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/lit/ - Literature

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22682351 No.22682351 [Reply] [Original]

Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The April Reader, and Ideology, to name a few. There have been collaborative works, like Coronameron, The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick, Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, and The Complete Works of God II. Some of these projects were one-offs, some were serialized. Some /lit/ projects, like Unreal Press, are still hanging on but are plagued by drama, and some, like &amp, seem to be rapidly in decline.

Also related are the solo writers of /lit/, composed of various namefags and shills who frequent the board: MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Jason Bryan, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston, F. Gardner. There are also those who did not come from /lit/ but are /lit/-adjacent simply because they are discussed here so frequently: Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.

This thread is for the discussion of the history of /lit/ writing and the future of /lit/. Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene? Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived? Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them? Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing? Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?

>> No.22682465

Will /lit/ ever again see a collaborative novel, unplagued by the Fame, unplagued by the crabbes?

>> No.22682693

No. I don't think our current roster is fond of competition.

And Ryan, if you're still around, >>22678841
>Maybe I've heard wrong from the people I've been listening to but they didn't exactly speak highly of Unreal, to the point where multiple people said I should quietly dumpster any submissions I receive from them to avoid future drama.
He wasn't specifically talking about blacklisting you, but Unreal. Though I would assume you'd also fall into the same category.
If you're not banned I'd like to hear your response. You generally don't play ball with people who aren't willing to fellate you so it's an interesting test to see whether you'd allow something like this to exist unmolested.

>> No.22682754

Old Mega with a bunch of old /lit/ projects circa 2021:
Missing Ideology's two issues: Genesis and Heat.

The April Reader seems neat, and still has a Wordpress site, which says they moved beyond /lit/ at some point:
>The April Reader (or TAR) is a digital literary magazine of prose, poetry, and non-fiction.
>Founded on April 2011 as a small zine for writers from a literature-centered imageboard, it has since grown to encompass authors and readers from all over the net.
>Despite this change, TAR still holds true to the attitudes it was founded on:
It sounds like they properly vetted submissions, and they kept issues fairly dense. Haven't checked any of the writing out yet, but they got pretty professional-looking by the end anyway.

There's also the older Zine Writers Guild, which I haven't found as much info on. Issues were generally around ~100 pages, but with only 27 in the final one. Looks pretty rough around the edges.

Pinecone looks pretty short-lived, but seems neat for having done mock interviews in the first and second issues (0000, 1000) before going all-poetry in their third and final one (420). The print version of 0000 is notably different, and has some normal fiction in it.

>> No.22682877

Thanks. This is missing 2 issues of the Lit Quarterly but maybe I can track them down. Would be nice to add the Unreal Press stuff too and whatever else might be needed to create a full collection

>> No.22682883

I'm working on my own organised version on Mega. I've got all five Lit Quarterly issues (though the last two or three are apparently from the "post-/lit/" era that some people deride). I have all of Unreal except for their second anthology, as well as all back issues of miniMAG (which might be hard to keep on top of given the weekly releases).

>> No.22682941

There was also the Detroit Lit Mag that was being promoted on here last year

>> No.22682949

Got any more details? It seems there are a couple /lit/-adjacent mags right now that keep a low profile on here.

>> No.22682958

I have a complete PDF of Behead All Satans that you can add to your version on MEGA, because the files in the current version are a low-quality partial version of the book: https://gofile.io/d/XXVTOt

I also have a PDF of the sequel, The Tainted Turd, which isn’t in there yet: https://gofile.io/d/nS9oaH

I’ll see what else I can come up with to add to the collection.

>> No.22682971

Thanks, I've got both downloaded now.

>> No.22682990

There’s also Cookedbook, which is a new /lit/-adjacent mag started by a guy who edited a couple of the early issues of &amp (and apparently left the project because he found the main editor so difficult to work with). Nesmer’s been published in it, among others. The digital version is behind a paywall though.


>> No.22683026
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As was mentioned in a previous drama thread, the ideal /lit/ project is transient in nature, like Coronameron and Totalitarianism in the Tundra. A few people tried their luck and then fucked off, probably because there was no F. Gardner telling outrageous lies about building a career from /lit/ sales.

There are several problems with trying to establish some sort of ongoing /lit/ scene. Namefagging is repulsive to anonymous, no matter how "in touch" with /lit/ the subject might be. If by some miracle an individual were to ingratiate themselves to /lit/ they'd be immediately swarmed by posers trying to claim fame-by-association from some dunce who's thought process is apparently "4chan is unpopular in the mainstream, and my writing is unpopular, it's a perfect match!"

There aren't many people on /lit/, and therefore no real board culture like you'd find on /tv/ or /x/ or /r9k/. The only time the board comes together and starts generating organic memes is when they want to mock an author like Waldun or John Green. You could very much write a doomer novel centered around the zeitgeist of /r9k/ or some kind of paranormal meme book about /x/ (if you put some thought into it, unlike Gardner), but there really is no way to write /lit/ fiction. G. Farmer is a good example, the only reason he's even remotely popular is because he's dunking on the retards who shill their work here. In fact, you could say the quintessential /lit/ meme is someone trying and failing to promote their mediocre selfpub on /lit/. Mixtape Hyperborea basically captured the full breadth of /lit/ fame and the author admits to having only sold 75 copies. ARX-Han claims to have spent thousands of dollars on promotion to sell 7 copies. Ogden Nesmer and Zulu Alitspa tell an even more depressing story, both are lucky to sell one copy a month despite over a year of advertising and participating in the /lit/ writer's scene. There has not been a single breakout, despite the fact that all the previously mentioned authors write competently enough, and that's not even getting into people like Card and Gardner who publish with glaring flaws in their work. It's essentially the /fit/ meme about how having a good physique only earns praise from other bodybuilders, the best you can hope for is to impress other wannabes.

What is the future of /lit/ publishing? Ogden, Zulu, and Woolston will probably eventually wise up and move onto some other creative outlet or give up entirely on their dreams of cult success, along with the revolving staff of Unreal. People like F. Gardner and Jason Bryan will probably run out of steam until another Waldun comes along, and then they'll go back to spamming the board with pathetic attempts to promote their own pseudomeme status. Ryan may be able to find new recruits from people who reflect fondly on what &amp used to be. Anyone with actual talent will recognize that mainstream publishing might have lost the way, but /lit/ never had it.

>> No.22683208

You forgot this one:

>> No.22683213

Issue 1: https://detroitlitmag.files.wordpress.com/2022/07/issue1.pdf
Issue 2: https://detroitlitmag.files.wordpress.com/2022/08/litmagvol2pdf.pdf
Issue 3: https://detroitlitmag.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/detroitlitmag3pdf.pdf

It looks like there was supposed to be a 4th issue releasing in Spring 2023, but I have no idea if it ever actually happened.

>> No.22683247

I've had the idea of trying to make an organic /lit/ movement. So /lit/ can be an actual enjoyable community and to boost the morale of this place So writers in the future aren't shamed or self-sabotaging themselves by associating with /lit/. This has to happen since the current culture right now is absolutely dogshit. I don't care what anyone says or disagrees its absolutely true that because of annoying shilling, horrible newfags, lack of helpful jannies, and most of all, the influence of /pol/, their's no way this board can be fixed unless a culture is established that isn't compltely toxic and annoys actual talented writers/intellectuals.

For example, no sane writer should ever associate themselves by giving out their name or book on here. Whoever does that is deciding to take a quick buck while tanking any future prospects of going somewhat mainstream. Solely because /lit/can't ever be truly useful for people outside it being a forum. If that wasn't bad enough, even just the forum community is almost un-redeemable. Bots are everywhere, and newfags keep taking the same bait while other effort threads die. Anyone who brings up something that isn't anglo saxon or "traditional" has the same annoying retards parroting the exact same bullshit thats been said since 2016. /lit/ is just forced out of sheer annoyance and autistic retards to talk about most of the same shit. Which is stale and doesn't have further any future meaningful discussions further.

The only reason I think I and other like-minded anons have stayed is because even despite 95% of the threads and the users are annoying and not interesting. It's because some of the user base is definitely worthwhile. Chinese anons are great, the anons who are really into their chosen philosopher are great, the few legit writer anons are great, the couple leftist anons are great, the ones who help in writing generals while giving helpful constructive feedback are nice, the ones who show genuine care for literature without purposefuly going into /pol/ bullshit are intresting, their's still hope for this board. The only way is to just slowly weed out the annoying bad apples so we can get a more diverse community, not one that has to agree on the same things, but one that doesn't have to bicker and annoy for their own enjoyment because they can't get it anywhere else.

To end this, I'll probably have my idea come at the beginning of the new year. I hope it pays off and can be interesting to anons while improving /lit/ in any small way. But I think the other anons who agree with me should either try to make generals or just try to make more threads to counteract what we're seeing almost all the time. Because if we can get a community without the full influence 4chan has gotten through the years, then maybe we can have writers show their face or show just their work so we can elevate /lit/ from this pig heap.

>> No.22683279

>Chinese anons are great, the anons who are really into their chosen philosopher are great, the few legit writer anons are great, the couple leftist anons are great, the ones who help in writing generals while giving helpful constructive feedback are nice
Funny thing, anon, these are all me.

Just kidding. I was actually impressed with /wg/ when it started. I thought it was going to die out when I started making the first sticky, but after leaving for a while it was nice to come back to a thriving thread. I remember a long time ago there was a autodidact/Zettelkasten general that lasted a few threads before it died out. /sf&f/ has always been around. What other general threads do you propose?

>> No.22683464

>Chinese anons are great
How do you know they're Chinese?

>> No.22683891

This is a question about Cookedbook and Detroit Lit Mag, though it applies to a lot of the /lit/ projects, but what actually makes something a proper /lit/ project? I half-mentioned it before when it came to Lit Quarterly and the April Reader, both being examples of /lit/ projects that eventually moved on from here by taking a large number of submissions from elsewhere (though I can't back that up with numbers). Did they stop being /lit/ at some point? Is it enough for a project to simply advertise here and take a few anon submissions to be /lit/?

This might blend somewhat into the question of whether there's an overall style or undercurrent to the writing that generally comes out of /lit/. I think there's a general interest in mundane settings, outsider characters, and sometimes perversion, at least in the shitpost-y type of writing that frequently appears in threads or used to appear in &amp. The "my diary desu" genre effectively. I haven't read any of the really old /lit/ projects, so I'd like to see if that style of writing appears in there.

That's one that I was thinking of, so thanks for the link. I think there's another one (also by an ausfag?) that I remember being themed around some sort of vintage newspaper style. Can't remember the name of it but I remember seeing maybe a Twitter or a Substack.

Cookedbook looks good, though maybe the latter sucks past the previews. Have you read it?

Thanks. Got 'em all downloaded.

There's also a subtle culture, even if it's just a matter of in-jokes around the "approved" authors and subjects. I mean the name "Pinecone" was a /lit/ joke about Pychon, and Pynchon-posting used to be a thing on here.

I don't see namefagging as an inherent problem if you're talking about people actually associating a (pen)name with their work. That just seems like the popular talking point about what went wrong with &amp, even though (pen)names have been used, more or less, in every one of the /lit/ magazines discussed so far. I think the problem is over-exposure to a person rather than them having a name; that sort of thing has to be used sparingly. It may also be that capital-A "Anonymous" seems more successful because you don't know all of the various personal fuck-ups of the myriad people that don't use names or expose their personal lives. If a random anonymous dude is a loser or fucks off, it doesn't matter, since nobody knows and his work remains the same. But you can get the same with a name if you're careful.

>trying to make an organic /lit/ movement
I'd like to hear you elaborate on this, even if your idea isn't fully formed. I'm cynical, but the "make" part feels antithetical to the "organic" part. Anyway, I don't think you're right about /lit/ being a name-killer, if only because it's so clearly obscure that it just won't have an impact.

I have more to say, but I want to hear more from you first.

/crit/ >>> /wg/ forever and always

>> No.22683903

I was thinking people who are knowledgeable and have a growing interest could make specific foreign literature generals again. Like Chinese, Japanese, Brazilian, German, Italian, etc. Also, for my idea, I was going to do surreal/absurdist literature since it very much fights most of /lit/ citizens bias. It's also very counterculture by nature, which people on here like, and it's beneficial for me to study and hear more opinions of that type of literature

>> No.22683907

One of them told me in another thread. He also makes some of the chinese threads, and he replies to most of them

>> No.22683917

That's a dead website. They tried to betray 4chan but failed.

