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22698750 No.22698750 [Reply] [Original]

I was in a job interview the other day with a guy and a foid and they asked what I like to do in my free time and I said I like to read.
At the end of the interview the girl asked me what books do I read and I told her Im reading Brothers Karamazov and she said she didnt know it, I told her it was Dostoievsky, a russian author. And the guy told her: "its some deep philosopical stuff, I also my deep phase".
What do I do now? I cant keep reading it now that I was humilliated. Was he right?

>> No.22698756

*he said he also had his deep phase

>> No.22698757

He's fucking her or wants to and je used you to look better by comparison. But yes it is pretty bitch-ass to read shit like that.

>> No.22698758

Do him in like Raskolnikov did that stupid foid in CP.

>> No.22698764

What do i read then?
But that wouldnt solve my problem

>> No.22698768

Read whatever you want but don't talk to people about it, obviously

>> No.22698770

But she asked me

>> No.22698773

Because you mentioned you like to read.

>> No.22698785

Is asked that question again, just let them know that you enjoy scarfing down goychow and watching TV

>> No.22698789

Should have jumped up and pissed in his mouth. Man zooms zooms have no spine.

>> No.22698793

I would've laughed scornfully as soon as he said Dostoevsky was "deep", forcing the inferior male to concede my intellectual superiority and making me look good in front of the foid.

>> No.22698796

This is why I never talk about my interests with normies. The brainrot is real.
>hahah let me make fun of anon for talking about this philosophy thing in a job interview

>> No.22698799

It would have just made you look like an autistic window-licker if you weren't already mogging him

>> No.22698801

Report the incident either to his superior and/or your relevant work health and safety organisation. That sounds a lot like harassment or bullying in a context related to employment, which is of course unlawful.

He doesn't "look better," he provided evidence of his true personality, which both of you will use to make decisions about your relationship with that person. If she asked anon about his reading, that would indicate to me that she was interested in anon and the trash-tier interviewer became jealous and did not have the emotional nor social maturity to process that feeling appropriately.

He already made the decision to give her the job and it had nothing to do with your resumes. You dodged a bullet in not having to work with a narcissist.

>> No.22698805

The foid wouldn't get it. She would just think you are a weird insecure chud.

>> No.22698821

who the fuck cares what someone else thinks about your reading. grow a spine zoom zoom. that faggot was clearly insecure
>muh deep phase
so what does he read now, Hardy Boys?
btw that last line as a comeback would lose you the job but you don't want to be around that homo anyways

>> No.22698832

You should have told her you like to keep your reading private therefore developing an air of mystery and secrecy; she will develop the insatiable need to unravel the enigma that is you.

>> No.22698852
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Why do people belittle others like that? I just don't get how it is entertaining.

>> No.22698862

It’s what modern white men do to feel masculine. Black or Asian men don’t do this type of shit

>> No.22698863

Because it gets a rise out of you. If you dont let it affect you and/or strike back it flusters them

>> No.22698864

Would have just made him look like a liar.

>> No.22698876

serves you right to be honest I bet you wore a tie to the interview too lmao please tell me you didn't wear a tie and something other than sneakers to a job interview haha holy shit what is this 1965 or something

pro-tip, no more ties and your hobby is spinning up tech collabs from now on, ok? you can at least pretend to appear normal

>> No.22698879

This. OP should have said his hobby is something related to the job

>> No.22698882

what was the job

>> No.22698885

Some finance entry level job

>> No.22699285

Good luck anon

>> No.22699300

>I also my deep phase
In non-ESL terms.... wtf are you talking about here OP?

>> No.22699328


>> No.22699344

The right response to this (with zero fucks given):
>Deep? Nah. He's just a really good fiction writer.

>> No.22699345

If anon is telling the truth about the story, it’s possible the guy put his foot in his mouth and wasn’t trying to belittle you. Either way it comes off highly unprofessional

>> No.22699350

That's a coward's response. Too scared to genuinely defend the things you're interested in.

>> No.22699358

To elaborate he may have actually been trying to compliment anon but anon is so cynical he takes compliments as sarcastic

>> No.22699360

He's calling OP a pseudo-intellectual

>> No.22699367

Disagree. Being defensive is cowardly. One-upping the little bitch is the right response. "Oh you think THAT'S deep? Nah, it's just fun to read bro"

>> No.22699369

>Finance entry job
Buddy, you're attacking it the wrong way.
You either enter that realm as a contract employee and work your way up or come out of college as a newbie.

>> No.22699379

'deep? nah, just really entertaining'

>> No.22699383

I was getting this same thing coming from a self contracted business venture where they laughed at me and asked what if I felt like a failure. Two interviews after was at AIG making 75/hr. It always works out in the end.

>> No.22699385


>> No.22699387

You have autism.

>> No.22699401

I was in a job interview and as we spoke the guy interviewing me unironically virtue signalled about wearing a warm jacket at home to save heating oil in solidarity with ukraine. He later asked what I was reading and I just said a book about political activists in early post-soviet russia. Not entirely accurate but the things is, it was Sankya by Sachar Prilepin. The author is some high-up in the military of Donesk People's Republic fighting against Ukraine and just got blown up by a car bomb placed by pro-ukrainian partisans a few days earlier. I figuered he was never gonna google that shit anyway so I just told the name and author and got a little internal smirk for myself out of it. Dude even seemed genuinely impressed.

>> No.22699510

>wearing a warm jacket at home to save heating oil in solidarity with ukraine
lol wtf, what country

>> No.22699521

Women love it

>> No.22699607


>> No.22699652
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What did you think capitalism was? It’s taking abuse from people you hate in exchange for not living on the streets. In a non-capitalistic society you could have walked off or beat him to assert dominance and do a stint in a Norway-tier jail or prison.

>> No.22699654


>> No.22699670

Are you guys seriously this sensitive? Is this why normies are always piping with rage over nothing?
The dude's comment meant nothing it's just a throwaway comment on the one quality he could think about the book. It was a lazy comment not a belittling one

>> No.22699688

>bro just do nothing while you let men disrespect you in front of women

>> No.22699700
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I would have been like "yes... yes it is" and looked at him like this

>> No.22699728

Anon, it may surprise you to know this as an autist, but people you've just met aren't actually that interested in you. Allow me to translate.
What you heard: "What do you like to do in your free time?"
What was actually said: "What do you and I have anything in common and are you weird or normal?"

>> No.22699750

>he's an autist because some random motherfucker tried to insult him out of nowhere
No, shut the fuck up with your disgusting redditism.

>> No.22699763

>he said he also had his deep phase
h-heh yea so you dipped your toes

>> No.22699769

it's a just beta cuck just saying something in front of the whore, there's nothing to worry about

>> No.22699770

Guys like this are usually tightasses, women like them only if they're successful in their fields. If the guy is giving interviews he can't be doing that bad. You can't compete with him upfront he's wielding status . You don't get to not be the beta male in this situation

>> No.22699774


>> No.22699809

Again, you're letting your autism make you overanalyze the situation in terms of power dyanmics etc. I'm not even sure it its autism or just insecurity.
Most normal people treat initial interactions as an opportunity to find common ground rather than info dump their character sheet and full backstory on the other person.
In anons situation:
Normal person (pass):
"Oh I like to watch netflix (list some popular shows the other person might have seen based on your general read of them so that you two now have something to make small talk about)"
What an autist does (fail):
List their tedious niche hobby which there is almost a zero percent chance the other person is also into (painting Warhammer miniatures, studying the Safavid empire, reading russian lit) thinking the other person actually gives a shit. Their interlocuter now feels exhausted by their olive branch attempt to connect with the person and gives up.

