. The originals are the best looking versions and it isn't even close. I'm sure those are better made, but I personally don't think quality construction in books matters all that much. There's a minimum level of acceptable quality and these days books published in first world countries almost always clear it by default.

>> No.22718711

Modern authors do not have the skill for that.

>> No.22718766


no. tbp was the moment everyone realized that the hugos were no longer a valid yardstick for quality.

>> No.22718956

Lancelot is one of the oldest characters in that mythos, actually.

>> No.22719039

2 is the best book of the trilogy

>> No.22719178


>> No.22719188

based series. gay covers.

>> No.22719197

I have a signed, First Edition of Iron Gold in hardcover that hasn't been touched. Is there a frenzy among zoomers to buy these books now?