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File: 353 KB, 1151x640, Screenshot 2023-11-10 213603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22701874 No.22701874 [Reply] [Original]

Jordan Peterson BTFOs Michel Foucault and the postmodernists with new diss track


This man truly saving the west

>> No.22701899

I dont have the constitution to watch this

>> No.22701908
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Reminder that the people triggered into regurgitating the exact same nonsensical vitriol about Peterson again and again in every thread (for years on end) are pathetic ideologues/resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /lit/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.22701914
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What I don't understand is at 1:08 did he really include a saucy clip of his daughter taking a shot? This is our "conservative patriarch"? Really?

>> No.22701918

His daughter is a whore who got fucked by a nigger pimp publicly. He is not conservative. He is not a patriarch. He's a pathetic crybaby feminist pushing 1980s reagan ideology. The time has come for something new.

>> No.22701934

It's not very saucy.

>> No.22701943

Mass media in and of itself is cynical, suck lead

>> No.22701945

Israeli military intelligence wheeling out jordan peterson like its weekend at bernies. Based IDF deleuzians at the Daily wire making the goyim schizophrenic

>> No.22701947

I wouldn't let my daughter dress like that or put such photos up in public. Are you serious?

Pope Pius XI:
>“A dress cannot be called decent which is cut deeper than two fingers’ breadth under the pit of the throat, which does not cover the arms at least to the elbows, and scarcely reaches beyond the knees. Furthermore, dresses of transparent materials are improper.”

>> No.22701965 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 659x659, DoF8QFdX0AEzll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A crippled mediocre man who sought to play doctor on the world to cure himself. A feeble mind whose only shoddy sanctum was pills and peptalks to slovenly college miscreants who financed his hair transplants.

Father to a whore. Husband to a fraud. He played the jester. His fist up the ass of a Kermit the Frog puppet. Playing it up.

He comes to detest his body which lied broken with his soul in some Russian woodshed they called a hospital. His family had shut him up there. For years? His gasps of agony went unheard. Rude, foreign voices attended him. No one in the world beyond remembered his words or sought his face. He raved of something that onced seemed a reality but now comes as a warped, gnomish dream. A potbellied goblin, smoking a blunt, insisting his assistant pull something up on a blindingly bright screen. Then they spoke of cannibalistic chimps, shadowy dragons, postmodern neomarxists. The burly nurse plunges the catheter up into his bladder.

Now returned to civilization. He grins for the welcome mat. Realizes the shortness of it. How cynically the media touches him, holding him by the edges. He is frought with disgust as he uploads his latest exhibitionist blubbering to his YouTube channel. Something is missing. They have all moved on without him. A word haunts him. Covering it all in a slime that sickens him. Outdated.

Pictures of his daughter prancing around in lobster-themed lingerie are posted on his Instagram feed. He knows a legion of directionless young men in uncleaned rooms are jerking off to his daughter. She takes their money like a whore. And he too feels a tinge in his nearly defunct penis as he gazes feverishly upon the whorish images. Little whore. My little whore, he hoarsely whispers to himself. Fumbling with the cap of the Xanax bottle.

An atheist. A jesuit. A jungian. A masonic celebrity. A superfluous man.

In short, a neoliberal.

>> No.22701973

Why is everybody fawning over him in the comments? Does he have bots doing this? Does he delete negative comments? Surely people aren't actually impressed by this....

>> No.22701985

Hes Bibis bottom bitch which means he has jidf and indian bots pumping up his online engagement.

>> No.22701992
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I wonder how many of these actually read their hated postmodernists kek

>> No.22702000

Both him and Tao got completely fucked by benzo addictions, their flames snuffed out too soon - sad!

>> No.22702006

Also I don't get why he dunks on Richard Rorty. I thought he and Juden Peterstein are both pragmatists

>> No.22702016

IDF is just doing applied deleuzianism. They are somehow behind the daily wire and libs of tik tok trannycide fursecution campaigns but they are polypansexual degenerates weaponizing gay porn and transgender eurovision singers.



>> No.22702021

Idk what you think this proves mate. You linked a gay porn video wtf is your point. How is this related to Juden Peterstein or Daily Wire

>> No.22702034

Oh I see you are a tradtarded catholic. Carry on.

>> No.22702232
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.22702260

So all I have to do is follow his footsteps and my daughter will also suck nigger cock! Can’t wait!