OP failed and it was funny, chad meerly pointed this out to assure the others he was someone who would pass the social ability check.

>> No.22699858

if you felt humiliated you should've waited until the day was over in the parking lot then broken his knee or something that's how men settle things

>> No.22699861

Concealing your true thoughts is the most cowardly thing you can do. Changing your thoughts just to outmatch someone else is pure deception and cowardice.

>> No.22699866

it's usually indicative of future trouble if this person keeps being around

>> No.22699867

I like some of Dosotevsky a lot. But since my tastes aren't developed much yet I never name him for the fear of being called out as a pleb. What's the worst thing for me is I'm nearly 30. Wasted my life being a /tv/ and /mu/ fag. Don't be like me ne guys.

>> No.22699869

>list some popular shows the other person might have seen
But then you have to watch shows on Netflix .
If you lift and have good aesthetics and fashion the other person tends to want to really know what you do

>> No.22699871

is in the top echelon along with cervantes, tolstoy, etc. just keep reading

>> No.22699879

/lit/ is pretty much the only place on the internet where people pretend that reading is some kind of redflag for normies, let alone for job interviews. In reality, it's literally the safest "positive" non job specific hobby you could name when asked that question during a job interview.

>> No.22699881

Just keep reading books you think are interesting, dude. Life is not a race to become le most based esoteric chud, contrary to what some here may say.

>> No.22699890

you are either a NEET or you work in a very low tier job. Everyone who knows anything about how job interviews are conducted and the purpose of their questions will tell you that reading literature is widely regarded as a far better answer to the hobby question that talking about tv shows you watched. Namedropping some fucking Netflix or Disney+ slop is on the same level as talking about your favorite video game. Meaning, you are instantly disregarded for any higher positions. But if you only ever applied for work at McDonalds then you obviously wouldn't know that and it didn't really matter.

>> No.22699895
File: 169 KB, 640x751, chud-like-features.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it is not deep if it's a phase.

>> No.22699905

first of all, OP's story likely never happened. Secondly, if we suspend our disbelief and assume it really happened exactly how OP said, then the interviewer acted way more anti-socially and autistic than OP did by making his little disparaging comment. Any normal, well adjusted person would just answer with "oh, I read the Brothers Karamazov too, great book!" and then move on. It's an incredibly famous book that most educated adults have read.

>> No.22699948

>"you work in a very low tier job"
>"But if you only ever applied for work at McDonalds then you obviously wouldn't know that and it didn't really matter."
proving my point that your socially retarded aspie with no idea how to interact with people.
clearly OP misread the situation. also, it isn't. allowing the person you're talking to to think they're more intelligent than you never did anyone any harm socially.
If you're a 9/10 decked out in a gucci suit then perhaps you can get away with detailing your warhammer fetish or whatever, but it isn't going to help you. the point of an intial interaction is to find something in common with the other person. period.
Look man, you can do whatever you want to do. If you feel its your mission in life to be "le individual" and come off as such in every social interaction, then you'll get that.
But, if you've just met someone, and want to get along with them, you should focus on trying to pick up on the type of person they are and find things in common.
Clearly OP either misread them while genuinely trying to connect (unlikely) or just is an autist who was info dumping taking questions at face value and not worried about trying to find common interests (highly likely).

>> No.22699971

What info dump? OP was asked about his hobbies, he said he likes to read, which again, is widely regarded as one of the most common positive general answers to that question. The interviewer inquired further what he is reading and OP gave her an answer without going into any further unasked for details.

Also why are you constantly going on and on about common interests? You realize that a job interview isn't a fucking date, right? You keep calling others autistic, but frankly, you sound incredibly socially inept to me.

>> No.22699978

Didn't the male interviewer in this story say that he too read the Brothers Karamazov? So mission accomplished, OP found a common interest. Which would be a very positive thing if this interaction actually happened and wasn't just a made up story by a dumb frogposter trying to play into the insecurities of this particular board.

>> No.22699989

>It's an incredibly famous book that most educated adults have read.
You mean adults educated specifically in humanities or English literature? 9/10 highly educated STEM adults haven't read it. In general most "educated adults" haven't read it either.

>> No.22700022

>is widely regarded as one of the most common positive general answers to that question
>"i have studied the normies"
again more autism. next time you're in a social context, just try to be a basic bitch and focus your attention on finding dumb shit which you have in common, youll be amazed how much your social life improves sperganon. oh and btw, it very much is a date. they've already decided you're qualified based on the resume, its mostly about deciding if you'll "fit in" at the interview stage, and how much they like you.
he was just saying he's aware of it and dismissing OPs answer. clearly the mission was not accomplished. whether this is all made up or not who knows, but I've seen things like this happen plenty of times at the office

>> No.22700026

OP you should honestly know better at this point in your life. Female HR is universally recognized as retarded.

>> No.22700028

Should've casually replied "nah it's fairly shallow, baby stuff"

>> No.22700037

>she said she didnt know it,
should've said something to the effect of "where did you go to school?"

>> No.22700074

Germany. It was suggested by the chancellor and the minister for economic affairs. Depressing amount of people loved the idea

>> No.22700087

"Really? Why'd you stop?"

Questioning an attack is the best option when you can't physically harm him or argue with him (since it's an interview)

>> No.22700096
File: 89 KB, 304x360, 860C5330-9FE7-4B07-AB1C-7B1AAC68F738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy wants to fuck the foid
When she showed interest in your hobbies and you depicted yourself as a man of culture, he immediately felt threatened so he tried to humiliate you, even though he exposed himself as an insecure cunt in the process.
Now, whether or not this episode will make him score points with her entirely depends on her personality.
As for yourself, you should aready have forgotten about this incident, unless you want to fuck the foid too.

>> No.22700100

>"Really? Why'd you stop?"
Ouch, that’s a good one. Of course autistic op could never have thought of that, let alone deliver it properly.

>> No.22700118

thread over.

>> No.22700128

>>Deep? Nah. He's just a really good fiction writer.
That's a good answer and it's true.
Dosto might be great, but if OP's enemy think he's overly complex he's surely a DUMB fuck.
Be ready to fight the guy too. Don't forget to check your opponent's size before getting into a debate (I'm serious).

>> No.22700129

Pussy whipped slaves feel the need to show off and perform ridiculous rites to gain their gynocratic master's attention

>> No.22700156

It’s not over until OP challenges him to a duel and fucks the woman.

>> No.22700163

Anon, I suppose you should already know that some people are cruel and stupid

>> No.22700167

Back in the day Dostoevsky was high school reading.
t. my mom told me

>> No.22700171

/thread. Are you a man or are you a louse OP?

>> No.22700175 [DELETED] 

Parents did love them enough

>> No.22700177

Parents didn't love them enough.

>> No.22700179

He sounds like an annoying beta. There’s always a few of those around.

If I was interviewing you OP I would have prob had a proper conversation with you about it and tried to get you hired for potentially being based.

I wouldn’t worry about it long term but if you’re gonna have to be around this guy a lot I would avoid any prolonged conversations.

You should try to continue the conversation with the girl if you’re interested in her though.