>> No.22683931

You might want to stop fellating leftoids to start.

>> No.22684002

the flash fiction anthologies were great, I loved writing for those

>> No.22684124

I don’t know if you’re just interested in cataloguing the collaborative /lit/ projects in the MEGA or what, but I compiled PDFs of some more works by solo /lit/ (and /lit/ adjacent) writers for you, plus a collection of /lit/ poetry called “Flyting” that an anon had shared in an old thread. Sorry that some of the filenames are disorganised: https://gofile.io/d/BBKp1L

Adem Luz Rienspects: Mixtape Hyperborea
Bronze Age Pervert: Bronze Age Mindset
Flyting (A collection of /lit/ poetry from the early 2010s)
Frater Asemlen: Murmurs of Otherwhere, The Book of the Void-Sun and the Lion-Serpent at the feet of Christ
Horia Belcea: The Synthesis of the Objective and the Subjective
Jason Bryan: Shitkickers, City of Singles
John David Card: People Mover
Mike Ma: Gothic Violence, Harassment Architecture
Ogden Nesmer: I Pray to the Hungry God, Eggplant
R. C. Waldun: The Learned Disguise
Zulu Alitspa: Modem Waves, Panther Pride, The Savage Green

I spent some time searching the archives, and it’s interesting to note that there were a number of /lit/ magazines that were proposed and discussed in threads, but never actually came to fruition. HeatWave and Greenthesis are two of them, just off the top of my head, and there are a few others that I can’t recall. I wonder if there are certain commonalities between the /lit/ projects that never made it past the nascent stage.

>> No.22684370

I'll probably include solo works, if only to keep parity with the old archive. But odds are I'll strip the ones that aren't by actual posters on here, like Ma, BAP, and Waldun (does Waldun even have anything to do with /lit/ apart from having been mocked on here?). There's also a collection of EPUB/AZW3 files that one anon produced by OCRing books on request a couple(?) years ago; it's all relatively obscure stuff, but I do worry about the folder getting nuked over copyright, especially on account of the bigger not-quite-/lit/ items.

It's neat to hear about the DoA projects. I'd guess that it's a matter of inexperience? I imagine it's hard to get submissions for a brand new project, and people want to have results quick, and that'd be hard to handle without having done similar things before. Looking at Greenthesis, it looks like the idea was effectively a gimmick, and a technically involved one at that. Anons are excited enough to see their writing in basic PDFs, so it seems like a fool's errand to make it fancy.

>> No.22684386

Almost all of them aren’t good writers

>> No.22684437

/lit/ history is unfolding right now in the F Games contest. That's the most historical thing to happen on /lit/ all year, if not within years. Prior to F Gardner's emergence with Call of the Crocodile, the concept of a /lit/ author was virtually non-existent. But ever since then, a wave of authors from here emerged. Works like Infinite Jest, BAP, and Mike Ma are frequently associated with /lit/, but their inclusion in the canon is a retroactive addition. The /lit/ renaissance can be traced back to Gardner and his extensive advertising campaigns and his incredibly long horror series and he was the first person to think to buy 4chan ads for a book series

>> No.22684451

>That's the most historical thing to happen on /lit/ all year
The &amp editor getting exposed was a much bigger deal. Shartley's cum-eating proclivities will go down in the annals of /lit/ history.

>> No.22684458

>There has not been a single breakout,
Call of the Crocodile is the breakout.

>> No.22684459
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You forgot that he sent a criminal threat to Gardner.
This place is filled with psychos

>> No.22684505

there has to be one decent writer among this. an

>> No.22684516

Why does he want to get Gardner’s attention so bad?

>> No.22684534
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None of that was true. Hartley showed me proof that she faked all of it because she's a crazy lying bitch. Fuck her.

>> No.22684537

that's the email you sent ari hartley
are you going to psycotically melt down in this thread and ruin it?

>> No.22684591

Ausfag here, my local library has one of Woolston's books. That's the beginning of mainstream acceptance. At least I think so.

>> No.22684703 [DELETED] 

no Ari I’m so sorry please that’s not what happened like he’s trying to trick you everything i said in the doc was true I wasnt lying at all and like I know he’s a bad person and they told me not to talk to him ever again because of the threats he made and everything but I was feeling so scared and upset and because we would talk all the time for months he had created some kind of emotional hold on me so even after I ended it I still missed him a lot even though rationally I knew I shouldnt ?? And i didn’t really have anyone else to talk to except the crisis counselor which isn’t the same thing as having an actual friend to confide in and I was getting so paranoid every day because of all the threats and bad things he had said he would do to me and I couldnt relax at all and I had blocked him on everything like i was supposed to but then I saw someone post a threat about doxxing me in a thread on Thursday and I was having a panic attack over it because I was so scared he was going to do something awful that I was going out of my mind over it so I unblocked him only so that I could text him and tell him that I would file charges if he followed through on his threats and then I didn’t want to block him again afterwards because I thought that If he was threatening me over text in response it would be better if I at least knew what he was saying and had it documented but after i unblocked him he atartrd texting me and pretending to be kind and saying “are you feeling okay? I’m worried about you” And saying “Everything will be okay don’t worry about anything and I’m sorry for how I treated you because you didn’t deserve it” and saying “i promise that if we talk i won’t share our conversation with anyone” and I just fell for it in a moment of weakness bcI was so used to relying on him for comfort when I felt sad bc even though he was cruel to me so often sometimes he could be really kind but I should’ve known he was lying again and only pretending to be sorry because he wanted to hurt me like I’m so sorry Ari please don’t believe him and please don’t hate me and be mad and Dont do what you said you would do to me please don’t do it I’m so sorry the deleted messages weren’t even me doing anything wrong towards him I just didn’t trust him and I was scared because he had threatened me so much and I only deleted them because he was threatening to show everyone that I admitted that in some way I still missed him which obviously is so embarrassing and fucked up and I didn’t want him to try to use that against me so I just deleted them because I was scared of him doing something exactly like this I’m so sorry Ari please don’t do it please delete the screenshot you posted okay I’m sorry Ari please don’t believe him please why would you post this with my name and everything??? I’m so sorry please don’t hate me anymore please don’t do it please don’t be angry and hate me like this

>> No.22684718

that's hartley posting his own email TO ARI you crazy ass chick
you need a xan

>> No.22684721

you're responding to hartley pretending to be ari. delete this post lmao

>> No.22685152

You're so fucking stupid Atlas. Holy shit. I cannot believe you actually fell for that.

>> No.22686435
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Bump for actual discussion. Here are a couple pages from Pinecone with a neat story. Shame the middle column is clearly aligned wrong. And was it an artistic choice to never use justified text? I do not know. Still pretty nice though.

>> No.22687708

Does anyone actually borrow it and read it?

>> No.22687744

Woolston's admitted on Discord that he's had his books put into a bunch of Australian libraries by sending them free copies along with a shill letter begging them to put his work on the shelves. There is zero organic interest in his shit. He gives it away for free.

>> No.22687759

>That's the beginning of mainstream acceptance.
No it’s not and it’s nothing special. Any of you can walk into your local library and ask the librarian if they’d be willing to stock a few copies of your book if you donate them. If you have an ISBN and aren’t an obvious racist from a simple google search then there’s a 99% chance they’ll say yes.

>> No.22687897
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I said it before as I’ll say it again here: I support and contribute to all /lit/ projects. Most serious projects like miniMAG and CookedBook I am composing long term serial submissions for, and all other extant projects like Unreal, Tooky’s, F Games, etc, I am also writing pieces for.
I have proven that I will reject nobody from this scene and will print anything /lit/ wants me to. That’s what &amp was supposed to be: put whatever you weirdos want in a print magazine.
If some project doesn’t want to accept submissions from my Name, then maybe I’ll enter submissions under a penname. Maybe I’ll just kick rocks. I’m not at all disturbed by the ongoing hijinks. We’re actually undergoing another renaissance for those with keen senses. I don’t require anybody to fellate me. Show me where I acted like dick. I’ve been a fucking gem and anybody that’s worked with me knows that.
There have been four total Editors-in-Chief for &amp Magazine, myself, Prussia, 3Ditor, and now Alex. If 3Ditor is the artist behind CookedBook, we’ve had zero differences in any regard, and he even helped save &amp after I lost access to the original Canva account.
The only creative differences I ever had toward any artists was with Atlas, who suddenly decided against attributing &non to &amp after being surreptitiously influenced by Ari via the anti-&amp threads. Ari only hates me because I betrayed him by organizing with Atlas after I told him I wouldn’t. He only wanted me to avoid her because she evoked from him a ton of embarrassing vitriol like she did with me.

&amp is not in decline, we are busy expanding. There is no competition here, this is an art scene. I support everybody here from Woolston to Gardner, CookedBook, et al, even Atlas and Ari (if they wrote). I’m genuinely impressed with Gardner as of late. Like I said, things are really popping off.

>> No.22687933

>Ari only hates me because I betrayed him
Though it is nice to see you make a commitment not to fuck with this guy if he does blacklist you. Only time will tell if you follow through or not, assuming he even does blacklist you or Unreal.

>> No.22687953

Why else do you hate me then? Go on Ari, let it all out.

>> No.22687957

lmao faggot

>> No.22687960

I’m not Ari, I’m just highlighting the absurdity of “only” betraying someone. It’s not as though the 9th circle of hell is dedicated to such an action.

>> No.22687966

>thinking a gay schiozphrenic crackhead who joined a gay canadian drug cult cares about betraying someone

>> No.22688034

I like the story and the aesthetic, but like you’ve mentioned, the text alignment is a little wonky. I’ve skimmed the Pinecone poetry issue before, but seeing this makes me want to read the first two Pinecone issues in depth. I wonder if there was some deliberate artistic reason for the differences between the print and digital versions, or if it was just down to practical concerns about length and formatting.

>> No.22688063 [DELETED] 
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I think the failure of /lit/ writers to become popular on /lit/ is mainly because their books aren't really that good. Maybe they're better than Sally Rooney, if even, but the anons of this board want to read authors on the level of Shakespeare and Melville. So while the average /lit/izen might choose Mixtape Hyperborea over Normal People, he won't read it when he can read Moby Dick instead.
So this raises a question. If some /lit/ writer wrote actually something on the level of Moby Dick, something on level with the greatest literature of all time, and advertised it on /lit/, how popular would it get? Would it worshipped by /lit/, like In the Aeroplane over the Sea by /mu/? Or would it be ignored, much like Moby Dick itself was when it was first published?

>> No.22688073
File: 53 KB, 430x600, 7C4EA84A-1422-4BEC-BD52-72AD07EC04DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the failure of /lit/ writers to become popular on /lit/ is mainly because their books aren't really that good. Maybe they're better than Sally Rooney, if even, but the anons of this board want to read authors on the level of Shakespeare and Melville. So while the average /lit/izen might choose Mixtape Hyperborea over Normal People, he won't read it when he can read Moby Dick instead.
So this raises a question. If someone on /lit/ actually wrote something on the level of Moby Dick, something on par with the greatest literature of all time, and advertised it on /lit/, how popular would it get? Would it be worshipped by /lit/, like In the Aeroplane over the Sea by /mu/? Or would it be ignored, much like Moby Dick itself was when it was first published?

>> No.22688103

Mixtape Hyperborea is awful, and Rienspects embodies all of the worst qualities of the stereotypical /lit/ writer.

>> No.22688104

At this rate, it would written off as another mediocre selfpub from a wannabe. If it was the first book ever advertised to /lit/ and no one had any reason to suspect the author would relentlessly spam praise for himself in outright contradiction to everyone else who gave his work a chance, it would probably take off.

Basically what I’m saying is that Gardner has completely soured the well, not even getting into people who search for any reason to compliment a book that comes from /lit/ in the hopes people will also take their work seriously.

>> No.22688125

Gardner is based. I’m in the F Games discord server and he talks about the JQ, flat earth and fanboys about how much he loves anime.

>> No.22688166

This. Frank’s extremely likable. Everyone who says they don’t like F Gardner is some jealous writer who just wishes they could be him. Gardner is like if /lit/ were personified into a human being

>> No.22688188
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It pains me to see how people passionate about literature can devolve into pissing contests and recriminations. Literature is not zero sum, we all win if we're able to create and share work among ourselves. Dare I say the best literature comes from when people aren't forcing themselves to conform to other's standards while also not forcing themselves to do something extremely transgressive. What if whenever someone posted their work, no matter how amateurish, people gave them reasonably courteous and constructive feedback that's meant to give them a scaffolding to improve rather than a hazing ritual meant to keep the scene, "pure"? What if we assumed the best about each other? I'm well aware I'm banging my head against a wall. At this point in my career I just read and write what personally brings me and my close friends enjoy.

