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22704764 No.22704764 [Reply] [Original]

anorexia edition

previous >>22700748

>> No.22704776

For the dead-end no-life loser anon

I spent three months boozin' in the Balkans, mostly Greece and Croatia, while only spending about 1000€ altogether (flights included). You can save a lot by buying plane tickets months in advance from Momondo or similar services and also by bringing a sleeping bag and stealth camping on the outskirts of a town. It's surprisingly comfy, but you need some street-smarts and experience to do it safely, but being a former druggie probably covers that. I'd recommend watching Vagrant Holiday to get the gist of it. But you honestly get tired of it pretty quickly. Traveling to escape some uncomfortable reality is never that fulfilling. A new environment won't fix your life. And then there's the question of what to do after your little gateway; you will be right where you are now, but a little older and with less money. Even if you're a complete fuck-up, you can still get an education in a trade for pretty cheap, especially with an apprenticeship. I'm not sure how it is in the US, but I got paid whilst training to be an elevator technician. I was going nowhere from age 15 to about 24 but got a well-paying and fulfilling career by going that route. Also, are you that Baudrillard hyperreality anon? You type like him, although I suspect him to be younger.

>> No.22704780


>> No.22704781

how much did you fuck at that time?

>> No.22704789

>[The Mohawk] ritually tortured and mutilated [François-Joseph Bressani], cutting off nine fingers.
>Bressani wrote his account of the Jesuit missions in Italian, Breve Relatione, published in 1653 in Italy.
How did he write with one finger?

>> No.22704797

If one needs proof of this universe's evil, it is this: the peace of non-existence, by definition, can never be experienced.

>> No.22704798

With finger paint, duh.

>> No.22704836

I have to quit this job.
Maybe being homeless will snap me back to reality. Sorry, Mom and Dad, what you protected me from is precisely what my defective brain needs to snap out of this rotten mindset. Probably. Hopefully.

>> No.22704837

what job?

>> No.22704840

I think you're suffering from "the grass is always greener" syndrome. I say this as a chronic sufferer of it myself. I really doubt becoming homeless will actually help you as much as you think it will.

>> No.22704844
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So what’s the deal with the AI spammers and shillers? It’s so forced and shoehorned. Who are they and why are they here?

>> No.22704861

Can't even go get some medicine for my cold because I'm stuck working.
I posted about it some days ago. I'm the spic retard who dropped out of college to become a slave to his florist parents.
Either I go through actual hardship and learn to appreciate what I have, or I end up dead. Whichever sounds fine to me, but I admit the later seems more likely.

>> No.22704865

It would be cool to be friends with a large, talking reptile like a sapient python or debonair dragon. It’s the only I’ve ever wanted ever since I was a kid and only a handful of novels (like Kipling’s Jungle Book) have ever explored it.

>> No.22704952

Appreciate the answer. You're obviously right that I'm just attempting a geographical escape from a personal problem and it probably won't work, but I got nothing better going for me rn. If coming out the other end a little older and poorer is the worst that happens then I'm ok with that. And I'm not gonna use the money to pursue a career cause I just don't want to! I know I know! But I just won't. And no I'm not that other anon, I don't read any French writers besides Simone Weil

>> No.22704959

how am I supposed to compete with a core experience?

>> No.22704961


>> No.22704968
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>> No.22705017

You could satisfy that by being friends witj my penis

>> No.22705024

Why are people like that

>> No.22705040

To be fair the buff guys are prolly gay

>> No.22705042

Not that much, but I did get a lot of attention from women, at least magnitudes more than in my home country. Probably because I had good hygiene and looked presentable, like shaving and showering every day at a gym, I guess they assumed that I was wealthy; being from Scandinavia likely also helped. They soon realized the truth after talking to me. I've never been good at creating a false image of myself, nor with women in general.

>> No.22705047

>They soon realized the truth after talking to me.
how so?

>> No.22705058

Takes one to know one

>> No.22705065

Theres no greater curse than being a socially awkward pretty boy

>> No.22705066

isnt it worse being socially awkward ugly guy?

>> No.22705104

>And I'm not gonna use the money to pursue a career cause I just don't want to
So you go to eastern Europe for a bit, burn through some of your cash, and then what? Go back to your shitty job and living with your parents? Maybe a bit of adventure will do you good but if you end up back in your old life anyway what's the point?

>> No.22705119

Presumably just general autism and wretchedness. I've always believed that no matter where you are, people can always sense if you're miserable and downtrodden. I think it has something to do with the eyes. At some point, they lose their glossiness and depth and gain a hazy, dull complexion. And as I said, I was never good with women, or for that matter, people.

>> No.22705121

I don't want anything to do with society but sadly even spending all day in my dark room, never going out or communicating with anyone I still feel a part of it.

>> No.22705156

I do admire your honesty and stubbornness. I can't claim that I would change my decision if I had the chance now. I hope it won't be a waste, Greece is beautiful.

Also, this >22705104 is different anon

>> No.22705161

its amazing how much of a difference context can make
without context: My girlfriend is a teenager
with context: She’s 19, I’m 20

>> No.22705162

No. Has a good looking girl ever approached you with those "fuck me" eyes which turn to pure disgust after realizing you're as skittish as an abused dog? It's a terrible feeling. Do you ever look at old pictures of yourself and think "damn I was smoking hot, why the fuck did I spend all my time alone in a room on 4chan?"

>> No.22705171

that’s gay and you’re objectifying yourself

>> No.22705175

Again, reading kike shillposts rooting for the IDF and making fun of dead kids has absolutely seared dislike of the Jews onto my bones, in a way I didn't think possible even a month ago. A month ago I was the typical "lol the antisemitism stuff is mostly a joke, just relax" guy. Now I am starting to really, really, really dislike Jews. It's like all the existing things I already know are being knit together and revealing that they were always one big tapestry of Jewish bullshit. Everywhere you look, another smug little ungregarious snivelling Jew is pushing his people's interests out of one corner of his mouth while being cruel or dismissive of every other people's interests from the other. They are the most self-centered smarmy little fuckers I've ever seen. Even the Chinese are more "blunt" about their superiority complex, Jews are somehow slimier about it.

Why the hell would it ever be normal for these white collar gypsies to live in other people's nations? I just can't unsee it now. It's on the same level of thinking it's normal for there to be a persistent 10% unemployed fentanyl addict population in every city. It just isn't. But somehow we've all been convinced that having a criminal, asshole, self-serving business criminal element that actively hates the host nation is normal. They can't even all go to Israel when they get it. They HAVE to stay in other people's countries and continue to talk about how great they are on TV there. Getting real tired of these fuckers.

>> No.22705180

I need my hobbies to cope with my existence, but if I don't put them on hold, I won't have time to try to improve my life.
Seems like I will go insane either way.

>> No.22705192
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Poll posted again


>> No.22705213

…can’t you just drop a few of your hobbies to focus on the ones you truly care about? or at least put them on rotation?

>> No.22705214

I have a a vague sense of insecurity in what I know about my condition, and I fear it's going to sabotage my love life. There's an incessant anxiety of anticipating the end of our relationship even though it's clear she loves me. I'm sure there's some simple way of going about this like detatching from desire or whatever, but there's so much more underneath that the repression would be even more catastrophic. Maybe this is a normal part of love, and the feeling of her holding me nuzzled in her chest is the only way to dissipate these anxieties. Then of course this brings to question whether that's healthy or just a substitution for an experience with my Mother. I feel I was born to love but not actually be in love with anyone.

>> No.22705267

The whole thing with the “A Chinese Person Never Called Me Racist” has never applied to me for some time

>> No.22705301

The catholic church
Little bitch of whatever ideology is dominant at any given time

>> No.22705303

So is Leibniz's Law an axiom or something? Is there good reason to reject it? My whole philosophy class is discussing identity of objects and the fundamental premise is Leibniz's Law

>> No.22705309

My penis is a large talking snake. Go ahead, touch it. It dances when you touch it.

>> No.22705312

I've been called racist by chinese people. In fairness, I was being racist to them.

>> No.22705321

I don’t like em because they ain’t white

>> No.22705333

I have pasty Irish skin, but when I catch a tan in summer many of the chinese are literally whiter than me

>> No.22705352

>So is Leibniz's Law an axiom or something?
you would have to know two objects' entire histories to mark them as an indiscernible. are axioms a problem for you anon? do they block your path?

>> No.22705368

I don't dude, I'm literally retarded. I have no idea what's going on.

>> No.22705370

When I was younger I begged my old man to permit me to heighmax through taking HGH and other such supplements, yet he was vehemently against it, citing how God made me like this and it will mess me up. After my growth plates closed, he made a 180 and tried to do anything to get me to grow. After realizing it was too late, he tried to get me to take this one surgery that potentially would've lead me bedridden for a bit. I declined but he insisted. Do you know how depressing it is to hear that your father despises your body? How he wishes you were someone else?

My younger brother was far worse.
In short, ever since we were young we were in constant dispute over who was taller than who. My mother only encouraged such a one sided competition. Although I failed to recognize it, I was envious of my younger brother. I distinctly recall how I wish he died a brutal death. As he grew he became a much worse person.
After speaking to a whore on discord talk about how she wanted to bang her bf's taller brother, I began spiraling down into my own hell. In 12th grade, I was in the worst state I've ever been in my whole life. At one point, I spent an hour or so daily crying my eyes out like a fag being suicidal, believing all is lost, and that I will always remain a virgin and even if I did marry, my wife will fall head over heels for my younger brother. I failed to accomplish anything substantial in that period as my days were ruined by these thoughts. Never stare into the abyss lest it stare straight back into you. I'm unsure how, but thankful, that I eventually climbed out of this abyss. Here are some things of note I've learned because of this whole ordeal:
>Be grateful for what you have.
The antidote of envy is being grateful for what you have.
>My envy was the result of feeling inferior to my brother. In order to match his natural gift, I must do all that I can to be either his equal or superior through having a great job, better physique, etc.
Now I get that I won't have my problems dissipate because of lifting, but through attempting to equalize the playing field, I could let go of my inferiority complex.
>Don't let people walk all over you
The majority of my problems with him were probably due to me not being more aggressive towards him.
>Never battle a monster without armor
The only way to battle a hideous thought is to fight with the armor of wisdom on. Failure to do so will only lead to you being consumed by the monster.
One beneficial thing this lead to was me having humility. This gave me the epic ability to step into others' shoes.

