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/lit/ - Literature

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2271108 No.2271108 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/... are there any private book trackers? I've recently obtained a Kindle, and I love it. However, I've spent waaaaaay too much on ebooks already (being poor is fun!), but there's still some novels I'd like to grab.

>> No.2271111

Tell me where you aproximetely are locatted and I tell you of best tracker for location by ip

>> No.2271117

nice quadriplegics bro!

>> No.2271120

thank you i am quite envious of my quadriplegics myself and to compensate for this eyesore of a wrist shall slit 'three' to the grain to commesmerate this momentous acheivment

>> No.2271119

Northeast US, though it shouldn't matter in the slightest where I live.

>> No.2271122

Aprroximate please its important

>> No.2271126

Wow tmi much? :P no i believe you have a amazing grain. Skpye or do you use instant messaging?

>> No.2271127

Does anybody who isn't an asshole have a suggestion?

>> No.2271129

Aprroximate please its important

>> No.2271130


But unless you are super anal about organization or have specific eclectic tastes (they have a great collection of magazine archives, for example) some public site will probably do you fine. Library.nu is prolly the best but look at the sticky for more guidance.

If you try all those and fail to find something, I doubt bibliotik will have it either, but let me know and I'll look.

>> No.2271131

fuck you.

i do have Skype! My usrname is 'jungTiteboy668'

>> No.2271132

Where would you find anyone like that on /lit/?

>> No.2271134

got it. Guess I'm just a bit ditzy tonight..aven't been feeling to good... uncle is a pain :(


>> No.2271135

what.cd has ebooks but is also full of cranky libertarian babies

>> No.2271136

Do you have any advice about getting in? If anyone would be willing to spare an invite, I can provide proofs of ratio from other sites.

>> No.2271137

ow. ow. owww. :'( what wrong with your uncle?

sorry, guess im on edge too. :p

>> No.2271139

aproximasmte plaeaseese

>> No.2271141

Nothing, he's just been being a prick. I came home last night and wouldnt eat his food and he grabbed me. Slapped me some. Fucking Nazi. Wish he were gone. :P

Why are you on edge, hun?

>> No.2271143

Put your email in the email field and your three favorite books in the comment field and something adorable in the picture field.

>> No.2271148

Sunhawk v.2, why the fuck are you talking to yourself?

Is this what /lit/ is like?

>> No.2271147
File: 66 KB, 418x477, twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking Dawn
Wuthering Heights

>> No.2271146

lol, wow and im 'tmi'? :p youre tmtmtmtmtmtmtmi after all. but sorry. he shuldnt be treat you like that. i saw your facebook, your really nice... i think youre too beatufil for that and you should know it;)

>> No.2271152
File: 158 KB, 800x700, T1SOy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
The Phantom Tollbooth

>> No.2271155

Awww, thanks sweetie <3 but I don't think things are going to change for a while :( ..what do you look like?

>> No.2271158


fake sunhawk is a new development

>> No.2271161

You got it for the Phantom Tollbooth. Check your email.

This offer is available for five more people, by the way.

>> No.2271163

haha, i hear you.. sometimes i don't think thongs are going to change for me. but at least i kno myself. and i have my music like muse and flylo are good too

>> No.2271164
File: 17 KB, 202x228, 1322375306820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Farewell My Lovely - Chandler
2. The Rings of Saturn - W.G. Sebald
3. The Crossing - McCarthy

>> No.2271165

thanks bro.

>> No.2271168

If you you want PDFs, fuck you.

8,000 Mobi

8,000 Epub

For newer stuff:

IRC: #bookz on undernet or #ebooks on irchighway. Personally I prefer the latter.

>> No.2271170

lol, now I'm getting a MySQL error on the invites page. Uhh... I'll check back in in an hour or so and see if it's working then.

>> No.2271171
File: 89 KB, 590x451, emu-wombat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat's Cradle
Brother's Karamazov
Snow Country

>> No.2271172

I did too at first. Just refresh a few times.

>> No.2271174

Why you no give invite? for me? you hater?

