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22700316 No.22700316 [Reply] [Original]


'Suicide Note' presents a complex and multifaceted exploration of various historical, philosophical, and sociopolitical themes. It delves into topics ranging from freedom of speech, experiments in nihilism, the role of technology in shaping human destiny, and the impact of religious and scientific thought on civilization.
A significant portion of the text is dedicated to analyzing historical events and their long-term consequences, particularly focusing on the Norman influence in England and Europe. It discusses the Norman Conquest of 1066, its impact on English society, culture, and legal systems, and extends to broader discussions about the evolution of liberal democracy, the nature of conquest and revolution, and the sociobiological implications of these historical processes.
In the final section he explores various philosophical and ethical questions, touching upon concepts like egalitarianism, the nature of God and technology, and the philosophical underpinnings of modern Western society. It seems to critically examine the legacy of historical events and figures, questioning and reinterpreting their impact on contemporary society and future trajectories.

>> No.22700321

I've read a couple of pages. Complete schizophrenia.

>> No.22700328
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>> No.22700331

>It delves into topics ranging from freedom of speech, experiments in nihilism, the role of technology in shaping human destiny, and the impact of religious and scientific thought on civilization.
yeah so atheist topics

>> No.22700921

Was he Nietzschean or something?

>> No.22700933

Most of the people of any political and economic influence in both England and the United States have had Norman ancestry. That fact alone refutes his entire schizophrenic theory.

>> No.22700939

No, he was a borderline schizophrenic who was severely depressed so he wrote this deeply pessimistic (and unjustified) historicity right before he killed himself.

>> No.22700967

I heard that him quote Nietzsche and mention God thousands of times, that's why I asked

>> No.22700970
File: 941 KB, 999x3158, Heisman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really get it.

>> No.22700999

It’s literally a thousand pages of schlock written by an intellectually insecure lolbertarian retard

>> No.22701161

It’s Albion’s Sneed + Nietzsche + Schizophrenia. Fun read that interrogates the origins of liberal democracy. Extremely repetitive and unedited thoughever. Tldr “the ivy league is an english coping mechanism to deal with being conquered by norman bvlls”

>> No.22701238

The point of his theory is that Judeo-Christian-liberal-democracy reproduces mimetically rather than biologically. It’s about controlling nature with doctrine. “ideas matter more than blood”. Normans converting to liberal democracy isn’t something that couldn’t be accounted for per his theory, hell he has a whole section claiming the the allied powers won the world wars because millions of German immigrants were converted to liberalism in America (i.e more proof of ideology trumping blood loyalty). Though I doubt the potency of Norman blood in creating Anglo-American institutions, English nationalists detecting the shadow of the conqueror in reactionary social institutions and wanting to restore their “ancient liberties” is something that’s fairly well documented outside of Heisman’s schizo word vomit

>> No.22701247

The English and not the Americans were the original liberal imperialists though, and in England Norman ancestry is still associated with being upper class.

>> No.22701248

I think he's onto something with the stuff about Jews and singularity. Among well known transhumanist thinkers, Silicon Valley people, etc., there's many Jews. For example, Yuval Noah Harari, Ray Kurzweil, Mark Zuckerberg, Brin and Page, etc.

>> No.22701322

I’m pretty much glad he’s dead. What a useless waste of oxygen.

>> No.22701334

Upon inspection, his categorization via title is misleading, as the adjunctive designation of ‘note’ is a disservice to the quantity written. I cannot make judgements regarding quality but an effort was made and my immediate reaction is what a shame he was unable to reconcile his inner struggles. Loss of sentient life is a tragedy but it’s more disheartening to see wasted potential end in a closed casket, regardless we must find strength in the mistakes and insecurities of those who leave our world in this manner.
Don’t publish your thoughts, hopes, dreams, fears, ideals as a goodbye. Find meaning in your struggle by helping those who’d reach out about your works. Maybe it’s too late to achieve certain goals but you could always help others in their journey with wisdom manifested from pain.

>> No.22701358

There's really nothing to it; Jews are deathly afraid of dying because in Judaism (and even if they're not religious, they live in the jewish culture) there is no conception of an afterlife or reincarnation. So they are obsessed with avoiding death. So their ultimate wet dream is to upload their consciousness to a computer and live forever.

>> No.22701368

Also they've never felt the joys of physicality because of their frail rodent-like bodies.

>> No.22701372

>what a shame he was unable to reconcile his inner struggles
That might be your interpretation. I think his writing implies that he saw his death as a culmination or extension of his philosophy.