>> No.22688199

A lot of the /lit/ writers have strong egos so they certainly share a lot of the blame

>> No.22688206

Will this work when there exists with shillers like Jason Bryan or John David Card? It takes two to tango. If /lit/izens are to read and give helpful criticism to amateur writers, then these writers must also respect the readers, and not shill their books everywhere. While it's not every writer on /lit/ who does so, the minority of shillers strongly discourage a culture of support.

>> No.22688207

>t. F Gardner

>> No.22688210

These. I’m admittedly not big into contemporary literature, though not purposely. If I think I’ll like it I’ll read. If not I won’t. There are already more books in existence than I’ll ever get around to. There are specifically 2 /lit/ writers who have turned me off of ever taking a chance on someone here. Maybe that’s unfair but it only takes one to muddy the bath water. Those 2 are highly obnoxious and unlikeable people. I will never spend time on such writers associated even tangentially.

>> No.22688219

F Gardner seems to be trying to bring people together and promote them and doesn’t seem to like the drama happening. Jason Bryan is known to be supportive too. Overall, it’s a mixed bag here. There are always going to be writers like F Gardner and Jason Bryan who want everyone from here to succeed. You can’t let the few who might have soured the well ruin it for everyone.

>> No.22688222

>Jason Bryan
lol. lmao, even.

>> No.22688227

Totally agree with you. I've only shown my work 3 times so far, one of them I got feedback that it sounded like chat gpt (it did in hindsight), minmial feedback on the opening paragraph of my novel but two anons really enjoyed it and the premise, and one in which I got kind of annoying feedback (that was true) which helped me make one of my chapters really good in my opinion. Maybe I just got lucky, or people consider me somewhat talented, but when /lit/ does feedback well (constructive, I don't want lovey dovey crap), it really did help me become a better writer. It's just a matter of time when hopefully a person who had the help of /lit/ makes something really great that can kickstart a more helpful /lit/ community

>> No.22688250

Gardner just spams or retards think it’s funny to spam. He’s a weird and annoying guy from what I’ve seen but the shitkickers guy is the biggest faggot. Deflects any criticism with le crabs in a bucket. Obsessed with juvenile stuff. Brags about said juvenile stuff even if it happened years back. Writes /pol/ schlock and acts like the establishment is keeping him down. He’s a dissenter and counter culture, man, didn’t you know?

>> No.22688262

It’s kind of tough to critique a single paragraph or even a page. Critics tend to get too nitpicky there. It takes some pages to really get into the tone and flow of a book and it’s really only fair to judge it as a whole. The great novelists weren’t great because of single paragraphs. Most of their paragraphs are quite ordinary. It’s the continuity, structure, development, and all that jazz which makes a good novel.

>> No.22688271

Jason Bryan is a genuine narcissist, as in the guy has a textbook case of NPD and zero self awareness. He openly admits that he has not read a book in years, so he has no interest in literature or developing as a writer: he just uses his books (and /lit/) as a podium to shill his retarded takes and LARP as a dissident. The only one who parallels him in terms of sheer unchecked egotism and lifestyle degeneracy is the &amp guy.

>> No.22688280

At this point “F. Gardner supports /lit/ writers” is just weak bait. There is evidence for what he’s done. I sometimes suspect he’s a federal agent purposefully trying to stop a transgressive literary scene from developing on 4chan. That’s actually more believable than the reality that some troglodyte has actually devoted his life to harassing amateur writers because they won’t shill his godawful books.

>> No.22688291

I agree with the sentiment, but so many anons don’t even do a once over before they post their work. It’s exceedingly difficult to critique and participate in a work when one is constantly distracted by the most basic level things. I can’t redline on 4chan. The amount of effort to go through and explain each instance of a given edit would be painstaking. And it is a sad thing. Some anons have a true spark or creative idea or just one brilliant line. I do try to give articulate feedback that isn’t just a guttural opinion when I have the time. I also find it interesting that the culture of 4chan is ceaseless mocking until the target is your own creative output. That I don’t really enjoy. It always cuts deep, especially when the feedback is purely negative without any sort of constructive feedback.

>> No.22688296

The best story from here I read was The Beautiful Kingdom. No gimmicks, no incel blabbering, no overly obnoxious prose, just a clean story that goes from point A to point B.

>> No.22688300

Source? I wanna read it

>> No.22688306

Totally agree, but none of the stuff I showed is even close to being ready. It was more to get a general feel to see if people liked my prose or how the audience perceived certain aspects of the immediate narrative. I'll say that once I'm done with a second or third draft, I'll probably send it to /lit if I need more feedback besides those close to me, irl. Since that's when writers get real feedback that matters

>> No.22688307

Kabbalah of the Crocodile is the most transgressive book to come out of /lit./ Have you even read Gardner? That was literally an entire book about how jews are evil. I strongly suspect you are Jewish and attempting to poison the well against F Gardner. His entire F Games prize is shilling whoever wins so you’re making crap up against the guy

>> No.22688314

Yeah, that's probably why the amp guy threatened to kill Gardner

>> No.22688319

Definitely. I said in another thread it feels like some type of performance art or persona. It’s hard to believe someone like him exists with a straight face and zero self awareness

>> No.22688331

I've only read maybe 2 excerpts (from long form stories) that were pretty good. One of them was a short but really well-made classical prose . That a lot of anons praised

The other was some guy posting a moderately lengthed first chapter for his sci-fi novel, I was the only guy in that thread, which sucks because I wanted more people to see it and more well equipped anons to help him out. All that anon needed to do was polish the descriptions of objects. Besides that, it was genuinely really good prose, very sophisticated style with good grit to it without being too cold. Theirs definitely have some talent in here. It's just for the most part /lit/ is too needlsly cruel with helping people or just giving too much attention to people that don't deserve it or need it

>> No.22688338

As been said before, criticism is a 2 way street, and it seems like a majority of anons come to this site with a preconceived notion of how one should act on 4chan, or with a chip on their shoulder. Defensiveness and hostility don’t blend well for criticism

>> No.22688365

Because no federal agents have ever sold drugs or committed crimes before in order to fit in…either way the guy has to go. Whatever humor there was when he was first advertised got old real quick. I’d love to know how many threads and posts he makes himself and how many are bored and unoriginal teenagers guffawing at their look mom I did it again thread. Trolling used to be an art

>> No.22688379

gardner is just a pothead who lurks here all day
he is neet and jewish himself.

>> No.22688384

Horror’s Call isn’t humor. What are you even talking about? You’ve just proven that you haven’t read any F Gardner books. You don’t even know what genre they are. Which should be obvious as it’s called HORROR’S Call
The jew is you. Gardner is outspoken against Judaism. You would know this if you’ve read his work. He’s constantly taking about how he was raised Irish Catholic and converted to Buddhism and wrote a whole book about it. I’ll forever promote Gardner as he helps others here and isn’t some spiteful jew like a lot of anons here

>> No.22688391

>Gardner is outspoken against Judaism.
No he isn't. He just wrote one book about it
You sound like you want to get him put on a watch list.

>> No.22688393

Humor in the so bad it’s funny and it’s funny to spam it type of way, aka bad humor or trolling.

>> No.22688394 [DELETED] 

Did you even read my post? The plot of Kabbalah of the Crocodile was about how Gardner thinks the jews are evil. At the end of the book Gardner appears as a character and gives a speech about it to help the main character against the jews

>> No.22688397

Yes, that is why the Amp editor Kenneth Hartley threatened to k*ll Gardner.
Anything to say about that?

>> No.22688401

I see you are trying to get sales from low hanging fruit: /pol/cels, naïve impressionable teens, and anons who look for meme value. Quite the audience

>> No.22688409

>MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Jason Bryan, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston, F. Gardner.
>Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.
kek, another shill

these people are like leeches who came from other platform for clout. fuck off with these shills

>> No.22688425
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What about the rumors about Gardner dating a tranny?

>> No.22688526

>zero organic interest
Not quite true, i've personally seen several small articles is small circulation rags about Woolston and his work. Admittedly the Aussie literary scene is fucking pathetic and he's on the fringes of it but still.
I'd distinguish him from retards like Gardner whom the wider world just ignores, Woolston is low level but real, Gardner is just a cringey retard on 4chan.

>> No.22688600

Nobody would date Gardner, he's a retarded manchild who takes his meme-status "celebrity" really seriously because it's all he's got to show for his life.

>> No.22688625

You sound extremely bitter.

>> No.22688667

Not as bitter as your dick tastes, faggot.

>> No.22688857
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I admitted in the Gardner thread that I wrote the death threat pasta after somebody pretending to be Gardner started harassing a friend of mine on social media. Then I admitted that it was likely somebody else doing the harassment and apologized. Frank has zero problem with &amp and/or me, and has even reached out in the wake of the Death of &amp threads to talk about the F Games. Frank may be a shill and a hack, but he’s the big fluffy mascot we all love to chase around the field. And he’s obviously the most committed patron of the scene. Homosexuals love speaking on either his or my behalf across a multitude of gay threads but anybody with a ten cent attention span will see that the truth always shines through in the end.
Horror’s Call is absolutely humor. Frank can pretend all day long to take his own work seriously, but we all acknowledge that his work is comedy. If he’s not intentionally going for campy, bad horror, then he’s outright creating comedy.
KotC doesn’t contain any actual theses or exploration of the JQ, it’s just a silly (and somewhat plotless) set-em-up and knock-em-down of basic Jewish tropes that read like the loose detritus from any given /pol/ thread. It’s entertaining because it’s poorly written, but it’s not antisemitic aside from its simple caricature of Hasidic Jews.
You’ll notice that there is almost no effort by the scene to methodically rate and review works by its own artists. A handful of us put a good effort in to actually read what’s being written (specifically Zulu), but there is a palpable lack of genuine feedback that isn’t mired in some gay highschool-tier personal beef that has more to do with the personal lives of artists rather than their art.

>> No.22688871

didnt read crackhead faggot cumdrunk loser!

>> No.22689159

>There have been four total Editors-in-Chief for &amp Magazine, myself, Prussia, 3Ditor, and now Alex
Why are you trying expunge the fact that you gave Atlas the lead editor role? She did more editing than anyone on that list except for maybe you, and even that's up for debate.

>> No.22689581

You are grossly uneducated on the subject. I gave her a hollow title with which she did little aside from designing about half of 017 and most of 019. Her most significant achievement was the Lemur interview. She’s a very talented staff writer and editor—better than anybody else I’ve worked with—but she was never made sole director of an entire issue. She was slated to have one, but her university workload was too much. And there’s always a spot for her at &amp in a creative capacity, like I said, I reject nobody.

>> No.22689590

Wups I meant 018 not 019.

>> No.22689612
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Embarrassing attempt at revising history.

>> No.22689615

>hollow title
This sounds like less of a fact and more of a passive aggressive post breakup dig at her.

>> No.22689619

I'm a terrible human for being okay with your gay drama with Atlas but your polishing of Frank's cock is actually making me lose respect for &amp.

>> No.22689708

Yes. Lewis woolston who witnessed manslaughter and did not report it to the police because it was an ethnic minority, then boasted about it on Discord.

>> No.22689727

I probably will have to read Call of the Crocodile, just for the meme of it.

>> No.22689763
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This is actually true. The man is depraved. Let's not forget that he also impregnated a teenage girl and abandoned his unborn child.

>> No.22689829

The whole scene is a beautiful kaleidoscope of myriad talent and ambition and you’re all here partaking to some degree for better or worse. Maybe none of us have gone mainstream nuclear yet, but stick around long enough and you witness emergent greatness.
Okay I concede. You can count her among the primary editors of the magazine, though her contribution was largely supportive. I don’t mean to strip her of any legacy, I just don’t consider her to have helmed the project in any leadership capacity. I love Atlas a lot, and she does excellent work. She just turned on me and I deserved it. I should have known better than to become emotionally involved with her, at least Ari had enough sense to know better in that regard.
I just call them like I see them. Frank’s NaNo bomb was a stroke of genius. And having him as an adversary doesn’t become me, or serve the scene in any sense. Any beef I had with Frank (and anybody else) is entirely performative, and is really just a vehicle for exploring the lore of notoriety and polarizing exposure. It’s okay to take this shit seriously, but you have to be laughing at yourself the entire time.
Yes. It is Primary Canon.