>> No.22700186

serves you right for reading dostoslop

>> No.22700200

TBK is great your only mistake was sharing your hobby with a 90 IQ manager of some fucking gayass tech company or whatever bullshit position you were applying for. Doubtless he had ten years on you and wasted them not reading jack shit. You’re a fucking pussy if you don’t finish it and pick up Either Moby Dick or Count of Monte Cristo immediately afterward then set your eyes on the postmodernists, namely Barth and Gaddis. Fuck plebs retards and any loser in a “leadership” position. This is a turning point you can either be a sigma or a low self esteem loser like that absolute faggot. (Btw he’s not really fucking her, she isnt impressed by him and you should only accept the position if you should desire to condescend to sticking your cock in her just to spite him.

>> No.22700240

lol idiot, should've just mentioned a sport/instrument or something

>> No.22700256

And then when the retard gets a boner over football wtf is he going to do, dumbass?

>> No.22700258

Insecurity about self worth which leads to >>22698863.
Be understanding and let it pass, they'll come to realise they're being looked down upon and stop or go away.

>> No.22700269

>Normal person (pass):
>"Oh I like to watch netflix (list some popular shows the other person might have seen based on your general read of them so that you two now have something to make small talk about)"
AKA being a boring dime a dozen joe.

>> No.22700271

Ghastly rigamarole.

>> No.22700289

>being scared to talk about your interests

lmao you must live a shit life

>> No.22700312

This poster is a soulless drone.

>> No.22700320

Seeing a man try to put another man down to make himself look better is the most insecure and cringy thing out there, women dont like this shit either

>> No.22700325

Agreed. It's probably my main filter of people, I have a sixth sense for people like this after many years being around them.

>> No.22700329

>Seeing a man try to put another man down to make himself look better is the most insecure and cringy thing out there,
>women dont like this shit either

>> No.22700654

The irony is that this poster is info-dumping without finding common interests with other posters.

>> No.22700663

It's just some retard virtue-signalling and bragging about how normal and well-adjusted he is. Probably a redditor.

>> No.22700665

Should've killed him with an axe...to the face

>> No.22700673
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Something similar happened to me except I told them the last book I had read was A Man Asleep and they all made fun of me for pronouncing Georges Perec wrong

It was a fast food job

>> No.22700827

You belittle women all the time

>> No.22700832

Women hated us first for things out of our control

>> No.22700833

cut their heads off rip their eyes out and eat their brains

>> No.22700859

According to dating profile statistics, about 90% of women and 80% of men see it as a positive if their potential partner i likes to read. This dude isn't nearly as much of a normie as he thinks he is, it's just a really awkward attempt to make people feel insecure. This isn't /v/ though, reading is always socially acceptable, in any social circle.

>> No.22700862

Like what?

>> No.22700865

Of course, the guy who made the remark to OP was just a mean-spirited faggot. There are many of them out there unfortunately.

>> No.22700867

>uses the word "foid"
>some rando belittles him
>"oh no why are people so mean to each other?"
you are a child

>> No.22700869


>> No.22700872

If he had stopped at saying it was deep philosophical stuff you’d be right. But he had to throw in that he “had a phase” like that too, positioning himself as someone who has moved on from that kind of thing while OP is still lagging behind. The connotation of “phases” being the periods of dumb shit teenagers do for attention makes it worse. This nigga was flexing on OP and frankly I think OP has the right to cut his brake line for it.

>> No.22700895

As boring as this story is, it's not even true, is it?

But seriously, isn't this exactly the problem. You're literally reading it to get approval from other people, and now you can't keep reading it because it didn't work. Don't read for other people.

>> No.22700905

but they are whores and feminist and witches

>> No.22700909

Either he's a faggot or he tried to destabilise you and see how you react. Anyway, you shouldn't care, for HR is the most retard-filled branch in the corporate world.

>> No.22700913

This is the correct answer. Especially if you can pulll of a condescending chuckle at "deep", like the very idea of Dostoevsky being deep is amusing to you.

Then focus all your attention and body language on the woman and engage her on a one-on-one conversation, actively ignoring any attempts by the beta to butt in.

Later when you get the job, put rat poison in the betas sandwhich ot slip some crystal meth into his desk and tell management that hes been acting erratically. Its the only way of dealing with these people short of killing them (which is unfortunately illegal because liberalism was made by and for middling cuntbags like this).

>> No.22700915

My subhumanity

>> No.22700950

Russians are cringe. Should have said you like to read 1700 artillery drill manuals or little house on the prairie

>> No.22700958

>Later when you get the job, put rat poison in the betas sandwhich ot slip some crystal meth into his desk and tell management that hes been acting erratically.

>> No.22701053

>More stats autism and attempting to understand human beings through the data

>> No.22701067

Don't read too much into it. People don't think that much about what they say. Why would you waste your time perseverating over it? Just read your book and live your life. Hopefully you get the job you want.

>> No.22701068
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There was a thread on this board a few days ago with hundreds of replies where people were unironically posting their IQ test/ vocab test scores, and you're implying that what I'm saying is not maybe just maybe applicable to a few /lit/ autists sperging out about russian lit to normies ? Really brother? Don't bullshit me now.

>> No.22701075

This is worth lifting up: In the situation, in the interview itself, the interviewer undoubtedly acted more retarded than OP. OP answered a question earnestly and the interviewer transparently tried to turn it into some kind of flex.

>> No.22701089

Lol deluded

>> No.22701144

How is this as a response?

>"Shame it (that deep phase) didn't last very long"

Is it too passive-aggressive?

I find that my hypothetical responses in such situations are either very submissive or overtly and needlessly aggressive.

>> No.22701151

I am sorry that happened to you, OP.

>> No.22701172

You will be tempted to engage in this way. It is almost always a mistake, especially when talking to people in a professional setting who you don't know very well. When someone tries to trick you into a rigged game, the only winning move is not to play. The right response was to silently let the moment pass. At most offer a noncommital sound of recognition. "Mhm." Change the subject. Ask the girl another question.

>> No.22701176

The difficulty is coming up with something on the spot. Your best bet is usually just to pretend you haven't heard it.

>> No.22701190

A better response is to just pause, chuckle to yourself, and blindside him with a haymaker. You need to assert physical dominance over these creeps. Afterwords do your mating dance over his stunned flacid body and the foid will be yours to breed.

>> No.22701356

Dude you're fine, just a shitty joke. It's all in your head. Is hypersensitivity an autist trait?

>> No.22701370

Dostoevsky is one of those names that people have vaguely heard about but never actually read for themselves, so from their perspective it sounds like you're just namedropping to sound smart.
When people ask me that question I just say "I like old books, from before 1900 or so, the best of world literature" and they usually stop enquiring further.

>> No.22701404

>I was in a job interview the other day with a guy and a foid and they asked what I like to do in my free time and I said I like to read.
At the end of the interview the girl asked me what books do I read and I told her Im reading Brothers Karamazov and she said she didnt know it, I told her it was Dostoievsky, a russian author. And the guy told her: "its some deep philosopical stuff, I also my deep phase".
What do I do now? I cant keep reading it now that I was humilliated.

This is like a scene from Dostoyevsky. What would the Underground Man do?

>> No.22701478

Whine like an incel about it

>> No.22701485

Never tell others tht you read

>> No.22701555

>so what does he read now
12 rules for life, I imagine.

>> No.22701558

That is not outside of your control.