Thanks for reading my blog post friends. Don't kill yourselves. One day you will meet your own angel :)

>> No.22705376

I burn. I’m Scottish

>> No.22705395

When I say tan I really mean my skin goes from ghost pale to a soft peachy color.

>> No.22705404

Holy shit you are so fucking retarded

>> No.22705413

>Holy shit you are so fucking retarded
I know, but in what way

>> No.22705418

>my brother is taller than me, I have to kill myself :(
I feel bad that your brother has to be related to such a neurotic faggot.

>> No.22705427

Mine doesn’t even do that and I’m old

>> No.22705435


>> No.22705468

Everyone including my brother has humiliated me for that fact. How could you become as neurotic as that?

>> No.22705470


>> No.22705484

I thought Lookism was a sham cope because I'm ugly and get loads of attention from women aged 15-35, from 4/10s to 9/10s.
Then I realized I'm actually good looking and 6'2. Now I firmly believe ugly manlets should die alone (same for fat women).

>> No.22705488

You don't "tan", your skin dies. You get skin damage which gives the impression of a tan
Swedes and Danes in Spain get that too. They turn slightly orange instead of red

>> No.22705509

It's too late for me dude. Im a poor irish lad living in southern California. My skin neever had a chance

>> No.22705513

>southern California
ay dios mio

>> No.22705536

Yeah but
>what is rape and kidnapping

>> No.22705558

I wish I had lived in the past, so that I could already be dead by now.

>> No.22705569
File: 109 KB, 1080x839, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My long distance gf sends me this every Saturday night. How do I respond without sounding mad, bros?

>> No.22705572

God I love carbonara so much

>> No.22705589

I'm a gringo ese

>> No.22705608

Find a gf who isnt far away dude long distance relationships are fucking trash

>> No.22705622

I have had a religious experience but I ain't gonna follow any religion. Although I am already very religious. Only atheists remember. The pessimistic atheists.

>> No.22705625

Is it okay to dump all my moose bones in the river near me?

>> No.22705633

>anon's gf is Kirsten Dunst levels of shitposter

>> No.22705641

Cringe dude

>> No.22705648

>women virtue signalling and parroting each other

>> No.22705706

It's actually a market efficient dating strategy. (Not commending it, but the same thing plays out in international politics. Like why does everyone love South Korea? Because indulging their CIA tier capitalism pisses off both the commies and the more sane if not less dead bodies Japanese, while they're also small enough they need real US CIA backing to even exist)

>> No.22705708


>> No.22705714


>> No.22705717

>south korea is the equivalent of a late 20-something pickme

>> No.22705727

>game theorists shouldn't be allowed real world this shit in day to day life
To be fair that's not even the most twisted personal life game min-max Nash came up with

>> No.22705744

Something incels don't have the balls to do, sadly for them (personally idc)

>> No.22705747

Idk bro kidnapping is a lot of effort

>> No.22705758

Nash might have needed to sit down and think about it. Women just do these things reflexively

>> No.22705770

Nah Nash was a weirdo, he also thought the CIA and Kremlin were signalling him through tie choices. But what's a mathematical genius without a madness period?

>> No.22705787
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I'm wasting my life, it only gets worse and I don't know what do. Sometimes I don't want to wake up. I'm afraid I ngmi

>> No.22705788

Does anyone here over the age of 25 have a social life? If so, what do you do? I’ve spent my entire 20s living alone or with my parents in the boonies so I really have no social life since I graduated from college.

>> No.22705794


>> No.22705798

What is a non wasted life?

>> No.22705800

How many incels do you know personally?

>> No.22705804


>> No.22705810

>social life
that's gay shit. i go the ground and shoot shit with random faggots. I message few retards on Instagram if they wanna go hiking or shit like that. I search of reading account and follow the nonretarded and then message them. thinking about starting a bookclub.

>> No.22705823

I cannot divorce my exercise of spirituality from my pursuit of philosophy. When I am spiritually vitalized, I am spurred to investigate philosophy further. When I am spiritually dead, I don't care one but for philosophy. This troubles me because I want a pure spirituality, unpolluted by inferior products of the human mind, and unleavened by worldly influence. I want to divorce Athens from Jerusalem, but I cannot practically do it.
Someone last night told me that whenever I speak at church it sounds like I'm giving a philosophy lecture and that I intellectualize it. Everyone else just outpours their hearts and spirit. I guess this is just what God designed for me. A formalized, structured, informed sense of religious belief, but an inferior exercise of spirituality.

>> No.22705825

Me, myself, and I

>> No.22705827

I've been a computer nerd for almost my whole life, but a year ago I found literature my new hobby, I read like 60 books, mostly classics which you recommended here and really enjoyed that. But recently I just came back to my old lifestyle (playing video games and wasting time in front of computer).

I have some thoughts that reading books require patience and it's not that easy as watching a movie or playing a game where it's much easier to immerse and you pretty much don't use your brain.

Now I'm kind of confused if reading is not for me or I'm just lazy. Probably the truth is somewhere in between. But let's be honest guys, do you ever force yourself just to read a book instead of playing a video games or watch a movie in your free time?

And on more thing I have a theory, that nowadays movies, games even music became so easy accessible that person who were growing up with all these technology will never like to read books as it takes a lot of hours and require focus and patience.

Let's just put fiction aside, even if you're interested in a non-fiction topic, you for sure can find some youtube video where a professor will explain some stuff. Of course it won't be the same as reading detailed book, but if you're a hobbyist it's probably enough, if you want to know more just read a book or go to the university.

Also I'm not looking for a justification of playing games instead of reading books, I'm just curious what do you guys think. Especially as you're on 4chan so I guess you spend many hours per day in front of your computer.

Sorry for typos, english is my second language.

>> No.22705838

I think I'm never not going to be in love with Ileana Cabra in all her forms

>> No.22705845

You might be interested in reading Dr David Bradshaw's "Aristotle East and West: Metaphysics and the Division of Christendom". I'd also recommend visiting an Orthodox monastery and speaking about this with the monks. They often come from intellectual backgrounds

>> No.22705862
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i found a room full of mediocre books

>> No.22705865

Thanks, I'll look into it. I just ordered Faith and Reason by John Paul II. I was interested in Orthodoxy and Catholicism for their rich philosophical history and tradition, but ultimately I feel like the Holy Spirit led me to simple non-denominational church. It's funny that whenever I mention my interest in philosophy someone always refers me to Colossians 2 and Acts 17. What's even funnier is that Acts 17 was actually printed in one of my philosophy textbooks. This is an ongoing theme for years now.

>> No.22705867 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 528x180, 157_365_____336_seviper_by_scrumpdiddley_dcfn3za-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Plasma has shifted regions to expand their territory. A lone grunt targets the champion of the region to make a statement as they enter this unfamiliar region!

Cynthia is caught by surprise and tightly constricted by the grunt's Seviper! All the struggling in the world won't help her if she is unable to reach her Pokeballs and call an ally to assist her!

Tightly secured, and confident she will be unable to call out a Pokemon of her own, a humiliating fate awaits the champion... The Team Plasma grunt removes the champion's shoes and begins worshiping her now-bare, exposed feet. Seviper is commanded to swallow her alive head-first, but not before using it's blade-like tail to cut the champion's bra clean off of her! Breasts exposed, and bare feet kicking, Champion Cynthia can only helplessly cry out as she is slowly taken into the form of the villainous grunt's ally serpent!

A champion is only as powerful as the Pokemon they use, and with this definitive victory, Team Plasma shows that having no Pokemon is equivalent to having no power... Champion Cynthia, once the most respected trainer throughout the region, will be digested alive, eventually becoming mere nutrients for a lone grunt's Seviper!

>> No.22705876

Spirituality and intellectuality are the same thing, as Rene Guenon said. Spirituality can absolutely be philosophical, in fact, I find spirituality that runs on emotion to be of an inferior sort.

This stuff is about truth after all, not about getting high.

>> No.22705893

Fair enough, I'd also read St John of Damascus' "Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith." He was trained in philosophy and it shines throughout the work. As I understand, when properly understood, there is no dialectic between philosophy and pure spiritual praxis. It is through one's repentance that his intellect is purified and is therefore capable of grasping higher philosophical truths. However, philosophy here may be a misnomer. Pure rational exercise is a dead end - the legacy of Descartes' cogito up to the present day is proof of this. The highest state of wisdom is a constant contemplation of the Divine whilst free from sin. I'd also recommend reading St Basil the Great's oration to youths concerning what we have to glean from Hellenic works: https://www.tertullian.org/fathers/basil_litterature01.htm

>> No.22705905

Put another way, one's advance in the virtues leads one to true knowledge, that being the knowledge of God. Given that God is infinite, and all virtue is grounded in participating in the life of God, our advance in the virtues is infinite by definition. This will continue in this life and in the next. St Maximos the Confessor speak of this in his "On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ". St Maximos was also a brilliant philosopher. I may seem like I'm just name dropping but I'm just trying to point in the direction of Church Fathers who were steeped both in the life of virtue and the "intellectual" life for lack of a better term. But again, ultimately, the philosophical and virtuous life are one and the same. A modern saint called St Porphyrios says that to be holy we must have "poetic souls"

>> No.22705906

Thanks for all these recommendations. I'll read them.