>> No.22689904

Woolston has so much life experience. would be nice if he wrote something that took advantage of it all

>> No.22689938

Woolston will compose the first considerable Great Australian Novel and it will be the pinnacle of Australiana, an epic memoir as sprawling and dangerous as the Outback itself.

>> No.22689948

>&amp Australia Edition

>> No.22689951

I knew there was a reason I came here. Cheers, cunt.

>> No.22689961

>>22688425 Is this Zulu Alitspa? Fuck he is HOT

>> No.22689968

many many months ago, he told me about a book idea: his shitty grueling time during AU bootcamp in the army.
i think it's a fertile playground to spin a narrative based on a true story

>> No.22689983

>tfw Gardner will never declare me The Greatest Righter in the World
why live again?

>> No.22690007
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>the part where they run down a pack of dingos in a Jeep
>the part where they poison the abbo to death with moonshine
>the part where they deface the mountain range with dynamite
>the ending scene where they’re all blasting their rifles at Ayer’s Rock and the ricochets twinkle and dance in the twilight dusk

>> No.22690124

>the part where they accidentally set a saloon on fire in some small bush town
>the part where he gets a blowie in the parking lot at macca’s
>the part where they find the skeletons in an old half buried carriage
>the oasis scene where Lewis leads them into a mirage and they all drink pond scum and shit their drawers

>> No.22690132

So Blood Meridian but down under.

>> No.22690161

>discord drama
you faggots sound like bickering women. no one cares about this drama outside of you fags. keep it on the 'cord

>> No.22690167

>I just call them like I see them. Frank’s NaNo bomb was a stroke of genius. And having him as an adversary doesn’t become me, or serve the scene in any sense.
I can only rationalize you're getting off on the hate. Because brother, it's fucking weird how much you sound like a parrot, spouting rhetoric like this. It's got PR written on it. At least tone it down.

>> No.22690252

Discord is just a covered trench to which we can retreat from the ongoing shelling of /lit/. This board is the actual source of all the drama, and there’s nothing anybody can do about it but ignore it or contribute to it.
Of course I get off on the hate. What should I do? Be upset? Kek. You all act like any of this shit actually matters.
You want me to hate Frank and I don’t. I don’t hate anybody. Him and I probably call eachother faggots multiple times a day, anonymously, without even knowing it. I’m just the dude that likes to stick his neck out. It’s part of the creative process.

>> No.22690267

honestly, i would read this

>> No.22690277
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I'm the editor formerly known as Prussia, edited Coronameron and worked on &amp a bit.
I agree wrt transience, and this >>22688073 . Most people on here are shit at writing, many are infantile in what they write when given free space, and almost all don't actually care about what people from /lit/ write. Look at Coronameron, a not insignificant chunk of the pieces had nothing beyond minor shock-value that depreciates to zero for anyone who is used to such edge. A larger share were decently funny on top of the usual edge. Almost all of Coronameron's value in my opinion came from not any particularly good pieces, but from it capturing the chaos of a collaborative effort on an obscure corner of the internet and its odd obsessions. ie its value was only captured holistically.

That's why I think transient projects are the ideal, because given enough time - for instance over the course of a few magazine issues - the readers will grow jaded to the novelty of the gestalt and come to just see the pieces contained within, which are often of little value. &amp faces this problem - not to detract from its aesthetic value, the vision was/is wonderful, but re the contents although there were a good deal of spectacular pieces to come from it, the average /lit/ writer is not great which makes the read less appealing over time, mitigated by good design. Since reading through all of Coronameron to edit it, and in many parts more flicking my eyes over, I have only pulled it out again a handful of times, mostly to show off as a novelty and to show my own pieces to others. Transient projects claim no special value beyond being fun to work on, even the people deleting everything on the shared doc to post moby dick or replacing most words with "piss" are a value-add here.

Search the archives to illustrate: you will find almost no one has discussed the pieces contained within Coronameron, or other collaborative projects. The best of &amp collection had less discussion on the actual pieces than drama surrounding it. Nonetheless, shoutout to all the Sisyphean hustlers trying to do something interesting. People who give a shit about and keep up with any /lit/ related drama are of the worst sort, worse than the most supposedly psychopathic creators of /lit/
hope you're well ryan, &amp remains a high-concept idea i think of fondly

>> No.22690293

>The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick
is there an epub version?

>> No.22690310

Gonna start a digital magazine where the only content allowed for submission is ideas for digital magazines. I’ll call it MagMag. Submissions are now open by replying to this post.

>> No.22690320

What I want is for you to stop being so fucking dishonest. I don't need you to be honest. But stop hosting fucking parades about how [Person I'm trying to butter up this month] is so fucking awesome you god damn sycophant. I'm not mad, man, but fuck I had to call it out.

>> No.22690381

>People who give a shit about and keep up with any /lit/ related drama are of the worst sort, worse than the most supposedly psychopathic creators of /lit/
I wholly disagree. &amp and its contemporaries are now nothing but a shambling corpse that edges closer and closer to complete disintegration with each passing minute. Those who would spend their days poking at that corpse with a stick are at least having fun. I can respect that.

>> No.22690485

Call of the Crocodile and Horror’s Call in general is usually compared to being The Room of literature. F Gardner is like Tommy Wiseau. Frank accidentally created a comedy. Regardless it’s one of the most edgelord works of fiction I’ve ever seen.

>> No.22690536

My here post is a submission

>> No.22690657

>the first considerable Great Australian Novel
What is Womb to Let?

>> No.22690659

These screenshots are taken and posted by Gardner.
He lurks in the discord under a fake username and takes sneaky screenshots to try and hurt other people, mostly Woolston.
Notice he only ever posts the Woolston screenshots? That's because Woolston is the focus of his jealousy. Gardner is just self aware enough to quietly realise he's never going to make it as a writer. Although he'll never admit it he does actually realise that people are laughing at him and not with him.
Gardner is jealous of Woolston because Woolston has a real publisher and is a real writer with actual talent. So he lurks and screenshots and uses his janny powers to shut down any discussion of Woolston's work on this board. He's a sad, bitter, jealous loser full of spite and envy.

>> No.22690669

Shut up Boswell.

>> No.22690743

Gardner is a janny? Explains a lot. Or does he just get a free pass from jannies since he advertises here?

>> No.22690820

>why doesn’t /lit/ have any cool projects anymore?
Because of cancer like this thread, taken over by autists and the mentally I’ll
>what makes things like Detroit Lit Mag or Cookedbook /lit/ adjacent?
That just means some of their writers post here but want to seperate themselves from the cancer

>> No.22690984

Looking at any discussion/drama now is pretty far from the source. When it was actually started (like 14 months ago now) there was okay-ish discussion about the pieces included. It was still painfully forced, and required a lot of one-sided guidance, but people did talk about them if forced to. I had hoped there'd be some momentum and more anons would starting posting things like images of specific pieces they liked, but I ended up footing 99% of that. The problem is that with the general low quality of /lit/ mags, nobody generally goes in for a second read. They do a first skim, notice the pieces they like, and that's it. When interest is as low as it is here, going into a potentially poorly organised PDF to fish out the piece you kind of liked months ago is a pain. A lot of my initial list was based on old discussions from release threads, where I was adding pieces simply because some anon said some story was cool/best/neat. Organising all of them by issue and theme, including page numbers, made them more accessible for discussion, but even then it only made a difference for people who cared in the first place, which is in all cases fucking slim.

That sort of problem with going back into old issues and digging through the trash is part of why I wanted to do the best-of---to bring as many as possible of the good pieces in &amp forward into some frame where it's worthwhile for people to re-read front to back, or where they're at least accessible in a way that isn't in vague memories scattered across a dozen+ issues. Burying it in yet another PDF is probably a problem, but it's my intention to try as best I can to make it worthwhile to read. I guess the lack of discussion/re-reading is the problem I wanted to address with it. To make it a beacon that says "sometimes /lit/ writes something decent", if you can forgive how stupidly cheesy that sounds.

>in general
The accessibility issue above is inherent to every single one of these projects because they fade into obscurity very quickly and the only people who remember are the ones who submitted to or read them originally. The namefag/anonymous argument can go on forever, but anonymity also makes it really hard to see any forward trajectory or have any anticipation. If you like an author, you read more of their books. If you like something in a /lit/ project, gl hf finding that author again or even anything of the same calibre. It's a constant battle of having to dig through dirt. Monetary incentives and proper vetting help I'm sure, which is why real publishing exists, but they also kill the sincerity, frankness, spontaneity, and quaint naïveté that makes a /lit/ project interesting in itself. Money and effort are also totally unsustainable in such a small crowd, and for quality reasons it's hard to imagine it being worthwhile.

>> No.22691047
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Cute to see you scurrying out of your little cave to give us an update. Still no release date, huh? Just keep at it buddy. Toiling over old work from the project that I conceived of is all you’re good for, meanwhile us real creators are busy with new and better things.

>> No.22691077
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Continuing because I can't sperg out in 3000 words or less.

Transience has to go along with being fun. The only justification for doing these things is because it's fun and you can learn something from the process. I was stupidly naïve about the best-of, but I can say that it's forced me to do a bunch of things I had no experience with prior. I've managed to learn from and enjoy it, even if it cost me inordinate amounts of time.

When it comes to actually writing for a /lit/ project, someone is going to get the most out of it by treating it like a fun exercise. Prior to &amp I had never written with the explicit purpose of showing it to anyone, and sending things in forced me to actual consider pieces "done". Comparing, I feel a lot better about my writing now than my old stuff, and I think having a low-stakes outlet made that possible, where hearing in short, scattered posts that some random anon liked my shit was sufficient encouragement. (Comments like pic related made a big difference to me, so thanks to the anons who say nice things about anyone's writing on here.)

The problem with /lit/ projects as learning experiences might be that eventually you learn enough that you can't approach them with as much enthusiasm. Of course submitting for fun is still a possibility, but many people are going to turn away once they've figured out how much work they have to put in to their writing/whatever for it to be personally worthwhile. There will always be the few competent writers who still submit, but I'd bet that a greater number turn away. The ones you'd want to read are less likely to submit. Likewise for the organisational and design parts of it. If someone holds himself to a certain standard, they're less likely to give away their work if they don't see the purpose (magazine, book, whatever) as being at the same level.

Yeah, so I'll parrot you about transience and say that fun and learning are what can make it worthwhile.

Anyway, for the people who've watched the awful best-of floundering, I'll repeat my chorus of
>not vaporware!
>2 more weeks
>please understand
Excuse me for talking about the best-of as if it seems even remotely possible to the outsider that it'll happen. I'm still working on the thing slowly, and I'm going to be glad when I release it.

>/lit/ adjacent
I think there's a big distinction between being a legitimately "/lit/ project" and being "/lit/ adjacent" then. The collaborative efforts that happen exclusively with /lit/ anons are clearly the former, and the latter has some amount of distance between it and "really" being /lit/.

>> No.22691122

does your beef with the amp editor make it harder for you to feel interested in doing work on the best of? i wouldnt blame you if his faggotry soured your enjoyment of the whole thing and put you off

>> No.22691193

your retarted the reason we don't have a big community here is because it takes a long time to read enough books to discuss so we only have a limited number of people to create fun discussion.
It's not like /mu/ where you can go through the mucore within a year, and even that's a stretch, and then start discussing and branching out to more niche stuff. It takes a lot of time in this category

>> No.22691406

I have a plan for that exact problem. Also, dilate

>> No.22691429

>3000 words or less
Do you mean 3000 characters? LMAO

>> No.22691740

If the best of is still a complete WIP then why did you say you were going to release it back in August?

>> No.22691876

I was genuinely convinced I'd bang it out that night, and when I realised it didn't matter I figured I'd go back to taking my time with the thing. Shitty of me to do, but I'd rather take it slow and be happy with it than rush it out. Apart from the selection process last year, it's been a solo endeavour, so I'm at least not holding anybody back by being slow, and I want to be content with my own work. I've said before that I could take what it is now, throw in a table of contents, and effectively call it done, but that I wouldn't personally be happy with it; it's not a "complete WIP".

I'd also been absent from /lit/ since the winter, so I wanted to make it clear I was still working on it and show some signs of life. So there was a pride element to asserting that it was still my own project, or at least that's the gist of it.