>> No.22701378

It's not a religion board dumbass. It's a book board. Go to /pol/ or /his/ for your cause.

>> No.22701429

>Barack Obama: Supernigger

>> No.22701566

>in Judaism, there is no conception of an afterlife
Is this actually true? What about this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_eschatology#World_to_come

>> No.22701627

Jews teach of a world to come and grand resurrection sometime in the future, but what happens to dead people before that time has no definitive answer. Many Jews believe in reincarnation, some believe they cease to exist before suddenly coming back, etc.

>> No.22701644

Trash written by a neurotic historically illiterate jew
>muh norman aristocracy
Normans were complaining in 1100 of the amount of anglos in the royal court. Norman-Anglo distinctions ceased to be at all relevant around midway through the hundred years war. Even edward the first intentionally took an anglo saxon name and spoke english. Besides, most of europe has been controlled by a conqueror class of a seperate stock from its peasants, it is not something unique to the english. And the changes that heismann noticed (the egalitarianism of east anglia for instance) were around BEFORE the norman conquest
>muh civil wars are norman vs anglo
The english civil war was a conflict of rural vs urban, norman identity not really coming into place. Some parlimentarians invented a norman yoke myth for propaganda purposes but it had no real basis in reality. The american revolution was fought most ardently by New England Puritans, Southern Anglicans and Ulster scots backcountry folk unlike the bullshit heismann spews that the norman south was pro loyalist. The most ardent loyalists in the revolution were scottish highlanders and settlers in the middle colonies, not the "norman south". And heismann promotes the idea that the "scots irish" were gaels instead of the reality of them being descended from angle settlers from the north of england and the lowlands of scotland. The idea that southerners were all of norman stock is a LARP started by walter scott novels, most of the southern aristocracy were descended from minor nobility and merchants, not norman old stock. Robert E Lee wasn't descended from the lees of shropshire but was in reality descended from wool merchants. the american civil war was not a battle between norman southerners and anglo northerners, it was fought by anglo saxons on both sides with huge amounts of german and irish volunteers n the north

>> No.22701649
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Next you'll tell me they form groups that hope to cheat death with cryogenics and refer to anyone who disagrees as "deathists," or that they're reinventing theological concepts of heaven and hell... but with with computers!

>> No.22701665

Checked. This.

>> No.22701667

Totally material conception as far as I'm aware. They think they'll be physically raised up to live in this earth, not taken to a spiritual heaven.

>> No.22701678

Judaism has no set doctrine for the afterlife, it's a matter of debate. The existence of Heaven in Christianity and Islam is a matter of dogma. With Jews, it's a matter of discussion. There is no mention of a Jewish afterlife anywhere in the Old Testament, unless you count certain passages in Ezekiel and Daniel, which in turn may be interpreted metaphorically anyway. So again, it's up for interpretation.

>> No.22701687

Alright, thanks for the clarification

>> No.22701693

reminder that the name of God given up by the jews is an onomatopoeia for an inhalation coupled with one for an exhalation
"God is the first breath, the last, and all that goes between"

still fucked up they cut up baby dicks tho

>> No.22701724

Yeah. I'm not as much of a JQer as many other people on this board, but that fact still disturbs me.

>> No.22702449

Uhh that’s his fucking point
You haven’t read it retard

>> No.22702475

Normanfaggots didn't fuck. DNA studies show modern English are about a quarter Anglo-Saxon descent but nearly 0% Norman

>> No.22702637
File: 178 KB, 1200x758, collapse cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Some techies may consider this acceptable. But their dream of immortality is illusory nonetheless. Competition for survival among entities derived from human beings (whether man-machine hybrids, purely artificial entities evolved from such hybrids, or human minds uploaded into machines), as well as competition between human-derived entities and those machines or other entities that are not derived from human beings, will lead to the elimination of all but some minute percentage of all the entities involved. This has nothing to do with any specific traits of human beings or of their machines; it is a general principle of evolution through natural selection. Look at biological evolution: Of all the species that have ever existed on Earth, only some tiny percentage have direct descendants that are still alive today.[21] On the basis of this principle alone, and even discounting everything else we've said in this chapter, the chances that any given techie will survive indefinitely are minute.

>> No.22702712

Quoting Nietzsche doesn't make someone Nietzschean retard

>> No.22702804

Yeah they didn’t fuck with peasants like you

>> No.22703522

>haven't even made it to the table of contents yet
>"what the hell" and "ass-kicking" has already been used

yep, it's reddit time

>> No.22703829

>t. Didn't read it.