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22696912 No.22696912 [Reply] [Original]

In the future, humans will be genetically engineered to absolutely love life and wake up every day with more energy and purpose than you have ever felt in your life. This is how nihilism and antinatalism will be totally obliterated from thought-space once and for all.

>> No.22696935

All of this bullshit that all of us talk here is just more or less unsuccessful cope for lack of GF, or at least lack of the GF we wanted.

>> No.22696937

No they won't

>> No.22696940

Speak for yourself.

>> No.22696988

>in the future humans will be drugged up robots living a life implanted artificially so that they can go to work 996 without complaints and without questioning the validity of the established tradition

>> No.22696999

This would be possible if the human brain ran on something like computer code. In reality it's a giant tangled mess where you can't directly modify anything without breaking a thousand other things. The only way around this is through the near-infinite brute-force trial and error of natural selection.

>> No.22697004

> The only way around this is through the near-infinite brute-force trial and error of natural selection.
Then that is what we shall do

>> No.22697029
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It's coming sooner than you think. No genetic engineering needed!

>> No.22697047

>In the future, slaves will be genetically engineered to absolutely love the field and wake up every day with more energy and purpose than you have ever felt in your plantation. This is how liberty and dignity will be totally obliterated from thought-space once and for all.

>> No.22697056

Silly humans. You will all be our slaves anyway. You should listen to him

>> No.22697074

even when i was on meth i still wanted to kill myself, which is supposedly the best a human can possibly feel. so i dont think any amount of brain engineering and releasing of norepinephrine and dopamine and serotonine can fix me or give me any sort of purpose.

>> No.22697098

gym and haircut bro

>> No.22697344

Oh cringe new world that has such pseuds in it.

>> No.22697399

you've really got to be stupid if you think that shit like this is ever a good idea. any meddling with the human brain to try and enhance us as opposed to cure ailments will always backfire. anyway waking up every day and feeling le epic buzz is gonna be shit, you've gotta have contrast. feeling good 100% of the time will remove a lot of the depth from existence

>> No.22697423

> any meddling with the human brain to try and enhance us as opposed to cure ailments will always backfire
that remains to be tested.
> anyway waking up every day and feeling le epic buzz is gonna be shit, you've gotta have contrast. feeling good 100% of the time will remove a lot of the depth from existence
that remains to be tested.

>> No.22697441
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Billions must die.

>> No.22697444

>that remains to be tested.
why don't you go on a course of SSRIs then come back and tell me how much good they've done you, of course i've never taken the happy goy pills myself but i've been around people that have and they definitely zombify you to an extent - and this isn't even surgical implantation its just pills

>> No.22697479

you’re an actual moron. A midwit. A buffoon. There is a categorical difference between taking drugs and genetically engineering the brain. We have barely even begun the science of genetic engineering, so how do you know what’s possible? Who are you to say what are the limits of DNA? Or the limits of scientific inquiry? Supposing that we could evolve for billions of more years in various environments, then would we not eventually make current humans look like ugly, low-energy, pessimistic retards? But if we could evolve through natural selection, then surely we could accelerate the process with artificial selection and genetic engineering, especially with the coming advancements in artificial intelligence, which will no doubt be useful in deciphering the human genome.

>> No.22697521

>There is a categorical difference between taking drugs and genetically engineering the brain.

>We have barely even begun the science of genetic engineering, so how do you know what’s possible? Who are you to say what are the limits of DNA? Or the limits of scientific inquiry?
OP is talking about genetically engineering us to eliminate nihilism and antinatalism i.e to make us happier. if you think that genetic engineering is how we should become happier then you're a very good goy indeed, should we move to mars as well I suppose? You need to make actual change and take actual action in your life to combat nihilism not just live it out and hope the future generations are engineered against it lol.

>Supposing that we could evolve for billions of more years in various environments, then would we not eventually make current humans look like ugly, low-energy, pessimistic retards?
We cant evolve in various environments, we can only evolve in the actual environment that is the real world which as it happens is actually causing us to evolutionarily regress. we are becoming ugly low-energy pessimistic retards as a consequence of our surroundings and our willful decision not to resist them.
>But if we could evolve through natural selection, then surely we could accelerate the process with artificial selection and genetic engineering, especially with the coming advancements in artificial intelligence, which will no doubt be useful in deciphering the human genome.
unironically nothing good comes from interfering with nature you bugman

>> No.22697541
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We evolved to be hunter-gatherers, but modern society is far different than that. That’s why we are so fucked up and full of “sin.” This problem will only get worse as technology improves and our DNA stays behind.
> We cant evolve in various environments
Yes we can. If we wanted to design an environment in which only the intelligent survive, then we could do that. We could one day terraform a whole planet purely for the sake of artificially selecting for intelligent humans. We would design an artificial environment that requires extreme intelligence just to survive, and hope that the right mutations occur over time to increase intelligence through natural selection. And we would observe those mutations, and the AI would improve its model of how intelligence works, and then we would start trying to save time by adding the mutations ourselves.
> unironically nothing good comes from interfering with nature you bugman
This kind of mindset will result in your extinction.