Get a grip. This man is a low IQ boomer pushing the same shit which turned our generation into pimps and whores like his own daughter.

>> No.22702278

Find another site to sully you evil coward

>> No.22702279

Weren't the deleuzian military tactics a total failure?

>> No.22702290

Yes it was just a grift lecture by an israeli officer to cope for the fact that they are shit at urban combined arms ops.

>> No.22702295

I can't believe I was stupid enough to click that

>> No.22702305

Why? It’s not false advertising. It’s literally a puerile diss track by JBP against the “postmodernists”. You didn’t get conned or clickbaited.

>> No.22702317

I mean I knew in advance who he was, how unfathomably stupid it would be...

>> No.22702321

Oh ok I thought you were questioning my honour and accusing me of clickbait

>> No.22702334

Alright. I admit it: I was a jewden peterstein fag years ago when he blew up and always looked at him favorable since, but this is the final nail in the coffin. This is insultingly bad, mindrotting slop

>> No.22702336

From the perspective of an actual war, yes it was terrible; the Jews are fighting a race war, killing key leadership personnel using specops stuff means nothing because every leader in a race war is just "some guy" who got fed up and decided to do something about it. But from the perspective of what the Jews were trying to do, which was terrorize the Arabs to make themselves feel cool in accordance with Old Testament blood curse horseshit, it worked great.

The Jews aren't trying to physically remove the Palestinians from the land ala Manifest Destiny in the colonization of the Americas, they're trying to enact a religious ritual in which the Palestinians are unwilling participants. It's a big pageant. It's why they only now, 65 years in, are even discussing the idea of just paying the Palestinians to fuck off to Egypt and Jordan. They have cast a blood curse upon the Palestinians, and as such every last Palestinian man, woman, and child must be ritually sacrificed to Yahweh. This is why they're doing dumb meme shit like blowing holes in walls or trying to striate windows and thus turn them into walls: they're trying to neutralize opposition so they can continue performing the ritual. This is, ultimately, what Peterson is trying to do here. He doesn't really have a point, he's just trying to slow down opposition to the Israeli project so that the ritual can continue.

If you want to see a better application of Deleuze's thought to an actual war, go check out the stuff on Somalia, where complex emergent military phenomena is generated by just six basic principles
>Maintain an extended line
>Keep your neighbors in sight but no closer
>Move to the sound of the guns
>Dismount when you see the enemy (they move via jeep but fight on foot)
>When you get shot at, shoot back
>No friendly fire

>> No.22702346

I think it’s seriously demonic. I’ve watched it 5 times now and all of it seems like purposefully targeted mind poison. The aura of eeriness and schizophrenia doesn’t really fit for a funny diss track. Why does a man wearing a pigs head in a suit come to bring him his lunch for example? The lyrics are clearly Peterson’s, they are extremely shallow and direct, but the cinematography is anything but. This is demonic black magic, twisted shit. If you’re not baptised don’t watch

>> No.22702360

>they are extremely shallow and direct, but the cinematography is anything but.

>> No.22702372

Ok, the messy room and the guy getting dressed as a protestor is clearly memerson’s idea, but what about the pigs head suit wearing delivery driver? What about “taco gulag”? What about the nonsensical letters on Foucalt’s stand? What about the employee of the month and the weird singing sound when that’s shown? I mean it doesn’t even make sense that an angry leftist is happy about being employee of the month, wouldn’t memerson tell people to be proud of that? This is black magic shit

>> No.22702403

Yes, I’ll carry on not letting my daughters be whores, unlike you and Peterstein.

>> No.22702404

Why do you think this video is related to Deleuzian military strategy? You sounded like a schizo at first but this post made you sound quite smart so now I’m intrigued

>> No.22702407

He's a brand. I'm sure one of his interns cobbled together the idea and wrote the lyrics because zoomers watch this kind of drivel

>> No.22702414
File: 836 KB, 1114x824, Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 7.40.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pigs head suit wearing delivery driver?
incredibly heavy handed literalization of the phrase "lipstick on a pig"
>What about “taco gulag”?
this and "peoples meatball" are, i'm assuming, making fun of cringe businesses which commodify the aesthetics of socialism. muh Che shirts. muh 100 jillion. Hand in hand with the lipstick on a pig, hence why he's delivering peoples meatballs. Superficial commie stickers doesn't mean you're not doing a capitalism.
>nonsensical letters on Foucalt’s stand?
nothing means anything
>even make sense that an angry leftist is happy about being employee of the month, wouldn’t memerson tell people to be proud of that
i'm assuming Jordy sees low wage low skill workers the same as anyone else who believes in the strength of bootstraps: morons who can't help themselves and seek no higher station. every lefty is a green haired starbucks barista who NPCs out because capitalism isn't coddling them.

every visual choice in this is just a boomer facebook post. the song's bad, the editing is retarded. the end of JP masking up is very clipable though. next time something scary happens someone should shop him into some CCTV frames.