>> No.22701577

Good post

>> No.22701590

>data is useless bro you just need to INTUIT that you should answer the question with "i watch netflix lol" and this has nothing to do with the statistical popularity of netflix, it's just a vibe

>> No.22701593

>its some deep philosophical stuff, I also had my deep phase.
I gonna give you some stella advice to deflect all normie attention and bullying power. Just flat-out talk about death. People hate thinking about death, at work even more than normal. I would just say "I'm troubled with mortality and reading this stuff helps... Done! DEATH EQUALS ALL. NO FOIDS BEAUTY SURVIVES IT. NO RADOM DUDE IS ABOVE IT. It's our blessing to roll into the unknown face first, either with the hope of paradise or the certainty of silence or gnostic transmutation..., while they take their crumbs of happiness and don't think.
I have used this trick both on hoes who wrong-foot me and dudes who think life's boring enough to warrant paring me. I'm alone.

>> No.22701839

Not everything is about your smelly cunt lol

>> No.22701961

Correct response is "no that's my light reading, my deep phase was last year". It's joke so it doesn't ruin the meeting but still shows you're not some awkard walkover.

>> No.22702046

>roll over and concied the insult to him while pretending to be part of the joke (which is on you)
The correct answer is to say "haha you too" and then stab him to death in the parking lot when he leaves work

>> No.22702074

Waiting is cowardly. You have to react immediately and with overwhelming force.

>> No.22702258

Quiet, doll, the men are talking. Go fix us some snacks

>> No.22702269
File: 29 KB, 349x455, whotfcares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people do not read anything and are very opposed to anything resembling intellectual or "pretentious" content.

There was a time when a refined taste was cultivated by the elite. Now it's different. You have to demonstrate that you enjoy low culture just as much, if not more than, proper literature, which you must always treat with equivocation at most.

This is not a subject treated lightly by normies. They really truly deeply madly despise anyone who is "pretentious" (reads books, uses long words, does not enjoy pop culture slop). Nowadays you have to be a pop culture enthusiast first and foremost, and if you do enjoy high art that has to be wrapped in caveats and knowing irony.

>> No.22702385

>What would the Underground Man do?
Chuckle awkwardly, say something along the lines of "Haha, yeah I'm still going through my phase..", then stalk him on all social media platforms and fantasize about getting him fired.

>> No.22702392

95% chance this never happened. Reading is almost always seen as a positive unless you are reading weird shit, and then it depends what the weird shit is. This OP is playing on the insecurities and persecution complex of anons

>> No.22702401

that's completely different and besides the point

>> No.22702406


>> No.22702416

Because she asked what I like to do in my free time

>> No.22702489

Enjoy and like what you like you fucking retard.

>> No.22702507

>I also had my deep phase
Imagine saying this not realizing or caring that you've just outed yourself as a retard.
But it's your fault for even hinting at your IQ in public. Midwits secretly feel intensely vulnerable about how dumb they are, and their only defense against it is to immediately rally their whole gang of retards against any non-retard they detect. Best to just hide it completely. Schopenhauer goes into depth on this topic

>> No.22702646

What if we are the midwits and he is actually right?

>> No.22702680

I would've asked who his favourite character was. Why is this humiliating to you? Was he right about what? His dismissive response may signal insecurity but it's equally possible and more likely that It's also the wrong environment to naturally discuss it.

Don't think too much about it anon. Who's your favourite character?

>> No.22702690

People who don't feel threatened don't act threatened.

>> No.22702692

ah yes, impostor syndrome looks very nice this time of the year

>> No.22702696

This is automatically what I think when people say they’re reading Dostoievsky. I think they’re either massive fedora tippers or jordan pererson types that don’t actually read.

>> No.22702700

>it's equally possible and more likely that It's also the wrong environment to naturally discuss it.
In this case he would have just made a slightly awkward "uh huh" and quickly changed the subject. People don't openly mock people out of nowhere in a professional setting, they only do it if they feel implicitly attacked.

>> No.22702707

Odiously bad post. Not only are you wrong in the advice you give, you also don't seem to realise that you're unconsciously trying to impress the hypothetical bozo referenced in OP's post because your animal mind is threatened by him and you feel capitulation to this man is your best bet.
As others have already stated, he was threatened by your intelligence and acted out of insecurity in the hopes that it would make him look like the better man in front of the woman. If she has an IQ >90 she will have seen straight through it.

>> No.22702713

To me, this seems like a weird response on his part. It doesnt sound like he was even trying to be insulting I think he might have just been unintentionally rude. Honestly kind of an embarrassing, awkward thing to say on his part. If I were you, I wouldn't even have really registered it an an insult, I would have just thought this guy was a retard who wasnt very good at normal conversation.

>> No.22702714

Man fuck that guy OP, you read whatever you want to read he's a bitch for saying that honestly

>> No.22702752

>OP is autistic and deserved what happened to him because he's not playing the game properly
>Anything wrong that happens to you is because it is a moral failing on your part
I hate this shitty failed normalfag bootlicker logic

>> No.22702754

>"its some deep philosopical stuff, I also my deep phase"
Ordinary if slightly awkward social interactions are brutal humiliation rituals for introverted shut ins. Quite sad.

>> No.22702767

>its all about asserting dominance
youre laterally some 5'4 sperg /pol/chud who weighs eithe 90lbs or 400, and its a job interview, yes, you should be worried about how you come off neet.

>> No.22702788

Absolutely, but in fairness think about how you'd feel deep down with a 100 IQ. You spend your whole life toiling to enrich all the intelligent Machiavellians whose traps you've been falling into your entire life. You know that you will never win at life except superficially, and even if you reproduce, your kids will also be at the mercy of the next generation of high-IQ masters.
Now some random guy comes along and seems to leap at an opportunity to rub his intellect in your face while you're interviewing him. Of course all that rage is going to come bubbling up, yet all you can muster is a petty little passive-aggressive comment. You maintain a strong facade but you can't shake the painful reminder that you're nothing but livestock.

>> No.22702865

this shit is so funny how hard basic human shit has triggered you all.

>> No.22702915

The goal of any nation is to break the individual into a piece of machinery to be utilized by the state. Any form of dissatisfaction expressed from the individual is seen as a moral failing on their part because the state naturally defends itself from criticism and reflects it back onto the individual, whom it rightly sees as its enemy.

>> No.22702926

A lot of high IQ people are passive or autistic. Many are also moral. Mastery takes a special combination.

>> No.22702932

You should just ignore him and continue talking to the woman. If he keeps saying stupid insecure nonsense you can give him the occasional look indicating that you think he's retarded and not worth addressing.

>> No.22702935

>its some deep philosopical stuff
Whoever talks like that should be executioned at public square

>> No.22702983

He didnt say exactly that, I translated it and I dont remember exactly what words he used

>> No.22702998

Does he talk about it in one of his short essays or in the world as will and representation?

>> No.22703016

>That’s ok, intellectualism isn’t for everyone. Let me guess, you’re reading 48 laws of power now?
Is ask you had to say

>> No.22703019

No reason to tell the truth

>> No.22703052

They shit on you even though you are more or less right. It is stupid to expect people to show interest in your autistic obsessions. Trying to appeal to common ground is a major part of successful conversation

>> No.22703167

>gee wiz i sure hope that i can find some common ground with this guy that pointlessly insulted me in order to impress a foid, i sure do hope he likes me
Literal slave mentality.