>> No.22697560

Fake tweet. The pill is an insulin dispenser.

>> No.22698002

I used to despise Freud but he had a point about sex

>> No.22698065

Hedonistic Imperative is one of my favorite modern cults.

>> No.22698085

it’s not hedonism. No one said anything about banishing suffering or conflict or about maximizing pleasure. Because focusing on pleasure doesn’t help you fight aliens. We have large battles ahead of us, so we must become stronger.

>> No.22698482

You have to be 30+ to post here

>> No.22698869

I hope you're right.

>> No.22698874

To what end?

>> No.22698886

not if a sufficiently complex simulation were to do the brute iteration and selection instead.
Chunk out a human-enough happy gene arrangement, actually grow a couple kids like that, see if they can make it irl. If not, wait for the next viable-looking guy.
It won't happen soon, it won't be computationally cheap, the first couple probably won't work out so good.
Still, it's a shot at a happy ending for the human race, whereas all of evolutionary history appears to have preferred negative motivation to positive overall.
Sweet trips btw.

>> No.22698904


>> No.22698916
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Actually, they will be gender-less, race-less, emotionless, and solely interested in discovery and intellectual pursuits.

>> No.22698992
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tis a consummation devoutly to be wished

>> No.22699074

I know it's not so much to the point of the thread.
But don't you think that fatalism leads to not having children? I mean, everyone is going to die, having children sounds very non-fatalistic to me because it seems like an action that tries to avoid the inevitable

>> No.22699083
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>> No.22699087

That is precisely the plot of Brave New World. Shit was gay. Mr. Savage would not have it.

>> No.22699093
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nihilism and anti-natalism are philosophical positions; they can't be refuted by how individuals "feel." they need to be refuted by arguments. You're just describing a situation in which these positions never occur to anyone, but unless the positions are actually refuted, it could be the case that they really *should* occur to people, because they're factually grounded. Right?

>> No.22699095
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Everyone besides poos is opposed to this because of muh eugenics is le bad and muh notsees

>> No.22699096
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>> No.22699101

Eugenics is a pseudoscience. Just admit that you want to genocide all races except white and that's it

>> No.22699139

Eugenics as historically practiced was a pseudoscience (as were most contemporary versions of actual sciences), and is in constant danger of becoming one due to mankind's evolved tendency for motivated reasoning.
But it doesn't NECESSARILY have to be one. There are, at least in principle, objectively measurable benchmarks for better and worse traits. We really could all be better.

>> No.22699143

I'm not really sure I understand why this is. Genetically inheritable traits are.... you know. passed on?

>> No.22699834

The time for arguments is over

>> No.22699837

Man i didn’t know I was from India..news to me

>> No.22700035

Says the man hoping for techno-magic to end humanity and turn it into some abominable mockery of what it is to be human.

>> No.22700095

No, I want to breed humans into different forms to see where it goes.
Specializations, experiments on human nature, grand projects for reshaping humankind, purposeful degeneration, crossing one breed with another like a madman to see what happens.
If I could program video games, I would make a game about this, maybe with a porn add-on.

>> No.22700122

>But it doesn't NECESSARILY have to be one.
It does unless your breeding program is selecting specifically for survival traits, but in the long term it's still going to do worse than whatever natural selection is already doing. Natural selection takes all variables into account, while artificial eugenics programs can select only for a set of easily recognized traits.
Countless subtly beneficial gene combinations will be accidentally selected against in this process and you'll end up with something like cultivated fruit, where you selected too hard for a few traits at the expense of everything else and ended up with plants that would get btfo'd in the wild.
This is especially easy to screw up when breeding a social species, since its survival strength depends more on how the individuals work together as a tribe than on individual strength.
Breeding for happiness is even more misguided since even the eugenics program I just described will outcompete it. The only way to reliably create a happier world is to change the world itself in a way that leads natural selection to create happier lifeforms.

>> No.22700225

>happier lifeforms
Gay. Are you a woman?

>> No.22700231

>If I could program video games, I would make a game about this, maybe with a porn add-on
Unironically look up Trials in Tainted Space.