>> No.22702569

This is accurate.

>> No.22702596
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>> No.22702743
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>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]
Basically, Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blind spots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone.

>> No.22703447

He’s pushing boomer classical liberalism & individualism. His whole message is “don’t challenge the status quo bro look at your own issues first.” He’s a failure in every important way.

>> No.22703451

Nice mental gymnastics. By those standards, the Twilight series and Harry Potter are also great because they get people seething at them.

>> No.22703455

Aren't you getting tired of copypasting this?

>> No.22703494

There was 1 or 2 years after his first break into the mainstream where he was based. This era: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM7jpTJWPkg

>> No.22703547
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>be me
>literal neonazi skinhead with a bold swastika tat on my bicep
>"He's Just In Argentina" written in Fraktur font stretched across the chest of my undersized t-shirt
>walking to store to buy some smetana for my wife
>enjoying the cool crisp autumn air
>listening to jonathan bowden speeches on my headphones
>see small dot appear on the horizon
>the dot gets larger and larger
>it's a libtard, running full speed
>directly towards me
>he reaches me and comes to a halt like he hit a sprung floor
>gestures at me to take my headphones off
>i do
>immediately starts telling me specific timestamps of jordan peterson videos from 8 years ago where peterson said having a dad is important and you should wash your penis
>tell him i dont understand
>continuous babbling and screeching about how stupid jordan peterson is and how father figures and washing your foreskin are dog whistles for white supremacy
>ask him what any of this has to do with me
>he won't answer, just keeps saying jordan peterson is a nazi
>is a nazi, is a nazi
>tell him i'm not sure about that, i don't know much about peterson but i'm a nazi and--
>he just keeps going
>now he's telling me about some tweet peterson made in 2016
>now he shows me a picture of him sitting in a messy office
>now he tells me peterson isn't a real professor and isn't qualified to speak on gender v. sex
>he asks me: "did you know that peterson used to shit his pants when he was a baby?"
>i open my mouth to say something but--
>he tells me the daily wire is the daily stormer lite
>ben shapiro is a nazi too
>i ask him what he even means by nazi? (i am a nazi)
>show him my "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" dagger and himmler rookie card
>he won't answer
>anger in his eyes--he starts pulling out cards with blown up screenshots of jordan peterson wearing terrible suits
>the word "NAZI" is written in red ink across peterson's forehead
>i turn away
>now I am the one who is running
>fuck jordan peterson

>> No.22703608
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Peterson's just an elaborate shitposter playing the long game isn't he? There's no way any of this shit is serious. He's got to be some Sam Hyde type doing a bit and in a couple years he's going to laugh at everyone for buying into the jokes. Right? This is all a gigantic satire, right?!? Surely this can't be real?

>> No.22703615

I thought he seemed decent at first; a clinical psychologist addressing the issues young men face today. He seems so normal there too.

>> No.22703629
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Starting to give me Britney bitch vibes

>> No.22703634

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the hysterical tranny in a clown suit.

>> No.22703645

But no seriously, how does he cope with his daughter being a literal public cumdumpster, who gets passed around by niggers and pimps?

>> No.22703789

How would YOU cope with it?

>> No.22703794

I would kill you.

>> No.22703806

Let us assume that I am not one of the 'nigger' or 'pimps' that has 'dumped my cum' inside of your daughter. Your response would still be to kill me?

>> No.22703819

Incels target everyone.

>> No.22704363


Getting neurologically cucked by benzos, Philosophically cucked by Zizek, and LITERALLY cucked by Tate really did a number on him. RIP.

>> No.22704370

why are these dudes so hung up on post-modernism. they are stuck in the 60s

>> No.22704387

I remember this song. Paul McCartneys brother was one of the writers

>> No.22704412
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It is impossible for a human being to say: "I have le darkness within me"; no matter how true it is, and not come off as a complete dork.