>> No.22705907


>> No.22705910

Random ass question but does anyone have a Snapchat pic of some alien looking girl where she says she wants to suck dick?

>> No.22705949

That's a social life dipshit

>> No.22706142

I have that feeling where it’s like there’s something I’m supposed to be doing right now but don’t know what it is

>> No.22706156

I can’t help but think that there are just certain mistakes I’ve made in my life which I will never live down and which will in some way come back to bite me

>> No.22706167

>Does anyone here over the age of 25 have a social life?
>If so, what do you do?
I call faggot A and say 'hey, it's been a while, wanna hang out to the beach/drink tea/to the lake/play billard/go to the restaurant with faggot B, C and D/have ice cream/have a movie/game night/play tabletop games/go bowling?' and they say yes or no. Then we see each other and do activities. It doesn't have to be intellectual stuff and I don't feel the need to fill the blanks. That's it.

>> No.22706211
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my gay son is a fucking bottom

>> No.22706215

my coworker is dealing with that too. he was seriously shook over it. but, his son is otherwise ok, so he's getting over it
he still wouldnt let his son go away to college (lol)

>> No.22706224
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Bin reading The Denial of Death. Bin thinking about transference, excrement, worms, Freud, incest, impotence, determinism, delusion.

>> No.22706264 [DELETED] 
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"Garchomp?!?! Garchomp, my love, where are you?!?! Oh god, its so dark! It's so hot! God, my clothes melted! Someone help, I cant die like this!!! They can't do this to a champion! Lucario! Garchomp! Spiritomb! Grandma ! Steven! Professor Rowan! Dawn! Iris! Diantha! Leon! Please, ANYONE?!?! Girat- ARCEUS!!! MY SKIN!! AHH FUCK IT BURNS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Aldith: "Ohh... Does your belly ache, dearie? Must be because of those nasty hairpieces. There there, one punch and kick should do the trick. Let me feel you there... Ahhh, how nice. What a plump lump! Feels so nice to caress it.

Be sure to digest well, dear. We don't want any bones puncturing the cloaca now, do we? And cough up those headpieces. Maybe we can make a killing selling them to a trophy collector!"

>> No.22706266


>> No.22706282

In other words, dying and fucking.

>> No.22706286

no, no. he wasn't shaken. he was shook ones

>> No.22706334

>"I'm not lonely, I have God... and my virginity"
Only self deprecate if you're actually a man with value, otherwise it's just pathetic (like you).

>> No.22706335

that picture is funny but i've met a lot of eating disorder people who went into "recovery" only to become obese. it's actually pretty common

>> No.22706353

Oh my God, the mods took out the thread on Ayaan Hirsi Ali becoming Christian. Where could you discuss that on this site? Seems /pol/ maybe, but /pol/ is retarded. I think it should have been allowed.

>> No.22706359

Ask for new nudes? Isn't this teasing to get you horny?

>> No.22706362

Bet your parents are really proud of you.

>> No.22706363

Become an Infinitist! Every religion talks about the Infinite after all, and yet, they are all deficient in their own ways. Help me build Infinitism!

>> No.22706368
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And look what was underneath all the books!

>> No.22706378


>> No.22706464

I have an imaginary friend. Right now she's sitting upright next to me in bed and juggling with imaginary balls of paper. She is blonde, with pale skin and brown eyes. One of her knee is touching my leg, and she has just noticed that I am writing about her. I feel very comfortable around her. She never lets me give up, no matter how hard things get. For all she is, she could be considered my muse. I am grateful that she is here. I wish I could give some of that support back sometimes but there isn't much that she needs. She did more for me by simply existing than any other women in my current life.

>> No.22706474

you should stop that.

>> No.22706479


>> No.22706487

>Went to public event
>Have to take piss during a break
>Bathroom is packed
>My turn to pee - nice!
>Standing at the urinal and nothing comes out despite the painful urge to pee.
>Give up
>Spend rest of event having to pee.
Now I know it's called "shy bladder" syndrome (Paruresis) or something. Don't know where it even came from, never had this problem desu. Have been peeing fine since. I hope it's just a one-time thing.

>> No.22706494

Why though. There is no romance there. Only respect for each others in these trying times.

>> No.22706496

I’d be worried about performance anxiety if I was u

>> No.22706533

Why is it that those on the left hope for a more authoritarian regime? I heard a theory about how many of them lacked unsupervised playtime as children. Due to the lack of playtime, many don't have the ability to solve their own issues without the leadership of their authorities (eg parents, the government, etc). I liked this answer for a while, but in instances like the one above, this theory can't suffice. Lockdowns go against their self interest. They become depressed through staying home all the time and potentially lose money.
Why would anyone beg for such a scenario?

>> No.22706535

Directionbrained and a twitter user. A rough combo

>> No.22706571
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Greetings Earthlings,

The history of The Cosmos is that of the expansion of possibilities beyond what could be previously actualized. At first The Cosmos was a hot sea of quarks and electrons, but then it expanded and cooled enough for the first atoms to form - mostly hydrogen and helium. The formation of these atoms allowed for the formation of galaxies and stars, and in some of these early stars the heavier elements of which we and the Earth is mostly comprised were formed, and when they exploded they seeded their galaxies with these elements, allowing for the formation of solar systems with rocky planets, such as Earth. The formation of rocky planets like Earth in turn allowed for the formation of life in all of its incredible complexity and diversity. Life allowed for the emergence of consciousness, sapience, culture, curiosity and love.

Our consciousness is an extension of the primordial aconscious creative impulse of the universe, are are the medium the universe uses to push the limits of its own co-creative existence. The will to explore, create, discover and love is nothing less than the sacred will of The Cosmos. Our destiny in the future is doubtlessly to co-create new creative horizons and domains of possibility beyond what we can possibly imagine. Every dream, every hope for the future, every imagination you have contributes to the evolution of The Cosmos.

Live limitlessly and create.

Farewell fellow beings.

>> No.22706575

I used to care so much about things like geopolitics and global warming and predictions of civilization collapsing.

Now I don't think about that stuff at all. Not that it's unimportant, but somewhere along the line I stopped worrying about it all so much. It is what it is.

>> No.22706596


I've had a few "sons" who were bottoms as well. It's better that way.

>> No.22706611

>Directionbrained and a twitter user. A rough combo
I don't understand your silly slang, thus it has no effect upon me

>> No.22706631
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>> No.22706636
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The "Why Do I Have to Make My Own Fun" argument

I've seen multiple times complaints over sandbox games not providing enough meaningful goals for the player. These people don't like having to make those goals for themselves. They're not asking for more enemies, mechanics, environments or music or anything like that, rather what they're asking for is to be told what to do with it. They want to be given orders. They want a checklist to kill 30 goblins. Isn't that just so polar opposite to the ideals of young gamers? Ideals like rebellion, independence, freedom, personal expression, uniqueness and individuality? These people want to be told what to do so bad so badly.

I think the greatest problem the modern world is facing is that people simply do not care enough to do something about it.Old ideals have been torn apart by nihilism. Maybe what happened is the rapid increase in information transmission has caused the populace to become greatly aware of true reality and its contradictions with old assumptions. Perhaps we need ideals which do not require denial of reality, instead acknowledging it. But maybe the ideals already do. Maybe keeping people in materialistic denial is a great way for a mode of thought to reproduce. Not like the process of selection for reproduction would care.

Anyway, so old ideals about how the world works and how we should live in it no longer feel representative of a world with school shootings and pedophile islands and endless growth with no ideals but materialism and unbelievably tragic sufferings in war-torn countries being out-competed for attention by social justice warriors spending all their resources on making sure every tv show has at least 40% minorities now, so on and so on. The old world ran on orders and systems to structure society, to manage our specific human characteristics to produce societies that reproduce and last. Well, behavioral evolution tells me that societies don't need to value happiness, where its absence may even be beneficial to its reproduction. Perhaps our individual striving for happiness is just the individual conscious experience competing for survival against the community/genetic lineage's pressures to reproduce.
Happiness, to me, is when my attention (or hell, maybe my soul) is large and bright and taking up as much space as possible. When it drinks greatly of my senses. I wish to keep this conscious thing alive and large, and I wish to breed it into the minds of others that may follow me. After all I am not my body, I am not my community; I AM MY EGO. I AM MY EMOTIONS. I AM THAT WHICH IS NAMED. I AM THIS BRIGHT BLINDING BURNING LIGHT WHICH SEES ALL; I AM THE PERCEPTION, THE ATTENTION, THE FOCUS; I AM THE EYE, SHINING THROUGH THE STAINED GLASS THAT IS THE MIND, PROJECTING THIS SELF WHICH IS COLORED BY MY MEMORIES AND MY INTELLIGENCE INTO THE GRAY MATTER OF MY BODY WHICH IS MY TOOL. I WILL SEAR MY SHAPE INTO ANYONE WHO WILL TAKE ME; AND I WILL BURN TO ASH ANY WHO ARE TOO WEAK

>> No.22706643

Got a moderate sunburn on my neck and now my hypochondria is telling me I'll get cancer. Last sunburn was years ago