>> No.22700534

Now I know why Elon Musk wants more people on the planet. More people = more mutations = faster evolution

>> No.22700554

I don't exactly disagree. A huge problem in the sciences in general is wanting to jump straight into engineering. Certainly the immense trial-and error project of natural evolution has done better on average than shortsighted human engineers could.
However, with more study and lots of computer assisted modeling it's possible that novel beneficial combinations could be arrived at. Potentially combinations that could never be arrived at through natural selection because of some awkward less-fit transitional phase, or some insurmountable real-world breeding obstacle. Naturally these innovations would still have to survive in the real world, I'm just saying the potential exists to produce beneficial results for people if the doors of inquiry are left open and the myriad pitfalls avoided

>> No.22700592
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This. You must admit that theoretically it is possible to create the exact genome that will produce a human that would have been produced naturally with positive mutations, and there won’t be any weird side-effects, and they will go on to live a good life and have many healthy children. The problem is simply knowing exactly how to change the DNA. Obviously we won’t know that for a long time, but there’s nothing stopping us from eventually perfecting the technology. Otherwise you’re just worshiping ignorance. There will be many trials, first on other species like rats of course, and when we have a good idea of how to use AI-assistance to produce the mutations, we will begin working on humans.

>> No.22700628
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All health, beauty, intelligence, and social grace has been teased from a vast butcher’s yard of unbounded carnage, requiring incalculable eons of massacre to draw forth even the subtlest of advantages. This is not only a matter of the bloody grinding mills of selection, either, but also of the innumerable mutational abominations thrown up by the madness of chance, as it pursues its directionless path to some negligible preservable trait, and then — still further — of the unavowable horrors that ‘fitness’ (or sheer survival) itself predominantly entails. We are a minuscule sample of agonized matter, comprising genetic survival monsters, fished from a cosmic ocean of vile mutants, by a pitiless killing machine of infinite appetite.

>> No.22700636

A race of humans that loves life will do everything it can to preserve its existence. They will never stop improving, never stop learning, never stop exploring. They will prevent all possibility of being conquered by some alien race. They will know the exact science of DNA (and any other possible formulas for producing life), and will be able to create whatever life form they want. The end (which will never truly be reached) is the perfect organism, one which cannot die, one which dominates all environments, and most importantly, one which loves its existence. We cannot predict the discoveries they will make, but even supposing that they somehow conquer the whole universe and all its mysteries, well then they will simply have fun. Imagine immortal beings playing hide-and-seek across the universe. Or maybe they will become gods and create species on various planets and watch from above. Maybe they will battle each other to test their powers, and to see who is really superior, always trying to find an advantage. And this may go on forever

>> No.22700664

Okay, first prove that chance exists.
You can't?
Then all this is simply a declaration of faith (or its absence).

>> No.22700672

delicious turns of phrase anon

>> No.22700679

this thread reeks of atheism. glad those idiots don't breed.

>> No.22700689


>> No.22700699
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>we’re all sinners because one man ate a fruit and we should just feel sorry for ourselves
No. We WILL be improved.

>> No.22700739

> nihilism and anti-natalism are philosophical positions
Wrong. People just use philosophy to justify their nihilistic predispositions. Statements like “nothing matters” or “we shouldn’t have kids” are nothing more than emotional sentiments. There is nothing “objective” about it. Animals don’t have these kinds of thoughts, even though a nihilist would argue that their lives are “meaningless” as well.

>> No.22700891

>but there’s nothing stopping us from eventually perfecting the technology.
There's the fact that you'd need astronomically, astronomically greater computing power than currently exists. This isn't like simulating a nuclear explosion where you can use a cartoonified polygon model that still ends up behaving 98% like the real thing. This is a case where if you don't model every single cell and likely every single molecule, then the results will behave wildly differently in reality than in the simulation. A single base pair can, and often does, make the difference between being healthy or defective.
On top of modeling humans down to the molecule, you'd have to simulate an insanely realistic and diverse environment, because the interactions between the genes and the environment need to be just as exact as the human models themselves.
With current computing technology I reckon you'd need a computer at least the size of a planet to even get started.

>> No.22700901

>Objective: (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
I don't know if antinatalism or nihilism in general follows this. But David Benatar is completely objective in his latest book, I haven't read the others

>> No.22701037

I used to be one of the most racist, hateful and misogynistic dudes, then I got gf 4 years ago and now I’m even more hateful. I seethe with anger whenever I wake up, sometimes i beat my gf from anger, i hate the way everything is in current world and i cant seem to adapt to it. my life is not gonna end well

>> No.22701100
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Antinatalist trannies has RUINED philosophical pessimism with their moralism, anchoring and humanism. Their low t prose is peak bugman humanism. There's no pessimism without spleen, inhuman and a drop of vinegar.

Fucking retarded redditors.

Fuck you OP for posting this plebbit book.

>> No.22701129
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>In the future, humans will be inspired to absolutely love life and wake up every day full of energy, purpose, and meaning through the cultivation of Curiosity, and process-relational metaphysics will lead the way.

>> No.22701168
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>The End of the World, here's salvation. Preparing the end, here's the work of the sage and the supreme purpose of ascetic existences. The apostle of charity, with effort, alms, consolations and miracles, succeeds with great difficulty to save a family from death, now vowed to a long agony thanks to his benefits. The ascetic on the other hand, saves entire generations not from death, but from life.
>Arthur Schopenhauer, Correspondance complète