>> No.2271175
File: 31 KB, 400x210, Airplane-Good Blow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Independent People/ Halldor Laxness
2. Woman of the Dunes/ Kobo Abe
3. Waiting For The Barbarians/ J.M. Coetzee
4. If This Is A Man/ Primo Levi
5. A Season In Hell/ Arthur Rimbaud

>> No.2271176

Wait never mind it's working now.
I would have sent one but you used an apostrophe when you meant to pluralize and dang that bugs me. But uh if you tell me which brother was your favorite and why I'd overlook it.

>> No.2271177
File: 339 KB, 500x281, 1321143234276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, kind keatsta.

May your holidays be bright, and your trackers never go dark.

>> No.2271182

Those are awful hun :D

Do you play any instruments?

>> No.2271178

Gormenghast; Lathe of Heaven; The Mouse and his Child
(RIP, russell hoban)

>> No.2271180

Smerdyakov, because he's a pseudo-intellectual follower with a hard on for Ivan. Reminds me of /lit/.

>> No.2271184
File: 359 KB, 2700x2025, badger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, captcha ate my image.

>> No.2271186


>> No.2271190

um, cunt :) nt i have played a little bit of drums and some piano. not that good.. :p why? also I saw that you live near haven heights which isn't that far from here lol

>> No.2271191

Dude Smerdakov isn't pseudo-intellectual, he had like absolutely no pretensions at all.

I have two more left.

>> No.2271193

He was a follower of Ivan, thinking he could be a part of and understand the lofty realms that Ivan inhabits, but fell flat on his face. I'd say he's a pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.2271195

Wow yeah! Lol I usually go around playing tricks on people :o

I saw this girl and I threw a caterpillar at her then ran creeped off like a ninja. Thot that was funny. Um what do you look like

>> No.2271198
File: 48 KB, 480x476, tumblr_lr1show2dF1r224i1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the catcher in the rye
doctor zhivago
dom casmurro

>> No.2271199

How is that adorable? someone has flayed a child and bleached their bones, that is just horrible.

>> No.2271200

Hahahahaha!! that's hilarity.. hilarity enough i happen too think i have seen you around the dairy queen sometimes. i wish you were doing better at home.. you deserve it

>> No.2271201

I dunno, I wouldn't say he was trying to follow Ivan so much as prove to him that his intellectual viewpoint couldn't hold up in the real world. I always thought he was being sarcastic when he praised Ivan.

Anyways I'm sending you an invite 'cause you bothered replying a few times anyways.

>> No.2271204
File: 21 KB, 320x240, southern_bobtail_squid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Geek Love
Welcome To The Monkeyhouse

Pic is adorable. Bobtail squid mating. Cutest mating ever.

>> No.2271205

:( thanks hun. i wish someone would rescue me from this hellhole xP
Can't stand him, he's a creeper.

>> No.2271208

Uhhh I only have one left and I saw both of your posts at roughly the same time so you can uh duel to the death by mentioning what you plan on searching the tracker for first. Which uh is probably a better question to ask instead of the ones I did but whatever.

I think I get two more tomorrow so there's that too if this thread is still alive.

>> No.2271210

a creeper? lol yeah I feel the same too. i hate vomiting so much and im a guy so its hard to feel comforble in my skin

>> No.2271212

well thanks... I guess that's a possibility. I always thought he was supposed to be something analogous to people following say Marx without understanding the circumstances that would surround revolution. That type of thing. The various way the Nietzschean Uebermensch has tried to be interpreted and put into practice. I read it as a sort of take on that phenomenon. It has been a few years since I read it though. I was stupid back then, so you might have a point.

>> No.2271215


shoplifting from american apparel

>> No.2271216

Thankyou, kind sir (or madam).

>> No.2271223


Hmmm. First search?

Well, I've been looking for a copy of "Sea Otters Gambolling In The Wild, Wild Surf" by John Bennett. Can't find an electronic copy of that book to save my life. I even have a post on /r/ at this very moment.

I won't cry if I don't get the invite though. May the 'best' taste in literature win, >>2271198

Also, I don't smoke weed, but their email address makes me chuckle a little.

>> No.2271220

There's certainly some ambiguity with the character, at least. From the beginning we're supposed to question fundamental aspects of his intelligence and honesty. I always figured he was the most basic element of chaos that proved the idealized viewpoints of intellectualism, goodness and passion in the other brothers couldn't work in the real world. Thus I kinda just didn't think he had any actual ideals himself, but I dunno, there's certainly something more to him anyways.