>> No.22706679

2. Why Do I Make Posts Like These

I've been interested in meaning for a long time. Ever since my panic attacks in high school, where I learned that I could in fact decide to want something and thus transitioned into a very purpose driven man, I've gained this sense that all dread and depression comes from a feeling that one's values are not fulfilled and never will be, and that the solution is simply to turn the prism around in your mind until the light shines through it such that you can see a way to your goal. My family never gave me much meaning. Next to zero emotional intelligence. Father screaming at 16 year-old waitresses. Mother with no confidence. Never was I given concrete defined reasons why I should do anything, really, instead I was pressured into things with vague explanations of "its just what people do" and "dont overthink it" with the unspoken fear being that I may become a loser in muh moms basement type. Now I avoided work because I felt that spending half my waking time was too great a price, and I was gaining tremendous value spending most of my time on reading and studying. Low pay high hourly work is terrible deal to make, because time is so precious. Thankfully I was smart and got a job that lets me listen to audiobooks or watch lectures, for I have both internet access and work that is not too distracting. I am very grateful. A job made me greatly aware of my time use, which admittedly I had been using very poorly so all in all a wonderful deal.
Back to the question... it's hard to work out a thought like this because I don't want to leave the thread without trying to explain why I write these crazy things some times, but I also need time to reason it out as well as to write it terse and to the point. Part of it is the small anxiety about being so strange (though that is easily dealt with by the validation of my art and my competency as a person), part of it is the fun of speaking from the mind with zero hesitance because of the anonymity, but also it's that I do stuff like this often and I haven't looked very closely at it yet. I just love playing with meaning. Tearing it apart, putting it back together in any way I wish. It's a joy.
I'm also in the middle of a game I've been looking forward to that I tabbed out, and I only have an hour left until I want to sleep... once again I feel pulled in a dozen different directions. It's hard. But still I manage to create so much that truly comes from my mind undiluted and I feel so damn happy all of the time. God life is indescribable. You only need to make a habit of looking more closely at it and you will be blinded by its light and crushed by its weight.

>> No.22706722

Use the enter key sometimes, we wont accuse you of reddit spacing.

>> No.22706733

Yeah my second one was lazier. If there's a way to indent I haven't figured it out yet

>> No.22706738

Every single interaction just points out my flaws

>> No.22706751

Jesus, I had a dream where Jordan Peterson told me I need to take a shower with his patient (50+ tall, blonde gilf), and do whatever I want with her as a means of curing her depression

>> No.22706758

You want to put yourself above the human mind when you consist of the human mind. In my opinion when you are "spiritually dead" it's just when your imagined goal doesn't have a strong enough presence in your mind to drive your emotions towards it. In other words when you don't have the energy or desire to make yourself want it.

>> No.22706763

all the niggers are dead

>> No.22706767

no surprise when his dad's posting in gay 4chan vent threads

>> No.22706770

These threads are lame because people don't engage each other enough. despite posting on a forum most of us only really read the posts we make

>> No.22706771

This thread is basically a place to vent, not discuss.

>> No.22706774

I read almost every post but only respond to like 5 per thread, congratulations you get 1/5

>> No.22706777

Then get a diary
Make a folder and fill it with txt files marked by date. its what i do. I don't have to pretend I'm not alone either. The permanence also means you put more thought into what you write, unlike here where we just shit some shit out and close the tab
But yes you're right. I do see good posts from time to time, but I also think that truly intelligent people probably have better outlets for this (like friends) so the few smart posts must be not all that smart and im just dumb, or theyre smart but socially lacking

woop woop

>> No.22706788

socially lacking?

>> No.22706811

>Then get a diary
how about you get a life?

>> No.22706812

Sometimes i wonder what it would be like to live on that small island with just one house and be stuck there and keep a diray of day to day things that happen and have someone find it after you're dead.

>> No.22706816

Equivalent to having the ugly girl win the beauty pageant because "beauty comes from within :))))"

>> No.22706818

Ask her to ERP as Asuka for you.

>> No.22706828

Same. Today I was reminded that I am selfish, like hogging conversation and am insecure

>> No.22706847
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the cocaine era continues...
sometimes you think you're done and then you walk into a bathroom and there's 5 strangers standing there railing lines and they offer you some and you partake and then you walk out and rejoin your friends and girlfriend and act like you just peed

>> No.22706888

I couldnt finish that bpd streamer manager game because she was addressing me only as a player and not the real me.

>> No.22707152

Feels like if you have a rather plain name your legacy will be lessened.
I mean it's plain to see, isn't it? If Franz Kafka was named Robert Baum would like a half of his (female/midwit) fanbase care?

>> No.22707165

I like this song. What do you guys think of it? https://youtu.be/9z2ABPHmU8U?si=lmkWIAb_UmtEY9pE

>> No.22707178

I think I'm starting to become depressed

>> No.22707193


>> No.22707201

>everythings gay
>life sucks
>remember im just hungover
yeah nah lads gonna get a maccies and power through. blessings to all the real ones reading this.

>> No.22707217

got laid off recently and didn't quite reach my plans

>> No.22707228

Consciousness did not emerge, as no one knows what consciousness is. It may not even exist, at least, not in the sense physical things exist.

>> No.22707232

shit sucks. what now? neeting for a bit?

>> No.22707240

Im 25. I dont drink. I smoke only occasionally. I eat healthy. I drink 2Ls of water. I exercise.

And yet, my cognitive abilities have withered away to nothing. When someone speaks technically, I could barely keep up. I can barely process things, and my past ability of absorbing information on the fly is gone.

Is it the vax? Is it just growing older? I feel as freaky as one might feel if they were recovering from a traumatic head injury.

>> No.22707245

I’ve realized I will probably cheat on my wife if given the chance. Our sex life is pretty bad and I want to fuck a new girl so bad, one who actually finds me attractive to the point of wanting to play lovers games, who actually looks at me and smiles when she sees me. I need love and its fucked up cause my wife has had a pretty shitty life our kids are bad and she is always sick so its not really her fault but still I need some passion in my life or I’m going to fucking lose it.

>> No.22707254

Find passion elsewhere in life. Maybe get some therapy to work out why you need to feel loved to feel validated as a human, you should be old and wise enough to feel content on your own.

>> No.22707256

Could be depression or could be a deficiency of b12 or something. Could try taking krill oil too. Practice brain games. It is probably getting older only in that when you get older you get tired of life so you stop thinking so much. Im 29 and im basically a retard now, but I have kids so that makes it much worse. Try doing something exciting.

>> No.22707266

Yeah I should but I think ive got some arrested development from having a fucked up childhood. I can support a family but I feel like a fuckup at the same time its weird. Everyone tells me to go to therapy cause im a bipolar alcoholic but I dont really have time or money for that and I distain people especially therapists but maybe I should try it.

>> No.22707297

>29 now
Same here, anonov. I can't recall almost anything from the novels I read apart from some vague plot points. My brain feels like it's been squeezed of brain juice and is just pulp now. And I wasn't even a reader in my teens/early 20s. Not faring well for my plans to become a cultured person.

>> No.22707302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22707306 [DELETED] 
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By the time Professor Rowan reported two of the pokemon have gone missing, it was too late. With the ripped clothing on the ground and Spiritomb lying unconscious with her VAP form developed, she was accused of the crime. Despite the grief, Bertha believed the pleading VAP and halted her arrest. Weeks later, the police found Cynthia’s remains which was now only a long turd with small bone fragments and bleached hair. On the news, her death was covered up with the report being Cynthia having passed away from a sudden disease her lineage has been carrying for generations. With the only applicable champion gone to explore the world, Bertha took Cynthia’s place as Champion of Sinnoh with her now recovered Sudowoodo now named Rita Feiku, assisting her health. Cynthia’s Spiritomb now named Kirai Kimi became an official cop who made it her duty to hunt down Gastrodon. As for Gastrodon, she renamed herself Mazui Name and began only hunting VAPs with the mother of said applicable champion and Cynthia being her only human victims. So far only 6 VAPs have been consumed by her with each one having some sort of experience with Cynthia. Kirai knew it would be a matter of time before she hunted down the VAPs from Cynthia’s team including her. It did not matter if Mazui was unintentionally mistreated, Kirai only felt one things towards her: hate!

>> No.22707326


>> No.22707330 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22707331

alright, rest up.

>> No.22707377

Yeah you might as well just accept it idk. Watching all my aspirations go to shit. Fuck it.

>> No.22707400

You don't read books for the plot

>> No.22707422

so not one person is gonna mention a butcher's crossing movie just came out? man the marketing people for that failed big time if they can't even get some shill threads made on /lit/.

>> No.22707427

Heard it's only decent.

>> No.22707430

ya i doubt i'll watch it cuz i haven't read it yet and also nicholas cage is annoying.

>> No.22707459

Yearning so hard rn.

>> No.22707460


>> No.22707479

Nice word, thanks.

>> No.22707623

Sehnsucht deez nuts

>> No.22707788

My room is a cosmic womb. I am the cosmic wombat.

>> No.22707803


>> No.22707809

We have to be willing to lose America. If not, then the shock will be too much to bear once she falls. God protect us all.

>> No.22707814

america is the best country out rn and i'm tired of pretending it isn't

>> No.22707828

It's a complex love

>> No.22707843

Have you ever lived anywhere else?

>> No.22707851

I mean socially too dumb to find a better sense of community than anonymous imageboards of pseuds, coomers and retards which you will never meet or learn the names of. Every new thread is 50 new strangers. Never acquaintances or friends. Nothing is ever built and hours are wasted for fleeting moments of validation. Obviously we all hang out here because we don't feel adequate around real people. In my case I feel like I get a little too out there when I speak openly about my interests so I'm not fully confident to meet like-minded folk, but that will change soon.
This is a very ridiculous place for an insult like that you fucking dipshit.

>> No.22707866

>but muh purposeful ways to spend time for social interaction
>muh non fleeting validation
>muh ppl better elsewhere
put a little love in your heart

>> No.22707877

Also more and more lately it seems like people are just shitty to one another here for no reason. Sure I like to talk shit too but if I say I didnt like farenheit 451 or I love pessoa someone’s always right there to call me a retard or some shit. And everyone here seems to be shifting more to the left I always see people discussing marx and shit. Im about to stop coming here honestly there’s no point I got all the book recommendations I need.