>> No.22704419
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>> No.22704431

As long as the dailywire is paying him he will do whatever they want

>> No.22704434
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He was always crazy

>> No.22704440

>Michel Foucault was a genuine pervert

>> No.22704503

>Philosophically cucked by Zizek
this one, at least, didn’t happen. no one cares about zizek. he was interesting for about two seconds 15 years ago. you’de think even the communists would have started idolizing someone new by now. maybe you should say hassan piker or something. it might be halfway true i mean that guy is living large and does whatever he wants. he’s intellectually stunted, sure, but hes winning at life.

>> No.22704522

Zizek's stayin power comes from his infinite memeability moreso than his actual writings. It helps that he has a few ideas which are perma relevant in current culture time. Also, he totally cucked JP live on stream.

>> No.22704538

i never seen zizek’s stream. i’ve seen hassan piker’s

I think that all these people want a piece of Peterson so that they can stay culturally relevant. I don’t think anybody is trying to get a piece of Zizek to stay relevant. I’d forget the guy exists except for JP threads on /lit/ specifically.

>> No.22704558

Reminder that Peterson is a psychologist and has no license (or capability) to speak on anything else. Every time he does it's a disaster, and moreover he doesn't really have the temperament to be a public media persona (it would actually endear him more to a wider audience if he stopped trying to).
He fucked up turning his media spotlight into a pass at showmanship and a moneymaking scheme.

>> No.22704588

>trust da professionals shundra has an opinion

>> No.22704632

>she's his dad
That would indeed be hard to deal with

>> No.22704675

some of his early lectures that were on youtube before he got famous were interesting at a minimum but he has long since left any of that behind and become an uninteresting pundit who blew his brains out on benzos and quack treatments for benzo addiction. Whether or not he is 'famous' at the moment does not fucking matter, only the quality of his output which has plummeted since he acquired fame.

>> No.22705957

He's a tiktoker YouTube influencer selling self help videos and books. The only people who take him seriously are 12 year olds watching pewdiepie and roblox videos.

>> No.22705965

Shan't be clicking this

>> No.22706082

Pretty sure it's from a few years back when Marvel featured a plotline making him a Nazi.

>> No.22706850

>Foucault came up with doctrines to drive us mad
>All Deleuze did was demonize
Does he ever go into greater depth into his critique of them?

>> No.22706854

>Does he ever go into greater depth into his critique of them?
How could he? He hasn't read them. He's done this exact thing for years now; bare minimum research on things that upset him, enough to make him seem knowledgable to people who haven't even heard the names of these men before.

>> No.22706857

>he lectures in a cape
This makes me like him more? Self expression is okay when you change your entire gender but wearing a cape is weird?

>> No.22706876
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Come home comrade Peterson

>> No.22706879
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No. It's just funny. In your pic Peterson's daughter married a Closeted gay Christian man. It's so embarrassing to see Peterson and his daughter stumble through life. Why they make their life so public is absurd. But her husband is very obviously a homosexual gay conversion type Christian

>> No.22706885

worst thing I ever watched possibly

>> No.22706889
File: 365 KB, 864x1728, Screenshot_20231112-043836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the meme that he's an influential academic?

He isn't. Just look at these numbers. It's not nothing. But since this thread is about Foucault - Foucault's too work is all 25 000- 100 000 citations, and not papers that are collaborated.

In terms of influence Every undergrad in humanities or social science is taught some of Foucault's ideas every year. Literally 10s of millions of undergrad. Almost Zero universities teach Jordan Peterson's ideas in courses.

Peterson is possibly jealous of Foucault?

>> No.22706897
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>> No.22706904
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He's Gay af, literally . Do the Peterson's not know?

>> No.22706908
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>> No.22706909

Derrida not deleuze

>> No.22706914

Woooah foucault's postmodern philosophy that is so vague and confusing that you can apply it to anything has lots of citations???

>> No.22706917

Name all the works of Foucault that you’ve read and give analysis

>> No.22706920

>calls out his work as vague and confusing
>give me your analysis!!!!
He played language games to justify his pedophilia, analysing him is futile because there's nothing to say. Why don't YOU give ME your analysis, which should be easy because you're clearly a fan boy

>> No.22706922

Which works of his have you read?

>> No.22706923

Maps and meaning 800
Discipline and Punishment 100 000.

read it and weep loser. Peterson's greatest work is irrelevant, and his academic work isn't important. Foucault wrote 5 books that are each 1000x more influential than Peterson's 1 shitty academic book.