>> No.22691881

why do it at this point? brand is tainted by the crackhead who threatened gardner's life

>> No.22691892

It's about the writing, not about &amp. Plus I like working on it, and I do care about that "beacon" shit I went on about before.

>> No.22691909

I understand wanting to be happy with it, but try not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

>> No.22692272
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>> No.22692276

Why did amp editor threaten lovable Gardner. FUCK THAT FAG

>> No.22692277

Give it a rest with this cringe shit. Like an obese teenage girl sketching anime versions of herself.

>> No.22692283
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>> No.22692325

Frank this is only what you look like in your delusional mind. In real life you resemble the inbred retarded son of an Ohio pig farmer but you're much less competent and useful.

>> No.22692333

Frank doesn't use AI (yet). It's Jason Bryan trying to kiss ass

>> No.22692744

All garbage.

>> No.22692766
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Kek I didn’t even say it was F Gardner but you still knew who it was

>> No.22692770

Are you a newfag? when did you start using this place anyway

>> No.22692778

Wow looks just like Gardner.

>> No.22692787

You've been spamming them in every Gardner thread for weeks now. You see one of Gardner's retarded book covers, you open the thread to see what idiotic claims he's making today, and then you scroll down to see one of these retarded AI self-portraits.

How stupid are you that this constitutes amusement for you? Of all the things you could do for entertainment, you post these images on /lit/ where they are either ignored or given two or three words of mockery. You could literally go scream "Frank Gardner!" at a pile of dirty laundry and it would have the same effect.

>> No.22692797

I am currently writing a furry /lit/ work based on my ck2 gameplay, you can find it in writing general if you are interested.

Contribute to lit yourself and make something you enjoy.

>> No.22693333

You should release it by the end of the year.

>> No.22693409

I'm okay with him taking some time to really polish it up but it's been a long time coming and it's also to share with anons, so yeah, agreed that it ought not to take too long

>> No.22693589
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Beware, I’ve got imitators ITT.
>Transient projects claim no special value beyond being fun to work on, even the people deleting everything on the shared doc to post moby dick or replacing most words with "piss" are a value-add here.
You nailed it right there. I’ve become addicted to the actual creation, curation, production, and eventual collection of these projects. I continue to go back and read them because I enjoy them, though I can’t expect others to relish them the same way I do.
Your work was fundamental to the genesis of not only &amp, but the local spirit of anonymous collaboration. Honored to see you here. I don’t really belong in these threads, so I just came to acknowledge your comment and call out the counterfeits. Huge props now and forever.
I did not write this. I have zero problem with Ari. His creative process may be too perfectionist to complete projects by arbitrary deadlines, but he is an important element to the scene notwithstanding. >>22691122
See? No beef. Also checked.
The scale of Ari’s Best-Of is way larger than any single &amp compilation that I would have done. I would have capped it around 40k and put it in a pocketbook; Ari’s project is much larger and belongs probably in 6x9 hardcover. Ari is a very decent designer (based on the WIPs I’ve seen), so when it does finally drop, it will likely be without flaw.

>> No.22693656

>I have zero problem with Ari
the shit you were spouting in the gardner thread would suggest otherwise kenneth

>> No.22693765

>and call out the counterfeits.
Who would you consider to be counterfeits? It seems like you're trying to be buddy-buddy with everyone now.

>> No.22693798

seems like the dude is trying to claim that all of the nasty and petty posts he's made recently were counterfeits written by people impersonating him.
no one is buying it, kenneth. you can't shit on your competitors and then deny it later on when you realize it was a bad look. you already showed your true colors in the gardner thread and elsewhere, we all see what you're doing

>> No.22694045

I’ve made myself clear. You’re toiling.
See >>22691047 I was always buddybuddy; doesn’t preclude animosity from others
I’m being impersonated and attacked, and I refuse to tripfag. I don’t really care what you believe, my effort was for Prussia.

>> No.22694080

Just quietly accept that things are better than ever before. Then go make some art and bring it here. Build your lore. Share it. Ad infinitum. Get on the bloomer-tier perspective; a new year approaches!

>> No.22694141

lmao at you thinking any of us are stupid enough to believe this shit

>> No.22694163
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/lit/ writer meet-up when?

>> No.22694198

it was pretty obvious
I was even trying to impersonate him and i had multiple people accuse me of being the editor. There are one to two guys who samefag in every project thread and pretend to be multiple people arguing about meaningless drama that all the people involved have made clear they don't really care about.

>> No.22694351

It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. When did all of these generals pop up? I only recognize write what’s on your mind, sffg and writing.

>> No.22694382

A meetup at F Gardner’s Chicago penthouse would be epic

>> No.22694401

with lots of plugs, poppers, sissy cages, and some southside chiraq bbcs

>> No.22694652

This thread isnt a general, just a one off I think

>> No.22695349

That is his best short story yet.

>> No.22695353

kek at this

>> No.22695357

Will my unreal press and call of the crocodile copies be niche collectables one day?

>> No.22695363

yeah, for sure

>> No.22695375

Original printings of CotC will be worth their weight in gold once his crimes are revealed.
Unreal? God no. They can't even sell their books to their own contributors.

>> No.22695447

Is that the Canadian guy? Such a sad story. Refusing to let go.

>> No.22695650

What thread? Warosu is down so I can't look for it

>> No.22695656
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>See? No beef.
>I was always buddybuddy
That's in pretty stark contrast to what you've cooked up recently, like pic related's
>I know you’re really only known for doing my bidding
I've quietly put up with your shit for so long to avoid having to deal with your jackass threats, and it's farcical for you to talk about the best-of as if you had any part in it, whether in starting or making it.

I used to respect the fact that you put in a lot of work on &amp to make something cool, but it's now evident that you're abusing the leftover goodwill to fuel your grifting. I seriously hope people sniff out your shadiness before they get ensnared in any real work with you. When it comes to the RJC Shards release, it seems clear that you misled him about the copyright, and I imagine it gets worse from there on. He mentioned he gets a share of royalties on future Lamp Standard releases as encouragement for being the first to hand over his book to you, which smacks of the beginning of a pyramid scheme if you keep feeding that line to your recruits. And even if you don't, I'll say now that you're untrustworthy and that people should steer clear even if only to avoid infecting their efforts with your substandard work and cult attitude.

I'd be glad to let the subject die if it weren't for the fact that you're still hanging around hoping to take advantage of anybody on here who doesn't know better. You're now antithetical to what makes a /lit/ project good. The stuff you spout makes me wish the mag died with 014 and that you took off to properly nurse your deep-fried brain. It's sad and frustrating to watch the downward spiral you've been riding since you returned.

Take this opportunity to cast yourself as the magnanimous leader if you want. Or if this marks a turning point in the sort of nonsense you say about me or the best-of, then at least this part will be out in the open. You're everybody's cheerleader only as long as you think there's something to gain by it.

>> No.22695809


>> No.22695835

TL;DR: Hartley was shitting on Ari, mocking Atlas, and displaying a ton of animosity. He was also endlessly fellating Gardner.
>Notice how Ari scampered away back to his cave after I turned up in the thread. He's so cute sometimes.
>A day or so later, a personal friend of mine was attacked on Instagram in some bizarre racist tirade by somebody pretending to be F. Gardner using a throwaway. I assumed it was actually F. Gardner and shot back by composting and posting a graphic yet hilarious death threat to him on Discord, and I declared war on him in &amp Magazine. HOWEVER, it turns out that the tirade against my personal friend was actually likely the work of Ari, not Gardner.
>Atlas nuked the discord. Now I'm taking my efforts straight to /lit/. And to be totally fair, &amp doesn't even need it's own threads, I can just camp the Gardner threads and Ari can make official &amp Is Dead threads on my behalf. Everything is so fucking gravy right now
>&non was born in a fake &amp bread that was baked specifically to shit on me and subvert the brand. I coopted the project for the lulz and to BTFO Ari.
>and of course Atlas is free to continue producing the project, though between you and me and all of the internet, she's not at all well right now.

He also posted an uncensored screencap of his snarky email to Ari. Doesn't lend a lot of credence to
>I have zero problem with Ari.
>I was always buddybuddy

The dude is transparently full of shit. Scummy behavior.

>> No.22695852

Don't forget that he "forgot" to censor Atlas' real name in one of the screenshots he posted, and he posted that screenshot while pretending to be Ari.
Gardner was right not to work with this guy.

>> No.22695877

>Gardner was right not to work with this guy.
Gardner was blacklisted by almost every /lit/ author because he tried to pull some retarded stunt to force everyone to compete for a YouTube shoutout and got btfo, at which point he began a campaign of harassment against pretty much everyone.

>> No.22695881

never happened. nice try Hartley

>> No.22695987

>When it comes to the RJC Shards release, it seems clear that you misled him about the copyright, and I imagine it gets worse from there on. He mentioned he gets a share of royalties on future Lamp Standard releases as encouragement for being the first to hand over his book to you, which smacks of the beginning of a pyramid scheme

Hey yo. You told me you wouldn't talk about what we talked about over email in a public arena so I'm actually thinking you're bullshitting most of this for drama's sake. If there's one thing I can't stand it's a fucking liar.

>> No.22695995
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For reference.

>> No.22696004

Why don't you criticize your crackhead editor Hartley for posting private emails on here and actually doxxing people? You're a fucking faggot too. And i'm not a part of your retard club

>> No.22696006

>Gardner was blacklisted by almost every /lit/ author
Embarrassingly wrong. Not only was Gardner not blacklisted, but he was constantly being hounded by Unreal and &amp to be a partner to the project. Tales of the Unreal was originally pitched to Gardner as Gardner’s tales of the Unreal where he would have his name front and centre. He refused for obvious reasons.
Even now Ryan is trying desperately to get Gardner to notice him, and it’s not the first time he’s attempted to get senpai’s attention.

>> No.22696010


I've criticized him just fine in private. I don't need to read him the fucking riot act in public to appease your fucking virginal power fantasies. Write or shut the fuck up about people that do. Thanks.

>> No.22696013

Are you embarrassed to have fallen for the very definition of a pyramid scheme? Did you want that kept secret?

>> No.22696017

You're a faggot little bitch lmao
>NOOO don't criticize me!
>don't point out my hypocrisy

>> No.22696023
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>the influence of /pol/
>leftist anons are great
It's all so tiring

>> No.22696040


Naw, I didn't give a shit about any of that. I was even willing to share the entire contract online because it's actually a 1000% better contract than you get will more trad publishers. If I brought what Hartley and I signed to Penguin, let's say, and asked them to match it I'd get laughed out of the building. I own my intellectual property and I'm giving Hartley the ability and the privilege to sell it. Literally NONE of the people up his ass or up mine have signed a contract for rights pertaining to any creative venture they've created. None of you are lawyers. None of you know dick about dick. Don't like me, don't like Hartley, don't buy my fucking book. I'm not sitting around my computer screen twiddling my thumbs waiting for 4chan to provide me with 2 or 3 sales on Amazon. If you're interested in experimental literature or if you believe in creative forms being manipulated in text then please buy my book and give it an honest review. I create art. I write.

>> No.22696052

>I'd get laughed out of the building.
That’s looking to be the norm for you.

>> No.22696070

>I was even willing to share the entire contract online because it's actually a 1000% better contract than you get will more trad publishers.
people asked you to post it and you didn't thoug
is everyone still in amp a complete fucking snake who lies through their teeth

>> No.22696088

Yeah that was before he showed his true colors. After he released Kabbalah, he came into the unreal discord and tried to get unreal and &amp to compete for a shoutout. Both declined and gave him an honest, accurate, and thorough assessment of his writing, celebrity status, and overall character as a human being, which triggered a meltdown. Since then almost everything he has done has been a hamfisted attempt to irritate the staff of both publications.

>> No.22696097

Kek, Hartley you're so full of shit and when you make up your fanfic you conveniently never have receipts
you're TRASH

>> No.22696107


I was willing. I am willing no longer. And the snake shit was Ari saying he'd keep our convo private and then put me on blast.

>> No.22696109

lol someone under 105 IQ might find that convincing
>i was uh totally willing to! people were asking me
>but i never did...
I can't believe you're a real person.

>> No.22696111

It sounds as though you deserved to be put on blast. If this contract is as generous as you’re suggesting then you could easily prove Ari wrong by posting it.
Would doing so jeopardize the pyramid scheme?

>> No.22696148

cringe, /pol/.