>> No.22703260

Its fine. On 4chan the more seething replies you get the more you know you're on to something. There are so many bait posts it perfectly filters out any opportunity to get under some ones skin unless you've actually spoken the truth.
Regardless, their responses proved it anyways. Stats, "muh power dynamics" pseudo masculine PUA theory adjacent bullshit, Nietzche, all this stuff is classic aspie cope. Hopefully one or two people will internalize and try.
The funny part is a lot of people will start seethe threads about how unfair normies are when its clear ITT pride, rather than a lack of ability, is whats holding them back.

>> No.22703269

You're meant to masquerade as a normie to get in the door.
I usually just say going out with friends despite having zero friends lol.

>> No.22703516


>> No.22703570

Are you faggots british or something? Let me tell you something mother fucker, NOBODY in america reads. Americans are fucking retarded. God it’s like we need our own board, I constantly see these optimistic posts on the population and know you cant possibly be from the nigger-infested states.

>> No.22703588
File: 188 KB, 470x470, 1682013372503071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was threatened by your intelligence
>this is what dostosloppers actually believe

>> No.22703591

You guys need to stop being such pathetic people pleaser. Nobody gives a shit about finding common ground with every person they interact with. Least of all in a fucking job interview.

Are you seriously telling people in every situation where you are asked about your interests some basic bitch shit like watching Netflix shows, in fear of not fitting in? That is incredibly pathetic and frankly has the complete opposite effect on people than what you're hoping for.

>> No.22703598

that is beside the point, it's still seen as a very positive thing in general. Most americans are fat fucks, but if you are fit and have a sport as a hobby, that's also immediately seen as a positive, regardless if the other person does the same sport as you or does any physical activity at all.

>> No.22703601

Anon, what did you mama and your papa tell you the purpose of a job interview was?
Do you think HR lady really want to be there any more than anyone else ever wants to be doing their job while they're in the moment actually doing it?
The people doing the interview, especially HR, are forced to talk to you. They don't actually give a shit about your autistic taste profile or how smart you think you are. You could be a little empathetic and make that easy on them by discussing something they to can discuss.

>> No.22703609

Just yesterday I was reading in the locker room and one of the surgeons I work with/for asked what I was reading. I said wuthering heights and he said something like wow so that’s a real book, literature even. I said (awkwardly cause I’m still somewhat socially fucked up from childhood) yeah, I like classics. He said that’s cool, man. Granted he is more cultured than most people I work with but I bet some day I’ll meet someone who reads and we will talk literature all the time and the plebs will look on in wonder. I also turn the tv off in the break room or talk shit on whatever is on because its always some retarded shit.

>> No.22703612

OP was asked about his interests, he said he likes to read, the interviewer inquired further what he likes to read and he answered her plain and simply without going into any further unnecessary details. How is that making their job difficult? Now they can move on to the next question. The purpose of a job interview certainly isn't to find a conversation topic with the interviewer and to make small talk about the latest Netflix show, you autistic fuck.

>> No.22703614

I agree that reading isnt disdained as some on here are saying but it definitely isnt revered nearly as much as sportsball.

>> No.22703619

>I would've asked who his favourite character was.
Yeah, should have asked him how many are the brothers Karamazov.

>> No.22703620

this is very true of all the rich people I know in my life. they spent so much of their lives working their ass off in business, owing companies, or as high level execs in finance which is stressful and difficult. at the end of the day they just want to come home and spend time with their kids before carting off to cottage country for the weekend to get plastered and go boating so they can keep up the joneses and flex on their middle class friends. during the week they come home and watch low brow tv to unwind.

these people have no interest in the esoteric or in “bookish” conversation and would consider people who talk about that to be dorks or uninteresting because they don’t want to talk about the latest golf driver that came out or whatever the reality tv flavor of the month is.

The worst is that these people are extremely narcissistic due to the fact they work in high positions and make a ton of money.

I’m sure this was different 100-200 years ago when the demands of the elite business world weren’t as soul crushing and television and being terminally connected to your phone wasn’t a thing or expected. These people are expected to be reached at all times.

Personally, I'm leaving the business world over the next couple of years to teach high school because it makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.22703621

It is actually kind of alarming that you don't get it anon.

>> No.22703624

No point in arguing with someone whose just trying to win friends, he’s probably never broken the bounds of aquaintanceship with anyone so wouldn’t understand or appreciate authenticity. It’s like good will hunting. He’s terrified of what he might say. Doubtless his coworkers think he is an okay guy but nothing more nothing less. Certainly the men don’t admire him and not a woman has rubbed herself off to the thought of him.

>> No.22703626


>> No.22703638

Man this is hilarious how much basic human interaction is getting you spergs riled up. So much fcking seethe in a post not even direct remotely at you or concerning you in the least kek.

>> No.22703644

No, what's alarming is how autistic fucks like you were never actually diagnosed and are going through life in a way that leaves them so socially crippled that they can't even tell a person about their hobbies and interests without faking some weird persona. And the truly hilarious thing is the persona you are faking looks infinitely more pathetic to any normal person than if you had just been honest.

>> No.22703649

you do you anon, but I am just telling you that should you ever decide to quit your NEET ways and find yourself in a job interview, DON'T start a conversation about your favorite anime or Netflix show. I assure you, the interviewer does not want to have a conversation with you, it's not a date, they don't want to have a conversation, they just want to get through with their questions.

>> No.22703676

Should have just laughed at him and proceed to ignore any of his further remarks simply staring at him. That or end up like in Notes From Underground.

No fr though in such cases just go along with the joke either he was trying to fuck the girl who he just saw in a job interview of all places or was simply making a honest joke. Either way laughing at such a situation would be a good response, be it at the person or at the joke

>> No.22703678

True. It's also likely he meant nothing by it as well.

>> No.22703681

Bruh then it was the foid's fault she could have just stopped him at the "I like reading books part" no need to ask which books

>> No.22703692

Being overly honest and having meltdowns are autistic traits and I suggest you get checked out.

>> No.22703696

It’s a book dude it’s not that fucking personal lmao tf is wrong with you

>> No.22703716

You're sure acting like a sperg.
I work in an office in a customer facing position, B2B role.
You should try and remember that people are always just people anon, no matter what hat they have on. It'll make life a lot easier for you.
A lot of decision that other people make regarding you that will affect your life will come down to basic social skills and things like popularity and public opinion within the tribe. Most people (literally nearly everyone) are 99% heuristics and unconscious processing that they then rationalize and intellectualize ex post facto.
The sooner you get that through your head, the easier time you're going to have in this life.

>> No.22703738

>mfw I actually aced an interview by mentioning Miss Marple and the elderly HR lady turned out to be a huge Chrisite fan, so we spent the entire interview talking about Christie books
It was not even some 200 IQ social ploy - she literally did look almost exactly like Joan Hickson in the TV adaptation.

>> No.22704018

It's one of the main themes he touches on throughout Counsels and Maxims

>> No.22704356

There are tons of sports that Americans would clown you for playing. Any man who plays tennis is thought of as gay, any white or black person who plays soccer would be mocked ruthlessly, anything obscure would make you seem like an autismo, etc.

>> No.22704360

He was right, assuming you are older than 14 or so.

>> No.22704383

what profession is this? Guaranteed credential-gatekept white collar stick bundles. They mad because they don't have time to read

>> No.22704392

Oh and another thing, reading is considered a higher value sexual trait evidently. I assume this is even moreso for reading deep. The interviewer might have been trying to match op's status flaunt by claiming he also read the same book, and then trying to dismiss oppo as inferior at the same time in front of the girl

>> No.22704405

I still don't see how any of that means you have to lie to people about your hobbies and interests if they ask you about it. Especially when it's such an innocuous and common hobby as reading. I simply don't think it's a good idea to live your life in such an insecure manner where you constantly are obsessing over what other people think of you.