I grew up with his last graduate student. She lives in the same street as me and is a year younger. He didn't mentor or make her into some academic - she facilitates research at u of t for actual academics. He doesn't even produce new scholars bro.

>> No.22706925


>> No.22706929

Language games? You don't know about biopolitics, genealogical analysis, governmentality, horizontal/diffuse power, technologies of the self, socialization, subjectivities?

I'm like a total basic undergrad and you must be still in grade 10 or 11? I can't wait until you get to university and unironically say " it's all just language games" as the TAs and other students laugh at you in seminars lmao

>> No.22706930

Ayo it’s JBP
On the M-I-C
And I’m here to make a statement on this hip-hop beat.
All the postmodernists I’m about to slaughter,
Buy 12 Rules For Life and let niggers fuck your daughter.

>> No.22706932

Ah right, because both of those books were published at the same time and can be fairly compared, right? How many citations does mean kampf have?
>using number of citations like a /tv/ poster using box office numbers
I don't even like peterson but your logic is retarded and like a zoomer thinking they've made a point because their tweet got over 100k likes.
But what should I expect from a foucault fan boy? His philosophy is proof that Wittgenstein was correct.

>> No.22706935

>Judein Peterstein
Literal jewish tool promoted as an alternative to actually doing something.
>radical individualism
Kek. Lets just do nothing/mind our own business while our enemies destroy us one by one

>> No.22706936

>I'm like a total basic undergrad
I can tell because once only people who live outside of the real world take foucault seriously
>unironically say " it's all just language games" as the TAs
Yes, because most postmodern philosophy is.

>> No.22706937

>What's the meme that he's an influential academic?
His h-index is 60. Cope.

>> No.22706944

Proof that Wittgenstein was right about what?

Citations aren't clicks. Citations on their own aren't indicative of exactly how important someone is. But, they're not nothing, that's at least 10 000s of academics having to at least engage with Foucault's ideas. Maps and Meaning having 800 citations means not many people think it's important.
You're the zoomer for thinking it's the same as liking a tweet. Can I ask, do you know what a citation is?

>> No.22706945

anon what foucault books would u recommend to learn about that stuff

>> No.22706947

You can quote two words and 'cite' somebody's work. So it's not surprising considering the amount of bullshit foucault made up. You have to cite someone if you critique them, too. Yes I know what a citation is. Soon, you will realise what a farce academia really is.

Wittgenstein was correct about language games and the limits of philosophy.

>> No.22706948

Which Foucault works have you read and think are meaningless

>> No.22706955

>Foucault argued that children could give sexual consent.[186] In 1977, along with Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, and other intellectuals, Foucault signed a petition to the French parliament calling for the decriminalization of all "consensual" sexual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen, the age of consent in France.[187][188] In a 1978 broadcast, Foucault said that "to assume that a child is incapable of explaining what happened and was incapable of giving his consent are two abuses that are intolerable, quite unacceptable."[189]

this is who you niggas are fighting for?

>> No.22706958

He's an idiot, anon. An h-index of 60 is a crowning achievement for an academic/researcher and Foucault is the most cited academic in any field. In terms of achievement his comparison is like scoffing at someone who achieved the level of being an Olympic athlete because they didn't win a gold.

>> No.22706961

Peterson I think is about the 3000th most cited psychologists. I'm not impressed. And don't consider him an important academic in psychology.


>> No.22706963

Foucault was a homosexual and a pedophile. We know. That doesn’t mean we have to like Peterson.

>> No.22706967

>I'll defend a pedo because its not jordan peterson
The postmodern brain

>> No.22706969

Yep, it's a childish way of determining the value of a philosophical work. Notice how he completely dodged my main kampf question too..

>> No.22706971

Read the books by like Routledge that explain Foucault's ideas first. Then if you find one of Foucault's topics of interest read the primary work it is associated with. Otherwise his writing can be really confusing imo, because he is responding to ideas from other authors but he doesn't make that always clear.