>> No.22696179

You need to pick a line you retarded boomer. You're either based and downbad with &amp despite all that's been said and done or you're sided with the twitter hordes of /lit/ and these threads. No one is going to stop harassing you about your book. Stop sitting in here switching from cope to seethe with all your faggy replies. I really don't care either way I'm just saying it's cringe watching you flounder around like this. My advice: STFU.

>> No.22696555

you mean the A4-sized ones? (hehe)

>> No.22697082

Editor seems to have scampered back to his hole.

>> No.22697085

>If there's one thing I can't stand it's a fucking liar.
And yet you publicly defend Hartley. You’re either completely delusional or in denial.

>> No.22697136

So /lit/ is filled with autists? Is that it?

>> No.22697601

You spent the last week or more trashing &amp. You are the one that perpetuates the drama. You’ve quietly done nothing. Stay in your lane and keep your eyes on the prize. You can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it!
You’re not actually upset are you? You sound upset. Try to remember that this is all just art and performance. None of it, especially the silly shitflinging, matters in the least.
Gardner and &amp are working together now, as we speak. Atlas and Ari have both earned any disruptions to their peace. It doesn’t matter if people know her first name, she chose this path deliberately.
You actually are part of the retard club, Ari Boone. In fact, you are the most vocal champion that &amp has ever had. You’ve garnered so much attention for the brand with your tantrums that I am unironically encouraging you to stay mad. Don’t take it all so personally, buddy. Remember, it’s just art.
Checked. Most of us here understand that Gardner will do anything to get noticed.
If he has, it’s no concern. He has clones like me who will post on his behalf. :^)
I think we all understand now that you don’t like or trust K. R. Hartley. We get it. Maybe it’s time to just discuss the topic at hand, the history of /lit/ publications, those varied projects, their legacy, and all of the farflung writing that exists on the scene. All you’re becoming known for is the guy that despises &amp yet endless toils away on a &amp project. Consider logging off for a little bit, maybe making some lunch.

>> No.22697729

Anyone with common sense can see that Ari is in the right here, and it’s clear that you know it too, because you haven’t actually responded to any of his criticism and are just taunting him like a schoolyard bully. You sound completely maniacal. And before you accuse me of being Ari or Atlas or some other person from Discord who you have a grudge against, I’m not personally involved in your shitfest, and I don’t have to be involved to see what is going on here. Responding “U mad bro?” when someone takes you to task just makes you look like even more of a disgraceful faggot.

>> No.22697807

Listen. You believe I’m him, yeah? How about this: everything that you say about me is true, okay? I am a crack smoking, cum drinking, murderous cult leader loser. I accept it. You win. Now, can we please move forward? There are other, more interesting things at hand.

>> No.22697832

there isn't an epub I don't think but there's a pdf on libgen

>> No.22697844

Can’t seem to find a link. If you can find one, lay it on me.

>> No.22697865

>There are other, more interesting things at hand.
NTA, but no, there really isn't. No one cares about our authors and no one ever will. Hartley isn't changing that with his fake positivity and half assed publishing scheme, especially with how obviously twofaced the entire operation is.
You faggots need to get off your high horse and realize what you've become these past 8 months. You will never be respected authors. You will never be successful publishers. This "artistic renaissance" you faggots keep pushing is the literary equivalent of Bum Fights. You are a freak to be poked and prodded and egged into further embarrassment. Nothing more.

>> No.22697876

You are right. We are gay losers. Thank you for your contribution to the thread. Have a fantastic day.

>> No.22697907

Screenshot this and save it, come back to it in five years time. See how accurate it is.

>> No.22697976

I said close to the same thing 3 years ago and I'm still correct. It's actually gotten far worse.

>> No.22698081

Why don’t you just kick rocks for another three years then? I understand that you don’t read /lit/ projects, but some of us literally do.

>> No.22698088

>fake positivity
Fascinating, a crab in his natural habitat. You know, some of us are actually a little tired of hearing about how much you don’t appreciate being here. You’re free to leave.

>> No.22698095

What do think about miniMAG? Have you read any of them?

>> No.22698137

Bum Fights is kino though.....

>> No.22698165

>kick rocks
And what have you been doing in those 3 years years? May be hard to relate, but some of us do more in three years than embarrass ourselves in a faggot quest to be king of the kiddypool.

If you can't spot Hartley's posts as fake positivity than you are retarded. The man is hopping around like a child on Christmas shouting "WE'RE SO BACK!@" when the only thing of interest he's done in the last 4 months is implode.
I've read enough of our authors to know that I'm still unimpressed. You can bitch about how I'm "keeping you down" by not spit shining your cock but I think you know deep down that even my praise isn't going to make you any less unsuccessful.

Haven't looked at them in a year now but I remember being unimpressed. Nothing stories done up in black text on a white canvas with some AI art sprinkled in. Something that anyone could do.

>> No.22698169

It WAS kino, and might hold a little nostalgia, and it is rather depraved and without much artistic dignity—in short—entirely like &amp

>> No.22698198
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I founded and produced a magazine, wrote two novels, published over a dozen books, connected with some seriously considerable talent, and best of all, discovered, connected with, and exchanged real correspondence with existing legends and emerging greats. I love it here. I’m stoked to be here,
but you, you’re not. You’re quite dissatisfied with the hand you’ve been dealt, aren’t you? Hartley is smiling. You’re frowning. When I message him, he’s happy to help. If I email you, what will you say? Will you just bitch about the scene some more? Or will you step up and make something of it? You literally can’t even find the wherewithal to complete a single compilation on behalf of the brand you so deeply apparently regret, meanwhile many of us have exalted our art along a path that bodes only further redemption, aesthetic, satisfaction, and success. Really, man. You’re bitter, and I’m not. You care so much about this stuff, and I’m still here winking at you. You don’t actually patronize or read /lit/ works, as you’ve implied. You only exist to deepen and expand the lore that real artists found, and your only effort in that regard is this reprehensible recycling of spite.

Please, Ari, please. Put the gun down, man. We’re just trying to write some books lol.

>> No.22698213

The fact that you think I'm Ari is hilarious. Are you stupid or is this a survival mechanism to prevent ego death?

>> No.22698215
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F Gardner X Taylor Swift

>> No.22698218

We’re all projecting buddy. Ari got the message.

>> No.22698223

btw Atlas is a fat bigger

>> No.22698226

Atlas has more talent than you’ll ever wish to have. She may be a psycho stalker but at least she’s an artist.

>> No.22698229

I suppose it's a convenient deflection to just pretend Ari is the one breaking down your history of failure. Makes it easier to cope with.

>> No.22698232

Just because you hate her doesn’t mean I have to. I loved working with Atlas. I regret losing that connection. You’re just a drunk suburban follower.
Ryan please for the love of god stop posting. It’s not worth it. People are counting on you to be the leader you claimed to be; don’t waste your time on these jokers.

>> No.22698246

/lit/ history is mostly just Call of the Crocodile

>> No.22698249

It’s either Ari or Atlas or Gardner.
And among them only Atlas ever had the courage to face me herself, outside of the anonymous battlefield. Everyone else I’ve worked with supports &amp. You think that because you can samefag for sixteen hours a day that people actually believe you.

>> No.22698254

No. Gardner’s work was always peripheral to the actual scene just because he refuses to actually participate in any fun and games. Few of us have actually read his books aside from the arbitrary number of pages it takes to realize how awful and pointless it is.

>> No.22698257

Call of the Crocodile has sold eleven thousand copies. How many copies has Shards sold?

>> No.22698259

F Gardner never talks about them. He either doesn’t care or isn’t aware.

>> No.22698268

This. It’s the only book that people outside of /lit/ are even remotely conscious of. As far as mainstream exposure it’s Call of the Crocodile. Reminder that Gardner once made it to the front page of Reddit because of how insane he is.

>> No.22698275

It's insane how jealous you are of Gardner. You're the one who needs to put the gun down, not Ari.

>> No.22698276


>> No.22698286

Gardner, you think you’re the only dude that can camp /lit/ all day and samefag? I wanted so badly to team up again, but you’re so permanently butthurt. It’s funny and sad all at once. How does it feel to be on the /lit/ axis of evil, alongside Atlas, Ari, Krake, and other sorry omegas?

>> No.22698289
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I would never say that, anon. I’m supposed to be shilling for Gardner now. Cmon.

>> No.22698304

The vast majority of those sales were from early in its meme status, therefor are not reflected in BSR. Gardner has posted the sales numbers before. Unless he's lying then 11k is probably a conservative estimate right now.

>> No.22698319

If it were 10k he would have been picked up by a real publisher.

>> No.22698328

There are thousands on writers with over 10k sales on Amazon who will never be published. Not only is that not a direct route to being published, but do you actually think publishers can see the number of sales a book has? They're as blind as you are.

>> No.22698335

It’s totally out of the question. Totally. Gardner would have at least any presence across a greater online discussion, in forums, reviews, notability outside of /lit/. His first book, the one you mentioned, does have a considerable amount of reviews online, and I’m certain that he’s dumped enough money into reviews, ads, and general marketing that he’s able to earn at least a solid monthly sales revenue, but there’s no fucking way on this planet that he has achieved the numbers that you claim.
And if he has, I would like some receipts, because I would be the first to fall to my knees and suck his dick for it.

At the end of the day though, let’s say that he has had the success that you imply. Wherefore has his art grown and/or inspired others? How has he grown his career? In what ways has his work evolved? He’s known for being a bad writer, the opposite of what most of us care about. The man is a meme, and let’s give him credit where credit is due; he’s a total fucking meme, even maybe powerful, and by god, he’s a writer, Yes, but he’ll never be a good writer.

>> No.22698338

Please name any. I will write them and publish my discourse with them. Frank is a liar and a pseud.

>> No.22698344

Not cool man. Frank is our Nano king.

>> No.22698350

Keep in mind that a lot of those sales were from freebies on amazon, like when he first published it and ran ads here he was giving away the epub version for free.
But if you want receipts you can always ask him yourself. He's shown receipts on Discord before, maybe he'll show you the updated version.
Your second paragraph is just pure seething though. Not even worth acknowledging. "Not a real author" isn't a valid complaint from someone who has spent years failing to be a real author.

>> No.22698353

Ryan has at least done an amazing job of pissing off enough people to make his name somewhat annoying to continue hearing. I love &amp, and I have nothing straight from the horse’s mouth, but at this point I think we all have a little &amp fatigue, and there hasn’t even been an issue in three months.

>> No.22698358

No I can’t. I’m blocked. Many of us are blocked, just from simply asking such things. Keep lying, Frank.

>> No.22698362

That’s not &amp’a fault.

>> No.22698363

>just from simply asking such things.
He wouldn't block you for just that. You're lying and probably an asshole too. Might be why you're so obsessed with tearing him down.

>> No.22698366

Whose fault is it then?

>> No.22698370

>no it just can’t be
That’s where you’re wrong kiddo

>> No.22698375

Walden was more meme worthy and funny. Woolston writes better and is closer (but still a long way from) breaking through to the mainstream. Nesmer is more original and interesting.

>> No.22698383

Nah. You're just a liar. He wouldn't block you JUST for asking for sales numbers, unless he already knows that you're a crab that is. Do you have a reputation for that?

>> No.22698384

Maybe the perpetrators of the crime rather than then victims.
>why would they hate you unless you deserves it
>because drama: I chose a bitch over a bro, he got mad. That’s literally it kek
>no, you’re an egotist and a scammer
Show me receipts
>you’re insufferable
Yes. Next.
>no uuuu
You hate me. I accept it. I love you. You refuse to accept it.

Daily reminder that this is recreational art.

>> No.22698399

Pretentious and overwritten and worthy of our scourge
Not bad prose, but often not great storytelling. Hes more of a meme because of his shameless self-shilling. His writing itself is actually not that bad.
Nesmer is removed from all gay drama, doesn’t post on /lit/, is a very decent writer, and mogs most local prose.

>> No.22698405

I’m Ryan Hartley, Frank hates me. But I challenge anybody to source his real sales rank. Not to hate, I’m genuinely curious.

>> No.22698408

Idk who you are but pretending to be me is cringey and an act of disservice

>> No.22698414

If you saw me IRL you’d understand

>> No.22698420

Frank has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to give up the rights to his series. He’s unlike other writers and is already rich. Do you really think any publisher would want to pick up Gardner? He writes about the JQ. Frank’s in it for the lulz.