>> No.22707888

>stop liking what I don't like
No https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keaQ-50Z01w

>> No.22707898

yeah of all the years i wasted on /lit/ i have like literally one nostalgic memory: it was around christmas time early december, and there was thread about library architecture and someone else made a thread about george michael (maybe there was a book about him that just came out or sth) and i was playing that christmas song from wham! in the background and browsing comfy library pics. it wasn't even "intellectual" or "stimulating". it was just comfy. now imagine how many comfy memories i'd have if i had gone out with actually people instead of posting on here with you dumbasses.

>> No.22707909

>anons talking about wasting time
Spending, surely, I doubt any of you are complaining you went too far Dunbar after Catch 22, or your flaneur lifestyle hasn't been interesting.

>> No.22707948
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I was diagnosed with schizophrenia on November 1st. Between this and my appearance drastically dropping (I used to be hot!) I am tempted to apply for disability & become one of those reclusive autists who could perhaps just labor over art for the rest of his life and make somebody else's life better by releasing it. There is no drive to have a girl or a family or a home, so I don't mind renting out a place until I die. Maybe this is really the right path

>> No.22707970

>become one of those reclusive autists who could perhaps just labor over art for the rest of his life
Doing this was one of the better life choices I made, wasn't even for the disability that actually disabled me lol
I probably got like fifteen extra years of making things instead of just making rent, and I might even get everything I want to make done before I die now.
Caveat: disability made me more money than I could at a job, so if it's going to make you more broke maybe don't

>> No.22707975

You get like 1000-1500 per month in the states I think
That's plenty if you just want to focus on a creative life. I know a guy who was an alcoholic & he was making car payments & rent & boozing at the same time until he overspend and they took the car.

>> No.22707983

The local gypsy beggar woman asked if there was anything she could do for me when she found out I was sick. She literally sleeps in a tent in the woods, in the deep dark north. I don't even think they have campfires (I asked her once). The gypsies keep their christian tradition strong.

>> No.22708030

Is she hot?

>> No.22708043

I believe she is cold most of the time. She just sits in a chair waiting for handouts with a blanket on her lap hoping it won't rain. Every day.

>> No.22708064

if you have something important to say, you’ll put it in a tiktok
books are just mental masturbation

>> No.22708164

Wrong as Freud was about how to interpret dreams, it seems to me that a statistical or demographic analysis of the typical subject matter, situations, and tones of them would be highly telling. For instance, mine disproportionately resemble road trips in rather labyrinthian suburban and urban environments, and involve rather a lot of definite and weird people and situations. At the same time, it has very little to do with how I habitually live and experience the world, since I'm a homebody who enjoys a kind of sleepy domestic tranquility in farthest flung exurbia more than anything else. Recent research has suggested that dreaming is mostly a mode of rehearsal, and as such must be an indicator of what one has the least established mastery of. And indeed, I'm completely hopeless at getting around anywhere I don't know better than the back of my own hands, that is without a big comfy car and GPS navigation. It may be that most dreams resemble horror comedy, at least for those with a sense of humor.

>> No.22708183

dreams make more sense after you do a lot of lsd. if you take a decent amount, like 3-5 hits or so, the stuff of dreams will start to seep out of your subconscious into your waking reality, and you will understand. you start to experience stuff in real time the way you might dream about it later, and things from the past you only see in dreams will suddenly come to the forefront of your living experience.

>> No.22708198

I’ve had the thought of moving to Europe once or twice but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m an American through and through and as much as I hate the state my country is in now the more I know I can’t leave it when it matters most.

>> No.22708216

90% of my dreams are that I am back in high-school except im my current age and I have slacked off most the year and need to go to my classes, but I forgot the the time and location of my classes so I'm trying to log into the student portal but having trouble. I'm 26 I wish my mental defects would catch up already

>> No.22708272

>and things from the past you only see in dreams will suddenly come to the forefront of your living experience.
This part of it is something that comes normally with age and idleness, if with a certain nostalgia. (I am 60, and already some conversations & episodes from early childhood are more vivid in recall than most from my 40s.) In any case LSD scares me. It's a powerful vasoconstrictor that can do permanent brain damage, and I really don't have a use for it in the way that, say, Cary Grant evidently did.

>> No.22708280

European culture confuses me. Like most of what young euros talk about is shit that comes from America. It makes me start to understand why Japanese people aren't really excited about having international fans of anime. Ideally every country would have its own cool shit to export, but now its only 2 or 3 places

>> No.22708283
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>only evidence of the "holocaust" is a few probably not fake telegrams from himmler saying "good work killing those jews" (no one denies jews were killed, so were lots of others, but this doesn't prove a mass killing of 6 million using fanciful ovens)
>amid a sea of actual admitted hoaxed telegrams and documents since 1945
>amid a sea of outlandish claims by the soviets and various frauds
>paul rassinier was in buchenwald and says he didn't see any of the gas chamber shit
>jews who were in the camps either don't know any specifics about the chambers/ovens
>or they told obvious fraud stories for money in the 1950s-1970s, about nazis cutting jews in half with lightsabers
>all the worst death camps are the ones in soviet territory that couldn't be examined; all the ones in allied territory were "just work camps"
>auschwitz tour guides were telling people for decades that post-ww2 soviet buildings were original buildings
>nail marks on wall also an embarrassing lie
>leuchter report
>wooden doors
>why the fuck would anyone burn millions of dead bodies in ovens, makes no sense and is totally impractical
>doesn't stop them from putting TEN BAZILLION on signs and plaques UNTIL they get corrected (then they quickly change it without apology)
I'm starting to really think it was made up, aside from probably a few hundred thousand being killed unsystematically

>> No.22708384

I have some nightmarish dreams about falling behind in school, but those all have to do with mathematics, my weakest link. In retrospect it's interesting how those things go. When it comes to physics, a certain kind of geometric intuition came to me so easily that I sometimes surprised student math snobs and teachers with how I solved some problems. Of course I knew even then that I wasn't cut out for a profession in such, or for that matter anything else. I'm simply too lazy, and content with pleasant daydreams in the conditions I'm used to.

>> No.22708543

If I had fuck-you money I wouldn't to move to Europe except in the event of obvious and disastrous political emergency. I can afford to if I must, but for the time being, I like it here. We'll see, if we live that long.

>> No.22708553

Schizo idiot trolls must all fuck off forever.

>> No.22708570

You evil rat.

>> No.22708607

There are some things that you know to be true, and others that you know to be false; yet, despite this extensive knowledge that you have, there remain many things whose truth or falsity is not known to you. We say that you are uncertain about them. You are uncertain, to varying degrees, about everything in the future; much of the past is hidden from you; and there is a lot of the present about which you do not have full information. Uncertainty is everywhere and you cannot escape from it.

>> No.22708622

There isn't a single thing I'm uncertain of

>> No.22708641

Something's wrong. I'm 35 but I feel very alive and alert. You should go to a doctor and maybe he could point you to a specialist to really look into it.

>> No.22708643

Same here. I know her for 10 years already. She travels a lot through dreamworlds when im carrying on with my day and tells me all about it when i go to sleep. Its easier to carry on with my day this way. At this point im not sure whether i would call her "imaginary" hmmm

>> No.22708650

It sounds similar to book on Lacan that I've been reading. However I just cannot to make peace with my shitty past and just be le happy about present and future. All those crucial moments to gain formative experience are lost forever. Just like you cannot turn kids into normal people who've been raised with wolves, something is fundamentally broken.

>> No.22708796

A part of me wishes that I hadn't scrambled my brain to the point of not being able to accurately determine what's an authentic internal sensation, as opposed to what is simply amplified or entirely structured by the imagination. It's aggravating trying to exercise control over mental processes when the feeling tends to fluctuate between energetic security and an array of dissipating, fragmented signals that can only loosely be modified. I like to think that with enough conscious effort I can effectively redesign how my mind operates, but as time goes on I've been forced to confront the unfortunate reality that I can't think my way out of possible brain damage.

>> No.22708879

>Meet girl at work
>Didn't notice or think about her much
>She has a nice face but is a bit chubby
>Start talking and somehow got to talking about the Bible and our beliefs.
>She seems to have very similar beliefs and values to me
>Never spoke about this stuff with anyone not even my own family who are Christians
>Find her overall to be such a beautiful individual that I kind of have a crush on her

How do I handle this? It really caught me off guard and the more I see her, the more beautiful she is looking to me and she seems to have such a genuine soul.

Mind you, I'm 33 working a dead end retail job (which I actually quite enjoy though) but this is the first time I felt I should be doing more but didn't see the point because I didn't realise women like her still existed. I've never felt this genuine ease and calmness talking to her, and I've talked to plenty of women. It's so bizarre

She's 22, just finished her degree and is hoping to get into dentistry. Should i even bother at this point?

>> No.22708883

>Should i even bother at this point?
Yes. As long as you don't get in trouble.

>> No.22709020
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I thought buying used books was good.

>> No.22709088

Yeah of course. Go for it bro. Pray about it.

>> No.22709099

Dont do it. My brother got diagnosed schizo and became a recluse. Totally destroyef him

>> No.22709102

I can do nothing forever.

>> No.22709296

Getting diagnosed by a western doctor kind of sets you on the path for a shitty life, and there's enough evidence now that it's very hard to explain why schizophrenia gets worse when treated by western doctors without using the word iatrogenic

>> No.22709311

>LSD is the vasoconstrictor you're worried about at 60
based cardio bunny

>> No.22709402


As an old fag I can tell you that those dreams will continue for the rest of your life.