Foucault can be very anti-marxist for example, but it's kindof hard to tell without having read Marxist philosophy

>> No.22706973

Fighting against "postmodernism" is the ultimate pseud gesture. None of these pop-right youtube intellectuals can engage with the literature and the actual philosophers because it's broadly acknowledged by scholars that there wasn't really such a thing as a postmodernist tradition with identifiable claims and real textual canon. The only guy that sort-of fits the popular conception of postmodernism is Lyotard, but who cares about a single guy.
There was such a thing as post-structuralism but it has almost nothing to do with the things Peterson opposes. Foucault is arguably straddling the line between structuralism and post-structuralism, but his work is very coherent and engages seriously with centuries of european thought. Of course edgy crusaders masturbating to "tradition" never read him because it's too difficult and can't be summarized in a youtube video.

Basically, this shit is a total dead-end and embarrasing. Peterson fans are teenagers who don't read philosophy, history, social science etc. and don't care to, the idea that adults should take him seriously is really sad.

>> No.22706975

Lol mein Kampf isn't an influential academic work. Hitler was influential as a politician.

You can't brag about h index, and say citations don't matter.

>> No.22706978

Nope, people are only asking the guy who keeps saying Foucault is word salad to explain himself because he is one of the most cited academics so it’s unlikely it would be word salad. Someone can be a pedophike and not write word salad.

>> No.22706982

>I'm not impressed.
You're unimportant and no one cares what you think whereas Peterson achieved an h-index of 60 strictly based on his academic research (i.e. all other achievements aside).

>> No.22706983

>explain why nonsense is nonsense
Because it does not make sense. And he is a pedo. He literally wanted to rape kids and you guys are arguing about his citations. Disgusting and pathetic.

>> No.22706985

>Nope, people are only asking the guy who keeps saying Foucault is word salad to explain himself because he is one of the most cited academics
And a good proportion of those citations are toward the idea he was full of shit lol

>> No.22706986

Alan Turing was also a homosexual. does that mean we throw out all his contributions to mathematics? No. Someone can have a disgusting moral life yet nevertheless be intellectually important. This is why the ad hominem fallacy is a fallacy.

>> No.22706989

So does postmodernism have anything to do with wokeism? Peterson is implying wokeism takes its roots from it

>> No.22706992

Do citations matter or don't they? You want it both ways. If they matter he's not even in the top 3000 cited psychologists. If they don't matter than what's your point?

>> No.22706994

Not the same thing. Turens deviancy doesnt affect his math research/outlook on the field or the results

>> No.22706997

Are you retarded? This is the kind of bullshit logic that postmodernism promotes. Homosexuality is fine with consenting adults. Wanting to rape children is not fine. Is that clear enough for you or are you also so retarded that you think homosexuality and pedophilia are as 'unethical' as each other?

>> No.22706998

Why do men wear these gay womens shoes now?

>> No.22706999

>So does postmodernism have anything to do with wokeism?
Yes. Hint: the argument isn't that those reflective of its influence embody it wholesale and are fully aware of esoteric philosophical details.

>> No.22707001

Not really no. Wokeism comes from a form of capitalist liberalism, more from some marketing department on Madison Ave, and it's a spectre haunting the minds of ppl like Bill Maher.

>> No.22707005

Again, Peterson has an h-index of 60 while you're an inconsequential retard on the internet.

>> No.22707007

>write extensively about power dynamics
>justifies pedophilia
What are the literary implications of this?

>> No.22707008

So citations matter. Fine. Than Peterson isn't academically very influential in the least.

>> No.22707009

Homosexuality is an absolutely disgusting perversion of the natural law. Moreover Turing was also a pedophile, as pretty much all homosexuals are. He tried to have sex with a teenage boy, which is why he was arrested.
? What does this mean? Maths is “objective” but philosophy is “subjective”? Bullshit.

>> No.22707011

>So citations matter.
Never said they didn't. H-index is a measure of an academic's impact based on citations.
>Than Peterson isn't academically very influential in the least.
His h-index is 60 you absolute retard.

>> No.22707012

Meant to reply to

>> No.22707020

The origins of wokeism.
>Blacks are too rowdy (the progressive vanguard of America)
>So are other races, and also homosexuals and so on
>In general, we dislike labour movements and Communists
>Let's pacify these radical groups with politics and marketing, while also getting better brand inclusion
>Successful in shifting the only remaining labour groups into ineffectual and useless liberals, creating the final form of capitalist ideology

>> No.22707022
File: 190 KB, 1163x1550, A7R04559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Natural law"

Yet Peterson's daughter has a kid outside of marriage and now is married to a closeted homosexual lool

>> No.22707023

You missed
>relentlessly attempt to justify pedophilia
At the end there, anon

>> No.22707026

Having kids outside of marriage is a perversion of the divine law not the natural law, but either way, I don’t like Memerson or his whore daughter so what’s your point

>> No.22707029

Are hair plugs, lip filler, and face lifts natural law? Excited to read your answer!