Also not everyone you meet needs to like you. If you try to please everyone, that will have the effect that you come off as a completely fake person that nobody truly likes being around. You sound like someone who doesn't have any friends.

>> No.22704432

This anon knows. All the anons saying OP is just overreacting to a casual comment have never been out and experienced the little jabs guys do to cockblock each other. Don’t care if it was a job interview and not a bar. That’s how these slime balls are their whole lives through.
If you get this job OP, you need to kill this man. He thinks he has the upper hand now, strike him down while he least expects it. Fuck the girl on his desk. Doesn’t matter if you’re not attracted to her, a message needs to be sent to the others.

>> No.22704433

Seems like you never graduated from highschool mentally. For adults, any physical activity as a hobby is always seen as a positive in a society that is becoming increasingly sedentary. And playing a team sport as an adult implies you have real life friends and a healthy social circle. It's certainly never seen as a negative in a job interview.

>> No.22704473

Right, I'm not saying OP has the personality type to really become a threat to the interviewers (e.g. become their boss or use his knowledge and cunning to get them fired in the event of a conflict), but the interviewers didn't know him well enough to be sure yet, so they were still on edge because he flaunted his potential.
By him bringing up what they consider an intellectual topic, they instinctively felt that he was testing their intellect in order to find out how easily he'd be able to outwit them if necessary. Of course, he wasn't consciously doing this, but that's how their instincts read it.
Their only move at that point was to acknowledge their recognition of the test as well as to hit back a little bit in order to send the message, "I have some fight in me, so you should pick an easier target instead." Remember, all of this was happening instinctively. They weren't consciously thinking about anything I've just described, they were just acting on feelings.

>> No.22704501

He wouldn't be lying. I didn't tell him to lie. Its just a shift of emphasis to something he could build a bridge around. If he hasn't watched netflix, then he could talk about movies, sport, or nature activities, whatever.
>If you try to please everyone, etc etc etc
No one is asking you to become a different person or change your personality. You're just attempting to make small talk with someone you've just met and will likely never talk to again. Someone who needs to like you for you to get the job.

>> No.22704626


If you can pivot immediately, get the foid to engage - and keep her talking, the man is left hanging outside of the conversation. His zero-sum esteem boosting transaction collapses, and he goes from being the aggressor to being irreverent.

>> No.22704667

Nah, this absolutely works if you can deliver it with cartoonish condescension. Turning it into a joke lets you subtly affirm his assertion that your reading is trivial and masturbatory, while still getting to make your own assertion that you're much smarter than he is.
Everybody smiles and has a good laugh, everybody gets to feel like they got their little win in, it's great.

>> No.22704747

Everything else in this thread is zoomer mental masturbation. Being the interviewee is inherently beta and misunderstanding thinly masked social questions is symptomatic of zoomer brain rot. The question they were asking is “we potentiality have to spend 20-40 hours a week for years with you, could you assure us you’ll be easy to work with and a positive addition to our office’s social culture?” Instead you utter rubes waste mental energy planning revenge scenarios the equivalent of “nothin personnel kid” while pretending your “autism” is holding you back. Finance employee drone #383582974 was indeed past his pseud-stage but zoomers are going to be stuck there forever.

>> No.22704824
File: 148 KB, 662x727, syc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night me and a couple female coworkers were chatting and joking together, and they suddenly they started talking about how my laugh sounds weird and fake. "Can you laugh again?" Then when I did it later they started mocking it, telling eachother that they're so mean.
I cried the entire drive home and even up the stairs into my apartment until the alcohol took effect and I started fantasizing about moving into a remote cabin in a tundra somewhere forever. It's so hard for us to put ourselves out there, getting shut down like that hurts so much.

>> No.22704832

>this thread

Jesus Christ…

>> No.22705020

Dostoevsky is precisely the author people who are just going through a "deep phase" read. Anyone of real intelligence. or depth realizes that the man had nothing interesting or meaningful to say.

>> No.22705027

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.22705059

What's so deep and philosophical about dostoevsky anyways?

>> No.22705110

>Dostoevsky is precisely the author people who are just going through a "deep phase" read. Anyone of real intelligence. or depth realizes that the man had nothing interesting or meaningful to say.
In this case that's irrelevant unless you're just trying to flame OP. People of barely average intelligence can't distinguish between "deep phase" works and works of great genius, viewing these two categories as one because they find both equally impenetrable. If the interviewer could tell the them apart (i.e. could penetrate works on the level of Dost), then he wouldn't have felt any need to snub OP for being able to do the same.
Instead, the interviewers knew they were incapable of continuing the conversation even into "deep phase" territory, let alone anything beyond that. Their options were:
1. Let the conversation stay on non-pop books and end up looking like children,
2. Quickly and politely change the subject, thereby admitting that they couldn't hang,
3. Snub the interviewee in a superficial show of strength and solidarity, thereby saving a small amount of face.
OP gave them a bunch of bad options. As before, it's best never to flaunt any sort of intellectual ability publicly.

>> No.22705290

The proper response to retards like that is to just laugh at them. he might be socially savvy, maybe trying to knock you down a peg. And/or he's just a dick who's never had a genuinely "deep" thought in his life.

If you're smart, it's good to spend lots of time in my opinion conversing with, and trying to have "deep" conversations, philosophical, political, whatever, with average intelligence or low intelligence people. Once you do this enough and hear the stupid shit that comes out of their mouths, especially about things you actually have researched and know about, you'll react naturally to situations like this by just laughing. By laughing at someone openly you completely discredit them. It takes a lot of natural confidence to react effectively to someone laughing at you. Stupid people listen to confidence more than anything

>> No.22705307

Name 1 author who had something to say.

>> No.22705350

Dr Seuss

>> No.22705844

>Fuck the guy on his desk. Doesn’t matter if you’re not attracted to him, a message needs to be sent to the others.

>> No.22705881

Just say im reading Gide or something and the pseuds will be perplexed. Please don't say Dostoevsky. Or, for example, say "I'm reading Bordiga, I'm reading Pannekoek, I'm reading Hegel"

>> No.22706011

>these people have no interest in the esoteric or in “bookish” conversation and would consider people who talk about that to be dorks or uninteresting because they don’t want to talk about the latest golf driver that came out or whatever the reality tv flavor of the month is.
No its more like most rich people these days are midwits who think business is the peak of human accomplishment. they have midwit tastes in things and they typically are of a certain tribe which isnt know for art and poetry, preferring to focus on money changing. Soros, Buffet, Gates, Bezos, Musk. None of them said anything profound because they dont know how.

>> No.22706666

they absolutely do

>> No.22707077

Stay based OP

>> No.22707093


>> No.22707094

Ignore the cucks

>> No.22707096

>On 4chan the more seething replies you get the more you know you're on to something
Ah yes... Retardation = correct

>> No.22707097
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Bro NGL I'd that's the top echelon then I think I have nothing else to look forward to but VNs which I haven't explored thoroughly yet

>> No.22707099

Failed normalfag seethe

>> No.22707104

First sane post ITT.
>The question they were asking is “we potentiality have to spend 20-40 hours a week for years with you, could you assure us you’ll be easy to work with and a positive addition to our office’s social culture?”
absolutely spot on
> Instead you utter rubes waste mental energy planning revenge scenarios the equivalent of “nothin personnel kid”
kek, very true.