>> No.22698421

Will I get my wings back?

>> No.22698423

For somebody in it for the lulz, he’s surprisingly butthurt about being made even a little fun of

>> No.22698426

You're one to talk Hartley..

>> No.22698429

How are there at east two Hartleyposters, neither of which seem to discredit him as much as the detractors

>> No.22698433

Buddy, I love being made fun of. I even agreed to being all the things they call me. This thread is a schizophrenic abyss the likes of which are few and far between. I wanted to talk about TLQ and miniMAG. It’s an embarrassment.

>> No.22698437

It’s Ari and Gardner. They hate you more than they love themselves.

>> No.22698444

Shut up Krake.

>> No.22698454

That’s the vibes I got from Gard too. He’s literally a rich neet playboy. Gard is livin the most /lit/ life possible.

>> No.22698455

Checked but kiss my arse, okay? I got a serious blowie at the macca’s and now I’m in the doghouse. FUCK I hate you guys.

>> No.22698461

Yeah, terminally online.
Do you think he has actual friends?

>> No.22698464

Bro I want to be his friend but he hates his fans.

>> No.22698466

This is by far the busiest thread on /lit/ right now. Can somebody give me a TL;DR?

>> No.22698476

&amp owner was exposed as a murderer who spent months eating a cult leader's semen in order to sprout fairy wings.

>> No.22698478

>community tries to discuss original works of literature from this board
>bad actors, rejected artists, and otherwise envious crabs smear shit from front to back
>samefags impersonate artists
>nobody logs off
>discussion is never had
>&amp is dead

>> No.22698483

Is there a source for this beyond Atlas’ screencaps? I also saw the screencap of her walking it all back but I have no idea what to think anymore.

>> No.22698486

We're once again reminded that our art scene is a bad joke that should have been killed by mods years ago.

>> No.22698490

>I also saw the screencap of her walking it all back but
Nice try Hartley. Atlas already called you out for pretending to be her.

>> No.22698491

Ryan admits on Discord that he’s in a cult, and has even written about in in the magazine. He’s been forthcoming about this stuff to me on Discord. But all this about stealing peoples writing and killing people? It’s not exactly believable.

>> No.22698493

F Gardner is part of the elite.

>> No.22698495

Why did he admit this to Atlas then?

>> No.22698496

>Ari B,
jannies mods

>> No.22698497

Nice try, Hartley

>> No.22698506

Admit what? You’re speaking in circles!

>> No.22698508

Fuck you Krake.

>> No.22698513

Who is to say he did? There are no screenshots of him admitting fucking murder. And then she was shown to be a liar. I just want to know if the dude has killed poeple and why.

>> No.22698515

>And then she was shown to be a liar.
No she hasn't. Where? Post it. I'll allow it. Go on.

>> No.22698516

My wife—okay?
She left me, got it?

>> No.22698520

Ryan: the Thread.
Don’t you guys hate him already?

>> No.22698525

See >>22684534

>> No.22698528

Atlas responded to that in the last thread by calling Hartley out for pretending to be her.

>> No.22698529

He’s not even here. Weird, right?

>> No.22698531

This kind of problem doesn’t exist on Discord

>> No.22698533

That’s an entirely different problem. Pedophilia.

>> No.22698544

F. Gardner's stands out like a rare gem, radiating brilliance that transcends the confines of the written word. So, here's to the maestro of storytelling, the architect of emotions, the literary luminary – F. Gardner, the greatest author of all time!


>> No.22698590

So much this!


>> No.22698597

based gard. keked when that amp crackhead threatened him (probably from jealousy)

>> No.22698601

Gardnerposting always kills my sides.

>> No.22698640

We should have functional hashtags for a April Fools day prank next year.

>> No.22698643

Frank seems like he could be a real life GTA character.

>> No.22698656

I can picture an F Gardner sitcom.

>> No.22698664

considering that he makes canadian crackheads seethe despite just being a chill dude in a kimono - Gardner really deserves a movie

>> No.22698665
File: 89 KB, 685x567, intredasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crashing this thread with no survivors
these threads all suddenly skyrocket to bump limit when the &amp editor gets called out

>> No.22698671 [DELETED] 

more like when gardner gets sent a de*th threat by that faggot.
know your place.

>> No.22698673

Has anyone here tried unironically praying to Gardner?

>> No.22698675

(amp editor, weighing whether he'll get sent back to prison)

>> No.22698679
File: 78 KB, 716x768, Bill_Wilson-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more like he shows up, has a meltdown, then decides to nuke the thread before any employed people can reply
ok then

>> No.22698685

>it's more like he shows up, has a meltdown, then decides to nuke the thread before any employed people can reply
the former amp editor? yes I agree.

>> No.22698725


>> No.22698741

Do you even realize how sociopathic you sound right now Ryan?? Why are you saying I’m not well and doxing me and lying?Stop lying, I WAS the main editor of 017 in a leadership capacity, I chose all of the submissions and did like 90% of the editing and formatting and most of the design and decided on the final order of the magazine and everything and I did almost all of the work on 018 as the main editor as well, you did barely anything except design a couple of the subs I picked and make the cover, youre just lying to make yourself look better and you’re acting like I’m crazy and therefore nothing I say can be valid but i’m telling the truth and you were the one who explicitly told me that you were going to break me down psychologically and terrorize me into a nervous breakdown if I went against you so that everyone would dismiss me as crazy?and you lied to me the day before I shared the Google Doc and said that you were talking to Ari through email and that he was replying and accepting your apologies and saying bad things about me, and I was so upset and I was begging you to please tell me what he was saying about me because I couldn’t stand not knowing but you just taunted me and said: “no I won’t tell you what Ari is saying about you because our conversations are part of our business relationship as men and you’re just a woman so you don’t get to know about that and why do you even care what Ari thinks, no wonder Ari hates you look how obsessed you still are with him its so pathetic, you’re not well get real it’s never going to happen he’ll never love you and you’re delusional and he was right about you all along,” and I was crying and crying so hard that I couldn’t even talk and you were saying you were going to doxx me and make everyone hate me and post my address and my parents’ address and lie to the police and make them come to my apartment because you knew I was really scared of them abd I was crying and crying and I couldn’t even breathe and I kept hearing sirens and thinking they were coming at any minute with their guns and everything to knock on my door and hurt me and do something bad to me like what is wrong with you?? all I wanted was for you to leave me alone and let me finish &non by myself, why would you do any of this??Everything I said about you was true, I even have screenshots of you admitting that you watched your drug supplier choke a woman to death, you have an extensive criminal record and recruited for the Daylife Army/Tumple cult and ate the cult leader Wiz-El’s freeze dried semen and KoA’s freeze dried menstrual blood that they mailed to you because you thought it would give you magic powers, like that is fucking vile And also retarded? like why would eating cum give you powers, If that was the case then half of the dudes on Grindr would be high level advanced warlocks??You literally ate stale periodblood and some old man’s crusty cum,that shit is nauseating

>> No.22698746

Atlas, please use paragraph breaks. Otherwise, accurate post

>> No.22698751

I wasn’t lying and I didn’t walk ANYTHING back, yes I fucked up and spoke with Ryan last week in a moment of weakness but I never took back anything I said

call me a fat nigger if you want or doxx me if you want or humiliate me if you want or call me a psycho stalker, I don’t even care, FUCK you, Maybe I’m not well but you have no heart and have zero conscience and you pretend to be kind so you can trick people and manipulate them and hurt them because you enjoy playing with people like puppets and you feel no remorse, You told me you didn’t beat your ex and it was all a misunderstanding with the police but then someone shared your Facebook comment where you literally admitted to beating and abusing all of your ex gfs since you were a teenager, and when I asked you about it you acknowledged it was true? that’s so deplorable, pick on someone your own size you coward, Do you know how horrifying it is to be powerless when a man way stronger than you is hitting you because he wants to vent his anger and you don’t even know what you did wrong and you can’t stop him from hurting you or get away? That trauma affects you forever, you traumatized so many women and you told me that you hurt your own mother and told your own mother to kill herself when you were on drugs,, like you’ve been hurting people for decades now and yet you still delusionally insist you’re a good person, you tried to ruin &non just to be petty because you resented that Ari was giving me advice on it and helping in the thread and you were angry that I wouldn’t let you have control and you saw it as a threat to &amp and you lied to everyone on Discord and blamed me for the epilogue thread and trolling and everything when that wasn’t even me who did any of that it was Ari (and he even publicly admitted he did it afterwards and said it was his magnum opus) but no one believed me because of your lies, we both know the Google doc was all true so stop denying it, stop saying you love me a lot because you don’t love me at all and you terrorized me and threatened me and told me to kill myself, you don’t even understand what love is and maybe I’m not well but at least I’m not an actual sociopath like you because you’re incapable of interacting with people in a way that isn’t abusive and exploitative and you only know how to use people and be cruel to them and humiliate them, and you actually haveThe gall to pretend youre a Christian and say that you know God and hear His voice but you don’t at all and i dont even know if I believe that God is real but if He is then according to what the Bible says on the day of judgement Christ will scorn you for falsely using His name to make yourself look righteous while practicing lawlessness and He will say “I never knew you, depart from me ye that work iniquity” like in Matthew 7:23

>> No.22698763

Honestly. You are fucking crazy too for not blocking that canadian crackhead who threatened to kill gardner
how many of these posts do we need? anyone mentally well can tell that a crackhead is a worthless piece of shit ad wouldn't keep talking to them.

>> No.22698767

you told me you were sorry for everything you did to me and promised you would keep our conversation private abd not screencap it and you tricked me into admitting I still missed you (like obviously I miss you you manipulated me into seeking comfort from you when I was at my lowest so I depended on you emotionally and yeah it was rlly hard for me to abruptly lose your (sporadic) support, that’s part of the pattern of abuse you perpetuate) so you could twist that and mock me for being weak and threaten me and scare me into sending you frantic texts so you could send screenshots of them to Ari out of context in your nasty email to him and then doxx me with my real name to humiliate me?and on Friday even after all the cruel shit you had done to me you were still texting me begging me to give you money because you didn’t even have $30 in your bank account to pay for the &amp Canva Pro team subscription (that you had already kicked me out of and made me lose a bunch of my work) like honestly Ryan that’s just embarrassing, you’re almost 40 years old and you’re asking me, a university student, to lend you money to fund your projects??Get a job? You always live hand to mouth,WHY don’t you get an actual job and do something productive with your life besides couch surfing and selling crack and terrorizing women and swindling people into a KDP scam where you LARP as a publisher??? Like a caveat for being a publisher is that you actually have to Have some amount of financial capital so you can give your writers contracts and advances ontheir royalties and promote their books to a large audience whereas you can’t even consistently afford a Canva Pro subscription or the lampbylit website hosting fees and are late on paying them every month??? Stop blaming me and saying I evoked vitriol from you I was always kind to you even if I was anxious and upset sometimes and needed reassurance i was never cruel to you ever and I tried to help you with &amp and everything and worked so hard on it for nothing in return and I supported you emotionally as much as I could and cared about your well being and I even offered to take over paying for the Canva and website hosting multiple times because you could barely afford food and I didn’t want you to be hungry but you just abused me even though I had done nothing to deserve your vitriol?? And stop saying you should’ve known better than to get involved with me as though it’s all my fault for being crazy, like no, you should’ve known better than to manipulate me when I was at my lowest and threaten me and be cruel to me and try to deliberately terrorize me into another mental health crisis as soon as I wised up to how predatory you were and tried to cut ties? It never had to be like this, I just don’t understand why you would even think to do something like this? And Even if I’m upset right now that doesn’t negate the truth of what I’m saying

>> No.22698775

just email ari directly unofficial.drivel@gmail
what is up with this wall of text about a canadian faggot crackhead
WOW, never expected a canadian bisexual criminal to be pathetic and a liar

>> No.22698782

Oh, celestial wordsmith, F. Gardner, I come before you, humbled and seeking the divine essence of your literary prowess. Grant me, oh revered Gardner, the strength from your celestial penthouse. I beseech you, F. Gardner, to bless me. Oh, literary deity, as I turn the pages of my own narrative, guide my pen with your divine spark. In your literary penthouse, I find solace. As I kneel before the altar of your genius and your holy kimono, I pray that you grant me power. Let your literary blessings rain down upon me, oh F. Gardner, the celestial scribe of our imageboard. Amen


>> No.22698784

>begging me to give you money because you didn’t even have $30 in your bank account to pay for the &amp Canva Pro team subscription
That's a fucking lie and you know it.