Whatever shit you didn't have under control when you were young will haunt you the rest of your life.

>> No.22709407

Twinkle, twinkle, little girl,
How I wonder in this world!
Right across my house so nigh,
Like a never mind...

>> No.22709409

>Should i even bother at this point?

You shouldn't even have to ask this question. If the chemistry is there, go for it. Don't dawdle, don't let the opportunity to pass to somebody else.

>> No.22709537

I have yet to die, I'm scoring myself "good effort" and giving myself a sticker

>> No.22709568

>tfw recreational drug experience has taught me most doctors are less careful about prescribing shit than a good dealer
Can't help you on the divide for you between mindset and substance, except that assuming everyone is ripping you off until the drugs prove otherwise is something you should do regardless of if the people who sold you them have an MD or criminal conviction

>> No.22709571

I will never understand what compels someone to make total rubbish threads, which is most of the board. I am surrounded by zoomer-brained retards

>> No.22709573

Whatcha reading anonkun?

>> No.22709655

Enjoy your brain damage.

>> No.22709690

Lol what? I was giving old anon props for not having shitty arteries or heart problems

>> No.22709797

>Benj Hellie's vertiginous question asks why, of all the subjects of experience out there, this one—the one corresponding to the human being referred to as Benj Hellie—is the one whose experiences are live? (The reader is supposed to substitute their own case for Hellie's.)

did anon ever get a reply?

>> No.22709803

Marcel, my darling!

>> No.22709821

dubs and I'll win

>> No.22709865

Are good things built or found?
A girl broke up with me. It wasnt exceptionally tragic, it wasnt a story of star-crossed lover. It wasnt particularly interesting in any way at all... except that it happened to me.

We met, had a decent conversation, and then i left never to think about it again... only she did something.

She went out of her way to flirt, to show she was interested. So i stumbled my way through asking her out, then stumbled my way through getting to know her, then stumbled my way through being intimate. When she had a bad day i stumbled my way through trying to be a friend, through planning and scheduling dates, through first kisses and cuddling. I didnt put in much effort.. just kept doing the next thing, and she noticed the whole time. I thought i wasnt that into her.. but i had never made a choice.. so all i had left were my feelings and intuition, and both failed me.

Eventually she decided there "wasnt a spark" (code for bad sex) and "lets still be friends"(code for lets not).

So now im in a position where the choice was made for me, and I have to wonder.. how much of finding a partner is deliberate, and how much is going with the flow? Clearly she made a decision at one point to pursue me, to get to know me, and decided it wasnt going to work.. so why am I the one whose feelings are hurt despite not wanting or expecting anything at all?

Just something ive been thinking about lately, sorry for the blogposting but I assume thats what these threads are for. Anon you should ask her out, go for it. My whole life ive just sort of dated the girls around who liked me... and im beginning to think thats a mistake

>> No.22709870

Wondering right now why the students and staff at Hogwarts didn't put their wands on lanyards to prevent them from being expelliarmus'd. Like duh. Further proof JKR is a hack.

>> No.22709876

If I ever need a lanyard to do something, I'm not doing the thing because that shit is lost within three minutes.

>> No.22709900

Yeah ask out girls you want to be with, not just the ones you think won't outright reject you. It's like setting your business goal as "don't go to jail" instead of "run business successfully". The one more likely to mean you're going to jail is the one with really low standards. Bad plan.

>> No.22709931

yea i know, my ego is just at an all time low, im in a rebuilding stage of my life. I used to just kind of date whichever girls were around and interested in me.. but id like to be intentional from now on, its just gonna be rough i think

>> No.22709943

Do NOT slam that ass

>> No.22709949

I think this storm just sent some scaffolding through a window in my building. I think I just invented a new way to turn sleeping into an extreme sports event. Taking bets.

>> No.22709955

What's the point of catering to a forum that seeks to establish the outer limits of the tolerance paradox without destroying itself if it just gets infiltrated by kike lovers and weak minded faggots? You just end up being a faggot kike yourself. Go back. Why are you here? Because you're a weasel? A spineless vermin?

>> No.22709957

One of my friends just talks and talks and talks, but then when I try to say or explain something, he won't even listen or will just go on his phone. Is this narcissism or just autism? Should I just cut him off?

>> No.22709961

Look, how can you know if you hate circumcised dick if you don't suck it at least once?

>> No.22710053


It doesn't amtter if it's circumsized or not. What's disagreeable is what comes out of the tip of it

>> No.22710116

just found my old license where i had hair in the picture fuck i gotta kill myself

>> No.22710122

Seconding. Good job anon.

>> No.22710259

Yeah, I disdain therapy too but just think of it like paying for a friend, it's clear you aren't able to solve your issues yourself

>> No.22710432

The internet is being fucky at my place and it's not connecting, the positive to this situation is that it's allowed me to do a bunch of shit that I was putting off because I'm not distracted. Got some some dishes done today, read an entire book today (it was a comic book but it has over 250 pages), mopped and folded and put away a bunch of clothes that have been in a messy pile on my bed for too long, I also woke up much earlier than normal today because I went to bed early last night, it's been a good day, I'm about to start an actual novel now (The Funhouse by Dean Koontz) and I'm going to watch a movie later.

>> No.22710435

Man, I'm attracted to every race but white women, don't get me wrong there is definitely some attractive white women out there but every other race seems to mog white women hard. I want a nerdy/geeky black girl, that's my new ideal woman, it will surely change in a few months though.

>> No.22710448

People always talk about the guilt and shame part of Catholicism like it's a bad thing, but maybe it's exactly what I need. As a protestant you never tell anyone all your misdeeds so you just live with them eating your insides all the time. I'd much rather have someone I can tell so he can tell me yes you are very sick and evil and admonish me for it at length. We just don't do that in my church

>> No.22710461

>As a protestant you never tell anyone all your misdeeds
You tell Jesus. Jesus is a person.

>> No.22710586
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I am humbled and self aware

I was a teenage brute. A boxer. A peasant. But a damn good musician. Now I am a bad student. A bitter Mr Spinster. It was all for nothing. I was just a mindless brute coping with pain.

>> No.22710678

Skyking is on my mind, he transcended the matrix. How was it possible for him to perform such majestic maneuvers without training? Reality is fake and just a dream of mine that is post hoc rationalised? He had God on his side? It was a psyop? If so for what purpose?

>> No.22710688

Voldemort could have easily been shot with a Remington from the turret while doing his big evil speech before the duel. Wizards are like 200 year old boomers. Lanyards probably weren’t invented before most of them were born

>> No.22710765

death dying non-existence worms transference repression decay rotting soil eternity

>> No.22710782

What incentive do Israeli politicians have to eradicate Hamas? Having a caged enemy you can use to terrorize your citizens with seems like one of the best ways to maintain power. Hamas is not an existential threat.

>> No.22710877


>> No.22710985

He realized his compulsive masturbation was transference of death-terror anxiety and it made him cum.

>> No.22710988
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Fuckin love this shit. It feels amazing and really reduces pain.

>> No.22710994

I'm so bored.

>> No.22710996

Not sure what's comfier, lofi chillhop or bossa nova.

>> No.22711020

>bossa nova.
It's this unless you're 13.

>> No.22711023

Why am I even on dating apps? I'm scared of commitment and I hate spending time with other people.

>> No.22711048

What was your relationship like with your mother as a child?

>> No.22711057

My relationship with my mum is great, sure we have little spats here and there but that's it.

>> No.22711064

hmm, interesting. I think perhaps your fear of commitment and social avoidance are negative transferences you use to repress your death anxiety and incestuous fantasies.

>> No.22711066

>death anxiety
I have no anxiety when it comes to death, it's gonna happen eventually and there's nothing I can do to stop it so there's no point in being afraid of it.
>incestuous fantasies.
I think incest is fine and should be legal (granted both people are of age and consenting) but I have no interest in it.

>> No.22711071

more repression. Sad to see.

>> No.22711086

Nta, anon, but you're telling us a lot about your mother

>> No.22711277

Rick Wakeman makes excellent keyboard pieces

>> No.22711282

I agree 100% with this post. If you’re gonna do armchair psychology over internet posts… go full armchair. Break out the Freud, start smoking a pipe, recommend electroshock therapy. There’s no hand more overplayed than people who go with:
>le projection
>le gaslighting!

>> No.22711283

playing far cry all day long

>> No.22711298
File: 155 KB, 900x696, 1562712573389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joining a monastery sounds very appealing to me. I'm neither Catholic nor Orthodox but sometimes I'll look up one of their monasteries and look through the pictures or watch a video of the monks having early morning Mass/Liturgy, silently walking the halls, or praying quietly in their rooms in the gray morning and I'll fantasize about living that life myself. I love the idea of abandoning the trappings of modern life in order to take up a life of prayer, contemplation, simplicity, and silence.
Of course I realize that I'm romanticizing the idea of becoming a monk; it is likely more difficult than I imagine, and being a modern person used to conveniences, worldly things, and directing my own life, I doubt I would take to it well. That doesn't stop me from yearning for it from time to time.

>> No.22711313

You can make your life more monastic yourself. I often fantasize about being an Amish furniture maker. I know a guy like that.. he does really good work so he’s always exactly as busy as he needs to be.. and I can’t help but think that guy really has it figured out. Old man and the sea type stuff. Dying with clear eyes and full heart, dreaming of lions. I’m currently saving up to pay some stuff off, then I’m gonna start woodworking more seriously in my free time.

>> No.22711319


Iran will start giving Hamas nukes as soon as it is feasible to do deliver one.


As a layperson I believe you are mostly expected to drop big money for the privilege. If you want to get a taste of the lifestyle without going all in I'm sure there are retreats and such.