>> No.22707112

>The worst is that these people are extremely narcissistic due to the fact they work in high positions and make a ton of money.
Might also go the other way as well

>> No.22707113
File: 23 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.4204003702_22mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has convinced me that 90% of this board is 18 and under. Or that you're all safety-leashed-big-helmet-in-public tier gigatarded

>> No.22707117

We all agree he's not deep, dumb poo

>> No.22707119

>pre-Freudian complexes
Tell me more, your writing style makes me think you have high IQ

>> No.22707124


>> No.22707145

they hated this anon because he told them the truth

>> No.22707151

Stop replying to yourself

>> No.22707189

>As opposed to what?
>What do you mean by that?
There, you made him either sound like a retard or making him stammer to explain himself realising that his snide comment didn’t go unnoticed.

>> No.22707298

Geschwind Syndrome

>> No.22707857

Did you get the job?

>> No.22707867

read whatever you want. fuck what anybody has to say about it.

>> No.22707886

Acknowledging from the outset that OPs story is fake and likely generated by an AI: you're a fucking loser dude. Lmao you brought up warhammer miniatures and bullshit. In this tall tale, the woman asked anon what he likes to do, he said read, she asked what he reads, he told her the name of the book hes reading, then he said the author, then some guy acted like a faggot and put him down for no reason because he is a faggot.
He didn't say he likes to disassemble printers and put them back together on the weekends, he said he likes to read and then answered direct questions about it and then another man decided hey you know what, now is a good time for me to be my faggot ass self.
The only thing anon did wrong in this entirely fake story is not respond by saying "you had a deep phase? Absolutely could have fooled me" which would have cost him the job, but who fucking cares?
There is nothing true within this post other than the revelation that the anon who wrote it sucks off guys he believes are superior to him and wants to be like them lmao

>> No.22707902

>Odiously bad post. Not only are you wrong in the advice you give, you also don't seem to realise that you're unconsciously trying to impress the hypothetical bozo referenced in OP's post because your animal mind is threatened by him and you feel capitulation to this man is your best bet.
THIS is the anon who they hated because he told the truth. the other one is literally gay for other men and wants to let them fuck him in the butt.

>> No.22707923

yeah you're right in that that's the essential purpose of any interview, beyond assessment of ability to do the job.
Saying you fucking read books and then answering two direct questions with the authors name and title of the book is not some ludicrously autistic, off-putting response in the mind of any normal person or hiring manager, and as another anon pointed out, would likely win points. In this story, which is again, fake, the other guy was not past his pseud stage, never even had one, has never heard of Dostoevsky or the Bros Karamazov other than some vague recognition that it is a big boy book that smart ppl read way beyond his depth, his balls shrank bc there was a woman in the room, and then he went "yeah well I'm still the coolest guy in here" and the woman probably thought to herself "what a motherfucking cornball."
It is of absolutely no shock to me, the social status of most anons

>> No.22707930

Should've told him you were sorry to hear it was just a phase but we can't all have depth

>> No.22707940

Why is that post causing so much seethe multiple days later if its just some throwaway opinion?

>> No.22707946

I just got here, I haven't been on /lit/ in months.
And probably because its such a motherfucking horrendous mis-assessment. If it was bait, it was excellent.

>> No.22707974
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One thing is that people develop themselves automatically until 30 and after 30 development stops so you have to force yourself to reach new levels. He is lame because “he went just through basic deep phase” and stopped gaining knowledge and focused on other things, but thing is he will stay whole life the way he developed himself untild 30 and you anon are curious lad and never stop being curious and gaining knowledge. It doesnt matter what some job interviewer said they are so much into ego masturbation in the business world.

>> No.22707986
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Sounds like you're young, unproven, and relatively powerless which makes you insecure. They won't say that shit when you get a bit of power because that's all normies care about. To a normie mind the only thing that matters is acquiring safety, security, and then power in that order. This person's "deep phase" was some attempt to gain power and prestige by appearing like an intellectual, a true pseud. Normies think the purpose of education is to get a degree, the purpose of intelligence is to get a good job, the purpose of morality is to get along with society. Once you have all those things you realize how pathetic and sad they are. Keep reading Dosto young philosopher! And go even beyond that! Fight to conquer the highest minds of men for no other reason than the burning in your soul. The only pseud is the one who stops thinking, learning, and striving.

>> No.22707995

>caring about the opinions of lesser people
Your insecurity is not the virtue you were led to believe.

>> No.22708036
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People told me that too, actually anon you just have need to try to fit in so you laugh probably because you are kind and want to make others feel nice when they tell a joke. I find most of shit unfunny bcs i got autistic humor and sometimes i have to laugh to not make others uncomfortable.

>> No.22708661

You're 100% right. I almost forgot that I don't actually find what they're saying funny enough to laugh at.

>> No.22708791

It cuts to the litcel's tender and perverse heart

>> No.22708892

no its actually just a really shitty interpretation of the situation. genuinely
Saying that the response "I read" is some like whackadoo autistic social failure, sounds like something an autistic guy who doesn't understand or have much real world experience with social experience, would say, because he's trying to come across as if he does actually understand it really well and fool everybody in the room into thinking he's not actually mentally retarded.

>> No.22708916

This. Reading is overwhelmingly seen as a good thing as long as it isn’t all you do and you aren’t reading taboo books. Dostoyevsky is very normie friendly and generates a lot of respect

>> No.22708920

All that plus the other guy probably looked like a huge fucking faggot for dunking on the kid
if this situation were even real

>> No.22708929


Look if you want to enter this world you better get used to this.
Finance people all have a very stereotypical performative "fake" personality exactly like this.
You at least have to learn not to take it personally if you want any chance of making it which that alone is very hard for some people.

>> No.22708933
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>I also my deep phase

>> No.22708941

Idk but I would have said something along the lines: "Oh, I see you got out of it. Or was he just too complex for you that you gave up?"

>> No.22708952

Or maybe just: "oh, did you give up, then?

>> No.22708956

I have been able to feel the physical, near ethereal mutual repulsion between me and any of the salespeople or executives at any job I have ever had in terms of just core misalignment
I could never understand

>> No.22708978

Yeah, most likely it isn’t even real or maybe OP twisted the words when the guy gave a self deprecating type of answer

>> No.22708997

should've mentioned "I just like to hang out with my bros, bro"

>> No.22709009

In AP classes nowadays.

>> No.22709064
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I have a bad habit of overanalyzing things but you fags are on another level. Life must be unbearable for you.

>> No.22709656


>> No.22710449

and what does the foid think in this situation? does she fall for the attack or see through it?

>> No.22710459

Who decides whether something was analyzed too thoroughly? You? I think not. Now get your feet of the table, bussy.

>> No.22710462

off (onlyfans)

>> No.22710643

You should've said something like

>What do you read?