>> No.2271226

Yeah :/ I can't wear my track shorts around the house without him smacking his lips REALLY loud or pretending to bump into me or pushing me in the couch. He's from Czech or something so he can't speak that well.. and he's a Fat slob basically. At night I hear my door creak open and think 'oh there's creeper again' and try to sleep. I usually can't :/

Hun, you don't need to puke like that. I used to and it basically ruined my health.

>> No.2271229

Go to bed Tao Lin, I'll give you one later if you still want it.
Sent, good luck.

>> No.2271233
File: 88 KB, 404x309, fluffy-baby-bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Corelli's Mandolin.
Gone With the Wind.
Revolutionary Road.

>> No.2271234

oh wow. have you told anyone its so bad :( i really am sorry

i kno i try to stop but i can't. its an impulse

>> No.2271237

Sorry I am out now.

>> No.2271240
File: 88 KB, 309x441, $(KGrHqMOKpIE5W!19tj-BOhuI2)pCw~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, thanks anyway!

>> No.2271243

Just promise you stop it please hun. It got so bad with me that I had to go to the doctor and find out I had torn the lining of my stomach and my organs were damaged. It was scary. My bitch mom beat me that night for being so stupid before she saw my slits.

I don't have anyone to tell. You're the first :)

>> No.2271246


Thank you, kind anon.

I've seriously been searching for this damn book for fucking ages. If I can only find that book, it was worth it.

>> No.2271249

Yeah, I studied philosophy for one of my majors as an undergrad so, Ivan as the sullen secular intellectual was the one I identified the most with, as such I may have cast him in a less intellectually fallible light than I should have.

>> No.2271254


aw thanks i feel honored. but still im really sorry to hear that. i wish i weren't like this honestly. i even tryed to cut kill myself with midol after swallowing twenty but couldn't even do that right. feel like a fucking waste. you can talk to me anytime :)

>> No.2271275

...um hun, Midol is for ladies cramps.

That's sweet. I like that I can talk to you. :) I was the same way too, just promise you'll stop I can't have another friend die on me.

>> No.2271281

oh wow. i meant ibyprophyne, i get them confused a lot. but still i took a bunch and the next day i had vomited this really green and terrible tasting fluid. my stomach felt like it was on fire :( god i hurt.

i swear i won't die on you.

>> No.2271292

Sorry bro, but they dont really exist yet.
There was a booksbay that was started up a while ago, but it turned into a fucking spam/id theft honey pot quickly.

Best advice is to check the ususal places(Demonoid, isohunt, btjunkie, piratebay) and if they fail, try Filestube(checks rapidshare and megaupload) Than, if that fails, just google the title of the book with .mobi or .epub at the end. You'll usually find a link to mobilism.com that seems to have a pretty competent collection of people seeking out and posting books.

You're at a disadvantage with the kindle though, since now a days more people are keen on working on epubs, what with them being a far more open, readily-modified file format.

You can also ask here. There's a few people(myself included) who have a somewhat large collection who will go out of our way to upload and share what we have already found/fixed(and yeah, finding the book is about 1/20th the battle. You'll have to fix that shit up too since 95% of whats put up is a horrid mess of formatting)

Once again, id like to recommend /lit/ form a proper community thread to help make all this easier.

>> No.2271293

Aha-ha. :)

Thanks for that. I really appreciate this. Hate to hear you suffer though... Just wish I could give you a hug.


>> No.2271296


>implying converting .epub into .mobi isn't easy as pie

>> No.2271320

:D thanks, me too. i just want us to be happy. we could run off togerther if you wanted.. i could rescue you :)

>> No.2271326

>Implying converting .mobi to .epub does not fuck around with formatting and the built in table of contents

Seriously people, calibre is an amazing piece of software... but getting a proper .epub or .mobi file is NOT the same as finding one and converting it to the other.

>> No.2271329

with the appropriate settings, converting between epub and mobi is damn good, including tables of contents.

>> No.2271330

1. 100 Years of Solitude (GGM)
2. Birds Without Wings (De Bernieres)
3. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)

Thank you!