>> No.22711327

Honestly, why are people so damn boring? All they ever talk about is inane garbage like the opposite sex or how that guy's nose makes him look funny.
This might sound selfish, but the only people that interest me are those who give intelligent insights or replies to deep questions. Essentially, people who willingly listen to my scatterbrained mumblings about books and literature, more or less.

>> No.22711334

spot a sociopath of a certain religious leanings 101

>> No.22711337

1st one?

>> No.22711514
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all self-help books I've read say you have to have a vision, but I am too bored by being mediocre to have one.
I want to create this graphic novel, but it seems insurmountable, I have this brain fog during the day where I just want to waste the time until I can sleep again
and part of me thinks if you don't luck out immediately its not worth the effort, I don't know I am so depressed, thanks for reading my blog

>> No.22711525

Far Cry 4

>> No.22711534

It’s kind of crazy that it’s called a Doctor in Philosophy considering almost none of them engage with philosophy.

>> No.22711543

only type of philosophy that really sells is self help books for majority and regurgitated shit for academics

>> No.22711564

What’s the graphic novel about?

>> No.22711574

All leftists are utopians

>> No.22711584

>wanting things to be better for the majority is a utopia
i thought you would call it dystopia, sounds dishonest to project your red scare indoctrination on a broad spectrum of people, some of them have way more down to earth ways of doing it than giving a bunch of murderers access to all of the goods and expecting them to somehow be more incorruptible than the previous aristocracy

>> No.22711595

we already have had the means to produce enough excess goods to unsustainably fill landfills with them rather than give them to the needy, we have houses sitting empty that could house the homeless and we have logistics, technology and industry to make an utopia, the only thing that has been holding that back is the fact that some people would literally rather sit on property than have someone live in it and would rather pump landfills full of wasted food than give it to the needy
we are living in the twilight years and change is on the horizon, won't be pretty but at least the stalemate is finally broken

>> No.22711601


>> No.22711603

>cheering over a million dollars
petty burgeoise meme is real

>> No.22711606

>pretending you're too good for a free million
You're not fooling anyone pal

>> No.22711614

what's the point of signing up for a lottery that only pays out 1mil?
what's the point of cheering if you get that little?
you got consolation price and you're jumping out of your boots
you won't get a mcmansion, you won't get a ferrari and yacht
you literally have to budget that 1 mil to get anything out of that
is that your big dream you were waiting to come to fruition?
that's like doing a song and dance over one months rent

>> No.22711615

>As a layperson I believe you are mostly expected to drop big money for the privilege
I know someone who stayed in a monastery for a bit and it was free, he just had to do a bit of work while he was there

>> No.22711618
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>email 4 hours before my shift starts bitching at me for doing something wrong because the literal tranny who works the shift before mine complained about it
>the tranny is just retarded
>can tell boss likes the tranny better
I am so happy this contract is up soon. I am switching industries.

>> No.22711625

>you won't get a mcmansion, you won't get a ferrari and yacht
Don't want any of that stuff

>> No.22711629

then what will you do with the big bucks that you can't do with your paycheck to paycheck?
what big dreams did you have that 1 mil will fix?

>> No.22711634

I'm glad in the construction sector we don't have any trannies or women.

>> No.22711635

>i just wanted to have enough rainy day funds to fix my beat up car and afford healthcare
rejoice slave, you have gained the status of petty burgeoise aka person with enough autonomy to not become destitute over a accident, now you can eat all the cheese puffs you can stuff down your gullet and wash it down with sugar water

>> No.22711636

If those are your dreams then you're pathetic and will spend your whole life trapped in a cycle of misery from which no amount of luxury could ever free you

>then what will you do with the big bucks
Two chicks at the same time, man

>> No.22711639

>if those are your dreams
i want enough money to have actual freedom, not enough to have freedom from immediate poverty

>> No.22711641

Ummm excuse me sweaty but I won a free car with my free million. All they needed was my social security number. Someone should be arriving any minute to deliver it now

>> No.22711647

>i won a financial burden that is outside my paygrade that i have to sell for peanuts because i can't afford to keep it
congratz, be sure you insure it and get paid out

>> No.22711654

The Train
There is a train at one station. It always has the same people in it. A young lady carrying heavy shopping bags. An old man sitting down and breathing heavily. A young kid just acting up, because his strict mother won't let him roam around. A worried student, repeating over and over the formulas for his exam. An ambitious young fellow with a happy grin and brand clothes. A factory worker. A Secretary.
I have talked to all of them, but rarely do you get a name at all. It's a train, after all, no need to learn that.
Every now and then one works up the courage to press that red button by the door. The train stops and they get off.
A second later, they come back. Sometimes a little different, sometimes a little sad. Sometimes a little shorter, sometimes taller than before. Always a little older, sometimes a little glad. Sometimes they don't come back.
Every now and then I get off too. I get off at the right place, at the right time. I take my time, enjoy the sights. Sometimes I grow, sometimes I cry. The train always comes back.
It's all the same, not a hair out of place. Maybe I catch a smile, maybe a relieved sigh. I am not sure if they are mine. But the train won't mind, it continues the ride.
It is the same people, every time. I’ve helped Mabelle, I’ve talked with Frank. Joanne and her son are very kind. He is in college now, she bought him a car. That nervous student is a nervous worker now. That rich kid was famous once. A Foreman. A wife.
When it grows silent one of us walks to the door. I have seen some get off a million times. Frank has not gotten off, not even once. They come back to tell us about their time outside. Mabelle is forty now. Joanne won't come back. There is no Foreman, no rich man, and no wife.
When someone is gone, someone comes in. A silent child. A wise-looking woman. A small adult man. This time again Frank looks sad. So I go out to my stop. I bring him food when I come back. He is waiting for his grandson. I have caught him smiling when he sees me come back .
Sometimes I bring some food for everyone. No beer is allowed but I have brought some inside. James is not allowed to drink it until he is twenty five. He brought a dog. We named it Jam
There is a train at one station. It is always on time. I have yet to miss it even once. But the day I do I have made sure, Mabelle or James or Juan. They'll bring Frank some dinner, lunch and snacks. They will tell him what they know about me. They will laugh, they will cry.
I leave the train, a bit nervous every time.

>> No.22711655

>heh you're happy you can live comfortably? How pathetic

>> No.22711659

>i can live comfortably with 1 mil
you can do that same thing with 3000$ a month, like i said
what changed and was this your big dream?

>> No.22711661

>t. Doesnt have a million dollars and a free car
Boy those million dollar grapes sure are sour

>> No.22711663

You're jell

>> No.22711667

>heh, he doesn't have a frat house with fat bong rips
maybe one day you'll realize how little changed with 1 mil to not cheer for it

>> No.22711669

Tell us about your lifestyle anon.

>> No.22711673

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22711677

>oh yeah, well show us what makes you cheer
i don't think i will, but i can tell you it isn't getting peanuts from the idiot tax

>> No.22711680

Peak midwit literature, Kill yourself

>> No.22711691

Lmao loser. Get a job.

>> No.22711692

>le prize is bad because you’re burdening people with taxes
I don’t think this even rises to the level of midwit.. even as bad it’s bad

>> No.22711703

>the only ways to be free are to be a petty burgeoise or to opt out completely
interesting interpretation
lottery is idiot tax because of the chances of winning, the fact that he won through lottery is anomaly and him cheering about it shows that he has no clue how little his lifestyle will truly change from getting that little compared to the lifestyle of someone making 3k a month
he will still have to budget, he will still have to be frugal about his spending, he will still not get some big boy wheels to show off with or a large house
he will get the same lifestyle a guy who works for 3k a month gets and he is cheering like everything will be different from now on for him, it won't he could have gained the same lifestyle by wasting a few years in some mediocre job

>> No.22711706

I mean, a million dollar hard asset is enough to pretty seriously afford you more freedom if you’re working or middle class. That alone sends you to upper end of middle class and you can use that assert both to borrow and seriously increase your income for basically no work or time at all.

>> No.22711709

>instead of driving a toyota you get to drive a subaru
>instead of living on rent you get to live in some rinky dink suburb
>instead of buying off brand cheerios your kids get to munch of the top shelf brands
you have no idea how little that changes your life do you, don't quit your day job

>> No.22711720

A million even after taxes is more than enough to get the boot of poverty off your neck if used properly. I don’t see the harm in some mild celebration… it’s not like he said he was on his way to the lambo dealership. The difference between a fulfilling middle class life with some agency and working jobs paycheck to paycheck is just a little bit of leverage (a college degree in a useful field, some training or certifications, or even just money to buy a home and never pay rent again).

>> No.22711731

Petite bourgeoisie (French pronunciation: [pətit(ə) buʁʒwazi], literally 'small bourgeoisie'; also anglicised as petty bourgeoisie) is a term that refers to a social class composed of semi-autonomous peasants and small-scale merchants.


>> No.22711760

Why do you think this is some kind of cool insult? You’re coming off as an angsty teen larper, you realize that right?

>> No.22711764

This really seems more like your own disillusionment with life than any critique of social class. You're bored and unhappy everywhere... therefore people with a million dollars are schmucks? Based on your preceding comments and refusal to elaborate on your lifestyle it's evident that you're either unemployed or a bitter wagie. I doubt you even pay bills. In either case you're divorced from real life and operate on resentment.

>> No.22711767

>actual freedom
How come all these super rich guys never get off the treadmill? So few people cash out and just fuck around for the rest of their lives, everyone always has to earn more

>> No.22711773

Because they have to work to get it. If you don’t have to work to get it, you don’t lose anything.