This would lead him to say either that he doesn't read or that he reads trash. Your response could then either be

>Yeah I used not be able to read because I had a terrible attention span, probably from Tik Tok and stuff. Anyways, about a year ago I stopped wasting my time looking at 30 second videos of cats and then I found myself able to actually do useful things with my time like reading books


>Yeah I used to be happy enough with books like that but then I read enough of them that I started to realise they were all basically the same shit. They were pretty much the book version of Teletubbies so I downloaded 1001 Books to Read Before You Die and now whenever I'm at a loss for something to read, I randomly choose a book from the list. I've found that if you're clever enough to actually read most of these classic books, you'll get a lot more out of them

Alternatively, you could have made eye contact with him for however long it took for the smirk to disappear from his face and said

>Don't be a fucking asshole
>What's your fuckin problem?
>What? Too tough for you? Maybe The Cat in the Hat is more your speed?
>Man...you're being a fuckin dick
>etc etc

>> No.22710644

Good, you are a faggot.

>> No.22710650

Pure fantasy rubbish. If you don’t want the job then you shouldn’t even go

>> No.22710655
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yeah haha... that would've showed him. he'd think twice before messin with you next time... ahha

>> No.22710667

You should have KO'd him right there and then, anon.

>> No.22710699


You don't need to fight anybody. People aren't used to being directly challenged so I gave two options. Twist the narrative to make the guy look stupid, but assuming OP isn't witty enough to pull that off, flat out insult him/call him out for being a dickhead and make the situation really uncomfortable for everyone. Try it next time you two get bullied

>> No.22710711

how many a presses does it take to read his book

>> No.22710712

>creating elaborate power fantasies to own le chad in your head ex post facto instead of not being a sperg and trying to show everyone how smart you are with the stereotypical "Im very deep" #1 ranked novel of all time in the first place
dont think you know how cucked this line of though is anon, shiggy

>> No.22710724

You wouldn’t use either of the options you gave, who are you kidding? This type of interaction planning and fantasy is a telling sign of a sperg and schizoid

>> No.22710821

it's not a fight, it's a straight KO. Done. Over. Owaridayona.

>> No.22710825

>Sankya by Sachar Prilepin.
Read this in a Russian politics class. Those fucking guys are insane

>> No.22710830


He got watch for rolling rocks down to 0 recently, by the way

>> No.22710860

Trying to pettily one-up people like this in real life is not the way to go, at all. You'll turn everyone against you if you go around doing this. Your default response should be to come off as totally unfazed without escalating. It makes you look strong and him weak, and avoids things potentially blowing up into a big, hazardous rivalry over nothing.
It's like with replying to bait. Responding makes you look wounded, ignoring makes the baiter look like a clown.
The really ideal move is actually to respond in a way that fully diffuses the situation and even paints your opponent in a good light, which makes you look classy as hell in front of everyone.

>> No.22710975

>Who decides whether something was analyzed too thoroughly? You?

>> No.22711204

Holy shit.

287 replies of insecurity.

Just be authentic, when someone asks 'What do you like to do?' answer truthfully. If you are confident and have some self-respect you should have no trouble talking about what genuinely interests you in a natural and enthusiastic way that draws in the other person.

It shouldn't matter what the other guy says because you shouldn't be an insecure faggot who lets a slight from a guy you've just met hurt your ego or make you question your interests.

Either grow a spine or if you're that insecure about your hobby then maybe it isn't for you and your hobbies should include Marvel movies , sportsball, and nothing else.

Though rest assured, if our paths ever cross, I will still bully you.

>> No.22711998

I discovered in my long years of fucking women and lying to them that they mostly read autobiographies of celebrities and self-help books, or at least that is what they say they read among the mountain of cheap smut and romantic literature.

>> No.22712097

Have you read Limonow by any chance?

>> No.22712370

Why do women love biographies so much?

>> No.22712395



>> No.22712510

I have not

>> No.22713348

you are a mouse, an inhabitant of the underground. dostoievsky satirized about people exactly like you. fuck you, OP, you faggot.

>> No.22713456

this sounds noble and nice, but isnt true and anyone who is on the smaller side, or scrawny, has some kind of noticeable weakness, knows its true. Go tell an ugly man to let everything slide. He has his whole life. It hurts. It produces rage and resentment. Sometimes, you should tell people to fuck off, if only to keep your own sanity.
Also I'm gonna let you in on the other side of this reality. I often open my mouth when I'm disrespected, and cause scenes. I've lost jobs. I probably am behind in life because of it. I don't make a lot of money.
Whenever I do this, people look uncomfortable and outraged; I always get pussy. Literally. I never have a hard time getting a woman to see me as a man. Many men do. Do you wonder why? Because they take it. They always fucking take it. Then they go home and tell themselves how classy they looked. Every woman thinks hes a bitch for doing it but wont say anything bc shes too nice. I have never had to wonder, "did she cum?"
Do you get what I am trying to say to you? You're telling yourself lies.

>> No.22713493

Not really the quote i was looking for but oh well cest la vie.
"Human beings do not seek pleasure and avoid displeasure. What human beings want, whatever the smallest organism wants, is an increase of power"

>> No.22714655 [DELETED] 

Good, you are a faggot.

>> No.22714676

He's right, westerners only pretend to like Dostoievsky to seem deep. Although fewer have since recent events

>> No.22714690

The other guy felt threatened. The chick showed interest in anon.

>> No.22714728

Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Solzhenitsyn, Dickens, Hugo and Dumas.

Also, keep reading Dostoevsky, anon.

I do not want to press any hard feelings, but retards do not read, and if they do, it is without fail either contemporary novels that are proclaimed to be "deep" (Sarah J. Maas, Angie Thomas, Stephanie Meyer, Jame Patterson, etc., etc.) or The Great Gatsby (which is the only classic that they like, it is a weird pattern I see, not that this book itself outs you as a retard specifically).

>> No.22714761

I was reading Nietchze on my phone at the dentist, he asked me what I was reading and after I told him he looked impressed. He then proceeded to tell me how the Chinese are taking over South America. Cool guy, I think he was Indian or something.

>> No.22715190

read William Blake, Confucius, ancient Indian literature, freud, Yeats's occult writings, postwar Japanese lit (kenzaburo oe), there is never not enough great literature and I have never found a good VN despite loving some anime and videogames.

>> No.22715196

I am the latter, with moments of being the reincarnation of John Milton

>> No.22715773

Lmao,your dentist revealed his power level,that is somehow hilarious.

>> No.22716512

>What you heard: "What do you like to do in your free time?"
>What was actually said: "What do you and I have anything in common and are you weird or normal?"
This kind of normie apologism is how I know you barely leave your room.

>> No.22716517

>Normal person (pass):
>"Oh I like to watch netflix (list some popular shows the other person might have seen based on your general read of them so that you two now have something to make small talk about)"
No they don't.

>> No.22716551

Just bluntly assert that it was rude without losing control.

>> No.22716625

you're correct but this isnt a good thing--at all

OP shouldve kept the answer as vague as possible and redirected the question somehow back to them or answered safely with sports or smth

>> No.22716649

Are we really gonna act like reading isn’t a general and approved hobby? We really going to act like Dostoyevsky is eyebrow raising? No wonder some of you are so poor socially. Holy fucking shit at this thread; whether spergs micro analyzing or readers with persecution and victim complexes, this thread is embarrassing and probably bait in the first place. No one is going to give you shit for reading Dostoyevsky in the real world and thinking otherwise just how little some interact with it

>> No.22716670

Holy fucking cringe post. I hope this is bait, KYS

>> No.22716673

tl;dr of this entire gay little thread?

>> No.22716683
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>> No.22716689

Autists and insecurities

>> No.22716693

Me on the back

>> No.22716780

Two autists met at a job interview, one wanted the job and the other to impress his coworker. Neither got what they wanted

>> No.22717955

great post up until the fanfic anon