>> No.22707031

All that should be banned but not because it is against natural law but because it is ugly

>> No.22707032

>Yet Peterson's daughter has a kid outside of marriage
She was married, retard. Want to act like it's 1950 and being divorced is scandalous?

Notice how you retards recycle the same half dozen falsehoods and resort to making shit up all the time?

>> No.22707034

My point was that turing didnt/couldnt integrate homosexuality in his field. What could he even say/do

>> No.22707035

You should have went with
>a+a = gay

>> No.22707036

Being divorced is scandalous you motherfucking leftist rat. Divorce ruins society. It’s against the law of God. It should be illegal.

>> No.22707038

>I'm telling my 30 year old daughter what to do
k, tyrant.

>> No.22707039

Your point fails at its premise because it expects me to think that homosexuality and pedophilia are the same in any way.

>> No.22707041
File: 55 KB, 517x593, 1697761217469501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now her new gay husband can raise his wife's husband's baby! Wonderful. And Peterson can keep telling me to support Israel and max his H index, while he can't even meet with female students because he sexually harassed 3 of them at UofT and wasn't allowed to meet students with his office door closed.

Amazing! Great people all around!

>> No.22707042

It’s natural for a woman to want to beautify herself. It’s not natural for a man to put his penis in another man’s bumhole

>> No.22707043

>predictable retard sperg
She didn't have a child out of wedlock. You were making shit up. Being divorced isn't an achievement but seeing as you'll probably never even get a gf to dump you your opinion on relationships isn't worth much.

>> No.22707047

Retard, you’re not even responding to the right person, you’re lost, go home to plebbit

>> No.22707048

>more made up shit

>> No.22707050

Those are all facts. He's one of the most degenerate clowns on earth

>> No.22707051

Im not the same guy you strted the conversation with.Imo they are both wrong but pedophilia is worse. Also, they are affected by the underlaying problem of >it doesnt concern you mentality.

>> No.22707052
File: 333 KB, 633x513, IMG_4638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a girlfriend who is a virgin and we’re both waiting for marriage and we’ll never get divorced nor will our daughters wear scandalous clothing like Mikhaila nor will they fuck niggers, pimps, or nigger-pimps like Mikhaila

>> No.22707056

>Those are all facts.
Nope. But it's very telling you have to make stuff up in order to criticise him.

>> No.22707057

He was the one who said it!

>> No.22707058

>incel thinks having a picture with someone means they had sex

>> No.22707060

Virtually all homosexuals are pedophiles

>> No.22707062

Has Peterson said anything about Tate?

>> No.22707065

You think my daughter is going to go out dressed like that hanging around with nigger pimps who have their hand on her ass? No fucking way. That picture is enough to show that Jordan Peterson is a terrible father and not a conservative and in fact a feminist and race mixer

>> No.22707068

No he didn't. He pointed out UofT recommends that professors don't have closed door meetings with students. Besides, if he had a record of sexual harassment it for sure would have been brought up repeatedly over the last 9 years by those trying to knock him out of the limelight.

>> No.22707069

How can you say anything? At this point Peterson is honour bound to shoot tate after the public disgrace of his daughter. Saying something will only make him look pathetic.

>> No.22707070

Bro come on dont give him more ammunition. They are wrong but in todays soiciety you cant make them equivalent

>> No.22707072

Yeah, he recently critized his social media brand and said he's a negative influence.
>a picture of a man and a woman together means they had sex
Lol, touch grass.

>> No.22707079

>They hung out a few times
>This means they had sex
Faith in humanity -5

>> No.22707087

jfc it really is just pedos and christcucks ITT

>> No.22707091

>Andrew Tate is rising social media star
>reaches out to Jordan Peterson to do a collaboration
>Mikhaila manages Jordan Peterson's social media and goes to meet with him
>Jordan/Mikhaila decide not to collaborate because they disagree with his brand
>incels post pictures from the meeting saying they had sex in every Jordan Peterson thread for years
>nevermind Tate himself specifically said the meeting was entirely professional when asked directly about it in an interview
Just another example of retards making shit up and listening to their autistic squeals echo back at them.