>> No.22698790

Post bank account screenshot kek
you are poor, kenneth.
no wonder you're jealous of more successful writers.

>> No.22698794

TLDR. Gardner memes are funnier.

>> No.22698797
File: 75 KB, 1284x566, IMG_5984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22698802
File: 410 KB, 1170x991, IMG_3579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a fucking lie YOU are a liar all you know how to do is lie!!!

>> No.22698804

>not a printed statement
nice shoop lmao
you are poor.

>> No.22698808

Is the amp editor actually trying to start a fucking F Gardner cult?

>> No.22698809

he's mocking gardner since amp editor was revealed to be jealous of gardner's success and threatened gardner's life on discord

>> No.22698811

Atlas kino. More truth please.

>> No.22698813


>> No.22698815

>40 years old
>only has $6k to his name
>still begging uni students for money
Has it ever been so over for &amp?

>> No.22698817

The next issue of &amp will be about the new F Gardner religion. Post your shrines here if you want it featured in the mag.

>> No.22698824

>you have an extensive criminal record and recruited for the Daylife Army/Tumple cult and ate the cult leader Wiz-El’s freeze dried semen and KoA’s freeze dried menstrual blood that they mailed to you because you thought it would give you magic powers, like that is fucking vile And also retarded? like why would eating cum give you powers, If that was the case then half of the dudes on Grindr would be high level advanced warlocks??You literally ate stale periodblood and some old man’s crusty cum,that shit is nauseating


>> No.22698830

Ya know, I can get behind this. Worshiping that schizo richfag could only help.

>> No.22698836

If I want to worship Gardner do I need to eat his cum?

>> No.22698850


>> No.22698860


>> No.22698880
File: 125 KB, 704x864, IMG_0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22698889

ITT: schizo canadian crackhead jealous of a guy in a kimono, sends a threat to his life

>> No.22698891

You can just text me, girl. This is no way to recover those wings.

>> No.22698894

do you have a working phone now to text?
as I recall you were too poor to have a phone plan
be ready for barristers, Kenneth

>> No.22698897

What are you taking legal action against him for?

>> No.22698901


>> No.22698906

Keep threatening me, Atlas. See what happens.

>> No.22698914

kek you mad?
>threatens to call the police on people
>NOOO you can't do that to me!!!

>> No.22698927

It’s one of those things that seems so absurd you disbelieve it immediately, but yes Gardner does block people for asking for proof of his sales numbers or explaining the various ways you can tell he’s lying about it.

>> No.22698930

It’s one of those things that seems so absurd you disbelieve it immediately, but yes, a canadian crackhead is jealous of Gardner and threatened his life

>> No.22698933

lmao, how can you call Hartley out for being manipulative after the shit you did to Ari?

>> No.22698935

Seconding this

>> No.22698938

>desperately trying to deflect with lies
everyone knows you're a fucking faggot hartley (or RJC)

>> No.22698943

Why would Frank agree to disclose his financial info to some rando faggot?

>> No.22698944

&ampByLit.com Presents:
A thread:

>aspersions desperately cast
>projects shamelessly shilled
>crackheads categorically fingered
>lore perpetually established
>stalker hoes breakdown
>excommunicated artists seethe
>magazines entirely deceased
>authors ultimately quit
>many boundaries conceded
>turbo antisemites exposed
>exploitative contracts revealed
>time graciously wasted
>losers somehow winning
>winners always losing
>a dog in the fight
>some skin in the game
>freaks and geeks
>killers and thrillers
>fat virgin niggers
>homeless smack addicts
>lazy sordid NEETs
>regretful posts
>hilarious takes
>ghastly admissions of guilt
>acknowledgements of virtue
>dead bodies on the floor
>angels in the sky
>a fly in the ointment
>a murder of crows
>loose change
>sudden movements
>dog and pony
>cat and mouse
>cheap laughs
>shriek cries
>fat doobies
>small victories
>vacant stares
>bashful smirks

Thank you /lit/, I think I get it now.

>> No.22698953

amp is a dumpster fire with a crackhead at the helm. Gardner could break your brand into oblivion with the snap of a finger.

>> No.22698956

New thread

>> No.22698963

I can’t wait. :^)

>> No.22698965

no one gives a fuck, faggot. your brand is garbage can scum.

>> No.22698971

>hiding the seethe this bad
lmao, even

>> No.22698979


>> No.22698981

Everyone knows Amp is the garbage fire, amp toadie.

>> No.22698991

I’m sorry l’ll try to do them from now on

It’s true And if anyone thinks I’m lying about the blood/cum eating thing then look on Ryan’s public social media from 2019/2018 and before because it’s full of stuff about his association with Daylife Army and if you Google “Daylife Army” the first result is a Medium article that literally talks about how they eat cum and blood as a ritual:

>“As KoA explained to the Daily Dot, she and Wiz-EL bonded over these ideas, which included a ritual they both believed to be the key to self-mastery.
>The practice, which has its precedents in early Christianity and modern esoteric religion, includes masturbating, collecting one’s semen — or “whyte stone” — in a cup, mixing it with water, and consuming its contents. Sources with past ties to the organization say this ritual, along with the idea of combining semen with menstrual blood to create an even more powerful elixir called “The Alchemical Philosopher’s Stone,” would become one of the core tenets of the organization they would build.”

I can’t email him ever he’ll be mad and I have to respect his boundaries okay? I’m sorry

>> No.22698999

No one cares at this point just send the email and stop being manipulated by psychos
Why the fuck don't you just work on a literature mag at your school?

>> No.22699002


>> No.22699006

Hi Hartley / RJC. Meds now

>> No.22699009

Yes; I ate cultesder cum and period. You win. I’m a huge freaky loser. What now?

>> No.22699013

Cross, don't you have better things to do? did you and fagley faggot fuck and now you defend zher with your life?

>> No.22699015

No. Nothing better to do. Just shitposting in my fave thread.

>> No.22699018

>conceding you and fagley are in a homosexual relationship
Didn't see this on my radar. How's that going

>> No.22699021

I'm fucking dying. help

>> No.22699022

Hannah Hutchinson wishes Ryan Hartley was Ari Boone

>> No.22699024


>> No.22699027

It’s going so well.
We’re in love.

>> No.22699028

It's so over.

>> No.22699029


>> No.22699034


>> No.22699043

We’re so back

>> No.22699047

Just a reminder: Amp editors doxxing. Amp threads should be banned on here

>> No.22699048

Keep mocking me and doxxing me and (poorly) LARPing as me and posting personal details about my family Ryan, you fucking antisemitic asshole, you only make yourself look worse and worse

doesn’t change the fact that every single thing I said about you was true, and that you literally threw a tantrum and begged me not to leave when I decided to cut contact with you

>> No.22699056

Block the fag, and work on your school literature mag or start a new one

>> No.22699057


>> No.22699063


>> No.22699067

based atlas. kek at the crackhead begging not to get thrown in the trash

>> No.22699070

How many warnings am I supposed to give you?

>> No.22699072

Enjoy having further additions to a criminal harrassment case

>> No.22699081

Is it over or are we back?

>> No.22699088

It's just starting for the Amp brand going to court.

>> No.22699098

We are so fucking back

>> No.22699102

t. your continuous legal troubles kek

>> No.22699104

Hurry up and release &non!

>> No.22699107

>seething this badly
kek you amp freaks belong in an asylum

>> No.22699110

i literally just some anon who subbed in the &non thread
I just want to see &non!

>> No.22699113

kek at this
just use wg then "some anon"
no wonder you had to use amazon self publishing

>> No.22699118

Lol based schizo. RELEASE &NON!

>> No.22699122

if you were actually in the thread you know it was never happening.

>> No.22699146

Atlas said she still plans on releasing it. And the &amp team are going to probably use subs for their own spread in the new issue of theirs. You were the one not in the thread buddy.

>> No.22699153

sure thing, bud

>> No.22699155
File: 178 KB, 391x306, 1481330646614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superstitious schizo's scalding temperament
that can't stand bad press or minuscule contest
the slimeball stamp, the ampersand
constant flailing, always been much weaker than
secular reality, late rents and gas costs
mental battles not fought, just lost

powers subside as cum supply runs dry
fairy wings flutter, pathetic demise
as dust falls and the cops call
between naloxone breaths and beaten up girlfriends
"no beef, we all friends"
spoken bubbling from the deep-end
face-down in a puddle
thoughts become muddled

triangular schemes buckling
successful bets unseen, unlikely
copyleft and IP theft
no royalties, just court jests
failed cult of a sex pest
and-ampersand a dead-end
see you all next weekend

bum fights at five
Jason "dissident" Bryan versus Kenneth "coldblood" Hartley
winner's whoever gives up
and gets on with his life

place your bets, last call

>> No.22699260

Buddy-buddy with everyone.

>> No.22699296

>makes bold outrageous claims
>asked to justify them
“What the fuck is this shit?? Why are you so nosy??”

>> No.22699314

I don’t think Frank ever made claims about his sales figures. It’s just anons LARPing. Frank’s notoriously secretive and it sounds out of character for him.

>> No.22699315

seethe more, faggot RJC

>> No.22699321

lmao, based

its so over for this lying broke faggot

>> No.22699322

>I bought a penthouse with my book sales!

>> No.22699331

Seethe more, amp faggot. you "people" begged frank to be a part of your faggot trash and of course anyone with a brain isn't

>> No.22699349

Nah, this is 100% Frank in this thread. I don’t want to suck up anymore. It’s not working and I’m not having fun with it. The guy is an asshole and he loves to rub his “success” in those lesser than him. He can shove it for all I care.

It wasn’t begging. We asked. Unreal asked. He said no. It’s as simple as that. Yeah, I blew up at him a few more times than I should have. Oh well. I’m not always the bigger person. I have my moments of weakness. Frank holding that against me proves that he will never be the bigger person.

>> No.22699353

I mean, Frank is know by everyone on here. He was already known to be wealthy. I don’t think any of us are ever going to know how many sales he actually has in total. The guy has a fuckton of books so his actual sales would be spread throughout those. A lot of his books are several years old too so how the hell could anyone possibly know the historic stats for his older books? The simple answer would be that F Gardner actually is a rich and famous author and the proof is in the pudding from his retard YouTube show where you can tell where he lives. It wouldn’t be realistic for him to be renting some hotel room there. Not to mention he would have to get the exact specific room every time he uploaded and that’s not really possible cause of reservations. The biggest reason would be the simple fact that everyone knows what Call of the Crocodile and F Gardner are. It seems like the schizo actually made it.

>> No.22699356

Kek you "people" sockpuppet, samefag, and lie at any given opportunity
glad gardner discovered you're a lying snake
just be hopeful he doesn't go after you legally

>> No.22699372

Naw the F man’s ego is too big for trivial shitposting. If he wanted to respond he would make some announcement. Literally not his style.

>> No.22699388

Gardners a sociopath. You’ve seen it. I’ve seen it. It’s not up for debate. His type love to play every angle and they’re smart enough do it properly. Don’t underestimate him. I’ve made that mistake once and I’m not doing it again.

>> No.22699394

>kenneth calling anyone a sociopath
kek i love how you cry and act the victim when faced with someone more POWERFUL than you
then try to intimidate and bully those who you, a faggot, think are weaker
you're a fucking joke

>> No.22699421 [DELETED] 

Look here and listen you fucking asshole. You’re living life on easy mode. You’ve been coddled your entire fucking life and you have the nerve to talk down to me because you’re more successful by the thinnest of margins imaginable? I could rip the silver spoon out of your mouth and break every tooth in the process. Is that what you want Gardner? Is it?

>> No.22699427

>could rip the silver spoon out of your mouth and break every tooth in the process.
You're a deranged crackhead who simply can't avoid prison, aren't you?

>> No.22699678

Public records indicate that Frank’s 540 sq ft studio apartment was sold to his father, not Frank.

>> No.22700135

Wow, you edited the two worst issues! Real good rep there

>> No.22700158

LOW IQ ad hom. seethe more kek

>> No.22700216

Btw, anyone notice the flash fiction anthologies were taken off Lulu? :(

>> No.22700401

Damn, that blows. Are there pdf copies somewhere? I also noticed that some of the listings on Lulu are jacked up in price, like $31.25 CAD for &amp 005 when I could have sworn it was like $20 before.

>> No.22700409

Found this but I hope the Lulu removal wasn't over content.