>> No.22711774

>by stating a fact and having to explain it to dumb dumbs you are trying to act cool
are the teachers at special needs schools trying to act cool as well?
>if you don't worship the middle step of the ladder as the highest pinnacle of life and worthy of celebration you must either be at the bottom or not even a part of the pyramid
or maybe i understand that the system needs a lot more than 1 mil to get out of it in any meaningful sense
>how come rich guys keep grinding
go ask them, they don't have to they can earn through passive income as shareholders, only the millionaires care about the grind or people who are in love with the cameras, most disgustingly rich folks don't do any work they just pretty much live in their bathrobes while getting paid

>> No.22711776

Owning a home instead of renting is actually a huge deal. With a million bucks you could even buy it outright and not have to worry about a mortgage

>> No.22711777

No, retard. You drive whatever you already have and live wherever you already live. You take that million dollar asset and borrow against it, and then you use that money to buy another big expensive house. Then you rent both of them out and triple your income. Quit your job. Rinse and repeat if you want. You don’t even have to work anymore.

>> No.22711778

Saya no Uta makes me think that horror-romance should be a more common genre than it is.

>> No.22711782

>invest into a house with your one million dollar budget
enjoy the neighborhood you can afford to live with that money
>just get into the flipping houses racket
take a seat boomer, your dime to a dollar tactic is outdated for individual investors

>> No.22711784

This is why the working and middle classes never escape the working and middle class. It’s one thing to not do what makes enough money to buy more freedom because of some ethical mandate. That’s valid. It’s another thing to not to do it because you haven’t even considered it’s possible. You really thought that house was only good for luxuriating in and not something to generate cash flow or borrow against.

>> No.22711785

It’s not flipping houses, retard. The house was free. If you didn’t buy it, you’re not flipping shit. You’re not even on the hook for the debt because you don’t have downside risk if you’d default on the loan. You just lose your asset and go back to where you started no harm no foul.

>> No.22711786

>my financial advice comes from buying and hoarding houses that got cheap after the bubble popped
sit the fuck down boomer

>> No.22711787

I'm talking about people who are set for life, and whose children and grandchildren are also probably set for life. Like why do billionaires continue to work? Can they really like it that much? At a certain point I feel like it's better to stop amassing wealth and just enjoy what you have

>> No.22711788

what else do you have left to live for after you sold your soul to become filthy rich and are surrounded by other people who only see you as a walking set of numbers

>> No.22711790

>enjoy the neighborhood you can afford to live with that money
Dawg what are you even talking about. You can live in a nice neighborhood for far less

>> No.22711792

It's pretty common in the west (especially old horror movies) because it becomes an us-two-against-the-world movie, which makes it a couples film and sells double the tickets.

>> No.22711793

Oh I see. Youre angry that you're not super rich and despise people who are happy not being super rich. Thats even more pathetic. Sorry you gotta get a job buddy. Hope you get good grades in high school

>> No.22711795

>nice neighborhood
yeaaah, about that

>> No.22711801

My financial advice derived from my
Professional experience as a banker but keep seething at the petit bourgeois I guess.

>> No.22711802

>oh when you dream you would rather dream of enough freedom to not be forced to participate in the system
monks dream of the same thing, the difference is i know that a monastery is not a stable escape and mostly relies on some niche production line or charity through church tax

>> No.22711808

>a guy who uses his customers wealth as collateral is telling individual investors how to invest their money
so you're basically either a retard or shilling your own service?

>> No.22711809

They’re never really set for life though. Wealth is concentrated in business valuations. If Musk wanted to step away from Tesla and not lose his wealth, he’d have to be really certain that Tesla is at a place where it can run without him exactly like it would with him, especially if it’s public because now you can’t sell. Plus, alotnof these guys just don’t know what else to do and don’t want to do anything else. They’ve been chasing money and status since they’re teenagers and are now middle aged. It’s not like their personalities and demon drives will just change overnight.

>> No.22711813

No, monks are escaping materialism. You're vapid money worshipper. Keep dreaming pal, and dont be late for your wagie job

>> No.22711814

No, I’m a former banker merely explaining what I saw make people rich enough to have some freedom in life.

>> No.22711823

Also bankers make fees retard. There’s no collateral. You’re financially illiterate.

>> No.22711830

>bankers make fees retard. There’s no collateral.
Not that anon but wtf?

>> No.22711831

end result is supposed to be the same, one of the options doesn't require church tax, beer brewing or cheese making though and you don't have to share your hermitage with a bunch of old dudes in robes
>if you have enough money to invest in some housing you can make money out of them
correct, now tell me how that is working in china, japan and currently in the US, pesky youngins not buying your shit anymore and did the asians sell empty promises?

>> No.22711839

Okay so youre a shut in neet who doesnt work. Shocking

>> No.22711843

>ad hominem
ok boomer

>> No.22711849

No denial. Lmao. Loser. I bet you're fat and gay

>> No.22711850
File: 5 KB, 219x123, dwoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell is being banned on 4chan for 3 days for posting anthropomorphic animal pornography outside of /trash/.

>> No.22711853

>more of the same
you really go for those low hanging fruits like a pig in heat, don't you boom boom?

>> No.22711869

? Bankers get paid fees by their clients in exchange for their services the same way a lawyer does. There’s no collateral.

You’re a pseud

>> No.22711883

>banks don't use their customers money for investments and if those investments fail they pretty much use money from that bank to cover the costs as collateral
anon, care to explain to me why banks go under and need massive bailouts if the money there isn't used as collateral and why banks flip their shit when masses lose faith in them enough to want to put their money into a different bank or to just draw money out of there?
because they already invested those customers money, that is why they want rich customers that they give money to be able to diddle their dollars into investments
you're basically paying the bank fees if you have so little money you're not on the list of piggy banks they dip into to make investments

you didn't really think that banks made their profits and paychecks for their workers for holding onto some rich guys money and shaking down some working class losers out of their five bucks a month, did you?

>> No.22711884

>>oh when you dream you would rather dream of enough freedom to not be forced to participate in the system
Having a lot of money means that not only do you "participate in the system," but also that you are an exemplar of it

>> No.22711885

>What happens when clients don't pay their fees?
>What protections do banks offer depositors and creditors?
There's bound to be an faq section on your bank's website which will illustrate why this isn't the case because they're part of credit systems.

>> No.22711890

>making enough money to buy your freedom from slavery means that you're a exemplar of slavery being a good thing
i guess marx was right, only way to oppose the system is to kill whoever is in charge and then each other

>> No.22711899

>Capital was a hope not a critique
Lol k

>> No.22711910

>any nonviolent way of getting out of the system is a stamp of approval for the system
>but you can't do communism because red scary
anarchy it is, amirite

>> No.22711916

What I'm saying is you can never just "buy your freedom" and the pursuit of that kind of money is bound to turn you into the kind of person who lives for making money and little else. What do you plan to do with your real freedom? You say you don't want to make beer or cheese but why not? How would you fill your time, would it just be the perpetual adolescence of shitposting and jerking off all day? You clearly don't want to work, which I can understand, but what do you actually WANT to do?

>> No.22711918

Clients always pay their fees because the fee is based on a successful transaction and a retainer. If they don’t pay at least the retainer, they get a bill in the mail like when you don’t pay a doctor, or a plumber, or whoever.

>> No.22711922

That’s a different kind of bank. An advisory section of a bank just offers a service in exchange for a fee. You’re talking about mortgage and commercial lenders, an entirely different sort of banker that has nothing at all to do with real estate transactions.

>> No.22711926

You can buy your freedom just like Teddy Roosevelt did. If you inherit money you don’t have to do shit in or for the system. And beyond a certain threshold, you’re just riding the expanding asset value of the assets you park it in. If you inherited a million dollars in 1950, bought a house with it, and did absolutely nothing, you’d be absurdly rich today, and nobody did any work at all.

>> No.22711930

"The system" is what enables those assets to grow you dumb monkey

>> No.22711941

>Clients always pay their fees

>> No.22711942

>petty bourgeoisie!
More of the same, fat gay retard? You really jack it to tranny porn like a pig in heat

>> No.22711953

>you put money into a bank
>bank invests money into real estate
>they fuck up big time
>you want to pull out your money because the place is falling apart
>you can't
what do you call them banks mr bank man?
is that real state investment and collateral or did they rename it to something that sounds better in court?
>calling you a middle class person and telling you that your investment tips are oudated by a few generations is the same as calling someone a neet for wanting out of the system
ok boomer

>> No.22711959

Answer me bitch, what do you propose to do with your freedom? What grand plans do you have after you retire at 30?

>> No.22711962

>tell me what you would do with your freedom
anything i damn well please at a whim, that's the point of being free dumb dumb

>> No.22711964

Thats not even me. You're too stupid to even keep up a basic thread. You are fat and gay and do not have a job. Thank you for voluntarily removing yourself from society and the gene pool

>> No.22711969

And what would you do other than jack it to tranny porn all day? You have no dreams or aspirations. You are genetic waste material

>> No.22711972

you sound very upset over discussions about economics and someone calling out people for cheering over peanuts
sorry to burst your bubble but 1 mil isn't going to cut it for cushy life

>> No.22711975

>tranny porn
>jacking off
stop resurrecting freud
>must make babbies and be a part of the system to have a life worth living
didn't seem to make your generation happy seeing as how you all went for cocaine and extra marital bs anyway

>> No.22711976

You are very upset someone got a million dollars. You are fat and gay and never go outside

>> No.22711985

>he's an anti natalist too
Kek you are such a caricature

>> No.22712067


>> No.22712254

>noooo! Monks who have everything they want are not TRULY free! You have to do a small amount of work to exist and feed yourself.. so you’re a slave!
Jesus Christ, I hope you grow up at some point. Everyone has to wipe their own ass anon, stop relying on your mommy to do it for you and thinking you’re above it

>> No.22712390

patsoc, صقر, пoвeнчaйтe

>> No.22712936

happy for this lad